. ""V" V i' a EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1910 13 '.(?Sz & . u i u h r JEE&4LR 42 YE SOLDIERS WRITING TOGIRLS IN FRANCE What Do Yon Think of This Plan of Uncle Sam to Open Those Sacred Missives, Photograph litem and Send Only Repro. duclion to Your Sweetheart? Mr. Ameilcan Ikuglibo), liovv would you llko to have Uncle Sam nnd Johnny Bull read those touching missives which jou are sending fonck nctoss the sens to that little Ficm.li mademoiselle or Ine llslt lassie? , Well, that's just 'what will haupen If the United States and Great Britain (airy out a plan advanced by Major flencral Sir Percy Uranvllle Glrouaid, "First of all," said Mr. Johnson, "It would desttoy the secret' and confiden tial nature of the communication. While the gov eminent mall authoiltles who took the photographic reproductions would not leveul the subject matter of the lelleis, nevertheless many people do not edits to have an body lead what a distinguished engineer, to redute all ' l"ei '"" wiiueii ,,. letters to oue-flftletli of their present I ' Secondly, the amount of illst-class weight by a photographic reproduction '"all Passing between the two eountrles in order to make airship mall between Is not great enough to resort U. such a the two countries piactlcable. , metliou for the mere purpose or leuuung , you 0theis Sir reicj'H Idea Involves the photo- "" weigni 01 me mai 10 up u.n. graphing and ilhnliie of the letter In a I There arc airplanes which can tairy a space one Inch by three-quarters of nn I ton of weight and the airship can carr Inch, The film will be can led b air Wednesday afternoon? We want to do something useful. We thank jou. KLlXon, Secretary. If the little girls can sew they could make little petticoats for the children across the seas You can get regular Red Cross patterns for these and some older person could cut them out for ou and ou could do the sewing It would bo fun, don't ou think so? Then I know- another thing that would bo nice for ou to do .Make up pretty scrap books for the little children In the hospitals here.. During the week the gills could alvvajif keep on the lookout for stories and Joki-s and pictures to paste In the books and thfy could cut them out and bring them to the meet ing w 1th them. The strap hooks are not so very expensive to'bu, In fupt, you could use large blank books, pasting a. ptelly colored picture on the tovtr pt enr.ll nnrt !ltlc pnill With a DrettV brtgllt ribbon bow Aiouncl holidaj time our little i tub tould diess little dolls ior chlldien In the hospital wards Let mo know, lJllnor, what ou think or ray plans, and JC the lion I sun i run ynu WILLS AID CATHOLIC CHARITIES Churches and Other Institutions Dhidc $33,940 Estate today STETSON" BENEFIT DRAWS at the ofllce of Inp1tlilp that of 112 West York .. Mis filed lleglster Sbeehan Charles MnKkunw street, dlvldlnrr an estate valued at J33.940 among Catholic Institutions nnd unuiciies oi riiiiaucipiiia. si. .via . i . .. ,, ,,..,, ,. St Agnes'H and St. Josephs HOMHtaia " " "' " and the Seminary of St Chailes Uor- lions b.v Iho orchestra and two solos ronieo, uvemrooK. are eacn oequrauiru Ilom well-known operas bv Mae I bres Philadelphia Orrlicstra'a LovvPriretl OotHcrt Tills Auditorium The Philadelphia Orchestra gave its one annual low-priced concert last nighl In the Stetson Auditorium. N'eail.v 4000 persons uowded the hall to heal a pio- WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S $100n The remainder of the estate Is to be divided among chuiehes and chanties according to the dlbiretlon of the executor, Margaret Donovan. 