n&sk&msi S?fP!pP!PW ir u - "t ?' ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1910 I3f yfywwi!mfww -X. l& 155 t h i i i n I tt K i ST. W ! si' r? TALK WINS SHORT TERM Youthful Cracksman Gets Judge to Cut Heavy' Sentence Xruaiti. X. .1.. April S.- i A. r. I I'lrdtlhiR RillllJ nnonr of tlnor- joiillis who worked n safe In (In- rjewnrrn mit nfilrc Inst January, Henry Uellni. eighteen jrnrs nlil. literally "talked" Keen Smith America - HkIcihI ,or trying liitllely to rcRti- "Miirrinire N purely nn Individual I liinnolr nut or riRiit years or poi-mir . " 'Intn the tlomestle relation of men nnd I miitlcr. ('onilitioiis as far n men niull ..... ,.... soiili-m-i li nu oration he Enemy of U. S., Who Tried tp Out of War IRRITATED A PUT TAX ON BACHELORS? NO, REPLIES MRS. SCHOFF Mothers' Congress Head Resents Levy Suggested by Lady Mackenzie, and Says Education If" HI Solve Problem WANAMAKER'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE WANAMAKRiiP women, the envernnietilo of lie cnitli , omeii are roneerneii inns slioiilil iti-niierale m eiln.iili. mi.llieri ' WI by prohil)! Ive taxes. not be i lint the . . . .... I I'lHIl lllllll II IIP I HID .' DM I 111" M1 llll-IIIHMIM!- I i anil their elilldirn to arulil the causes ,,,. nf ..,,. ,.nr iii i. ',..1P :., . ialnlMI r " " K I'. MINN IIIM " "r, - V IllfWW.Wl- ,,,. , I I III AlrH llv Hie Associated Press National t'onrre-ss of Mothers, to the the rmiseo of war. M. l..,. I'll.- A..i-lt .i Tim niirnii- lropoal of I .aily Muir Mackenzie, of "I do not mean n i-nure in pneilNni ' - I .....I.... 1.i ..1..-t.. t.. l.'....l...l fitt I urn mil 11 iiiiilnt. - inniiniii, iihil llll- IIM"U III IjUKIUIIU '" - ..... ..... .. ,..- --- .. dellvereil J "-toulny before Peili-ml .Inline , Davis. After TxnounilliiK "tlie lallnej ol ., , ,,, , l.urope eoulil be met If the govern- ,) ,th, to prUou for refornin- is was the reply IhN afternoon of incnt. r the earth eo-opernteil in eilu- T' ,, ",V" ..ron-innrpil hinielf rcaitt Krederie Silioff. president of the catlnK mothers it ml eh l.lren to moid "" ,?(,"R1 lroiimiiie.l lilni.eit rean tlon nf Itnfuel Xleto, wlio for , be heavily taxed to stimulate marriage. fnr .enteni'i' "W'lirtt ilo you think f iiiiitlit t iu' Hut I men n nl" ntfcetl tlie juiiRe. , ll.nl im.fl.ni-.. n.l"lliolr nl.llilreii kIiouIiI "I mint know. jiulRe. I. IUVell. i lie UiukIiI in tin- homes to respert the; iniilil not linve"tlii- hear! to viiten -e J ears lini lielil the post of secretary i,a,y .Mackenzie saw daiiRer for the of the treasury nml vvlm for more tnan iiruisii in the fact that l...(W,WK '5'- I milium ilo this the iirincinal reason for u,... "That would not be fair, us vnu haie Mackenzie plmileil pullty." was tlie reply "1 would mi.v one year. then, ytcir a vein- linn been in full chaw of the "' women are unmarried, nml ex- nr Is done nwuy with i . .1 i . : 1. 1 i,.. Picsscil the belief thnt the law nuin- tn Imp m-mins-il I illv flnnnrlnmnl. lul liepll lleceilteil lV . .... .... m HIT llioiliis.ii, iniy President Carrnnza. oer ot iinclieiors was iesponllle for ,,i, t1 part mis condition. , ..i..,.,.i ...,,!.. .,.,i ., ,,.,.. ,i . , i ,1,.,(1, '"I I4I,I llli 'Ml. , ...- I.uls ( nlirern, former fecrctnrv of Why shouhl tlie bachelors be lielil nation to unniarrieil women, would the tteasury. has been named to till the icponslli1e7" inquired Mrs. Schoff. it not be better to give them n fiee iiiisitinii mid will lake the oatli of office 'se added: "It seoin ,.., Wednesday. Senor Nleto i ex- 'V' "' ?.ns to me thnt if '7V-.?.V ,"','I0',H? ' ,)""111 H "''".' ..,,, . of !?.i()(l when they Rot mail led. '1 nuis ance of women n li()r', m) ,(1Ilb, ,,, oiffieiilty at the honor," "I will mnkii it two." ''Pilot suits me." cheerily leplieil llie youtli. One of his rnmpir.iiolis. lioweier. wlio was twenty -one, roI Hve years. Tlie other is still at large. terference is visionary. "The government might start lmlu Itiles to be mil by wuiiieu only." Save $14.25 on this fine Gas Range l.'