wiswwv'W imnnHnPNPra 3&&&3uag f.ir aft . bi 5. 1 ' ITVENINa PUBLIC LEDGER rUILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRlU 19, .1919 isj.- tt 4'W.wiim?7 i i "v LC . REAL ESTATE TOR BALE " 1 OAK lANK HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL EBTATE FOR BALE OAK TANK OAK LANK LATHAM PARK ' On Old York Road at Willow Ave. rpi.p Pride of Old York 1 UC Road : : : Most Desirable Location : Two Blocks North of City Line t n,, Ti.ir ! 9ft m?niiii frnm Cltv Hnll bv motor out Broad Street tn Old Ynrlr Tinnrl. on minutes from the Reading Terminal to Oak Lano Station. The 11th and 16th Sts. cars pass entrance. There's a charm about this delightful suburb that impresses every visitor and there's charm that Hcvcr wanes for the resident. It's convenient, yet just off the beaten path. Motor out, sec the desirable locationi that arc still available and homes which arc occupied. ' ' Building Lots at Moderate Prices Le Del Realty Co. 1208 North American Building 3,1 100-Foot Driveway : Springfield Water : Electric Lights : Restric 1 tions to Purchaser's Advantage. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT , HYIiAIj" . COUNTRY SEAT X atone Colonial house, containing 12 rooms baths, hot-water lint electrlo light. S'lngfleld water, own fireplaces: garage atahte, 15 acres, fine old hade, meadow. iruu, uouu per year moiir 10 city hah MORTGAGES MONEY FOR Irt OH 2D MTOnfls rltr or rfiiintry R Taylor Mlddletnn, 703 Walnut. FJRT ind second tnorttragfs placed qulckh ono I. HAiiwiH i-"i "'"' " 4 hour by train er HERKNESS & STETSON H11 LAND Tirt.15 11LDO MAIN LINK HOUSE carat" and 7 acres of ground beautiful location, houso tontatns 't bed rooms, 3 hatha, $2100 per vear A D WAIINOC K 112 S lflth el BV DAVIDS, P For rent fun, email house, convenient to elation $.r, garage t)ennhyi.yania buburtiAN rKNNan.VANiA scnunnAN iMiKWSieaiWBCjasiwKuasaa1 LfeT US BUILD YOU A HOME! . ... . .. ....- . .... .. .-.. .ir. Taii -ren ssieci a Why not build an inaiviauai "tVa i ,i hi go by. It ! f own arrangement of rooms and materials Do notjet tnia go ar. m -it A vitir rt-wen JirrBtiar(rTiiiit ohanCft to own your own home !-, ALL YOU NEED IS THE LOT ii . . ......i TliarM. -nlllff hn An hltrr tl VI ,i r.,fV.'V',,J,,;"i".r"rnmnrVd with the nrlce of other W (E Vi.V nf imiMini materials la very moderate .Act now . . t Let me help mi have art Individual home, bum to sour orner ana - Viiicn you can :.. van " tlm than the pr".eni er staple commoaiiwi LH Call phono or write PAUL L. KAMPER 424 Widener Bldg. LOCUST 1361 0erytxasenszrva , urBrROsF. rARK Handsome Colonial Home tlnlque and orltlnal In evorv '"'"' A J," location. ,aouth. exposure, an Inspection is all mis 18 neceaij T. T; JACKSON CO. Oak Lane, Opposite Station ( HKSTNtT r 13'IH OAK.LANE. Melrose ParkNew Colonial atonedwelllns- first floor, larre 1 v In roJm (flrilolaca) dlnln room fcil,l,."in.Vbla drv: second floor, i rooms, 2 baths (rnarwa Shower): 8d floor, .'rooms, itoreroom. bath, larta lot eJcentloi,l value one snuare from !rrgS. 'sHIFLl'y- ath a nd Tork road, UKLTtOSF N E cor "Stratford and Sprlnj aes.: larre modern suburb-in lesldence. IS rmi 4 baths, lot 1R12Rn. 3 street fronts. tarace. will s'll JlflOn under value VI .SHIKCD' TnrK roai MKltlON NKW .IKIUKY SfTntlRBAN CAMDEN suBunnAN rnopr.uTT If you want to buy a homo In any auburb, aeo RALPH MAIMS, , . 