Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 01, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 15, Image 15

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United States Won't Assent
to Eviction in Lower
r California
Serious Conflict Between Mcx-,-
ico and Washington Still
a Possibility
Washington, April 1. The Stato
Department docs not accept as au.
thcntlc a press dispatch from Mexico
niy published yesterday ana mnib
hat' Japanese corn corporations have
been, granted concessions to exploit
agricultural lands in Lower California.
It has cabled the American embassy
to report the "actual facts and c)r
cumstances of the case."
It is recognized that a sorlous con
flict between Mexico and tho United
States might arise In the event of
the granting of such concessions by
(ho Mexican Government to Japanese
Interests If those land3 belong to tho
California and Mexican Land Com
pany, of Los Angeles, an American
It was said at tho department, In
substantiation of tho statement by
General Amado Agulrre, Under Secre
tary of Development and Agriculture,
that "the lands which were given by
a concession In 1884 to tho Mexican
Land Company were declared the prop
erty, of the preconstltutlonal govern
ment April 7, 1917," that tho United
.States Government had protested
" agafpst tho action of tho Mexican Gov
ernment. y $VM Protect Citizens' RIehts
.Ifwas not Questioned In official cir
. , ..i
cles (.that the United States will not
assent to the dispossession of the
, American owners of the Mexican prop
ertyi which appears to be the subject
of negotiations with Japanese con
;crns and will take whatever measures
Hhattrnay be necessary to protect the
rights of American citizens. ,
" It was pointed out at the State De
partment, however, that General
Agu Ir re's statement went no further
tharC to say that "Japanese subjects
or companies are arranging to acquire
lands In Lower California said to be
long" to the California and Mexican
Land 'Company, it Los Angeles."
PrlT(e Tntrrmt Mnr Back Deal
'"The possibility that private Japanese
, Interests hro negotiating directly with
the Mexican Government, the latter de-elroufc-'of.
obtaining A loan and the for
mer to get' concessions, Is nor being
Acting Secretary of State Phillips yes
'""terday.made the following formal state
tnent'in response to Inquiries:
""The State Department has no official
Information on the subject of the con
cessions said to liaie been granted by
the Mexican Government to Japanese
corporations for the exploitation of ag
ricultural lands In Lower' California.
Tfhe (newspaper report publish yes
terday, is not clear on the subject, and
the department has Instructed the em
bassj? at Mexico City to report the actual
(facts and: circumstances of the case.
"Nothing appearing in Senor Agulrre's
Irjtervlew definitely Identifies the con
cessions alleged to have been granted
with' any portion of tho tract of the
California-Mexico Land Company at Los
Angeles "
"!,! tnnhi. Calif.. Acrll 1. (By A.
p.) Supplementing his denial last
night that the California-Mexico lani
'and Cattle Companv, which owns and
operates a tract of 830,000 acres In
TTOAf rnilfnrnts. that It contemplated
any leases or other arrangements with
Japan that were not first approved by
the , State Department at "Washington,
Harry Chandler, president of the com
pany, said today his company had sub
mitted a. bill of J513.000 for loss pf cat
tie horae-i and other supplies in the
Madero rexolutlon.
"After the Madero revolution," said he.
"when there was a number of small
revolutionist chiefs through that sec
tlnon, the cavalry was mounted on our
horses, the cavalrymen were .riding on
our saddles, the wagon trains were using
our wt.gons and generally they took
what they fancied. We submitted a bill
of JS13.000 for loss of cattle, horses and
ether supplies In the Madero revolution,
and the bill Is still in process of adjust
ment with the Mexican Government."
- The Japanese, "the Germans of the
Orient." have carried forward their
plans to "Japanlze America" so far that
It Is necessary for California to start a
counter-movement of propaganda, United
States Senator James -p. Phelan said
it a-publlc meeting at Sacramento last
The Senator urged enactment of more
drastlo land laws, which he said the late
Theodore Roosevelt had'justifled by the
statement that Japan herself had erected
barriers to protect herself against
Chinese, coolies.
Senator Phelan had earlier addressed
K joint Besslon of the-Callfornla Senate
and .Assembly, advocating measures to
firevent Orientals leasing land In Califor
nia and to abolish tho "picture .bride"
practice by which Japanese worsen en
ter the United States.
r "Of i late years," Senator Phelan said,
Congress ' has assumed or exercised
rowers which have been detrimental, in
the Judgment' of many, to the Interests
of the states, and the states'shouldtbe
alert to guard the Interests of the peor
i. pie. Treaties have been' negotiated b
which aliens claim equal rights with
citizens and when laws have been en
oited "by" the Legislature affecting purely
domestic questions, 'they have been Ig-
- "The Janonese menace seems to be con-
. -. - ,
We can nnvr
a u p p 1 JM I
models MPany
tyle oJpinet.
''A complete assortment of the
best vooaL Instrumental, orchee
traand band selections,
Talking Machine Slwp
".4804 N. Broad St.
