t i .u w , TWV r Jrf EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK- x. PHILADELPHIA, FJR1DAY, APUIL 18, 1919 i" &' , .. l:L :MA1I, ft rilONE OnDEItS riLLED iSTonn orn.vs id.mi.t o a. m. asm closes at suo p. m.i ; IMA 1 1, ft 1'llONR OltDKHS FtLLKDJ Even Now at the "Eleventh Hour'9 We Can Smartly Outfit You for Easter! Stt.' L u 1 is; Stocks have been enlarged, variety increased, new lots gathered in and new prices made that we may serve your interests best at a time when SERVICE and ECONOMY count most. w1 V A QUESTIONED A COSTA ADR1ATICR vA t H- w. I- m m -.-f bV La .Dofegaziono Italiana Alia Conforenza di Parigi Vuolo una Sollocita Docisione Suite Aspirazioni d'ltalia Published nd Dtatrlbiit4 Undtr PERMIT NO. Ml Authorlt br tb act of CMo",,; HIT, on 111 at the roitofflce at rhlla- S, order of th. . Postmmitcr Genirtl. Tarlgl, 17 nprllc-La Dclofsaiiionc Italians nlla Coufercnzn dclla face stn facendo tin supremo sfoi7.o per otic ncrc, prima dclla fine dclla scttiinnna. una dcclslone nella dtsputa tra 1 Italia cd I Juso-Slnl liRtiardo il posscsxo di Hume c ddln lobla delta Dalmazia. Slccomc la. Camera del Dcputntl si riaprira' il 24 nprile corrcutc, si cicue hi. rnn. Orlando ojjlin fun- un rap- rin nl rlc-iinnln p si dice rhc- cH lion oelia tornaiP in Homn bpuiu die la niiostlonp. di italo intcrcssc per l'ltalla. sin sistcmnln. T.a nucstionc del problema dell AUM .1! n' in ntiesto niomento la pm importante. Si coutimin ad asscrlre clic 1 Delcgati Italiani nou hrmerauno nlcuti trsttnin ill untp sp nnchr la minima dellc loro richiesto fosse rigeltata. c tra nueste una dellc principal! c' il pos .,n .1! t.'iiimn. Non si cslta ml niter- w... nho In rnnseeuenza di un rifiuto lie riehieste dclla Dclcgaxionc Italians Pottcbbc csserc disastrosn. T Jugo- Slavl sono cgualmentc inslstcnti. Kiqora ticssuna dctinltiva dceisione e stata raggiunta, Se i Dclegatl ttaliani lasceranno la Confcrcnza ncssun dubbio di un sinNtro risultnlo. noma, 17 nprile.- Notizle dn Trieste scgnnlano flic in nuclta cittu' sono glunti tclcgrnmnii aununzianti lrapo nenti comizt -traiilcM nellc tcrrc redentc a pro Flume c Dalmazia. A Tirauo nel Teatro Tartinl. nffollatlssimo." p' stata rccitata la Sagrn di Santn Oorizia fra delirante cntusinsmo. Inline fu votato un ordine del giorno. jnvocante 'la Hberazione ed il rieongiungimpnto del territori nazionali. Il giorno 13 cor- , rente in Trieste la tlttndinanza si rnc colse in Piazza Unitn". iu grandioso comizio. per dimos.trare lainLrollabilc volonta' cue tutta la Dalmazia Ma unita ali'Italia. Fu uno spettncnlo inde MrMbHe. Dopo varil discorsi fu fatta la consegna dclla bandiern, italiana clic la citta' di Trieste lin donato n Spalato, perche' sin fatta sentolalc su quella t citta'. Si formo' pojein un corteo di oltre ccntomiln perpoup clip pcrorsc la principal! vie delln citta'. Ln dimostra zione ha dimostrato plebiscitariamcute . la volonta' di Trieste clic la propria redenzionc non debba p posxa cssere disgiunta n quella di altre tcrrc die spettano ali'Italia. II corrlspondente del. Temps dalH l'ltalia telegrafava nl suo giornale, il 14 corrente, dicendo die le rivendica zioni ilaliane su Fiume risregliano sui giornali In eco gcnerale c riferisee un articolo del "Giornale d'ltalia" nel i quale e" detto chi nessun goirruo po trebbe firmare una pare d! rinuuzin. Se l'accordo maneasie trn gll Alleati , sulie question! clip cosi' fortcmente toccano l'ltalia, cidcntpmcnte torne rebbo in vigore la formola gloriosa del .rlsorgimenfo: 1Itnlln fara' da sc II corrhpondentp jifprivrp purp un articolo del giornnle "La Tribuna.f il cui direttoro