Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 08, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 14, Image 14

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. V.
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One faggot of herbs,
Four quarts water.
Ui-injf to a boil, cover closely and
WTT1 A T?T ntr ("A lCHINl let .simmer .slowly for three
5iigets TVifs as a Field to
vAVh;i. ir,.. r,. r,i
VT ,'IIIUIC M lfltfl VJIIM X Iff it
FCT.tflff ilfn.o .llniiov
SJV, ' """"
yJC !' Iff
pqpevtaiizing in Dinning oj ,
Soup and Broths for ln-
Valids and Convalescents ,
Level Measurements
In nil nf Mrs. Wilson's rpcipes
lovi'l incuotiri'inpnts are iwil. Ity
tills is nionnt to slice off (he little
iniiiiiiil of ImkitiR powilcr. flour,
rnriMlirrli. !(.. t tin t piles up on
Hip spoon until tin- i-ontents of the
spoon lire perfect l.v level. Mrs. Wll
mn uses this method of niPiisurinK
lii'i-nusp there is no other way to In
ilientp the p.xiict iiinoiint of Hour,
elr.. lo l'P iisp'I. As mi ililPrPstliiK
experiment, some tinip. niensure
out two liPiipins or pvpii rounded
liihlpspoonfiils of flour unci 'two
level ones into .epnrntc 'lips nnd
-ee J 1 1 v i wluil ii stent difference
llieie i. IipIwppii Iipp two ipian-tities.
so that tliop of us
r;V By MRS. M. A.
b'-JXffhinphl, I.4f f by 1 . SI ,1
ff i All rioht reserved.!
KLIM'ODERN methods and appliances
fi - have made it possible for the
'woman who must do her bit to help niust surely provide a Roodly number
M. finance the home to accomplish ' of persons with u veal livelihood;
wfth the least effort her portion of
the household duties.
Men folks tell us that many posi
tions that formerly paid a living
Wage are now occupied by women
Gf and that frequently these women
chaff at the restraint and .strcnuou.'
efforts they must put forth to keep
at par and show results in this field.
Now that our hoys are returning
home, many women can cheerfully
let them resume their former places
without loss of dignity. Nearly
p every woman has a strong strain of
domesticity and the true, real home
making spirit of our pioneer ances
tors, and if she Is given a leal op
portunity will revel among the
pots and pans.
'You know the day of the old-fashioned
servant is gone; and peace he
to, her ashes. V now have in her
place the smart, tidy and efficient
worker, who is most willing to place
the. household work upon a real
business basis. She realizes that
lwe must eat threp mpals si dnv for
J$S6S days a year, and that she will
have over 1093 different opportuni
ties; during the year to show her real
Now, if she is to be successful in
hec new position, she must know
that 'the French, as no other nation
in the world, have studied economy.
''' KU.1 t, u... i iA1 lUl 11.. ...
. uiiu ouc ijium jcci mm nit; vtunwwi
who specializes in the preparation
'k in our domestic economy, but she is
also past mistress of the true art
of maintaining life.
You a'.l know that man comes
irttp" the world hungry and then
pnds the balance of his life ob
taining sufficient food to satisfy this
hunger. If one must live he must
eat. Many eat to live; others live
but to eat.
Thus the preparation of food
hours; now boil rapidly for one
'hour; cool, strain and then return
to pan. Add
One well-beaten white of cgy.
I Cook ten minutes', add one-half
'cupful of cold water, set aside to
! settle for ton minutes, then strain
1 through a double cheesecloth.
Theie is little real nutriment in j
clear broths or soups; they increase
the flow of digestive juices and
thereby increase the absorption of
the digestive tract; they also in
crease circulation of the blood
Hcef Custard
Place one and one-half cupfuls of
cold beef stock that is free from
1 fatty pai tides in bowl and add
77,. ,e . !
' One-half teuspooiiftil xalt.
One-quarter teaajinonfnl prpicr,
One traspoonful finely ciwppcd
pa rule 11.
Then beat with egc beater to
thoroughly blond. Pour in custard
cups and sot cups in pan containing
; warm water. Hake until firm in
center. Serve ice cold. Nice barley
1 and oatmeal may be cooked in this
1 beef broth.