! vid
. It 1 aaVaHHHaaH
II w
ceded by all who desire to preserve tho
spl of California for the white race. The
Japanese aro nonassimilable, and thcro
foro they remain a permanently foreign
;The matter of Oriental Immigration
has been brought before the conference
In Paris, nhere the constitution of the
league of nations Ib being drafted. The
Japanese, against the protests of the
United Stairs and Australia, ask for
racial equality. I do not believe the con
ference will attempt to trespass so far
upon the sovereignty of constituent na
tions, as to dictate In matters affecting
Immigration, naturalization, land owner
ship, education, lnter-marrlages and the
elective franchise, but It must be borne
In mind that Japan Is one of the uac
powers sitting In the conference, and It
must be made clear that the United
Suites, regards, THIS as a question of
self-preseratlon and cannot compro
mise It"
Mexican Governor Uninformed
Cnlcxlco, C'nllr,, April 1. Cstehnn
Cantu, Governor of Lower California,
today said he had no knowledge uhat
ocr of tho alleged pending sale of Lower
California land by the California-Mexico
Land and Cattle Company to a Japa
nese syndicate, except what he had
gained from press reports.
Wilson c Lloyd George ne Ri-
conoscono l'Urgcnte
Publlshel nnd Dlntrlbulfil Under
PBnMIT NO. 341
Authorized hy the Oct of October 0,
1P1T. pn fllo at the I'ostofllce of Phila
delphia, Ta.
Hy order of the rretnnt
A. S. Himi.USON.
roilmaster Oencrul
rnrlicl, 31 marzo. Un colloqulo tra II
Presldente Wllon o Lloyd George ha
auto luogo nella resldenza del PresI -
dente, prima della rlunlone del Conellln
del quattro, per gll opportunl nccordl
sulla urgento neceslta' dl una sollcclta
SI apprende che I mlnlstrl degll cstcrl
delle quattro grandl. Potcnzo ed un
stood on this exact spot
When I was shot
The Greatest American Moment in the War
"Thai, said President Poincaire,"was America's greatest moment in all
the war," and it is here pictured exactly as it happened, with Foch and
Pershing in the foreground.
When Our Boys Stood Between the
Kaiser and Paris
That supreme moment when they did what the French thought was
impossible. But the Marines did it, and here they are doing it at Belleau
Wood. The artist was guided by one who was there and in it. '
The Man Who is Still in the White House
Bathed in moonlight, he not the President looks from the private
porch of the mansion toward the moonlit peak of the Washington
Monument: a masterly painting.
The Gray Man and the American Boy
The marvelous experience of an American doughboy and the great Foch
which will go down into the history of the war.
In their full superb colors
Thousands are being framed
More than 1,900,000
9 Radiant Stories
60 'Articles
16 Full-Color Pictures
deiegato del Glappono dovfanno rlunlrsl
martedl' "per discutero la procedura da
osservarsl a Versailles o in qualunque
altro luogo I commissarl deglt Alleatl In
contreranno la commlsslone dl jiacc
della Germanla.
II Generalo Magln die, secondo quanlo
e' stato rapportnto, sara' nomlnato co
mandante delle truppe allcnto per le
onerazlonl nel Dalcanl cd In Hussla, ha
auto oggl una conferenza con Clemen
ceau, al Mlnlstero della Guerra.
La slampa francese pubbllca die pro
babltmento Important! flnall decision!
saranno prese, durante questa settl
mana, dalla conferenze della Pace.
Mr. Dnnlel, segrclarlo della Marina
degll Stntl Unltl, cd II suo segulto
partlra' domanl per l'ltnlln, oo con
ferlra' con gll altl ufllclall della Marina
Iaallaua. N'on si- conosco se II Begre-
tario uniiivi viuviu i jiui tuiieu, oe hiii
zlonnno parecchlo na I da guerra
Itonia, 30 marzo. La Impossibility' dl
laselaro Parlgl da parto del Presldente
' del Conslgllo del Mlnlstrl, On Orlando,
ha rcso necessarlo It dlffertmcnto dell
i 'apertura della Camera del Deputntl al
-3 magglo prosslmo. flo' ha creato un
Said a doughboy to his motheSi&s he pointed it out
in one of The Ladies' Homernal's war pic
tures. So accurate are these remarkable pictures.'
There are four superb ones in the number out to-day.
Each month thousands are disappointed because
they cannot get these wonderful war souvenir-pictures;
an edition is sold as fast as it is put on sale.
certo mnlconlcnto tra alcunl onorovoll e
nel clrcoll polltlcl si rltlene Imposslbile
cho possano tcnersl le elezlonl gencrnll
nel sussrgucnte mese d glugno.
La Camera del Deputatl sara' obbll
gata ad ncro lungho sedute per ratlll
care le condlglonl dl pace cho erranno
ileclse nlla Conferenza dl Parlgl. Molto
probabllmenle le elezlonl gehcrcalt si
tcrranno In Ottobre.
