jp .-;i:4'i :ft.'t N .,- e- I . 1 XN ETODNING- PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADJELPHIA, TUESDAY, 'APRIL 22, J919 j, Athletics and phillies series for the championship of lehigh avenue ends in a tie mOWDED bleachers MOVIE OF A MAN WITH A POOR MEMORY BOSTON SOX HA VE 1 REAL FLAG RIVAL IN FOHL 'S INDIANS Cleveland lias Keen Halance and Will Cause Barrow's ' Club Many Moments of Worry Yanks Depend- ; show baseball has I 'KiOowJTlT UJAE. SoMETHieJG " That HADkTo:B DoAJe ArODITtAJAS PARTICULARLV BYTmE. AJlPr" , LeT &" sei?;-wJHtT vv I? vxm-vt"WaS That I 3eJ That I 'CM T JAi VVSS IHAT V07AS IT JAJ oOoeTHMG IMPORTAMT Too " REGAINED prestige Throiig at Final Game of City Scries Gives Local Mag nates Chance to Look Forward to liifi Season. Phils Split IP if t Athletics R e IM E M B E P)vJ lX ITlAJAi; GOlrJG rdBuv- 1 V i LS ?M T k ffh" y KOHKitT V. M.WYVIXI. spnrts editor Evening J'ltl.tle Ledger t'apuilQhl, Mil bu Pub' r l.rtltji r t ft. 1IIK most optimistic predictions regaiding ho comeback of baseball weie confirmed at the t'liillir.s" Park yesterday, when n trowd niiinbci inc nliim-i J0.000 turned out to witness the final game of the oitv -nirs between the Phils nnd t ho Athletics. Managers .Murk nml Coombs Inn) hoped for 11 big turnout, but hardly expected It. While yesterday was a soniihnliil.iv n also was. Monday nml not the best dav in the week In draw inntineo nudiom r However, the baseball fnns poured into the pink, look oft" Iheir men mils, Settled back in Iheir pout to onjnv :i liicli - In - tontoi nml weto mil ill-' appointed. Theie is mi old saying in baseball thnt tin- nl loiicliim of the Idea, hoi sections regulates the populin'it.v of tlie spoil. If nrli is tin- i csident Baker need not worry nbout this yenr of'.l. Yostcnl.iv lh' b.iinmolor cents were occupied by the largest crowd we have seen in the last two sea sons. Before the game started nil of the thirtv-t onlcis weie taken mid thin the fifty -five-lent seats wore gobbled up. .Moic than one-half of the ciowil wns out in the sun. This shows i owlusiwly that I'liilndelphin funs are eagoi to witness big-league ball games, ami with nnv sort of deienl placing bv the Imme clubs will gie their hearty suppoit. Two months ago the fans soeinod liikcwnim. nml while every 0110 was boosting the game, the future wa hlloil wilh unci lainti"- W'lion the tennis wont South there was nn awakening of interest, iiiniimctnhlc ipiestions weie nuked regarding the strength nnd .buncos of the unions tennis nnd nrgu monta beennio quile loinumn. When the exhibition games weie played the public shook off the thoughts of Hie gt im battles fought mer then, eager Iv scanned the newspapers for the latest happenings on the diamond and decided that the gray past hnd gone forever. Hnsohnll was in (lie air. the fever had them the same ns thtee or four years ago and the opening game eageily nival ted for. While in the South I witnessed sovoial exhibition games and was astounded nl the size of the ciowds. The big-league i lulls nttmrtod as nun li attention an the old-time cimts. Crowds waited at the station to see the train coine in nnd the playcis weie fidlowoil ainuml Hie town like taie miiui'ils in a hide sliow. They couldn't see enough of the game or the plajeis. D.t.Vy7 -I .. ii on Ihe thirtltnld nf a rjirnt t mi nl and il n ntitr up to Ihe tnnilnatei In pint tile lnoh tin plnninn. 