p VlltslT?9 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA", FRIDAY, "APRIL 11, 19Lfl Is.. Itt L lf- w r "s- l;, it I leas 0 r i 6" .. 5F& ffifr k"J li' .? w ' mi L '''If H iS HUNGARY TREATS $ Soldiers Removed for Mission's Comfort Workmen Oc cupy Palaces WOMEN FORM RED GUARD Ily (lie Associated Press Ituriapest, April II.1 The soviet offi finis are mnkiiiR every effort to pro tect Americans liere and arc showing due regard for their rightR. A leading fashionable hotel was orig inally designated by the lied (Junrd ns n barracks and tiie guests were noti fied to quit within a few hours. When Hold Kun, the communist lender. as Informed of what was going on, he re marked irritably, from the bed in which he was repoing, "What do t care';" "But the American mission is living theie," his informant exclnimed. On hearing this. Ilela Kun sprang to a telephone nnd told the lied Guard to find quarters elsewhere. The attempted eodus of the well-to-do class is continuing. Americau pass ports arc bringing as high as $1000. An Anglo-American train will Inup Saturday for AVest Kurope by way of Vienna. The Americans on the train are to he mostly women, the wives of Hungarians, who by (ourtcsy of the Hungarians are permitted to class themselves ns aliens. There is an organization of women's lied (iunrds functioning now. but Us 100 members are occupying tliemsehes , for the most part with propaganda wotk. Many of the aristocratic women of the city have been reduced to want. Raroness Schossberger. once having pioperty worth n million dollars or more, now is plaing harp in a cheap retaurant for her food. All the places have been couerted into resorts for woiMngnien's societies and clubs. From the home of Count .lilies Audrassy hns been removed a youthful portinit of Jtafihael. an art work of great alue. Madame Mar garet Karolji. the widow of Stephen Karolyi, is living in two rooms of her palace, the rcmninr is occupied by n society of photogiaphers. Count Andrew Tschoui lives in two rooms of his palace with a club of hotel cooks occupjing the real of his home. lied tJuards are living in Arch fluke .Joseph's palace, opposite the royal castle, while u musicians' club occupies the palace of Count Nemcs. The new government ministers are so unaccustomed to performing official du ties that they nie ready to accede to almost any kind of a request to oblige foreigners nnd show good will. The work of oiganizing the country is being feverishly continued. The central fea ture of the plan is" to npply the trust idea to all industries. All the clubs ami fashionnble ex clusive resorts have been socialiicd, in cluding the Park Club. The Jockey Club has been converted into u laborers' home and the splendid race course, which cost a j ear's time nnd So, 0(10,000 in make,, is being plowed up for potatoes. END SIBERIAN SQUABBLE Agreement Reached Between Gen erals Kolchak and Semenoff Harbin. April 5. (delayed). (I5y A. T.) It is announced in a nevvs)irjer controlled by General Semenoff that a. complete agreement has been reached between Oenernl Semenoff and General Ivanoff-ISinoff. representative of Ad miral Kolchak, liead of the Omsk ' Kovernment. General Semenoff, it is said, will be commander of a special far eastern corps and also lietmnu of the eastern Cossacks under the orders I of General Ivenoff-Itinoff. General SemcuolT will be subordinate lo Lieutenant General Horvnth, vtho.vvill , be in direct control of the ndministra- i Hon of Cossack territory in eastern J Siberia. The Omsk government willl provide funds for the maintenance of General Seinenoff's corps and General Semenoff will mobilize his troops under government sanction. General Knlinl koff, Cossack commander on the Ussuri river front, is going to the frout with his own troops and a part of those mobilized by General Semenoff. As n result of the agreement between the leaders the Tungusian and Rurintic.