Kxtract of Chicken
Singe and draw one tjiree-pound
old fowl: have butcher place fowl
II pieces j
like hamburg steak; this means
that the whole chicken is chopped
fine, meat, bones and all. Place in
saucepan and add
Thref phi In cohl water,
One onion cut line.
Cook slowly for three hours,
strain, cool, remove the fat, then
reheat. Add
White of one egg,
Four ttible&pooitfnla cold water.
Beat hard to mix. Cook ten minutes,
One-half cupful cold water.
Stand aside for fifteen minutes;
who select this !
means must give forth his best
efforts if he is to be successful.
The man who is in business finds '
that if he is to be successful he
must 1I0 one thing at a time and do
it well; for he well knows that a,
jack of all trades is a ne'er-do-well;
but thai if he specialize and stand- ,
nidizes he will make for perfect re-1
suits. '
Can you make goon soup'.' One
large company has made a fortune
nnnniiwr ortttttu t)ll Vflll 1-limV W Vl V ?
LUIIIIIIIl. ..till '.-1 ' ..... . . . .'" .. , , , ..
,, sr,.,iv on block and chop into sma
llnn.iit.u thown kit m fire linttotlillx '
good; theie is no hit or miss plan
in their composition. One need .
never guess how they will taste.
They know how. Can you say the
same for your efforts ? Do you
realize that from this one industry '
alone the average woman can
build a business that will show
splendid financial returns?
When illness occurs in the aver
age home, confusion and anxiety
preclude many times the possibility
of making soups and broth unless
actually compelled to do so Then,
again, if these products aie made at'
home thev loudlv proclaim their
manufacture. Hosts of physicians , strain through napkin. This ex
will tell you gladly that they know tract may be served in place of
and recommend the maker of good beef broth.
soups or broths, or n person wno
could cater to the delicate and fin
icky appetites of the convalescent.
Large iiuantities are not neces
sary; rather make the broths,
stocks and soups every other day.
The most important factor in this
worn is- proper uiensus. a weuie . ,.. hi.,rk i.air. ami slender
that can be closed tightlv and which I flsureil. "I wain to look at those ear
Will help letain the delicate flavor l "." he said in a cool, well '"f"1;'
1 . voli? I found ni.vfe.-ir wondering; nitli
of the stock or broth ts necessary. ;what c0,tunl. si,e -a,s planning to wear
It is most important that this ket- j Mack parrliiRS. Peihapa It would be a
tie be used for no other purpose. ' ; tZZ X"
To Make Hcef Broth "airluss and chain for contrast. .She had
diilie some dllllculty in making a (.hole-
Three pounds href bone cracked anions the manv eamnns. and I was not
,. 1 surprised. Some were louml of dull
""' fln!nh. othni-s looked like weII- lit jel.
One pniintl .thin heef rhopird tine,'"" others were graceful drop earrings
;of hrlliant jet finish, and the price of
each pjn was fifty cents.
With a Purse
T wAh waltltiR for my package as she
J. came un to the lounter a tall, dark-
ltm 'ml ilk.
. r'ui,..-. ."hi ..;,', Rr. -(
U-WiiT.'eW . ':. K iHtAf H
"rit'm'-H,.. - xmw" h h
K'J-' JigwMiw. . ,uWrs l
y K4r4tstW!WVm!.M;.jyr. 1
7 m&mJmJ -v.Hgs m
o IPrwHKiiF l.' f - k!m
i HHBr ifl i
4 9HB ft:',".W '
X v'$4 sP'
. JmrrZi i,
The Woman's
To C. R. j Pf'fcrs Suck a Yoinif; Woman to "Dollcd-Up Girls of Wl'J'Ashs
There nro rooms listed by jjnorf. re- . How to Find the One He Is SccliineIFIiat Becomes nf
"i-.Maun: ,ii:w'isil inillllies in no: i mi- i r t t t. mi r i o
delphia H0om Itpeistrv. -.Wl nnd 1M7 i Orphans After 7 icy Become nf Arc?
utis Hulldinfr, SKteenth ntul Snns'om
AVhRY orlRlnal and Investigative
young; man comes to us with an
interesting query or rather a nrob-
1 tern. He wants to know what be-
comes of the orphan girls when they
xt reels. This whs formerly called the
Philndelnhia Itureatt of Hoarding
Mouses, for (ilrl.s nnd has surely been
helpful lo girls.
