Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 10, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 7, Image 7

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Great Organ plays at
9, 11 and 4:50
Familiar Melody nnd Lenten Chlmei
i lliiu
WANAMAKER'S . store opens 9 a. m. WANAMAKER'S
Store Closes 5 P. M.
A Store With Fixed Principles but Never Resting on Its Laurel
. i 1 l : . i ' 7 .
E Vk,
The Old Habit of Noting Your
Own Transient Thoughts
as well as the opinions of others that float in and
out of the mind easily in casual conversations and
. readings is referred to here as a matter not only
of real interest, but often of great value.
"What we call 'Discovery,'" said a great
writer, "is the serious exercise and activity in
reaching out for truth." This we can do by
observation, listening attentively to conversa
tions, remembering what we read and hear, and
encouraging a feeling for that which is true and
good. .
To actually feel something in our hearts is
much more than to merely think of it.
So we shall find "the more excellent way" for
ourselves and be enabled to live our own lives
better and help others.
If this Store is a well-built steam engine and
keeps on its solid tracks, it will pull others along
to the same goal ahead of it.
' ISignedl H A
April 10, 1919. fj
Women's Fine Bolivia
Wraps $65 to $225
Rich, plain wraps, whose beauty is in their qual
ity and color and their fascinating printed linings.
Very few have any trimming except a tsricolette collar
or something of that sort; in a few instances there are
richly decorative waistcoats. Colors are the soft
brown shades such as deer, navy blue, many grays,
henna and black.
Prices are $65 to $225.
(First Floor, Central)
reen Gold Mesh Bags and
Pretty enough to go with the new Easter suits and frocks are
the dainty new mesh bags, all gold plated and uncommonly effective.
The mesh bags come in the new shapes and sizes and styles and
have those fine meshes women like so well and the narrow frames
that are the fashion now. $17.50, $23 to $43.50 is the way their
prices go. j
Green gold puises to carry with the bags are also gold plated
and are $6 to $12.75.
I' New powder boxes, in green-gold finish, $1 to $8.
And new vanity cases in the same finish are $5 each.
(Jewelry Store, Chestnut and Thirteenth)
Brand New Jersey Sport Suits
for Young Women
Specially Priced at $32.50 and $35
Not only are they of all-wool jersey, but it is a non-crushable
quality, so that the suits will be particularly serviceable and look well
despite hard wear.
The colors are so attractive, too deep blue and Pekin blue,
heather mixtures, brown, oxford, sapphire, Lapin, green and black.
They are very well cut and tailored and are of exceptional quality
for the price.,
$32.50 for a good-style suit with an invcited pleat in the back;
$35 for another style with a box pleat down the back.
And both styles have the requisite belts, pockets and buttons for
14 to 20, year sizes.
(Second Floor, Chestnut) '
The London Sports Shop
for Women
is making sports costumes to order
The materials used are famous British suitings exclusive
with this house among them the Killiccrankie, Ailsa Homespun,
Harris and Highland Cottage tweeds.
(The (lallery, Chestnut
.Hand Embroidered and Other
. Robes at Special Prices
All the hand-embroidered robes are imported, and at their present
prices $28.75, $33.50 and up to $37.50 you will find it difficult to
get such qualities' and such work for such moderate sums.
They are all in, white and of net or batiste, with the pretty hand
work in white, too.
At $9.75 to $13.76 are ruffled organdie lobes, also embroidered.
These are in all-white or white embroidered in colors.
(West Aisle) I
Children's French Dresses Now
Reduced to. $5 to $25
aie certainly unusual at these prices. They are not quite so. fresh
as they were originally and some need a piessing, others a tubbing.
But prices are a third to a half below regular. '
They are the little fine hand-made and hand-embroidered dresses
we selected in Paris, and they are in charming styles for little girls
of 2 to fi years. T
Quite a number are trimmed with real Irish or Valenciennes laces
in addition to the hand embroidery.
(Third Floor, Chestnut)
Just 461-Lace-Trimmed Pillow
Slips at 75c Apiece
( It's tast a little, lot from the maker, and the slips aie all fresh
and dainty and new. ,
Some are chiefly of imitation filet lace, some of other laces and
embroidery, and some of noyelty white stuffs and lace. '
(Unit Aid)
for Easter
and all other
' V
ANEW Kind of
Overnight Bag
for Women
It is the shape that is different,
being rather wide and square-cut
at the bottom and tapering
sharply toward the top from
about the center. All hand
sewed, too.
Made of shiny or dull black
leather and daintily silk lined.
Sizes 14, 15 and 1G inches.
- Prices $30, $32.50 and $35.