22 South H-ioml street, leaves an estate valued at, SiioOO to relitlves, with the eM'eptlon of $200, whkh is betiuentlied to the Little hlsters oi me l-oor, i.iKiueenm uuu ji-m-nu.. , .as one fn streets Apptalsiln of personal tstates ,",,," ',,',,. ??f,,? fllfd todav Include John S. Potter, Jl?,- ,lle ot,,el f,om Jlu,In BIG 14 John C I.lnds.iv. 4U,.'i'i 3i , I.evin.i Allhouse T14.50101, and Hamia II Clbbon, $13,573 37. The benefits of the per- donatcd to the Stetson Hot!;, soprano fonuance ate Hospital The piogiam huluded 1 h,ibiler's '(Iwcndollne, Ui leg's "Peer f! nt suite, the "I'rneUidluni' of Jarnefell. the "Valse Trlsie ' of Sibelius, and Tsihal kows'ivs Mnrcbe Slav." Mrs llou from ' Louise nnd me BuUeiflv ship across the Atlantic In three das or less and then leproduced on regular-sled note paper, placed In an envelope, ad dressed to the loved one, sorted and delivered. What thrlllB-jou vJould'eVperiencc. Mr. Doughboy, when on lead your photo graphed letter instead of the dear words vvlicli vveie written by her xery own little hand. In commenting upon this scheme to- a er much larger bulk of mall. "The mall may be divided Into three general classes. There woufd be the chcular letters which require no haste. Biid could ko In the oi dinars way. Then I there are checks and bills and ma'tters of that sort which tould not 'very well be photographed. Then theie Is the pei sonal and ordinary business correspond ence, and of this class only a negligible I amount lequlres suth gieat haste. Also many things might have tneir legality day T. P. Johnson, superintendent of vitiated b the falluro to deliver the I mails In Philadelphia, sard that it was original document, such as the written u "unique idea," but Involved several icceptante of a contiacl, to the ad lnlerestlng dllllcultles ' dressee " And So They Were Married tty HAZEL DKYO BATCULLOR lopvttaht, Mlt, bu Public Ledger Co SjTAHT THIh Sl'OKY TQUAY i Tlin talk at the Woman's Club had made Iluth thoughtful. Not that she would have admitted to an one, even herself, that she was wiong about women, but she saw so much In the women site knew that somehow made her doubt as to their happiness. Of course ever woman thinks In terms that homehow Involve her own hupplnes", and occasionally in the daH following her afternoon 'with Helen she wondeied if she could posslbl make .! nl,be for her self in the vvoild Theie was Helen, for instance. Helen had been no more fitted for a legular position than she was hei- thoucht lo husbands lllthetto the had been pioviders first of all, and the had nft.v-two Inches. all lun tiuo to form. P.uth had alwas had an Idea that the resented Innova Remedy for Scalp, Trouble To the Editor of tl'onlaii's Past: Dear Madam Vor some time 1 have been following jour column with much Interest and from time to time have seen many letters for kittens We have two lovely little white ones, vvlthcol-. ored heads and tails Thev aie only ti few das old, but I would like to find homes for tliein when tne ate old enough. The mother tat is a good mouser. I will wuttli our column to see if kittens are still In demand a.nd In tho meantime thank you tor our kindness. Thinking perhaps some or our lead ers have had scalp tioubles since the Influenza, ma be a suggestion of mine will help When nine or ten, I had a bad ringworm in the scalp and suffered with this for two e.irs, finally having to cut off the hall and quit school I visited mam doitors but found no relief We found, after all the embarrasment t'tid fcuffeiing, that plain Iodine cuied It, painting the stalp one or two times In a week It never huit m hah. If an- thing helped, for it grew until it was .Nearly an oi it uas Municipal npointiiicnt The following municipal appointments were announced todn : James Black en. Jt, 11 Janne street, attendant In Buieau of Watei, $1000 per year: John W. Mnnh 8039 lion land avenue, ma ehlnlst. Buieau of Watei, $5 per da ; Helen It Barrett, 2111 Kitrvvatei meet, teacher, Hoard of lleceatloii. $900 per ear: (Jeoige W. Zepp. .1154 North ,Ntnth Htieet, carpentel Buieau of i hiir ltles, $4 per da ! Hdwaid McQuaide 1304 Lclthgow stieet, uiechanli I.lectil cal Buieau $ I 50 per dav fallen out from the flu, but again me 'crust' condition (after the tovei) lias tions In their wives, that they rather , "" ' ,'T" , "i' ."""