a ' w , tl. s 20 , EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPfilA, THyESDAY x APRIL' 10, 1919 N ..(. -, 'Hv u- r. m K- R' m Ss m w AS? Effrrf- j-y frl. MSJlij': ', "4 1. - i.C I33NKHES SET MIES CSV I M M M . . sw A sr - i;; Ah I LH WAH UbASbU Br ?? ,. , , . X. i- i Ewe . .., o ,( I s- I . r VI- . , . -. . . I .!.. z.;: jTanKS Miieti dv i reaciiery ot ; '"n- rr-"i:.ii.i.n.i. i..v..-. u ,nritlo ,,pa ((,PRn,j imiiunn .li fe "P -. r . - . i -''-" I filrrnl street: r.'isiiiuilc Mnlo- ,..,.,,,, ,.ilo ..., ..,., lulssi,:i i...,. f.: .Defeated Enemy, Says Cftr- i,,n 1717 So.i, Tntu-.h ,,,,,. :r. ZuZ , nnZLZ,, SI.' nornl William Turner Mnir Kknor. .'-liMrTO tiwt: illinm ,I(1(.U i,lt(.rrsi imii ,Hninll.i. I & P Wll,lam lllrner .Mcl 'lay. KI01 J'nthorJiin Hliwl: Kntxvt .IIBfl,,a,, ,, ,,, , , ,,,r ,. SV , II. Maxwell, SS IVnuock Mri-rt : f .r,nllrM1 pmii ,1jri,I1nfnilill ,l0pi.pll. WOUNDED ACCIDENTALLY in H Cornornl William .1 Turner, reported , . luit issued by the War Department to day, has returned "lioii.p after 11.1111 llirilliuc exppr Tin the r Cirporal Turner. . . . ...... who is tw eu I v nine ears old. is a lawyer and the foil of Mr and Mrs. Thomas 1 1 lurner. 1 0 1 .. Povveltou iimmiiic. He returned home pT-t Saturda. "AII1.oi.bIi 1 was on ,.,.. liring line f ruin .luue last uu til tlie aniiKliie was signed." s-aid TLUNI'.ll Corporal TuVner toil:., "the worst part ' of the war was utter Noember II. It fell my lot, with twent other nirii to net as n n ndwinrc pianl for the purl of the army in our (.prior that ii to march into the eneni terrilor. I'ie of.niy men were killed on the lirsl dat out vhilo triiiR lo inl mines wliich had been plauled b tl treaHteroiis bochc." Corporal Turner dodged the bullets at the front for four months without a scratch and cu-n escaped the danger pt the occupation ndwincc, but was wounded later. On tnc da before Christmas, while hi- division was in the French Alps, near Labour- ltoulc. he was accidental! shot through both thighs ami the left hand b a Hwliiiu who was demonstrating a revoltcr. lie spent .some time in a hospital and after his rccovere was sent lioinr. Corporal Turner is a graduate of the University of Peuus.Hvnniu Law School class of 101." Por three ears he w.is a forward on the Mirsit basketball team and was popular In athletic circles. Previous to entering the I Di versity lie graduated at the Phillips ErooKs Scliool. I , He entered the service in .lime. 11)17. and trained at Camp llaucock. sailing' for overseas last Ala. Attached to Company tl, lOlld Lngiiiecrs. lie saw i sonic of the fiercest action of the war. ' Sex en fit Men Dead J Seven men from Ibis city with the army overseas aic reported dead today. xncy are as lollous: Uied, no cause of death or date given. Private Joseph r xvm j UooKcr Aliirphy. ,47 North Sit.v-lifth i cue ueve necc-sar.amentc clivenire per strcct: died of disease. Private William I mauetile. non potrebbp fare ostacolo al T. White, 40."iS North fifth street ; cuuo sulle rivendiea.ioui deU'ltalia, ne' killed in action, previousl reported proporre nieiite die iudebolisca la po mlssiug, Corporal John Hootb, US si.ioue di rpicsta. I'ast Lauristoii street; Corporal Will- I II "Corrici'o d'ltalia". in uu nrticolo lain I), tlcizer, llS(i Kast Columbia ' cdiloriale, paila del problem.-, stralegieo avenue; Private John Mcllride, "tilli dHPAdriatieo die ostitiusci unci dei Mautou street, and Private Thomas JJcapitoli piu' gravi del progrnnima Hie Kane. 827 Jtnlson street. I i plenipotenxiari italiaui sono chiamati corporal .lohn !. iiootli. one or the reported dead, comes of a lighting fain- ... , , , . " --ssj-e . i xs i 'i'iltiill III IVIISlillVH lly. His relatives have had no letters ' (iPsU element! sui quali si foud.i la from the soldier since he was said to , riel.v.sta delle garanzie strategiche nelle nllir" i1"." in-S.7,,,;,nl,r.r- 'V'nun" moltl. a to.to. hanno voluto ve- He was twenty-three years old Hmli"?1"""';-. l ; n'Pntrn la fnlisted in the r.rmv during the Mex- ' voll"'no 'illnst" !' iugoslnvl srobb. lean troubles in mill. After nenrlj a "na l"'r,''l"c '"inaccn per I Italia e po. year's training at Cami) Hnncork he . - sailed for France last Mhv ns a ihpiu ber of Company I) 100th Infantry A brother. Chnrles II Ilooth. is attached to Company C. the same regiment lie Ib twenty-spven years old and hns been ba1j4!(W fit ninn i-oiikl- T I is, in s rs .. In 7, . "Threp1" . " 'J 'X... N?W YORK TO LIVERPOOL Yvlth the Uritish nrm- durini the vvnr. -- - - - - .......... one' of xvnoni was Iri'Vil. A brolhe"-in-law, Ssnmucl Miller, was on the Apiericnri front. The dpncl soldi"-' gmndfaHiPr fonlit In the battle of Waterloo. Two of his sisters were m'tivp in war work at home while their husbands and brotlmrs wee riFir, Tm the sneejai enmn'tv rennet V, Tons'- "i'pniv.i"-i p-n, iriirn nprp nen T-eoorfed wounded. lirinin: Ihe torn Is Your Skin Dry and Rough? Or Is It Tender and Sensitive? In Either Case You Need the Preparation Suited to YOUR Individual Condition As Proven in Tests in 3500 Beauty Shops If you have never been in Red the list of creams, and alter Marinello Beauty Shop you will be m" h?" ''"".I, "if " yu "nd j..i iri t i most necessary tor beautifying vour surprised nt the wonderful results completion, go to a drug or department achieved in beautifying the hair, i store for it. akin find comnlexion through the i Chart of Marinello Creams use of Marinello preparations. If i Lettuce Cream Cleanses. VOU have been a patron of the J'"u1 Cream Nourishes. M. it ci ' it i ill roundatlon (-ream Prepares, annello Shops, you will be glad Whitening Cream-Bleaches to learn that the Marinello prod- I Motor Cream Protects. ucts may now be secured from I Ar.nr.Bent Cream Contracts, your drup: or deoartment store. I Ac"e C'""-Hl'- The Marinello Beauty Aids are esch I To uPP1rm.;"J,,!lhe M "l the one made to assist you in achieving ""J1' , ALWAY5 apply Marinello charm ty overcomlnrj some particular condition Take face creams, fn ample. No one cream can accomplish every result; if your skin is sallow, a different cream Is necessary to give it that pink-and-whlte rose-leaf quality than il your skin is too oily or too dry. From fourteen years' experience and proven testa in 3500 B-nuty .Q1opa t e Marinello Company now offer their creams for the first time to drug and department stores. Each one has been accomplishing with surpassing success results (often In difficult cases) that , are truly remarkable. Siil5' 'N2Bi5li . ' ''&4ssj0 z.