' 1 A" : r 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-- PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY,. APEIL lp, , 1919 K tWOODWAtiD GOES LIMIT TO GET IDEA OF HITLESS GAME ACROSS ON CONNIE MACK'S ATHLETICS i d &'?. 1 WOODWARD'S HITLESS ! THE SUPREME SACRIFICE ALEX, TYLER, VAUGHN EXPECTED TO CLINCH 55 GAMES THIS YEAR On Past Performances This Same Tno Is Capable of Turning in 71 Wins, and With Little Help From Douglas and Hcndrix Cubs Should Sail to Pennant H . - i I PARADE GIVES GAME TO A'S BY BIG MARGIN kLl Youthful Hurler Has Private Procession' While Search ing for the Home Plate Home Clubs Are Now 4 I WE MUST CUT DOUJ0 j TTlL Do) ' AMD SO HE MAK6S-. Tofttters. I PI6HT PLACE -To BEC.M AMD J -X ReS.GMAT.OM TntCeJO WP.- &T ) x iff 1 Ei M1 Mzpm m . &m Mm. Tied in Series Play at Shihc Park Today r . '"' l.v liOIII'.ItT V. AIAXWKU. tMirlt FiMlnr Kteiitna. rtil, l.nlscr Cofui lalit. 1111. I'U PhIJic I.eilarr I'a. WHKX Frank Maniwell Woodward. tin1 .Miutlidil, naming, ambitious otirver of the ("oohibs lirigmii. tiioil to pitrh n tin-hit Imi'lmll giinn' at the bull park jeMenlay Hip tnci'tnton intigrnttilatcd I hfiiiflt tluil the rim l lind been tinned "no hour ahead, which insured itj niiuiiti'v of 11 it'Ii I !iim I daylight. Wootly lind made up lii mind tlint no one xwi going to hit tlmt ball, and wont flip limit to get bis iilpii (icinw, TliPt'p ate several xxaji of iitihiug n no-bit game line 1 t baffle the ivpiio-tition xvith iln..ling sppnl nml timet and have pcrfft t snppoit tnim the eight other members. o Hip tPiun. Tlmt i" ni fouling to Ilnile lint Wimdt "evidently iipvpi' lin i i'ii 1 1 tlmt bunk, lip bml n ilitTcit'iit nii'tlioil of holding the enemy bitlpss, ami (jot l beaiiJifulW on tin- liisl foin h.iltct. tlmt f.iiril liim. Woody hurled Hip ball in kih h n mniiupr tbnt il n imHiihlf to Inl it. Tbe opposing hnlMin'ii rould haw- left tlo'ii huts on the li.it link, for there was no I'lianip to minerl with any of thp Muster-. Wnodx tlnpv thi'in high and lnx oiips , iiiniiIm anil fat'. KAU on thp outside; all of whhh ei e nllowrd to whi.. hatnile-sh In. Tbpu the parade stint eft I'.ohhv Until was handed a tnkel ami fooli-lilt stolp second, bemuse Ituins also ieeeh"d a pass. Mute toolih tntl a- per petrated wIipii Itobbx anil (iemge executed a double steal. Thci -Ik i i Ii I lime wniteiL bei ause Woody passed Witt and tlon would liae mined amwat. Willi every inrh "f the sinks ounpied bv the little inline, 'rhonia steppid up. I'toilil of baffling Hip hrt tno of sluggeis. Wuoih ileiided to keep up In good xxotk He was detei miiiPil that Tlioina would not get a Inl- and lie didn't. ItiMead. he nieepteil loin wide ones, tiotteil to lnt and Uoth eased lionipwnrd iimler wraps. The no hit kiiiiip was looking better exerx minute. Wooily giew uiipIps niter that anil when Hiigaii iippeateil a ball aei i llpntally drifted oer the plate .loe did nothing bill oak the sphere into the far corner of left field for txxti hags, st-oiiug a pair ahead of liim. The l'liil pegger was iratp because hi afternoon had been spoiled and fanned the next two batter. Shannon, huucxfi. wh.it.ktd another two h.iggci, wbiili tiniiiti'il two more runs, and the next man tPtired tiiiiiitiuimisly on time pctfcttlx good strikes. 1J70OM iimdc fl ipihm fti that tmtin ' fit e t it ni on (iioii'hiihI u hiffnt fhtf K mule 't ipim nt thiil leaiary. He mitnl font. allmrl Fie titni ' tun mi unit iihifful tltire Imttri. Ilr itnntvil to tttv the Athlrliei lnj milKinfl them ninuml the Imsri nml lime (hem xlifl and me fm tmlny'i iiittm. II nwly ;n n eifithum uhen hi Itinileil thp Itvitu iilttte. Opposing Teams Play at Shibe Pari; Today f()W Ilie series i i- en Stephen, ami the home tiaimi mut piny the soulliPin trainers tin afternoon to tind out whirh sjtem is the wmst Harry Siebold and Ins loiindhouse mrve stood thel'hils on their p.iis nnil gave lliein eerj form of pxenie t xi ppt lillinuig base and eoi ing inns. p fact, the l'liil haien't poipi1 yet o far as jpstPrdaj's game is lomeined, Harry twisted them all nier the place anil should linxe twirled a li!tles