?, , '', r in,i ine Trusting that my suggestion win noi self Nothing but her determination had I , -- of . laughed at the new type of women, that they wanted their own women lo keep their homes, and In their spare times to do the fiivolous things that had apparentl amused women alwas. Now Ituth saw that this wasn't true. VI Har per was married, and she did all kinds of things beside lun her home 1'or one thing she had an ofllce job. At first when Helen had told Kulh that 1 was mauled, Ituth had instantl exclaimed, But what does her husband do; who be amiss at this time, respectfully. kitti:ns .. 1 .. I 1. .. .,.. ...... ITaU.i ..AntiiAil I ' fiui nut wiiere suu hus, nnu neicu bobiucui "Shp doe ' DllcUlfetMY UUllLCllLt-U UliU IIH(I1'J HUi v 4tj.ll. once had she spoken of Jim during the. And-tl,ell 1.ulh ,lad bcell initiated into WJ1U1H VII11U l.Ulll !1UU UCCll ili. nt,, and Ituth knew how Intense and teiiible her grief had been when she had lost him. Ituth had seen manv things during the great war. It had made her think for a )vhlle. It had opened her eyes to buf feting, her own and that of othcis, but llko a great many other ,s omen she had gone back to her old way of thlnkh g just as soon as the need for develop ment and progress and aleitness had become a thine of the past with the homebod v III want thee wee kittles, of louise. We will forwaid letteis that make application for' them to von We pass on tho suggestion about the .calp rfined to readeis and thank vou vet much for being so geueious as to offer it. Let us heai Horn vou again some time. Minstrel fellow liv Media's L ?. Girts ' The t. S (JliLs of Media will give ai mlnstiel show foi convalescent men In1 the sen Ice this evening at the Pliilo niuslan ( lub House, 3944 Walnut stieet The girls, who have given the show at I.eaguo Island Camp Dl and else where, guarantee to give minstrels a new reputation with new fongs, new hi the studio all da. Ihey had a com- dances and new joke1;. The entertain- petent woman to manage the place, and meut Is In ,haige of the music i onl ine., liml plmrnilnir Inexnensiva dlnneis mlttee of the- i lub and the patl iotlc ,i.!J.,.'?. ,.,"' "?.."ff"..!, 1"1M committee will fui.ilsh cigarettes lo the I met. It all sounded ver charming. In i I comparison with VI Harper, people like rr- r !r I Polly Da ton seemed somehow ' hangers ion," abbolutely odtsido the charmed clt- ltelen had lcturned prac- the mbteries of the interesting life that VI Harper lived. She kept house In a three-room apartment In Giameicy Park. Her husband was an aitist and "was busy The Question Conwr Todaj's Inquiries What is a lemarl-ablo lait fitsteniug of the .lapinesd women Devi the a piettv combination i oloi for a 1 imp shade h.t Is a "atlsfaclot v ih.inei iui brass nvtures ' When tre rug in a loom has laige flgiues what sou of "-lip lovers .ire Ik st to lite ' hal i- the best ln.ilenal to us-e for vviiiduvv cm tains In a dark to ill ' IVIien a vtlveteeu handbag hp.iis nut to what good IM' i an n be pill ' Yeteidaj'b Answers Klnvveis whiih cpn be planted the gatden now without danger of falling nie the spring wild flower", hep Ulcus anemones, blood loot When a -arpet weals out In the , entci i. can be cut Into vniallei piece" ami u ed for snnll ngs or for lumiets in tho hall Button bole the edges with vuru Violets in a corsage bouquet irn be kept fresh for several davs If the stems me wrapped in lotton wT with salt watei and then in tin foil Salt watei will albo lestoie stiff ness to the bilbtles of a liuii brubh that has been washed The specially noticeable feature about the ovei skills on some of the spilng dress Is ihe. uneven hem. A tnble pad can be made fiom newspaper spread out evenlv, sewed togethei and coveied Willi outing flannel WANAMAKER'S DO STAB STORE signing oi tne aimistice inis img.ii noi , . . pondered hist whit neonle she She had nave happened lriiutn nau not oeen u i- ... , ..., , u,t wl,at most immeiuaieiy piungeu nuo mai-- , . ol, ,,, ,-.. i,innB. i . . . ....