-m WE AGREE WITH THE GOVERNOR "My feeling is that every one who can do so should lay in coal now, get the benefit of the present prices for themselves and Stimulate production to keep our miners employed, and assure' against shortage nekt winter." Extract from Gov. Sprout's statement on coal conditions. ;i PRESENT PRICES i Egg, $10.30; Stove, $10.60; Nut, $10.70; Pea, $9 V per ton. Wheeled or carried, 40c per ton extra. h AMERICAN ICE CO. SPATL. rTHAf ARCfl STS. n "r a if for the city to thirty. throe. Thi-rc arc UV3 from tills stnto In tlic report, nml itho lionnr role for the imtloii rontulns WW nanus. 1 Pl.lladeliri.inn, Wounded. ., . .... i 1' iho I'lil hide .minus wounded nre 11s follows Woimileil, desree iitnlpterinined I'iivhIpm: C'lisirlrs V. Upi-ninn. Uinrles I Hink. ,.!.' Ninth mr-hrst s'r.('''- Miiiindrd f.llRlillj l.ieutPiiiinl Ilnrrj J !.' !'",',.v -",01 ..So"'11 '.,0.uin,,,I.!,f.r!M'' i 0011. .ntnnn i-urrix. :i. .Nortu .Mnr --- ,..--. -,,. .-.-.vr -. .,- drew Kngtelinrl. 11 1 Kt North Nnpn itrept : I'rhiilc Ilicluml runHieon, l!(!'.'(l 1'uorliiill (uimi.ip: 1'iImiIp .IoIiii J. (Jul IWmn. S0IW Aramln.o a.em.e : IVale Sami.P Lopkiud .p... m-,o SOI..I, I "' Mrret : I'rmile Lewis ISauer.Kai lil ..,.. .., , . ii. :. .. . .. i .. i... it.i ' I'akotii stteet: I'miile .lolm I'ruaii. "!1" Harp street ; l.ieiilenant Paul I llns. U0(I7 Norlh Sixl -third streel ; , Corporal Vinrent P. O'tlaulon. North Thir. -ninth street: Prha.es , Spenrer A . Megonewel. .!..'' North Marshall street; liugene P. Knfferly, 1411 I ItilHiinsot. street : llenrx Schlot.. P.'ti!) Kast Cl.plten ihpiiiip: Joseph !ee. .-,.-,(.1- Sorague street; Ji.lm W. Walker. ,,,, South n,B. strret; Piank A. Pmii.s, :;ili; North Manlinll sircet; 1 Ninth VincPii-o I'rugnsso. (i5 Soutl stieel El niPITTI 11 TA A In 1 H H I UMII I II U IlllUill .. . . .., II IVlatin Afferma Che I'AlleanZa tra Italia e Francia Dovra' Certamente Divenire Permanentf! Published nml lllslrlbutcd Under PliRMIT NO 311 illhnrlze. bv tlie iu t "f October tl 1117 on ni.i at the I'oslolllco of Phlla dc pln.i. Pi 1J oiiKc of IMe Prcsidont A S 111 ISLl.OV. t'u'dtil.it-tcr ciencral lEonia. !) aprile Da quulrlie tempo in iin' la stun ipn frauce.sp si innslra apertaiiieute favorevolc alle iisplrnzinni deiritulin e rii-onosie . suoi dirilti sulle tcrre redentc. i II ".Matiu" iu u n suo nrticolo dii e Hie Pltalia leclama resecuioue del, trattnto di Londra c inoltre Kiuine, in base nllu voloula' degli italiaui die nbitano cpiesta Htta'. La verita' e' dice il gioniale che gli Alleati hauuo bisoguo di sicure..a contro (pialsiasj ot tacco proveuiente dall'l'urona Ceutrale. Ia rruucla unita alPltalia da alleanza. I a difendere innutizi la cimfereuza di i inri..i Vn ,mn o,,nai,in,,n .intfniini.j Ljron M Apr. 15 Carmanla .... Apr. 19 Apr. 23 May 3 May 3 Royal George Aqultsnla Ordunn . Caronla May 17 NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON Mauretanla April 12, May 10 NEW YORK TO LONDON , Saxonla Anrll 24 Philadelphia Bristol AlPtimciulli I I lock Direct Service Pier 16 South I3U0 MAI.MT S.T.. I'lltLA. "" """"'"s uv. lier you select the cream most suited to your needs, and commence usim it, be sure to follow directions carefully and note how quickly your complexion begins to have that pink-and-whlte, clear, velvety smoothness. What Marinello Products have done for others they will do for you. If you prefer samples, send five 3. cent stamps to Marinello Company 36ft Fifth Avenue, New York City. Dept, P 3, for miniature packages of cream you need and other Marinello Products. (Adv I YARDS IN ALL SECTIONS OF CITV Phone Our Nearest Yard If In pncc, qt.da ililest.i ilnll'ltntla c" 1'milon Hip tiffin serie cntfltir.in nor In Irntitinillltn' il'Mnromi ticH'im'riilri'. ' Tl glnrunlr- -II MrisnuPro" lll I'On. "..i 1 ... t . . -. II. ' ?. "7 '. "",'"." ,- .. u. ...i ii.iiu inn, u lit" ...i .(mill ..,. ..,iJ... ,u ,.iI,r. : ,inP(,n .ivcviiuo ciilehto ill prcsoiiliirsi I HPiexnil 'jiljjnsliiv I. Hip tputnwitm nisi' enlrnve 11 for.ti iicllc (livciiviuil per I fultirl cnnlini d'ltnlin. II rnulrKim PiierRlco ed nil . ,Pm, , (atl -,.n orli.m.ii :i trnttnrll da nrinii'i ed erilnre 0211I inntutto rim osvi. Hiio 11 Hip Ip nn.iltrn IMIpiizp nnn ' nbbla"" "! pmlileml Hie nppas.- skiihiiiu I popn d itnli.no. . iTaaiirt I t II 1 I I , "llf'ir 1.1 I MII llll1 1411 cnnlndini rtoali. ediloie di un Riornnle 1 'oeinlitu. nr.p'dalo hotlo m-riisa di nlto trndimenlo di.llp i-.iiorllii vprbe pr ZrrrAo f.XSi.t uVi'i" j'IphW Z In" ,!,, il seRiiente leleRrai.iiiin al POu. o ;.. . T Nmihiiio "Per In liberln' ill I irinndo nrr la (iiale iinch'io ho combatluto tnulo: per j(. '.i in, 'uu posirrn opiiii i roaz.ia. ;,, s,;;u;- ."" , 'Vprblmi hanuo imprigionalo ed io iinio ip.esto telegriinimn serM'iidniui di un ninico. obligato inantenere il segrelo per nou '"""I impiceato dai serbi. Abbintno lias- '"oJI'nno' ?ff,,;'.in. "" l,l,.roII,,r.m,1tl0 ' v. Z-ZZ loniro la rormazione di uu regno scrbo- lronto-sloeuo e preg.mo riute.;, di leb- einrn. I. l.liro ed 1 i-itlndiin sono a xos- .... .iF-.iMiin- i- mi, pn-si-uinnii ora 1 intern tVllll7.i:i Tremi ..liinmni-mi ,. . . ... ." . - - I'a.lsi ed imiare a Zngabria comn.is- I one lutprallealu eon iiffieinli ajniricani. 1 inglesi ed italii.ni. .er assieurarsi del ! uo'lri sentiment 1. 1 serbi nnn sono' no-tri libera tori c mm rj i-omprpiidono." ,,'r ,"" ,lllT"" ,ln Kirnnli di P.erliuo "' "lt,'i '"",,i- Protriiieiiti du Lugano. e.na coullitti sanStiiuosi awcnuli in Mllnno. tionova p Navara lion hanuo r.,.,,l.,,i : i. 1 11 i-i . rotidamento. Si traltn delle solitc Ilotl - '-'"K lemleniose diffuse dai nemici del I llalia. la I'll 1 silna.ione. nnH.e negli llluhimili nlipi'ill o I rnintii lllll in t... guito nlle enncessiuui circa 1'orario ed il salario fatle icceuteinente uagll in duslriali Sunday Will Help Loan Scrjiitnii, P.... April 10. - The Itev. liillv Sundn.v has accepted an invi tation to deliver the principal speech nt a mass-meeting to be held here April IS iu the interest of the (omiiig Victory Loan campaign in Lackawanna count. Look Up! What a Spectacle! The Amazing FL YING The Thrilling CIRCUS Friday, April 11 1 to 4 P. M. Under Auspices of Victory Liberty Loan Committee Nine planes will leave Bustleton Flying Field and perform wonderful feats over the heart of Phila delphia. Tail spins Dives Volplanes Warfare Demonstrations. See the Fight between American and German Battle Planes. BELMONT PLATEAU Fairmount Park Is the Ideal Place from which to View the Spectacle. Come Out! Bring the Family! Celebrate! Xfi Corns off with the Fiiigers ! AddIv a callus right off, root and all without soreness or irritation. m m Doesn't You VW5 ' mj ,'K MERCHANTS: If you aro a grocer, drugcut, hardware dealer, tobacconist, clothier, furnisher, jeweler any hind of a ttorekeepcryou shouldn't wait another day before subscribing to the Retail Publjc Ledger the new twico-a-month periodical for merchants only. 