Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 20, 1919, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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'i 7" T 'WW
, .Jul,
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'Av t '' .'
.-,! . ",,, )JV "4 . ., r-g ,
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,1 -A
t(K Mjw '
.. ,
The, Betw and ,
Better Way
C UJ.fetr.orr,,
i?or Constipation
.will teach.
you t nsc
habit in the
Get a lioltle of IVtijol from j our
druggist today nnil write for
free booklet 'Thirty Feet of
Danger"' constipation anil
autointoxication in adults.
Nujol Laboratories
av D(Ma7,rw lurk
Senator lso Favor- Conliiiiiu
tion of Election of Judge'
on XonpartiMiti Ballot
Senatoi Doles Penro'w is opposed to
any repeal of the nnifotm pi lii.au .0 t ,
and favois a contlnuame of the eh
lion of judges on a nonp utisan ballot.
Tho Senator m eprecd hinifelt m
I commenting on the bill iutioduied bvi
t State Senator Ure The i:jie meamiie
)s deslstied to itpeal the imlfoiiii mi-
inarles and to make, the nainef of juili-1 onderli. h and snivmui Teem K,ir tip
lal candidates appeal on p.11 tv tlikeis ' theii lies when tlithtinK under the St.ns
"I am sick and tned of . ha.iKing the,-""' f-tnpes. TIiush wlo died 110111 .11
. ... .. t, , s,e.ise wero (irah.uii I.I.lei. Itdvniond
election laws. Pernor said Mv p.r- Wiltsn .,ohn Welb No.m.m Iom.ul.
son a opinion H that the populai pit- I.dar Scott, l'aul re. Kte, .luweph r.an
mary has come to staj anil we 'cent to and Ilowaul Melodx
Ittt alone fairly well with the mmpati,. ' , Jl0""- tr the t.1.1.1.,1 ,.,! Hum- l"-
" ' lntr obtained in a house-to-house 1 .nn . ist-
an election of judges. What sentiment wi,j, h ,H nelnif con.Hi. ted 1, tl . Mb. it
exists in the resisl ittiie in . li.mse the' loan oiK.inlatlou ' 'oiiim. iilinif on the
Inethod of electing juiUes, l nui unable , results of the . amass, Mr. Philips Raid
, . . ,,.,,,, that the full amount would he i.iii-ed
to say. as 1 l.ae not been m l'hilad. 1-, T,i(, ,,im.llRn ,as H,iie,lule,l to .over
phla long enough to find out the. week between .M.mli 1 and 10. but
Senator Penrose in 1114 won tl- SVna- 1 an etena!on . time ha" i,een Krauted 1
torlal nomination at the pumaries le" ""' ',oli' ""'K
will be a lanuidate .11 the spntiK pn
marlea next xear to- another sis-ie.u
ttrm In the I nite.l Mat. Senate
Senatot Peniope h.is turned ins at
tentlon to the proposed new . hartei 101
Philadelphia, lie jilteadj hat, .onfeiied I
with former Senator Nmest I. Tustln
and John f Winston, ihilnnan of the
charter committee, and "pe.ts to meet
the leglslathe leader- b ."-aturdav ofi
this week He mp he nu go to Hut 1 1-- '
buig the first week in Apill
. Colonel Srhcnkel SucoPQilt" Com
mandant of Frankford Yard
Colonel Kamuel Ilof, who foi neat 1
two years has been lommnudinii ottu ei
4 at the VTankfiiftl ximim!. h.ih been
ordered to lepuf-t to Washington for it-
signment elsewhei. Hit. su, ies-oi -ill
bo Colonel W V .--chcnjsel. wlo has
been, on detached sen 1. o In W'ashiiii,-
-l ton since the beginning of the war, but
whp prevloubly was stationed at the
arsenal at Kranltfoid with a Ion et tank
Colonel Ilof succeeded Colonel Ueorge
Jjontgomery, who was sent to name
j with an ordinance battalion shottlv
1. ,
1,1111 Cf
unci l Ja uei'im.-u ...1.1 MIO IKIS
-.. ....... .. ... .. in..., .... .. . 1 .
i ...B , . ... . .. ".V.'uv '" "
i.iiuci.ieui,.n.i., j ""'" ""-(Martin ;ticet and i.ielitltleil tlie pulse
f polntment Is to t.ik'e effect on -aturda. S1H (J.enid i' and drew foith Hi. bill
hut Colonel Ilof ih no lunger at t,,e. ntoie th. astonished p.iiioliu.111 could
'arsenal and miill olonel Schcukel I )rotet sh,. pipssnl it m Ins hand thank
arrives the command will he 111 the e,i i,n, ,,nil tlicn lefi tlie bouse M.
hands of Lieutenant 1 ol. nel Walla, e ' lauuu was so suiprised he foig to
Clay uy. .in- Miung wiiuiau her name
New styles i n
Women's' Suits are
coming in daily.