'I hr font Imtt .liotm thetf nir itillintj In fin Ittfir p'lil. hut lltn intttl hr tultttird trtlh thr htq lrnnttr t'luhv. If n nntttlriahlr tutu nf lunnru tnnsl hr spent to thrnnlhrn n Iruitt l it til hr n nnntt tut rtlmrni. Iloinr ''raining 'f ) rl ' indicated the I'htN and Athletics planus an even Stephen spiing s.. ns no it loss In find nn opening loan our views Hail the I'liils triumph'ii. we could haio handed out some pnintcil innimenl about the home limning of the A's. and if Connie had lopped I In m mil of four it wo"!d hnie leen just ns eny to toll the I'lnK tlie ti.iimiig nip to Clmilottle was spuiioii and decidedly counteifeii Itut neilher team was lost in the mud ami the ipiesin.'i as (o whether or not H is best in nam a ball lub at home 01 down South icinnins unansweiMl. The derision must be a draw. Yepteiday Mule Watson went on a lamp.ige nnd sinpnsid Ihe talent In pitching a swell game for the innings In thai lime he was niikrd foi sj hits, but not a spike dented the pl.ile. His Miileship leniriubeiod il was necessary to tighten up when Ihe enemy got on base, and did thai ierj thing. In the veconil, he giew lonesome standing out lliete all h himself and placed threc of Connie's bindings on the iU Im one on eaih coiner of the diamond. Then ho gleefully whipped oier one on the outside, wlibh !eari fouled lo I'.aird. and the A's weie letiied wilh tluce paities stranded. The Hhihe I'arkers foo,ed leniblj in the opening ait and piobabl.i to-seil away the game when Kopp and IS.ulei inn wild on Ihe bases. They evidently were told that I'onest Cadi had i hoiked bis Ihrowing arm at Ihe gate or left it in the dressing lonni or something, for those two buds, idler bumping a brace of singles, endeaioroil to swipe every base wiihin then icacli. I'iist Kopp dashed to third and wns out iinaniiuousli Itaib-y trieil ii next and was nntled farther than thai Those two entiiel.v the side nnd no one could toll would luiv their desires to emulate Ty Cobb, Imulenlallv good. WITH . ' ' n re n t ii n lie.-. ,u sprints letireil biippenrd had ihev mubeil Cadv's arm was all to ihe IF, Vltlh srntnt tltrir fit il l tut nu tin riitiruhlr inufl lit .Vd Rllflliiton. 'Ihrtr iios m ilinun it tun hlnuintl ititu ultra llnnttnll hit n high flu Ihe hill mis tniiinl mil nl linl' tump nml llmni'i qnl lien hnq nn lite limit. I mittjlr nml Whittril'i imitfn'r tlti irnl lltr tatntrd tnllu tinnsi. lltr nthrr troir, hnnriri', tint tmtni ptii Jiutlrru tilled one nrrr lltr vnll ) n rntttri iml hi r Dnhr ,' ,1k. Coombs Says Club Will ol Finish Eighth the game .lack Coombs spoke a few words leg.nding the outlook of his baseball club in the pennant nice nnd did not sheil any tears, lie was Tery optimistic and declared there would be some big surpi iscs sprung define the season was over. "I don't fool sad or dishorn toned," said I bo new "The ball Club looks mighty good lo me and we will play some interesting d.isedall this .year. .lust liguie out our playing stiengih and see what you get. In the first place, we have an exceptionally good outfield with Wliitlod. William"-. Meusel. Callahan nnd Ciavath on the job. These men hit, held and aio last. In the infield we alo have some good Inlteis in P..iinl. Mnnemfl and l.iideiiis, while Penrce shows signs of impioving. As for Holding, that rpi.utet mm pares favorably with any in the league. Adams is good catcher and C.nly and Yeabsley are doing well. "Then come the pitohois. .Inmbs is mm h hotter than 1 hist supposed and Oesfbcer, AVatson. I'aiknrd nnd Woodward have shown me they cm deliver the Koods. .Mike I'rendergnst still is under weight, dut will be readv to take hi turn in n couple of weeks. "J'll admit wo haven't n gioat pitiher who siamN mil. dm please lemem ber sreat pilcheis must bo developed .mil must tnit fiom the botiom. It is possible thnt we will have one or two of the best pin hois define the season .