'Subscribers say they have been waiting for it for years. Not a trade-paper, but an inspir ing news-magazine that interestingly tells all sorts of things that merchants want to know. Business problems salesmanship, buy. ing, accounting, the handling and training of help, credits, delivering, advertising, collections the Retail Public Ledger tells how they are all being solved in successful stores. Entertaining fiction dealing with the sentiment and drama of storekeeping, anecdotes, verse, pho tographs, news' of big movements for merchants' benefit three pleasant hours, of entertaining, helpful reading in every Issue. Sub. scription price, 10 cents a cony, ONE DOLLAR a year (24 issues). Just slip a dollar Into an envelops, with your letterhead or name and address plainly written, and it will be sent 'on the first and third Tuesdays of every month for a year. Address Retail Public Ledgor, 220 Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Do it nowt Radnor Road Engineer Resigns v.- m. t)iii..i. ...... .. i... i,ns hern 1 ' , ',' . ,.. 'ni ron'1 rnKin(,cr of "", to"'V nlilit fin unenptil lKiirti. lit till. tlirOtlll I 1 "" ,. " . . ... ' r . ' , ,. 41 uiiiiriiinii..i i' i " . ,,,- - , .11 r n. .t.. mnnts. linn trsipicil hrcmisp of (lie de ..inniN of road work In AIn:saHiii?etts, for wliloh etiilP .Mr. I'iltMmi is ron MiltitiK road piiKlueer ontiNii Rt'.so.i.s 2 ATMM-ir riTV. v. .1. , HOTEL FREDONIA ori;N Ai.t vni TrmM r . iuci err Roirdw ilk T;nrfiiHh plnn 1 1 up 1 ill' H r nppnlntni t t(tr.o mtp rfstaurun1. Try CLARENDON HOTEL vnt(.iM vi:. Mcn nticii I I tronis with Imt and rolil running wl PMvat,. Halm Wrllp for Hatea nnrt xWI HOTEL CONTINENTAL Westminster r-V.Xtn, UZ ' ater J-J r.oP kiy."sl,o w "daily c Buhrt -- . - AhMMflnp ii AIw.Ha rnd. Trrni tnml ifrtnrt?r nncrriDri Kpnttit-Lv a,. ,ap nw I Ct DlsouuubLf n . A . I 2Zn '' ''oruui;lilylieateilllknA K Marlon OCIiAN ( .TV, N, J. ' THE BISCAYNE OPIJNH APttlt, tllli M e.i in heat, private UathH. rcellcntlabl. i Boof ut.LNDIN, one'r and Manager . -- -r- r. UT7Ti 'J HOTEL COLUMBIA 0 "" ,nI ""'' " , ',;." nl'l?-;.r,. "in", m.'!!!,m' 1 ' MU.'.''U "'"!-. ' Wll.liuimi,. n. j. wn DWnnh RVTIIl.1 un W1LUWUUU-OY-1 Hh-b&A ! a,VV,mtr0SS!i Dally lomcrta hv JX.-- Bet"b?, Ueoklt Secn-lan membtrs of I'lilladelphla renters nf ititinvr,a m heet eelerlhin. 1 Hnt NOW. PenUlet Secretary Hoard of Trade. Lixprcsa irain in iiunwunii inpr Headln R. H leaves Chehlnut St. lrry s r,0 a. m dflllv. Sund.i' TNiuralon. Jl rj.. oieid trip, O 7 V) H r.n.iri,. Moket for '-'7. SO. Kl)XOR, I'A. nAls"' ,N'N'' Radnor. Pn a nrsl-clas , lountrv .i,me. thin 30 minutes of city ' icnler: coif liuiillmr. lennU; es.ee! rulsln.; I sun eve dinner. 11.25. Phono Wayne 17 ' " ; i 1,111 CATinXAl, ltnlll Sexes SjHOUTIIAM) AMI IIOUKKCEI'IMI I our sjraduatcs are In constant demand, (.lood paying positions await you. Urcgg Short hand, tlia easy, speedy system. Complete I nlRhl classes tntenslvn training. f.iniiii tiiy iiiin.-. .mii or ivrilfl for full p,irticnlacH and cauloir lllltt 4 HllklWl'Uu ...it t tr.,,- ItKff and College nf Commerce 1017 I'lieslnut St.. rlilhidelnlili -STB&VFR'S 'ihe He' Uuslness School 2 sfl7 CHK.STNUT 3T, Tavlnr" Srl-inn! Quality Sicrctarlal i ayior ocnooi ,.,. mo-jMarKetst few drops of Freezone on a touchy-corn or a callus; the pain stops, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or Hurt a Bit! can lift off hard corns, soft corns, corns between the toes and the cal luses on bot 0 tom of feet Keep Freezone on your dresser and never let a corn ache twice. Costs Fev Cents Tiny bottles cost only a few cents at drug Mores i t t 1 1 i fr V i- Bvntlis Afltrr. I h.H ntMlntiTtt .uMnw nf pla Miller Abrl IlKlatlv and frl'ej" JnvltPd in lh funorl Krl . 0:80 n m . 4025 "rn (. Snlrmn rcnulrm nm'r . sl AirRtha'a Church, 11 p. m. Int. Uoly Cro (-I'm. Ar.TnNr.UKll Anrll 'I . JOHN Af-TKNKDIIH Riven. Hue nonce win i'v ATWIIl.t,-April 7 JAMKS i huihanij of Kdlth 1 Atnrll Ince HoMe) and foil of .Mmea nnrt HUaan Atwcll, rt'latliea. and frlenrta. Court Kalrniount S,'., II. P. of A and T'.lertrlcil tet. of Baldnln's l-ncoimi-llvo Works, nltcd to funeral Krl . '.Do a. 111.. SSI N Pnnne1i l Solemn mill r.n I masa St. rrnncla Xalr'a Cliurcli 10 a. 111 Int Holv Cross t'm Auto funeral 1 AUSTIN' April 7. OHOIIUKAN.MA dJUith ler of .Tames M and Katie W. Austin aged S.I. Uelntlvrs and friends Imlted In funeral senlc'n. Krl. 1 .:.( p in parent residence. 131 il v. Somerset st Int Northwood Ccm. I Frlemls tnny ipll Thurs ee. llANKHIJAn prll 7 VUM.tAM' son of rftth"rtnp and lain John Hinkhead und 'Krandaon of late ronstin.lnn and Wllhelinlna rtelns nued -t ltrlitUes and friends, mem hera K I. U. A Imlted to funeral l'rl , I s 30 n in . 23",7 X Hope al Ileu'jiem mass 'si onlfllclus, Church 10 a. in Int. HI. Peter's iVin , lVKSSnn. April 8 MIMON W .. husband nf AlltTUSln C llenKr ln'e llonihlnwer) aired 48 Jlelatlies and frluds. Loyal Order of Moose. No 111. Washington Camp. No .01. P. O. S of A Kill Ward Itepubllran I I tub Invited lo funeril Sat . '2 p, m, ! realdence of mother, 17.7 S mh at . Cani- den. N. J Int Uierereen Cem. I'rlends I may cnll l'rl . nfter 7 p. m 1 nOVn April 0 MAUV KKIin. ndlmr of John llnyd ttelatlles and friends Itnlleil in funeral services, Sat 2 p in . Ill lallne ' . Palls nf shiilltlll Ini prlMit" sti Morlah Cem rtcnulna may bo viewed Kn , after 7 p. in HOTLIJ. April 8. HtiNA i; . nnutsliter of lobll J nml Nellie Ilovle. HRed !' I Helelles and friends Invited to funeral, Hal , 8,:10 a. m . parenta' residence, 2217 s Juniper st. Solemn rmulcni inaas Church of Kplphany 10 a m Int Holy Cioss Ccm. Auto fu neral IIOTI.IJ. April 7 1JM.A HOTM.. dauihler of Into Tlmolhv ntul Miry A. Tloyle Ilela Uvea nml friends Imlted to funeral. Prl . S:30 h m . residence of nephew, Jams J Unvle. 3.100 L'liultnut st Solemn hldh mass of rcouleni M Jainca'n Church 10 a in lnl Cathtclral Cent Auto service. 1IHINK.MAN Anrll 8 11KI.11N T. d,.,.!,. ler of Frederick and H"b,i Urlnklnill. and. itranddauKhter of William and lato C3av Hall aaert U v.ecks. Ilelatlvcs and friends Invited to funeral l'rl . 1 p m . residence of par ents. 13.", llinlly st Int private. Ilotv Cross! Coin. Trlcnda lna call Thurs . after 0 p in llYTlNi: April n. ,1AM CS M . nnn of (he1 Ute .Tolm and Ann Ihrne rim idatUes, end friends Invped to tuueral M.on , 8.3n from IIJl N. 4KM1 kt Solnmii rnnlpm ' Mauiscin ave , Mt llollv, sat . - p in tJAl.V April 3, IMI'lllR hushajid of An nln Drly (nee Donnelly), of Counlv Ktld.uc Ireland Relntivea and I'rlends. Hnl Nam Society of Corpus Christ! Church. Propaga tion of b'alth league of Sacred Heart nf Cewu Chunh, A. O. 11., Dlv. No. L"i: Court Allegheny. 