,-V '. fcF v lift? Pi p: If b ' L-SSL. &W .f " ff 'OS ftteitirts IWbttc ttttger PmEADELTHIA", MONDAY, MAR0BT24; "1919 Spring's Warm Sunshine Lures and Balmy Breezes Call the Youngest Generation Outdoors Meeker, daughlor of Mi. and Mrs. Lawrence Meeker. At the right is Pcm B -f i's ' ' ' k -! ' - - ' ;-; ' ,' 1-,y' 4i?&'$l&$M' ' :""la vL- fUi Mart.n, daughter of Lieutenant G. W. Martin and Mrs. Martin. yMT ",V - . BX -r-' . , ;. .. ;,.,,tL- -:WS HRiJHHj. H f f 'MWmil iltilfc,'t VtVX THE YOUNG MAN of judicial mien is Eugene VERA STOIIY is the little daughter of the late Julian Story P tLBISiiHItot- H m - ' ' nMaMi SJk Ncwbold, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ncwbold. and Mrs. Story. THE POLICE BOAT Ashbridge all dressed-up, and ihe police band in the 'stern, bound down the rjver vth mothers, "dads," sweethearts and wives to welcome home the doughboys ,on the Haverford. SPJtJNGTIME TURNS the young angler's fancy to rod and line, and he .la stirred to trudge forth to the nearest stream to ply his art. THE'EXPERT ANGLER arranging a tempting morsel, in the depths of Cobb's Crook Park that will lurethc wiliest perch that swims the creek to his piscatorial doom. m Vt'S-i-a fVf tb V- J-Vty " ' Si SSO'A. ' v"-.i " - ' &. ... ft- mimmjuy . vt?-S, tiJkl I'-ii ESK-rf.. j; ktl lis ,lr,- W .A.1 .t rjsifi "VV ,n