..l....l ...I.... I. ! ! II.. .1.... ... !"" """". - H .iniilil..' -. ..,i,l ,.. ,ior the cnmnaiL'ti for the '",u"" """''' " I""""' " " " mon.enl. but it will soon be mercom, '" . . " ,,',. I nl. ,, , "' ,nl'l? W"" , . '"''I'" "tl-li oierseas dominions are Kuernorslnp of tlie state or han l.Ul Killed in tlie wnr. . A preponderance nf ,,IEPy f,. women. Let tliem go nml Potosl, - women would mean a large number of get married. In nny case, they woutu lunninriied women. ' .linie more scope than at home. Scn WiisllluKloii. April S. Uty A. I .1 ()( ,.,.w.t n,P ppn-cutage of single tliiuisanil telegraph girls are to be ile Stale department officials are much wnmfn is lt H0 IU0 ; this countrv U'obili.ed wltbiu the next two years Interested in news from Mexico it.v ., K ,,,,,,, ;, 'J hey arc between the ages of fifteen ami II. ni I ul- I'llii-ni-.. linn been niniointed , r.iininu. nn wnr i .is "",,,,. years ipilli- young enough to that I.uls I jliiein Wis men iinpmiinu , ()s, s ns ,,., , llH t ,.st i " .,ii fi i i' life nml wnrlt iiver I'V Pies dent Currnua to succeed Itnfae! .,.,., "'" aci llinati.ni in lie anil worn om l v,',.. ' i.". i 'r .... , w.n-v. M ,'n ""'. .. s,.n. An orgaiif.alon couiMeiy well ..ni.. H-. niuii ... '" . tfi... '"" '" either country the proposal , look nfter them until they did marry im ji si reuiviicu ... ....... . ... ..... ,,, 10K,lInl0 man-iuj,,. ,, K,0ninient in- n iiunics i'ii. ui n' -.-..... .. - his govemment from New York biink- "rabrem is regarded in Washington U. S. SHIPBUILDING REVIVES TROOPS SAIL FROM FRANCE ns one of tlie bitterest enemies of the . . Pulled States i Meuio. Purine tlie s, , , Recovery From Decline T"r" More Transports on Way war lie toured l.at'.n America endeavor- , , . . , , ulih wm. emu- n.n. ing to align Hie Latin republics in a Following Signing of Armistice w th Home-Coming Units policy or'nciilrality wilh Mexico, where Waslilngloii. Api il N. I Ity A. P. )--' Washington. April s. i P.y A. Pi the Herman Minister ton IVkhniilt was Aniericiiii sliipbuilding has rccoeted Troororganiatlons announced today by operating bis nntl-Atneiieuu activities hugely from the temporary decliuei tlf, 'nr Department us having sailed unchecked. caused by the armistice iu Noi ember. , ,. . , , , . . , , During the .evolution 7il.ri-.il was In the first ...mrter of thi, year, it a ' Uom . """0 "'luded iletachn.ents of close to f'nrriinrii nml to him is at- ni.nouneeil today, the Ilureau of Nai- ""' lslli Infantry and the ll.ilh Snni- tributed largely the adoption of a new Ration officially numbered l.'Mt steel sen- tary Train. Ileailiiunileis t'ompuny. coiiKlltution Instead of the old one of going vessel of 08(l,lilN gross tons and Ambulance Company No Kill Medical IS.'iT to wlili h the "iiinslitiiliomillsts." 1(17 wooden ships of lil!7.4-IO gross tons. . . . " " ' ' headed by Car.a...n. w s,p to .linking a total sea-goiag tonnage for 8"lnl ,,0"ot ' "" '! Unitary SiitiniN i,. u.i..i iiw,.K...j lliicc inonllis of MIS.tISS cross tons, or No. (II and il of die fortieth Dili t.i... .i,.. ,. ..... ... ., .. ,, ..,,,. ...... . . .... nn? ....... inut -. ..f Cuhreru was u member of the .Mei- at llie raie oi more man ...inni.yiiu inns , miiii. These troops are mi board the W .,, ntv- .i.o.L . . nl .New I h. No can commission that cine to the t n.teii n year, i iioiiscu-k.iiuk m-ss,- muu- trilUMlml.i ohioiin dm i. ..,.. i niii . itii ii.tiii.iirn i-f '. i:v: miiii . I ". vv mi t u'liiiujji ii ! ithii, During Hie twelve months ended '"" i"ieuii .vpru in. .Milch "l. a total of "fl.'lt niercliunt The transiort (Msego. nUi. boiiml vessel of :.'J.5..'