Why President Went to France 1
lo the Ktlllnr nt ll'ntitfin ' fnnn '
become of age. and
the reason be
wantB to know is be has decided this
Is the type of girt he woujd like to
Dear Madam Will vod nlease lell inarrv.
me the reasons why President Wilson I Here Is the vounc man's letler:
went to France, nnd you will oblige, "I nm comlnc to vou with a nrob-
yours truly. MHS. C. K. It. I 'em which is a Uttle out of your way,
President Wilson went to Franco to ,,ut Its a question you and only you
assibt in franiln the leamie nf nnl ons vu" Eolve ror me,
document anil in the general highly 'Im
portant pence negotiations.
From Our Town to Havana
To the I'ditor of IConiairj Paget
Uear Mndnip Will ou kindly IpIH
"First of nil, 1 nm going to ask yoU
what becomes of the orphan girls
when they become of nge'.' I menn
the ones that are kept In the homes,
Are they not allowed lo marry? Can
an bonest-to-goodness boy marry one
m uiese orpnansv 1 nm a young man
tne if there , a direct .st-'mmship ro'nnet- I JtTwn55Ann.nilr,?l,lI
iinn i.i .... inn I,,, ,,,. ll)e itutii 1 would prefer one or these
Ion between Philadelphia and Hnvanu. I orphans to one of these dolled-up girls
tuba, or perhaps ,3011 could toll me of 1910. Your kind consideration of
Underwood A. Underwood.
The daintiest and sheerest of white organdie drrsscs, which has for 'Its
touch of color a border of beautiful Itrcton embroidery. On the waist
there are airy panels and a crisp Utile organdie bow at the neck. The
'whole frock is edged in bolilnct
where I could get (ho best Information
about price etc., nnd oblige
m! r. 11.
There is no direct stnamshlp connec
tion bPlwppii Philadelphia nnd Havana.
You can, hotyever, make the trip h.
Inking the boat to ilncksonvillo. Fin.,
changing theie nnd going direct. You
can get all information nboiit rales. etc.,
by going to the I.eclgUr Travel Itureiiu.
108 South Sixth street.
In Search of Personality Expert
'to Hit ndllor 0 Woman' Pnac:
Dear Madam I thnnk oit very kindly
for our reply (0 my letter In which I
asked you about the "Personality Kx
perl." nnil 11111 very sorry to learn that
the one spoken of lives in another city.
as I do not have occasion to visit there; j
in fact, having never been to that city.
111 my life. Strange. Nn I it? Much
ns I would like lo speak with this
woman. I could not go to New York to
see her lo discuss my case. Is there ntiy
one rlsp of whom you know Hint could
help me in a like manner ns the "Per
sonality Kxpcrt"?
I really am taking my problem quite
seriously and nm extremely anxious to
talk it over with some one who might
help me. IX NKHD OF HEM',
1 nm sorry, but I do not know of
any such person whose work exactly
tallies with that of the personality ex
port as she was described to tne. I do '
not know her myself. Perhaps oiir .
problem is the sort that could he in- J
trusted to thp services of a specialist
in "what is particularly bothering '
ou." Has it something to do with 1
health or perhaps jou are self-con-.scious?
Perhaps if you slate our prob
lem a little more clearly I could give
-oine helpful nllvice. '
YOPft aim -i original and certainly
lo be admired, because It surely
seems fine lo think n man can. by
working bard, lavish on a girl the real
little home she never knew t lie Joys
of.- Tills would Indeed be a labor ot
love nnd a man could put Into It Ills
best heart npd effort. Still at the
same time, A. D. V., I think you are a
little unfair on the girls of 1919. They
aren't all dolled up. you know even If
they have got mothers and fathers.
And lei rnp tell vol! n secret. A. U. V..
in girl ts n girl the country over. You
will find your little orphan shyly
I reaching out for her Bh.ire of the glit
ter of life, for the frilly clothes and
I the curl papers, just as you will And
I the girl who has been raised on these
1 things.
