f; .ZWfWFT' .'!. T -' - 9 - i ' , tl", ti J my - hi V' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL' 9, 1919 jL Lrv i -i . Jt 4- 'ELS' BUSINESS MANAGER IS READY TO KNOCK OFF ANY KNOCKER OF COOMBS'S BALL CLUB 5. jtu-A a.-J WETTSLINE starts WONDER WHAT THE STATUE OP LIBERTY THINKS ABOUT? POWERFUL PITCHING GIVES RED SOX AND CUBS BIG AD VANTA GE l & ON WARPA TH AFTER PHILLIES' KNOCKERS Until Just RecewTi-Y t GET AWFUU.Y TlRGD STANDING H6RC YEAR AFTER YiFAR MV ARM IS NEARLY KILLIrJd MF, STILL- this u?e HAS IT5 COMPeisJSATtOrOS. I'LL BET I'VE FLIRTED WITH MORE SOLDIER BOYi THAM AlsJV OTMEf WOMAN IO AMERICA - They ALWAYS wavc To ME AMD SEEiM taLATS To SEir Me, They euetO THROVAJ KtSiES AT ME BUT "DARrJ IT I CArJ'T RlETURM 'ErA - BECAUSE- AND Tnose Aviators', They are tsef tiivg just awful Bold, i Gave ove a masty look thg 3i' T OTHER DAY. HC CAME A LITTLE Tbo rJCAR AMD UJA5 Too FRESH $w. YWild Bill Digs Up Hatchet and Challenges lny One', -Says ! WELL MY HAMDS ARE FULy '& -i IV hn 7 hrntnx Wnlnr n Dni'uii.i' hlitniok- Club Looks Like Best in Years C- tffi tj& pi" 5 JJ lost lly KOIIKKT W. MAXWKI.I, Sport 1'illtor Klenlnc I'tittllr I edst-r Copyright, 1019. by fublii l.rdotr ( a. Charlotte. N. C. Apill V SlIITlTSIiINK is on llic ttnrpntli. The scninl limincs ttiimiijtrr lini Ills sunny smile, ilronpril liN rny-RoliiR nv nuil i liriMlni;; ttitli )lSSrrslvriic lie is ttillitiK, eager iiuil iiiixiuiis to meet at c uMiwi'IkIiIk nnj porfon ttlm etcn "iijtKcsts (lie I'liils are u bum ball eluli nncl will finivli near J lie icnr eud r the proeevtlon this eajon. Kill ruunnt ee it that ttn.t, mill stSpydy to so on the mat with any one who disputes his word. Inst night he held an indignation meeting and elected himself the orator of'llie cniiiK The fart, that we wne his audienee made no diffeienee he VftiUl hae hired a hull had it been necessary. 'What's this chatter about the flat wheeled Phils and our limping ball I'liibV'' lie" demanded as he burst Into our suite. "1 urn getting tiled of lend ing about the poor prospects of the team and the terrible showing It is about to make. Tor two weeks I lime watched the bojs at practice, and. bellee tne, the nchancp dope i pine bunk. We should not be counted out. because the l'hils look better than In jiais ami will spring u big suipri.-e when the season gets under tvn.t. '"Who will beat us';" he stunned, as he walked up and down the room, waving his odorous pipe. "The Cubs ami the (limits hne a good chance, but tliojtiier five clubs will have their tumbles I must hand it to Chicago be cause of tlte wondeiful pitching staff. With Alexander bark nnd Tyler, Vaughn, Douglas, llendryx and Aldridge. "VliKhell need not worry. The fust four twillers .should win eight or nunc games bctnien them, and that is a pretty nice thing to depend upon. Kill Killrfer behind the plate is a won derful asset and ."0 per cent of the defeiiMe strength. The Cubs aic the cjass of the league, with New Yolk net. tiTUIXlK V has that unci) 11 infitlil, trhi'h mny m may not riurk iniiler the stiain: it airal outfield, vompaied nf fast, hatd- sj lilting playits: a eoitnle of iood latihers, bit I tuithiua to hitiij of in , the pilthtng ilriinitiiiritl. .1 that, the (limits look Timid belt in the league; but outside of thoic tiro t'iifc. iri n licat im.''' William Hands Bouquets to Phils (TTOV nbotit I'ittsburgbV" l x'liltiioil, just to make the aigument iner cstlng mid not ton one sulcd "All light. " lcsponilcil Kill, ' let's mi wliat they lme out there. Take (he liue-up of the club. Caton. at lioittnp. does nol omp.iie with Kan croft. Ktory one will admit that. Cuiey is a good center fielder mid pioli ably has a shade on Williams and Meuscl. ltut how about Snier or Mollwit. at first? Neither compares with I.udeius. Soiithwortb is in left field, hut he i'Vrlll not be as good as