en- counter. In the xetond tiltl man Witt n.mowlj escaped being hit on the head when Iip misjudged t'adj's high fij , whhh dropped safe fot a double, and 111 the littb Kopp idajed l'enree's drie like a blacksmith ami allowed il to bound oft the tips of his fingers for another double. Harry hould speak harshly to lits outfieldiM .ling .Iolition winked the lasi four innings ami allowed six hits, but p"1 nothing serious happened. As soon as an alien iippeateil on the paths .ling 15 1 ligbteno! up like the piohihition South and the stuff wa off. The A's had a t . ... Ilie iitdiing yetentay unit won tne game. i ne inn iiiuti t nave it, o they lost. doe He.ehgpr workpd ftiiily good for fie innings, but was getting into trouble when Woodward was en lied to put on his piiwtle pniade. The A's Miaked the ball with ?est and leroi, deuionstrating they had an off day nu Tbnr.tlay Koth. Ituriis ami Witt en me thinugli with two hits eai b ami the others obliged when bingles wpip npiesary. Doug liaird and I.uiIpius did ilie l)Pt swatting for thp I'hils, but their bits wpip wasted. Iliilit'inft was lobbed of a tloublp in the thiid when Witt raced oei to left renter And drugged (low n his lengthy liner. Thai was the bel play of the day that nml Woody 's procesion. Woody, howexer, need not woiry aboul his showing yesterday He is a good pitcher and will be a valuable mail for his team this year. Ytslerday he was too anxious. TPOM I the incite ahtfti to Sltibe I'ntlcjind their tiouW he innie an i e-iaekuiq hmrhnll. foiime ha been wvniq Kxnney fui ninuiul iliity nml Coomht i' lihely to me I'liihin'l nml I'i eudeigait. Likely That JP illard Is Financing Boul npHK story that .less Willatd is financing the chainpionsbip bout betpen himself and .lack Penipspy seems logical when one dopes out the happen ings of the last two months. 1'irst came thp upws that Willard had ionenteti to box for SIOO.IIIKI and Tex Itickard had the signed aiticles. Then tempey spilled ink nu Hip pa pels and everything was a I ranged except the place, length of bout and the naming of a referee After that theie lias been a ianit of news. Jlickaid has been tiael ing in the West, paying lots of nttention to bis oil property, but saying nothing about the big fuss. He is supposed to tell the world wheie it will be held on May 4 and insists that nothing will be given out until tlyit time. In the meantime, Willaid is training at his home in I.awtencp, Kan., nml Is nnnoying no one. Dempspy is on a theatrical tour making lots of money, ml neither lighter appaientlv is woiryitig over the details of the niati h. All of which means they have an idea of wheie it is to be staged, the number of rounds and know how ninth tiaining it will take to get into londitiou. The chanees arc the battle will be staged in the West, unless long tlitniice bouts are allow ed in New York. r'or a long tiuip wip lyrxons have hinted that Willatd was thp main BU.v behind the mateb, because of hi connection with bis circus and his Inow ledge of the show biisiiipss. Thpy pointed out that the champion i too Kooil u business man to pass up an oppoituuity to make a load of money und appointed IJiekaitl his agent at a certain pei rentage.' We don't know whether this is true or not, but. as was said before, it sounds logical. Down in .Jacksonville a couple of weeks ago we met otie of the men who Xxorketl for Willaid befoie the films was sold. He told us be was on Ins way in join .less and woik for him until after the big Jight. He said many of lhe old employes had been asked to get back mi the job for the big fus on 3 illy -I. tfa IF Xtfl I4I4AHI) i' tiaining hmii unit M iii to he in heltei xlmie thnn ' irhtn he Imtrrii ieii Johnion in llnrann. He iieinhi .!'! iwioiih nml tvifcs to tip the henni nt 2,1 it-Am he Jmei Demiiei. Ross Has Formidable String BIMiY KKI.I.Y will face the harrier again this afternoon in delphia Handicap at Havre tie (trace. Motor Cop, his stable i Isn't Gratitude in New Dictionaries b Kolwell, working under a xartime contract I r IWICS To BE IMTeRfS'tD -ASS?"" ' . DAY, VlRCC-f-& . 