Cretonnes in bird
; conventional patterns!
yard. Then, too, there
, variety. This section is
lv ; t '
'i, i v., T' I' '!f I Ml'1 j
Sjtyle shown, eight pieces, a beautiful Suite
Arme, IJVilliam and Mary and Chippendale designs at conservative valuations.
: ' ; )V Interior Decorating Department is prepai'ed to. submif estimates for
.apartment-, seashore or
memorial lamps,
Names of War Heroes to Be
1 Inscribed on Eractieal
($10,000. dost of Project, to Be
Secured by Conlri
' lnitioi!"
l.ans.lo.wte will honor Its aunt who
.donned t lu khaki nml blue by pi citing '
I war memorial lamps It will not erect
any ' liro.louji monuments"
pproximntely -70 men entered the
iftar ftoni the Pelawate county town
I 1'our wi'ti killed In nitlnn ami fight died
of disease.
The Umpt, aitistlc anil Mai Ileal, were
designed b Ldw.ird 11 llendrlol(.nn a ,
Lausdonne artlft, and will ost SlO.OOn
'Ihf inoiiei is beiiiK laised by a rnin
nuttee of .itienf, and before the los
.lie back home the lamps will tie buriiihi;
at the foul lomeis of ltaltluioro and
Lantdowne avenues
'The plan has me! with univeisiil
favoi. t-ald W.iltei L I'hlllp, in mi ipal
ol tin High 'ehool ,itid a niemliei of the
tlnam " lomniltteo of the war memoil.il
i otniuittit 'The .itizeiiti of l.iinsdowiie
wanted to hnnor their heroes in a ju.u-
thai manner. I Inch lamp will i onlst of I
a (flobn lentlng cm the capital of .1 biunf
rolnniti whhh hilt mounts abtinze bae
inl.ifod on a irianlte founil.il ion on the
.' bat.es of these lamps the names of l..in
'downe laroes i ill be insrilhci! '
I.ansdowne was one of the Ilrs-i towns
in the state to lose n man in the war.
! l'dliiund I 'ool bit bin liimie .it the
I beKinnink'
of the stniBKh' and jninid the
1 Kill it'll 111 im He was killed In Aiiifust.
fill. lalum William" Clinton
Four ('hiiuw ailm in Dmrh- a
De-citoi'h Beeauiao of jetit
Lutigine f" c llOI-slp tml kinOii d
l-h .i .f was 1O0 mut'li tut .1 q'l.ntei
f (hln-s salUnH :n online 'i ihem
A j lestilt rh .110 In inj; tU't.niud .it
tin ( iloiif esti irntntr-tJoit nt.itioii
Tlu four iJpHHrtfd .1 UiltiHh Fhip lip;
j'3teida, .1 iicl IiIh'I ihf inbwlve- hh"
to ChllUltuMl
'I ho ijnai tpt ilropiid ofl th .stri of
thf Hrltish Hlerimship Keiwin dot Uf d
al a I'mt ill limond tU 1 fir dirnnB
in .1 ( liiiifs t tip tttp fom ljoucht
tuKtH foi Nm iopk t IhIm unit
ing; fen an pifi df- e ti; UmU
thfm into tusioilv
Muiiuyiuik Policeman Hettiru- .1
oiking Oil IV I'lii-se Gel- Sf
The iiuneMv of Matlnas . A.1. 11 nan a
I natioltn.ui of tin .Manajiink Matl.ui has
I been iew aided with a ul-p HI bill
1 Patiolm.in Mi Mnriiaii pi. k. .1 up a
1 ..... I..., I. ..!. i.i. Ilr-.l,i,,1i(7l ,1.. .. .... ......
iui mi uuurt tin i.v.'iviihll IJ..-HU,- Ijl.L
ivi.i,, 1, , ..rititlnil J lu ,....1. 1.
holm ami inserted ,111 aihei tlsetuent in
,,., , , ni.,,.,Wr
Last night .1 work
Ins Bill anie to bis home, r,.s Hast
L, )
a j jr j
- ct
Cretonnes Ever So Beautiful Before?
designs. Cretonnes in flower designs. Cretonnes in batik effects. Cretonnes in
And who would attempt to
are curtain materials by the
well worthy your inspection.
