lit ' I I n I" h Br iT Ilf 1 i V. rt-. - jj & V 11 S "9 ' . . 'lA'i i fcS" EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', THURSDAY, 'APRIL ;L0, 1919 la m" ' & . MAY GET SLEUTHS FOR AUTOJHEFTS Florence Duke's Confession Has Put Net About Entire Crime Syndicate HER SILENCESOtfN BROKEN Hirer- Atlantic Oily ilctrc.tlcs arc mid to be s-clicilulril for nrrrt bccninc of (lip confession of I'lorcncc DuKc. wlf (onfewtl automobile tlilcf, now soning n twehc-jenr Kcnlcncp in lail 1"Ip men iirrpstc-tl in Aliunde City on Tuesday, after ber Moiy of the work ings of tiip nutoinobilc stenliiiR Sjntli rate to which the belonged was Invent l gntecl, were held in bail yesterday. 'Ihrce proprietors of the Bonrdwnlk Gnrnse were held in S10.000 bail path nnd their two cinplojes in SllOUO bail carh. With the tlcariiiR up of (lip Atlantic f'ity pnd'of tlif; Mndicute b lMniuticl C. Oashill, Jr.. count pioscciitor. who obtained the DuKc girl's t-oufessioii in the Eastern Ponitentinn. the tt nil is expected to lend to this city wlieic otheis of the "ten-man sjndicalc'' nic salt to be under Btinplllnncp. ' The proprietors of tlic Iloaidunlk Garage-aic Martin. Oeoige and .Jere miah Nathanvon. The emplojes GIRL, IN FLAMES, LEAPS INTO TUB AND SAVES LIFE Cam'den Miss Takes Blazing Oil Stove With Her in Dash Into Water KHnbrth Ogdeii. nu eighteen ear old Camden girl, saved her life today when an oil stmc exploded in lier homv bj jumping, full) dressed, Into it bath tub filled with water. E INTO SQUARE Ine nuv nart of this Miuarc for the r purpose. I hne n reply from him In which he nald Hint he would not permit the invasion of any of our public mpiarcs, that be wns unnlternhly op posed to It. "I hate lletl long enough to see llm desperatloii of the four Niu.ircs whiili William I'enn laid out as brenthlng places for the people nnd f lunj; kppii tllC two prilllipni Kirri'i "i in'1 'in Old I blocked by the public buildings (lov 1 ernor Sprout h Ntutenieiii mioiiih meet with our heartiest nppronl." Mr. Welsh nuggested that the ter minus of the biidgc might be pushed l,nr.fc in i Ipnr the wiiliire intireh Pro- fissnr Iiiid proposed that the terminus FAVORED RY DR LAIRD I l"1 opposite Locust street, mentioned us .THVUnCU BT UH. LHinU n)p 'o'f )hp ,,m,m,,,l iraHic MncK and that it HO lociltcci hi u ni 111 iii' squaie between Sixth and Sceuth Kt reels. I lu'geneml Professor l.uud outlined ii... ...i! iilnii nu 1m linu ilotiM linfnrii drawing n I1.1H1" lis Aflss fallen fill - ' ..! I 1.1.. ..ui.... !.. .. i..n i.. i l '..' ' ,m, '..".!.. m.. .1 !... I, . . , , l , ,. '""' nuv 11 ui iniiiiuu 111 u nm. iw utner organixiuiuu-'. " i nm-in. I IMietl (hessing. In her 100111 was 1111 oil Heiberl Welsh, who made Ihe nn litirrr. he made mi emphatic plea that stop which she hnd just lighted. It nouniemeiit last night Hftcr Dr. Wan en then make the bridge 11s ai fistic as ios 'exploded. The girl seized the blaring J. I.aird. Ihe bridge commission's o sible, a ncdit to good tasp as well as I slop, which had set hie to her cloth-inert . had explained that this site was onteiprisp. J, MrliUir- Hamilton, the in", nnrl inn fop tin. Iintln num. the best tn be had nnd that he had so nmaiitniif ! Hnitisnn S. Morris, Joseph I She jumped into the tub with the tecommended to the commission. , IVmiell. Albeit Kelse and Mr. Welsh, I Mme. 'mil although hei clothing was ""I"1, T.aiid h lei tine- iis gicn 1 ,, of whom took part in the cIm iission J 1 bndl damaged b the llnmes, her V. Governor Would Not Mar Washington Landmark With Structure r- (ioverunr Sprout does not fnwir 'A'asliinElnn Square as a-terminus for Another meniber of Hip family was th riilladplphln-Camdpii bildge. lie under the nusplces of the Fellowship of l. ft. ......!. ..:.. ....t r 11... :.. . , f . a , f . . ...... I 1"' I lllll" I IIIIIM H-iUirill III IIH 1 111 quickness of iiut.d saed hi r from nny AlKnmlMr Welsh's statement caused scncius Injuiy. ! vtjr Her paienls on the floor below lienicli "When Hie newspapeis showed Hint her screams mid inn to her iissistnm e. i the Washington Square site was 1011 Thej helped put out the fire which the, shlercd for one of the termini of Hi" stove luid stat ted in the gill's bediooni. new biidge." Mr. Welsli snid, "I int 'Jhe family lives nt Sixth nnd Division mediatelr wrote to Governor Hpioul stteets, Camden. ' n,,(' cxphiined the objection to invnd- pmpiiaticall.v nddecl their approval this sentiment. 