(Main Floor, Chestnut)
QNE of the things which
people particularly like
about this Summer furniture
display is that there is so
much in it that is new. It
may be the more improved
European type of white
painted garden furniture of
matured cypress; or the
neater lines of the wicker
pieces or the novel colors and
patterns of the cretonnes in
which they are upholstered
or all of these things com
bined; but at any rate, the
newness and the freshness
are there.
One man said to us regard
ing our Summer living-room
suits "Nearly all of them
are new and so different and
Women's Fiber and Silk
Suits $35 to $150
Two cases in the
Fashion Salons are
filled with fresh ones;
and the colors espe
cially of the fibers
are quite enchanting.
Peach color, orange,
pure light scarlet, tur
quoise, tans, rose
shades and pink, navy,
many taupe and tan
shades besides white
and black even their .
names are a pleasure!
The heavier silks, such
as silk poplin, crepes
and taffetas, are in the
quieter colors.
Styles include slip
ons, as well as a variety
of coats, and prices run
from $85 to $150. '
(First Floor,
Brand New Silks
Just out of their cases are these lovely new silks, all
of fashionable importance
Fine white Japanese habutai silks, $2 a yard.
Striped Japanese Shantung pongees in vivid colors,
$2.50 a yard. These will be useful for sports skirts, for
linings, girdles, bags and trimmings, and it is of interest
that these pongees are down to the same price they were
three years ago. w
(FJist Floor. Chestnut) '
Special Silks orf the West Aisle
Not great quantities, but small
lots of desirable weaves and
colors. i
Crepes de chine, double width,
all colors, $1.50 a yard.
Striped Japanese habutai for
shirtings, $la yard.
Striped and checked taffetas,
.$1.50 a yard.
Checked Louisines, $1 a yard.
The New "Kiss
Me" Doll
A captivating little figure
with real hair that may be
used as a favor or an Easter
Price $3.50.
Candy Store, Dawu Stalri Store,
'. V.
TDEOPLE who are interested in the development in
this country of the old and precious art of
tapestry weaving will like to know that The Little
House has on exhibition at this moment one of these
modern tapestries. It is a careful lepioduction of
part of a priceless tapestry "The Garden of
Roses" which hangs in the Metropolitan Museum
in New York; and this copy was so successful it
was exhibited beside the original. In color and
decorative quality nothing qould be more charming.
The piice is $2000.
(Fifth Floor, Chestnut)
attractive." He asked for a
moderately priced suit and
we showed him one in deep
ecru, upholstered in a cre
tonne showing a wooded
background with beautiful
simulations of Spring foliage.
Tho settee is $2G.
The arm ohalr, $13 BO,
'lhe arm rocker. $15
Tho 25-inch table is $10 B0.
"It's a nice suit, but I'd
like something more elabo
rate," said he. Then we
showed him one in tusk ivory
with maroon trimmings on
willow. The pattern is purely
Egyptian. The double willow
strands and all joints are
fastened by withes and the
upholstery is in keeping in
design and colors. He bought
(Seirntli Floor, Central)
Colored dress
shades. $2 a yard.
satins, street
White washable batin, $1.50 a
yard; flesh color, $1.65.
Blue dotted foulards, $1 a yard.
Other new foulards, $2 a yard.
Japanese habutais, 85c to $1.75
a yard.
Natural shantung pongees, 65c,
85c to $2 a yard.
Women's Spring
Glove Specials
$1.75 a pair for fine French
lambskin gloves in black or
white, with one row of em
broidery, two clasps and out
seam sewn.
$2.25 a pair for mocha suede
gloves that are very soft und
velvety, are in gray or tan,
half pique sewn and fasten
with one clasp.
(Main Floor, Central)
nants, 15c a
Hundreds- of mussed odds and
ends of alrnost every kind of cob
ton goods there are, in the proper
lengths for waists and children's
dresses. A treasure heap for
tho mothers of little ghls, and
the more so as the original prices
were irom two to four times 15c
a yaid.
(Vint .Floor, Chtitnut)
I? a nil
one of these and seemed de
lighted with it.
The settee at $53
The arm chair, $28
Tho fldn i hair, $21
The 27-tm.h Ublo is $21
Of course, we have plenty
of others. Here is one in
beige enamel, which is putty
color on ivory. The up
holstery is in a harmoniously
striped color effect adorned
with wild flowers and butter
flies. The settee, seven feet
long, is $100. A high back
wing chair is $36. High back
arm chair is $33. The lounge
chair is $44. The leg rest,
$22; glass-top oval table is
$38, and the tea wagon, $35.
