JpJWl rVri vy wti TWVlIS "VW-TJE "J- i ' r I ; " iW.'W :;: r- J. s . !! ' ''-.' y ?. . ' ' . ' MVJU1SUNQ- PUBLiO'LlilDaEK-PHILADlDLPIlIA, TUESDAY, APRIL' 22,1919 xc . .'-i' ?., F. co :y s . .ri v.Vr' If m ,3, a au JSt PUNA DEC1S10HE R1GUABDD L ITALIA ' . It I I-. . ,a Ln uo effaz one lummm ..w. ri. j o movibilo Nelle Aspiraziom Riflottenti la Dalmazia e l'Annessione,di Fitime Published riiiI Distributed Under milMIT NO 341 Authorised Ly the act of OclnW , 117, on Wd at the rostofllce of Phila delphia. P. . By order of the President a s burleson. Postmaster General. , . . ti ! 1'arlei. -- niirili- I .a verific.-i iilln miifc-H'iia ilrlln pin'" I'1'"' " , innm-nto m-miilo -nil'1 iipiraziont del ( t'llnliiv ha n-.iiir.tln per il iiinmento gl) Incident! rillettenti la Delecazioiic c ile.scu ilie dona' trnuii'-i a Wi-niHc . T.p iiur-lioni ntlettenti le riclueslej Italianc linn iiiSKinn-ein una oiu'lusione j tiolln Ki-ilntii del foil, ilio iei tjuuttro. del poniericsio di ieri 11 Cniicili.- s, j trovo' nelln inipnssibililit ill decnleie e neU'csiinii di nlni iiffuti. Si tii.iknriil . .,, ,1 nomeric-ii) nperiia.he ncll.i solum l. 1 pom. iip.i.t( jllll ''C.isn I'.iiiiicn di PuliKt fnsse stnto nn-,ll. i.tKK.nnseie mi acot.lo simo pnssi i.min. i mil cnntlitl,. mi nP'""'i ,",., 1. .. ....1 .ltiiliM.l1ll!t-i tlS siue iikiiiimim ,.i . - tico e I'liinie. ma t.uii" i "" ('rinniin qiuilltn Sniininii nip nemieio .inn nJitlliniM Si.ioni" I" iifci'it" ''" ' .ll., ilium ill snlel.mltlii ("illllllil niT I liesn'lllll IICll.H'l le lulu .IS'l . rnxiout il ' "" ''' li, Ml Id' -e :in llll.i nr.ioiie snl snRuetio Xis-vuii i.iiniioii.ii" -I' ine--i riciianlo l.i ! ll'Adt mil. -' dice die noil li'iia' euiei A I ipi.ii ller Keiieinle iliilinnn e du liiaialn rhe l'lOu. Iirl.iiidn tmn partirn" per Uoina n'tia i lie sia presa nun ichnitin decisioiie iisunr.ln l iispiinmni de IMtnli.'t Semhra aneit.Hn 'he il PioMilenle Wilson e iii.'mii abilni' nle di teriniiiiilo coirtlo il ticns. tnientn del ir.ittato segrclo di l.niidrn. snl .iuli- I'ltnli'i bfisa le sue ;spn;iioiii sulh nihl nrien tale ilelPAdii.m. N'lh ses tempo IiIomI fiinrse ( 'leini in all si sfninuii tier 1 1. fill, ll t.'l l ' I' iliwiRen fill elie l'Oii Ui hind" )n le nsiii,i 'mm d II Itnli.i Roni.i. -I npnlc iiilaiil.ilni II "livspoiiiuienlii dell'ap.atiiirt della I '.i tnera ilei lieputiiti. n 1 1 aiitiiin.iiil. ' BCltPinlnietite i isuiiiihiln .nine In innssiinil . ntii essnine dill'Ilallil III 11 stmnlii alle -nc .i-piiM.iiiiii lei ntnriiili. Si notn i he i 3 ti cn -i Minle meie ultn lni selliiiiniif ill t.'iinin per iniisideiair il proKramm.'i iliiliaii" Nei nnoli iilli- ' ..lull si iln-lii:n:l llliei tlllnellte i lie gll ,lle:iti Insosiiii i lie iini-tiiini li- iispi iniiloni lllllllllli- elilni llelln perioilo all tempo, ii 1 Iftili.'i f-nii' 'tiK'i P-lvl necetMiii pei-i-li. " i siii iliiiui -iimo I'ixpetlnli (I'll i:iM""''" """ 'iHiii.ile. f.Hl'i ' " i-oliire. due i In- I llnlin pn-pnin 1 fntrnpi-'ml'-ie I m i-upaione nnlit.iie uei lerriton ili-put.Ui ' - i II inriisriniiili-llle M iiiiHH.iie il'Itnlin l'i l'misi. ! l il li"i tni per ill IMm n Sminiini. p ilrei-n .1 fin uspellai" il pall" I r,nnilra il ipuile loiupmnle il niiinin" llellc llilm-ste llillllllie II. i-iilll-l ilcnle nss ; 'he II Hi Sonnii riliiineirn' ml 1111 p.ilm ill witninm i lllsoglia ehe il I'lisiilenle Wilson s, ,,,n Vineil 1 Ik- le iispir.i.otii iliilrme -ul 1'Ailrialiio ninineltniio 1111.1 snln snln zione ipifll-i 1 on- in I.imui ihU'llali.i In 1111 Cou-iili-i luiulosi nisi 1 1.-1 i ininihln present 1 111 Itmii.i. pi hi I i , CB-si ollem spii.g.i 1 iigiiariln hi situ nzione alia , mif-1 enVn .li I'.mgi Muln, si inosiiniiiiii. Ii'bi' i"s 'li nun T.ivoie role snliiioiie l,a iittn' nllemb li ilei isimie si,e nipira.imii il.ilian 11 nilen -i nerwi Mtn' Nella 11 lelil.llolie per ll lllllllle ili Tloma s'li mntMii litm ..n. " l-"i"i tere sull .iiinessimie .li I ninu- ( 'l"lle (litre 1 ilia' .lell.Ailiialh" Uepuiati SmiiHom -""" st.inle (Imente in i iiiniinii -iiinii urn il Mini Ftro llell lllleilio ilnlil.lllil.lllilo IHillie II tnnn ilei ill-pin- 1 -l.i I'.u igi 1 limine hcmpie pessimist 1... H ."iTispoiiih-nti-del Cori'leie ili-Un Sei.i di Milam 1 dnhi ftra elie per il fnlliineiito di innniiiiwiire Tle edule del 1'ieMilenlr, Wi1m.ii i-oii le rtf.pira.iiini ilnlinin- li sihtn.imie e. 1I1 vemita grinc li-l i d:i Ti teste mi lliiliziaiio 1 In l.i siniiip.i iii.iiia iinidiKi linn e.-iinp.isiin ditTiiiiiatnrm nei i-isuindi (lell'lMliii -hi.ii'1,1 Uilsnn il pm hiiiceio ainii-ii ih'i PiR" -hi1 I,a slainpa di Milium iiihi.nn.i 1 ' ''tenzinne della'poli.i.! ullii fereule at tivltn" di parenbi nis'i I no ill ipiesli. precedoiileiiienle seu..i nil soldo, ha "i ileposilato fort 1 sinmm- ill d.iti.iio 111 una locale buuea Si di. 1 he il roiisolalo ruso nbbiii i.irinti- ih-lli 1 li ' Leaves Bonds to Germans Santa Ana. t'alif., Apiil "J- '1 p ) Tliiiler-n I111111I1 il ilollais in I id rrty bmids wen- bi-ipii-.ithifl l- u'i-i Kthroeiler I" lhi" nephew - who -v i-ei'vicc in Jl"' Jeniriin ainn l- " Menu" of Sihi di-i's mil, wlni h . a- .' nilmllleil to n-ob,lle eslerd,n 'I he toXV -.rill belles that the leslaloi was not in sjinpatln with lii-iuiinn " bm 'hnl the ri-r.son mr leiiMiig innsl 01 In prop rt'ty to (ieiniaii ichilm-s wirs that "lIlUI'll misci' Will In- Mlt.'eieil b ills charged (ierniaii wihliers nliirinig to riiil life and I wish In se. tliem pi up rrly pr.ioded for '' fe PHILADELPHIA STEAM HEATING y COMPANY eHeiHEERS ' 10BBSRS CONTHACTOIIS HEATING PLUMBING VENTILATING PiPiNGWORK POWER PLANTS , SHEET METAL ttV, WORK .V..,- lv'iv'..,vrfA! . .. J. :' . "gSrlSTEEL ROW I! Sends Tart Reply to Detroit Trolley Board About Gas Car lMrolt, Apiil -II. Ilonry IVirtl cnn llnups to -.lir up nlTnirx lornll.v. I jtim -latins l'rrlipnt Wilson when thr- lnttrr nskrd tlir- (irrtnnn wnr lords for whom thoy spnltc wlirn thoy prntril 'of pence, lie luis mlclipsspil u roniiniinii'iitliin to I lie sliTot railway foinmissloii of Hie city that tnntiiiiiH hot backfire ( It will lie rccnllcd .Mr. Kord helped ' defeat .Minor ('oiirrns's. stieet railway pi.rdiave pl.m In minnum-inc. throuch ins iihpi ciiKiiit-r-r. nun ii"irnir Simula wail for Mr I'ord's experiments with j..,..,..,,,.,,!!!,,,! street car. as such a ii- ice will lomliit ionize streel mil win liiiiispm tnlioii. 