'I lie suggestion recently made that the bridge be 11 war memorial met with en thiisinstic suppolt unci some ot tje nrtists quoted from then 1'uropenii travels to explnlu the tenslbilitj of the idea. On one point, however. Mr Mouis was u little doubtful and this was the question of delay. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Special Announcements for To-morrow (Friday) Helping Men to Choose the Easter Suit TMGHT more days until Easter! Short ennuih limp, for Hip Hhrv man who L decided to buy that new Spring Suit some time ago, but could "never get , tuuuuu lj it, uev-au&B mure was aiways someming lo oe done wnicn inters fered. In order to convey to men just returning to civilian life and to others aireany in mum an mea or tne latest trend in correct fashions for men, we have illustrated here six of the most popular styles which men of good ta"ste are choosing from the comprehensive collection here assembled for their convenience. Brief Descriptions of the Suits Illustrated TWO YOUNGSTERS FOUND One Boy. 13, Another, 9, Picked Up j in Camden; Two Others Missing Tvvo'hojs weic found waudeiing about Camden todnv and two othcts me were repented missing. Lewis Nathansnn nnd Winlield Tho'iiiis. IMvvnrd Knnth. thiitecti vears old. Automobiles woith close to S100.000, 'Fortieth and Wcsthcld stteets. unci stolen in Philadelphia nnd other pirn es Vestlield Baldwin, fourteen, Tkirtietb during the last live months me said to nnd High streets, disappeared .vcsterilav have been handled nt the gniage. Atl- linoming. The bo.vs were together when thoritles nt the lcsoit say the tuitoiiio- Pst seen, ltelntives sa the have been biles wercRtolen, tun into the big guiage lUtenUitig to "iiin nwa.v. nt night, nnd emerged entirplv different I TnmM linskj, fifteen, Cioss Ke.vs, in nppcainnce the next morning. Two !' '' ' f""l w nuclei ing near Ninth cats mentioned in the indict nents were ;trtcl "," I"y '""'' '' -'-tecovcred nt the garrige, Mi. Huskill 'S 'l would give no information to Lnto ' puin-i" iij 111; i-n. muni. - (O Florence Duke was sentenced To the John ISramcr. nine, 12107 North take a nde in their automobile jestci d.i. ami hud diiveii him lo Camden and then otdeicd him out of Ihe ni, maximum scnlence'for her crimes b, i Jc,B,1V "T'i". 'i'"" ' V lnU i Judge Monnghan, in Quarter Sessions, llol,l,h n 1 cdcrnl Mice h. Ho said ...,". ,,",',,, ...,' i i " two mm had asked him if lie wanted to i IMlll, Ull ..lull II Xt I. illll'l 7M1U null II" fused nn offer of rlcmenej if she divulged the names of those associated with her in the thefts. Sentence was withheld for n day lo give her n elianec to coo stder the matter, but she boldlv stood up in court nnd declared she would not confess, nnd took the heavy sentence without an visible signs of emotion. Her coufession in the penitentiary will not lessen her time of impiison tnent. Sentence has been passed, ntiil she will serve the allotted time, unless paidoncd. Found Unconscious In Hotel H. T. Flecker, who icgistcrecl at the Hotel Walton on Monday from New YorV city, was found in his loom Instf night uueoiiseioiis from the c fleets of u drug. Hospital. lie wns taken to Jcffcusou !