1 of A., No 2.1.. Invited to fu neral. Sat. 8.30 a n) . 3lln N. 22d at Solemn rcnulem mnsH Chun It of Cut pus Christ! lo a. m Int Calliedral Ccm. DAWSON. At Mlcl.letnn. V J . J'ourtli Mnntli 'lilt, WILLIAM DAWSON, ageil (111 Kuneral Krlends' Vlecllng lluuse, Mltkletutt. X .1. SlYtlt-da- 1.30 p m Int Mlikleton N J. Autns will meet 12 111 train front Salem Hilt! 12.21 train from Phlla. at Mtckle. ton atntlcin DILLON - Vptll S SARAH DANLHOW 15R (neo Cuthbert). widow of Willl.nu Dillon, aged 73. Relatives and Mr nds Imlted lo funeral Trl , 2 30 p. tu , son-ln-htw'a real. dence. Lntnir I. SliUel Trivose Pa. Int. private. William Penn Cent. Atltoa will meet trains leaving Trenton 11 r,", n. m. and Reading Terminal 1:02 p in. at Trcvoso Sta tion. DONOIIUH April II. MICHAK1, husband of late Mary Donoltue Relatives and friends Holy Namo Society; Dlv No. IB, A. O II.; Court Uelt. eleorge R. McClcllatt, No 113 1' of A : employes Continental Iircwln'g Co ' Invited to funeral. Krl . S'3() a. in , "3"i nilawurtll at Solemn requiem mass Church of St. Anthony of Padua 10 a. m. Int Holv Cross Ccm. Aulo service. DONOVAN. April 7. CATHERINE, wife of Janiics Donovan. Relatives and friends In. vltcil to attend funeral ,"ri . at 8-3o a rn ?,,W' f;1";- PrltiBfi-t,. und Llndnn aces': Alilatt, Delaware coutitv. Ia. Solemn il nulcm mass at St. Joseph's Chum. Coiling, dale, at 10 a.-lii. Int. Holy Cross Ceiiu Aulo fnners;. c.u. DRZYMALLA. April fl. PAUL, Husband of Curollne D. Dr7malla fneo Rach), aged ,"3. Residence, 172.1 Lancaster ave. Due notlco of funeral will be jrlven. IJDWAHDS April 8 .MAR, 11. wfn r llarnest S. l.dnatd" Rilatlies and friends Invited to funeral, Sat.. 8:30 a. til , 715 s Knaenuod si Solemn mass of leiiuiein I hurch of St. Teresa 10 a. in. Int. Old Ca lliedrnl Cent Auto funeral v' ULI.IS. April 8 ALFRni) R ELLIS aged 30. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat . 2 P. in . sister's residence. Mrs. Anthony Weaver, Walllngford. Pa. Int Mt Morlah Cem ' CTHE. Suddenly. nt liurlinglnn. N J WILLIAM PRnsTON t 1-unerul and lnl April S. Lieutenant KYRC. V S N It Drlvale FLOWKRK April 0. CIIARl.BS LAW SON FLOWURS. Jr sou nf Charles Lund Emma B. Flowers (neo Illldebrand), aged 2tt Relatives and frlenda Invited to services Sun . S p m . 1231 htlles Bt. Int private' at Laurel lull Cent ronnPAUOH Suddenls af (127 N inn. St.. on Anrll S. HIILHNK S sYllieniiinif Relatives and friends Invited to services Frl ' 1 n. lit . at Oliver H llalr lildz . is-'n i-i,nu,! Iiut st Int private rcjy April n. iiiAni.ES it . husband nf Mary Fny, aged 73. Relatives and frl-nds also Lodge No 3 1". and A. M . and Vulcati Assembb of Phlla . Invited to ftmetal herv Ices, Sat. 2 p. in ID12 jf. 8th st Int pri vate Remains may bt viewed Frl . 7 to 0 p. m OARAR1NO. April 9. KATE A M. CABARINO, wife of Charles Oabarlno aed 10 Relatives and friends. Socleta Unlono rrat-l!aii7a Itatlana. and Stella d'ltalia. In vited to funeral. 110 N nth st . Darby. Pa. Solemn requiem mass at the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at 10 a. m.. Mon Int Holv Cross Cem OARDN'mt April tl, OEOROn II hus band of R Francenta Gardner, iged 81 Further notice later, 471 Lyceum ave , Rox burough. GARDINER. At Westvllle. N. J . April I). EMMA, widow of Gcorcje W. Gardiner, aged 73. Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Sat . 2 p. m . Westvllle. N J. Int. Mantua Cem. I'rlends may call Trl., 7 to u p. ni OILFILLAN April 7, ROBIIRT B hus. band o Matilda Glinilan Relatives and friends iniltcd to funeral, Frl.. 2.30 p m.. 723 K. Park ave Int. Mt Morlah Cem. triends may call Thurs , H to 10 p -u. Auto service GLEASON. April 4. MARY L daurhter of late Michael and Nora Gleason. Relatives and friends, n. V. M. Sodalltv. Hacred Heart Society. Ladies' Auxiliary. Knlxhta of St. John: Dlv. No. 3 Auxtliarv. A. O. H.: Elec trical Aid Society Invited to funeral. Frl . 8 30 a. m.. 144 Relinont ave. Solemn re quiem mass Church of Our Mother ot Sor. rows 10 u m Int. Port Carbon. P. Auto service tn station , CLOVER at Woodbury. N, J., April 7. LUVENIA Ola-lVER (neo ZaitV). widow of Richard W -''over. Relatives) and friends Invited In funeral. Krl.. at 2.30 p. m.. 410 N Rroad st -Vondbury. N J. Int. private, at Bellmawr. N. J. Remains may be viewed Thurs 7 tp n. ni. OUSTATRON April 8, KLSE, Vlfe nf C'harlea Gustafson (nee Linden). Relatl.es and friends Incited to funeral services. Frl 2 p. m '.MS N. (Ifltli st. Int. Montrose Cem Remains may be viewed Thura., after 7 p. m Auto service. HAHN April !, MAGDALENE, widow of .Tnl.n l.uurtn TTaltn n oA 7(1 T!,lfttis nml friends incited to funeral services. Sat 1 .30 p m . 4110 Reese st. Int. private. Green mount Cem Remains may ba viewed Frl, after 7 p. m. t VINES At TabemuHe, N. J., April 0, J OOPKR. husband of Ella V. Haines (nee fl:ott). aKed 70. Relatives and friends in cited to funeral. Sat.. 12 noon, near Taber nacle. N J. Services Tabernacle M. E. Church 1:30 p. m. Int, I. O. O. F. Cem, Medford. N. J. Autos will meet moinln. tralna at Medford. N. J., from Market St. I ferry. Phlla f HALL. Suddenly April 8. at 742(1 Rocr st . Mt Airy. MARY TERRY COLLENS, who ui ,'rancis u. nail. j-unarm errvices and lot private, at convenience of family. HAMMOND. April S. RICHARD RALPH, hubbund of Florence L. llamond (nee Haden) und son of Thomas F, and Elisabeth Ham mond, Relatives and friends invited to fu neral sei vices, 118 Llnwood ave., Ardmore, I'a . Frl. .,2 p m. Int. private. HAYESj Of Lincolndale, N. Y., April 7, JOHN J., husband of the late Mary Hayes and father of Mother Rita and Sister Sacred Heart, of Immaculate Heart Order. Funeral, Fri.. 7:30 u. m., from residence of his son. Michael S. Hales. 870 N. 40th st. Solemn mass of requiem at Our Mother of Sorrows Church. 0 a. in. Relatives and friends in vited Int. Holy Cross Cem. -Auto funeral. HELM. April 7, EDMOND. husband of Clara A. Helm, aged HT. Relatives and friends. Chattahoochee Tribe No. 17, I. O. R M ; Pacific Lodge, 200, I. O. O. F.; Phlla. Electric. Annuity Dept.. invited to attend funeral services. Frl.. 2 p. m., at his lata residence, 2063 E. Albright st. Int. private, at N. Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed Thurs , 8 to 10 p. m. HI'.HL (Hale). Apr I II, IDA, widow of Edward Hbl Relatives and friends In vited to services, Hat., 2 p. m. at the reel drnee nf Iter "on, Rev. Henrv F. Hale. 1701 N 02d st. Int. private. West Laurel Hill HIIRA April ft, at 42 T3. Ja)gan at . Oer mantnwn. EMMAT wife of Albert Jfera, aged BO Due notice c.ffiineral will b given HIRI.t April B, PATRICK J., husband of Margaret J Hlrl (nee Mahan). aged 110. Due notice of funeral will be given, from 3102 Blak.stnn st.. llolmeshiire-. HOLT April 8. JOSEPH, liushand of late Hannah Holt (nee Hiitirl, aged 7.1. Rela tlves and irlends Imlted to funeral services, Sat , 2 p, m.. residence of son-in-law. Charles a MacDonald, 8514 Westminster ave Int. Fernwood Cem. HllOIIBsf-Aprll.fl I8ARF.LI.A DEV1NK HUGHES, widow of Edward Hughec Rela tives and friends. Altar Society of St. Mala. a m Int at Old Cathedral c em ' (Urs and friends. Oreble Port. No in of I'OLKITT- Al Mt llollv N. J.. April 0. , R . Ladles' Auslllirv and Camp No 10 Sona 'ijini ,i.,i.i mm ui .it,srni ,v, c oiKin. or vnp,r'is inviien io junemi, sun uc altves and rr cutis nv Ind tn runers . .it; . tn . 2a.ll L) clclnsnn at Int Mi HtJMMErl-Ap'rll 0. CHARLEd F.e hui l 1 IV CbTTI "" band nf Msrgaret Hummel (nto WeVvarJ IA, "Li. BROAD AND aged B7. Relatives nnd friends, eonresallon. IS W DIAMAUh M-n' nnd Ladles' Society of nt. Lvikas's Ref. I - PIAMO N D HK.VTIIB m"?"r, Invllcd to funeral. Sat., 1:30 t. 17 . s2.? O'rarit ae, Hervlcea Rt tuVaa'a Jier Church 3 u. in. Int nrltale. dermaii I.ulliernn rem. JKmilna may In viewed I'r... T to 0 p. m. IVnilam It. Jarlunn. aitec) 7.S, nlallM and 1'niiu, iihhm TO urn-rut Nrvlcs. 71111 Nor 10 ft 1"H ,r,crny,,"'?,,,"l,"-''"'f "HI. I'r. . 3 p. m Int. "'"tj naptui Lira .luii.-NMix Anr I a. TM.fy.Atit'-rlf a Jiite of John 11 Johnvi.i and daughter nf into Thoniaa .1 and Anna IJjiinn Hel.lthea ;nd frlendi Imlted lo funeral Sat . ; n rn. I'm i .. jimi n jr.i private, Oreenmuunt Cem, .JOHNSON -pr,l IP. SAltA Jl (nee In sram), at residence of her dauahter, Para Inuram Uliik 2 S, llth st Int private KINO. On April tl, IDln. JOHN n . eon of Into William ind Slarjraret Klnc (nee Unhlnson), OKCd 24 vears A patient suf ferer at test. Tlelatlvrs and friends In vited to funeral rvlces on Saturday at 2:30 11 in orcclsely, nt the residence nf Ills brother. Henrico A. KIiib. 220", I3. Sareeant st Int private Oreenmouiit f'em. Itenialns lr.av be viewed I'lldoy, 8 to In p. J.RCHLF.n April 0. .josrcri! S., husband nf Mlrli N Lerhler. llelatlvea and friends board of inanarers Home for Veterans of n A It. and Wives, Invited to funeral Prl , p m , tl A It Home. n.Mh and Vine sts Int K of P, pteenvvood Cem, l.L'TZ. April 7. MART J!., wife of Clias Int!! nod er.-.nddaUKhti-r nf Marv nnd lale A dim Ohover Helatlve, and friends lm"d In funiril servlcia Krl n, m 1ib a': I- to'i:.- p"1;.0"- nn" " " T.VNcir. April unioauT. if0 of IMward Lvnch and tchler of Marv and lale Michael Shields l!rlni-e arid friend. Invited Jo funeral Krl . !.,(," nanra "f!. dence of mother 21)20 Almmid st Solemn leiiuiein mass Church of Nativity 10 a m lnl Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral MncDONAl.D. April 7. HMZAnr.Ttl widow of 1. A. JiUcnonaid. formerly of Aletaiidrla, Canada Relatives and friends Invll'd In funeral Krl . Ha in . rrsfd'noJ of Mrs. .T. P. PeuPey. 1BR1 N. Mth at. HhTh mass of rer.ti.ain Church of St. Hrejtory n.3() a in Int. Holy Cross Cem Auto funeral. J.nnia R MaB'ilre Relatives and friends members 11-itterer Memorial Baptist Church Invited to funeral services Thura.. s n m 233s Reed st Int Mt Olive Cent Ha ill Vnns ,d" '' "rrhll "f train Icavln.- 1'hlK MAJION1JV. April 8 TIMOTHT J hjs band of Marv II, Mahnnev ItelaMvrs nnd friends Invited to funeral Sat , 8'3n a in r.103 Cedar ave . W Phlla Solemn requiem mass Church of (he TranHt--iiratlnn 10 a m Int St Denis Cem Auto funeral M.viTirnws nrii -. rr.onnxcr. nife nf Cef rse n Matthews Uelatlves and friends Imlted In funeral services. Krl. a p Si husband's residence, 310 V, Thajpf st lot nrH.itc. Remains may be viewed iThurs 7 to !) r to MAT Anrl1 3 THOMAS H n s.., ("cm iceinatns may bo Mewed Hst . after 7 p nt Auto funeral McDIOHMOTT April fl, JOHN, husband of lain Catherine MiDerntolt Relathes and friends lmllcd lo funeral. Sat , 8:30 a in 1.111't S. With st Solemn mass of rcriulem Church of St. Francis do Sales 10 . m Int Cathedral Cem Auto funeral McllI.ATHERY. On April II. CLARA J, wife of Adrian O. McUluthery. Notice of funeral laler. , Mc-MAIION" April , MILDRED, daugh ter of David c nnd Sarah M. McMahon (me Strain) aged 0 yeatn (I months. Rela tlven and friends. Immaculate Conception School children. Invited tcr funeral. Sat 8 a in., lesidence of parents. 417 Linden lit . .leukliltown. High mass llnmaritlatn Con- ruiinn Church U.30 ii m. Int Holy Sepul chre, Cem. Mi-KKE April R, 10SEPH, son of Frank and Margaret D. MclCen (neo DulTv), aged 4 ears. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral. Frl., 3 p. in . parents' residence. 1523 N American et. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Re main may bo viewed Thurs., after 7 p m Aulo funeral. .r,ini0"Ur,"rl1 7' ''VOtA ANN . widow V-ii"!?! WrMoSri! "l"3 """Killer of John and I-',., '?r7l ! YodyarcI. aged 112. residence of Biuiiddaughter Mrs. J. (1. sltoll, Jr., Pit rVmll; .? J' ti.lva and friends Invited to tin leiol ser;ic:c;s, 31., Cncsinur st . Coites vtlllinV,,',? ',- - "''' Falrview Com 1,,,! UrAV,a"' A,"r" ''MARK A, hus band of Mary Murtauh. Relatives nnd lo 'p1V,u,"',w,1"'"nU- Warden llenellclal Asso.. Itivllc-d to funeral. Sat.. 8 a. in . 1022 Moore m. Solemn reciulem masa Cnurch of St. lioinaBAnuli.dsW.S0 a. m. Int. Holy Cross t-imt Aulo service. MafV'l"'rniP.r" 7. l'RANK 15.. husband ot v ..W. ,'U"J..1""1 uf August nnd late Louisa iiluui. Relatl,'is and friends, employes Hell lelephrrte Co.. InMledl lo funeral services vltii" ' '"'" ' rarl: "" ,nt' "' nAyLOR. 'April 8, 1IELENE D., vvlfo ot Gtistaius B. Najlor (neo Hersmann), aged J. Relatives and frlenda Invited to attend runeial, 1 rl., 8 a. in., from her son-in-law's itsldencc, Edward Moore. 4D17 Emery st. Requiem high mass. All Saints' Church. Bridesburg, U a. m. Int. .Most Holy Re deemer Cent. f,,n.B,,.,,?-?N.'Apr" " ELIZABETH JANE inoo .McKIm). wife of Msthew Nellson. aged iO. Relatives and friends Invited to services, Sat 1 p. m , 422 N. nth at., Camden, N J Int. Berlin. N. J. rrlends may call Frl. .NEUMANN. April 8. ISADOR, husband c.r .Minnie Neumann, aged 80 Relatives and Irlends. also Krakauer Chevra, Invited to fu neral services, Fri . 10 a. m.. 2103 N. How ,ir.I,,,.,nt J"- Curmel Cem p NEILL. At 28 f. Dover ave Atlantic r-lli',.' '' MARY J., widow of Robert P. "-Nelll further notice of funeral later. OTTINOER. On April I). HARRY II. OT TI.NOER. aged 1)7. Relatives and friends Invited to services. Sat., 2'30 p. m .residence of son-in-law. John L. Haines. 10 W. Pcnn at., ijerinantown Int Trinity Lutheran Cem., (Jermantown .."ARRIS. On April , S. MARGARET MARV. daughter ot Johft W. Parrls. Jr and Mary S. Parrls, aged in Relatives and friends Invited to services, Krl.. at 8 p. ni ut parents' residence. 