nttunlniPiito a l'arigi cooi' icrlye: "Npn crcdeo neccssnrio rnm mentare agli aniPiirnni die d'ltnlla, rlie attende orn nnsiosnmeutP le decisionl per le rivendicuzioni delle nazioui e dell'Italia stcssa, fu quuttro mini sulla breccia o senza la sua eoopernfcione la i. Conferenza oggi sniebbe riunlta in ultra capitate die Parigi. A'ggiunge die c' inesatto credere clic simili idee siano una esagerazione artificiale della stampa. Si e' tonstatato die nel diversi ambicnti politiciiVniondani e militari prevale la medesima unanlmc imprcs-slone. UE not only advertise this furniture at these prices, but actually WILL DELIVER the goods at the prices quoted below: Re-Upholstering Solicited Construction. KtAlnnllnr Double Bulled, tour. lirunu Spanlnli Imitation I.eathtr. Mall or Phone Order Cheerfully Filled. a uuiaware U HnnsP Fnrniliirp fn MANUFAC'TUBEIIS and BRTAILKBH of th Better ninu oi'ruHfliTuuii Hlore Kenslnston Ave. ft Cambria 8t, FartorT !M llartvllle Hrlfe for ESTIJ1AT15 IrrrH n lt8WIahed.1900 f'"ll I J: UmE SAVE YOUMONEVW 5" E? A A '. Send for Our nil Bargain Catalogue rKiflaiffik: ior Valul5 Vtslcaa whit Mopbire, out it. et nurantted. neriait lne hriliiBfu.w h.a.j 1 Utort 1ffinT KTl foe ltdloi, er tooth rlaza for wen. ( addltionil for i il. uin min rem liMiaa or IC0 for ent.'emtn) ' jsd! -k t $1.00 Special $1.00 Th!. il. vt eM.flllai Tlfi rJLfany Scarf Pin, att with, our 'CT beat nuallt! l.ckrat Mexloan ' white aapphlrs brilliant. Guar tad for in niti Thli Din looka Jut ;tki.lk.lt pin. .A 'eular U.59 alue. -Only (1 poatpald, MEXJCA! Uvea KT4p MEXICAN DIAMOND CO. . Lovely Trimmed Hats for Easter Last-minute choice is sure to be satisfactory here! Those at $1.98 and $5.98 Arc Uncqualcd Under $10 to $15 Elsewhere The vogue of the trimmed sailor carries all before it, nnd our collection shows an unmatched variety. Some have smart wings; home quills; others orna ments; many ostrich and a number of the newest models are cleverly trimmed with feathers. 1.11 Brothers MILLIXIJIIY SAI-ON, THI11D FLOOU rf jT Mali order. Fined HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Phone Orders Filled WtPtiNtmmmm T t - Market Eighth ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh In the Nick of Time for Kastpr! Full seamless with double soles, high spliced heels' and toes. Black, navy, cordovan, gray, champagne nnd white. Sizes 9V4 to UMj. Very slight imperfections. Ml Ttrolher First Floor, 7th St. Wear New Corsets, Easter If you would look'your best r- Rengo Belt Reducing Corsets, $2.50 to $6 It is the height of economy to wear these corsets for they last. Models for every figure some with " stcelaslic " webbing for greater free dom all with double watch spring boning. Pink coutil & broche. We arc sole Philadelphia agents. ft $2 Corsets, $1.50 W. B. Nuform, Warner's Proof and CB a la Spirite. liO to 36. Bandeaux and Bust Confiners, 50c to $6 De Bevoise, Nemo, Ovida Model. White, pink, navy and black. Sizes 34 to 54. Mt Brothers SECOND FLOOrt Kust Sizes and blue NEWS FOR "LAST-MINUTE" BUYERS Men's and toting Men's POSITIVE ECONOMIES OF FIVE TO TEN DOLLARS II bbbbbV bbH IA Easter Suits 1820 s$25 Men who hae delayed or have been delained in ihoomg their Our stocks are as complete as ever. Castei suit, need not fear being placed in the position of "taking what is left." -Our display is one of the larRcnt in I'liilailrl- IMPORTANT FACT-phia. Choos'e? from the newest waistline effects, skut-coat models and neat conservative styles single or double breasted. Coats, half and quarter lined with mohair; also some quarter silk lined. Kirschhaum Special Easter