Vw'W5JiSJ?9p!l'A MHwff3 j-ny "W i'-hV. J'-Nj. ."Wtr-' ' VV .'-y1'-- : , EVENING PUBLIC LEP'GER-PJmiADELPHlA, MONDAY, MARCH 24, MS '. . v :;'. 5'TflE' GUMPS All She Needs Is Wings CocrrttM. 1919. fr Tim TriUunt C . By SIDNEY SMITH 'mm There hqo qo abooy know yqu necd a To bwsssVou up- I r 6r TN& BEST DRESS.EP V40fAVH IM TOWN P ' jj IF I COULCtKFFoRI I'D LIKE TO SB LIBERAL- 'D LIK.E TOSPENb FOuR. TIME'S. ASfAoCH AAONkN" AS J &o NOn ON.aoiC BUY I HAVEN'T GfOY T -1- ANGr&U i i i i - ANf-.PL? VNMV hO VOO CAUU ME ANfaPL? THAT SARCfVSA? BECAUSE-VOO REMIND N ANftrEL tf rnTTvAJNATvTYTl 14 ?' (MEIL- IM "THREE- v('Avs- FlfY- VOURE A'-VMS OP IN YH & A(R -SECOND - VOU'fct VCONTlNUALLV HARMNC? ABogrl 5ON.THIM0t ANDTHE' THIRD To-4- OU NEVER HAVE- feNQOtrH CLOTHES SIDNEY wi u 7.t . The Young Lady Across the (M 44feSi5&B. i;1 !&.-, A PETEY-Where Is That Ball Going to Be, Mabel? By C. A. VOIGHT . I "'! ( ViHlZ-VHATsp TUK I A A. V Famcv CosToms Tor. The "Aaic mkylT Aeew g - J Ihl...... ...,,,-.,. ZTHHi v l fSff? ILUf ipfepp Huh Vuw That's a costumt- Naait'ul i ABoiyr This' uj Wo observed to the young lady arroaH (lie way that even in their retirement tho kaiser and the crown prlnco were annchronous, and she said thohe skin troubles were pretty persistent nnd probably they missed I their regular physician. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES ClVoiVrT- 5111 TH' PEG UCrEI BRUIN tUYS ict hockey SO 'HARD-HE BREAKS .HIS- STKK. 3 js riOvTs. TQfiUl 7sft v,v--, ; Cut out tna picture on all four sides. Then carefully fold do' ted line 1 its entire length. Than dotted lino ", and so on. Fold each section underneath, accurately. When completed turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Sy the pictures. I Displa tng Men "Hero's a fellow patents a con trlvunco to keep girls falling out of hammocks." ' "More machinery for displacing men! " Pearson's Weekly. & THE ONE THING NEEDFUL WHEN MA WANTS TO SPRING HOVSECLEAN BACK IN BEHIND THE BOOKS THE POWERFUL KATRINKA JUST LIFTS OUT A WHOLE ROW AT A TIME -:- By FONTAINE FOX The Pasln Show. "That were a grand jump, guv'nor, If yed only brought tho 'orse over with ye!" THE MATERNAL INGENUE London Opinion. Subaltern Po you have any trouble now with that girl who la playing the flapper in, your show? Theatrical Manager No. Whenever she haa a tantrum now, we threaten to publish the portraits of her two sons, who are lieutenants In the air force. A MATTER OF CONVICTION MMEjMj . Jill JSH 2Sfj JBmV VIVACITY THEATRE j.iPVyK7 . Him ".iBflBdiB W BiaOB4 KSHT ipip 1 1 iBrs--Lc LiWr" WK'mrmr.iA. B mlKMSP W -PWn' iiHBiil v jwKf OrtGB 24ACS Swi AnnSTBS K Tte Fatalng Show, Stage Aspirant Is Uiere, a volco trial today, pleaseT Biae Pporkeecer (fed up) No, .mlds, tit was held yesterday. And SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG "CAP" STUBBS-He Kept It Pretty Long, at That By EDWIN A JsS&lyou wont ever lpJCH 7E sonEmw telis he II MINT CrOWNA KEEP vrrirtr rnonnt. jLOAfr a. xt'i rHur- rnnmisi- . m 1 fSij & ifel tftoV" , . O . .. - IfcJWA --". . J rMK-TiBB iMNMOTMiilvMwaaaaWHHMri k -a-pMa V. u&yh mMMBMBAMMHflH ... tl . .4 '