5UWDAV-W6 UAPPlEP Hl-ABr PRtF.n L Yes, They Do Play Golf FOR RACE WITH YALE Varsity and Junior Crews Switch Boats on Eve, of Clash on Housatonic at Cobbs Creek Sunday In Fact, They Hare Been Doing It Ever Since the Course Opened for Play Nearly Three Years Ago BIG RACE STARTS AT SIX' jVI,:ln T,lr"r "'T - ' the pxi hange of Seating and Statistics of Pcnn-Yalc Regatta pi:n itsiT-v llelelii U Min!,- r II Thoii.a . BIO 1S1 12 I 7 l i' il -...n . "ill ... il H i' U lul.i il nl 17j r. t v i:nnn ... ti on i'i.' 'jo i it. tniiii.H r. it in 'jt i--i' f i:uii-ii ii in i7i jn J 11 Knller r. II 171 Jl iltun W -t Ames Sit H'.S 1J I t'nxsnaln t It l t 1-n .1 111 luj Is I HIK Hfn V 1 suok it V so.Wdm r. on ir.a ej 7--W Ieui .". 111 1SII SI it p xum 1 1 n iii lti'i .':t r tl Hieuii'll Ir il ot Is-, i-i I v r i' Kiilnu tl (in 17H lli I I. tl i1.iin r. in 171 Jl - I I srlilFirelln tl III 171 21 How i r.niii r. io l".-. jj i'nA.iiu-ii ii it.di.Mi .-.on iir. Hi lty PKTER I'l'TTKK ' been inteiested in it when I was a boy ami that was some comment mer Sun- . fp' J cars ago. and even tlipn we could !.! ..ii i . :. :.. tl .: ..t day spoil in rairnioiiul l'ark. It has,"-" "" """"'" " -i'...i -- 1 limns eqry Monday niorning. Hun one ainuiiig iiIp. and now that Hip cat ,hpiU nf ()IlPr!) RO ..anoping on thp i out of thp bag tbt'ie is no fiiither ipa- Sclmylkill and the Wissahiekon and son for not saving that there is Sunday thousands of pit-asm p-speking automo- golf in t'obhs Cieek. When thp course bilits use Dip l'aik toads, was built I agiped to sav not a word n..t ii i. o..i. 'ri.,.A 1 ,. i.:i t . il lie lime xwitteii a stole or niiiie stories1 about thp new uiiinicipal links this is the tiist time I lime ever said that Sun day golf is permitted there. Yes. 'Met I'l.iy' .Siinila.v(;olf I llkullt (J II mill f ni.lf lliiiin ''iii iiiiiiuii I ni'ii I il' I t i film il niir -.. a.t t. t i hi iiiprp is no quifiPi iiinro in hip city nf Philadelphia than Cobbs OppU on a JIaj Sinning . You could go out tliore and jou would Ip surprised to learn .1.... .i nti ,!!. i nun im.ir limn ., goners were piuy - . H,.,....,,. lms .....i. ... cellent im- nig. Hut if you took the tiouble to sit ...,, i1P1.P. n ,, i,.incetnn. A Thp amusing side of this nigiiuient . ilonn nl one ot the Ipps and watch the ,. lose race is expected. The fresh pto and con oer Siintlny spoils in I'air- scores come up. tee their balls and go men race wilt 'stmt about 4 aud mount Talk is that for nearly thieeioii their ay quietly you would get the varsity twenty minutes later. Both year liunilieds of inen and woniPii, hois 1 stune idea of the popularity of the game Navy trews have something on their ami gii Is bine been playing golf theie ou the Sabbath On one Sunday two years ago the suipriinji number of 471! I think that is the number played oer our miiniiipal courp. The average IN THE SrOKTtlOHT 1V Git ANT LAND I(!E (I'opjrleht. tniO. all. rights reserved) No. 3 Chicago's Entries Exhibit A The Cubs AVKTKUAN baseball observer offered Jlils sage observation a few days ago: "Any ball club that has three pitchers who can turn in fifty-live victories has a big jump toward the pennant. Ninety victories In a 140-game schedule will almost surely xin. If three pitchers can turn In fifty-five vicloilps. it is no great trouble in getting three or four others who can turn in the remain- i ing thirty-five needed to get there. ! With Alexander, Vaughn and Tyler the Cubs cprtuinly have three pitchers who can turn in the required rifty-the victories--'lus n few more. With Uendryx, Douglas and others they have a staff capable ot seeming tha residue. Alexander has been good for thirty victories or better for his last three years. Last spbsoii .lint Vaughn turned in twenty-two conquests, xvhlls I.efty Tyler compiled nineteen. On past pprfot malices this trio would be good for seventy-one winning games. Chop away eleven of these against accidents and such, and they will I Iip good for sixty. This Ipaves Douglas, Hendry x and others only thirty games ' to put the Cook .county machine safely through. For pennant-winning vu'I'oses the Cub staff looks to be the