Saturday Feature Men's All-Wool Blue Serge Suits i AN ACTUAL SAVING Of $10 , T . For One Day Unty Absolute guarantee of satisfaction. Strict!; liaml-Uiilorcd. color-fast. Truly a sensational alue at this price. Materials are blue serges (blue, gray and brown) flan nels, durable worsteds, handsome cassimercs and beautiful mixtures. Values Positively Unequaled Elsewhere! $O.50 MaHBHI 100 pel cent all wool Boys' "Dubbelbilt" Suits $12.75, $15.75, $16.75 & $19.75 Six months' guaianteo goes' with rcrv "Dubbelbilt" to repair, without charge, any rip, hole or tear that shows. Sizes 7 to 18. Boys' White Confirmation Suits, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 & $4.98 In Junior Norfolk and JVliddy styles with long or short trousers. Sizes 21.. lo 10. Boys' Other Suits and Top Coats, $4.98, $7.50, $8.75, $10 $12.75 and $15 All new models in desirable materials. Sizes 21. to 18. I. II Brother-. RI.CONTt I'LOOR 7Tltv STRKUT 2 H'r are the only retail sclliitff aqenti in Philadelphia. Boys' Blue Serge Confirmation Suits, $10, $11.50, $12.75 & $15 Also Junior Norfolk and Middy Suits with sleeve chevron; long or short pants. Sizes vary from 2 j to 18. Knster Hosiery and Under wear generous savings! Silk Stockings $1.75, $2 & $2.75 Beautiful Hosiery to Wear With the New Low Shoes! Ingrain nnd thread silk in 'black, white, navy, cordovan, gray, bronze, champagne, field mouse & beaver. Women's and Children's Stockings, 29c, 35c, 39c, 45c, 50c & 65c SA Ribbed cotton or 1 lisle in black, f white, tan nnd cor- v dovan. Women's Vests, 25c ff m i m OJ j Cotton ribbed. Low I neck; sleeveless. Women's Union Suits, ' 75c and 85c Cotton libbed. Low neck; sleeve less, lace tiimmcd nt knee. Women's Glove $0.25 J Silk Vests French band finish. I.lt Ilrollir -First Kloor South -?fl3p55ig J5K3r V -"' -.... - - ...,. 4 DAY OF OPPORTUNITY! A TIME Misses' & TO PROFITABLY MAKE SELECTIONS! Women's Stunning Wraps, Suits & Dresses A wonderful range of styles, sizes and types for all summed up briefly. -with prices that mean a certain saving is the message MISSES1 CAPES .Of Spring weight velo'ur in navy blue, ( henna, lose and Pekin; also of navy serge. Full sweep style with belted coatee front,) patch pockets and bone buttons. One sketched. I $15 Misses' Handsome Capes, $25 Designed in dolman effect with throw tie finished with fringe, belted coatee front and slashed pockets; also handsomely trimmed models with braid. Both stvles are developed from fine quality French serge. One sketched. Women's Capes, $29.75 Of serge in navy blue nnd black; designed in dolman effect with yoke in back, small plaits and rows of buttons at sides. Have stiing belt and peau de cygne lining. One sketclied. Velour dolmuns in light Spring shades are also included in the group. ! Women's Navy Serge Capes! $-i Q KA Have belted jacket front, ruffles, patch -B -" 1 pockets and braid. One pictured. ' BU Women's Tailored Suits, $39.50 Tricotinc, gabardine, serge, Pbiyet twill and novelty tweeds. Some stunning styles have Balkan blouse jacket with silk cord waist line, two-button front with contrasting tricolette vest, fiat silk braid arid bone buttons. Skirts are decidedly chic, with narrow lines and binid trimming. One sketched. Misses' Tailored Suits, $29.75 Navy, serge, poplin, gabardine and Jersey cloth. Jackets in box, belted and blouse styles; also sports suits in the group. One favorite lot has box jacket with one-bulton cutaway fiont, set-In i nockets and figured peau de cygne lining. One sketched. Misses' and Women's Skirts, $15 and $16.98 Very attractive sports and dressy styles of tricolette, satin baionette and Fantasi in navy blue, black, taupe, flesh, white and Poilu blue. WFaiif It fir Tliv. As JLlI m WJj3 ' I iU'ifo 1 H (i I vfmlw Girls' Navy Easter "Capes M . 