' teKlKa PUBLIC 'ijEDGiSR PHILABPLPHI, rFBIDAY, AlhtfU 18, lOifl f iwnr jrtr-i vr k k It uv id So, TKeg Were Married By tlAZLL tiUYO UATCUKLOR CowrloUt, lilt, bu Pubtlo Ltdotr Co. START THIS &TOHY TODAY IK novels one rrntU ot' queer thltiKS haonenlnc In offioo. Ituth remem bered liavinc seen n nlny once vvlioro Iho employer (bought more of the slrls xiwni) worked tn ins oiiiec nnu wniu iun i looked like llinn the vuiy they did their work. She even remembered how it I. I i 1 1 1. ...! i 1hm iinnniia iUin HnnrKPii iipr imu acl iiuiy ......v.. fclously it hnd formed her opinion ot the business world. Sho remembered ' the unfortunate little ietlm, pretty and foolish, who stepped into the trap , and who whs saved because the employ -, tr son hnd fallen in love with her and wanted to mnrry her. hut nothliiR like Hint happened In real life, Until rrfleited. It happened only in books nnd in the mnvlci. On purpose Ilutli hnd rented wealing tailored waists with feiur-iii-lianil ties. The high collars sciutchcd her nee.k nild Sho was not nil elneioiit business iWomnn. Therefoie she liRuieil Hint unc jhould wear exactly what she pleased. So she wore Incj things, nnd she studied herself, in the glass and tried effects with her reddish hair, nnd (die knew she was nice to look at. If Ituth had been accused ot tiyiug to nltratt the men nt the office she would have denied such an accusation, yet. after nil. that was exactly what she was tring to do. And still Mr. Browning pursued his even course of life, paving no attention at all to her ne to offer her n courte ous good morning. There were only two other men nnd both weir uninteresting. '"It wnsn't th.it Ituth wanted to hnve an nlfnir with nn.v one. but woman like she "2 was piqued at indifference, and pre i ferred feeling ot one kind rir another. V She rountcd to some extent in her own world; but here in the business world she was n dull nonentity. One day Mr. Ilrowning's stenographer came out to her for n chat, after Mr. Browning had left for lunih. Tter wholesome, little face bore a trnnshg- liring smile nnd she looked nlmost sli.vlv at Ruth. Since Ilutli hud IWn nt the office she had giown to like this gill even against her wishes, for deep in her heart Ilutli realised that Mr. lhowning's stenoginphei counted for more in the business world than she herself did. "I'm going to be mniried," she announced. Ruth wheeled nbout. "Really, lion uplendid." "I think so." "Will you lell me nbout him?" ''Why, he wus-in 1'rniie.e vou know. n.ntl he's juit conic bn(k. We'ie going to have the dearest little plate up in -the Bronx, nnd I'm going to hne nil the fun in the world keeping house." Ruth thought this sounded stupid. ''You'll be hot eel to death," she an nounced. "O, no, I won't. If you knew how tired I was with office1 work." "But jou're doing so well nnd you'rn counting iu the woild. How can you vlvc un mii- nrwltinn '" 0.TU UJ. rfV... ,.VJ.j.. , "Vell, we've talked it nil over and iAVe'vc decided Hint it would be the best thing to do. At first I was going ',to keep on with my woik, but .lim doesn't like the idea, and he's making good rnone.v. Besides I'm so tired of 11 this, I'll he glad to give it up." ' "Do you think jou'll like dish vvnsh- Ingand house cleaning any better?" "O, I know I will, but that isn't what I wanted to speak to you about. I wanted to ask 3011 bomething else. I Won't be Ieaing for quite