.!1 gioss tons, incliul- for New Yin k. carried llie Twentieth, ing a small tonnage for foieign owners, Thiitictli. Thirty -lift h. Thirty-sixth weie iiuiiNin uie i mien .-Mines nun inn- anil loity-liltli Diilli.on cnuipaiileM inn cinlly nuinuereii Slates at Hie time of tlie A I! C con- ferem es. At Atlantic City Ins conduct there so moused Judge Hrny nnd Sec retary I.nne that tlie negotiations were lor ii time suspended. DESERT TRAIN; SAVE LIFE Crew Cuts Loose Caboose and Rushes Camden Man to Hospital Atlantic City. April S. One bundled per cent hiniianitnrianlsm. as cvhibited by Heading Hailwny freight trainmen iu cutting loose from their train, while they rushed William I'oesc. u brnke- man, to this city, after lie struck by the locomotive at I'gg Harbor 3IU s Kuiiges, com- York -'ete with plu.e shelf, enam.! onus and panels. 1 " u I J ls-ln.cli baklug oven Range Ills In to inches of hpace KeguMi puce las pu .euuteu to l:t.:.-. An unusual orpniiunltv to obtain a iluianteeil stamlaut ih.rp llelhered ai.d oonneeleil liee A splendid asso. tinettl o' nthr ga $1080 FOR PORTIERES in iletachment ol the Nineteenth balloon ranees, water neaiers hihI rsfrlgerators company : Iiordcituv Convalesceut De- all cood vs us tiiclnnenlH .No.s 1 H. ,,4. l.'L1l nnd :!( I. Tlie date of the arrival of this vessel Sale of Rare Textiles Draws Crowd """.. uo) KnPn- , ... , . . , , .. . Hie trnusport West Durfee is due at of New York Buyers NVw Yors from St. Naaire. April III, New Yorli. April S. The sale of the with a casual company for Washington (iengulnt collectiou of rare nnd ancient alltl u few cnsuuls. textiles bi ought a large audience JWUDELPHl l3ttNRWARCH AND NKSTREETS liail been ,0 "T Balleries of the Aunu'ii'iiii Art. ASSOClHlloil ji-mvuiu... I in- inicrcsii ... it... Iiiilfltni. wilH Ceen unit smut. i.n.nl City, early this nioinitig, may be the p,.;ePs resulteil. ' ineuns of saving the man's life. Moese's 'J'he leading figure was $10SO, paid by Inline is at I'ourtli and Liberty streets, T. J. Cannon for six portieres of gol- j ' Camden I den yellow Italian renaissance cut vcl- While the injured liinkeumn was y't. XicholaM Mnrtiu bought hIx eni-i i..,i.. ..5...i . i i.. i . broidered crimson damask curtains of being cBrred by a caboose at n mije- 1 ', ,',;,., lI0M. nlBk(. fo, $oco. m1x r'0l. a-uliiiutediisli to the slioiV. other train- eiirtuns for .$780. and six embroidered men telephoned here. An ambulance Pnrtuguexe curtain for 5780. I nnd surgeons we.e waiting when Hnete TIip total for the afternoon sale was! - reached (lie shore, and an ofteration $1U.0SU. i was performed upon his fractured SKU J ' 'rtw minutes afternrrivnl. j NAVY FLIERS SANK FOES Glad to Leave Siberia French Say They Hit a' Dozen Vladivostok. Siberia. Tuesday, April' U-Boats; Ten, Chief Admits 1 IJ.. i 1 V 'Cl. ... . . I I j. i..,i .i. ... iiii-ii- is Ei-i-iii reioic- i i.......... A....H c n.. . among the Canadian troops here .,,., ',. ,, ,.., K' Another 1000 Silk Lined New Suits Ready for Easter Buyers And the best part of this news, if possible, is that each suit is only In n....M ll.n ..-. '...:.. 1 ., i. ll . UYI'I I III- Ml 111 VIM till II (Ml I) l'f Mil' 11 1 III lit 111 .! 