- trnnnq in trnnu.StnIL ulin , .... it... ""i - '". ,, .in mu j same basis as Cossacks. J ALLEN S FOOTEASE The Antiseptic Powder. Shake it in your Shoes, Use it in your Foot-Bath Use it in the Morning Jnd walk all day in comfort. At night, sprinkle it in the 3foot-bath, and soak and rub the feet. It freshens the feet, ftakes the Friction from the Shoe, and by protecting your Jiose and stockings from this friction, saves ten times its cost each year on your stocking bill. For over 25 years Allen's root Ease has been the STANDARD REMEDY for hot, swollen, smarting, , tender, tired, perspiring aching feet, .corns, bunions, blisters and callouses. It acts like magic No plasters or grease, clean, sanitary and cooling. Yon will never know what real footcomfort is nntil yon have used Allen's' Foot-Iiase. What better nroof ja.ihan thatthe Plattsburg Camp Mauual advises men in vmwssrm - MOURNED AS DEAD; RETURNS i West Philadelphia Soldier Pays! Family Surprise Visit For more than three months relatives and friends of Private .lessc Munjon. son of Clarence Munyon. of Stat fourth street and Woodland nveuue, had been mourning his death. He re turned well nnd strong today. lie returned to America March -o nnd was sent to Camp Dix, where he was mustered out. Last Saturday he walked in on bis Histcv, Mrs. Hester Noble, of Cednrvllle, X. ,1., and today he returned to Philadelphia. Private Munjon, a machinist, en listed in November, 1017, and was sent to Camp Slocum. He went to France in December, 1017, with Company 11, Thirtieth finglneers. He went into ne tion more than n year ago, and after that his relatives lost trace of him. There were repents thnt be had been gassed, wounded and killed in action. As no letters came from him, relatives hnd given up hope. He explained that he was with a contingent constructing the foundations of the largo guns in March, 1018, nnd that the shock of the guns in nction weakened his heart. He was sent back with a casual comnauv I Hint wns shifted from place to place in ' Fiance. He received no mail. i MISSWILSON LOSES I "RAINBOW" PUPPY Safety Director's Daughter Seeks Airedale in Tan, Blue and White Direclur nf Public Snfet.v ViKmi "iainbow" dog is missing. It is tin I Airedale puppy in tan, blue nnd gray. , It answers to the name of Felix I when it does jou the courtesy of nn iswering. It is a very proud puppy, being the beloved playmate of little I Miss Florence, the director's joungest l daughter. I ISecause Felix is such a diguilied dog the Wilson family does not understand his conduct of sesteidny afternoon when out for a lidc in Fairmount Park with Director AVilson. Felix was contentedly-sitting in his mislrcvs's hip when the call of the wild sei.ed him on Ilclmout aveuue near the Hajes Mechanics Home. Or perhaps it was the sight of a cat in the buslies or the longing for true freedom which the Peace Conference has invoked 'every -, where, or possibly the Bolshevist spirit ot annrciiy u sucn n ining can invade so dignified a mind. Anyhow Felix went, he disappeared. No search could discover him. Felix weais a lollnr with the in scription "Felix Wilson, L'.IOl South Twentieth street," also n license tag marked No. 1, Forty-first district. If jou want to make a dear little pining girl happy return her puppy should jou find him. Lloyd George to Report London. April 11. Premier l.lojd (ieorge hopes to return to London from 1 Paris next Tuesday and to make a I statement regarding the peace confer ' ence in the House of Commons on Wednesday. This announcement was made in the House by Edward Shoitt, home secretary. MEN BUY SMOKES HERE rVBHY STANDARD BRAND OP CIGARS & TOBACCOS AT LOWER PRICES Tlinn ('n Bf rnrrhn1 ElKrirlirr AIlSOF.rTE SATIRFArTfON T.nAUAX. TEED OR MOVEY RRFUNI1KI lrfrto. noiM of (10 ... 