A suit in ivory, of close
weave is upholstered in an
A Fine Exhibit of Garden and
Lawn Furnishings in the
China Store
The furnishings which give
such a, pleasing touch of orna
ment to gardens and lawns are
shown in unusual variety in the
China Stoic. These are things
which add to the chaim of natuie
something of the charm of art.
They aie novel in character, and
in design and decorative detail
they are in good taste, following
the models of the pieces to be
seen in tho famous gardens of
Italy, but being much lower in
In this showing there are two
kinds one in white, the other in
gray. The white pieces are made
of crushed marble and white
cement and the gray pieces of
ciushed granite and gray cement.
All are warranted to withstand
the weather.
(fourth Floor, Chestnut)
A Kewpies1 Easter
is attracting a good many
glances just now in the Toy
Store and it is quite merry
enough and droll enough to
deserve them.
Close by are the Easter toys,
such as
Stuffed rabbits, 50c to $2.
With bows, 75c to $4.75.
Stuffed chicks, 75c to $2.
Trimmed baskets, 25c to $10.
Enwt? baskets, 10c to $2-.
Toys filled with toys, $1.15
to $8.25.
Net rabbits filled with toys,
25c and 50c.
Rabbit carts, 25c and 50c.
Filled eggs, $2 to $15.
Empty eggs, 15c to 50c.
Cotton tabbits, 5c to G5c.
Cotton chicks, ,5c to 15c.
(Seventh I'loor, Market)
Advance i n
the Prices of
Fresh Eggs in the
Candy Store
They're fresh evciy day, too
and delicious!
Decorated chocolate eggs, 10c,
20c, 30c, 50c, $1 and $1.50 each.
Panorama eggs, 25c, 75c, $1.50
and $2.25 each.
Eggs filled and made more in
teresting by rabbits, ribbons and
flowers, complete, $3.50 and $4.
- Rabbits, $1 to $3.50 each.
Chocolate roosters, 30c and 50c.
Place-card novelties, 15c and
25c. -r
Painted flower holders, filled
with fine chocolates and trimmed
with ribbon and duck, $4.
Baskets for the table, 40c.
Ducks and swans on cake of
chocolate, ribbon tied, $2.
Assoited caramels, 80c u pound.
(Don n Stairs Store, Cheilnut)
ILK "Undies" for
Easter Gifts
Nightgowns of pink crepe de
chine, either trimmed and fluffy
looking or tailored and refined;
prices $5.50 to $13.50.
, Chemises of the same material
and same styles, $3.50 to $16,50.
(Third Floor, Central)
kerchiefs Irish colored handkerchiefs in
clude no end of pretty colors and
patterns, and stmt ut 25c each
for the women's and COc for the
men's handkerchiefs.
Ficnch colored handkerchiefs in
styles and colors to please fas
tidious women and men, and
begin at $1 each.
(Aaln Floor, (entral)
all-over foliage cretonne with
a bird and a butterfly in
flight. All of the pieces have
double spring upholstered
seats and upholstered backs.
The seen-foot settee la $1L'C
Tho lounge chair. $02
The le ret, $18
A high-back arm ihalr is $10
'Ilia tea wapon, $23
The chaise. lonRUe, $100
Another very striking suit
is one in a. silver maple finish
on willow. The upholstery
pattern reminds one of a
maple grove, showing the col
orings of early Autumn. Both
seats and backs are up
holstered on all of the pieces.
Tho G-foot daemvrt is $77
The hlch back aim Uia'r Is J2
The broad arm roikcr is $20.
The bioail arm i-Siuii is $27 SO
The leg ret is $15
The 27-lnUi table Is $1150.
Flower boxes come in three
gioups, assorted sizes and shapes,
at $3.75 to $20.
Another kind, oblong-shaped,
at $G to $35; and a third variety
furnished with supports at $30
to $60.
Benches arc priced at $18 to
Bird baths on pedestals, $15 to
Biid baths without pedestals,
$4.50 to $15.
Sun dial pedestals, $12 to $30.
Sun dials for pedestals, $5 to
Gazing globe pedestals, $12 to
Gazing globes for pedestals,
$7.50 to $25.
re 1 1 a s $2
Specials, of cour&e.
Sturdy frames and good co ers
of sightly American taffeta, which
is really cotton, finished with
k silk edge and with carved
and plain mission wood handles
with bakelito tops in white or
colors; some have bakelito rings,
others have silk loop cords for
(Main Floor, Market)
FOR April Wedding-
Gifts Silver
Deposit Ware
Cheese plates, $2.50 to $4.50.
Pitchers, $8.50 to $17.
Pastry trays, $G to $10.
Butter-ball dishes, 4 and $6.
Cheese and cracker dishes, $12.
Sugar and cream sets, $4.50 to
Sauce bowls and plates, $0.25
to $8.