13!2 Park nouleard. Camden N T IIADDONFIKI.D and Mh ave. NEW'MERION HOMES Adjacent to station ,utr.c,i. ."fti?5sr,'iv;fl nvrchU" "" TMf"" n5f01TPhon MerlonV10 -MOVLAV HOSF. VM.I.KV rTRAirtnrUL. HOME near atatlon, every hnme T convenience.- will sacrifice, worth 1-. 000. V? mm gOOKK.1218 Chestnut St. NABHKRTII t vr mr quou' you a 2' storv stone aim ''IT VJ'5" " .e .hi Srlce (J1J'.(1) Is about ...M.CV- .". '- . .. ... ., .. hat ?ou Intended to pa "WM MCCUKA ou will buy It. rdmore Pa, NORWOOD vSitvS'ifin.' 117 PUINTZ AVK slnxla de- ..aierf ,nie rt Inn, hath launnry. n -w. lir lias elen lot 40x12, '.(ii'fk i,o" . 37nn J3B0O HADDONF1KLD, N. J $3100 25 KstauKh at Detached modern home Open for Inspection Saturday afternoon, 3 to 5 t JIARUT JOHNSON 1420 Chestnut at. SEAL ESTATE FOR RENT RKVrw, LISTS ,T''K I'RNNSrt.AVIA roMPANr For Iniurlni... .. ii.. j .vz '.',, x. 114 a oo5,V Ji'Siif " n'"h Phones J? .SSl1,",' 'J5! 00 212 S 22d f7r JltlO 00 ?ni Lvd,!,,r JJ.5 51 2l,-'n '. l"r 1J100 ' -r " "" nic iur. nin ,ji mispine, lir KJ1 llace. lor. .24 N.Fr't.llr iiuoo 134S pine 14r 4 on 2117 Pine Ur m lis Laur, Mr, 108 4 ft 14 3 UO QTnnnn . -...1 ' i os. v ... vf". I'wiai.I.INaH Sii G" Sj" '."r,V.'.' ,u "l8 4th 12r 40 00 i'?wrw. ?.5" m-'N 2d iur. 40 00 ''V J. W Br IS 00 !11J ltldRe. lir "7 Oil 1201-08 a 2d.5r I8.00I 201 Wh'ton Sr. ii 00 CITT -- new jnifstrY snsnotiP! m. tim in E.XCEniOVAI.LY oll furn 1 ool 4r and hath porch apt . refined part t hel.ea for adults, ref required, ant II, N I v So. ereltn ae Hell ph 2472W Atlantl-Tlt lUMIHOOl) roll HLNT rum cottnees and opts offlre closed on undav except by appointment. BEECIIFn-IfAY nRALTT cO. Wlldwood, N J MONEY TO LOAN BENEFICIAL LOANS vvr! I.TIND MOVRY to persons of rood character and steady employment! no ban. Me oollateral accurlty required or real estate euarantor Insisted upon; no pawns, loans -"' and up, repayable In 10 monthly nstallments or as desired, leital charcsa only based on unpaid balancea for actual time due Society financed and directed by local business and professional men; can dueled In a aplrlt of aervlce and not solely to msko money ery fair and helpful, orompt. confidential and courteous deallnas. new borrowers welcomed, houra 0 to 6 30 Saturdays, 8 to 1 Call, write or phone BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY L1CFNSKD MUNKY'LENDBRS wawtut Liberty Building .nth n 'k con nnOAD vd chpstnut sts jiom Hobson Builnin s'fni si3 nnnMVNTOwv avr Llcenied by State Commissioner of nanrflat Iember Chamber of Commerce Member Ioard of Trade Member Leral Reform Rurean to Eliminate the Loan Shark Erll FOR RENT FURNISHED FOR RENT Ileaullful new porch front 12. room twin house, furnished to vounr rouplo of refinement May 13 to September 15 tlOO pr month Phone IVvomlnir 1317 W NF.W JERSr.Y SF. SIIORK 1SI,NI) IIF.lf.IITS FURMHIII.D HOIISB to let seashore 7 , room house with bath near water and ata YOU ( AN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS WD TEWEI.RY JJ-i AND 1 I J PIJU t'liNr J71 AND IP 1'4 PER CBN1 ,-u"ANUlV,..Wns,'hncES'T JJS MARKET ST HI DOE AVE AND OKTORD ST 2JD AND SOUTH STS Hon. Oak Heights. V Ocean Ajers ae , Island 1 VKNTNOR IOn RENT FL'RNISTlED Queen Anne houae, IS rooms and 3 aerantV rooms 5 baths 1 lanton. tennis court Rarac, Princeton ave and beaenrront. summer sea son .Tumi 1 to October 1, J5000 Address M 618. Ledirer Office. NEED MONEY? We will loan money on salary or furnltars to reliable people. No honest employe rt fuaed Courteous treatment to all. Dn DRAKF 201 wood ni,Da . u. uinrL. 