most effective in the league,, not even barring Brooklyn whli (Irimes, Marquard, Sbcrrod Smith, Cadorp, Cheney and I'feffer. f(Ht tno aim 'iiili nt Alcjiimler nnil Vaughn linkerl together aie nlyinightg mine to any hanehatt machine. And when yon recall the lull' iletnih that nhoic the Cnhs able to win nrinus Alexander in 1918 yon tan arc trillion! the aid of n l.ick telescope where ihcu Mould be with the Big Cannoneer on ijiiaii. An Average Machine Ol'TSIDK of the pitching staff, the Cubs have only a good average machine. But they have one that is fairly sound. An infield bolstered by tbe vet eran Merkle anil the brilliant young Holloclier is no flabby array of talent. 4 ' The outfield is nothing miiaciilous, but capable of poking along nt a moderate clip. Hut no great outfipld is needed with such pitching and a stronf defensive Infield lioldingtli' line. , I Wie Cubs have a steiling factor nlso in Killefer back of the bat, a work man always good for more than 100 games. Vnless .John .1." Mc(!ruw can rouud up a tir.t-class pitching staff tbs Cubs are almost certain to win again. If Fevdy Sehiipp returns to form, aided aud further abetted by Hub Benton. Barnes. Winters and possibly Fred Tone.v, the Cubs will have a teriih'p. battlp'ahead before they cross the wilderness into the promised land. For the (limits bae a much stionger attack and in Burns, Kauff and Younj au ou t.ri eld that overshadows the Cub trio with more than n trifle to spare. rn K Cnbi and (Hants tne the tno clubt which should fight it nut. The slight Cub aditintagii tests in the fact that Chicago' pitchina staff is a trdl-iitovcd quantity, while lhe (Hant slnlf is still a guess. Exhibit BThe While Sox THE main battle which the White Sox face at this young April juncture is to finish in the first division. We haven't run across a ball player on a ma! club who figures they have a thance to beat out lloston or Cleveland, among others, and only nn outside, chance to beat out New York and Washington.- , The W. S. dropped from world series winners in 1017 to sixth place 'last xear. Their ball ilub was badly broken up, but others suffered the ' Annapolis. .Aid.. April l'J.-?Haivard pamefate. was the later arrival of the two rowing Thev'haxc a marl, aggressive leader in "kid (Jipason. but minus the proper ir.lftIIoJnl'rlirt'aun? I-. ,-" .''- -rid I, unavailing .,, Collins. Weaver. Feisch men eights of Harvard, I'riueetou and aul1 0llp, Reason still has some star talent left but the power of the old Navv inept ou the Severn. The- re- ' 101 pitching staff has badly faded. - gattii will extend over a course of a mile i Buck Weaver aud Eddie Collins are two of (he greatest infielders of the and seven-eighths in length. Princeton decade, but Coilins last year slipped well below .BOO, and it still remains to arrived Thursday night, but its boat, ibe been whether he can work back to his old height. tliu inn Kl Jiert- oiiiit yesicruay i unit they had only a brief praetipp on the' water. MIDDIES FAVORITE IN TOfflDTS RACES i Victory Over Penn Gives Navy , Academy Slight Edge in j Varsity Event I OUTWEIGH OPPONENTS on a Siindav. Hut there is no noise. I competitors in weignt. live nrst .Navy ami all xou see are these HOO men. '''' "vernges l"!)ss pounds. The women, boys and girls enjoying them- lcb,? lllt: 1ol- ,'l,p "cavJCBt crew on sehes through healthful exercise. And I'i!! 'lv'rl , H,."aJ? "uI",,t;W5?l I I "u HU IIS II ciiuiru Lit -cii. they would tell yifll that their only days nnmlier of jilayeis eiery Sunday from of leisure are Saturday afternoons and the middle of April till the last of No-hundnjK. vember is somewhere around 300 audi Out in Chicago, befoie the eeral in tnot cases it is more. ' - I municipal courses were built, the usual So it is reniaikable nt this day lo ' method for many ot the younger men protest against the opening of Fair-I and xvomtvn to spend Sunday was to get mount Park to teunis. baseball and , a dray and load it down xvith kegs of ' croquet, when for nenrlv three vearn l.beer and food and go out in the country. I Morrison Princeton is not so heavy as either