-'la, over. The material looks very promising. "We arn in Ihe maikot for a good iiilielder and a lugh-ilass piti her IJqt where are we to find them? President linker will go the limit to pm chase cood plajers and do nil in his powci to gd them. It must be mucin .bcred that the war rotnrded the ilevelnptm nt of minor-league stms ami the clubs are keeping their veterans. Talent is veiy senne this year, but if we hay? a chance to get a ouple of Mars wo will get Iheni ioganllos of the price. t(1 DC Ihe DOX'T like In tin nny pietln linn nn Ihe rie nj Ihe iitrimm of nggrcsiivc plniing ilnne by the fhih tint year nml the eljih u ill fff S ." finish in eighth plate, ('i Inn good n t-lnh for Hint." A Giants iow Traveling at a Fast Clip S TAWN StcGKAW'.S Giants seem to bo traveling at n fast ilip ai piesent Jffftqnd will be in shape lo eive the Phils lots of tumble tomorrow. Sluggers $? Mke 'George Jlurns, Knuff, Young. Cliiihe, Doyle. I'lelcher and Zimmerman iL...itl .......... ..,.,. n nt. l.nli IIaI.I nml llmv n.a i.ii.LUn 1 1. ..III .U- V . W IHUW BllUirjIHI' r Mil nilj .! ...'........ .. .... l'i. "! HI.- Mil lf . After getting oft to a hnd stmt and losing the soi jes o (ho Ited Sox v flianta came back anil walloped 1 asnington. nvc games 10 one. They s(u: hose days. the 11 in mod -,..- f-l .l .U n.l.nH I.I.. In.a ..I ... n.. I I. n I,. I nt..l .l.l.. , ! .1 .. .1.. fc"1 i V Hljier .lOIIMeUII lll Kir uiiiri jiui i . r. .1,1 ..... ,...- iim.oii.i 111.11 i.-rrinc inuuip- l -4m; Was WOnnerilll in IPCIIOIO. .mwn hhjs n mhiiiiiih hum 110 will cop me )ng " lfia year if his pitchers stand up, nnd the fans will have a chance to look -s 'twn over. J'M Barnes probably will be selected to twill the opener. ' 'M- sS,jJ ('J5X.. ts. . , c. 1 i. .1 n- KWr actum or aieneei sirenauiens riraies iiErSltUnGH is strengthened by the bigning of Casey Stensel, who was he champion holdout of the season, ( asey vowed he never would nlav Elbe Orates again, but Hugo IJezdck ha'nded him the absent treatment. to anawer his letters, did not take the trouble to return- his contract. finally Stengel surrendered unconditionally. Now Hezdek- has Southworth, l'and4 Stengel in the outfield, a good inheld., some swell pitchers, h couple f catchers and awcei dreams pi playing tn inc worm series. m VJHAT WAS it! toouj i c3am almost- get it AeJTJ ThcisJ it SLlP-S AWAY FROM, Mfr . WJHAT-WAS IT rr ; V -t'V I i ). ft JL I'tiCA) ,nnt y UUACT"- vaVait ('M GsTTTnOC-i A?'' I .. : '- A LiBeRTV BomD " y able Defensively, but Lack Speed IN TIIK .SPOHTUtillT 11V GRANTLANI) RICH (C'opjrlulit. lnin, nil rlglit" rEscrveil) I NO. I CLEVELAND INDIANS AND N. Y. YANKS Exhibit A Cleveland 1'iniii I'nl Tehemi In Sir 1'tihl, They nliratn Innl lltr print tut I inlr: I Tlnnuqh l.niiy, liimllry. .on nml 7'u'i I I nn1 yet xoniehoir they nlirvyv mitt; 1 Hut tnme lime snnn the tide may 1 rer . Il'io Anniri I111I thin utny hr Ihe pent! . I'iniii "Imlinn I'nll Sonni." WHAT nn nnay of talent Cleveland has pioiluceil in the Ameiican League. without over producing a pennnfil ! I.ajoio, ISradley. Turner, Klick, liny. Speaker, .loss, Iteinhatd. Nig Clmke, Stovall, lllikman, Chnpnian and a do.on nlheis known to the fnino of (he pennant line. . Yet with all this Cleveland hns yet to hoar the gonfalonic llutterjng nf a hard-won Hag. .Mine than once she has been within n stride of the top. only to fuller and slip nl the Inst turn. RTO .S'lf I,, pint nf f11'1 Jinn fiiUme mi fcrrn tine In hmny-hnnded Fnlr. Clerelantl nn nn nreiatir mi tlinirn hauler lurk mil ami one hall etiih ire erer imr. finiti Ihe h'ut league lo Ihe mini lainiri. Another Chance TN IISCI'SSING ling chamos wild two famed members n Ihe Itoston Rett -L Sox locenllv Ihe.v both loufossiMl that if the nice h.i longer last season Cleveland would luivc won ail lasted I wo weeks And FOX COMES BACK WITH WIN OVER ROOT; KILBANE SAYS ARTIE WAS TOO ANXIOUS English Featherweight Tahes Deeision in littiigli liatlle at 01 y m pin CI. 1K HEVl'S HE) 1 IV Till; tables wei Iloot The peir lt .lMK! S. CRltl.AN tillneil 011 Altie peipelun Hope iipsolter lame on frosi Cleveland lo help pt opa e Joey Ko for a h.islv retuin liv Hug hnd. At the (onslusinn of six 'ough mjinds at the Olvnipia last night Ihe I'nglish fealhei weight was in front the w inner over IIoo. I'ew 1 lean punches weie landed Many half blinked blows thudded their niton iiilei wav 10 the laigei. It was one maul after anntlier When nol i mauling Iheio was some boving. I'o I American was uie supeiior ni tne lew anempts m siienniic lingiinll He was n lienor llllg geneial ami eulilleil to tlie ileci sion. Ilool fonghl so viiiouslv that he was tiled befoio the end of the fourth lounil I'ox's shorl i.ilts , nun h lo vveni down die lighlilig little Clove-lander. Lennard-liitchie Receipts May Co Over $.'().)()() Mark The P.ennv l.oonanl Willie liili hie lint lie s, hediiled for New .11k net Moud.iv night is expefled to bieak nil ioioiiIs for loceijils. The ndvanic sale has tiassod Ihe SLTi.tHllt nitirk. an 01 ding lo llooige Ihigol. Olympi'i m.iti huinkon The total icioipts me extieiled lo be be tween S.'D.IHHi and Mid.lKMI, Leonard mid lliindre now hold the let old, tiie bailie between Ihese dors on .lunuaiy IS drawing mnie than St(l.lMM). Cleveland Hoys Failure to Set Himself Cost Him the Chance for Win ALL KINDS OF MAULING FAST BALL TEAM AT Clivedens Have Clean Slate in the Interscholastic -League Unth picked Cleveland for I'oston's hnidcsi opponent this year. ,hen wo slipped Ihe qneij lo Manager I'd Hairnw be begun: "Well, there's Cleveland to heal - anil It's no soft job." This season Cleveland has the balance defensive stiongth, a lusty wnllop lonsiiloiable pitching talent on guard. In .lohnMnii (to start with), Wmnbv, Chapman and l.airy Gnidner shs hns an infield on u par with Huston's select ipinrtet not quile s(, strong defensively, but more powerful upon attack. With an outfield built nrniind Tris Speaker a stnr llnnked by two iihln aides the Indian picket line lias doth Ihe speed mid the punch. Speaker alone is 11 lirst -i lass outfield. 1 The pitihing staff, buill in the main mound Coveloskio. is one of those steady, edeclive combinations without cair.ving liny exieptinnnl brillintiey. If the staff pans out n liiHi beder than it looks lo be just al this moment Cleveland is veiy likely to win despite Huston's wondeiful defensive povveis. 11 is nil a mil tier of keen balance. You cannot pick out a spot upon lh Clevelund intor nnd mink il weak. And if her overseas contingent gets baik ill time to help lb" outlook will be even betlet. Itrielly. just m this writing, Cleveland looks to be Huston's plain opponent. Hallow ami almost bis euliic i bib bilieve that I'nhl's i asl is the one to beat above all ntliris and Ihey sliould at least have an inkling upon Ihe situation if 1111 inkling means what we think il does. if f'lrrrlnittl vltntiltl I hniiit In Irll lltr tloin. an nut nnil 11 in it ell. "hettie" u tin I H.v JOHNNY NK nrlil's laHifrwilclil flininnlnn WAS some mauling matih. KILBANE'S CROWN IS NOT FOR FOX'S BROW Easy Job Defending Title Against Briton Cermanlown High's undefeated base ball team faces a haul proposition this 'T WAS some mauling matih. 