1 bargain and a return kabte one! mL Serviceable and jaunt a delight to the ecs of 1 JBU 85 the "Younger Sot.' Vcstce, yoke and belted models lars. Sizc3 8 to 11. Two pictured Laige col t-M s- Tynra ' T KM Misses' and Women's Dresses, $25 .S'rrffr. Taffeta, t'repe de Chine, Jersey and Georg ette Handsomely Beaded and Embroidered. i AmoiR these haniKome models are Urrcs's of taffeUi fcliolng nl!.t. hleeeH anil tunlr stitched In block effeU Dlher nttrailha IiIghs aro manifest 111 the plaited (.olUr and the belt with bow 111 back. One krfrliril. , I.lt nrllier-r.Kt'ONU FLOOR Girls Wool Poplin Capes, Collar of contrasting silk po tic and noelty buttons. Sizes 1 One pictured. Big Girls' Dolman Capes, $14 Silvertone cloth in wanted colors. back, pockets and licit. Sizes 12 1G. One pictured. Big Girls' Taffeta Dresses, $16.98 Wanted shades. Hand embroidei and some with butterfly tie. Sizes Pictured. Little Girls' $4.50 to $8 Coats, $1 and $2 Newest .stle and materials. Little Girls' Coats and Capes, $4.98' to $12.98 Serge, silk, poplin and checks. Sizes " to 8. Girls' White Dresses, $1.98 to $7.98 Voile, Persian lawn and net, with lace, embroidered de signs and satin ribbons. Sizes 8 to U. sm ,"$12.98 C . ckcts. belt, -y A $J 8 to 11. if JA JfsSPA j'J55?ff; If v.t hf&ft )! -I" llfeM :' y, pocket M 1 . tilJS.'Jn Hto16- ww W Mmmm zJr f ft M ii i rr II HI jSirr II t'sS&sIl hi 111 Ifl I.lt Hi others SECOND FI.OOH WOMEN'S EASTER GLOVES With Special Price Inducements "Kayser" Silk Gloves, 85c, $1, $1.25 & $1.50 $1 Milanese Silk Gloves, 69c To-clanp In black, liite and sand Double lips Two-clasp In black. colors Double Up-" whilH and I $2 & $2.25 Wash 1 Gloves I.lt Ilrolliem First I One-fin) Pique sewp j'loor. 8th .Street blown, mild and pearl. $J.79 Tan, Bray, $u$for Occupying the Entire Under Floor of This Bia"-Storcand Selling Up-lo-Datc Seasonable Merchandise Greatly Under Price HATS TRIMMED FREE $4 & $4.50 Ready- I $ Trimmed Hats Unusual collection of shapes, beautifully trimmed Manv styles suitable for older women. $, Two pictured. $2 Untrimmed Hats, $1.79 Special lot! Excellent large shapes of Jap straw in black and colors. Misses' & Children's $1 .98 Hats Remarkable Values! ' Wonderful collection of jaunty models in semi-dress and tailored styles. Split milan, plain, or milan hemp in black and colors. Pictured. - . a aSSs Men's Furnishings Just in Time Real "Easter Specials".' Men's $10 Silk Crepe SHIRTS ! Pure silk in exclusive colored stripes, worsted, buttonholes. Soft cuffs. Silk i $8 Satin-Stripe Tub Silk Shirts, 6.49 Soft collar to match. Self-satin stripes inter mingled with colored stripes. Soft cuffs. , Silk Neckwear, 98c Heavy tyrocades, figures, plain colored poplins and grosgrains. Large four-in-hands. Slide easy bands. $4 Fiber-Striped Crepe Shirts, $2.65 Colored crepe and fiber stripes. Soft collar to match. Soft cuffs. New Four-in-Harids, 49c Brocades, fancy figures and novelty effects. Choice colors. Also batwings in figured crepe failles. $8.98 h .VJMItTi&.V mm i. t i - n ii ii ti LH Ilrutliern FIRST FLOOft, 8UVKNTII STItUHT $1.50 Nain sook Unron Suits, 98c I'liecked nainsook Atliletiu itylc. Still Time Enough to Choose $ff .45 - $C Women Fine Easter Shoes i . J tO O High and Low Shoes, Possessing Grace, ( harm and ,lldivj? Fumps, coioniais anu oxiorus .SO in all wanted leathers. .