Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 27, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Image 24

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fEuettfftg public ffiri0er
Philadelphia; Thursday, march 27, 191?
Safety Patrols, " an Attempt to Make Street Crossing Safe for Children : Divers Views
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5- t PUBLIC SCHOOLS and the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company are co-operating in a cam-' VyHl ' $g?!:H t '"""""" gL SvZjW the MEMBERS of the patrol wear arm-bands, in the school colors, with "Safety. Patrol" jj
f 5 "Safety Patrols." These' "patrolmen," selected from the older pupils of the school for their BdIliiLlirfiiiffl i& UmBSlSititi TfS. alelt t0 shepherd their charges over the streets at the dinner hour and when school lets out A
I sense of responsibility and alertness, act as real bluecoats in guiding children across dangerous MsKKBk KKKSfMWiSU 3f9QPvf'!i LliV'TvX 'n c afternoon.
I.T.S.Tefo"- y Int.HtwsTilm ' J
THE CENSOR releases another little war secret naval officers in Washington trying S A SHIPMENT of German helmets, captured by Yanks, on the steps of the Treasury, - I
i, out various camouflage designs on models of warships and transpoits. I I: " ?, ---' u-w. ;;",, ', -';""- -, ' ,' vv."i Washington. They will be used in aid of the Victory Lonn campaign. Every purchaser x Jk.
,, " I r"-'',: ;;-;'',' -i ':;-?7 ".igSJB '""'-''' S"f'; " of a ?1Q,000 bond will receive a helmet. , f
Wlll Wit 3 .-" rfw w - - - -IB ' b awmii a 1 -n
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ANOTHER U'ARBlNGER'of sdvancinpUprihirtimtrr-th'e'iriaKriolla,! ivith Ha.J,b"eiitlfu,
Btiu-, PM.K ina piuim dw "- ".-T .-" " "7T. yv "V -1T.
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(jumracr vear p white ctc'pe, doifwy. - ...THISGREAT SERVICE 'banner baai- 1072jrold stars 'one' or 8ch!mnn"A'killed iu'.ctl"MH-J
...j MM- .... M nafkdn of the oldieni in Nw York.
Afl ATTRACTIVlt nUifkfoi', (J
chine wlth x'euflf bids on tberskirt,KfThe,.'cc.llar1tl8rf brown
' knhlulMinnl fflYtcfliat. ! M iHIOWIl.aiul.WhMA rnuork atW b)1V.
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