Tuttl si nugurano che nwenga una
pronla soluzloneo edeel problcml alia
conferenza dl Parlgl e Vhe l'On Orlando
possa tonlnre sublto a capo del goerno
per sistomare pareccnle questlonl dl
Italo ltnportanza per la na7lone, le
quail, so nun abllmente e fermamente
mnnegglate, potrelibero Impedirn cho 11
propolo d'ltnlU roft,a godere del fiutll
della vlttorla ottenuta a prezro ill tanti
1'arlRl, 30 marzo I.c notlzlc pubbll
catc dal giornalc "Luzcrner Tagcblatt"
del 17 correntp, circa lo stato d'unlino
del 'trentlnl che i.trebbcro ora malcon
tcutl del.domlfllo Itullano. sono nssolu
tHiuetite lnufefl)tentl c frulto della pro
paganda tendenziosa contro l'ltnlln
Una categorla smentlta al rlguarilo tro
asl nello dlchlarazlonl lecentemcnto
by a Hun
eUu&tf'Wo?H Jvttrfuifc
trasmciso e prove nlentl dalla Mlsslone
Americana ij Pressanonc.
L'Obzer del glorno 5 oorrcnto Informa
che 11 goxerno jtigo-slavo ha seques
trate tuttl I gJornall della Germanln.
Anuria ed Ungherla. compresl qiielll
datatl da plu' dl tin mese o ne ha lm
pedlto la letturn o la dlffsuionc
Li "Suisse" del 22 pubbllca cho In
qvstt ultlml mesl Inglcsi, nmerlcant
ed altrl hanno auto occaslone dl poter
(.onstntare l'ltnllanlta' della cltta' dl
Plume. L'ultlmo espedlentc dl ag
glungere al pochl croatl dl Plume la
popolazlono non solo dl Sussak, ma del
paesl nlno al Golfo dl Buccari, e' stato
dl chlnrato assurdo dal croatl dl Plume
c ilella conferenza ill Parlgl 11
glornale rljea cho argomentl storlcl cd
etnlcl lno'catl dal jugo-slaU per negarc
l'ltnllanlta' dl Plume, sono fondatl ml
falsa crslono storlca, bu statlstlche
futslflcalc a su Ingcnuo Rotterfuglo nel
considcrnro Sussak ed I paesl Mclnl
come parte InUgmnlti dl Klume
Two Years for Stealing Auto
fori. April 1.- Pellx Murcel was
sentenced on Saturday to two i ears' Im
prisonment for stealing the automobile ,
of Hrlgadler General W. W Hart,, of
1.. A, rlfan T.nlirn rtkirallnn nn t I
uary 7.
Highest in Quality
Biggest in Size 188 Pages
Lowest in Price.
$5,000,000 Home for 77th Division
Planned There
New York, April 1. Plans for erec
tion of a 6,000,000 clubhouse for the
Seenty-secnth DMslon, comprising se
lective serlce men fro"i this city, on
the site of the old Astor Library here
were published yesterday by the Seenty
sexenth pulsion Association, with an
announcement the present structure la
being renovated to servo ns a temporary
club when tho dlxlslon returns from
The permanent clubhouse Is expected
to be the finest military clubhouse In the
country with 500 sleeping rooms, res
taurant and grill rooms, assembly hall,
gymnasium and swimming pool
Tall Kills Army 1 lier
nlterslrir, rullf., April 1. Lieut C
M ttlppcrger, of Molliie. Ill, was killed
jetcrday as the alrplann In which he
n looo feet Cadet
" i',0,,0 S, ,,
was fljlng oxer .March Meld, near here,
Packard, of Ba-
Ith him In the ma
chine, was seriously Injured.
1 i-w ii mil - - . t m '"HgM
.Kfc. 1
Why Dcl
jmM msmsLB nk&
Item In
The Lis
,Are tires desenring' of
soecial itemizing i-$t
-... o u .-:.;?
uivijc ou uiau sut it JKO i
gears, bearings, otheri
oarts? " "&
Dabydurs depreciate $K,a
a day . . . really? ,
If so, then switch to
LUXE Truck Tires!
For records of DE
LUXE users shbw
costs well under that
Just one example. -
Two years and thre
monins ago o. i-as-y
kau, lZol Third Ave;,
New York, bought
a three ton truck for
heavy intercity ser
equipped all-'round.
To date the truck has
gone 23,000 miles,
iThe" tires are only
half worn out. The
is still legible on every
Here is proof positive.
ot their unusual econ
omy and service, -,
proof of their dollar '
saving, not penny
saving. .
Try them!
B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co.
519 N. Broad St.
Atlantic Tire & Repair Co.
1414 Mount Vernon St.
Foss-Hughes Co.
21st and Market Sts.
Elmer Barber
1127 Land Title Bldg.
if -,
a rrB j
"-' . -'i .!J1WU. Prp,.
n- j 'f"
. ,.T.Wwterfl
NU -vkj-iuSS-iiaB
!.. i'?.!?,-'
n, ft ,&.&
y .c n r