'week. Three games, two of which ale 1 It was a haul light. There's mi i Interscholnstie League contests, are question about that. I scheduled. The lirt will be played to- Artie Itool was very unsteady, ho day with the South Philadelphia nine was missing all the time. Kox fought at Gormnntown. a headier fight, lie oulboxod Itool and! Tomorrow the Clivedens tiavol to leai nod the decision in my opinion bv a '(Ionise Si honl for the annual game. On ;ai6i Ii- TlicYaiiks They lack but no steady and fTllin case of Ihe "i ankers is lauly simple ns inch things .L one 'ngicdient and thai is speed I lefensiv ely , Ihey dependnhle. In Shine. Shawkey. .Mogiidgo, Thoi iiiahlen. (Jiiinn nml others they hnvs enough iilihiiig to get auywliere. , In Pipp. Pialt, Pei k, linker. Lewis and llndie Ihey have Ihe punch in u'pious quantities. haile. Pox impressed nie as a haul man to hit wilh a good, solid puiii'h. Any follow who is always keeping his hands moving and his gloves slmk in jvour fine innnnt do loin lieil very o.isilv. I hail heard much admit Pox, Master Would Have '"" 1,r Minuised mo. Itoot was the stronger, lie seemed a little loo Minimis. If be bail steadied himself ami set before delivering a .punch. I haven't anv doiihl that he B' would have stopped Pox. Not So lOasy It looks easy fiom Ihe 1 I'ox liupioved Pox's woik was n dig iinio ovemi nt ' over his exhiliition ngauisi Tjphu Ml" ' ilisiaveil moie .lass, piuuhe.1 delli'i' nnd hlofked blows with uioio, . .lohnnv Ixilbane wis at die 1 uigsido. .lust define the wind up weni on Vic ion Loan (oil.ei-s made an appeal for suds, nptinns. "I'lip nowd mlliil f,,, Killiine to stall it. ami .lohnnv ie lilieil dv signuig Tm a S.llto doml Then lo nunplele his gooil wink he 1 limbed into the ling and made a biiof' appeal in behalf oT the loan, lie didn't leave his old piimli behind I Chub Heats We.vnian Piankie Clark fonghl noil against niing Woynian. handing a lai ing to' the bov fiom Ii ir.uilv illo. Claik de Inii'd hi- Mail until die tit I h round, when he opened up and gave die fnns plenty of ui lion until Ihe end. Piankie Conway came d.u k stmng in Ins dattle wild Dave Astov. and fonghl so well in the Inst tluee lounils , Ihnl he euniod the decision. .loo Ixoons deal I 01 ry Kb haul .New Yolk, ill the M'lOIld bout. opener iniinu i immy .My son a ovei Al Alnoie ill Iheir vveeklv IJy I.OIIS II. JAKI-'K Thev'll have to srnd soiue one el over fiom lo topple .lohnnv ",' v ,.,..-. :TA . ,. , . , , . ., 'Inn. I ".. II LOOKS i:.S. .lust Txilbane into fc.thei weigh' obs.nnty if , , ,heie and try it soinetime. Pox thai piirticiil.ii la-k and feat is in bo ' i a good, heady boy i Me stops many aicomplisliod bv a P.iiliAfc .loev Pox i pun. lies vv ilh his gloves mid makes die never will do n I'ov showed sullii ieiit I oilier 'fellow miss all the time. foim to win tioni Ailio Itoot al the ,.N , , ,( . v. 11 ..;.. l... ...,,i.. ..... i.p .. ..l...n t..i '"' '" '" ' "-," " "" 0111 1 nil 111 . " lion tool was sell nv himself holme 'hiving home his blows. One that i minted was a i izhl lo the Hut .loey la.ks mmh nlulilv lo wiii,u(, tlai fi(oi Pox lo a clinch Thai tiom so lever ami hill d-puni hing a .)tll 1Pa ,0H a m(o it quite easv man like 'die master -Kilbnne. This f, Al lie to deliver more telling puiu he's bout was the se.mii: one In I have , )0 ,,,, ,,0 ,l(,n MuIf.