Whitted. He hit well last jenr, but will no be ncnilj so cITectite this season. (. utshaw is a great seiond baseman, bill ISaibaie 'does not stack up with ltnird. j "Then there is Kigbee in right field. lie will not ttin as nmuj ball games as Callahan or Crnvafli. sc, we look t longer in fito io-jt ion- in the outQeld and infield. Schmidt is a tciy good (atilier. but so is .lad; Adams. Nttccnct .also will play well and is better1than Cuilj. Perhaps Pittsburgh is slightly stronger, there as well as in the pitching depaitmeut. They liac Cooper. Kail Hamilton, who won si stiuight last jeav before going into the urm ; Krlr llajer. Adams and I'miiis We haxe Jacobs, (Jeschgei. Woodward. 1'acknrd. Kaiicloth and Preudergast. The fust tlnce will win many ball games. J'nckaul is u great iclief niau, and if the others show anything we jjlluoi be so bad. 'At any rate. I must confess we-'do not seem ery stiong in the box, but there is n i hance for 'improvement, l'or that icisou it must be admitted tha( on, paper the Phils hne as good a chance to muke a ireditable showing rfvtittjburgh. With two moie good pitchers we would gie New Yolk a hard light. 'Xow take Cincinnati. Huston, Krooklyn and i?t. l.ouis. AVe should beat oul those clubs, for 1 can't see whcie they are so strung. Thev might im prove) but not enough to do any damage Pat Jloran is having his trouble lUth the Reds, for his pitchers are noue too good and some of his stars have .failed to sign. Krookljn, outside of the pitchiug stuff and the outfield, is weak, and the Iiraxes don't look foimidable. St. l.ouis is about the same, sn please s.jffive the I'liils a little c redit. V . 11111 nnlt thing iou inn ilo nuir is itniniir the tcmiiH ititniilimi to pint pet f i in n in ci nf the playeri, ttml iou until ml mil nr have been xliiihleil by the ejperli. Tnhr it fiom mr, tin fnm irtll he tiiipitscl nl the gunie ire trill pnl up m yenr." w Bc WHAT ARB THC WOMEJ AJGARItsl& THIS YEAR 1 Do Y0U KMoW I MewER YST'HAVE FELT OUT OK 'TYLE ! ThanJK ioOOD WCSS I DOM T HAVE DRSSS TO UU0RRY ABOUT. f - LoTsS OF PffoPLS Come To See ME SO I MGVETs. GET LOMESoivxe:, AnJD I HAVE A AOr4PERFVJL VIEW OF PRG'.SI.DE'MT WlLSOrJ lAjneto he Goes back amd Forth. isw't me The REGULAR LlTTLe GAD-A-BOUT Tmo'? vli 'j'lNrsir Vff. 1 hJt ' r ii i' I ft M rhi '''Wn mmi HEPS C0M6S AMoTHR Load of soldiers. They .STARTED SHOUT(MG ftND SimGimG To me miles AMD MILES OtlT AT SEA MANJY A VAJOMASJ vAJOOLT HAVE HAD HER HEAD TURWED IF SO MA FIN6 LooKlwG FCLLOWJ-S MA6E SUCH A P-USS is, OKA OUER. THE iT'i A 3ReAT LfFei Fine Twirling Means More Than Strength ' in One Department, as it Lessens the Rough Pounding of ") Defense and Lifts Morale of Club IN THE SrOtlTUGIlT IJy (JltANTXANI) KICK ICnpurtaht, 10 in, all rights rtacrved) The Golfers licturn From the Fronf from shell holes left in France 0 lie finth a tougher ilrcant, , Whetc yniciiing bunkers trait his si'cc And tchctc the niblicks gleam. Aitd m he hooks one out of bounds Ynu hettrtthc Duffer curse J ' "Ah, yes, I Know that trar ii hell llul piace is even icotsc." ' 'ioi dugouls that trern deep , Whetc Herman shrapnel lit, , ' ' lie takes his trusty niblick out I' .lnd finds a deeper pit. ' And as he blows an easy putt i on henr him sob nnd curse "Vie .-trpo'iMC 7'ini iccm tough (novgh Hut this hoc green is worse." 