400 chestnut st. DUPLEX APARTMENT. rooms and 3 baths hlahl dealrahlc summer home S1ILRWOOD. 225 H Ilroad st AIMNK READY MONEY- United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROD J to Market sr 2548 Oermantown ave. GRINDSTONE NECK Summer Cottage 16 Rooms T.nffe lawn sun parlor etc FOR PARTICULARS APPLY 1(1 FIDELITY TRUST 10 325 CHESTNUT S. ni!LDEI I'UI I Mone loaned on lewelry automobiles bonds Koods of anj Mnd Todol HOi N 2d REAL ESTATE FOR SALE oumr.i.D. p. '4iJ.SP,r,.V.CB ST7 "rick dwelllnr, 11 rooms xi? ,'Vba.lh . Apply Philadelphia Trust to 415 Chestnut st 12k..1 22D.ST. Drl-k l'lllnicn rooms 2! 41? il-.. Ar"w 'o Philadelphia Trust Co 732 WALLACE Rent .-, s rooms t bath all convnlencea Patterson rjJTAalnit. FOR RENT 10 room houre furnished or unfurnished Louis rireon r,2l) S 11th FUllNISIIEDir rooms upper ipirtmnts for summer Phone chestnut mil 2H Fai lories. Manufacturing Flsnra NEWJI.'rtHKY SF.snORK I OCK.N OATE ATTRACTIVELY furnished 6-room stucco bungalow among the pines, near beach, very reasonable, villi accept bond 208 N 80th at OCEAN CITY' 13250 EASY TERMS New 7-room bungalow with Rarage. all con veniences: on the Gardens Tract near ata tlon and trollev, verv attractive, 11 D LE CATO Audubon. N I PENNSYLVANIA FRMS U2rji" nearlv new: ( ill day or evening I PLNFirxn.. knBMi HED. nil conveniences near "atton. ...., l.ath and luindiy arae. lot, l, sino JV1M.1 VM J, OTT R.rgali'JL RT1 T, Pa rk Large Stone Colonial House. Garage and 6' Acres -t Wr MW from PhlUdelnhU City Mall rsln or m..tor: high elevation old de: .r olf club- house contains first noor. I H?ID room llbrarv lavatory pantrr. t trlien and laundry . .second floor, 5 b?- tritna atd 3 Jiaths IMrd floor. bedrooms and 2 baths hot.water heat lMtrlc light .;o.erou' op-n rflreoaLes hardwood floors. rsrss- 3 (ars and !! bedrooms and bath: iro'nds er-al tractive itennli court trucK ran etc run r. u." HERKNESS & STETSON land title building ''" "south ardmore 'Tllfflniost "delightfully appointed bungalow In Delaware countv, extra-large mini room with fireplace. 3 bed chambers til; hath with shower. Millard room, hardwood floors, modern throughout, every convenience; near ohurchea high school stores and sta tion BoTilhern exroaflre. If Interested apply ""ckvYaf',B5vi',-r office at station THnEE STORY modem home iorni gas , and el?ctrlc. hot-water heal - hedrooms. pear churches, high school station and stores . .f- minuirs n. .""". ;;";.