'I'lie commission, after the elect inn. imited Mr. Kuril to i nine ill and tell the miinicipalitj what he hns up his l-ow This is the reply in p.irt the inuta linn drew from Air. Knrd : 'liepudiation liy the ntors of the str,.,. car plans as submitted, which evi- I ill lit 1 1 1 OIll'.Otll (lift llOvt UrPiiiirtnmnHf Jim felt callable of frirmiilatitic. nuikm it scimii iniestioiiable in my mind whether (l ""' '"" ,n" ln" '" represent the H())(, ()f lMroit W,(M1 Jn'n nrp nl)U, furnivli mr it rensniinhle iissur- 11,H'' ',f tl'js fact. I will he Rlnd to co- npeintp wilh Mm m hiiiKiir out the dltelopmenl of :, e t,pe of Ks , r i . e . . " jcieiiin - (in mr sireei ruiiwiiy pur- ,,,,. The township of 1 leni bin ti bus been i n-Keil In i rr. for a lianehtse fori,c Fnion Pacific, nod llenrj Walters. II sheet lllllWIM Ml., ..I,',. I'm.i I I,,., .. o ,,!,. YANKS HAVE DAILY PAPER IN GERMANY' . , , TeiltoniC Shopkeepers at Co-1 blenz Vainly Try to Adver tise in Army Organ news,,,,,,,.,. , .,.,.,1 ,(.,tp,(i, . ,i, ... ' ' Ainern nil 'lliiril Aiiii.' nlliiiiil join mil. I I. , , lii lliril iKUi rtlM'int'llts uT tlio . . .... vnlll lilltl illlil ll ll-iiu I ln.l . ..ii 1.1 .,-.! t a nhlieis. Tin1 iH.Iihr.i.iuti W in he of fimr p.ik ni iN ilailv issuo :itu) oislit papi". mi Siiinla.v I'lie name Ainaroe K ni.ide up of tin- ti i -t t letters of the lllls ,Min The in.iniiKiiiK eilnoi ol' tin- Aniuroi- m. is I.ieiil.iiniit William Cnrem-im. i of Wnshinstoii. 1". . ami the biiMnosi .... . .. , ,, . - ..nims,-.- lli.-mloi- I4iii.n. of umber- l.iml. Mil. 1 lie newspaper Soes tn i press 111 niMHl. till- Ill.-lllUirenienl lll.lllllin-r to ,,.. , ., ,,( t,,, jilgelieinN and I.ux- embolus In (lie eveiiing un-ss time. The lepiiitets, aili-ls. uliii i-i-s :iml b lllff sue Alliel li litis (hiiiuiiis li'liilni" to the lll'-i hllllli.ll ilet, Ui'tllllS "Hi lln- paper STATE MEN IN CASUALTI Twelve Pennsylvanians in Losses Announced by War Department ashiimlini. Apiil '"' - TwehePenn tlMiiiiiins tire im lipleil in a list of I ll'lli lilies lllllde pnbln lis the War lie p.-irttiieiit lull, iv Then names oow : Iheil from llnunils r-i-.n 1 1. lie I . n-. I I'.imli. I Wnunileil sllelilP pun 1 1 WilllHii. lirlffnli Hlfp- TeiOii M. h. -ts. Us lluo'.l I l.iiliui. I nin rill. i .imlrr.-riri I,.ni. l.s l lini.:tMi tiled frmn irlilnil and Oilier (nnse. snlTi.lAVI V llh mi li Jaihsnti I'l" liurjli i iiUPnll I.- Ii - in i. t 11 !"r I , Mm. Ilietl of Ihscase . Ill-ill: M I'-ii.i rt.ui 15n I iiannn run TI l..- -i.i. utlmn ir IM I Mil. In II sii,. i PI, il ,, Iplim 11 nliiileil. I.ecrec I ndelernilned IPreilousli Iti-porliMl lllled In Ailioul l-llll Ml. I. .l.ii M.i.mlo. IMtlFhursli llrliirnril lo lluli (Prei lonsli Reported Killed In . Hi. in sl.uilt- r -I'liarl- - It 11-ni.jcr (Jrreit Krliirned to lliit 11'relmisl? Repurleil llsslui- In rtinu) pi.iv rt. -j.iim v mn .Mrf iiuisu- jih srKMsmi NOTICES JAVA-PACIFIC LINE f HlaaP Ccnuirr ,rv' k aT J1.S.IM! Ldi SAN FRANCISCO TO NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES llnlnilii. ssmarani, Mx-rohala, Macassar sailing il ites nnrl ratei on application s HILMTON S S .SUE1LKAIITA S s, B1NTVNIJ S.HTJ1SALAK S S.NIA8 I. II. sprrrWrls & Urns. Co., (ien. Acts. I'as enser Olllce 601 Market Street (Jencral omcc. 2 I'lne Kt San Francisco l'!.EMiKR A fKKIt.HT HERVICES NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL Carmania Vauban . Aquitania Apr. 26 Apr. 28 .7 May 3 Orduna May 10 , Caronia May 17 I Royal George May 19 Carmania May 24 I . NEW YORK to PIRAEUS 1 Pannonia Apr. 22 NEW YORK to PLYMOUTH, HAVRE and LONDON Saxonia Apr. 24 NEW YORK to SOUTHAMPTON I ( Mauritania May 17 I Philadelphia Bristol (A'I,Jn.",,h) 1 Direct Service Pier 16 South I 100 WALNUT HT.. rillLA. 1 "Queen of Sea Routes" IIAI.TIMIIKi: f Til ! BOSTON SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE Steamers sail Philadelphia for Ilo.ton, Wedneaday, Saturday. 0 P M.. for Savannah and Jacksonville. .Saturday, 8 P. M, A tnost desirable way to travel In comfort and ship with dispatch. , Merchants and Miners Trans. Ccr. I t'11'..ll 10 ?v iivi.i t.vfir. avbi ,7ar,ied as response .for the rumors , rv'wd STA i fh " M'E V ? n f .nV,. Z s'affi. cfl5!!ffi W j 1 ( nhleii v.,,11 ' if, v t 1 Hint the price stabilization policy is to 1234 spruce st Int private ioJn it I,!,, ', nl "feS" -' -l w. . limn il. .pi n .. -ll.v A 1 -- he tnkrn up imain nnd may lie cxtcntled , COTXn -on in mis Uli.rt , i, i iieulem high ..,. at ii f .icuhim Chuicir L n"-LKY. April 1J. WAI.TBn. on of Tin- Allllll'lli Vi-v.s. ,, il.nilv .m.l Sun.lnv to food It nUo vvnv rennn..ilile venler. Prance, CHARLES R. son of M irv and. late liln in Inl New -il,clnil I'mi . I ?."?. B.n.'.. . '".. 5'WR', s- I-'i'J'y "ra s.nti nl I oiKilio II is hem:; publi-lieil in u lii-rninn in lit - "kr" an.v ie;u ( nniiriuaiion. in inii. Kh,r j crle aged 07 r'unerHl Wid ,-7' ' .""ur si . tiernianinvvu iteiiuiem nig I ,'"''l -'' April 20, MARGARET wife ... tie riesiddit s leient niPs:iBP is taken 2 p m tori wasiiingmn i'a ." am , 'V'." .",', ', ,',r'11",1" ul ,"31'" " " "' ." ' " r .nqgera inee .Mccarthyi Relative. Ill" lil.llit in ( iiblen " ......:-.. i.:.. 1 ............ .:!. Int SI Thomas s Whilcmnrsh. Ph " T" ISImnlvllle, IV Shenandoah I and friends invited to funeral. Wed , 8 30 I ",' '""" " ';. '.... V ";l"-"u'" Friends mav call lues 7 tn 9 ni "i , iVii v.- ' l" .... s- r, '", m ' ,'"7 "-. I.rBnl "' '"th mass Church I In- newspaper does ,,, ,.,r,-y Cei- of Secretary Uedfield s band. . ri'NKO -April 2". frank i,u.i.a,i r I w ' .V''Vicm ,, ', i.u'Jmeof wf I Tloiv Vr.T cVm e,t,,.nr.,i0 a m ,nt- nan ailveniseiiietits. . ,B. ,l,e Her -,n ,r.M'l'"""S ,,: "t,,cl Price dlM-us- M-r. Cunei. aged S7, ml friend- , R l .ih an.l g V.n.1.1 Vigl,teUrfc of 'late Phffln ROONET.-ApHI 10 MART E dauahler .liiveiiiseinciits-. iiinuuii Hie s Ml. pp(k vai,i ,pvtcrdny. t be stee L"'""' ' J rtl ,l;i',.',n ,m7p '1' , i'l "' ", ll" M Vo" ""' ""' "f f""""' '" of late John and Mary RoonVv Re" n.iii vliopkeepers for days have endeav - ...I n, i....,i I .i . ,.M l ?,."ror"n'.T't,n',"(M1.'i'.. i1" 'J.".'.' '." 'I".""!. !'. .'. ' .' 1 frmn i.,iriincnis of Win 11 , lives an ih.J. i.,... '.???-.. HV E Decision to Renew Metal Dis cussion May Indicate Gen eral Price Roviow REDFIELD RUMOR AFLOAT Washington. April 22. Director rieneral Hines, of the rnllrnndo. it was snid yesterday, hns decided to follow President Wilson's siieEestion nnd re open the steel. price discission with the iniltiMriHl board or the department o Commerce. As n result of this dec!- sion WnoIiinKton was rife with rumor,, ., . .. ,. . ,i.!i!,i that the entire price stabilization lt... it.. !.!.. .ilnl Imonl I..1.1 I""".' " '"' '""" ' n nhejunee because nf the steel tow- Is shortly to be revived again een to the point of including; the consideration of food commodity prices. The announcement that Mr. Hines hns inrnratP(I n wiUinuness to "discuss" t!l0 slcpI Tri(" once more was mnde by fieorse N". T'eek. chairman of the industrinl board. I.nst Friday Mr. I'eek, on the streiieth of a cablegram received from the President by Secre tary of Commerce Kedtield. wrote Sir. Hines requesting a renewal nf negotia tions. Yesterday Mr. Peek said he'hnd been notified thnt Mr. Hines, who is on li tour of the railroad sj sterna of the west liml ,1uii.iitA.t llnl.i I nraii i j ' ' 11.1 llillllll C llll'l Ulll' I lt"S M 11 111 I "S 01 tue rniiron.l anminisirntinn a nil- 1 ii"mmi n mi i vtiirv iiiinni ttee on nun-m.e.. lo ion- lei with Mr. I'eek on tile "tool nrues. ' Mr. r.ovett was ill in Xcw York je. teriiiiv. so the tehecltilod conference wni ...' '..I l.uiiu.riui.1. m - .' Hear Redfleld May KesJsn Nile eontiniietl mystery over the exact l(r of 'n0 Trehident's message to See- letnry Iteiltieltl, which the secretnry has declined to make public, and the presence in W nihinston mtc last weik u - i.yior uie rumor, uinrrvecretary uen tielil etpecteil to -esipn if the price po'- ii-.v was not pursued, but this report ' " -",- ..