0N!: J pile BERHNTOWN TIED high-jump record in ST1LLIN NEED OF FRANKFORD DANGER A tpennrela y Larsen, Brigham Young Star, Likely to Leap to New Suburban Schools Each Have ' Figures in Carnival at Franklin Field ; Has Won Two Interscholastic Mnrh ni 6 Font. 7 R.d Inches League Games TRAVIS FANS THIRTI LacliAtf Practice Games Handicaps Coombs )OOSTIN(! thn home-town club .i one of the piincipal dnersious at this time of the jcni, because none of the other teams hae been seen in faction. ,lloweer, Shettsline hands out a logical argument and theie inaj lie some truth in what he sas. Personallj, I lannot enthuse oift the out look of the I'liils, but must confess it is shaping up better thuu was expected. ' This Aeek will mean a lot to .laik Coombs and his athletes', for the jsoutlicru training trip if it can lie called such will come to un end. Two games will be plaed with Washington on I'riduj and Sntuiduy and the boys will pack up and escape to Philadelphia Saturday night. The old bull paik at Broad and Huntingdon stieets will be u welcome sight. As usual, the Phils hme been handicapped because of the lac.lclS' practice games". Down in St. Petcrsbuig there was no one to play, nildsfjerc it .is worse. Only one prep school llelmont Abbey has been defeated, and the real tryout will be with Washington and in the spring series with the Ath letics. In the meantime, all of the other National League clubs arc busj Jilaying exhibition games and will be in good foim when the seuson opens. The Xew Yoik (iiauts are teamed with the Itul Sox this week and will , hook up with Washington next week. The Hruves and Detroit uie enteilain t? Ing'tlin populace down here, Pittsburgh is bnrn-storming on the trip North, ..Cincinnati lias u nice schedule, Krookljn is practicing with the Yankees mid p even the St l.ouis Cards aie kept busj eery daj pla.ing n leal ball game, j&l'lio Cubs are pla.xing their way fiom the coast. There is no exuise for the Phils p.issing up a series of games down here, for there arc plentj of teams anxious to woik against them. The nlavers Rft' do better against strangers than when thej play the usual Uegulars and Ynn- juuii9 c-unicsiB, uuu uie iijiiiiiiKcr mis u ucucr cunnce 10 sec now Ills men perform under fire than waiting for the season to open. IF Til Klin M any ball i In fa 11 the icotlil that nceih all of the inrly rxpetienrc and eirly tiaininy against major league liatni, it U the FliiU. Phils Showing Spirit for Work 'MTnVKYTHINfi points -to a successful baseball season this yen ?'AH for thero Bpemsrto bc more iiiteicst than inthe lust fie yours. Kverjbodv is talking e lOascuaiii vuicu menus ine uiop tu iuiis wjii oe unusually large. The players, W. rnpa jvorkinc balder than ever before nnd no one kicks when told .to labor an jgi-H W1 nourj jj-ljist bundtiy there wus no practice for the Phils, but ten of the platers 81, Due ic uie uuu pari uuu niirkni uiuirr a 1101 sun lor lour hours. It is the first decent day they had experienced, and took advantage of -It-. Tim- gvns strange jnd unusual, for Manager Coombs was not around and the innclod without orders. This is the, stuff jou read ubout in our very best n, but seldom does it huppen in lenl life. f. i 5 S5 fit AT spirit is prevalent in all of the training camps. The men '..,j leant 10 ao too viticn trorx tttsieaa oj toajtiig around the hotel as 'oj tlrt Baatbal will come hack, and cattle back to slay, this year. f?J ( Real Battle for Outfield Starts H real battle for the outfield posts will stmt today. Coombs now has io? iwUlelders who' are good enough fo hold down tegular jobs on bis uu Win loriner a s nero is going 10 nac Ills own sweet doubles in Kllt selections. Captain M'litltnl, Cravalh, Meuscl, Williams and to hit tiir oncij in line, ii fienl i-holcs? probably will be Whitted, Cravath and' Williams. Meusel t ood, lwl, iut It' Morn last season, but lie will huvo to rIvp way Wj-mrfi. Uf Jn,i trifle Underweight, on ccyuntf,bHi recent' I 1 . lly Till) . TTT'HIj.V Laiseii, (be ltrighnm Young E E N VV Unieisity high juniper, sent his , entiy m for the Penn Ttflny he put a crimp in the hopes of the eastern stars. Il I'Al'l, I'KEP ( The fact that Larsen jumped (i feet 7ni ieiuiiiiituwii and rrankfonl High inches two .tears ago will make him the Schools lontiuued to pl'iy unbeatable fmoiite anil will nssuie him that the ball estetd.it. and