--.- ,. i.i. .... i. noi oeen eiuirei iihijiv .win nj ui n. llase. but as It was she had had no timo to adjust ;ie-0e;r nr... 10 P frends since her mairlage People like icauy modein mar riage .. , f " B1 Carlels were tlle 1)Cople tIlat Scott's Ideas vver i differeni He had I wa.d her husband, her frultlebs manner alwavs rebeUed against life and lis re- of accepting life. Then had come the ! rram the wai had Datons, Nick and Polly who had tjpl , Ranged hln'i M.lh The ' fled another kind of life to Ituth a lite one th lie "a "he was suio of was l.'s I based on frivolous, reverish pleasure, love for 'nuth- that was fixed and un- often covering something iery much ehanceable- but he was anything ' like vice underneath Us pleasant surface, but happy In the lite they weie llv lug. i Ituth shuddered avviiy fiom that Then the eternal pettv round of trivialities had come fleta hears, ami sue ...u, that constituted a week of living biouglit something diffeient again, some- Iluth's maiilage was the manlage of thing that lepresented a ceitaln strain her mother before her. it never occtn red I ing after excitement, a certain eager to her to do nil thing to help Scott bear cftoit to make of life soihethlng other the burdens of life She accepted what, than noi mai enjOment Certainly nuth he gave her as her due. 1'ntil she had, did not approve of l'leta In between .,,...... i ,ti mnst nf the women nt , these different phases of ltuth's llfo im eluh the other afternoon had been i and hei biublilng up against d'fferent married, he had really never made any effort to think about a broader u e ouo had thought that tre women woo " things were the women who had no homo and husband to take up their time and occupy their minds Then had come the thought, "I have a home and a husband, and et do they ntirely occupy pi mind?' Ituth knew they did not. How much tlmo did she glv e lo them? "Wasn't her mind more con cerned with her lack of money, the place where she lived, how she Svas going to look In comparison with other women, than it waa with the planning of the home and tile problem of making her husband happy t.vpes of people had been experiences like tiie Sundnv they had spent with the Merritts. It was enough to make any girl of Ruth's temperament wonder a little. Just where did she belong, what was life, and ivhen would she discover for herself just where she really did belong? Ruth was to discover that life does not consist In the imitation of other people, not life ith an measure of hap piness. It takes u strong soul to go out, and In the face of ridicule, misunder standhig', and doubt to do the things one wants to do most (In the next Inntallment, l'leta asks MHk giiiiiiiMi'Vy I Wmnmm r.l EOOll nuallH .j- eiirritt f nshlnliNlL. ffc E 2i.-l.lD " 3 For the first time Ruth gave some! unexpectedly for the money Ruth owes). TmrWOM7W'SEXCRANGE information as to . n,RM,,irlnn In write m waauiwb" benefit by the cu Soldier's Bonus To flic Editor of U'oiion's Poof : near Madam-Will OU kindly give mo the-3Jecessary whom I may writ . .,. T o' oruer mac -j ,,,.. i, bonus allowed to discharged soldiers by a recent law: Tranklmr voa In advance courtesy ahd kind attention, I m, 1 HX-SOLDIHR Write to tho Zone finance. Onicer. I.emSn BuUdlng. Washington D C, to rrfalte application for our bonus. Position for One Handicapped To the Vdltor of U'omon's Pao: Dear Madam Will 5 ou klndlv; tell