' Hy all means, my young kulglit, go
I forth In quest of your orphan, but
I when you find her be sure, you will
I find a very human little person nnd
I not an angel bidden nw'ay In a glng
1 ham gown. You will have lo love her
1 a great deal to make up for tlie things
MOST certainly, nn honest-to-good- ; '' has missed In childhood, and you
ness boy can marry an orphan. " I,av,; '" ? '," !TltP ot MK
When these young girls are sent forth I ''Imi,n "tie fallings she I very apt
from the various homes, positions nnd 1 to have In common with all the rest of
the above, will be greatly npreclated.
A. D. V.
One In Search of Love.
boarding places are found for them
as a rule. And they go along about
tnetr-work and their plav Just as 1
would any girl who has parents, per
haps, but who cam. V the city to
work and must therefoie board.
Circumstances alter manv cases, of
course. Vor Instance, some of the clrls M
have relatives and though it was not
within their means to support the
little girl orphan as a child they are g
willing to take her Into their bomo,
when she can virtually earn her own I
living. When a girl has no relatives ; p
most of the institutions keep a friend- 1 jg
ly eye on her because it Is pretty hard ft
for a girl to go battling alone In the B
world with no one at all to turn to. H
This doesn't mean that the board ot 1 j
nianageVs exerts legal Jurisdiction I W
over the girls after they become of 11
age. The watchfulness Is purelv 1 j
friendly. There Is nothing in It at all jj
that would discourage a good sensible
marriage. The thing to do then. A.
D. v.. Is search for your orphan
antl W1" ne1' 'liiiniii
the girls of the world.
WOO i g
&Ijop, Sine. I
1423 Walnut Street j
Every Woman Can Have a Garden
And Raise Her Own Vegetables
milli importance or flie hawk yard J fourth. "Cultivate frequently": flflh,
log-table B.iMlen was nexer so gen- "'""P ahead of the weeds" and sixth
A ,, , , , ,.,, "o not depend on rain, hut water the
erallj recognised as at present in rati pjot regularly."
when we consider Ibe eosl of living and Frequently II is new ground In the
the many other reasons why the woriii s 1 ciiy back arrt r.nd almost always Is
The Smart New Miser Bag Purse
A Daily Fashion Talk' by Florence Rose
supplv of food iniisl this year ue
especially large, a home gulden is al
most a necessity Then aside fiom the
value of foodstuffs ii can. with little
he made 10 liioduce. think ot me
If & I lr Jnfir MM Ci ii mil !M
lw X In W
pleasure lo be derived from II.. ('.lowing
' "Time wa." says your friend i ue
fu!l. "when I had nice long hair Look
at it nov " All the king's horses and i
nil the king's men cannot bring back i veCftaiiies Is Interesting. In fact facinat-
Jiair that is departed. But. a good hair ,,K WOrk anil at the same tlm heallll
luush with 'which to brush our liar fUj.
edch night before you go to bed may In- i .rjie j,acl: yaid garden is usually cared
duce some doubtful haliH to remain and fol. t v lie 'wom,., ,, ilu family and
I will induce new ones to come. The brush Ll,e resuUs are truly surprising. They
I am thinking of has a solid wooden a).e miuie to produce a supply or fresh.
back, is aluminum faced, and has bi Is- ciean, crisp vegetables that are worth all
iVs that are pari culatiy strong and ' (le p'fforl eNPnded on them
eii made. In fact, these brushes ate n-i,. l.aek vard that cannot be made
sold by the same company mat nianu-
, inclines H railiuus Fin m-ii ci cumm tK'
tooth brush. The hnir brushes, which . die rule
The bad vain 'urn inimui tiiu..v
in nroduce almo't all of the garden
vegetables is the exception rather than
1 boast of being veiy
-ost but fifty cents.
easy to keep clean.
For the mimes of shops where nr
tides mentioned in "Ailventures
Villi n Purse" can be purchased,
address Ktlllnr of XYoninu's Page.