1 I t I ..... "i. iiji.iil Htpt'u AVitn linvintr iliininrfpil nml I ii lin rl I ii it t rnnnu urn In Ik.i i 1 1. .1 . ....... - --, -- -- - n - - a- - . ,!"lS-: hours from the tailor's hands- Cenernl Klmsly wilt , email, until t i l'b' I'T ," ' wr. t vi . . em, of May administering affairs. l.r'Mrih: i"T I With this important f act concern- Agamemnon yesterday. Hi depart- . t p t t Stelnbugler Defeats Servatius ient, he said, took a more conservative , 1f0 TnPiTl tTIHnV C tnP 5i"VlP3 CITP K....yr7;..A"",R-'.,,,",rlr.!: ,'..?".?- view and conceded the sinking of two X11& lUCm llldllJ UL U1C aV1C8 al C vuii iiuii ma iiftniiih inn ell (ii I (-. UHIK ! line hllllnrds In the third nnnual toiirnainnt I and the damaging of eight of the enemy for the Poifnenburg cup. ilpfeatlnir Louis A. i .....r. Servatlm by the score of 115 to nn I crail. s w 5 .' .$hcppmd Si Economy Sale Until Thursday Voiles new patterns and colors: 50-cent quality for 39c yd. , All-white 35c quality, 28c yd. White-striped and plain 23c, 30c yd. Nainsook flesh color $4:50 quality, $3.25 (10- yard piece). White 10-yard piece, $4.50. quality, $3.85 pc. D. & J. Anderson ginghams: Ends up to 12 yds., $1"25 quality, 85c yd. Union Huck Towels well made: 18 in, x34 in. $6.75 quality, $5.00 dozen $7.50 quality; $6.00 dozen $9.00 quality, $7.50 dozen White Turkish bath towels, 23c to $1.00 'each. Lambs' Wool silkoline quilts, $6.50 quality, $5'.00. Lambs' Wool silk muslin quilts, $11 quality, $8.50. Linen hemstitched Tea Napkins, 38c ca. Muslin Undcjmuslins GSwns of cotton crepe, 95c , Cambric gowns, high neck, long sleeves, $1.35 Envelope Chemise, $1,00 and $1.25 ' Cambric Drawers, 85c Satin Camisoles, black or nayy blue, $1.50 Ladies' Neckwear .... Net guimpes, 65c Organdie Vcstccs, 40c . -' Organdie Collars, 40c Cretonnes " .' $1.00 Cretonnes are 65c 90c Cretonnes are 55c ' Willow Furniture $8.00 Arm Chairs are $6.00 $10.25 Arm Chairs, are $8.25 Please1 remember that these most exceptional happen' inga are promised until Thursday only. confined exclusively to the William H. Wanamaker Store. W1 'HICH means that . when you buy one of these suits, you are certaip not to see the same pattern of cloth on the next man you meet. We have confined these styles because we have first call on a number of Philadelphia's best man- ufacturers for these silk ' lined suits. The fact is, we set the pace and originated the vogue for iridescent and striped, silk-lined suits in Philadelphia'this Spring. $25 and $28 Their regular fair sell ing price ought to be any- i where from $30 to $40. m - , William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. 'nfa'' Wanamaker 's Down Stairs Store This Is No Time for a Man to Hesitate about his Easter suit. Stocks are at flood- GLOVE SALE 1200 Pair of Women 's French Gloves at $1 a Pair French glace lambskin gloves, overseani sewn, with two clasps and plain stitched backs. In white or black with self or contrasting stitching. There are all sizes, 5:J4 to 7'-, to start with, but as the price is very low, we urge early selection. (IVnlrnll New! Moire Georgette Crepe It will make most effective frocks oi' blouses for Easter and for Slimmer. White, pink, Copenliugen, navy, tuupe, bhiclc and tan :ne the colors; it is -10 inches wide and $2.50 a yard. (I rntrHl) Dainty Vestings Women have told u they have tried all around town to j;et this vesting and have found it only here. It is strips of oijramlie oi fine net and pretty lace alternating for Ki'a inches (just enoujrli to et in the fiont of a diess for a dainty vest). A (iiaiter of a yard will make a vestee, and it is $J,.'ii and .!! a yiml. (OntrHl) Good Style and Good Material Mark Every One of These Easter Wraps Between $25 and $35 W Ti VT i ' fhSfeo ill ''ilr' Special at $15 Tlie other cape sketched i-! this model of blue herjje. It has a contvastin top collar, a jacket fiont and belt and the hem is edited with black silk fiinge. Dozens of diH'eient cape.