-- ... . -. ...... ..--. ... ;m ilnrnii'd noible if UCPS WCIC 1 '. .n...i ....... i n r :,.;. .-... .. ,n ( Inxnl n . I . I wn tlic oi'icinnl intontion of the bnaid , lo i' imnistry to nuke priro kmIuc "'''"'"""'""' "."-.""" " ' .lotinitolv renin oil til-l Ullllt in.- l iri ill iiiij iu KVii'iui I fsnfcr With Food Officials. (.'Imiriiian I'eek mtiniateil that onec ,!'' ,ost of ,v j'K ,lls Hearly reilmeil. 1I., maUrT. ,of '"wrnriR waKes miKht he given eonsiileration. ami upon tome stn-h KromK (.on,ni0(it,. su.hna steel. miRht be loucreil again without .ingl im'nri. tn 1ia !n,liiclpi nc u ...,nln Sinee fnoil forms one of the most ini- portant itnns in me cost ni mine, air food priies. SPRINCr RKSORTS Wist UK. N. V .r ...:... if. :.i . .r iin u wnn, im... i-on-i i ,,,. I'.siirii'i. n-i, iu iru h ik 11 i i-..i..i o... r :.. - .: :. eiout-inrnnv A-.-it -n -Mr. -vn nv- v.".-"-1"' "i uic loie .lo'epn ami ' aiimrinn . ... ,. . i. -,- r.'. ".-. - M.-. !-'" "...;; ......... -...(.,. .-, , . -.,,.. , l .., v.,,' - .1.. ,,i.,. .. .,. ,.-.- .. ...,.,..., , TniiHiP iMJT-v utiiniart n.iaiivai ani rrl Anns , ,',1 .sin ii-s i . ii, . iiiruiKiii. is, -.-.-. ........ ,..'... . ....- ....... , 1 1 ,,. , i. , r .... ...,,,. intin, iu i unpri, ,. iniira . m-:ii. b tti . . -., -... ,- ........ -.. . .. .,- .. . ,. ,. , .. f.iaii i n np nr i'ii4 . nruvnti r in mi ir . i..i.ii- t ...n -r i ..(,.,., c niriisijii ui ,m in ti . irnnu. nvrn in vnar iiuitn-ss- I'eek s statement jesterda.v w as taken ns .sllOKIH M AM lloOKM'.r.riM, ' ""'' ,, . ,, , . ,v ,, 'savma. wife of lat Joseph Sclio.nhachlir I ,,r.u,.nv ;. ' ,"."'' , u II tl :i lMltmsilin t li!i I f ip luiill-il Prnilll'l llv win nin'iuBirn an,- m iv l in'iuitini unni , ',,.. - .-...-. , , . ' 1 . niinc-iui r hkcu "i. iicjai i mil ; ..... ' i are at "" aijinissiim ine iiiaiii ryrniiuiii, dMnB Iv,t0, n ,,, , nrrc ,, ln-i'lol Num.- II iliiul.-i. Inoe Rnl.liisnii filnd, also l.aillei- Aid Society of Rt Vln-i ,.oum;.,i0.m,n- ? children oer lliolr sevv- iils nf """''I 'e called upon to consider food hand, lli m- sp.ed r sicni t'omplele IJi ml s;oi" limw. : " ins'.i P r.lh , rem , iirp,an Asylum lnlted tn funeral. "I'l ' '"4 '"Iter Office. '" nl prices. It is nlso known that board night tlassrs InteiisUi in mm ' ,'","" N , . I,",'.,"'.',.' w'.h''''''-I Jvrrt s 3n " - n-3 w- Somerset at. I OKrir-R ASSISTANT, quick at'flnures; ac- ini-mheis haic (onferred with food ad l.nrnP any t in. tnli or write "' ', ' ' ""s un reinaina wen . ; Snleniii hlcli rrqulem mass jat. nonaientura's , customed to phone: imowledice of steno. inttion'ofliciaKmJ-ia. '(JJfe WVWefAW? "1V" lt "'' ' "J J?iarVIec TtiS'" ES 'wK7r reon-bL "C'3: on.h.M.ffi-u -:- - ?V 7',vJ81"n,,"'aKV'.7: m? -X- p! ' Opens June loth iCaluHiuuii. Jffarnt Jfmt ROSCOE. N. Y. An exclusive mountain resort only 180 miles from Philadelphia; "J700 feet elevation no mosquitoes. Orchestra Dancing Tennis Milliards Bon ling Water Sports Saddle Horses Librarj Playroom. Booklets and rates on application to Ledger Resort Bureau or H. F. BASSETT, Manager, 1180 Broadway, N. Y. ATI-ANTIC CITV. N. J. . HOTF.I. Rll.TMORF. , IFormerly Westmont) Rhode Island Av , Near Boardwalk All outside rooms; suites with bath Orchestra Dancing. Capacity 2.M) Ho- and cold aea- water IwUhe Under new management nit.TMORE IIOTBli COMPANY (OIRTFSY aVAMTY SF.RVICE HfT?.!r !lEjy 9Jf. liiiMiuM avk. ,-sr.Ais uivi-rt KI'ROrB.N PLAN' Rales H1.00 to 3.r0 Ter Day Steam heated, elevator, electric lights Telephone every room, .runnlna water. In rL HOTEL NEW ENGLAND Ho. Carolina av. am Reach! central loc. Amer. A European plans: prlv. baths, run'i ... 1. ... .l.u.lnH Mn. (.nrh.a ... .L.r 11. is.,.,,,.. ....... --i.-";-i w.s. 1 Capac. gun Reasonable ratea R.H WHIIaml HOTEL FREDONIA OPEN AI.L YEAR. Tennessee Ae . Just olt -. II. Vr..sMhAAfla. nln ITuapV . tsiAln ment. Moderaf rt reitaurant. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Alwajnopin Alwaji rfdr. Terms! mo4. rate Phone or write, M. Walth Duncan MERCHANTS : If you are a grocer, drug-gist, hardware dealer, tobacconist, clothier, furnisher, jeweler any kind of a forefcepr you shouldn't wait another day before subscribing to the Retail Public Ledger the new twice-a-month periodical for merchants only. Subscribers say they have been waiting for it for years. Nat a trade.paper, but an inspir ing news-magarina that interestingly tells all sorts of things that merchants want to know. Business problems salesmanship, buy ing, accounting, the handling and training of help, credits, delivering, advertising, collections the Retail Public Ledger tells how they arc all being solved in successful stores. Entertaining fiction dealing with the sentiment and drama of storekeeping, anecdotes, Verse, pho tographs, news of big movements for merchants' benefit threo pletsant hours of entertaining, helpful reading tn every issue. Sub scription price, 10' cents a copy, ONE DOLLAR a year (24 issues). Just slip a dollar Into an envelope, with your letterhead or name and address plainly written, and it will be sent on the first and third Tuesdays of every, month for a year. Address Retail Public Ledger. 220 Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Da it, now! IN MKMDRIAM HIBUKNRAf It 111 fond remembrance, of my dear friend, henry HinnKsnAru who departed lhl Hfo April 22 into AVER LAWSON. April 21 into, st the home of the bride. MARTHA KNItlllT. daughter of Albert O. and Lite Knight LsMson, to FRANCIS WAH.ANU BttitUs ArK1.13T Anfll "ft. Iftln Noitlmi ee. II 20, n Mir. rmden. N. .1 . rHAHI.BH S.. huebaml nf Warv Ulliahelh Ackley (nco Mneathen). need Vft Relatlvea and friends. Official Hoard of roadway M K I'hurrh. Senatus lidae. No 70 . O. O V , dlrertora of Oreater famden IlulldlnR and Loan Amu . membere of l ain den Ileal Katate Hoard, all other oritanl tatlona of ivhirh he was a member linlte.l to funeral eervlees. Thura., 1U h m . mmi1 menta of W II M Hurrell, IL'7 Market at . Camden. N J tnt Commerce M 1. hureli Cem llrldgeton, N. J. Kriemls nw tall Wed , i to ii n m. ALEXANDER April 18. 1JM.MA "I'j of Kdward Ft Alenander. aeed nir and frlendt InMted to funeial. Wed -' p. in . Vu', es eve tinr rv l tnAWI A wife or Janua llasley and d.iuchlcr of "t" Mnrrur( onrt llrhu0l W rlwh llnlatHea and frlenda inMte.i to funeral in h an m. 2J3.-I nalnbrldse t Solemn reiu Inn mass St Charles's ('ninth Hi ,nl' Cathedral Cem. Auto aenlre .v.t.u ....j ... ., .n 1,111V I - nuuuvuo . ni'i 11 i" .