75th st. and Bulst ave A'ao services n the Methodist Protestant iiuicii. narrinston. Dei . on sat., l n. m Int .,.V.I,.3Jvooa cem,. Harrington POWELL Anrll T Wll.l.tlll Sllll' FLIN. husband of Estelle Fisher Powell Relatives and friends, employes' Corn Ex change National Bank Invited to services, Thura.. 8 p. m.. 402 Fourth ave . Haddou Heights. N. J. Int. Haslcton. Pa. RAIJiORD. April 0, JAMES J., husband of Marv Radford Relatives and friends. Holv Name Socletv of St Agatha'a Church: Wexford,, Beuef. Soc and Brotherhood M. w p- Si. n invited to funeral. Frl . 8:30 a ni . 816 N. 31st at.. West Phlla. Solemn requiem mass St. Agatha's Chulch 10 a. m. Inj St. Denis's Cem Auto service. RETLY. April 8. JOHN V.. husband of Catharine A. nelly (nee Losch). Relatives and friends. L. O. O. M., No. fi4: George B. McCIellan Beneficial Asso., Invited to funeral. Bat., 8:30 a. m.. 2430 W, Thompson st. High mass of requiem St. Elizabeth's Church 10 a m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. .RICHES. Un April 0. ELVA F , daughter of William A and Florenca Rambo Riches, and cranddaughtiT of Ezeklel and Mary Rambo, aged 17, Relatives and friends In vited to services, Sat., 2 p. rn . residence of parents, 1)07 N. 43d st. Int. Fernwood Ccm Frlenda may call Friday evening from 7 until u o'clock. IUDLEH. April 8, ALICE, widow of Thomas RIdler. aged 84 at residence. 4U1 Rlpka ave.. Roxborough. Services will be held at St. David's P. E Church. Manayunk. l'rl., .1 p r.i. Int. In churchyard ROCKLADE. April 8, MARY A., widow of William Rocklade, aged (17. Relatives and frlenda invited to services, Frl., 1 p. in. 12.11 N Sartaln st. Int. private. North woud Cem, Remains may be viewed Thurs. eve. SAUNDERS. On April 8. 1010 ISABEL LA SAUNDERS, Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services, on Frl.. at 2 p. m..' at residence of her son. Harry Saunders. 422(1 Westminster ave. Int. private, Mt. Morlah Cem SCHAFEB0OK. April 8. LILLIAN F.. daughter of William H. and Emma J I Schafebook bchafebooK (nee Jones). Relatives d friends. Jamea O. Blaine Council. No. , S. and . of L., Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 p. m., parents' lesidence, 3022 Unruh st., Tacony. Int. Mt. Peace Cem. Remains may be viewed Fri.. 7 to 0 p. m. bCHKI'KLEU. April 8. THEODORE, hus band of Emily Scheffler (nee Kremser). aged 53. Relatives and friends, emplovea ot Tatem & Bros Lead Works, invited to serv ices. Sat.. 2 p m.. 2222 Slegel st. Int pri vate, Mt. Vernon Cem Auto cortege. Friends may call Frl.. from 8 to 111 p. m SHELLENBBRGER. April 8. CLARA B.. wife of K J. Shellenbeig (nee Bertolet). Relatives and friends, also members of St. l'aul's Lutheran Church. 22d st. above Co lumbus ave., invited to attend funeral serv ices, Thurs . 8 p. m.. at her lata residence. 122J W. Hilton st. Further services Frl.. 2:30 p. m., Emanuel Lutheran Church, Putts town. Pa. Int. Mt. Zlon Cem. SMITH. April 7. MATTHEW IL, hus band of Anna O, Smith tnee Apple), and son of tke late Joseph Hunter and Rosle Smith, aged 4.1. Relatives and friends, also all .organizations of which he was a member Invited to funeral services at his late resi dence 80S N 3d St.. Sat., 3 p. m., precisely. Int. Laurel HllFCem. SNODOllAhS. Suddenly, April 8. ANNA BEATRICE SNODGRASS. daughter of Mary and the late Joseph Macken, aged 32. Rela. Uvea and friends, employes of Stiwbrjdge i. Clothier's Dept. of Accounts: Washington Camn. No. 140. P. O. of A.: Sawwaw Coun cil. No 241, D. of P., Invited to attend services, Frl.. 1:30 p. m., mother's residence, Olenalde ave., Olenslde, Pa. Int nrlvate. Remains may be viewed Thurs., from 7 to 0 n m. STILLWAC.ON. April 8. WILLIAM H., husband ot Kmrna J. Stlllwagon, aKed 78. Relatives and friends. Choctaw Tribe. No. 300. J. O. R. M.i officers and employes llrsn Mswr Trust Co., Invited to funeral services Sat . 2 p. m., R Central ave.. nryn Mawr. Pa. Jilt. St. Paul's Lutheran Cem. STOCK. April 7. ELIZABETH II. STOCK (nee llauck). widow of Henry Slock, aged 42 Relatives and frlenda Invited to services, Frl.. 2 P, m,, 2530 8, Molo st, Int. strictly PrbTOTT. April 8. MARY n,. widow of .Tsmes R. Stntt snd son of late Thomas and Rebecca Bleyler, Relatives and frlenda n. vlted to funeral. Sat.. 1 p. in.,, 3(1,1 ISVtrp et) jnt, Fernwood Cem. Auto service. ITNDERTAKKKS . hushand of IC miYLERsI OKATIIS TAOK, April 8 KM.MA 1, TAQI!. at Clayir.ont. Del., TAVLUIt API II' 8 VIOLA MAI!, wife of Harold II Taylor and daughter of John 11 and Ullrabctli Cmilsi.n need 32 Relatives arid friends Invited to funeral services. Sat. ? p. m. 057 N Preston rt Int Montrose Ccm YKIlti: --April 7. PRANCUS vvir of 1M nard J. TlKhe and dauRliler of Jns?ph and Ihe late Ann'p Scoll aired 2d, Relatives nnd friends Invited tu fnn-lal, Krl H 30 n in. Vft.VJ Rulledze si IIIkIi iiiifi at Visitation Church 10 a in Int private IROriKH Suddenlj. April II. mill, with the A Ii If Hi Camp Ulx. N J. TIIOM S j son ni iRie -jroiier lltiiilies ami sun or Ihe lnl" 'Ihoinns J. Trn ter. aired 30 -,rs Relatlies and friends of family. aNo tasual Co No 1413. A 15. K, and the Tvcoon Social also otllcers and men of the L' S. service ure respectfuMv Invited to funeral on Til mornlnir, 830 o'clock, from his mother's residence. 1H18 N 3d st. Solemn teciulem military nMss nt st Michael's Church nt 10 a in. Int Holv Cross Cem. ANDnORJFT Anrll 0 CSTI1R, wife of Genree Vandesrlft and clanehter of Iste l,aw rence and Ann Hums Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thui-s . 8:30 a m . RSI Wlnton st (nth and Jackson sis ) ltlsh mass of requiem Ojr.Lad nf Ml C'ai"iiil Church ri'in a m mi Holv Cross o-ni Aulo funeral Remains inny b vlenrcl J-'rl 8 to io n m VANOnUSLlCt: April 8 TRANCIS. hus band of late Henrietta Vanderslico fnee Shawl, aired 72. Relatives and friends. Palmers' Union and Council No 21, Invited to funeral. Sal . 2 p. m . 42(1 K, Olrard nve. in Pa'me Vault WALTON Third-ilav. l'mirlh Month 8th VNS'A II WALTON (nee Llveiiey), wife of Thomas H vv'nlton. ared ,2. Relatives sud fHepis 'nvl'ed to funeial Sevrnth-dv Pourtli Month 12th 2 p m , near Thr. Pa Take 12.30 p m train from Reading terminal io amoiee station ,i ' nlle st sime time int. Ablns ton I'rlends' Meeting" Grounds. wunt;u Kourth Momh stb. nt-;TMt'n, C.KConiJ. son of Marv A and lale Charles W Weber axed 41). Relatives and frh nds Invited to funenl, Seventh-day, 2 n m . anal Richmond st Int. private. Omit flow- Vr,HSTHn rmir.ii month 4lli. ni Jit. Dora Kla . liDMUNn WEBRTKR. aKcd no! Kunerst services Slstll-dav, nth. 