(1 , soon Pox compete. The Pnglislunnn is ,,,. in, ., ii, , 1 The moie he tried to land die runic he 1 missed. 1 Aim Ii -Maulin; V Ihrtr it n tlrrnlrd Int I nl tprrtt fruitt Itip In I10IU1111 mill hurl; nninii. 'I Int Inrl nf tptrd iitrtiiit tinttlile in hrnltiiti nut infield lnp Itnuhle in "iniimi finin ttotitl tin n tinqle nnd Ihe lilelihnnd nj InInto Inn nihil iiiln tinttlile phyt. Tim Inllei fault inn uipr nut intiir im 1 1 111 1 inllirt limn nnijlhimi ehe. believes in shifting his yel he deiiiiiiistinn shifty boxer. il thai he was Priday Germaiitown meets Kiankfoiil. This always lias been icgmdeil as the big game at both si bonis, and as they aie tirst mid somnil in the league Tland ilig. a grenl lulttle is expected. The (tornianlowu loam has been the season's suipiiso in the Siliolastic League. Pour games have been played and their leconl shows four victories. Throe mine games remain in tlie first half of the league sihedule with South em. Prmikfoid and Nintlieasl. Great credit for the great showing of die suburban school team is duo lo s ifmoss of inlside lo the loncliing of Piofossor Lackey, of tlie' Hut for weakness in Ibis lone depailinoiit the Yankee outlook' would be siienio depnitinenl. I his is his hist ,, p, x il Ii P.ostnn or Cleveland. year as baohnll loach at GermantowiTI liven as it is. n stout pitching siaiT linked to a line up thnt inn wallop mid bis feat of biinging Gerinanlown the ball is nf. Indit nmhinntinii lo faio. xfiom eiglith position last year, to lirst If the Yanks as a i lub will ever swing into an nleit. lonhilenl. nggiessivs this season speaks well of bis ability. stnte of mind Ihey will be extremely dangerous even without any undue speed. Lackey foimeilv wns u Hut their genial jilacidity in the past has been ngainsl them Unify hall pliijer. AVIulo working mil with Lewis and llel Puitt me two new entile, who should help them in IliU Connie Mnik's Athletics he wns hit liy lospooi. And they inn absmb quite a handful of help along these lines willi- piicneu imii ahove the tieari, sen- i out becoming ovcmnwdcd. Resourceful Type TTPlilJINS is a canny, lesmircel'nl leader. He XI methods of atlai k to meet the situation. Hill il is no easy mutter lo sluli an nllaik unless you liaro speed lo-assjst the opeiatinn. Tlieto is little ibnnie lo cut into a base iiinniiig game if you are minus base 1 iinnois And Ihe bunling game depends mine thnn a Irillc upon quii k stnrting nnd not :ood a boxer as he was about six yenis ago. when I snvv him out point and nullighl Piankie P.iadley nl the same club Hnullcy then was at the yenilli of liis caieor. 'l'hc Philudel phinn was going along al a lightning pm e, ami he was pit ked bv many Im al critics as a championship possibility. After the beating sufloied from tilr wallops of Pox. 11 die. He never il Pox of today is inferior tn die Pox who' defeated Hrndley . ' i And Johnny Ixilbane need nol vvoiry il was a clim b and omo mauling. Itoot Iftfinn Till 11,111 Is alnuisl .eiiiti 1 . I . h MlllM nil l.i.s II Ihe oltnuiic nn till 11 s-ht of .li .". II no cts Jdtk IJtilton in P.dlilinoie in IIh I.I Alter every mi eveiy 1 Much saw Hied lialtl in the riiailling sessions lo do some damage, bin pox very skUlfulh l.eilt Oil! l.f lllO . Ii ,lf llin lii inn. . '",' "" '" -. .lifts, .tiMdlrj dociilcl to ,e- .,.,, Imps (f ,,, ,,.,IISS H(VJ las boxed srncil 'I he ',,, .. ... . .... .,..."... ..n. ... . 1..s,, u1-l(, 1,1)1 I HOSt WHO relish a lougli and-tunilile alTaii one of the street variety must Itnve gone f ..v. : i,i...