-i L. IIEVROLET Sedan gives you the means to I i meet every transporta- y tion problem com pletely, economically and with comfort. It can be instantly converted fiom a comfortable closed car to an easy-riding open touring car possessing permanent overhead protection. Clirvrolet "1 our-Nincty" bcdn $1185, 111 bcJjn ?1685 1 O B 1 but Mulligan CimvKoLtr Motor Company yytj NORTH BKOAD STUCU1' VARE PICTURES "CALAMITY" Councils Reform Means Loss of Trained Politicians, He Says Congressman Varc. ut the thiity eighth anniversary of the Young Re publican Chib last night, in discussing independent moves for a smaller Coun cils, declared thnt by abolishing Coun cils the citj would lose its "trained pol iticians." He added if that happened "where would we ever get our candidate-, for Mayor?" After picturing the city ns one of the best governed in the country, he di tccted his Attention to "those men who nre alvva.vs complaining about how thini;s are run here." "I always notice." he said, "that ihose who complain the loudest nre nl wajs stajing here, buying the city bonds and investing more nnd more in rcnl estate. Men come to this city from the South, where they posed as members of the Democratic party. Tiicy come here V to better their financial situntion their social situation, if jou please and nil Republicans should be caieful how they meet these men or how they permit them to try to lead them away from the old paths of-the party." rormer,.0!overnor Edvvtn S. Stuait joined in this appeal, sajtng ttiat the Democratic party in nil the years of its success, as he remembered it, hnd not failed to bring disastrous times anil industrial depression upon the coun try. BURGLAR GETS LONG TERM. Ten to Fifteen Years Imposed for Robbery of Philadelphia Woman For compelling Mrs. Richard P. Tatum, 402 South Twentj -second street, to swear upon her honor as n Christian" that she had given all her valuables, except a wedding ring, nftcr having beaten her with a blackinck at the Ilotel Brighton several weeks ngo, Charles Gibson, a half breed, has been sentenced to Mas Landing to serve not less than ten or more than fifteen jears nt hard labor in the state urison That was but one of three sentences imposed on Gibson, who, altogether. will serve not less than eighteen jears and paj lines of $3000 or serve its i cmihalont. in dajs of hard labor. A four j ear and dght months to seven -J ear sentence was imposed for his assault on Kleanor .Tacobsou, fif teen j ears old, while robbing her home nere. and the same penaltv with a $12000 fine was given for his robber nt the home of George Adams, in Flensantville. i ! w Mi KHriel 1 1 1 ft ? -taf? mTm v c t u s. -u. ,. 1 liSi rTm AwoN'V n 1 A I m M Second Floor JtfrMitaf W9k l,iO I UUU m several styles m of embroid- m c red ilouncca a Slrrrt 1'loor SjSSfe 2f 1 J m Brassieres 1f $ m or dust ji civt.v.-'faf- f ConBners vC '7 r 7 I Am Choice at I A nacl u '"'I ' DOc value. I ' J strfft Floor ell M price Infants' Cans, j TlnABAno Jc Ml K 5 Sacquea 4rf C A plte,H up to-; years T mSm SAVE Time, Labor & Expense w ITII MANN'S Loose Leaf Forms - A partial list of our regu lar stock Forms Accounts PnjHble lttcurd llnlanro Slirrts Illlta lMvahlo mill Iterrlvatito C'ombtnrd ('null und Journul rnlumnar Sli?tn rrnllt Infonnnt'on Illnnka illally 1Iiih1iip Stateptvnt Dallv Timet hbts Dupllrats 8taleiii-nt Cinployr' Itfroril Kxprnne Iteport Myktent TUurlnic 8lirrt Inventory Kornin ' K iiiiN Nijrri.x jviiii . i OUIt I.OOSIM-KAl' MSKDp WILLIAM MANN COMPANY ink Book T-eow Iaf A SUtloncrr Prlntinti D Tin jjiajtrapwor St. i ,f. 'WM IWI ? I A Sale of Suitsl 923 MARKET STREET We Will Open a Charge Account for You! m:co.i l'l.oou I I i . . ! I J 1 TTfl M? ' 7 wh J A 7 1 .! 5.' I 1 " M r Absolutely Unparalleled! ENTIRE SAMPLE LINE And a Maker's Balance of Stock of i5M5S,'W Snils 75 Special at Again, Hirsch's hold a most ex traordinary sale right at a time when every woman . Avanta a new suit for Easter. SKCOD FLOOR Wool Serges I'oiret Twills Tricotines Sihertones Wool Poplins yf including extra sizes for large and .tout women. 