me vvljere there Is a trade school for crip ples or can you suggest something that I might do? When a child I became hard of hearing through scar el fever and later lost the use of my light arm through infantile paralysis. So ou see It Is very hard for me to get a position. Am now a young man tw enty-ono years of ago and very anxious to find a posi tion of some kind. Thanking jou kindly and wishing yau continued success for jour page, A- There" Isn't any regular trade BChool for those who aie handicaped that I can discover, but I have talked to the authorities of an institution who might be able to admit ou or direct you. I am sending you definite Information about this by mail. In the meantime, have you eer heard of the handicap de- partment, of the Department of I,abor and Industry, at -4519 Arch street? The aim of this section is to find positions for men who are handicaped Why not go down there and have a talk? On ac count of the labor situation they may not be able to find a place for ou Imme diately, but they will try their best to get something for ou Don't bo dis couraged, but keep trying and let us hear fiom ou again. You know, there are jour plenty of things you can do as well as a pnysicany penect man. For a Little Girls' Club To the Editor of Woman's Paoe: Dear Madam Can you suggest any work for a club of eight little girls about ten years old to do at their meetings on co oil enrrptt fn thlw iilmiK. Mattel 1 It la made with the iinniilar nqiiare nnnel ana Iirontl tucks find come 'n white, fleuli, ten. roue uml sunset. A JI value nt On Sale for 2 Days $6 Blouses at We'Te u special gathering of blouses that other fimldon able shops are charging 8 for at leant. They repre sent the newest spring Innovations, and you inn choose from the entire showing Tliursiln and Friday at l'ecej's upstnlrs price or S3. Seldom is much an opportu nity presented which is a in.' mora to tne wise women to SK come early! i" Parcel Post lOo Vxtia m 1208 CHESTNUT STREET Over Clillui Take Elevttor. Save $2 to $S Try a Treatment withCuticura For Dandruff All drniglsti: Bop J5. Ointment 28 tnd EO.TlJnini a. bmp1 i ch f rw of' 'OsUails. Pt-1 L, tnUn " lii BALO-HeADth ffrvt HAO UaD jVetobrob Herpt'ct'diT Trie? WouLP Bdi Sifftrta M BoSefiro mr fff Mrs.irrr 1 li i ii IB I i Tomorrow's Ha ' : t Snecial II sh of s i la in I : m I j Afternoon I W Frocks u .1 :'M I out In what good ii'-e i an n ne " ': , , , ;13 . vv urviiii;Ktui' a u i ii- .. i ' ions reach that pei- S - : f,,-tinii nf rlntnll mill :l 3 I I Klimei which i-rn be planted m ? i .... 'A "i! snrartnes"! so MVidlv na ;j cpicsbcd by vogue. ' II y t II '.'. When a -arpet weals out In the s, j E I , entci i. iaii be tut Into vniallei M '3 ' i1: a i tt ' A bole the edges with vuru -i ri-tJJv ' 3 I I D Violets in a torsage boilttuet i.-n pi w . be kept fresh for several davs If' E; il B I i: , -,: - ii ,! s 5 The specially noticeable feature , fi )XjrlfUltflUfL- 'I a mitdJnut Street : ; ua.rirri'"m'lL'T-l"M1"" " """ ,,:,".;i::;,-j MllllllllllllllllllllllJlilil j Established 1830 1 I RLAYL0C3(BLYNN.Ine I V 1528ChesftiutSt. j1 SPRING'S BCST P3Br 1 ' , s OUTDOOn APPARKL -FK I Tweed -O -Wool buits and In o-g-v. S Coats have the traditional Bluy- A JM IA M ' ' lock guarantee, plus the lines of tnl II Jj) HE smart bportincss so necessary wV J t 1 H in a sport or street suit. t i T'fl f ' I k The new styles and shades aie l F$l ' e.xtiemely becoming. I I J 'I M 26.50 to 38.50 VJ M jN. Ihe new Wojys ' Vi jS' NSVv Uepm Imcitt Is skikihv n Siy I , i OTt f'' ",e "''"'e ''"a" s$3&F& peiiai 2o"Se--5Mfc'Jr 'ii' r ."TLT V tm wvCEinravTrsfii Tf ynVT scrrt f a&cu. IMKTOSiinJLJ . r-j , ' " ' L A i 1 S o ' 4 i I There's a Wide Choice of New Spring Wraps Between $10.75 and $16.75 Loath anil dolmans aie made in moie than a score of wajs and pieltily made of siheitone-buiella, seige and wool poplin. A great matij aie titmmed with biaitl or a bit of ftinge and some arc lined thiough the shouldeiB 01 to the waist. Special at .