-., $3' 85 Women's $6 Low Shoes. Pumps and Oxfords in black glazed kid, patent coltskin nnd tan calfskin. Long vamps Men's Low Shoes, .50 $Q.50 to 5 Wanted leatheis. and straight tips. Wing to $ Young Folks' Footwear at Worth-While Discounts Nubuck and buckskin; also gunmelal, patent coltskin, tan Russia calf, black and tan 8 Little Bojs' Shoes and Oxfords, SO CQ to A ' Sires fl to 13V: 0 I rMUFWa hnna nnH I'nmns. 1 SO A f to Misses' Shoes and Pumps, ISO EQ to n or ' she8 8, io ,, .4.7 O Sizes UVt lo 2 CtJH J,J t Infants. shocSl and .umps,i $- -I Q to $o - fh: TJnvo' Rimes and Ov-1 $0 Of to $C CA! Sisen 1 to 5 1 I 17 J JJ fc..lfs ww In while canvas, kidskin. Young Women's Shoes and Oxfords, Sires S'i to 7... $2.98 fords, Sizes I to 6 .89to$5.50 I.lt llrothrm FHIST FLOOU, NOUTlI 59c Silk Stockings, 39c Black, white und colors. Imperfect. r- Men's $5, $6 and $7 Shoes and Oxfords, $2.98 From i Johnson & Murphy and other high-grade makers. nunmetal calf, patent coltskin and MdnUln. All rlzes in lot. Women's $6, $7 and $8 Pumris and Oxfords, $3.85 Patent coltskin, dull kid, Jblack buikskln and tan kid. Some have factory checks, (KliV Men's $22.50 Suits, $18 Mixtures. cBsain).reo, 'ulievlpla aild nprsl(lev i 7, ( $16.50 Dolmans, Capes and Top Coats, $12.50 Serge, popl'" an(1 eIour In navy, black, brown, Brcen, Copenhagen, Bur gundy, henna, reindeer, 'etc Caws have yokes, coatee front with belt and pockets, tuxedo collar or throw tie. Some braid trimmed. Coats aro belted or tooso hanging. Women's $1.25 Silk Gloves, 85c , Two-clasp. Black, whlto and gray, Men's $2.50 Shirts, $1,98' Woven Btrlpo madras. Soft cuffs. Boys' Suits, $6.95 to $10 Serge Norfollis. SUes 6 to 17, $9.50 Smart Capes, $6.75 Small 11 Exceptional Value t Navy and black srge and crepe poplin. One model,. With, belted coatee front: nnother has braid, buttons and throw t6. ,) - . -- f M "Wl,fIJiPWW!HIJ'11 Hats U Trimmed I Free. Extraordinary Values in$.98$Q.98 Ready - to - Wear HATS u & & That Easter selections may represent wonderful variety up until, the last minute splendid new lots have just arrived! There are several effective styles in Japanese straw combined with brims of Georgette crepe or horsehair in transparent effect. All ready to put right on and wear home! The trimmings include flowers and fruit in wreath effect, fancy ribbon and ostrich bands. Black and colors. Two pictured. Children's Hats, $1.98, S2.98 and $3.98 Neat effective styles of lisere and I milan straws hnisneu with band and streamers. Black and colors. One sketched, Sports Hats, $2.35 These como in the favorite mush room poke, sailor and side roll styles trimmed with ribbon bands, bows and cockades. Plain and two-tone color combinations. . Lit nretlier FlJtST FLOOH, XOHTH The Right WAISTS to Complete Easter Outfits Affording an unlimited ariety of stjles that might easily sell for higher prices. Georgette Crepe $A98 Waists Have round neck with collar in back, hemstitching and front cov ered with hand beading in block design. Flesh, sunset antl white. One sketched. BgYfeH ?" Horr 'xUurut t6,W:kfwjtMn'at L4wu i-rUec-rSotaUi Floor ct.Our Ji?rT8Udlas,JtlL Uultt BU,Kss v 'i ste ." ' nii.,- ' i" "' j. ."?. ; r White Voile Waists, $1.98 Have deep yoke effect formed of fine plaits, rows of cluster plaits in back and pietty laco edging around neck, shoulders and finished cuffs. One illustrated. Crepe de Chine Waists, $3.98 Have rows of plaits down frpnt, neat collar and cuffs'. Lit llrolh.r SECQ.ND KLOOn 1UT MMeMtJHM UV"Ty6 L i dK 14 V Fl j Flesli and white .. ;.... ?v m V ' J '- S 1 A 1 "AS m : ?cj ' a i M :! M TS M At K' u h mimy ,-?. ' ,i ''--ii i -rt ,'k i v .: n jT'jAJ Vfi IK a. .. xmmm -jiatiexs. -z