-,r , ......... : l'' -ntisfied. H ws n tough tight for . The , , "'""' ". " : both boys all the lime. . 1 t limited w Kb Joey I ox as the paity of ,. . , ''. "mnorl, 1 , Ibis was the first time I ever saw mis ro. lies a lienor nny man many .believe. He was fresh last night, n ,mi.ini 1 ins "isi "out I near Hurt he was quile stale. Mo tanked good against Root. Moil make tumble for nny one. Hut take my tip he's no sel-up. lie's a shifj fellow, coins well and will be a hard boy for any one to knnik nut ously injuring him and forcing his 10 liremenl. Me has taught tire German town youths many of the lino poinls picked up in his caieer. II' Iheir pilihina nnd hnllnni povuhiltlit lltr ), 1 ill he 1111 '' iluh's tlnilti tlirl, Util iiilhttul iitnlii tpted Ihey hate ii lemir hnllle ahead in ttitiihiita nhorr thud plate. HASS, WESTERN CHAMP, IN ' ' SPRINT AT PENN RELA YS Grinnvll Colhgr Star Enters List as Poshlintry in Frunldin Field Cam ival Friday and Saturday RACES TODAY AT HAVRE DE GRACE 7 rtACI.s HMD. Ini-lmllnc h MffplCrliri MiimIiiI IVniiiwtHitiu ItullromJ 'I ruin liira 1:M V. M.i Wrsri'hllii., 12:38 l M. " lim I J Course IMIIMV Ml.1sTAM X V IH)0( K. UI.H5: l.l)lhs Sl.lrt Imiiiillnc War l. I'IKsr RACi; AT S-30 I S1. Mpivi : I'.it U e n 'In h)7 inn six i hi ih atlonl on d n't ht vt, t' Im lfDotli'i ihal li ciMninlnn ivte llTman ih penln o! Ma " 'TOMMY BURKE GOING ABROAD AS K OF C. ATHLETIC WORKER I'opular West Philadelphia Sportsman In Leave This City for Paris Some Time This Week rpOM Wi OM.MY" HPItKn. Ihe well known est Philadelphia sportsman, was notified ibis morning of an appointment to go nhioad as nn athletic dim tor for the Knights of Columbus. He will leave this city some time this week and ie, port al the Paris office. Hurke has boon n IC. of C. athletic di lecloi for nineteen months nnd is well qualified to go abroad to promote spoils for Ihe arini of 01 cup.ltion. Me has had iharge of athletics nt Camp Lee. Camp Colt nnd the Walter Iteed Mos pital. Previous to joining the Ix of C fones Hurke was a member of the board of managers and registration com I mlttee of the Middle Atlantic states dis i jrrict of the Amateur Athletic Pnion. ' He also is a member of the x ictrix I Catholic Club and wan president of the l defunct West Philadelphia Basketball I League. Many Philadelphlans still are "over thertf and with only a few liourn each Zolui, THOMAS .1. IIL'RKK former mauager of the Vincome Scraps About Scrappers ' I JOHNNY MAI.0N1IY will boa wind up boy at the Cambria on Priday night. The former amateur hampion , will take on the rugged Tommy tinr niaii. These boys will feature an all star bantam show. Willie Spent or. of Gloucester", is down to battle Jimmy Tierney in the sornivvind-np. The third bout brings together Andy Hums nnd Waller Iteu nie. Terry Ilnulon vs. Marly Campbell and Terry Mitt hell vs. Hatl Grimm complete' the piogram. .I.ihn.i. Vltirmr anil h 1 1. .r o -onhrll nyei in thn main hour on the np.n. c tiri nf lh Pmplr- V f rifle-nlli anrt lutii iirirtit.. mr. ris 'Ihursdny nlshi '"o,o "r u Siniih mil Pr,oni tho follow ing Jip. X "V? ."" '"' ,ol,n1"n Jimmv'.lohn ,.ln'.,. n""5 y" rJ."nny ali .lohnnv TounV ?".iiTo"V " ""a lllcl'y nrltl slrnnr bantam ir.1 will ttulurr Ins Vi" huI "I". AllinitU I'lty fipoftinjr riub rhurida nlfhl Jimmy Papiw. m,, Mnx lllrfRisan In lh e litht-rour ii wlndun The other eljht-rouMi fra-a will bo him I Itio rtmr nnd Willlo Spencer and Pay Wnliare and Tounjr Merino I'rankle Moore openi atalnat Younz Travtri I Lew Trntllrr againtt New York Wet basketball team, is a Y M. V. A. ath- oi7mA.. jrKdSV 'nirt?' Jor'i!ip11,,,i; letic ditector in I'rance and lean. s,Vw,0boy1nFhi,ki,1Vw?ar-Up. ano,hcr ouly recently won the H. O. S. baskcl'1 ball chamnioiishii). Have Kerr. Jatk '. .'" .ri,i'i'J" .v?. .'" ."'iloii l ihe-Jto be, "Phil and the A'a held dress rehearsals for lhe!r UflO debuts n their tiav taken up by diilliiiR. sports rome In Kelly nnd Mnrty Priediuan played niili-e ioy who 'iinered six. reiind ih.toimiiv . IJ..'