2nd FLOOR Dlouse Coats Tailored Noclty Trimmed Braid Trimmed Boy Coats Regular $4 & $5 New Easter Hats $ftoo A Group of $4.00 Silk Georgette Waists ft.59 Over 300 smart new spring modela with embroidered and lace trimmed fronts MarKetiai this low prlco for olio day only. White and new fchades Mrrct Hiior $1 .25 Lingerie Waists Special, at 89 c A 1 1 brand - new creations in large bailor, mushroom, ch'c poke unci citt terplllar straw tarns, satin oi crepe faced. Htrrrt l'loor A - A Many ate Sale of Skirts $0.00 Silk poTllliis. wool serges and novelty plaids In sev eral new spring models. strtft Floor Envelope Chemise 79c $135 Value White orfleh. Luce trim med In front and back Mrett l'loor Women's & Misses' Easter $1 .98 syiTS A saving of ?7 and more on each suit In thla group All-wool srerges and poplins In Beveral of the most approved stles. Women's Silk & Serge Easter Dresses $6.98 and $9.98 Silk taffetn?. satins anil Georgette crepe combinations. Also several smart stjlcs in all-wool Mrgts. New Dolmans & Capes $ A special mck of these most popular wraps for women and misses nt greatly below their regular All new BliaueB. !e?)H Girls' $5.00 Spring Coats, at $3.00 Ot checked tfna Tlora or blue Ik and uuffs. aterlala. collar Children's Wash Dresses JJ5C Qlnghams, repps nnd pel caies. Slips front C to 14 years. Girls' Lingerie Dresses $1.98 Lace nnd embroidery trimmed. Sires 6 to 14 cnrs. HiaSGHfS HOME OF, STYLE AND ECOtfOMYi a ( Alfii hllm of uiiMinfi nlll II ml i trnr-bullon hiK suit tn tlirlr fiinr. 1 tie emit 1 tniiile with Itlli note hrl praked lnprln anil t rrsrf iit-hliiipp hlnwltcd inn Urt. O slnjrlr-brrnMlrd ronl, w llli to rllrcl hfunii ill the ah. ulilcli Kr the RpprnriiiM e of n lrll. Hli out Hh tnrotn enipnt r. unit trHlcltl-1lnc rfTri t is iiirrlril cut In ilrNlRtitiijr Iho front of this tout. Note lite rttxluii hlioulderH u KtImt Inntunllon IliU MPfihon. V, oiip-bulltrn at k Still, Unit dfucntlN niton iroatl, Krncfful IiiopIm hih! tdnshed notkeln lo c It hM la distinction. Follow Imrt fiiHhlon'H inowt rr rnt dii lHtrt, the tout dlRplint thr trim lnturrd nuUl-JInr. 1 model lilh mljrlit wrll br trrntrd "mnnrt' mnglr-ltrrnKtrd, mtUl-hrum oh(, ultli noirl jok biitk; tuo-button, lilfrli-nalttlrd effect . in) A ,s tJT ( 1n7tvrT!l b ' l VI It j ll hi a A The nnr-lmtlnn W nlM-Ktnm Suit. In n iluublr-tirrantril ntvlr vrhlrh Ik in icreut drtnnnd bs oimir men who want omf- tili'C Mtlnitlv mil (if the nrillnnrv, j rt of thnt dlgitttr of line wlitrh mark Rood It Here N h piirtlriilurtv Irlm-loolt-Injr floulile-breiinted Sack suit. 'Ihe ront l tHllorril to cloirlv follow the nulurol Inrurte ill the wnlnt. SInNhed porkeli Rive nn nlr of Jauiitlnrux which men find n rrfrehlnic rhmicp after the nevere eon ftprVHllvenen of the pilit enon. li PLEASE remember these are but a few of the distinctive, authentically correct styles which are included in our vast stock. No matter what your taste may be up-to-the-minute or conservative we can meet your requirements. This Store is the exclusive distributing centre in this territory, of the famous STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES, the equally well-known HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING. Prices are from $35.00 to $60.00. BESIDES these lines, confined to this Store, we have se lected new spring models from the lines of manufac turers in Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore, who excel in some particular of style or value. Prices for Clothing from these reliable manufacturers start at $25.00. This means that we have unquestionably the most varied and most attractive .