some time. nnd I thought thnt if ou would take a:ourse in stenography nnd t.tpciwiting at night in some school jou might jump right into my position." Here in plnin words wns the fa"t that Ruth's position with tiic Now Idea Publishing Compnny was inferior to that ot the editor's stenographer. Not that Ruth hadn't realized It before, but she hnd always kept the truth In the background by refusing to ndmlt It. She was suddenly fuilous nt the sug gestion although she knew that it hnd been mennt In all kindness, and she was forced to keep silent for fear of saying something that sbc would be sorry for nfteiward. All Ruth's snobbisliriess was up in nrms instantly nnd her manner wns stiff when sho hmill) spoke. "0, I'm sure (tint I would never suit Mr. Ill owning for n stenographer," she snid nlrllv, "although 1 do appirciate jour thinking ot it." Ruth's snrcnsm went unnoticed for Helen Ware said quickly. "O, but you would, nnd you bne so much that I linven't. a college educa tion. Why jou might work up to ne nnvtliing." Ruth was suddcnlv ashamed of her self, and quick to nppreclnte this gill's unconscious tiibutc. It wns the lirst compliment she hnd retell cd since she hnd been working. "Did Mr. Hi owning snv anjtblng about it?" she nsked suddenly. "No, It wns mi own idea," Helen Whip admitted. "Rut 1 do wish jou would trj." (In the net installment Helen Town send appears with a new suggestion for work.) log to give up the ship until I've found her. just n "Jolly ordinary girl," for mine. "1'iery dog has his clay" n very truthful sajlng but Instead ot "dnj" mine Is "months " J.ONKSOMR. Answers Almost Nineteen Dear t'jntliln- I am one of the en thused lenders of jour column pel tabling to the ethics of life, etc . which 1 think ts not onl helpful but nlo Interesting. church society or some club, as -with me this Is almost impossible. Perhaps, If I gae you some Idea of my physlcnl characteristics, you might understand this statement. In height 1 nm but (" feet I'c. Inches. Weight about III." pounds. My face has n very Immature look: neonle wouldn't take inc for much more than sixteen years, although 1 am enable you to .ioln. Then, now listen Mike, when jou meet a nice girl nsk If .jou tan call on her nnd keep on call Ing and asking other nice girls If jou may call. Take them to the movies and to the theatre onte In n while, and be especlnlh courteous nnd kind. Make them like you And they will becnuse l'c known it to happen. How nbout It information can be found nimut (lie would be lnierts(ed In, this very It mn in which this erse occurs 'letter (lint I nm printing It. 'I kind Thank uiu Chestnut Hill. eighteen jears of age. Mv nose Is of the girls and other bins who've found this Roman Mirietj. Hint is. It loams all over mv face. The only tiling tn mv fnxor is thnt t enn sing fnlrlv well. Hnv'e been in .evcuil college shows Avnillng'in.vself of the Invltitllnn ghrn ' ltli singing parts, and I can plnj the in ilm rendeis li "Miss Almost Nine , mandolin teen." I desire to submit the following: Your assertions about 3oung men in to dancing, smoking, elc . nie crj true. Dancing nnd smoking nre not the onlv pastimes of life, nnd vou should not turn nwnv n boj for not so doing. This in like manner applies to a joung Inch'; do not enst her aside bccniisp she does not offer jou the next elntuc. The gill nun linve n good and sufficient reason, ns "Miss Almost