'VU OIRARI1 nROKERR, 13o $l Eft !. noiM ot no "tov BMM of 60,... 1.UU BANQUET rrrferto. Smokem vrhs know highest crude toborco A irork manthhlp will apprrrlRto Ilia won derful quality A Talne of this tnilr JOe atraldit cUor. .n OE Woxea of CO A.A EINENLOITO'S CINCO. .. erk larri nlie. Boies of 100... ?5,uU noUJN. 7e lie. o rjt' Boxea of AO 4 O ROSE-n-ciIBA. iweet as a! in mw nut. "r lire. Boiei ot 80.. &' t O T.A MESA. Terfecto. 0 Art Boxes of 80 iUU MANILAS. onlT the bent. r rn. Boxes of 100 3.fi0 TUXEDO. 16-ounre. Tin llumldnri. 11.10 cMlletle Blades ner rioten age OEM DA.1IASKEENE Vjf Blades. Cat to 4Ue Evrr-Iteadr Blades, six for'. 30 UIKHAM DUPLEX IIOM- OO 1NO. l.00 Outfit, t'nt to OW Mall Orders Accompanied by Money Orders promptly filled LABEL'S PARKWAY ?" "?-r CIOAR SHOP iV. W. Car. 15th & Arch irzissz: - ' fW' iwwf jgyyi.mciii. aiumi wiqipnn. RECEIVER IS ASKED FOR LOAN COMPANY Stockholders of Republic Mort gage Allegfl Scheme I to Defraud Pittsburgh. April 11. A petition for a receiver for the Tlepublic Mortgage! Company, a S7.000.000 corporation, wns filed in the Fnited States District Court here by A. F. Harbison, K. C. Hon man and fifty other stockholder in the company. i A preliminary inltinction is asked to' restrain further sales of stock in the coinppny and further pn.vnients to Hnr man & Co.. alleged to be n sister cor poration. Directors of the Itepublic Company nie Samuel II. McKec, presi dent ; Fred W. Scott, vice president: (illy W. Itcnyxr Sjccrelnry-treasurer, all of Pittsburgh, and Robert Steven son, of Washington. Pu. The Republic Company wns organ ized in August. 11(17. to lend money upon the security of utility motors. In cluding passenger automobiles, trucks and tractors. In the bill of complaint the peti tioners nver that at the time of the organization nil of the common stock of the corpora tion, of par value of $'1,000,000, was to be issued to Henvx in consideration of the transfer by-liim to the company of certain alleged con tracts and ngi cements, which the peti tioners assert did not represent leal or tnngible value to the amount of ifo.OOO. 000. "On the contrarj," the peti tioners aver, "the stock wus issued in pursuance of the scheme of llenyx anil others to defraud the subscribers to the stock." League Shields Monroe Policy Contlmifil from Pncp One HrnUuno, wife of the Rumanian prime minister, attended the session. Members of the lommission said there had been no discussion as to the dale of the probable first meeting of the league of nations' nigaui.ation. L'rge Macedonian Stale Twenty-five specialists in questions relative to the Halkans have joined in it request to President Wilson to lend his support to a p'lun for the ere ntiou of nu autonomous Macedonian stntc. This would include n population' of about tvSOO.OOO, and would have as! its capital the city of Salonicn. The pioposed state would extend from the Seibian mountains, on the north, to the I ,&:, WARNER TRAILERS AND HtiMM'RAlXRKS "The Trailer Without a Swing" The Curtis Publishing Company lias a licet of 8 Warner ' liaulInK their coal, abhes, paper and waste saving time, labor and JOHN W. ADAMS :: 1427 Melon Street r? MUST We need the room more new cars coming in quan tity from factory. Because we need the room we can afford to sell these 26 used cars at most unusual bargain prices rather than store them for higher prices. They will all be sold before next Saturday night. Sale opens tomorrow morning ends Saturday. April 19th. Open every night until 10 o'clock. These cars have been gone over fixed up painted OPEN EVENINGS ONE WEEK Lexington plan of payment only charge of 6 interest on notes. Cars sold under EVERY ONE IN THIS LIST A BARGAIN Lexington Model R 7-pass. Touring $1400 Lexington Model R 7-pass. Convertible Sedan $1500 Lexington Model R 5-pass. Convertible Sedan $1550 Lexington 1917 5-pass. Touring $975 Lexington 6-pass Touring. $800 Lexington Club Roadster. $850 Hudson 1917 Super -Six 7-pass. Touring $1150 Jdrdan 1917 7-pass Tour ing $1150 Chandler 7-pass Touring . . $650 ra Sis .