-- 7500 Wm nsvis office at station TIIftEK-STORY detached twin brick house a and electric hot-wMer hea fireplace near v?rthlnS lot SBxSj! : '",. " SI'RIMlFICI.n MANOR e '.COUNTRY HOME Large 7-room house with 2 acres, among the trees, with orchard, at Sprlngfleld Manor fins view. 3 blocks from trolley and 30 minutes from Broad at i J7000 liberal terms WALLACE & Z0LLERS H0S Otis nidjr Spruce 337 HUARTHMWU. SWART1IMORK UP-TO DAT E HOMES 12-rooin hou-e R acrea, sp-vcious lawn. ahnibhew 'nd fruit trees Inrire stahle i and rarage; si'Hnghouse 2 (ows und RO chickens. J250 UV0 bays the entirety 12 rootns i.1 acres shad arul frull trees )irtiti garage, price 112 000 ' Acre around very prettv 12 room house. I ataeils very high natural acenery, nu mm lrTift'lren, garage, price, J10 000 Ml J bnuaes nr steam Ifated, Immediate Ptssisslon anv fair offer will be considered "n can be arranged, to suit FMPlRn TnUST CO . 44tlt and I.ancaatcr. AN IDEAL FARM IN AN IDEs-L SPOT THE I OCATION Near Trenton N. T, near boating and swimming besch ofMhe Delawarn River. 10 minutes' ride from Tren ton Junction orr the Philadelphia and Read ing Hallway stop for Tost trains. 20 mln utes by trolley or auto from Trenton: s fast train slop on rne Pennsylvania Railroad THE QROUNDS SO acres with wonder ful natural advantages, .ocated in beautiful spot, with creek running through the front portion ord rolling countn in rear fine meadows for stock THE HOUSE Double stone building 3 bedrooms on third floor 7 bedrooms and T bathrooms on second floor, and 2 Kitchens 2 living rooms. 2 dining rooms on ground floor, electric light, gas, hot-water heat, hot ami cold water In all bedrooms from fine artesian well 310 feet deep also gardener s house, etc. CAN nB AR- FLOORS Larse Small COHOCKSINK MILLS I nSrTFillANDD- r EI.LCTRIC POWER Lnrge and smsll floors 1732 Randolph WILL ERECT BIIILDINO 30 000 to 300 000 I..IL tt.lJir.r,.".uonlw tensnt on lone lease. DlETr.RICIf 737 Walnut, T,?sao AN,D I'mjPIIIl STS -One story. 0 KENNKD,J!,,l,!io'l ,cne";,nVurrP"- ,r"Ck"e' MORTGAGES Lowest Rate Funds SPF.CIs.1. TRUST FUNDS IX) n OOOD FIRST MORTOVOFS HORACE II. FRITZ. 713 WALNUT Mr STOP PAYING RENT 150 I10OO NOTE ON MORTOAOB Immediate settlements Unsettled estate loans building association funds DEMPSEY k CO.. 57 S 18th St. vtKKKi HHrsBnrnrSBlDiHR , fjfl) MllMMl'.'MKsgMlWglfI.V I MORTGAOE MOVEY In any amount, private funds or bulldlno: association: also second building nssoclatlon mortgages with no prs. mlum and no hack atock. CHARLES W UILLER 401-407 commonwealth nidr LOANS. REAL ESTATE AND ESTATB DELANT. M S Droad (West End Bldg ) ' 1ST ANF1 "D MOIITOAOES 1 rloa nM INTERESTS IN ESTATES JOHN A. BARRY. 507 LAND TITLE BI.DO l3sSa7m--Ii t$m si isewBWsHHgHBgHgH Carrying Charge, $15.33 a Month liarages OARAGE, new with modern equipment: will n.'IId ? Ji. ''' p- 0 month. i-i .11 tmi ureene at. oermantown 18 CROSKEY ST (22d and Race 1200 an c,'...".V.","r' ' ter montn RCHAEFER, 1104 Spring Garden st OFFICKS WTJWINES-t ROOMS, KTO. THOMSON BUILDINO 1118 20 Chestnut at Offices single or en suite Fireproof building: reasonable rent MEARS St RROWN 202 S nth st WALNUT. 2108 Attractive nrst floor 1 large rooms and lavatory suitable for phy sician, all modern surroundings, service ALL AMOUNTS IS I' AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer MAURICE H MATSINOER R .EJlYJHIdr IN THE MARKET for several goo 1 first mortgages large or ainall amounts ('HAS I. BROWN & CO 217 S Broad st MOO 0IIO TO INVEST In mortgages in sums to suit O C. &KIDLL & CO . 