Nineteen" o nblj ei presses, on chnrnelci and nppenramc. Here I wnnt to fultv impicss upon Mr. Nineteen Hint chnrnitcr and np Now. what chance ha el got with nnv gills especially with ones whom 1 never saw before? If 1 had some one to break the ice for me it would be differ ent, but I don't even know n fellow in the neighborhood who could Introduce me tn some. When I was nt school I mn nn ged to get along nil right, although I was never much of n mher I nlnveel on the football and biseball lenni-. nnd In Hint win held some prestige, for 1 was, somewhat out ot the niilinaiv. ns on th football team I plned guard, a position which is gen out? The Woman's Exchange Thing to Know I I'm furtv nciiis Mrs II. (!. Town send lues liei n connected ns ic Irncher Texas. It is nnh within n cnmun nllwh re icnl period Hint ttnh hns hnd schools pent nine nnd peec h also are the greater' nalh enttusted tn the heauest men on pa.it of life's gamble, nnd n siibjec I the squad, and on the baseball teiim I which Is not mastered to a ceilnln cle I nlmpcl fust Imse. and cm seeial occa glee will nc t as a hindrance rillier Hum , sions pitched, when the tegular pltchei nn asset in the narrow path of a voune life. Please Tell Me What to Do My CYNTHIA The Girls Boys Like Dear ('within. .lust n few "Almost Nineteen. I cannot tell jou what kind of girls boys like because some boys are good nnd others nre hnd nnd usunllv the bojs that nre bad pick out girls who are the simc, but the bojs who are good like "Almost Nineteen," described will itn.iriiibh pick out a girl who is good in thoughts, habits unci wns n gill who dresses nice though she be poor or t ich and most of nil. girls who nie them sehes nt nil times. T nijself nm not quite up to "Almost Ninctcen's" stnncl nrcis. hut nm striving to reach that point nml t ff.ifinnlt fltntit nt " Clnmu, V.. . ,,,". ;" ".".'"' iiinii .-H im-l'Tic iipr Kiting inr H ipw poiniets which I will tcrtninlj use. SANDY. Taking into innsiileiatlon Hie question of loe: (Jirls are human as well as bos, nnd the do not want to be nagged mound just to pleaso nnntlter. If oit nie In line, that is different, ns "Miss Almost Nineteen" saw, AH viewpoint is. iniiumeinhle joung folks do unl nn cleistand love in its mniiv anil vni legal eel phnses lnv vour visit in n disciecl manner, sliow respect feu the other voiing ladies, incspeetice of what e lns,s thee mnv belong to. . "Miss Almost Nineteen " I ngife with vnu in vour ilisenuise in it gi enter i iu'iieIi to nns me sense, with cjne eieiitinn I would lune nothing to do wns In ic up Then again 1 took a iiim in the outfield, wlili h is mv natural pe sition If jou understand these spoils fvvliieli I hope jou do) vou can see Hint lit mv position on n college team, even il, .,,,,.1, it iis n small one. and haidlv above the standard of n high school For a Minstrel Show lo tltf tftltor of Homaits raoe Dear Mudnin We aie artnngitig an t entertainment fin the benefit of our church. Do jou think it would be nil light to include mlnstielsv1' If i, what esjstumes could we went so ns in lie dresscel nnlfoitnlv'' It is to he given bv gills. rsi n few Imvs Please siig gest something inexpensive. RRADr.RS OF' Till', IIVIAIM! PI P. I.IC l.UDCIRt It would be quite nil light In unhide ininsttels in the ente itaiiinient. In fact, a gooel iollv ininstiel show is lots of fun and heallhv nmiiseiiieiit Let thei girls wear elntk sknts, intliei tight titting chirk coats, plum white waists mid hioiid while eolliiis that can he luiiile out of tnidlijinid. 