-.. aon of Tlohert and laet Sarah l llanies (nee Htraln) I"uneral Wert i .1" in aunt's residence, Mrs. I51len Midulre Ulnn N. Kalrhlll at Mass St IMard s Church II e. m Int. New Cathedral Cem Autu funeral. Anrll 20 nt 2131 V ."lh t ! ANNA M HU.aKIl (nee Movcrl widow nf neral e, Sana m nephew a residence. Isaiah Illlger Pelatlvcs and friends lu-iohn Cas.ldv 23.11 Meredith si 24lh and vlted to funeral Wed 2 p m . I'alrmounl nvc I Snlcinn hlBli requleni mass David II. Schuyler, Ill.lK . nroad and DU- M I rancls J.avier s ( hureh 10 a m int. mond ats Int nrlvale prvate, llnb Scpubhrc Cem Aulo funera . .,..!s.s WHi'e DUNOAN April 20, CATHKItINn H. nRANaAN. April JO THOMAS II wf f William Duncrfn (nee IJojIp) Uda RIIANOAN. ad 11.1 Relatives and friends 1 tlves and frlmds Invited to funeral. Wed. Intesrltv Ludee. No 4S K nf P Insulators' I 30 a ln 1111 1: l.lnnlncntt si Solemn and Asbestos WorKcra' Social. No 11. In. ' reriulem nnss i'hurrh of the AgLenslon 10 a. vlled to funeral services. Wed 2 n. m 212 'in Int. Holv Sepulchre Cem Rums st Camden. N .1 Inl I.ifavclte Cem. Friends may call Tus eve. tiriTTnv 1..11 on viiiiii- ., 1... ., .nini aeed mi neiaines anu menus nob- B.i.'i nil.7"-nr" 2.'-;XI1 !,'', ,vl,low "J-rt Ilium Henf Soc No Invited In fu- Samuel Tirlttnn. nued it Relatives and ,,,rn. Thurs . I ! m narlnrs of f!us A. friends invited to nerilie;, Med , S p m . Klrrlier. 711 N 3d si Int. Chcltcn IIIUs residence of son. Oeorire Itrlltnn, 11)5 Klnssiceni lllahvvav B Ifadilnnnetil V .1 Int PntlNiJV pill IS CATHARINE C Haptlst Cem Triends imj tnll' Imimeii I'1:i;ni:y vvblnw of I hnuins .1 Tneney and 11.1 i' 1 Rltow v - nrit .! i.Ili ir.fir: .1, nf late '"''" l' "n;1 i' Ai.inojrei llron n .,,.,. , ,, . ,..,, . , , , ':LlV,J"",.',,.r'" " ".'.i ,"'",'," T'r , .'. I private Ml Vernon Cem Itcm.iln. n he!" hi""" Thur. eve .. n.YA . . , pr..'.,.r ' ' .' JVi, i ,,, BU(ntpr nf lale V lllam P ami AdH lie tntev. auen .iw Heiaiivea ano inenna inv ten in funeral .en l. , Thura .2 n m narlors , n'.s ,?. '.r.K"'r,nnp.1.'" SnJ ?;:"" 'p.? ",!. Kiewed Wen i to 1.V,. m i I caret April 20 oeoroij i. hus ! in,, .ii ,,-i.t..,., . n.- ,..i ....j.. , ....... . iteiatlves ana menas invijcn 10 lunnrai. Thurs , 8 30 a m.. Ill W Vnrrls st Solemn requiem mas St Edward a Church in a and friends Invlf-d to solemn hlKli mllltHiv I nw or requiem, wen. in n m (. nun n ur i i. I. Sihuvlklli cuuntv IV Relatives and services wed. 2 p. m. stepfather's resl the Eplphanv fi . n.'. in itt,t t rUncrl rhiirs 7:30 a m . i dence, ir28 N. 2.1th st. Int, Oreenmount i RAK1 April III l.M;s liun.HHl n ,l . 1l"F III "'! .1 I'll! "ll '"1- III M:i tmis Our I ndv of (iood Counvpl Oiun lit m tnt Vii I 'nlhnilril ('nut J " ( . i .. . v,..,.-..,,,. -' I I NNINtJHAM pril jn MAfTIIIW, Kill ( AII1IN I. TTnMDy;oN,?i intnKv F BUSINESS COLLEGE Shorthand and Typewriting or Bnokkeepinf Taught in About 30 Daya of Study. Send for Catalogue Si PARKWAY BUILDING J uiifi4n md rnppnv sts i Taylor School tjiiallli Se r-lorlal rouise. 10O2 Market St SI'ltlM. Ul.soniS romoi;. N. 1 I ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTEL B0SC0BEI, ,'(rk", ::. ,f! open. Thoroiiehlv lies ted Hklt H 12 Marlon i Lirwrci cnicnv .,,,,., - ''"'''AN AMI s .....-... I'Af ll-lf' AViru Open: new manaicenient, rhoroiishly reuo - xiated. Amer. Alluropean. spec, faster ratea. ' ... t'.. ... r. .. ... WfMUnmler IV'st nrlvlta hift. " .'? ! Private. baths, run. water. H2.50 up wkly. M BO up daljy. c Buhri i HOTELCOLUMBIA cape mat. CAI'K MAV. N. J. -- -- upenrorsea. son of 1010 at Eastertide Same manaa ment. J W. MECRAY RRO ;- , -"- "" " -r- IIF.VIV.. PA. ,Wynbume Inn SS.iiKrorte ntsu men with famlllea. Hooms with b" tli '. -i.l. -...- n i 'i unill ! " uJ5"idV verandaa Phoni IlerwinlV'" funeral services resldenfe ..f sister. Miss . arounns. ""i- r.nuaa iioneiierwn 17 1 n,,rra Fori, Hwedeabnro. N J . Wed . WAEIHNOTfJN. n. c. Burlington Hotel La than five minutes from ererjtWi,,. KV.MrtiKr Tnearfy'Hi!enn5ncr. American and European PJan!"w '"XalS.i1-0 .'iun?Kn- .Ytlnd3 tiJSii 431 Rooms with Bath. S2.50 to $5 n-...s- '' " WARnrNOTov. n. c. IKTIH husband nf nilen OunnlnKliam ttelatlvea and friends, KllUllla of tlio Ited Hralli'h Cuinnianderv No in and Plv No 11. A O. It. Invited In funeral, rrl S .in a. m. 1SII7 Master si HlKh leoulem maas rlesu cnvinJi HI n. in int Hols Sepulehre Cem A'l.AVlS -Ann. It. MAROAItBT. wlfa of (leorso it Pals end diuehter of late (lenrae and Mariraret Harllnnder Relatlvea ami friends Invited In '"n'ral senlres. Wed.. I n in . residence nf husband, 2M1 Tulip st. In! Hillside IVniMli funeral car. He. mains may ho vlenrd Tues. ee. iillKHY April 'Jd. at 1TO3 N 18lh at, HII.IIAMC lintlllV of Wllllamslon. N. ,1 . of Sophie r Derby Uelatbiea and fined". 1. c l'n.lerdon Assembly. No. R"i ll M 1. and employes of David I npli.n Smiis R Co. Invited to funeral aerv !,' Tlinre . '.' p in 'Jilt Columbia ave. Ini nrlveie rrlends mjv call iei, B to 0 o li. 211 CV.Iumbll nie . M i.rrwii.Kn-KKi.i.nY Arrii an. t-Ann- t.VN C wife of I" C DetKller I uneral, to whl.h'relntlvea and friends imited. Thiira.. S .10 a m . father's residence, l.iOO Shunk si Mass of requiem Church of St Monica In a in int linlv Cross Cem Auto acry lic Reading Pa 1 papers i nnv DKVI.IN April 17 MAItV A wife of .lohn V l)elln (nee Slenrt) Ttelatlvea and friends lnlted to funeral. Wed . 7:.W a m husband a residence SI'I N lllh at Mass Assumption Church !l a m Int Holy Cross 'riNfn'VApr'ii 21 nnonoi: w. bus. Imi i ' Ml HHfhrl iJlnRlcr (nr? Sprlncflptd), vM 7J Udiitit nnd frlendi ltnltcrl (n pi. r.T r nb ',' " P m rrldPiup of rtnn , AhlMtll DltlSlT WIJ N tlroix it Ifot'i Mid Huntlntrdon) Int prlato, Orrn vti U ' ) ,v'" rrlnrln may cull 1 1 v ;, - r 7 i m Auto t1c DONXJIIIJK April I'' TIKJMAS, son of Into Hlcpheii tid MarKurrt lionnhue, HSfd 4(1 HpIhII" nd frlnndi Imited lo funerttl, Wrd . 30 h. m riidenco of llfr, Mm. Mit-hHPl Colrmaii. -3fi Col lorn t,, OrrriHn 1o.n lllffh mHp Churrh of M Pranclii of Anful in . tn Int. Ho.y Srpuhhre Cem Auto funrnl lOI UHKI.TV ApMI -I'. AlAKV I)fL(ilI Kill V Hilalhes nd friends Invited to fil- IINOMIIN April 2(1. JOHN (1 I..N- 1 OI.III.N". husband of Marie nnsleln Inee nausnter or lale ivier ami riuai,vin i mi Mil It 11(1 nixf r r nt 1 1. I!f .IiilnPa II i 'Oil 11 II if St rvtor m Hth'ihpl llrlr P ncltttlVfs j Jlirl rriniiilq, I linn I .rlfirtl i St ' M,r, ri .m, i. i , ,,i ui . nam ni. 201.1 i: Ulilsli me .-solemn requ'em J'-'.Vh, .! i tv,,, L"""" " "' ," ' Int. Old pei.i.n mn '.-n i.irrniA widow of r'onnel.n Fells .ml mnlher nf Mrs OeorEe j,. i-nc HeUilies and friends Indies' uxilarv f "Kensiiiglnn 1'omman.lerv. No. f.l K T. Invited lo funeral services. Thurs.. ", '" 112' st Intflrcen- l-isii At iiev'iriv v T April 21 .....,., ,. , 1 1- in .itinicn it I ion nr ' ' "i-. uinii iriends Invited tn funeral services, I hurs . : n 1,1 hii.hanM'D rpilrlence. 430 I'liureh il lltverlv. N J Int private riTZPATRICK April 19 HESTER. R iriim n.pvv ri.inni-iv" furmcrlv of Lost il ''.'"' '" "HumHT .viri I imnias v ox. -in , lumi ..ff-ijif ii i-.... i,! i'.. i.i'ii.1. . a.. . . . ..... ...a . i.. ' I -i I I I .