4lh and Callowhlll sts REAL ESTATE TOR SALE 1 He in hou. 1 ke this for total monthli cost of Sir n Surrounded by beautiful sh.de largo hits, plenlv of room for garage an 1 panlen The location Is very high and drv at (l.kland Park Right on trolley to ( heslt r from Darbv 5c fare to Chester 5o faic to Darby and Westlnghous and Hog ..nd within walking distance of the Raid win Locomotive Works at Eddjstone, fldtools churches Springfield water, gas, elertrlcltv We build to suit on easy terms 1 mm 1h I la ,1 Inhla t a I. a Kllti.av f n 11 to Darby, at Darby tako No 78 for Chester and get off at Oakland Park OfTlce. A C I1REDO 1221 rch St. Bell Ph. Loc 3814 NKW .1KRSKV SLIHTRB1N Nhw .iKRsni Hummnw MLHCIIXNTVII.I.i: mi:r( iixmvili.k SATISFACfORY TERMS . ,NOPD Apply or write to WILL'IAM VERNOV HI'S Stephen Glrard Bulldlntr, Philadelphia Pa MAIN LINE FARM ino acr? farm for n&t -Iur -re fflrmhoui ni stont barn, tennnt hous fi -oomi Fine Site for Country Home Farmhouse, barn and tenant houne could be used, as they are for farmer and workmen HERMAN WENDELL lYATNB PA. WEST rillLMlKLPHIA 237 S 52D ST Second floor opsrtments 4 rooms an1 bath vrv attractive heat and hot water furnished' immedlste posses Sinn i-nt JOO WILLIAM T DICKSON & CO .'81 s r 'd st ' '.t-KMAMOWN ' 7231 OGONT. VF nea r Washington lane New beautiful l.urne for rent: lot SJ-210 with all auburh.ii attis. tlons co.italnlrr the very latest Improvements hardwood floors electric HsMs l.aHiment Isundry ille butl rooms built-in tubs with shower Phone Oak La 401 Chas A Mahon 2117 E Chelten av sinuniiN Newtown Square 128 Acres Large stone Colonial hous 12 rooms and 4 baths, all conveniences surtounded by fine old shade, garage: farm barn, 2 tenant housca, large stream, meadows, apple orch ard woods, surrounded by fine estates, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG COUNTRY HOME Six master's bedrooms 3 baths 1', mt'es fiom center of cltv An swer C 201 1 edger Office rKNssw.s m siimmnvv STONE COLONIAL HOUSE with all mo trn n hilltop ImDrotementa cnrnmandlne fine acrei. Mew: I frarace. 12 rooms. J bath, hair hour train or motor ride from ttty Hall, $100 per month HERKNESS & STETSON 1811 T.M) Tirr.E; iildq HERE: H a flni atock farm and gentleman' country aeat, atone) mansion. 18 room bath hot-air heat: !anrn atock bnrn for 100 cows, separat horse barn for 8 horned; a tenant houftca, other outbulldlnca; thla Is a fln location: rlcht at atatlon. would ault a. jcentlman with taat, a aanltarlum or home; rarrinre price If sold at once; posaesslcn with defd I1CNJ. I. T.HVIS. 21 South ae . Media. Ta. THIS li a farmer! opportunity to buy a fine farm; never been rented: aton. inan ition 18 rooms hotwater heat bath, ran; bulldlna-a situated on hlprh knoll command in wide view; larg:- stock barn for 8 horse and .10 cons; 133 acres of (rood land; this farm cannot bo beat for fertility, price right and Immediate possfas!on. BHNJ T l,rcvlS 1M ftouth nv, . Media Ta, KIN13 old farmhous. 10 rooms, hot-water heat bath, hardwood finish; barn and ten ant house. 2i bctth cf land, with abundance of shade and fruit, flno situation; prlco very low rlsrht at station, on Rood road T1ENJ. T T.KV18, 21 South ae , Mod la. Ta 4 jt mi.itnv orovk , TJ1 sl.i: Un uf the moist Htti active - -. Vn-U . ,H V Tnnf ll.nv.i in. i ..