b.t winning tlifir' 'oiiiptition will not be oij keen If be liiterschoiastie League games ale dead-, is in bis old-time form, loiked for fust plaic. with two t'u-i The field will be u good one in the tories and no defeats. high jump, but not f the men will bc Oiniiintottii took the Catholic Iligbiable to claim oter Ii feet :! inches as a ic.iin inin .mmi l,i Hi,- Mine of 10-1. hest perfomiuiK i. This height should While Captain .liiniii) (iinsou wis keep ing the Catholic Miich to si hits, well sintteied. the Clitcdens weie hitting the ball fulil well, but couldu'l score more than two inns until the big sixth loiind. In the fiunl half of the sitli the Clitedens decided the issue, register ing seten liits and as many runs Lllis Scbaefer singled to short and leaihed scrimd on Kulp's saciihce. Sinn sent bis In other home with a long single fo left, nnd scoicd on infield hits b.t Itnr iet1 and Hnlderstadt. Siiilihaid also hit safel.t in the inliehl ami I'.anett and llalbei-stadt tallied. - Pnwsoii "'nl Siatchnrd neioss tlie jian nnd stopped .it second on Hufllei's bunt tlibson shc ijfiied, but l'llis Sihaefu stunk out. be a ttaiiu-up leap for it mail that has cleaml G.7nt. Liu sou ionics front the same place flint piodticted Alma IlichiiiiN. who won the 01 mpic ctcnt in 1 SI 1 li. lie looks as if he is just a little'impiotement oter I the liist pioduct who afterwards went to Cornell and scored foi the Ithcaus I in the .tears he uiinpeteil. l'"ii or Hoostcd ' Coach Muiph.t. of .lolius Hopkins writes that his num. l'"iror. who won the Intercollegiate high jump Inst .tear, is doing better than ever this .tear. i Wetherdon, of New Yoik University, YALE STAR INELIGIBLE I'laiihforil Surprises . .,,.,... ,ii Catcher Sheehan Barred From first I rankfoid s tictor.t our the chain- piou West Philadelphia tiiitn was some- Game Today what of n surprise, inasmuch us the en llaten. Conii.. Apiil !. Sev-Spe-.ll,o.ts had defeated South Philn- C1I)I c!(,von,.hour .hanges hate been delpluti last week. lour runs in the , ,, , ,,. , , . ., second and lite more in the siUl, gate '""''' ''-Y -oa, 1"11 l-'""' f "", the stibtiiban team u lead that was too Yale nine, in picpnration for the open iniii b for the champions t mx matcli of the season with the Ileib Tunis, the all mound athlete I sjp, ingfield Y M C. A. College toda.t . of rrankfonl, was In line foim nmlt Captain llussell Hojd was switched fiinued thltteen biitsuien. West Pl.ila-' f t ccnler held to left field; Lang MKUKOITII with n iccord of G feet 'J'-j indies, along with llugns. of Pittsburgh: Stone, of Cornell, and Johnson, of Michigan, wjll be others that will be pitted against Larson, but these men are outclassed by the Itrigliam Young sensation. I look for Larson to try for the coord this year .sin' e lie has been working on his event during the time that he was in the arm nnd will be in line shape. This will be the best chain e this year flint he will hate to got the stage setting uccos-siiry in mder to make a new too ord. Handicapped Hcfnro On Larson's last nppcaiame at the rela.ts he was out for the mark, but the conditions were unfavorable, due to rain. The take-off was too soggy, but eveu with these ltnudicaps he cleared 0 feet !" ,"i-S inches, 'which in itself is a mart clous jump. High jumpers as n rule are veiy n ,. moisten! in their tierformnnces. it in Laisen wo find a man tbtit can do real withdraw. mnalulpnl WOlk. SO tlint !t 'lS llOt 11 , speculation to sa.t that the record will bc in danger. I Withdrawals at Last Moment Leave Vacancies in Manu- Pilching Values of the best wins to judge pennant chances Is to pick out the best pitching stall anil louotv iliac rouic 10 no uciuuer kocs-s. You won I nwiis bc rignt, nut jou won t miss oueu, nnn you u never be fnr wrong. In the National League, when one tnkosn brief slant at the names of