- and dolmans aie marked at $2'. and they ale of seice, silveitone, poplin and velour. The color itiKs aie fresh and Springlike and the lining.- aie of gay s-ilks. Under y.W theie aie full-lcnjrth capes , of seip that stout women will find becoming;' dolmans of ilvertone and suede veloui and Mini it little spotts capes of velour or silveitone with cheeiy , linings. i At .V!2.,"0 is one of the best seige capes of the seaton. It hangs in graceful folds to the edge of the skirt, has a lonjr coat front and two lows of close-set I buttons down the shoulder line. In navy ii'ue only. The cape that is sketch-d on the left i is of tine sei'Ke lined tlnoufthout with ' lijjuied silk. It is in navy blue and is cut Ions and very full. $:io. In duvet dc laine at $42.o0. . , Other fine Kastei wiaps of silveitone, duvet de laine, bolivia and soft serge are here in an interesting variety at !$:Jii to ?o5. tide, assortments were never better nor values sounder. This is the one week of all) 4 the Spring that is most important to a rrtan's clothes. 1 There is real worth and value in every! suit in the Down Stairs Store. Not a thread of cotton has entered into the weaving of the fins wool cloths of which these suits are made. Styles are what worth-while business men like good lines, but never showy. New this week are blue serge suits at $28.50. blue, brown and green flannel suits at $34. blue cheviot suits at $35. These all have two and three-button coats and slanting pockets. Other excellent suits, starting at $2o (these are worth a third more) and going upward to $35. Fittings for men of almost all propor tions usual sizes as well as stout, short or extra tall men. (liallrrj. .Mnrkrll Colored-Border Handkerchiefs for Men At .V. tape anil loll border handkerchiefs with while linen centers. At "."ic, tape and plain colored bolder linen hand kei chiefs. Both aie in colois that men like greens, tan, blues nnd lavenders. Alii) Japanese silk handkei chiefs with colored holders ate !)(lc. M'rutrnl) JVj II" H. ' i i , M hi vV v; hi m :; Si V- . - Spring Time Is Silk Time The majority of frocks aie made of silk at this time of year and for Easter. Ho-inch satin messaline in many colois, including white, navy blue and black, $1.(15 a yard. 35-inch striped and plaid taf feta in a seige weave, $2 a yard. 35-inch lovely printed fou lards in all the newest designs and plenty of colorings, $1.85 and $2.25 a yard. 35-inch satin Duchess in black, $2.25 a yard. ((enlriil) (Murkfl) Attractive Spring Frocks Take Many Materials and make themselves attractive in all. Many of them aie priced especially low. Wool Jersey Frocks, Special are plain or embroidered, some collarless, others with collais. $12.75, $15 and $22 50. Serges. Special are in navy blue and some other dark colois. Much braid and embroidery ornaments them and little coat or blouse bodices are button trimmed. $').75 anil $11.25. Lustrous, Rustling Taffetas, Special aie in many models and plenty of colors. Embroid ery trims many of these, others are beaded and they are often combined with Georgette crepe. $10.75 and $17.25. Lovely Foulards, the typical Spring frocks, are in varioui styles, some combined with Georgette crepe. $16.50, $18, $22.50 and $23.50. Crepe de chine, taffeta and crepe meteor frocks arc many styles and in navy blue, taupe, black and Copenhagen blue at $22.50 to $25. Georgette Crepe Frocks for street or afternoon wear aie beautifully beaded. Prices are $22.50 to $75. (MnrUrl) Checked Serge Skirts at $5.75 , These smalt checked setge skirts in brown or blue checks have pretty inet pockets. The lines are straight and rather nurrovv, of course, and they aie good skiits to wear with plain coats. (Mn'rkrl) Airy, New Voiles Highly mercerized plain white voile. 