Fvfm.sc. Prut. if LEDOKr., or phone
the AYnmnn's Department. Walnut
, Of Interest to Women
1 Marripil wonipn live longer than un
1 married women.
r-enerallv speaking, most vegeiauies
do better In a sandy loam, l.aige crops,
such as cabbage, tomatoes, peas and
'bean. do better in a heavy soil, pro
vided it has the necessary vegetable
substances ....
xothlng Is mote Important than to
have, a fairly rich soil in w liicli to work.
r The soil that does not need enrlchlnB
to nroduce at Its best Is raiely found,
and so success depends largely on the
amount of drainage and fertilizers, both
I manure and artificial, that are added.
There are six short rules that It Is well
to emphasize: First. "Make the soil
rich"; second. "Prepare the seed bed
1 properly": third, "I'se good seed":
c'a,vey. I lie way to overcome this Is to
add a generous supply of sifted coal
ashes (fionf which all large cinders have
been removed). Coal nshea me used
largely for the physical effect In break
ing up a compact, heavy soil: they do
not, however, take the place of fertilizer
The ideal feitlllzer la nianuie: when
that is not available, better use a
patent fei tl'lzer. Some people use a top
dressing of nitrate of soda to promote
growth. This Is beneficial, but must be
handled with care. Never, let It coinu
In contact with the foliage.
What Women Do
In Hamilton. Out., the city of her
birth. Miss Julia Arthur, the celebrnled
actress, was honored recently with 11
public reception.
Lady Constance Richardson, fatuous
as 11 traveler, explorer and big game!
huntress, has gone to Siberia to assist:
in the establishment'of scjiools for litis- 1
siau war orphans.
The United States Kmployment Bu
rPAii has sent Miss Theresa A Hnluv'
to Porto Hico to make an official in
vestigation of the working conditions
of the island, especially as regards the
women workers, who nre said lo bo
employed under deplorable conditions.
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1. What is the newest knitting wrap?
2. Suggest a novel gift In I'ncn for
the engaged girl's shower.
3. What is a gate-legged table?
4. When Ihere Is no bottle opener
aiound to re.niov'e the cap top on
a ginger ale bottle what will serve
0. How can a. coik be used to scour
knives and pans?
8 What Is a good protective and at
the same time decorative covering
for ihe shelves of the medicine
closet ?
Yesterday's Answers
1. The Insignle of the army of occu
pation Is a white A on a circle of
red and this in turn circled In blue.
?. When a bouse Is painted white a
soft medium green tone of win
dow shade is best.
u. A eiy new and practical bib for
the babv just beginning to eat Is
one with a wide open pocket at tho
end of It. This Is cut so it forms
a catch-all.
I. When moving day comes Invest In
paper bags wllb which to cover the
dishes to be packed. Klip the bag
over- tea cups, etc and keep out
the dust.
j. The correct way to dry an um
brella is to turn It handle-down In
an up-and-down position so thai
the wet dripstbut instead of in.
G. To make coal gangers from which
Karmenls will not slip use velvet
instead of silk.
These are the smallest purses for spring. The.v are described in ludav's
fashion talk. One can make them at home. too.
, fTJHB' very smartest purses this spring of these bags is from tvventj to thirty
- '.' are' known as "miser bugs." The.v ! inches, uud as u rule one end is square
ii. . v -. , ., , , . .. . . . : . ju ii 11 e inner i imimiii'ii, who miukv
i.'i7'arBihtlr named at that. for. certain- ' . .... 7
t.vf-Si. V" ' 1 across me square end and u tassel 10
f itfjjrpwu must think ouee befoi-p eudeuv- I tiuinli the other.
1 lie urn w HlK n ine leu snows u
bag with the end worked In stripes, flic
center plain. This bug has large rings,
which are beaded.
A more intricate purse i the one
held by the girl, which has the heads
crocheted in the design of a basket
of flowers.
The checked pattern, which Is made
hy alternating the bilk and the beads.
(WJ the amount of beads used in ! Is one nf the most (popular designs. This
'jntruction of the bag have much I is shown at the right of the drawing.
i'"t,L '1L- 1-.. Ifn...A- 1.
Willi IOC priVv- UR "wtn, inn j
1 Anil girl babies have more vitality
than boy bnbies. 1
1 A convent of Japanese nuns has been
opened in Los Angeles.