-. JWi't'is I' rooms and 2 baths hUsp i irvA ' all modern ionvenleni.es. ga- 1 n- W 1W "'a "hade, this Pioprriv N I A tl Ii. ! ' "'f Ceat reitlutis of Willow iJr.i.Y An vtviMtfng mmedlntely, must le li-'i -. t iiOlcH If you desire lu buy Yolk I pudwrty Ii 1-w -Wlllof , -i- ? WRUIl MURPHY. Urov e. net! pnone ius WNCOTE Pretty' Country Scal2 Acres IVIruJal.lv'lisf, bedrnoma Run 4 uiins, ea iellent d8'i open fireplaces- modern Ini; S. emeus, garage for 3 caa, fine old ahsd tennis court truci. Karuen, ntgn ri- Ivtitlotl " rn"!!! lo iruii. mmu ,..,,,w v .., ' . . u nnn II tip ' " HERKNESS & STETSON IJVND TITLE HI.Dtl ;$850,U Single All-Stone House l-lrt flna cnndltlont all modern conveniences! Illl WDOawnrn lliruuinuui, rnmiiwuu .,..-. i Ijirve ioi -nu saruae. hhhuii.w . HERKNESS & S1L1SUN ' . LAND TITLE nLDO " nt.W jBnsF.i si'iniTnnix YVIHTB a6d COLORED BUYERS, sk your . friends about our n acre farm landa at I NEWKiNVILLKi CENTRE PARK, near IMAMMONTON, N, l. (50 per acre and up) Co tuts SIV .111 and up EASY TERMS uUU urnfiviull i ruii BfliiMJioi, I IIAIIISIll, USIlll, IVM ... IIS . hlladelphla ' LJPPJNCOTT- I3TH AND IIOM2 HAP1 REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT LARGE LOT, 10x843242 Oermantown ave . with very larTe lot In rear containing 10. (100 art ft suitable for florist Or Junk dealer Owner. 301 Tabor road f IIISSTNU'T' HILL Very Desirable Residences n for Sale and for Rent FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL. PHILA Ball telephone. Chestnut Hill 1347. I LARGE Colonlsl house, cltv convs n.sr Media beautiful lawn & old ahade "t mln I walk from train and trolley A W Shield" nd". "Ithersponn Rile NINE-ROOM houe on Pa actes of ground, Just outside borougn limns oi uo lesiown. Rucks countv Pa furnished or unfurnished, all convenience ddress Mrs F Cabeen, Doylestoivn Pa or phono 334, Doylestown 5:fl ILLCREST The California of Camden Countu Illustrated circular describes tht most liberal offer in Real BrUUe. Semi fm t today A HIGH SPOT, close to the Delawrre, the coolest spot In the stilling summer time TROLLEYS. I fare, IK mlu tu fprilos Trenton Hlfh Speed-Wwrtfletit Peneauken lines pass through lllllrrest. Amazing Results Secured in 30 Months A 81TB now retnalus for your "Dream Cottage," ererr Improrement and convenience available in this truly remarkable bCNOALO-TOWN. BUNOALOS are freijuenUy bungled Moderate Price Harmony Variety of Deslifo Artistic Jterlt Individuality Oonrenleaca are the corner-Btonea of HILLCRnST. , CHOOSE TOOK SITE TODAY. THBN BUILD T0TJK HOUR ANOTHKR . BUNOArAJ-TOWN SKHVICB Inclndes free plan talk, an nninraal bnUdlug arrangement, and when yon wish It, a skilled construction organist tlon. RAMEI AMDEiM. Officer: CBmden- -34th & Federal Front & Penn Merchnntville 106 E. Church Bell 25-57 J Bell 1940 J Bell 3-82 A LAND-MARK SINCE 1875 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . s rKNNH I.VANI SlinilRRAN lT.NNSll.VM SI'nilRllAN I I".SNSM. M St III RBW R. E. SALE OR EXCHANQE msn ISLAND NEAR New York city Gentleman's home. 10 rooms 2 baths; modern and beauti ful. DEXTER. 180 N 2Qth REAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT. WAREHOUSE. 