& F . USjSMMi. biiiflU v mmm Aegean sen, nnd from the llulgnrlnn frontier to the eastern boundary of Albania. Among those who signed the request were Charles II. Crane, of the I'tiited Stntcs: Sir i:dva,rd Boyle. Noel Ilux tin lialiinnn of the Itiitish Ilalkan committee, and Dr. II. N. ltrailsford, of England; the Rev. Herbert Adams (tlbbous, former professor of political economy nt Robeit College, Con stantinople, and Prof. Thomas Whlttc more, of Columbia Fnivcrsity. They maintain that the mixed popu lation of Macedonia has suffered so greatly for ninny years, as a result of the livnl claims of neighboring coun tries, thnt tho people should be given nutouomoiis government under the care of n mandatory power, such as the Cnited States, during the early ienrs of the existence if the proposed state. The plenary session or tne Peace Con ference today for tho consideration of the Inbor report is awaited with much interest because of the dissatis faction existing nmoug the smaller nn tions. The indications uie that there may be interpellations concerning the secrecy with which the big four is sur rounding itself, and rumors thnt nego tiations may open with the fiermans without fully advising nil the peace dele gates of the terms of the treaty. With out exception the smaller nations are said to be displeased at being kept in the dark. Bismarck and Kaiser Smashed Paris. April 11.- i Bv A. P.)- Dur- I iug a Polish celebration nt Posen thej statues of Itisinarck ami William 1 were destroyed, accordiig to it dispatch. I Does Prohibition Rob the Individual of Per- sonal Liberty? This is the one big, vital ques tion in the rapidly swelling tide of public discussion. This is the , storm center about Which the, fight for Prohibition will be hotly waged. WHY PROHIBITION! By Charles Stelzle ' gives the full answer to this and every other important question on the subject. The book should ' be in the handsof every thought-1 ful, liberty-loving man. At all Booksellers Price, $1.50 net GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, 344 MADISON At K. NKH MIHK , I'our Whirl Tiallers money USED CAR SALE FOR ONE WEEK CLEAR THEM AWAY IN ONE Steams-Knight Limousine, 7 pass $1000 Stearns - Knight 5 - pass. Touring $850 Hupmobile Sedan, 1917. . $950 White 7-pass. 1917 Tour ing $1400 Maxwell 1917 Sedan $800 Maxwell 191 7, Sedan $650 Maxwell 1917 Cabriolet.. $675 Overland 5-pass. Touring. $550 Overland Convertible Sedan $525 W. A. Kuser, Vice President and General Manager Lexington Building 851 North' Broad Street Oppotita tytetropolitan Opera Houi HUNGARIAN ELECTION QUIET Process Carried Out Under Coercion of Red Army Budapest. April 10 (delayed). I By A. P.) The elections in Hungary for the creation of soviet councils passed off without reported IncidentSj soviet organizations being formed in the coun try districts by means of this' bill lot inc. The whole process wns carried out under the coercion of the Red nrinv. with the majority nf the voters in main' Smartness, Health Lasts And Unusual Value Characterize GEUTING'S SHOWING OF, EASTER SHOES For Girls & Boys Always the recog nized headquarters for shoes for gi o -iiiU feet, by virtue of our specialization In th deslKtilng of otthopedlcally cor icct lasts CifutltiF's pic-emlnence U fui ther Intensified bv the most complete assortment of style shoe.s for Baster to be found In Phila delphia todai. V ou will find lots of cen tilne White Buck shoes lime, and nil other kinds that seem to be o sea tee about town Growing Girls Brogue Oxford Plenty of Our Famous "Sure-Tread" DOUBLE-SERVICE SHOES The wonderful double-bending shoe, thnt