There are thrpp times as many women
centenarians as men in the L'nited
' Stales.
' Legislative action is pending in On
tario to permit farmers', wives to be
elected to school boards.
KlPTen women are to serve on the
faculty of the I'niversity of California's
summer session at Los Angeles.
iMHq dive in to take out the change
'..... ... . ,,, ,,. .. .. ... ... .1
f, Or ine 0111-ioiuri, u uuin ui iio--.,.
Stables invariably fall to the very
Etom ot the bags. This same sort of
tiei lo a tery mueli smaller scale, was
jBftef'beforein fashion, aud nt that time
tt -wis, call e'd the saddle-bag.
Ikej'all things that ore smart, the
Hrjibltgg are, quite expense. The
1 who knows how to crochet and
rrr.out n pattern, either by her
.W'from directions, Jean verjf easily
iaae one ot inesp nags 01 a coiupuru
iivMvlittle cost.
,, Bfore telling you about the making ;
f Uiaijy parses, I tried it out niyelf , to J
te'JUt wlit ;li cost would be. To
niake; eo'f . of the.se of rather simple de-,
Sift'rWilres Jhrep bpools of the purse j
!'M',lr buuehe or steel beads, ine
L.'itfMkw a good deal of time to
i mliec purse, and tbts U what
tMn f o l:stly to buy
gl b.snade you sketches of
Miss Rose Will Help You
with your spiing uud summer
clothes. Perhaps you nre wondering
just what color In vogue now will
be most suitable for you. Or per
haps it Is the present -day styles that
perpleg you. Which of them will be
niOKt becoming to you? Miss Itose
will be glad t give you Ihe benelit
of Iter advice on these or any of the
many other mutters that have to dn
with wearing the clothes that lunke
ii girl or uomuii ojk her best. Ad
dress 3Is Jlo'se, woman's page,
KVKM.MI Pl'llMC liEDOKR. Send a
self-addressed stamped envelope for
personal reply, as nopqj.or .the nu-
(ircnL win PV&w.ijmKii&&
Nurses Recommend
Cuticura Soap
It appeals to them because it is so
pure and cleansinr. It does much to
keep the- skin clear and healthy es
pecially if assisted hy touches of Cu
ticura Ointment to first signs of erup
tions, redness, roughness or chafing.
Ideal for toilet uses.
Betureto test tbe fssclnailng' fragrance
"WWi "tt tflWfsKi VSHtJRPK W H CTJPi
Je sure to test- tbe fsselnrting fragi
Mann & dilks
11 V ji I .
Tyrol Wool garments are
most satisfactory for Spring
and Summer wear. They are
good looking, light in weight,
and unaffected by dampness.
Ladies' and Misses'
Plain Tailored Suits
24.75 29.75 37.75
Top, Street and Motor
24.75 29.75 37.75
Girls' and Juniors' Suits
and Top Coatsy '
24,75' "
Ney Spring ,Hats
1 MuJnttms&zkJP vr
Some Very
Special Crepe
de Chines &
Georgettes on
Sale This Week
The blousa Illustrated U n
example of the modltti new
atyle effecte In tbia dUplay.
Pticy'a Upatalre' meney-aav.
nf prlcea are alwaya j2 to $5
lower than other ahopa, and In
event tbe valuea are
JfvU N.m nne.
W lawer t
ZJ this e
For your own take it' adviiablm
to com hr the earliatt moment
you can spare thit week.
Jly Parcel Poll ,w exlrn..
r ajonjau
Cordovan Calf, Blade, Calf
and White Sxoisbuck
Smart, Practical and
Most Economically Priced
Jhe Harper Shoe 6a
Y0 - Xk
Slh Ave. at AMU St.
I New York
1422 Walnut,St.
West pf Bellevue-Stratford
Vfimcdihtb m
Bmiful anpFashionableClothes
SiwcTiy Tailored Suits' m
Dance Frocks Dinner Dresses
Street and Afternoon Gowns,
Charming Coats amdVraps
v5ists Furs
Latest Paris Hats
x. ,., t
jpf:.j$i& .$' 3m
;'rfi it
, 1
:iF -.a
', s
5 n.r, .' tajft'-MV' 'im
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