'J p. m , rrlends' Mectl" House. IBth and Rate sts. Int private Please omit flowers WHITIlSnl,. Anrll in, ADA L . fe or AUIRRNON Willi i:il3L. aired 30 J'riends may view re-nnhu sat exenlmr. nt '10;i Chnncelior st Int. nt l harlottesiltle. Va l.r.OAI. AIIVEHTlSKMllNiS it-3fF.STATr. OF (IKORtll; CALVIN 4? IIUUK.IOI.liKit. deceased Lettera of administration on the above estato having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the. said 'estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delav. to i 1RMA II HtTIIKIIOLTllin. f- ,i Fidelity Trust Co , j iiicEiuuc. i.. i ntia. Or lo her attorney. JAMES F. HAriEN Esq., Lafayette Hldg.. Phlla TfS-?E8TATr. or .JAinn t. nni.i,. nr- -" reased I.etteis of administration d h n., c t a upon the estate of Jacob T Doll, deceased, linvtng been granted to VU liKLIiy TRUST COMPANY, all person. In ilebted to the said estate are requested to make pavment. and those having claims against the same to present thetn. without J.flaJ''..1ln.,.l,p"1,'B of thn said romoanr. Nos. 325-331 Chestnut st . Philadelphia. FlDELITr TRUST CO . W.U. P. G EST, President. rKKr'J'.ST.TK OF AMA1.1K IISIILR. 1)E. u cense,! Lettrrs testamentary'Oti the above estato having been granted to the undet signed, all persons Indebted to the said estate nro rouuested tn make pajment and thoo hsvlng claims to present the ta.ne. without delav. to '"" me DR. WALTER W MA1RES. ,,,.. 030 N. 12th at. Or lo Ills attorney. Clinton a sownns. nnnstenhnp llrsril Tlilllilttir 'KSENTATK OF ANNIE L. LAFFKRTY. deeciiscd Letters testamentary upon the estate of Annie L. LafTerty. deceased, having been granted to Fidelity Trust Com pany, all persona Indebted to the said estate are requested to ,mnks payment, and those having claims against lite same to present them, without delay, at the ofllee of ths said company. 325-331 Chestnut street. Philadelphia FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, WM. P. OEST. President. tK5pJTATK Of ALFRED J. Mrt'ARTY. deceased Loiters testamentary upon the estate of Alfred J. McCarty. deceased, having been granted to Fidelity Trust Com pany and William A. Kohl, all persons In debted to tho said ebtate are requested to mako payment, and those having claims against the same (o present them, without delav. at the office of the said company, 325-331 Chfstnut street. Philadelphia. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. WM. P. OEST. President. ttSSpEhTATE OF ORACi: I. OTONNKIX. -' deceased Letters testamentary upon the estate of Grace D. O'Connell. deceased, line lug been granted tn Fldelltv Trust Com pany, all persona Indebted to the said estate ale requested lo make paimenl, and those having claims against the same to p.esent them, without delav. at the office of the said company, 325-331 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, WM. P. OEST. President. FEKRONALS ARE YOU a son or grandson of n soldier sallci- nr marine of the CIM1 War '01 to 0.1)7 If so, communicate with Camp No. 1. S. O V . 0.12 N llth st HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER with working Knowledge of stenog raph!, desired bv large concern, central location, as manager's as sistant: In replvlng, state education, experience, palarv desired C 17 Ledger Office. CHAMBERMAID, while, wanted: 3 In fam. ily; Overbrook. Phone Overbrook 2220. after (I p m CHAMBERMAID and waitress; exp. colored rlrl for apartment house; steady position; ref required, good ps. 1019 Green st. CHAMBERMAID and waitress, private fam ily: salary $10; reference required, Over brook 208 CLERKS Girls wanted for general office work; good salary, permanent positions; state refer ences. M 159 Ledger Branch, 15th and Moora. COOK Wanted, white woman: wages Mo per week also assistant to cook; girl. will. Ing to ho generally useful around the house: wages J7. Dions Doctor Gerhart. Cynwjd (14 before 11.30 a. m, or between 12 and 2 o'olork. COOK, white, small house, family 2; must be obliging : full charge kitchen, dining room best references: venr position Write 20 S Cornwall Atlantic Cltv. COOK, private family, salary J12; refer ence required, no other but first class need apply Overbrook 208 COOK White girl for cooking, 4 adults, and willing to p;o to seashore; good home: ref erencn. 10(11 N 18th. COOK nnd downstairs work, white: no laun drv, good wag as Call Overbrook .1711. DESIGNER experienced, art needlework wanted by large established Chicago l,.hSLf'.',al' Jlous.J,nte experience. Address M 734. Ledger Office DRESSMAKER wants first-class waist trl m- niriw nn'i -iinem-re. yvnpiy loir Hpruce DRKSSMAKER wants hand embroiderers'. HOUSEWORK Wanted, thoroughly -expert e.tced woman for general liousework; must be good coolt; to right person wages mors than votl now receive Phone Woodbury 300 unttui?ii,ny ... l. . . .,.,.,., u,,(v ,,1'iunii. wnue or colored, lor general housework; must be good plain cook; nnlv those lth esn . best reference need nnnlv: sleep out 5144 Baltimore ave LADIES Home wo-k. sisinr.ng patterns, apare tlnio: S.I and $8 3.1 hundred; work guaranteed rellahle llrm. M12 Market st. LAUNDRY SHIRT STARCHER ArPLY 1308 FILBERT ST. MILLINERS WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERS PERMANENT POSITION ALL YEAR ROUND- COOP WAGES APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS MOTHER'S HELPER wanted; good seam stress. Phone Lo-ust flflQB. NURSE foa, two children. 8 and 4 years; expir.i ref required. Call or phone 12.1 Township line! Jenklntown. Phone Ogontz NUnSE OIRL wanted: half.grown colored girl. Apply 40.10 Olrard ave -"'rea OPERATORS1.. exnerlenced. on Infants', chll- dren's white dresses, cream cloaks; fine piece-work prices, learners with some sew. tng-maehlne exp taken. Freund, 121.1 Maiket SALESWOMEN W require the services of thoroughly exper, saleswomen In our dress, coat suit snd millinery departments, good salaries will be paid to erflcl-nt women, Frank & Seder Co., llth and Market sts, SKIRT FITTER, take charge of room ana !"u"!omM1, to l"." dressmaking ettah. lishrnentt salary 140! all answers strictly confidential, P 300, Ledger Office, """"" SODA Young lady wanted to work on sons fountain : references, Applv Caballero Drug Co. N. W m-. r,?d and Walnut. BT17NOORAPHER. experienced, accural, at flgurfBi permanent position. Frlrdberter- vVVyT.lmfctKS0"' N" "th "" helpwanted Female '.A.l!!l't OK DOINO OOOD WORIC APPLY LUTRKsU Or nMI'LOTMn.NT WANAMAKER'3 ilT iNuORAI'lllTfT female. experienced. I Musi also have some hnnuleilire of rlertcil i work permanent position, hours, 8:15 In u3lli Sniurdaja till neon Apply S, W. I cor llh and Arch sts, first floor. Srn.;OclRAPItl;R with leaal experience: sirtn exnr,-nre nnd sslary esnected, Ar pli by letter I' am l.erieer Of flee. HTKNOClRAPHr.n for real eslateof"ffce: state exnerlcenp Tuj salnrv esneclecl Ap. plv