.X- r r c -I tt V n "-- : . i?V- Evening public ledger Philadelphia, Friday, april it, ioi9 t" i?i :wr - jj H rJf.M . - tfitl i-V '" ( i JsNL In 1 lr. m w: i. i i,V, IrfL Is' fr lP l B" IP fc' 17: 5 ft i' i IVs- s . H f Pi L Fm l What are these two men doing? Were they on the firing line in the great war or are they pursued by a posse? Aro they honest men or criminals? This story In May Cosmopolitan, by Rupert Hughes, is as thrilling as tne famous -uaay ur ine ' Tiger" story with which a great writer thrilled the, world years ago. Ittaatrtted by H. R. Ballinger. . i JUP .jsPk.l. MjfE- UfH .r,------H-K.-ff hmmzmmmmirmi'i:' .,. r N. 1mSM1IP taaBB Ka&yl tip--FEiv5S- lBaaVaVaVaVJSTJBKnsnff7''''lV'.XmK'i(lk.'aiaa ;Y-i?PIrmtfif!?S'?27.r ' .K,itMjr 'S EByJKvBMHPHHKS'' &Sfis'f'iSH3P vw"- 1.-;.- j,' 7''jp-'';JK-.ja f,iKBi6,'Bfi( iivaatimf. ---K' PaW'Trir',B&aEiMCL,0 ' n i jln'iiiMirr ' if T TliMMrT Hfe &tKtJ' IIB!vi&iPi0HBK. gr-ZSS3?gHiaaMMa-B j!flHIPiHwpM------Eff lSt. i-fc. TOWBMB.JS-i-P; itllUp 'aWvffix '""? "i&SCt " jSS 'a'-SSi'iQjSw Oar boys are marching through just such German streets as this. Peter Clark Macfarlane marched with them, and if you have a boy with the A. E. F in Germany, or if you know one, you will read ft..?-.,- - ...i.i- i mMbiMMuuc s aiutic in may oa 7 mopolitan with intense Interest, , llluftftlon by Lee Conrey. v America's Greatest Magazine These twooung people are stand Ing on the 'edge of a diamond. mine in Klnjberley, South'Africa. Cynthia Stockley tells a thrilling tale -about them in May Cosmopolitan, Read the story and form your own con elusions about the woman who ac cidentally came into possession of a , seven carat diamond and couldn't bear, to return it' SJUuttnttd by DcMn Cornwall. THE pictures on this page are from the May number of Cos mopolitan which is being swept from the news-stands of America by more than a million people. Cosmopolitan is America's greatest magazine ancf America's favorite magazine. No other in all the world ever had so large an in telligent audience. For Cosmopolitan is the one f .magazine that publishes, month 'alter month, the best work ot the greatest writers in all the world. Buyra copy to-day and then, to-night spend a thrilling evening reading the best stories and the best novels that great minds are producing to-day for the enter tainment of more than a million American homes. These famous writers appear in the May number of Cosmopolitan Meredith Nicholson Rupert Hughes Cynthia Stockley Frank R. Adams Peter Clark' Macfarlane Henry Leverage Ella Wheeler Wilcox John Galsworthy James Oliver Curwood Donn Byrne Ben B, Lindsey E. Phillips Oppenheim Samuel Merwiny George Randolph Chester aVoLaaHaaaaaaaaaaLaaW i PLaaaaaaaaV I LaBUBPlf liLaA. LakanLaaaaaaaKli,''f 4"' XkaLaaaaaaaaaak fmt?tT;mMi ' m'mmiB IBftrBBBf 9 4y More than J1L a million circulation every month BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraBBSgBjK BTlaaaaBBaBPIlliTnaaaaaaWaaaiPaaaa " 'SS&B aBBBBBBaHaBBBB9HBBBBBVaC3BBBBBBBBBlBBW"iBHmuS!jTBBra aKSBBBatillBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE9HloraflSVBBB&IBBBn BBBBBBBBBflBRSeSalflPrTW'HSHaflKfeTCaKaBBBVBWglL fBBmlflWBIBBWWMfE8HM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaBiPliaWHPvtWraaia A:l?f - JW tyxBtL. I oE?g- lsWrSanLWRSwEfrSlil BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBaHHBBBBalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBaRSalWCSImEBPRlr-J 1?VHBLBHBBbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbMbHbBb(1W ft V5j yjTHyjMl 'W3y?aMKJV3.atj HaBBBBBBBBBaHaWTiSBiaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBB iJJ Underwood A Undrwoext . , Judge Ben B. Lindsey. of Denver Juvenile-Court fame, writes, for May Cosmopolitan, s .an Interesting article In which he claims that women are at least entitled to the same .,, rights as horses. Read the article and ponder over this subject which Is to-day on (of the world's greatest problems. '! - i ,- M Him ' -w hub ' '"a'"""''"'llll'Ml ' ' a v,i I i J 'I i l I'Vl jk1 -i 4i t. ti tf '"U i'4'.,91 h - .a a a Jt r 'i '.'. i 'vO, s a r T t rjrtj . i ', - - ' "a , V1, jn A "MjP"? . &: IT p tm