44 inchei wide, is special at -10c a yard. I'ancy coloied voiles are in plaids and figures of all sorts and in many pietty color combinations. :!8 inches wide at 35c a yard, which is one-third to, one-half less than regular. (Onlral) Lovely Voile Flouncings in colors for Summer frocks pale pink, light or Copenhagen blue, rose and tan arc either tucked or ruffled. They are 40 inches wide at $1.50 arid $2 a yard. (Ontrnl) Easter Suits at Their Smartest Pf 'il ' M m l $25 $10.50 Suits are on the high road marching straight toward Easter. Literally there are hundreds of dif ferent styles in the Down Stairs Store and each ex presses some delightful fashion. Tor as little as $1(5.50 you can get a pretty poplin suit bound with braid and trimmed about the jacket with four rows of braid. It is in navy and Pekin. Wool Jersey Sports Suits $25 One of these is'sketched to give you an idea of its jaunty style. The color ings are gay or, if you prefer, in heather mix tures. Checked velour suits, made in similar style?, are also marked $23. nJ Easter Hats of Feathery Grace are these new ones with transparent brims, with frills of hair-lace or with waving tenSrlls of ostrich. Their broad brims are wonderfully becoming to almost all women. Flowers veiled ' with maline are another pretty touch that women like. At $5, $G and $8 the choosing among Easter hat3 is a joyr so many and so varied are the modes. They are the bright and glowjng things of the new season. (Market) Little Girls' Are Blossoming Out in Sashes and Wide" Hair-Bows White diess time has come around again and sashes and hair-bows are fluttering. Brocaded rib bons in pink, blue or white are gay with flowers ancl butterflies. 4?-lncli width, 50c a yard; 6!i-inchf width, 68c a yard. (Crntral) $37.50 Street Suits of Serge or Gabardine take many charming forms. Sometimes the jackets are cut on the straightcst box lines with jolly vests of gay hue. Sometimes they are belted, and more often than not there, is braid about the suit somewhere. The linings are a joy, Excellent choosing ul $35 and $37.50. (Market) Seamless Wool Velvet Rugs Not for a long time have we been able to offer good serviceable velvet rugs like these afc such low prices. ' (5x9 ft., $22.50 and $25. 9x12 ft., $3.50 and $47.50. 8.3x10.6 ft., $37.50 and $43.50. . 41.3x12 ft., $57.50 and $67.50. ,- (Cl.e.lnul) ! Black Satin Oxford Ties , i for Women Just in ' 1 I are one of the newest and daintiest of low shoe styles.. -,- for this Spring. They are so light and graceful with,- , i their turned soles and hi eh heels. S5.75 a uair. . 0 . .. " ,. ft . . ' 1A i omaii rumps, j.iu a ruir "-., TL.aj. ...a n ... .... tl... to.Vili.naMA 1.m. '.1...)-h1IV llll'ue, vuw, nic vn hid .aoiiiuiiauii: iuii;, a.vuuvn"; lines with light turned soles and high covered htykf? I They are in black patent, leather, black calfskin an'' tan calfskin. j Rrnwn Klrinkin TUa J made on plain lines have turned soles ,and h!gj,! nverefl lieels. $5.25. - ?".' Wkll. Cl.noo tnf IU. f'UiA 'iHK' JIIHWOIIUVOIV. IIIW VIUIU(II "4'1 .who wear sizes 6 to 2 are S2.7G to 14.75 bkIiv ".. . i..i.. , .!.,. '-" .1 .l ikt. uuuon or lace siyies niuue oi wniv ienr mws ' f m . s V?S I'M M M I tfj m ?. '; , M m ftlM .". 1 H?. r.', i-' iai : vr - resembles buckskin. W08ChcstnitftStMet jcifou;. ' J ,