$9.75 av blue seige capes of medium length, tut with a wide flare and sutplice fiont. 'Ihe edges aie bound v ith black silk btaid. Other New Arrivals Include a mIvpiIoiic capo that is sketched. It is tiimmed with self-covered buttons and has a sinplice fiont. In I'ektn and tan special at $18.75. a blue eige cape which is also sketched. Kows of biaul tiim the shouhleis of this tape, which is a cop.v of a model of much highei priie. S23. a suede eloui dolman which is gayly lined tluoujjh- oul. It has a to.it fiont and a sash. In I'ekiu. sand ' and taupe at $27.o(l. 10 Different Models at -S29.75 sis.;:. llete ate toats, capes and dolmans of siheitone, seige, suede veloui. 'Iheie is plenty of black and navj, and no end of light Sprit'jr shades. '01i; A splendid showing of tweed coats, tancs am! d Plans is I VfurUel l a i - t ' - t s Zai W Y S3i B;..o. TO LOVERS OF "GOOD EATS" It has been my aim to give you a deli cious dessert that is inexpensive enough to serve every day, as well as on festive occa sions. Everybody tells me that I have ac complished this in Mrs. Morrisons Chocolate Pudding "The Dessert That Never Disappoints" Have you tried it as a Frozen Custard, or as a filling for Pie or Cake? Whichever way you serve it, you'll find it equally good, and the folks will never tire of that delicious "chocolaty" taste.' 10c At All Grocer; But Be Sura You Get Mr. Morrison', (Signed) r.n- (AAAACyi The Morrison Company, Philadelphia o f )S ! K.' ,s c oi c A S c o ' -A' 1 ,c. Your Growing Children Should lave Tk lest Bread being the principal diet of the Little Folks, it is highly important that you see to it that none but the .best is served in your" home. "Victor" , contains all the elements in easily assimilated fprm, that nature put into the finest wheat Just wixat the bodies of your growing children demand to make them vigorous men and women. ''victor costs less than ordinary bread." Victor Paw Victor Hearth ' 8 Victor Raisin Bread, 10c Loaf (Peppered full of bl? luscious raisins) A S c o A s c. O A S C o A Y .? tc to A S c .o y $2.-. gabanline, tweed and silk. bete at .18.7." to $49") 4 Transparent Brims Give Springtime Airiness to New Hats at $4.85 Sometimes the biim shows a wreath of flat little flowers between folds of maline; again it may be of lacy hair-braid. On other hats' with wider brims only the airy edge is tians parent. Crowns aie generally of liseie and hoie and theie you will see an attiactive use of Georgette crepe foi facings. In brown, navy, purple, Copen hagen and black. (Murl.rl) An Unusual Skirt Special $5.75 A lightweight pleated skut of King's blue c black etamine (it is a Spiingy, silk-and-vvool material that weals vtty well) is lopped w ith a wide belt. Pleated Plaid Panama at S8.7.1 makes an attiactive skill for Spring;. It is in plaids of put pie, jieen or Peacock blue on a cieamv giound and is a nice skill to weal now and on into the vv aimer w e&thei . (Vlarkrt) Silk Bags in Suit Colors at $3 A pietty, puffy bag is of black, nav.v, puiple, taupe or tan satin plaid moiie. Th5 lining is un usually pretty and theie is an in ner fiametand a small mirror. The finishing touch is a tassel dang ling" fiom the bottom. (( rntral) Pink Satin Petticoat at $3.85 It is of a good quality of pale pink wash satin with elastic at the top and a simple hemstitched ' flounce at the foot. (Central) .Men's Half Hose 15c a Pair Medium-weight black, white, gray or tan cotton seamless half hose, have re-enforced feet and are good at the pi ice. (Oallfry, Mnrkft) Women's Foulard Frocks Seem Springiest of All ,.i 4i-. e.Crtn tViov- cpom ripr.iftr Hi an thev have ever been. Of ,lu,-v Wnn tlime is a Dlentiful