of its opponents. The Tiger varsity aver ages 171 &, pounds and the youngsters 160. GOLF FINAL TODAY for Plne- rtl E Box at their best had a bin winner in Hddie Cicntte, but Ciiotfr is no mete youth. He teas also n good pitcher trilh Augusta back in ISft'i ad 100.1, but thai was font teen or fifteen years ago. Gleasons Chance G1.KAS05 has exceptionally strong spots in his machine, hut his one lnn chance to beat out such clubs as Huston antl Cleveland lies in producing a strong pitching staff a stionger staff than he pems to have just now. Theie may be a big change from thp upset of last year in the mental bearings of this club but figuring this in it will still have a tidy time of it climbing above third place. iL'ITil a tidy time) it--as such things go. New Mux en. Conn , Apnl 10. j Speeding o er (he ,oine yeterdav the two Penn miimM clews look thpir final hard prut tit p for their dual laimg pro- zi ii in against Vale this afiernuou. The 'big race stmts at t' o'clock met thp Heulev distance on the Hoiisntouic. i Following tlie Penn piactiie Coat Ii Wright said that, while hi two news Wt'lP Oltly pailUIIIlg, Ilie III I eiglll rut- ".".. ...... ." .-u.... mnrimii ".. ,-- . ..-.. . - - ... M . pi-w. rown, eretl the distant p in ti minute's. 30 1 croquet, when for nearly three yearn jbeer and food and go out in the country, mornson nays rowne. 1 econds The reiord for the ionise is an average of at least "00 persons have j lotlay tlip young uuu tlie old get up as i nursi Honors ti minutes "1 -."i s mds. This was 'been "breaking" the Sabbath by play- early as 4 in tbe morning aud -spend I'iiiehiirfct, N. C, April 10. The -! -' I made the Yale fust eight last Satur ing golf in Cobbs Creek. I wouder. some part of the day on the com ses, antl semifinals ot the mid-April golf tour- TtVO Other Exhibition CUIUS day also, if the antagonists of a safe antl me ponce nt i.nicago will leu you inai natnent were piayeti on hip cnamnioii- . c ? I I . . . . i f .. ii. i... .!:.; i....i n... il:... .r ..i..-...n.i-n. aa -mntn-iiiop i nm t nr. im.wnws'aMiK vf .11 iii:ii iiii.ii, 1UUIUMDJ ajs- v.w . -- - RICHARDS PL A YS TILDEN TODAY AT RIVERTON CLUB ilfiid Coiuh Dm tor Abbott, of thp s-ine Suuilm ale aware of the fact that Ihese beer-drinking bouts arc things of ship course here yesterday, Tom Mor that my tine is lowing on the Schuylkill, antl the past and that the iiipii anil woinpn rison and H. O, rownes, fellow ineni- t lint it has been the custom for years who play gnlt on Sundays aie as orderly tiers of the uaxmoni country v,mo, for the boat ilubs to practice for le- anil as well behaved as joii can finj qualifying for today's final contest for gattas on Sundays. They were doing nnywheie in that big city. (the president's trophy. - Vale crew. nid : "I feel 'second aiity eight should "pi"e es- j penally strong and I think that chances favor xictory for it. My first eight lias u hard struggle ahead." ! No Sex ere Work j Coach Wright gave both boats a half I I hour's work about sunset in tacingl stalls, but no sex ere xoik was at tempted. The change in swapping shells for the first 'nml second eights lias been found I to xvorl. admirably, and ('oath Abbott. I of ale. is thinking of ordering a simi lar t hange for tbe Kli eights. ' All the oaismen in the four eights who will compete are in good condition, aud , no eleventh -hour changes aie planned.: I A big automobile contingent fiom N'ew 1 Yolk xxill come here ami the auto iiwites 1 were outlined and chances for witness ing the races by enr xere mapped put ' b tin' Chamber of Commerce. Pailiing Spare Pinking space for 2000 cars has been i piovided. There will be no nheiation I New York, April la. The Fordham baae . i,i ,..,. from New Yolk I '"'I "" will meet the strong t.ehlBh I'nt- tiaiu. but expresses; trom .xp '"J K I verliy nine at Fordham Held thl afternoon city nnil returning immediately after the-, races haxe been anaiiged for. Fuller Scranton Golf Leader All crews weighed ill. Holh of thp st-ranton. fu.. Auril IB Mortimer II Ful. nle trews axerngeil -ilist one pound ler ha lieen .