((Ili'V ..t Innn " " ........ ... u - - i , .... i-.;ims ami frlen.l. Imited in funeral. Wert inaruiaie i nmeptlnn 10 a. m. Int Holy 3" m . L'.v.-.' s'amlain -t ("iilli and RT"lIe -m. Aulo funeral siomh .(,1 s-.ii, mn hiBi, ia.i.s of requiem ''Ji'"- Anrll L'o, at 4-JB Tonlar st . M PairliKs Lhunli II) a m Int. Holy i '-OlMSA HOTH fnee Waener). wldnw of Con - Iliiis" I -m riI rtnth Uelathes and friends, all sorletles 1 m.r Anrll L- i ll Xlll.lis M 1 OGO of whleh she a member. Invited tn fu iiwi ami frlen.l. Imited In funeral. Wert I'unpral sprvfipH 'II I -t 1'iuiiMi rnail. Arilmore h- I I I.I T. April .11 r..Mi:i IM! .lNi:. wife 1 ,,?"IUBI.S (ne? Crawford). Anrll SO. if Al irfham .1 lret7 ice.l ill llelathes and 1 MAItOAUKT widow of Samuel Sam 11 H 1 i 1- inrniliei" nf rirst Mennonlle churt-li 1 uels Relatives and friends Invited lo fu-j-il 11,1111 No 1 I' i nf A Imltert tn neral. Thurs. 2 p. m.. residence nf hrolher- 1 iiri srwr- i niirn n ill uuiDdnn H 1 r r".n' in ,- ..imp ,s im si nil pin.lie. lic ni.iiiis iim lii- lewert Weil 7 In P n m rmiwnN April I'l IIIUMAK I'llANl'IS snn nf lti. .Iiiini ami I'atherlne V'rewen, runela' from rcsi'li-m e of brntlier. Jnhn l'reen Iilli N M,irine st Thurs N.Hll a III SnlPiilll teilllleiii iims. 1'hlirell of Our of Mfri lo .i tn Tnt Holv 1'ioss Miantl' i It- puiers topv Auto si Inl mli.l, Ursliinnaler I'em I I nil. .1111 211 I , ZA IKT 11 DO.- ..... :-.. . .. 111 l.l.lll M "ll... ICii-iiUtieraprl. wife nf ll, i.i.i II IIikU. .IE.-.1 "H Rclallvcs and Brrii-s T hiirfl . It i i'i i t - nf iMutln'r-ln ld I'lmi lq 1 7 t 'it1 l n st I'H.i.leti N I . i.,..i. .....i . Ji jw Crfliiil' n I nin I'1 enssn i, ,i i ii, iji.ip. Q,,,i mil 1 inl nilinl. nUr "i.n "I i MHARINC n ' VNS,I. ' v'1"..-1 . A ' "'V .J'.1-!-...' .r, .r I ...iilli ll luiun.w M in ii.iiieiii.-i I h.iin.e 1 i,t it.llu tllie 11 ll.e nf fuivral will lie eHcn frmn Uliri "'fiuni April ;n MARY 1,1.1. MII.TU Ml I I m.l . IRLIKSHANK widow I. nrll "ii. lli:l,EN 11 widow of ,l"hiiB llnlllnsheail agol 81! Relitlves and friends Invited to funeral. Wed 3 ! m , near Mooresto "n N J lot f'oleelnwn Cem i nnvevances will inept I JI7 p in trnlley from Market st I'.im.Ieii, at Hartford llt'GltnS -- April '.'0. MARY CiNi:S lll'iillllS im-e Ilannon), wife of John P Hushes Rel,itpN and friends Invited lo Thurs 7 .In s m hushaud's resl- I. n. e Ik ; Harold st Solemn requiem lill"J Uiur.-li of Visitation D a ui Inl Holy isepulclire rem U(n III li'HISO.V Anrll -. MMO" C 11. daughter nf Sophie autl latn Getlge H Hutchison rfge.i '1 ReUttieH and friends united tn funeral. Wed 'J n ni 101 l'enn M I Hiiiden N J Int priiatc llversreou m Triends lin nil Tiles en Ml KS-ON April 111. MARY ,1AM! .IAi'K SOV widow of Joshua aged 111 Itelrti ei rttid friends lnlti-d In funeral serv-U-t. Tiles S nil p m reslilen. e of grand In. alitor Mrs i:ii7iibeih Pnehler L'll'J N I-hIIoii si Int Wnl II a in at Ml Peaie Knr.i.r.i: April 2n i.oi'is s n.n nf . .v,!.x,i.:-'...',-!g,.B: ' . eelpr. aged rs nf (Im. Ion I'resl.v lerlau Churrh. Jnlui It Martin niiiicii .-so .11 jr L A Jl In 11. 'ilsl CnaH Allllleij Corns and eninlnxea nf 1 ui.... X villi..,. Vl,, i-.. in.l.s ,.. r,,nn...t U i-.l . R p. in . Gahlon Preshs lerlan i hunh lllh st and Lehleh aie. int 'Iliurp Dnwnlnisli.wii, Pa I KINO April 10. MARIA, daushter of ' .Inhn 1 and Mrv V. K hit ll.lallvp. u.,,1 friends invited to funeral Wed . '2 p. m.. Brandmother's residence. Mrs Ilrldnet Han1 niean. 2Z42 Kllpworth st. Int. Holy Cross KIXO April 1H. SIART A P wlfn or T Klwonit Klnp Tlallp nr1 frind. Hdthshpba Lo(Js No 102. D (r It X O, O I' lnltrd to funeral nrlct Tuen 8 I. mi 50411 LancHKter r. Int Malvern Btiitltit Cem . Wed , at comenlnce of fam'lv KiriBV At N J AprM 20. ! ?.,ARY T. JIUX' ..MB''d Ri' ;v,,o:v .of 1 I IsTlrtiV TTialntlvOB arid fr anda Innlla.i 1 .10 n -.! Int Knlsruoal Cem KRAFT Pu.l.lenl, April 11), WILLIAM 1 liusl.aud of Margaret Kraft (nee Koov), aged r.O Relatives and friends, Richard Vaux I.odae. No HS1. 1' and A M : Ken. shiKton Chapter. No W. II A M , Knights ") mt N..rthoo,i (, eiida may call I Tues eve .lulo serine I.A1RD Anrll 'JO. .MARY A widow of Alexander Laird Inee Thonipeon), aged 74. llelathes and friends, memhers nf Blloam M K Church, United th funeral aervlces. Wed . S p ill '.'im K. Norrls st Int. pri vate North Cedar J 1 til Con, LAI'N April 10, ANNA MXRIB. wife nf John Uiun. supt National Cem Rela- iivea ann iricuu. mviie.i in lunerai aerv) Ices. Wed., S p in , Limekiln pike ana llalnea al I'ltttllle. Remains may le viewed 'lun eve. "i o I'M" i" i ' ..H. j- iiwij,iiiii niirili. Anrn 11 ni . tan an.i T H mnn i.a rfhn ii.u nin Wo r',s, .tJ IniltrVl '. eri'T.ei. Wed ' 'j !" m" l 2ul"", n",!,. n"vV1a,d,V0enf1lfr-A'rS Wed" ' P'ANo'PLATBR-Olrl to play and .Mijej 11 ll.lrlll.1, l., rhestuut e, In. "' V,, AS 'fiehlJhvV.'SoTemn ,fr"r',! "Ta WW fe?K. "f" "" "nS PrC" i.i in rilniril v riLY .requiem maps SI Ann's Church m a m jTrj.--,.,, . f.,N..,i ,,r ;nil 1 iVti it Phlla rteli". ' lilt llnh Sepulchre rem Aut. service. SAT.r.SOIUI.S wanted to work In S and in I " s.,1 Vl lends "linlte In .. ri ", Wed , RPAKTH -April 'J", CHARI.KM 11. son ..'"','"," Apply J G. McCrory Co.. . ,. in . Iv "r II 'iir lllrtj . I RSU "hert- "I, -In'm and Lena. Spaeth Relatives and 12.07M.rl.elM ( ni -v - ui( i ami hiisiitfr at mip ",,""",;';,.' .'.'.i'io . .-.i.i.. mnf A-Or tnr i -,. -.-... .. ; ir . :;:n,r. n 'Msa i sCfe. W.&jStf.Sl1 WWM? i "' sumBW I iiM-c" .S .hVetnu-, ', ' In.-prAatc il.l- I "Z ,?. 'Jff'.r?S: '. '"LX"lr,':"?'a A "'' ""T J I P"ES? "HBPER. cylinder. Eood. mnM. ilnmie Md . papers .opv ," llrnwn " . Port Carbon, Pa. bTENOGRAPIIER for real estate office:, , Apnly Mvers SlfB. Co.. 7th and Pearl ls. ii.ii I tvsm-Aii v... w,.r..iii.n ' , , . . I .- .-n... .- r .... ....... K , stale u nA .uia.u ... Camden, rs. .1. ,,-',.,..,-,-,,,,...- ..- ...-.... , rs-i. i ;-.-,, i.i. j i ..uii.r, itiniij .- ,.,, 1, EMPERANCE Anrll "n FI I'ATlfc-Tir' -viewed Tues after 7 p. "m. H VuldSwi nf FrederlikT L'rancM'a'Je'd J WVfffSS'-.ftWStfV?1 J-i.'V'n"-88 ReUtlie, and friend. InMted to fune'ral i,J ,?iCny.yCM;ofn,,rom:rV'dId.-.'Rln: UNI1KRTAKF.RS CKMKTEBY I.0T8 ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK Lots, all prices! reasonable terms, office. Olenslde. P Roth phones. Main tlARW OPPORTUNITY to sacura burial lot .nr.wrrui.iun.. a iv arcura uunai ioi i llalu Urlio. lernwood Cemetery, Poo- ScMSs a' DIAMOND is tar t)KATn services. Weil fi .p.. m , dnurhti-r'n renl- dence, Mrs. Inilse Wltlman. 1B97 N. 82d t, I III urme-, num. IitNDF.NP'KI.HRR, Apfll 18. MA.RT. widow of John I.lndenfelser (ne Keenan). Relatives and friends, Tonruwa. Council. No, HO. 1, of P., Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:30 am, 1)747 N nlh t. Polemn requiem mass St. Veronica.' Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. t.OIIN. April 20, OBOnOK, Jr.. on nf lata (leorica and Dathara Lnhn. aeed 40 Relatives and friends, Kredonla Council, No. 47. K. P A., and etnplmea of Timelier A Ilnahlen. Invlled tn funeral aervlces. Thura , 2 n. m., parlora of Seber U Ilea Inner, 2009 n. Susquehanna ave. Int. pri vate. North Cedar Hill Cem. Auto aervlce. Frlenda may call wed ee. . - McDONAI.D. April 20. MAIIOARET R., daughter of Joseph r. nnd Margaret R Mr Donald, aged in, Relatlvea and friends In vited to funeral, Thurs . 8:80 a. m., resi dence of parents. ROSS Ml. Vernon St.. West Phlla. Solemn high mass of requiem St. Agatha's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto aervlce. McOKTTKJAN. April 20. MAKOAIIBT MtOBTTIOAN. daughter of late John and Hannah Mrflettlgan. of Tirade. Tarlsh of Clonieign, county ionegai, Ireland. Helfl 11,.. anA frlanaa lnvllrl tn Ih...i ii. -3n a. m , residence of uncle, fcdwar'd sweenej, si.i.i vvomuana ave, ptoiemn re nulem mass St. James's Church 10 a. m ini Holv Cross Cem, Auto service. McKKAVER April ID. KDWARD S. Mo l.-P.t'VI-rt nptallvrs atirt frlonaa !.. r. 11 Hcott t.odge. K and A M., Invited to attend funeral Wed.. 11 n, m., from the residence of his sister, Mrs. .1. N. STiana felt, 10 W 23d st., Chester. Pa. Int. Ches ter Rural Cem. McVICKHR. -April 21. MARTHA, daugh ter of late Hugh and Diana MeVleher. aged 2. Due notice of funeral will be given, residence of brother, Hugh McVlcker. 2203 W Master st MORRISON. At Riverside. N. J., April in. Hi:i.KN, wife of Walter Morrison (nee nianltemeverl Relatives and friends invited to funera, Thurs.. 8 a. m , parents' resi dence, 20 Spring Garden St.. Riverside, N. ,t Renulom mass 8t Peter's Church 0 s, m Int St Teter'a New Cem. Train leaves Market st ferry 7il2 a. m and trolleys leave Camden ferry 7 a. m. for Riverside MURRT. April 21, ESTHER M. MURRT. I'uneral services, Wed.i 10:30 a. m., Christ Church Hospital, 48th and Iielmont ave. NirKDIJE.-Suddenly. April 21. JOHN. Jr.. port of John and Rosa Nlckolle (nee Oarlner). aged 18 Relatives nnd friends In vltisl to funera l Thurs . 7:30 a. m . parents' residence. 2r,30 N. 4th st Requiem mass St Hdward's Church 0 a. m. Int. Holy nenuicnre .em UI..I HI.fc.l(. - April IP FREDrcmcK OIXHI.KK husband of Tlnslna Oechler. Dana aged 81 Relatives and friends invited to funeral services. Wed., 2 p. m., 2544 N. 17th st. Int. private, Hillside Cem Omit flow crs. PHRRT April 21, WINIFRED A. wife of M Perry (nee Keelv). Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Thurs., 8'30 a ill 9.11 rirrmnunnri a a T tin It IntfiW n Va holmn hth requiem rna-s'lmmaculnte Con rtnllnn flmvnri Tan1tnl...n ra f ?. a 111 ;Si;rC'" I l;T yityilN .At Rerlln. N .7.. April 20 n1.lii.1VA widow of John Peterson, aged I niliinv and friends Invited to fu--ial si iv It. Thurs. 2 p m. residence of Wli.iaiii'tlril., Berlin, X. J. Int. Rerlln QUIGLET. April 18. JOSEPH A . hus hand of Ella C, Qulgley (nee Bodklr.) and son of Ellen T. (noe McGarrlgle) and lle James F. Qulgley. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral, Wed.. 8:30 a. xn.. 2487 S. Kith st Solemp high mass of requiem St. Monica's Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral. QUINLAX. April 21. PATRICK, husband inian, Relatives and friends Invited to funersl ' - - "'. sum lunerai. 'Solemn requiem mass. C'hur'i-h nf lh. Im in.! - ' H in.. lt.l.l )lnn l (laemunlnivn maculate romeptlnn 10 a. m. Int Holy Inns . ' p. m.l ";"). Thura. ,8.30 p. m.. uarlora of Qua A. I'h Int nrl- iN;1'". N" ?cnr- ISth.and I.ehlgh ae. I In Northwnnd Cem. In Northwnnd Cem. im-i. -oil .unore at. Inl Ml, Mdrlah Ce ,t-o7.".l,Vs"Un;ny .h ''w'ed Wed.." 8 to 10 p. m isr'lioril in HAnni t .m... . IJeorire II. Mindl. Relatives and frlenda I Ij nr-h Intrsi nf t kai fi.u. i itf t "In-'e- I.adlea' Aulllr. O A R.. Ko S7. '-IT RROTHBRS lliiltril to rerilees. Wed. 2 n m. 82 N I list st Int Westminster Cem Remains NL'ftsn. Hnellsh or Scotch falrlv ram '"i'i.'.T. ' '"".e'l.Tues , 7 to 9 p m I pctent. hlahest references, for 2 children. .... 'i'""1' nur.ii. iprii III isii- .'.'. .'""""'" ""." .'Jienos vinceniown iiranrn i nr ii a. nui . r. !.&.. i JT. -..- .t'-,.V '"".-..' '"."'T:' -':"'"'"." ". . i.roiner-in-iaw.. Vlien ... .-icott. l"l'r ,,l"l..,n- Si- i- ea. itup, m N'. J. friend miiv rail Auto will inet trqlnn lfavlur I "arlet at ferry, rhlla . at in an a. m Ml Holly. H. .10 a m . at Medford and , SlIIKl.nS' April 17. JAMBS A husband mn. .i A,,.iil"r ""- Kllzaneth Shields (nee Heraenl and I n nr John and late Margaret Shields fnee ' iri-nur iiPriiiHiiu i.ous-, ,o (. r un , 5' Kadosh Cnmmanderv. Nn a, K. '- : i i ., i,. -ru,nni. a a n si ni n Phil.. , . ...,.,. .. .. -- --. ...... Rifle riuli, Norrlstown I.ode, No. 711. ft P o V . all other organizations of whloh he was a mnit-er. inlted to -funeral serv I. es. Thurs. '. p m 1124 W Venang-o st Int Nnrtnwood leni itlemains may ne prll 21 MART A . wife of Albert J. Stflll- lil.".. used rt:i Relatives ana irienns invuea to fui.rBl. t7 Church St., Bordentown. N. J,. Tunis s- n m iieoniem mass nt. nmry riurci !i n. in. Int. fit, Mary's Cem., Hor de itiwu N ,1 ..,....... frr;.vviji.. Anrn -". i,i,i.siii,iri. daughter or late Christina ami Anthonv Stengel Relatltes and friends, employes of Rdwaril Kltler Cordage Works. Invited to funeral. Wed. R a. m.. '.'TIS .Frail st., Hrldeshurg Reoulein high mass All Ralnts Church 9 a in Int. Holy Rennichre Cem... niir.Mv.v inn n wpiaaiK o.. wife of William J Sullivan and daughter of lala Joseph 13. and Annie C. Cnnneen. aed 28. Iteln tlves and friends Invited; to funeral. Thurs . s -an a in . -iHO K. Cambria at. High miss Church of the visitation in a. jn. ini. llo'v Sepulchre Cem'N' April 10. HANNAH, widow of K-ir.k "lull Relatives and friends Invited in fun.-rii services. Thura. 2 p. m Ml Su.rat l Wlssahlikon. Int. private. Oulph cem ri nidi mav call Wed., after 7 p. m. O.nit f ii-cr, .. .,.,-. . . . Ttiy.1. It April .11. Jir.siivi. nu.uauu fu lllliaheth Tozer. aged fin. Relatlvea and friends, all societies of which he a mem ber. Invited to funeral. Thura,. J j. m.. enn'In-latt'K residence. Kdward Clifford. jnj-J N Taj lor at. (2,1th and Cambria). Halenin high renulem Inaaa Rt. olumba B Church 10 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. VALI.E.NIIUR April IS. JOHN husband of Mela Vallender (nee Brdman). Relatlvea and friends lnlted to funeral services, Wed., ti a m . residence of daughter. Mrs. V. II, Pullen. 7lti De Kalb st. Int. Northwood Cem Friends may call Tues i . T to t'n. m. WALLKNTA April IB. OKRTRUDE M.. daughter of Charles F. and Ludmlller Wal lenta. aged 10. Relatlvea and friends, mem bera Port Richmond M. K. Sunday School. Invited to funeral services. Wed.. 2:80 p. m.. parents' residence, 30U Salmon at. Int. prlWAXMJR -April 20. WILLIAM .HAM. WAXLER. surd 2. Relatlvea and friends, .nvi,. Ar vnrih rdar Hill Cem. Co.. In vited to funeral services, Thurs., 2 p. m , 41124 Krankford ave.. Frankord. Int. PrWKirAl'ER. April 21. MART, widow of William Weldauer. Relatives and friends Invlled to funeral services. Thurs.. 