suddIv and you will find them figuied in new designs and in old, favoute pa'ttems of which we never tire com . dots eiicles and so on. Some are comDineo wun piam bbhu, oumc have pointed overs"kiits and Geoigette crepe is used in a number ot these piettv things. ij.lC.75 and $18. Tucks and Taffeta find a lappv combination in a frock at JB17.50. It is newly airived and mai be had in taupe, Belgian and navy blues. Many other charming affaus of taffeta, lustling with newness, aie heie at $15, ?lC.7o, $18, $19.75 and up to $'Jo. New Ideas in Comfortable Wool Jersey Frocks have also aimed this week. The aie mostly in blue and auoustan, shades and show much hi aiding and many buttons for trimming. $22.50 and $25. Beaded Gowns of Georgette Crepe lnve oddly diaped skirts and wide girdles embioidered in beads. They are in taupe, nav.v, flesh pink, Fiench blue and black. $25 and $37.50., j (VlarUft) Fascinating Suits in Spring's Best Fancies Women's suits, this season, aie in the fiont tanks of favdi. 'Ihey aie of serge, tweeds, Panama cloth or poplin, and numeious new ideas foi pockets, belts and trimmings aie shown. At $18, a suit of serge in na., black and brown has bioud deep icveis and an over-collar of silk poplin. It is bo.-pleated below the belt and is attractively tiimmed with lows of button-,. At $23.50, a suit of Panama cloth In navy and black has long loll collar with an over-collar of lajah silk. 'Iho back of the coat is? pleated and both fiont and back arc delightfully tiimmed with lows of buttons. It has inset pockets and is lined throughout. (Murkrl) Lining Tussah 60c a Yard which is about wholesale puce or what we would oidinanly have to pay for it. It is a lustrous silk-and-cotton material in gieen, lose, gray and King's blue, rie't'b' flowered or figuied. 35 inches wide. It would make prettv, soft kimonos, too. ( .-ntrull D 7 v 8 fflnimmB vmm r I Sii A Fountain Pen Is a Handy Thing if it's a good, good fountain pen. Waterman and Shcaffer, self-filling fountain pens, aie good ones. They aie priced from $2.50 for a plain ren up to $8 foi (iiute an elaborate one with gold-filled bands. (( entritll Trim House Dresses at Special Prices At $1.50 A lot of about 250 percale and ging ham dresses in straight-line or 'belted styles, some with contrasting collars and cuffs. At $2 VL. .. -.!.. .3 nlHnKnni o m A nlnin li o rT JS VlltlClVL'U K1I1K1UUU ailU JJ1UU1 iiuill" t?Thr&y dresses in straight-line or belted styles. One ot these is sketched. At $3 Two styles in gingham at this price. One, in blue or black checks with white collar and cuffs, is a straight-line dress. The other, in lavender or pink stripes, has a contrasting collar and cuffs. A wonderfully complete showing of aprons is ready for house-cleaning time. All sorts of good things at 50c to $1.50. (C.ulrsl) Silk Blouses . re Ready for Spring Suits At $3.90 Ciepe de chine blouses in about six different styles with round necks, some have frills, others aie plain and they come in flesh color, white, peach, tan and blue. One styje is sketched. Othei.s of tub silk aie tailoied. At $3 Man.v dainty embioideied Georgette crepe blouses are in gay coloiings. Many are beaded, too. (Vlurktt) RUGS at 10 to 50 Per Cen1$ Less r liv scouting aiound and doinsr some advantageous buying and bjj . reducing some of our own stocks,;? we are able to make a very atvj tractive showing of rugs at special nvl.AE -bft Seamless Axminster RugsH 4.6x7.6 ft., $12.75 -T 7.6x9 ft., $25 Wool-and-Fiber Rugs co-ineV Q-7K i Poster Rag Rugs h 7.6x10.6 ft., $11.50 Seamless veivei uugs 4 Gx9 ft, $22.50 8.Bxiu.eru, 537.00 ' . -,; 9;a2 ft., $39.50 ' , ...4 11.3x12 ft.. S57.D0 fKT 11 4 1 1 r j B I ; v....r-., 1 j ji.axis ., ?o7.oo : - jl t -rnm w i f f M -sm f fP'f 'r.J- f f 1 i i I y i (ChMUBl) , ' v M & M I TfcT? im til iut (ChMtBBO.w, k .,'-' 5 "J f -1 i '-