25 000 to 40 030 a. ft., on 3 or 4 floors, with or without railroad aiding A. J, HAYES. 870 N, 10th at. Wn HAVE BUYERS for modem homes near York road and Erie ave KIFT & UATCHELER. 1144 Erie. Tioga 4810. WE PAY CAHII for any real estate and nake uuhk settlements: agens protected MHUREVlrZ. Hll N (llh " " i ' I HAVE several colored clients that would buy modern houses In .'loth Ward What nave you to orterT tluimN, 022 a 20th, WAN TED Modern home north of Lehigh live, west of 2.'d, ptule particulars, 1 018, Leder Oftlry, HAVE buvcrs for modern homes In thU aec tlon. C'h.rlea 11. Heeae. 20th ard Cambria. WEST PHILADELPHIA WANTED TO BUY. FROM OWNER ONLY. 0 to 8 room house, weat of 4Sth and noutti of Market; agents need not reply. Box 6340. Upper Darby P O HtinURlLW aLENSTDE What have you to offer In small house. 13300 to S4000? it 320, lTirumw, 3 FINE CORNERS . nkw j.:nr;v t;MiiortK PON HEIUHTH W V . . ' '.'J.Z. 77TZL, T , .an ii .-- - . ' . lPla.li 1.IJ I 1 y,r COLLlNOaWOOD fFuMMHED cotto.,i.P, at.rtmetitsTlp-r $30?000 $37,SOO $40,000 BUILT AT PRE-WAR PRICED EXTRAORDINARY VALUE MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N. E. COR. BROAD & CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FdR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HI'BINOFIKLD j SI'ItlMiril'.I.D SPRING FIELD INTERESTING MESSAGE No. 2 FROM WINMLl THE LEADIMG SUBUE1 On Media Short Line, 12 minutes, Terminal of Market Street L. 6 cents, from 69th Street Under normal pre-war conditions, Philadelphia's population in creased about 30,000 each year. During the six-year pre-war period the number of dwellings constructed within the City yearly averaged 7,221. During the war the construction and enlargement of shipyards (including the Philadelphia Navy Yard) and the construction and en largement of numerous plants, stores and other facilities,, brought about a vast abnormal increase in the City's population, and few dwellings were -built. Over 15,000 additional dwellings are now re quired -for the accommodation of the City's present population. There are not enough homes in course of construction to meet a small fraction of the pre-war yearly requirements, because operative builders arc awaiting an early and radical decline in the cost of labor and materials, which will not occur, or are unable to finance the cost of projected operations; hence the shortage of dwellings is increasing daily. Landlords are already taking advantage of their opportunity by selling their properties at unprecedented prices to those who are forced to buy them regardless of cost in order to secure a home, and many tenants are being evicted every day. The abnormal demand for dwellings will be increased by thousands of individuals who will be engaged in connection with the construction of municipal works costing over $100,000,000, and great railroad yards and terminals, already authorized, and in handling the vast increase in shipping which is bound to utilize Philadelphia as a terminal; also by returning soldiers, whose families have in many in stances doubled up during their absence, and by the abnormal number of marriages which will take place on the soldiers' return. These facts clearly demonstrate