French dressing bottles, $3.50
to $5.50.
Plateaus, $4 to $9.
Candy jars-, $5.50 to $28.
(Jewelry More. l'lietnut and
A Carload of Kennebec
Kennebec models, 16 to 18 ft.,
$56.50 to $58.50.
Kineo models, 16 to 18 ft, $57
to $59.
Sponson model, 16 to 18 ft.,
$60 to $71.
Sponson canoes' with square
sterns, 17 to 18 ft., $76 and $77.
Square-stern canoes, 17 to 18
ft., $64.
Kennebec rowboats in tho fol
lowing models:
Belgrade, 16 and 17 ft., $60 to
Maine Coast special, $78.
Maine Coast lap strake, $57.
The World Is Sick
of Duplicity
or at Least It Ought to Be
As far back as there are any records oi;
things there were people who tried to make the
false and the counterfeit pass for the true and
the genuine ; and it has never worked and it never1
can work for any length of time.
It shouldn't be allowed to work one hour, be
cause while it does work it means that somebody
is beingcheated.
It is an age of great things, but as yet we
don't believe anybody can make "men's $30 suits"
from a coarse cotton rag faced with the floor
sweepings of a wool mill.
Yet suits of that kind are being sold here in
Philadelphia as "bargains" for $15, $18 and there
abouts, which means 50 per cent more than they
can by any stretch of imagination be considered
worth to any man foolish enough to buy them.
Unfortunately this is not an imaginary con
dition, but a real one, the concrete evidence of
which we have seen with our own eyes and the
facts of which we have fully tested.
And it, is only one case of the kind.
We 'have seen "fine Spring and Summer suits
worth $30," the fabric in which was a piece of
cotton as coarse as an onion bag and with the
dyes looking as if they were applied with a shoe
brush. It is not our habit to raise a "hue and cry."
We have established our men's clothing busi
ness the standard of the country on a solid
bedrock of reliability ; and we have attained to a
position in which we have no need to raise a scare.
But there is such a thing as an ethical sense;
and there is such a thing as common honesty;
and there is such a thing as the duty a store with
an ethical sense, to say nothing of a sense of
common honesty, owes to the public, and that is,
to put them on their guard against methods and
practices that lower the mercantile profession.
This year, as in former years, we are ready
with new Spring suits and overcoats, all pure
wool and as fine as it is humanly possible to have
them at the prices.
Suits at $28 to $65.
Overcoats at $35 to $50.
(Third Floor, Mnrket)
A New Shipment of Men's
Triple -Ring Derby Hats
These are the silper-derbies Warmmaker's had made for its
friends. Very fine in fashion and very, very black. What's
more, they will stay black.
From the day vc introduced these hats they have been in
such great demand that theie has been some difficulty in keeping
up the supply.
Price $0.
(Main Floor, Market)
Five Styles of $7 Oxfords to x
Suit Any Man's Needs
Young men will like the nanow-toe English last that comes
in dull black or dark mahogany calfskin. It is very smart.
For more conservative men we have these same good leathers
in a somewhat wider toe shape.
And for men who put comfort before all theie is a wide-toe
black kidskin oxford. :
All unusual at $7 a pair.
(Main Floor, Market)
Men's Half Hose "Seconds"
Half Price at 25c
3600 pair of black mercerized cotton half hos with
bleached soles. If they were
uouuie tne price anu wouiu not wear any Detter.
(Meat AUIe)
Good Quality in Boys' Clothing
Always Pays
Inferior quality never can stand the test that a leal boy puts it to
In Wanamaker boys suits icliability is the fundamental rule, and
there are no exceptions to it. ,
Our boys' suits are the kind tiiat can be depended upon, because
the fabrics are sound and standard and the making is reliable beyond
In this year's Easter assortment we have suits that show a degree ?t
of fineness in tailoring and modeling" never before seen in anv bovs 'f Jl
clothing to our knowledge.
Assortments are now wonderfully large and the choice of colorg. ?
Suits for boys of 8 to 18 years are priced at $15 to $38.
(berond Floor, Central)
Fisherman, $31.
Canoe ba,ck rests', $1 to $3.
Sailing outfits for canoes with
lceboards, $12 to $20.
Paddles, $1.50 and $1.75.
Oars, $4 to $5 a pair.
Canoe cushions, $1.50 to $3.50.
Paint, ropes, rings, flag poles,
boat hooks, anchors, fog horns',
l owlocks and so on.
Motors for rowboats and
canoes: ,
Liberty4 drive motors, $58.
Neptune motors, $60.
Caillo fivetspeed mbtors, $100;
without starter, $90.
Thn Gallery, Juniper)
first - giado goods they would be
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