Alexander, Vaughn, Hcndrix, Tyler and Douglas, among others, he doesn't waste much time delving deeper, Into the dope. He knows that lie tnn't be far wiong in awarding the Cubs first choice in tlje big spring guess. This stuff is the best in the Nntional League. It means good pitching: nlmost every start, nnd good pitching doesn't often lose, oter the long loiitc. . F FKRUY SC1II '' rani-cM his ancient cunning, the Oiantslaff, irith S'chupp, Ucnlon, I'cnitt, Haines and othcis, icon't be veiy far behind. Hut the lnaigtn will bc sufficiently in Chicago's faior In g'uc Cook county the lull uhocc Manhattan's ctotcded isle. In the Same Way X Till: same way a short glance in- the direction of the American' League finds lloston's champion Hod Sox starting out with llabc Until, Hush, Mus. .loncs and Slim Caldwell. , 3 This quintet has n fast inlteld and a strong outfield to back them up. Hut the main point, is that lioston icnn bank, upon the average, on high grade pitching on better pitching Ihnu any rital outfit so fur as one can see against April's dim horizon. Cleveland and New Yoik both have strong staff's, but neither carries the certainty offered by the right and left arms attached to the llostonian pay loll. One great pitcher, such as Uuth, is a tremendous asset. i facturers' League I A I ) one star in the bar means a big jump. Who ean'forgcl tchat L Mathcwson gate the Uiants and what Alexander did for the I'hilsT The Subtler Meaning WANT EIGHT-CLUB CIRCUIT . After haying its circuit for the sea son piactic'ally completed, the Phila delphia Manufacturers League lids been compelled to postpone the announcement of its final make-up until another meet-' ing, which lias been called for next Monday evening at the Hotel Ring ham. . , With such teams ns Stokes & Smith, I U. G: I., Wheeler. Lewis,. Franklin1 Printing and Wnlther Company, of, Frankford, in line. The league could have, landed mnny more u couple of weeks ago, but learn ing that there was little chance, they sought admittance elsewhere. The man agers were indeed surprised nt last night's meeting to learn nt the, last minute that the Llcrtric Service nnd .1. ( Sellers Company had decided to FINK pitching menus something, jnorc than strength in one department. Tt menus nlso that the offense doesn't have to go out and got as many runs. It menus also that the Hue of fielding defense isn't subjected to ns rough pounding. It menus also that the morale of ii club Is nlwa.ts lifted. A club goes into a ball game with far better heart when it knows that it lias good pitching to bank, on. ' Who can forget how much better ball the old Giants plaed for Miuhcw sou, than others who lucked their conJIdonccV ni'V with a strong, dependable pi(ther working in the bar, neither D the offctthc nor the defense is subjected to any unusual strain. They can bath pike along at a steady, errn, tinharasscd sltide, and genetally get Ihctc. Spring Verse The sun breaks out in golden flame; The rookie stars in everg game; .S'o know that spring has came. Spring, gentle spring, in sunshine clad, Whetc nearly all the dope is bad. dolphin made eight hits, throe of which were accounted for by Captain Datis. Davis bad a single, double and triple. Tome Plans Entertainment Tonic S'hool is planning to make its annual spring track moot on Maj 17 one of the best of the countiy. lu nil (lit r 1 1 to offering iKan handsome (lu pines, the school authorities ine mak ing niittiigetneuts to entertain the visit ing athletes. They lime lontracted to run an ex cursion from Hnltiinore the day of the meet, nud in the evening will protide mi inteiestiug entertainment. The John Hopkins Cnitersity Dinmnlic Club will present Hernard Shaw's "You Never Can Toll." Parsons, fiosliniun nipt inn last oar. was sent to center field, and Hob Holden went from loft field to right. Catcher Shoohnn