'line me the "cut of eollms thnt slum! up and have I ' broad flaps that tlaie out at eithei lottK ns lire ( t rm extendu Mope h lilfl ejnmlnlnn nvcr prulu lor hllp the iHinn hohlit nut lo ImlM Inn vilet sinner inss rpitini Paraphriisc fifteen in the end nf Kiiig. .lames tlie I of Rnghind nnd Ihe Sixth eif Seotlanil leisiou of the Itilile Ale VOU of Sinlrli lie, , lit ' I ,in. fiiuii Ahenleensliite. Siolliiiiil. , I wltlt Itin lot College snug the pxiilms nml pniapliiais in chute h instead of liviuns Often nng this cine in e iiuri It nml nt fiimilt ,,., ship in mv fnthn's hem Seothiud '"r "" Ms,n "l"""'1"1 ot "''"' I leinniii a friend of the old school , , ... . . Mnnv women in Texns nnd Oklnhoiiin till. MM I 1111,1, i1f, Ir)(M lo 11U(, developed-Into ilm infeii tnatiiin as in Hie luuitlon sunessful piculati)is in oil land leases I of Hits verse wns punted the eitlpi clnv in the exchange bill I was mi vine the ll of the piciniuient unlveiities in Ullilet who nsked feu the ilifoi miitimi the- I mini Ivinriliitii. save Ovfnnl nmi Cambridge, now confer legal deurces 07;, women who duly qtinllfy. , "-,, The redcrntlon of Women's Clubs of , Salt hake City has decided upon R , ' strict bo.vcott of butter until (he price iJ ot the product is reduced. 1 ' aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiirw ii Wfyk; m7 v ' sr s vuy J E4STEK SALE, ELGIN WITCHor DIAMOND RIKG was hound to be somewhiit ot a tiguie iele. ou can wcai ted ties with them el. despite this. 1 never made mnnv or nn other color that will add gavetj fueiuls. It must have been mv fault, lo the part v. The gills ought In In for all the othei fellows, even the subs, then hnii bin k plain in ninei to look . . , .. ..1. ft,., milci IN 11.11. Il n tifiiuililn III,. ll I.,,, a 'CI... notn hnvincr coon iiine-i wnu . .-i . -" ' ' w-,. un- in the neichboiiiiR towns. .... .. .. wine h is ntv favor of Ihe gooel gills not I, too. nm nfrnitli tU, ,,,1, Do mil mingle with veiling men who stand nllv bv . loafing aiounil Hie e oi ners. the inelisc letinii of which is self cvi.'-.t. and alwavs keep in mind thnt "expei icttce is (lie best teacher." Some fellnws might mil this villi m something of the sort, hut I would Don t think novs wear turn suits with while shirts ' " ... ......1! 1 1...1 rn, I Krlil .lllCint .j.nti, ...l l.n I I ...I that I w ns one ot me siniiiciii'. aiii'i, .... ..,,''. ......u,, ,,...n nn.i m,- niniiu im I was uist Ihe opposite, haiellj making hits dcsiiihcd 'I ho two i ml min ought i . ...n rinii in the ihivs In he eliessed n little bil mote festive hefvvever. ' f '" I" ''I' ' """ " ""',1", " mv nr"1,l', ,ll,ni '"' "'"''" I "b" uloils looking How I C vvpilt nil a ll IKC Mini I"' nn.- i iii mi-ii i'iiiii.ii mm''., HHh mil mv I..... ..,, Il pi pi wine p. ' Ic I hope that vnu and some of vom icaileis. especiallv the membeis of Hie female sex. inn give me some advice in this case, and what their opinions or a fellow of this suit are; nKo how to get utqmiinted with people and make friends. RASHl'IM. MIkD Piisl. get one thing into your bend. A Breath of Bonny Heather Tn II r I tlitor of VI neinn a Pnv Dear Mailnm Mrs S . a fiienel nf the IJm-mmi Pi nut hi-nom, nks when IP AC Saturday Special Ladies Diamond Ring Blue While. Absolutely Perfect. tf 