3 p. tn.. 145 K nuval st., am. mi. privair, v.iiF-ii.1. Hills Cem. Remains may be. viewed Wed,, 7 to 0 p. m .. . w. .w WILLIAMS At Moorestown. N. J..Fourh Month 20lh HBNRT W.. husband of Iioulsa il. and sen of late Samuel and. Sarah WIN Hams, aged M. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral. Fourth-day. tS!0 n. m.. -its B. M at . Moorestown. N, J. Int. private. Frl, I'rlends may call Third-day. to ll P. m. WILSON. April 20. CATHARINE, wife nf George Wilson Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral services. Thurs., 2 p. m 4IVI4 Aspen st Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Re mains may be viewed Wed, eve- - WOLF April 20. OHORGB, husband nf Mary Wo f (nee Goodwin1.' aged 77 Relatives and friends. Post No. 77. XI. A. R. and Survivors' Asso. of the 112th. Penna. Heavy Artillery, Invited tn funeral ac-vlcee. Wed.. 2 p. m . HUD N. 11 st., Lnwndale. Int. prl, v.i. 1,'f.t-nuood L'pm. Remalna may be 111. F and A. M.illsrmony R A. Chapter, mo, tl., oi. uuitii . uiiiiiiniiu.i t, -" . .. K. T : Phlla. Consistory A, and A, Rite I Masonic Vetrrrns. Invited to funeral serv ices, Wed., 2 p m., chHpel of Andrew J. Hair & Son, Arch and IBth sts. Int. prjvat. LOST AND FOUND BANK ROOK Loot, bank book 'of outh-. warK national uang, in name or, ijouib Bherr, lfn3 Point Breen ave. , , CHI. l.An 1.11.1 diamond anil .hlarlc velvet collar, containing 61 diamonds and 1 pear shaped diamond drop; stamped either F 173B or E 718. Liberal reward It returned to J. K. Caldwell a Co., Juniper and Chesuiw streets. HANDBAO-Lost. h,.dVd handbag.-; on street i . ear route 41 at SRtti aina Chestnut, Hunqay, I u s, m,i gift of- brsihar m-WsaaV: JltSiMl . u .t j - o .- . ... If) fUflM. With rnnil Aniuelimll.. -- .. J nr i i i snriiininui i nil iittriiia inn uinj iv . .---. -:- - i .... n i , inuur nin nniaii i HELP WANTED FEMALE BRI.Ij .TELEPHONE OPERATINO KASCINATINO WORK. IS A FEW POSITIONS OFITniNn i?pr.p. TIONAI. OPPORTUNITT ARE OPEN TO XUUISVl VVW.Vll'i.-N IS TU -.1 mAll,1, 0 PER WEEIC FIRST FOUR WEEKS. WITH IJAPID INCREA8ES tHBRBAlTEIt. MISS nTAN M3t ARCH STREF.r nOOKKEEPERS AND TYPISTS WITH DEPARTMENT HTORn EXPERIENCE PREFERRED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CANDY SALESWOMAN, thoroughly exoerl enced. In high-class retail randy store: opportunity for management and advance ment. Apply, stating experience and ref erences, etc. M 013, ledger Office. CHAMItfiRMAID waitress. Protestant! 2 1.1 family; parlor maid, assist phone, Dryn Mawr.ia. CHIL.DNUR3E Young woman to take chirge of 2 children. 4 and 0 years; Main I.lne. P 703. Ledger Office. COOK and second tnald ln a family, of V ladies: must be willing, tnornugniy r liable, capable and a good eooki Protestants preferred; good wages and kindness for effl cient service, rtqnrns yj 00, iurtr v...i. COOK, Protestant, not over 50; kitchen only; state reference and experience; small ram llv; S. P Tnj, Ledger Office. DREBSMAKKR. EXPBRtENCr.n APPI-T BUREAU Of EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S Olltl, Wanted, half-grown colored or white g-lrl to help to take cara of 2-year-old child: reference required; good pay. Apply 40R0 Qlrard ave. Phone Raring P444. alRUI wanted to work on feathers: well paid while learning. American Feather Roa Co., 8tft Chestnut, Automat Building entrance. OIRI-, colored, for cooking and downstairs work; fatnllv of 8. 323 W. Mermaid lane, St Martins Phnne Ch-stnut Hill 7.1 OIP.LS TO LEARN A GOOD-PAYING TRADE HOURS S r. M UNTIL 10 V. il. NO'IASI.MC HOSIERY CO. OXFORD AND MASCHCR STS. KNirmnp nti Rtrlnir work xnTlnced on Pcott Williams machine KNITTEKR AND TOPPHR on Stintlrd. nnnncr nrni Scctt A Wlltlams machlnef experienced on double-stitch vork Hours S p. m until 10 p in onv tho4 fiosirinE steady emDlo merit neBd apply i'hII Tu8da, April 2 J xnrsr.Mr, nosinny ro Oxfonl ind Muchct ( HOUSKKEEPER - Capable woman, with pleastna personality, as assistant house. Uecner.wilh ref. 207 3. S2d. Ph. Ixirust HB.n BOUSK.WORK Warned, thoroughly experi enced women Jnr general housework: must bm irood cook: to rleht person waa-es more than von now receive. Phone Woddhurv 30ft. MII.I.I.VEnS wanti;d nxpuniENCCD mim-inurs I'KItMlXKXT POSITION Al,l. TBAH miUN'D: noon waoki PPI. EMPI.OTMENT BURBA I' aurroundlnas, exoptlonsl opportunity for Mirrimrs on sinrls lo nMaln positions ad I ynnced pa . fw learners taken: paid while rvynlpr . filler Hros. Co.. Metropolitan nidg S corner Uroad and Wallace sts , ornrivTfiRS on nnK.ssns and ronsrip appi.v minnxir op rmplotmcnt WANAMAKKR'8 oiha.-ni wanted. Gentile, preferablv woman with rhlld: nke countiw- home it rar from iltj, small famllv Inquire S W -nmer tth and Lombard sts STENOGRAPHER AND. TTPIRT-PuhlTr l.ene.r cn l... -...! . -j.. In purchasna- deparliuent: moderate salary to start, with itooil onnortunlty for adani.e- ply bj letter. P .110. Ledger Office. STRNOORAPIICR, younc ladv. for ceneral Qllice norK Apply IP'22 Y. Altoa-heny ave. WI.VnnRS Steady work and good wages. Apply Orlsieold Worsted Co. Darby Pa. . WOMEN. WHITE njff. ''t-KANINO AND NCRI'RRI.NrS APPLT Bl'REAIT OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S TOI-NO WOMEN AS CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS APPLT Rl'REAIt OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S fieneral PEACE WORK AT WAR PAT Knit urgently-needed socks for us on our auto knitters; experience unnecessary: full particulars Re stamp. Depl 2M. Auto Knllllnc Co.. S2I Jefferson st Huffalo, N V HELP WANTED MALE ARCHITECTURAL DrAFTSMAN lth abil ity and lidtlatlve In dealgnlng and pre. paring complete working drawings; capable and evperienced man wanted to assume re sponsibility worh undertaken In office with general practice; communicate Imme diately, statins age. college training, If any. experience, references, salary, etc Boen Jseji. Kraus L Helmkamp. architects, 316- ., , . v.,,,.; ui uing, A K Toil, U. EENCH HANDS wantbd onRsh. dnora and odd work: must also be able to work on ?,".!." ".no door machinery. Apply Charlea F. fflllii & Co., Ino . York road and Roller st. RINDERY FOREMAN, competent to handle and estimate on binding and ruling: excel lent opportunity, Address, stating salary and experience, "Typothetae." 11211 Chestnut at, BOOKKEEPER AND RTENOO RAPHER A largo corporation, central location, desires the services of young man to assist the man ager of tho accounting department; salary tin 10 siari: in lepiy, stats education and experience. 21. Ledger Uincs BOOKKEEPER THE rUHLIC LEDGER CO. deslrej the services ofan experi enced bookkeeper for permanent night position: hours 11.80 to 12 p. m Apply flth and Chestnut sta. Ask for Mr. Wlest. BOY WAvTRTPffTFEED .toTTpRESS." REE MR. READ. LEDGER JOB PRESSROOM. BOY wanted to sell Ice-cream sandwiches. Apply lo Mr, Spear. 