-'ssortment of Men's Spring Suits and light weight Top Coats in this city. We Are Constantly on the Alert to Take Advantage of Any Trade Circumstance Which Might Prove of Benefit to Our Customers Aside from the advantage our many sources of supply give us for presenting the choicest selection of the new styles, our relations with them the great possibilities our vast outlet holds out to them for increased orders place us in a position to becure MANY SPECIAL LOTS at genuine conccbsions in price. We have a number of such lots for TO MORROW and the remaining days before Easier (or as long as they last), foremost among which are these JVIen's and Young Men's Spring Suits at $16.50 and $26.50 Three hundred Suits of plain BLUE SERGE, with full lined coat, and Suits in NEAT MIXTURES, for men and young men extraordinary value, and not likely to be equaled this season at $16.50. Five Hundred Suits in the lot at $26.50 medium-weight unfinished worsteds, in plain blue, brown and green, for young men, and a fine assortment of light- and medium-weight Suits in neat mixtures, for men and young men. Young Men's Suits Special at $23.50, $28.50, $34.50 A most attractive collection Waist-seam Suits, single and double-breasted effects, one-" and two-button styles, and tdmly cut Suits in plain single- and double-breasted styles. Close co-operation with several of our principal suppliers has made this value possible. Men's Blue Serge Suits at $25.00, $28.50 and $38.50 At $25.00 and $28.50 handsomely tailored suits of fine-twill, all-wool blue serge. At $38.50 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits. Blue Serge Suits, two pairs of trousers $32.00 and $31.50 -t Straw brldite K c lothlei Srcond l'lonr, bast ipj-j What is More Expressive of Springtime Brightness and Airiness Than New Silk Shirts Jersey Silk Shirts, in hand some patterns $11.00 and $13.00. Broadcloth Silk Shirts, lus trous and durable $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00. Jap Silk Shirts $6.50. Heavy Tub Silk Shirts $6.00 and $6.50. Crepe Silk Shirts in flat weaves and in satin-stripe ef fects $8.00, $9.00 and $10. Shirts of pure white silk $4.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $8. Strabr!dEo . Clothier Kjt Store RlKhth Street "ni ' ' To-morrow we begin the disposal of 36,000 SOFT COLLARS a well-known 25c make at SIX for 75c 20 Different Styles to. Choose From ,- Strawbrldge 4 Clothier Market street Croes Alla To Correctly "Top off" the Spring Costume Choose From These New Hats New Stetson Soft and Derby Hats, in scores of dis tinctive Stetson styles, made in the good old Stetson way, of fabrics of Stetson quality $7.00. Spring Soft and Derby Hats, authentically correct in every de tail of shape and color, from man ufacturers of proven ability $1.00, $5.00 and $6.00. "Fax" is the name of a tmart new Soft Hat, designed and made exclusively for this Store's cus tomers. and in a distinctive style not obtainable elsewhere. The pi ice is $5:00. v Hranbrtdre L Clothier Srcond Floor, Market Street. Kttt Our Collection of Neckties Consists of Thousands of New Patterns Carefully Selected to Conform to the Tastes of Men Who Are Particular in Matters of Dress JUST inside the door at Eighth and Mar- Every new stripe-effect, all-over design, ket Streets we have assembled a collec- 0T figuring, or plain-tone pattern which has l- x- l tvti., .t.;m - .mi, "rY k. been pronounced correct by the arbiters of tion ot smart new Neckwear which we X Jf W me fashlon8 has been given represen- believe to be the best of its kind in this fflw tation here. city unexcelled in variety of patterns and if ISk Fabrics are Foulards, Crepe Meteors, fabrics, in quality and in honest value. 1 1 rfa ypfei Poplins, Crepe Faille, Grenadines and many And we have not only taken particular M ulkt I other good weaves. - care in the selection of the patterns-but U WWt ,VeS " i. !. xi j. j.1 i i .Jy-e5iU ii j m uomprenensive MM have seen to it that the making, and V "rrStt-W W n j e t on nn ' hidden inner parts upon which the life of V--ALPg9M Jour-in-Hands fc to H00 the Necc depend, ot the hest attain. j ThM ! ! '. S f aDie quality. &- BtrawbrWre A CJotblcrAlal J.TKarVft trt i i ' r T- 41 4 i w-vTJW ww nti I iiiiii 1 1 p f- ip i i ww mn m . I. jl W i H 'it "iw iniiiiiin i i- .. . - .yH,,-.,,,..,..,. n kwwW !l v y?f f" " $ H.Kr. : ',1 ; &" . ' rf ' . L VJ . 11 A a' t T M tvr J- (O ?. if t "z$k ri''T - o. ; . ,. -r'xs t . .- 1 : ' VJM j v - fc fl n ,T J.1 k'V. V i. . .. ' " ..,, h . t V J ,cv,At4iKt. .. . . ., ..ii." r. . l". tfv. V -fXcJi