ostcrday tas de clared ineligible and his place' will be taken by .left Saunders, who has plu.tod in right (Told. LONGBOAT COMING HERE Famous Enter Local Runner Will College In a letter to Tom Flanagan, of To- roilKgllie famous Indian runner, lorn U&ifturil' S1JS t,iut '"' ifl stl"'y'n8 '", a FuniW I'nitersity in Holgium. He ulso states that when he ieturns to New Yot.k. ns ho expects to thoitl, ho will go to a Philadelphia college to ( complete his edticnliou. A United States 111:1 tt has taken a fancy to Tom and is "pa.ting the way." There's, something you'll like- K 'JC f. 1 1 1 'm 1 - rr Ss3-v Twenty to Jhe package felleSix If there is any one particular feature responsible for Velic success it's Quality. There is no better car built at the price, and none with a fairer reputation. $1465, Moline. La Roche Brothers, Inc. ' 1214 North Broad St. Lewis Wins Shoot Title fort HukIiImkIoii. I.. April I). Shool Int- In alim.it nimhlne-llUe prcc slon. rrary II Lewis Woke US out of 100 cay birds In the nnnu.il Uins Island Bound champion mt luurnsmeiu Kt the trapa ot the Jian hanjet Jla Yacht Club here esterday. Wins From Troutman Jack Knight Signs I'ottntlllr. Pu.. April a i:an, of Mount Swittlf. April ; 'nnciiur jan; ismuiii tatfe" defenifil TriiitmHii. of Mlnewtllle. last year a '-8" hitter with lhJllnneapoll Hit a ahootlm.- match at Mlneratlllo Athletic riub. hni been tfhroed for the Seattle learn I'arU jcaterday for a purse of J.100. Knight l to Ixi ued at first bane. Egan "Look for the Sign" I Former Baltimore President bles I llttltlninrr. April ll Jlosea N I'Vank . pre.lilent of the cilv Jail board anil former president of the Italllntore International l.eatru baseball club, committed suicide In his room nl a sanatorium hern eHteda I by Inhaling illuminating; sas Columbia Meets C. C. N. Y. Nen Wrk, prll V The first big college Btame of the loral season will be plaed till afternoon at Ohio Field between Columbia and New Vork Unlterslty (St) BATTERY SERVICE STATION ANY Suit or Overcoat (n Our Big Corner Store $4 -J .80 11 Reduced from $30, $25 and $20 No charge for alteration. Open Monday and Saturday Until 9 o'clock ' Towed Home! Did This Ever Happen to You? Your battery, at least, shouldn't be the cause of it. With a Battery Service Corporation contract you are sure of keeping your battery in running 'order for ONE YEAR.- We re- pair your broken parts at cost, keep your batteries charged, call for and de liver them. BATTERY SERVICE CORPORATION , G15-2D Nortb'StJi Street , Market 3778 I V9V . . wA .rm s y&EEE6SEmmi& rTl f j '.-- '- , ''ls, tor 1 SiShbI I ' Sin ltf ID M r-rr .. rifm& vn i VAX i mil iw.x'i . "k i ? c- 37 m JiKmmkJfK . . " JI-j ii MEb s rnfflrjHQJIIH AMERICAN i 1L balanced d'ix A thoroughbred in all that the name Implies, the new American Six answers your pvery demand Instantly, wil lingly, with that easy Brace that denotea Tt reserre power held under perfect control All the raaater (kill required In bulldlns wlnnlnK racinK cars Is embodied In )hl new series. Balanced tvlth the pre cision of, a Hoe ttatch, the American cannot help but hold the road at highest speed and on sharpest turns. So evenly Is Its ttclirht distributed that every part talea up the driving strain exactly ns Intended. Combining safety with economy. Its ruBBed power la matched by a beauty'of design that. In any company, It atands out lue a cameo. Every American bears frje; per sonal 0. K. of Louis Chevrolet on the inside of the dash it is your guarantee of supreme quality. PENN-AMERICAN MOTOR CAR CO. JOEL "- . Diitributort ALLISON BROWEB, Preldnt. , 2031 Market St., Philadelphia XfflLaL jL i J"7 , ' 'M. V'" m i '.i 4s 1 ,"8 i A . 1) J M rff -4 't, -ftl 'A1.1PJ f T Yti i. i 'rfflJ IV '.' - AAZ?i U'- Il.W,. --'!, mammae f. !S5 Lf sW JnMllw f" ,(' y, Mitt t j' . f. t, ' ,1 ,W4 W Jfffain bi proper twn