-luted taptain of the Stran. , " , . .. ..,. Ion t'ountiv Club a solf team He nucceede mm e than their respective opponents. K j, cortln. who declined re-election. Inter scholastic League Will Endeavor to Get Going Cincinnati Refuses to Pay Roush $10,000 a Year CliiplniMtl. April 10. Pat Moran, manager of the Cincinnati Heds, an nounced today that the demand of Kddie Jtousli, Ins hard-hitting out fielder, fur it salary of $10,000 a year, would not be met. He added: "We have offered KoiirIi a ton tract tailing for more money than any other outfielder in the National League is getting, but xve will not pay him $10,000. That is final and definite." KILBANE THROUGH MAKING WEIGHT FOH RING BATTLES lty R0BKRT T. VV. mHREE high-class exhibition tennis " matches, between four of the lead ing exponents of the court game, will bey played this afternoon' on the. clay -i. .. 4t. m...ifln f,.iintpir rliih. All Opponents in "Exhibition Battles" Must Meet Him tRivert0i N. .t. The quartet of stars j who will compete in the feature events of Rivertou's first ''Tenuis Day" are ! Vincent Richards, Bill Tilden, Wallace Catch Poundage Faces Mahoney at Natioiuil Tonight H.v JAMES S. CAR0I.AN XT JIRK mnking weight. They've! to clean up before he thinks of a meet- Johnson and Craig Riddle. LN got to meet me as T am. You ing xvith Tcndler. There'nre many good ' t of the er Wbittou malriie. .. , ti .. I . . . xvill be a singles contest betxveen x at- can t defy nature. I in out again in , featherweights and even one bantam iace 0Bg0nan Craig Riddle. This is fHd-iat-nM.lTlAmd14.linr Lt4llATA' il 4. l.-lil 111 I m tlt-f -!.. - - - H . A.tf Lehigh at Fordham SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS TAY- Tl A'ATCHMAKKU HKIt.MAN 1VI l.OU has an angetl three uinre star 'W11 the Phila- ilemate: War repuant. Pen Rose, Pickwick and Startling also aie among the eleien horses Vjnttcred In the race. Commander .l K. Hoss is having quite a little sm cess at this nippting. Ilciidiuc'three winners the first two days. His string looks good and he will 5& jinVe xojlie formidable steetls to turn loose in the Kentucky Derby next month. x. nil,!.)' KKl.lA' is the slur of the stable and is expected to win nt D Jfjtt $ 1011,0011 in puises this year. Motor Cop also is yuoil and icill be out in jtont most of the time. tut at Philadelphia .lohn O'Ftrten'a Hclih Studio senti-rdny afternoon. The champion tompiennc rla training lor jonnnv Ala honey at the National loniaht. while thv Hhifty aoulhlixw wan netting In shape fur limits for is weekly slioxv ut tlie .xi -.... .... i hiiiiiv iuuiniri wan lan.ic City SnoiHng Clii lb .... i nui sa J"g.y ," Thu" "' P"'-"""h , . , ;t 8ix B K rtow,nf ha iricht llaiil.in.s have the ca and wilnn llonds nl.ht l jlnlirov,m,t over the other. ., ... !. - 41 ...1. Il. l.tu I'fle Herman, the tiantaiii kliur. al.o na. 1 ' I " '"" . J" "' - front and I intend to linger there. (i,at doubtless will be fought before the . .Taw ii Kilbane, tbe celebrated holder Tendler match is cliuched. of the featherweight title, distressed be- j '',e,e is Reuny Valger and Joey Fox because many insist lie is a light- clamoring for a chance for the feather weight, had just finished his work nt WPjKht title, while even Pete Herman Jack O'Brien's gymnasium yesterday I wantR (o g0 mt o lis ,.lasg aml engage afternoon aud touched the beam under ,0,nnyi 125 pounds. Then he proceeded to tell i Hut if Pete wnts 0 lne(,t ,Toiluny the talent nearby that in the future all r tiiere wlu LP I10 wejgilt" raaking on the battles xvotilti ue ai caicn-as-caifu- iait of Kilbane. If the boys should can weights. - The feather king is in the city to fill a little appointment with Johnny .Mahoney at the National this evening. Johnny is no stranger here This xvill be only his fourth appeVirance here in f ' j,T ,i S'' J-""' "on l,'lw'" working under a wartime contract, took charge iJ! "' I'" I'nlversity of Pennsylvania football team and tried to turn out ?tSC(n Julrly good eleven. He xxas taken ill with influenza one afternoon, .carried . '.iir Hie rnothall field nml sent to the liown tat. two weeks Inter lie uenl