7 C 550.00 ?Ol.9 VALUE A BEAUTIFUL GEM Unparalleled Sale ot Elgin DeLuxe Watches n nniirnlr llnif pine. .I,,, i ram iNil EL1TP 1 lx:::ri Your Money lief undid If You Can Iluu Cheaper for Caih nliiiliitpti ciinrnntppil M Jen f Is iitUimtril ipir 1 1 - l,i llllnl thin mi lillpnt iIi"Ikm ipir 1 1 - kilrnt cnlit lllleil tliln inoilel cusp 27" LARGEST EXCLUSIVE CREDIT JEWHWHOUSEMPHILA, M .SlMOM R Co. 39n.13toSx Omq Store 2 Poops above Fiibcrtj OneManacment Open S.iturdnj KwiiinRs Open SaOirilaj KvcningH 1 1210 Walnut Street p KOJt S.ATI ttDAY g OM.V A Special 1 Sale of 1 Sterling Suits B We hnve elected a few B 1 of our hifrher-piicod mod- g els of Set pe, Tweed, Jer- B g soy Wool nnd Foiiet nnd 1 g lepriced them , I n W , as low as K I s29.50 ! i 'iii'im ' i i iihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii x, ' w V. m. '91 ' 'B: sj, Hili.it comment from fellows who have , ' (' ,' ,k looks ,, nnt'iount. nl ??'!?Z :"? ?" 'hough 1 do not see vvhv vou have v Il.( MM. ( V AliMOSI' NIi:Ti:i:X. pnituulnr reason to worrv about oiiin Take Heart, Bashful Mike Hear Cvnthia I hnve riacl vom col- wlth linn h pleavuie ever snirp Pineapple Desserts 2c The bottle in each package of Pineapple Jiffy-Jell con- ' tains all the ricn essence from 'half a ripe pineapple. The ' dessert has a wealth of this exquisite flavor, and a package serves six people for 12 j cents. J Von owe to vouraelf a ""trial of this new-type gel- ' atine dainty. IW MKOA Sure to Find Ideal Deal Cviilhia: Have been n lenelet of .vemr column. "Please Tell Me What to Do," for quite n spell, nnd in this, mv lust, in nnswci to "Hoping." nuclei the heading "Seems 'Vntnps' (Jet Them All." I wish to state I'm in Hie snine boat, onl) nf the opposite sex. .lust n plain, oidinarv girl? haul to dud these ciajs its there are lots of flirts 01 "vamps," but none for this bird. So, "Sloping, " don't gtt disgusted. I hnve been heie six months nnd ns lonesome ns can be. Still, I'm not go- ii was smrieci, ninr now 1 am going tn ask vou for help. I hnve heen nwnv to eolh'ge and hnve iiieutlv tctiiineil home I'nfortunnttlv. I Iniel that mv pa mils hnve moveel to a diiTeient pint of the iltj. wheie it is not possible to go with nnv of the gills anil bnvs, with whom 1 fnrmeilv went with. As n consequence, not knowing nuvhnilv in the neighboihooil, nil I can do is to sit in the house nil dnv long bv myself. Ulus lias been the case for the st month, nnd I nm cntninlv disgusted. I nm not working, ns n man whom 1 know is living to locale me in an office Now, I nm coming to vou fin ndviie. Utit please, don't lell me to join some Koine of the most nnpulnr men I have evei known have been shot! men, nnd ns foi huge no-.es, well, when vou ate twentv two or so .vou will laugh to think vou ever worneil about haviiu one. If vou do worthwhile things anil me companionable (vom lettei sounds x as though vou nre) girls will want to he titeiicN with vou. As vou glow oldei .vou will find this to lie the uile I am going to disobev vou unci lell ,votl to join some things that will help vou get aeepiainteil. Whv ilon I vou go to some of the settlement houses nml ask if vnu mnv help in the plivsual in stitution nf the little bovsV I.ink oui self up w tilt the activities of the .voiinge hoc ml workers mnl see how plciisunt and helpful it will be .loin a night e lass, not so much foi the e lass as toi the e n eduuitiotial m