. ... I... f.. lV'nh ni.1.11. Ii.inn.rai. nl, 1 . ...ul t ullontlm. I'...,.r. 7u,n'ii I ..,. in JlVIIUail'. m. UTCII limiiru mm WJ,s.nfll.tV. -fcMiTS " .. quu.hVVM HIU.W..WI. U4UKU4J4I, 4yr tt ftivn. SVH. w w.v .mmm r v.. ' v" ' llnss, of Giiuiiell College, was yes terday entered in the 1(10 ymtls al the leiay carnival, wlutli tuUes place m i Princeton. I),tmoiith i runty ami isaiuriiuy 01 tins week nt i Pranklin Field. Conch llult wuetl his entry. Mass was a ical tlark horse, for he met die best sprinters of tlie 'est last I Sulurday at Des'Nloines unci won out in 10 1-," mm otitis. Coach HutT has I nlvvnys been successful with spt Intel s,1 ns he developed lloyl. Ihe bolder of the vvorltl's reionl for 'J1!0 yards .iioiind a turn. In Satin day's race Hutler. ol Dubuque, was set oml and Hayes, of Vntie Dame, was ihiitl. All lineo of these men nie entered here, wlieie Ihey will meet the pit k of the easteiii sprinters. The eastern sprinting situation Is veiy much in the daik. Hmvard scorns to have the best men in Moore ami Plow or. Iloth of these men hnve done ten soi onds. Mooie being placed two yeais ago at the intenollegiate eliainpionliips, Lourie; of Princeton ; Davio.s. Pjtts burgh's famous halfback, and Hiinvcll. ' of Syracuse, are also said to be going fast. The result of Saturday's rate will shed light on the situation mid let the I public know what to expect in the suet ceding dual games and iulercol legiale championships, Johnson, of Michigan, is enteioil In this event, but il is not known whether he. will stmt or nol. He favois the hurdles anil may tonipole in thnt event, though he would be the favorite for the sprint if he entered due to bis world's recoid last winter in the fifty yards dash. ' ' Pennsylvania's relay men hail their last haul woikouts yesterday. They I were quite satisfactory. The' one. mile i men looked especially good, ami Pent.- ! fcyivnnm tans can look forwnnf to Davis, Gustafsen', Smith nnd Haymond BivuiB uiviii it great, run tor tirst place.' Penn will be nenr the pole, which is going to he an advantage In such n hard-fought race as the mile promises Boxing Course 3 IHoi. Jlnjor IlItlitle'H Tournament -;i..'o enroll ow flol'l Vlutrlie. I'olis. Iivlnc C'uns ! (In View Sp.ililinsn' Window. i;io Chentnnt PHILA. JACK O'BRIEN'S h. K. Cor. loth & Cbfitnut. -tlb Vloor $15 limn mn other on the piognini. for JMlissncliusoits Instilulc of Tot linology . i Princeton, Dnitnioiith. Coinell, Jlichi jgati. .Missouri nil feel that Iheir tennis jhave a first class chnncc to lantl first 1 place. None of the teams aio quite up to the form of the Pennsvlvniioi ...- II..... Until teams of four years ago. but the, j Cambria A. C. .J. l;.Tson?J?"i ...- nu k"'mi itmi h verv i lose rui e ' iiuim i.v r..is4i., should result Ai'itii. j.-.rn iim; wit siitiw 5 CltACKI.K.IAf K IIOl'l.s (lugilnz BUliooro ! There Is a probability Hints more to opih;-.. th juw will be vvngcred ou .this event ,e v4 '' x -) f , f( A, a . fv -Slii sK .'S-.'cfT J u " '. . IT- ,V !. -S""-H'. miaa6a.A, ,. .. ,,,t " Tn' ii, arkiiitti;iiiiftTii-iii'iiir i i 1 1 rti iffliilMmlfiiiiHW