will stand the roughest usage and look well nt the finish. They'll out wear two pairs of ordinary kinds. Big Boys' Shoes on 1230 Market Shoes and Stockings for the family. i ITha 3ore of 1 Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three denting Brothers Sitpervixinff up look like new and run almost like new. We probably won't have as good an offering in used cars in months. Our reputation for fair-dealing is your assur ance of a good deal whetheryou buy used or new cars. Look over the list. You couldn't match the selection or prices. They're all choice good buys according to what you want to pay. Come early before they're gone. Overland Clubster; wire wheels $550 Touraine Special 7-pass. Touring $675 Willys-Knight 1918 7-pass. Touring $1100 Biddle 1917; 5-pass $975 Chalmers Master Six 5-pass. Touring $575 Pullman 1917 5-pass. Tour ing ; $475 Buick Little Six 5 - pass. Touring $800 Mitchell 1917 5-pass. Tour ing $625 places not appearing to know why they neie voting. The foregoing dispatch definitelv shows that the reports of the overtluoiv of the Hiingni inn Coininiinit govern ment were unfounded King Honors Yankee Surgeons London, April 11 Five member of the American army medical cotps were decorated with the Military Cioss bv King (Ieorge at Buckingham Palace to day. T4ie men honored wcie Ciintains i Paul Preston. C. Sallett. .1. Dolling and W. House, and l.ieutenniit II Alex ander. Newest Men's Lasts 19 So. 11th A quick Service Men's Shop. (K0N0UNC3D OVTlNC) m ' ist Ftxmoua SKoaTI WEEK our service guarantee. 9' S3 1 8 m "'"; r - - zg9A 'mm f jMisr ' 4 , isth " I ; and r r A "ra Chestnut W M. 11' i Km r ssm sssm J kr Ii v S Anrv 1-1 msss4 JlM S ' ;? SwmAJ w or M W FJHIIIIIV WksW kssssW 111 i i Easter At A Mighty Big Saving Huge Purchase and Sale AAH CITITC All Brand New Spring Models Direct from two score of the most famous makers in New York, Phila delphia. Baltimore and Rochester. Made to Sell at $25 $28 $30 The Entire Lot at One Price We are not given to statements that do not bear the closest scrutiny. We declare most em phatically that these Suits are the duplicates of Suits selling at this moment in other high-class shops at a mini- tjtISSEKsvv mum of $25, $28 and $30 If your compari son shows this to be e r roneous, bring our pur chase back and ' we will refund your money. The details of howiwe secured this enormous coll ection of smart Spring Suits to sell at $18.50 have been fully covered in our previ 0 u s a n -n ounc e ments this week. That we have smashed all records in selling during this offer in our Philadelphia shop is not to be wondered at. Our suggestion is that you see these Suits for yourself. If you are not convinced they are as fine as any Suits selling anywhere else for at least ?25, $28 nnd $30, we do not expect your patronage. OtherRemark-nKIn l Values in Spring &($. Suits and Topcoats at $20, $22.50,'$25 and up to $45. , koss'SKjI rriinim m I' KstsmJsrJiZzKmSfr ,mw JF m $k$.: m The HotTke of Famous Clothes for M e,n and . Young ' Mcni AHandsomeiNew Suit For You Regul a r s, Longs,Shorts, Stouts. In Sack and Newest Waist line Models. Sizes 32 to 48. uwing to ria great demand for these Suits, it is advisable to come as early in the day as pos sible. P,IU S0m- ji .SBSBSBSBM.B f i -fit ssss M ' "1 s - 4 .jsrCrCSSEslteiZN. for these Suits, I M EKn&MMpKjBKaKHgSM if is advisable to I T.p fipS&Mr . the day as pos. I , K jJibmsWnSXixAlaiwssnsSt n r Ii&Ag$Mrw&'fethrJi&WwSSXl!?XM r rmr TririTrartT a ufrrrr ir nnTTTrTtii J lililll ill 'I iwWsKlS. ' '"'ri'B I t 'J iifinwimm v "-i Jj 1 . B'X! IMI IHiraaflll OH V t'fTUiJtsmmmmM 'mmxmM iM 15 th and m Chestnut !'S Snrttrfil 1 P. V .- 1 1 & SJl "1 I 4 A- i H it 7 T'.Y; 1 1 m - w'li M x m ! '4 pyw n-ffe-'iiijiams,;fi,zy zT "T'',iJSm.iisS!r '"-" ' mim EsM imkiim luM'tBii1' tMW iif.m'm gPmmmtTjrmJssWi . sWsss