1207 Market st. BOY wanted for office work. 2d st. Apply 102 N BOYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK: MUST BE OVER 1H: CHANCE FOR ADVANI KS1K.NT, AI'I'IiY AITKH H P. M . LEDGER OFFICE. FIFTH FLOOR . . CHAUFFEUR for W-tn v,m truck: must have reference. Charles Strlckler a Son, zon finow mil. CLERK Young man. over 19 years, to work tn the, accounting de partmehtl must be quick and ac curate tn handling figures! good op portunity for advancement. Ask for Mr. Wlest, Accounting Depart ment, Publlo Ledger Co., 6th and Cbestnut sts, CLERK YOUNfO MAN.- OVER 111 YEARS OF -AGE. FOR STATISTICAL. WORK IN NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING DEPART MENT: MUBT. RE ACCURATE AND QUICK IN HANDLING FlOURESj GOOD OPPOR TUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. CALL ffigSMS? IRTIIUNr. Ki?: nnnun Uifiirn btii Mh ruiiTMiw S KCOUE"r BTJ ""." C"TJ'?JAFJ HELP WANTED MALE CUTTERS AND VAMPER8 Maliera of thrf . finest grade men's and women's ahoes har , cuttera and vamners. Appli person. R 11. Ilnsklns Co Island City. N Y. " "Mint iunnnnii utii fill Tan- 1 uukirin y or leiier or in otn si., ions tENTIHT M-rhnnlralf A-l lvro.nlri rrAwn. Hiid biidrt worker; rood ialnry nnd pr , infinfnt r"'lnn: Alio firt (, rubber worker. flftH Mnln at., Norfolk, V, DniVBn Steady man for itemfly poilllonl over 21 ycAr- of pe; irood pulsry. AppIjD , ft . m . Mr. HelnftM, 1S27 nwlnbrirtarft t. ' OCNUnATt SUPEIltNTENDENT , t Machine Shop J WANTED to tAke, charge of modern rtnyllht nhop flnent equipment, manufarturlnc hlh " (trade automatic machinery .nd employinc fO0 men. Including aklllcd toolmakers, mi rhlnlts. apeclallate. etcY Do not reply unlees you are thoroughly ox pertenced ln modern shop prartlr and hav i held similar poult Ion : salary lAAOO to $4000, with g-nod opportunity for advancement. Write fully, Ktvtn ace, experience, and poll- tions held for naet aeveral years. All repllea confidential. Address M 011, Ledger Office FEEDER, unlversil Oordon. steady. 871 N. Broad st. l-'!.OOR POMSHERH ON HARDWOOD FLOOR WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S HOSIERY FIXER Exnerlenced on Scott & Williams machines One with experience on ladles' hose preferred STEADY. WELI.-PAYINO POSITION for first-class man NOTASEME HOSIERY CO Oxford and Mascher sla. I 1 , 1 FURNITURE FlrilSIIERX FIRST-CLASH WORKMEN ON HIUIt-rjRADE FURNITURE APPLY . WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WARM- HOUSE X. E. COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON AV?J. HOR1EU7 FIXETl wanted for nner nd Scoff, A Williams knlttlnr machine. Av plv rhlpmin Knlttlnr Mllli. Eaaton. Ta. T.TNOTTrn nrRnATnps np at- 1IKN WANTED. APPhT FIFTH FT.OOn, UKDOF.R BLDO . flTH AND CHESTNUT STS. MAN wanted, competent to take char ot knlttlnr Plnt on flat power marhtnes at Vnnkera. N. T,: Rood aalarv to rlirht partv. Write at once to Supreme Knlttlnr Co . 10 K. 'JSth at.. New York, N. T. , MAN wanted who undemtand enamellnr and atrlplng cocarts. Appty i o. o.n t. MAN wanted who understand raravlnr enamel on wicker furniture, Apply 244 S. at. MAN wanted who understands repairing rad! furniture, jii r. .n UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORI Arts 18 to 411 IN GOOD THTSICA1 CONDITION I Wales and Working Conditions Rtrtt Apply ln Person I or Communicate with Factory Employment Office. i THE UOODTKAR T1UE t nUBDEIt CO. Akron, Ohio OrriCE ASSISTANT, must b.capablt. nioch Gocnrt Co . llsn K Am,rlt"' i PAINTERS, house, wanted, steady work , Annlv H7.I2 Old York road ' PHARMACIST Wanted, manufaclu Jix . pharmacist, experienced In the inanu, ,c lure of elixirs, s. rupa. tlncturrs. olntmnts. ' flavoring- extracts, etc , and capable of as saving tinctures nnd similar prescriptions; r references required; permanent and desirab'e .j, position. Address. Wholesale Druffslst. M 001. Public Ledger ' PORTERS AND CI.KANCR3 SALESMAN Experienced lltnographle sales- in. ii acn general co or ntnograpriy. Also offset commercial work; one havln' established trade preferred The Ideal Printing and Lithographing Co.. 735 Central-"" ave . Cleveland. O. SHOW CARD WRITER AND I.ETTF.nBR' - .'.Ann ir,u ill nil ;i-;Ar lVliriK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER, experienced, for adver tising department. Public Ledger Co.. nth and Chestnut sts.: mu.t he alert. Indus. trlous, accurate and quick In handling fig. n v urea a nil detail wurfr, n-Mll-ni .....w. 1.1-1.. for advancement. See Mr. Wescott, first floor. UrilOLRTERBRS. good pay ami atcady" Apply J. R. Van Sclver Co.. Camden . OPPORTUNITY for returned soldiers with .' salesmsnsliln pbllity to s.ll a.i nrtli. which sells Itself; manv ere makintr from -lfl -,.,. .,, n unv ii tvamui -llH. nir, Davls for appointment General OREENEWALDS Credit nnd collection exnert. familiar with retail Jobbing or merchandising business: good waaes: accountants, seniors' C. P. A. run. required: good wages, private secretary. competent stenographer, assl. employment mer., also exn, Interviewer, also competent all-around office woman for executive posi tion. Mn weektv. with libenil bonus: sales man mfg. exp. bronzes, head bkpe., also exp hotel cashier.. 8125! permanent positions: foreman. hand!e laborers: saiea engineer, mechanical and production engineer! soma erv attractive openings for executive men . and women with clean records: no others: strictly high-class employment service. Writ the secretary .for descriptive booklet and blank. No enrollment charges. 2110 S. llth. 1 WE TEACH YOU TO DRIVE AND REPAIR AUTOMOBILES $2.1 COMPI.F.TE CnilRBES J23 DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Rattler's. HHU Spring Garden st. Open Sun. ' ' F.ARN BIO MONEY " Do latha work, aulo repair, mechanical an4 -electrical, driving or stnrsge battery work, e W train men nn nractlcal lines. Phlla. Mechanical and Electrdlra! School Call HI 4-111 8 .-Broun st.. Philadelphia SITUATIONS WANTED-rEKALB ROOKKEEPBR Small set of books nr .la a; inrmicTB, yuii yy ni i. t.eci. vjn. YOUNO WOMAN of refinement 'dealrea poe. f In dentist's off, as assitt't. A 310, Led. Off. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CARPENTER, expert on alterations, vranti work at low figure: Dutch halls stairs ad. . dltlnns, renalra of all kinds. A. '.'27, I-d.-Off. CHAUFFEUR white, married, dealr.s pos. wltn priv. mm. l n.nnwii. inn iiace. MAN. oung,. desires extra wor( evenings good nusinrsa enucanon. tnorougniy ex perlenced. of tlatl work, A III. ledger. Of flcs. HTENOORAPIIER An expert stenographer and operator, wun ou.iness aoiiiiy. -taci and force, wishes permanent position. 30.1. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED at Episcopal Office. 313.8. l'-'th Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, laun dresses, nurses and maids. - CABPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL 20TH BT, ABCiVB CHESTNUT ' RUOS. CARPETS imiftrc i ai., uiiAir.n i ii; CLEANED- SCOURED. STORBI UliR(AIV.'i P wur,u, . ntuntai IsOCllBT rnJU-PHONKV-nACB 41t JZ !rALLA.CEw-4; , YtiALtL, I' , . "lV ''? ", V 'I 1 A-it i aiipuone Lmsra iyu j. S" . s-j-,,,Vlif.r.7 . at - s- o j . ' ri ci t .. t , J,' e