nut jri-rjstO Franklin Field to help the team, was stricken with pneumonia and almost ,'. l.lwC Jtl life. . '" At EH aoi'lv Inai, il u reporiea, nil cnniraci'srat iiteen to a very k . ihtall figure -lest Ihaii Ihnt of a small college coach. Isn't that "'J tMarft aratitudc in the new diclionariett S't.ti!. (' 1 lf t ,1 iv . .. ... IK ,T fnt )Ypt ivf.,disiiuted Krrd KiOgnt s coll marathon record. lo thp entertaining. .Ilinmy Pappas, of Atlanta, ami .xiax xx iiimms i..m- .o d. ' ,, , -., . PMi,Mia .lawn'. I tusk tonleht eether ill Ibe mam eight-li.lliiil tray. i heddau.irteri. The New Orltans boy 1 pre- 1 ii"ii' ... ...... tin. Clonceslei- hov iparlns for lits invellpx wph Patay Jt.hna.iii ' 'ati lies Tendler Willie M.encer, the Uioiueslti '".,, Tlenton on Jtm.di nlrhf. Hermitn al.o ''"""" ,e"'llcr anil Little Hear willl.e seen in the sec- ma he een at cn of jh- total cluba Kilbane hatl ills filet chance to see ,! it. und scroti. Patsy Wallace bat- ('hor"' "" "" ""' "lU,0 I-PW Tender in action. The rangy ties V.n.ue Mfrl.no In the tl.1,,1 bout o-Oonnell ?"" bol,nf "l "" over the eight rounds distnnce. w,n atre at the opening- itmw of the Harry (Kid) Brown in the gym yester- u'..0..Li Mnore meets Young Travers r-"1..1. i; ,''.. M!''""..anW'L'ri' day. Kilbane xvas there uunoticed. .h... .. .-.....- .... , nil m , un iiiuiauniiimi.. ... "i.ii"i." , . ,, . .. ix lieu i.ew eompieicti ine xvuri iuq champion walked over to compliment I.ew upon bis finished ring work. "The boy looks liko a xvoudcr," said Kilbaue. With that awkward style and his known hlttlnrpowers I look for him trf cause much trouble among the reg ular ligbtxveigbts. He xvill be up against the same handicap I xvas for a number of seasons forced to con cede plenty of weight. I.ew is a light boy, but once he fills out I know he wlH be a sensation among the light weights and xvtlters." Mstrli Possible Tflille a KllbanevTentjIer msteli Is, in the opening six-round bout. Artie hoot will be here from Oloiaiid to morrow tu itnlah. hla work for hla niase menl will. Jony Fox, the Ensllih feather weleht. Ilk the main baltle al the u .iipla Jlond-y nlh'. The toniueror of trank e llronn hopea to erd fox's chimplonatilp hopea In thin melln.e Votins xYeiman xvill Journey down from nirardvllle to entertain with J rankle Clark In the Oimpla iemlwliid-up. Joe Ivoona and Itrry niehsrita cla.h In the third bout in tr.e otbr aeiilon" Frankle Conway takii on Iiaa Aate. nd At Sloore Iai Jimmy Jion. 4ee IMillllp. will o asatnat Cat IJelaiiey. riaxttland's alar llghtwoisht. Ill the Na. tlooat aernlwlnd-uj). Tummy rundy wll bat r,. tatr iMgiiln it. third bouL Jlmmi Wll'dn hopea to put way Oeortle neyntilda In lit aeeond boul. . Yotins torn aharkw I.L.T.A .ulntt Kill Albe-t. -' ' -,t meeia Jimmy Johnaon in lhe aemlwlnd-up, Nate Hmith. former aaalatant house man ager at the OKmplu, la the tiew promoter Frank (Pop) O'Brien la the referee, Jinlain will haxe h- eull at Johhuy Rurna'a I'ambrla A. ( next Friday iibjht. Johnny Malonej .llnui.y Tlernej. Tommy Gorman und Andy llurna xvill eppear on the anil card aiain.t hlsh-tlaaa opposition. The aliow will be eomploted today, Martin Purfy will have a place on .the Cambtia card on Alay 8, r,ille l.ewl. la due to meet a mod boy In Buffalo on Monday night. 7011ns Christie, a protege of Tommy Walsh, wl oppose lhe Quake,r City Huhtwt lhtr Ir TenHler will make his first appear ance before a. horned atidlsnre, since he wWrrAwmJIIli ow in kl U.e pll every tme, hS.VoW$.ay$lZ lkfitd?S'HlM4 i'Wa&M & Wt; thai,, Mi wi I iwvtt to -iTpvU- 'But tvho &$ i f"L5:'C X S?,lSJrd,GJ "VS WVY&V'Slil nrfiiliiiii niii.i ilMfl TillfeMJRi."' i. :t 'f Mitasi,slfejtf : . 'liojas&iLi.' .riLi&rMrjLli Uil-aCk-,-.. Jiu JMmmLw ,..'t . ' i-.imftrtf'r;' ' nft hlri- ' nViriArr-nn'- ' scheduled for 3:15. Following this Vincent Richards and Tilden xvill play a singles match. Tilden and Richards have met several times and the matches all have been close. Richards defeated Tilden three xveeks 'ago in tlie final round of the national indoor tourney. Doubles Match Shortly after 5 o'clock Tilden and Richards, holders of the outdoor and !.i ttnnni AiitiUa till, xvtll met I run 01 rvtiuujie. xi me vvya nnuuiu iiiuuui iiaimuni wuwu.o ..