hoo e lub it will 3N0 Jl 70J So. 15th SI. Im our kxquisi t b ! HANn-KMBUOH)i:ilKI) 6-JMADKIRA TABI.K- c'LOIIIS diHllciige Ihe tiesi that can lie found nnvwluie i'i rhila cleltihia The designs -lie uiiiqtie anc1, tasty and vrv with the sle 5t inches and 72 ini-lics ate quite populai now Special Reduction lor Trousseaux t. ASCO. ASCO. & U!ff flffiUUMI ASCO- ASCO- rl :: ' llAffiflJilifllll ?HSVHfe -M 1. ft BEAUTIFUL' cileWi iCOMFORTABLE Shoe $ Mrm 10 Flavor, at Your Croctt' 2 Package for 2S Ctntt m ramen A' c o 1 ' zmivmjvj&p? v J -a WHBiinr a orriv.'yivins.ivci'.wvrtiTjii AJlfH:4'iLH c, (Ikh JHH 'si ' fmm kLT rLm -Ssro. asco. asco. asco. mkmml mbv v bH m ' - -- -n. i" "- icii it rt. dii rfi nfi ii - -- l -i- "- I i S I H la, in,. 'w fl jjBOiiiaai -tss ) 'i'i fPPm -iiiibx x v . ukktm - - . i- . -. . r0 .'". ' l WmMfim SlTjIh mm w iBLiBi m r rssn rv fl tS ul ma Jm mWm mm Al mkkkW , 1 kI i t. W mm. mH mils wI TsH 1 TSta. XA m ?3 J rr iht b 3ie i in v mm ' - aa tttt:: wm & J 1 tl: t i I l: m jm M i ms corset is maae 13 f j for that vast number ( f ( I of women who are I ' I I ' i to ar?e over k1?5 I 3 1 jC?33 J J 1 and thichs. Trinif i z? 'nwk T Sm I 1 P j - "f '' Vs'i? X jMi. i bands of Lastikops 1 1 $WP' f The Weekly Capacity OF OUR Three Immense Bakeries IS MORE THAN ,000 Loaves There is onlv one answer as to, why this is possible QUALITY and PRICE. VICTOR PAN VICTOR RYE VICTOR HEARTH ) VICTOR KAISIM BKEAD (Peppered full of Big, Luscious Raisins) 5 pr ingtime Models! E-aster's Fairest Fancies. Scratching is dangerous. Kesinol jEvfry time you scratch that itchinjr 'raih you make it worse. The interne desire to scratch such skin disorders H eczema, humor, nettle rash and like .in aiuucuia, may dc insianuy re Jieved when ResinoJ Ointment is ap plied to the afec(ed parts. ItlidvHubletivmotttotioroinli- '. lrctuaM the tntimtd ipot with Reslnol I J 'Scvt and warm ruler. ThU iccdcntea ,-K ihe httliac "" ot tb ointmenl, and coaieqatoUy quicker and better rtjulu i t are derired. Ptr toil tr mil Jrurruii. Pir frit irUl n,i. Jfumvl, AiiteMfri. UA THEY are here ! And their charm, style and comfort will delight every woman who craves the dainty, delightful and "different" in footwear. Look forward to a real treat in shoe beauty, in shoe value and your rosiest expectations will be exceeded. The bug-a-boo of high prices for shoes has no terrors for tho woman who looks to NEWARK Shoe Stores for her footwear. tj i half. million or more women in the United States are making our 297 stores their stores . .i... wtiv? Tfecause we brine to them the most charming creations in footwear at prices no other stores can match. " . See them tomorrow and you, too,, will be won by their wondrous beauty and compelling value 1 A dainty dull kid Oxford that fashionable dressed women demand; covered Louis heel ; high conform ing Spanish arch; $5.00 Same model in $4,00 patent leather T Here is a charming ma hogany tan Oxford for the out-of-doors woman who delights in long walks, sports and dancing ; imi tation wing tip; eenn military heel; 'ul' Same in gun metal 4 .00 with straight tip ;',v Thisbeautifulwhite-wash-able kid Oxford with covered Louis heel ; turn sole ; overflowing with exquisite style, combining com- D.UU fort with grace; This exquisite patent Colonial pump ; with latest novelty in beaded buckles; ball-room or theatre, walking or driv ing this pump meets all requirements ; $5.00 Same model in dull kid with buckle; $5.00 This comfortable white washable kid Pump will match dresses of debu tantes as well as women who dress in white for style and comfort; $5.00 A dull-kid Pump with covered Louis heel; ex tolling all the comfort and style of $6 or $7 pumps ; reasonably, sen- c . rtn sibly priced at 4UU I B c a Loaf LOAF 10 ASCO. ASCO. ASCO. .A V'(S v n r ascg; TTie &19 way wheat water is with a TUBFUL of clean hot water away when you want it! in the bath rtom right ETWarfc Shot Sfaoefr Ca r ' lADr.PdT OPTAII .F.RR OP SI bet. i::t Market Ht 13th Sta. 2413 Keqalna-ton Ave., bet. York and Cumberland Sta. 1131 aermnntovrn Ave., bet. T.ehlsh Ave. and Somerset St. 137 N. stli HI., near Cherry St LARGEST RETAILERS OF SHOES IN THE WORLD FIFTEEN WOMEN'S AND MEN'S STORES IN rillLAMaUIIA l'.'th and j umiih St. near 4th St. 424 Market lit., bet, 4th & Sth Sts. 4S33 Fninkforel At. 104 H. S2d St.. S ofchestnut St. SS36 N. Front St.. nr. Dauphin St. Si s. evth St.. near Market SU 063S flermantowD Ave., near Chel- len Ave. i Other Nearbr Storei: rAMBRV. WII.Mlr.OTOV. 1IR1STOI,. CIIEtkk ct-v u 5B7 STOKES JIN VI I'niEfl- , 81S Kendnctsn, Are., near Hart -iine. 1431 Soulli St.. bet. Broad & 15th. 310 N. Sth St., bet. Itaca &. Vine 334S Ulde, near Columbia Ave. nM I.ancalr Ate., near 41st SL . Mminyutlk, Pa. X This corset is made for that vast number of women who are too large over hips and thighs. Triple bands or Lastikops Webbing, which are fjuaranteed to out ive the life of the1 corset, give extreme reduction to back, hips, and upper limbs, thereby cre ating smooth even lines and perfect proportions to the whole figure and insuring utmost comfort. Other Kopservice models $3.00 to $10.00. Good Shops Everywhere. xe "iy ' m&Mtmi fllP HI i "r A' i,' i!r i Ul 1 S4 I 1 m&&m M '''Mi',Al5 I'sbbbbbbbO IB Plenty of clear steaming water in the kitchen any time, winter or summer! So much hot water in those stationary wash tubs that the aundress smiles all day long! Sounds like a millennium to the average housewife, but easily realized with a NOVELTY Tank Heater. The cheapest and most remarkable water heating ap paratus in the world tiny in appearance, but a gidnt in work. Burns but a few shovelsful of pea coal a day a slow fire day and night, keeps water constantly hot and plenty of it. Built of our heavy Fl.EX-O-TUF iron, lasts practically forever. Special non-rust section keeps water always clear. Needs but little attentions Costs but a quarter as much as gas. Quickly installed by any Novelty dealer. We make all types of Heating and Cooking apparatus, so can give you unprejudiced advice as to which method is best for your particular home or building. Consult your dealer or 'phone or write us or come to our attractive factory show room. ABRAM COX STOVE COMPANy American and Dauphin Streets, Philadelphia Manufacturers ot Boilers. Flpeleaa Heateri. Furnfco ajid IUng In Philadelphia for 73 year. Vi'ic'f our booth; Eaitir Wit, April 21 lo ?, at th "Own YourrOwn Horn'" Exhibit, Pint Raglment Armory, Broad and Callowhill St.,' Phlladtphia, and Victory Carnival, Third Rtgtmont Armory, Camitn, N. J, and m tha InUrtiting NOVELTY diiplirr. H '-i ; VJ a. liw'Ta v.: M "i if '' iS JtV - t l1" gr ' tocr. ') vvc .' .-' i. vr V 1 fc-- "'l'' V 9 f ty-- ictj t-t ,1 7 .V.v t. "" - lOTI.- v i& trz&t ,P v - r- i1"'" ; T ""SjflHRES (v J , ,i i, j "T ,-v , n .