hv letter, P ail). Ledger Office. . ihltipho.m: oprnvrons oirfs exnr on I telephone to .solicit advertlslnir. vvPI piv , salary and bonus; do not answer wlihnut I sl.illn experience and salary expected, M 808. Ledg-r Office I Tni.K.l'I'nvn oi"-''l TOR rvprniB.siirr;T I ON tttlLI, NI, Kt-VSTOVK, KS cifAvnr:s m 72i. r.r.DnuR oFriin - ttpiit. nvpniKvctit, 1 APPLY 11ITl;VT' or KMPLOYMnXT WANAMAKHR S TYPIST Prr-nnTisnt position: gnil onnoe. tnnllv. Kned w"i"e ijulek and seeurnte nneratnr vvsnted P 3;'.J. Ledger Ofllee VVAITRKSS n"d dnc'estal's vvnrl( w'l'tst poaltlor. In Merlon .1 In fnmllj rhone .Marion r.o.i. WAITRKSSRS rnti Fi.oon lvntut APPLY Ut'RKMT OP KMPI.OY.MUNT WANAMAKF.R'R J ivnvr, U'HtTr ' IVin Pl.f sVIVrt. Avn 0,sr.itnl.i., "'" "i"' ciiii f-' r 'it'llfS' APPLY IU'RllAtt OK KMPLOYMr.NT WANAMAKER'3 YOUNO LADY, experienced sleiingraphe- and accurate at flurs; permanent position, lCrlcdhcrgcr-Anrnn Mf. Co.. 11500 N 18th it ; near Wnyno Junction Oenernl PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgent, ly-needed socks for us on auto knitters: npriinve unnecessary: full particulars So stamp. Dept. 2s(i. Auto Knitting Co.. P2f Jerterson st llurraln. N. Y 11US1NESS SERVICF, CO. 1111! Land Title! nOOK'RS S10-T.20: STENOQ'S? Ile't-O. HET,P WANTED MALE HANK Mart for night dulv wanted by finan cial bouse, a norlhea stern resident or... f.rr-d P 232. Ledger Office. ' Pf" I IIENCH HANDPHxperlrnced men on In . terlor ilnlsh; 4S hours per week. Apply ' lllll nnd Tlogn sis. ' Hr.ST1l.MAN'. llrit class wanted for ,..... i Planing mill work. Indiana Lumber and Supply o . Indlanli T'a. JtOOKKEEPER. with working knowl edge of slenographj,! desired by large loticern. central location, as mana ger's assistant: In tepijlng slate edu cation, expel lence, salary desired C 23. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER for large manufacturing plant, Kensington section, steady posltiors: excellent opportunity for right party; attswei. In own handwriting, stating experience, as nnd salarV. '0-11(1." P O. Box 3470. HOY. bright. Christian about 111 year old, grtterul office In large commlslsntt nrn house: sal. Sill weekly. P 307, Ledger Off HOY about 111. Ill pawn shop; references, Ap. ply Burcvald. Lnneaster.iun fc Prestun St. BOY WANTKD TO FEUD JOB PRESS. SKT-J MR READ. LEDGER JOB PRESSROOM. HOYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK. MUST 111'. OVER 111; CHANCH FOR ADVANCEMENT.. APPLY AFTER A . P. M . L F. D O li R OFFICE. FIFTH - V FLOOR. BRICKLAYERS wanted. Apply L. Anastalf, N F, llou'ecard and Sutnmerdaie nve. .CLAM bllELL ENGINEER for stiff leg der rick. Union Paving lo., 30th and licust CI.iinKS Wanted bv large publishing house. 2 chiles: mii-l be quick and accurate and write a good hand: only thoso who wntit tv steady position nnd will stick on the Job need answer: reference required with reply I) 210. Ledger Office CLERKS loung man wanted for night forca of a largo bank: those with nddlng-ma-chine experience preferred,. Applv. statin age. experience.' and salury expected, M 804. Ledger Ofllee. CLOTHING SALESMEN FOR SATURDAYS ONLY APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYJ1E.N T WANAMAKER'S COOPERS Only men experienced on oil caskM need applv. The Atlantic Reflnln Co, Employment'Departnient. Atlantic gate. 3144 P.isacunk eve COPPERSMITHS wanted nt HOG ISLAND First clasa men nnlv Exceljent opportunities Applv 300 Walnut st Seo Mr. Shattuek or Mr. Phillips 1,121 Arch st .See Mr. Schwartz If vou are emploiod at another do not apply. ihlpvard. DESIGNER, experienced, art needlework, wanted by large, established Chicago wholesale house; state experlenco. Address' M 7.11 Ledger Office. - DRAFTSMEN WANTED First-class machine designers familiar wltli automatic machinery; alao thoroughly capa ble tool designers for general machine shoo work, permanent emplojment. Address Em ploiment Manager Crown Cork and sell Co Baltimore. Md. DRIVER Steady man for steady position: over 21 years of age: good salary. Apply 0 a. m.. Mr Helnold HIST Balnbrldge St. ELECTRIC WELDERS; only experienced men need apply. The Atlantic Refining Co.. Employment Dept., Atlantic gate. 3144 Passvunk ave. ERRAND BOY, bright, capable of answering; telephone and deliver packuges throughout the city. Anplv Commerclsl Photo Engrav Ing Co.. 31 N Mh FLOOR POLISHERS ON HARDWOOD FLOOR WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOY.MENT WANAMAKER'S FRAME MAKERS Experienced men on win- dow and dc.or frnmes. 0th and Tings. GARDENER, capable'. Industrious; position Merlon: care of lawn, shrubbery, flowers snd'smail garden; no board. Apply Room 1104. Franklin Bank Bldg., Friday, 3 to 4 P m : Saturday. 10 to 11 a m. HOSIERY FIXER wauled for Banner and Scott H Williams knitting machines. Ap ply Chlpman Knitting Mills. Eastern, Pa. HOUSEMAN and butler for position in Mtr- lon; 3 in family; only reliable man with references need apply. Phone Merlon 12i , , LAUNDRY SHIRT IRONERS HAND WORK APPLY 1308 FILBERT STJ. ' LINOTYPE OPERATORS AND AD. ' MEN WANTED. APPLY FIFTH FLOOR. LEDOER BLDO.. rJTH AND CHESTNUT HT8. LITHOGRAPHER Commercial transferrer wanted for the Offset Press: steady posi tion. Address. Fort Pitt Lithographing Company, 701-703 Forbes st . Pittsburgh. Pa. MAN ANT WlE Mar. am butkr. w.fp ni cook; vhU: to o to AtlantW City lSf-nter timf and all summer. Thorn Proatnn MIM. MAN for garage Sunday. Apply 1029 Franklin ate MODEL wanted; voung man to go on the road Apply Drejsnna & Lang, seventh floor, Metropolitan Bulldliifr. Broad and Wal- lace sts. OFFICE HOYS More than 10 years old. Apply tn City Editor, Evening Publio Led- ger, fourth floor, flth and Chestnut sts. PAINTFBS wanted; young men with experl. enco. no others need apply. Brilliant Mfg. Co.. 1031 Rldce. PAINTERS Experienced on auto body and wagon work, at once. Finnessev. oath and ' Parrlsli sis. ' PAPER BOXES Man experienced on ending machines. Applv Schoett.e's 310 Florist. I t ufc.tjij K,nL,r. n , .... . I nrnniinnitr.iiriu ,uuu turn; insneni wages paid: no lugging.- 104 N ootlt st. PAI'ERHANaEHS 7o per hour. (140 Mnln ii,, UHrny. i none nnaroni mil our. rAPERHANOERS wanted. Af Vpply Kayser A i'- Allman. 1.127 Hansom. PASSER BOYS FOR RIVETING OANOS AT HOO 1SL.VND v PERMANENT JOBS EXCELLENT CHANCE FOR ADVANCE- MEflV APPLY , SOO WALNUT ST. V, SEE MR, BHATrUCK; OR WR, PHILLIPS V ', 1321 ARCH RTs .M WI4 aCCC, OVfll,AVA, .C J YOU Ann FMPLOYF.D AT ANOTHVIRa, sjiprtr) r'i vsnisTip'T J. w At $ f r J h t! 'J li . , - r.1 , tl si nr wme'l ! T '" i"1 i i '": I I I si .".I - '" -tf W'' fcf r- ' rv - fK "' v v " J ' it X v - " ' . " r nr". h a - f- ' frt 4. . 1,." r ,y ' ". -a. f P CI 'J vl ei', '-a ,-"v, litaT .., ...felt m uiM