-, -- '1 . . . .. ... .-. j null. t . Jflnklna maleh. uappen io 1,-oiue in ai caicn weiguis Monnson uuu .uiuuie m u uvuu.. ..-. there xx-otildu't be many ounces sep- Ifoward C. Coe, chairman of the River nrating them. Kilbane is a small ton Club tennis committee, also is trying featherxveight and Herman a lartre to arrange, a match between Herman bantam. , Dornhelm end Rodney Beck, txvo of the 1- 'best of the younger players in the fclGHT GAMES FOR RUTGERS Bt. u , in aauuion 10 me mimu .. there also will be first and secopd round matches in the open tourney now being conducted by the Rlverton Club. There are sixty-five entries in the men s Jin gles and also a large number competing in the ladles' and boys' singles. Among the .local players entered in the men's singles are Percy Osborne, T. H. Martin, Paul Gibbons, C. II. Harlan, A. It. Reed, Bill Rowland. Arthur PIcolet, George PowelH T. D. Grati and Herman Dornheim. Intel-scholastic Opening The Interscholistlc Tennis League will make another ettortto start, its se son today. The opening orglnally was scheduled for last Tuesday but a heavy rainstorm forced 'all plans to be side tracked. Sir matches ,are carded. for today, all the teams playing, The matches follow! Loxver Merlon at est TblladelphU, Oheltenham at Episcopal, Germsntown High, at Frank-. fordWWmden ,, at.:iiBli 'BMrttr; Uqrtbaiift,it (ftiiqriwk;ABsxjaty .aW WWHRI HWMrtW s7CMHPra. n Season to Open With Urslnus Sep tember 27 New Itrunswlcli. N. ,1., April II).--Klght games .appear pit the football schedule which has been arranged for the Rutgers College team next fall. There is one open date yet to be filled. The schedule follows ! September 27. Urslnus College, at Mew Brunswick, October I University of North Carolina, t .fw Brunswick, II, I.ehlgh University, at Bethlehem: 18., Rhode Island mate College. I.' Nt.w llrunsnlck, M, Fordham College, at New Tork. November t, Pyracuse-University, at Nw ?rV ifr ,n?,ton. .-'lls. at Boston ; IS, .f1 X.,ri(1"la University, at New Eruns' xvlck, S3, open, Smith Ready to Play (-'" evi. Mass., April 19. Pitcher Pherrod Smith, of Ibe Podgera. waa , dls tharged from the serx-lc. yesterday and left Immediately for Boston, where he will con. fer with Manager rtohlnsnn. Smith hsts ai fniX accepted the Brooklyn club's terms. Princeton PUya Columbia 4 Home Runs, 2 Walks for Ruth in 6 Times at Bat llattimore. Md.. April 1''. Bab Ittith of the Boston Americans, who played left field in yesterday's ex hibition game xvith the. Baltimore .Internationals made four home runs in six times nt the bat. The other two Climes lie xvas given base on balls. The Boston Americans won by 13 to S. The Red Soi collected fifteen hits. The score: R. H. B. . 12 15 2, S 9 3 .Tones and Boston (A.1 Baltimore (lA ...... Ratteries-l'ennock Schaug: Walters, Herbert, Hers herger, Frnuk, Kgan and Carroll. Ertle'Earns Decision Over Daley ' Baltimore, April 10. Johnny Brtle, of St. Paul, was given lhe decision last night in a txvelve-round bout here xvith Frank Daley, of Statcn Island. SHIBE PARK BASEBALL TODAY V ATHLETICS vs. PHILLIES name called at 3 P. M. Tickets at dlmoels" and Spaldlnga'. RACES TODAY , AT HAVRE DE GRACE 7 RACES D.XII.V. Including a Hteeplechaa Special Pennsylvania Kallroad Train leaves 1S181 !. Al.l West l'Mla.. lSl38 1 M. Illrect (a Course AllxIfftftlON OKANIISTAND 1'ADDOCK. l.5l I.niKH, ai.10 lntludlng War Tai. FIRST RAt!K AT t:30 I 81. V NATIONAL A. A. 5t.M'" Tommr Fendr vs, Hart lxgan Yeiing Tom Hharkej' x. Kid Alberta Jlmmj- Wilson vs. Georgia Keynolaa Cat Delanrr vs. je 1'hllllps Jolcoy Kilbane vs. Jolmnj Mahoney Tickets at Oonaghir'a, 33 S. Kleieoth btreet niumnla A A "road and Balnbrldg MONDAY KVKN'INO .APRII, ti ""' I Jlmnir Mrson vs. AI Moore Joe Koone rs. Terrj Rlrhards Frankle ConB7 vs. Oar Aster Fi-ankie Clark v$.;Yg. Weymia JOEY FOX VS. ARTIE ROOT Boxing Course m0. Ua.jir Blddle'a Tonrnameni tl-'' fie" WataSae.'Faba. Idling Cue. '?- JM m. m. vm. -iwm . N m fl -.i 41 "fl Al 17-.