that Philadelphia is confronted with a most serious housing problem, which is an increasing menace to tenants who occupy their homes on short-term leases, and which affords an unusual opportunity to those who own their own homes and wish to re-locate. The prudent tenant who cannot protect himself by quickly se curing an extension of a short-term lease, can do so by purchasing a building site and building a home, which can be made ready for occu pancy within four months. The individual ownei who wishes to re-locate can purchase hi3 building site, build a new home and be ready to sell the old one at an advantageous figure within four months. At Springfield the present excessive cost of building a single house in the usual way can be largely off-set by having each house built along with others by the same reliable contractor, who, in build ing many houses at the same time, can work on a smaller margin of profit, purchase materials at wholesale prices and pro-rate his over head expense and cost of supervision. Many attractive plans have been prepared and arj ready for use. Springfield is located within 30 minutes of the City Mall by rapid transit, with 1 1 cent fare to all points in the business district, through Market Strce1: to the Delaware River. This suburb has been developed with beautiful landscaping, stone roads and cement sidewalks. The improvements are made, not promised. 24 beautiful homes, costing from $6,000 to $20,000 each are already occupied by their owners. 15 more will be built this Spring. 7 will be for sale. The building sites range generally from 60 feet to 200 feet in front by about 160 feet in depth, and are generally priced at from $700 to $3,000 each, according to size and location. They were improved before the war and are for sale at pre-war prices. They may be pur chased on the partial payment plan if desired. Thus, the acceptable individual who desires to build a home costing from $6,000 upward, may secure the site for it where subur ban life is at its best, and where children may be safely brought up and educated in a delightful community, with every opportunity for healthful development and out-door sports. The Springfield Real Estate Company will, at time of purchase, arrange to finance a part of the cost of promptly constructing a home. 49 building sites have been sold thus far this season. Some of the most attractive are still available to acceptable purchasers who wish to build their homes at Springfield either now or later. A prompt visit to Springfield will be interesting. The best automobile route is via Baltimore Avenue through Lansdowne to Clifton Heights; there turn right on Springfield Road to Springfield Station. Attractive high speed enrs leave 69th Street Terminal 2 and 32 minutes after the hour, with more frequent service during rush hours. THE SPRINGFIELD REAL ESTATE COMPANY ;. A. Merritt Taylor, President 610 Commercial Trust Bldg:, 15th and Market Sts., Phila. ' TlrH rhone fprnce 3183, Kej stone Race SOS 1 Local Office at Springfield Open from 3 until S every day. Ball Phone, Swarlhmora lis . p. n: v! $ i 'i. " n m m "., s tM-c-H 1 K m r A.' m r ' '.AM , A M .a ?i 'A. i . -1. . tf ' if jl. At jl:. . At. - lMt &&i'.;fryE