Decorated Breakfast Room Suite,
country home. Estimates
liq L a I'liiludelpliin inner ulio
will make lier ili'lmt on the omert
-t.iize in tlanlii il ncl week
in a -eleilion Irinn "In Ilolienie"
'J went) --i Members, of .iy
11ilidT Hel Cros S i jri t p
ruent-si nienibets cif the iirm house
,11(1. s .lttlll.iteil with tile lcienlh dls
1 muled n uxihat ol the lied Cross,
aie now meinhns of the Ihnergencj
Aides and have established heaclciuartei s
at I'-iil Walnut stiett, the home of the
I'ihi, h ...mmlltee
nnoimcement .elathe j th, aiciuiHi-
lion ot the-e wai worlcei to her ol
i;anuation was ma.lo jeKt.td.n li fis
.Norman .MacLeod, clitectoi Jliss
Catlierlin -.-hl.itei is .aptaln of the
ne ioniMii of l"meigen. id aide.s '
iitlieis .ere Lieutenant Margueiltc
, lioii.ild .iml Mi- Joseph Tuniiex ; j
i-eigeant ma lot, .Salome .,aie. setgeants, 1
i arcdme tlorwn and Kuth.tnie Mcl.ean ;
oiporal, L'll7.ibeth Lo.Ie, pi Hates,
Meli.i u-lv Marg.m-t 1'.uh.iii, Marlon
-leiiiaii Ma. Anwaetei .M,irion UeU,
rum, es HuncIi, Helen i o!e Helen
cii.ithini Martha Doile, Mai Hohan,
li.in 1 d.-imiin, -aiali Bee, h.i Flnck,
Madeline iJImiii, Mai v llel-lel lleniietta
.leiiknis li. e Lougbrati Isabe le "Martin,
Mella Maim Minph itici liorothj
Artistic Electric Lamps
Country and
Sea Shore
Homes, Porches,
Painted bilK, Cretonne and
Parchment Shades.
Dougherty's Faultless Bedding
Hair Mattresses ' Box Sprinfs Bedsteads
1632 Chestnut Street
m JL. ft
e-tTTii Street?,
describe the colorings! Prices from 45c to $6.00 a
yard and handsome ready -
at a special price.- Other Dining-Room Suites in Queen
and full information on request.
Scholarships Available al
Two Intervals Yearly
After War Suspension
Demand for English Univer
sity Training Increased
Through Battlefields
Vnnoun.'emcnt has been made at the
1 Cnhersltj of Pennsylvania that tho
1 Rhodes Eiholarshlji for Oxford L'nlver
nit will be offered again this jear after
.1 two-j ear hiatus because of the war.
UeBlnnlng next October when, it 5"? be
lieed the demobilization of the nimjes
w 11 be complete, the opportunity will
again be extended to students at Ameri
can college" to take an additional pc
1 loci of years at the Ungllsli university.
To btralghten out the entanglement
lehulllng from the accumulation of
bcholarshlps for two years, they will be
' granted tw Ice a year, October and Jan
uary, for two years. It Is expected that
since the iloaer intermlngllnR of Amcr
1 lean and English young men In tho war,
the percentage of those desiring to at
tend the great English colleges will be
itii reatjed
Purine the eais 1917 and J!18, the
organizing tec retai-j- of the trust lett
I hy Cr. II Rhodes, Dr. U. It Parkin, ilsit
itd the 1'nited States and Canada to
studv conditions, Hnd consult with tne
i,Pads of colleges over heie concerning
Ueveral lianges In requltements and
I method of s,elei tion These changes hae
not been definitely formulated an yet,
but one impott.mt one. it is undethtood.
that candidates In the United Htaares
t ,
When You Are
s s
tUade from distilled water only)
The Best You Ever Tasted
sphl hy Ooocl tlrocfM
and DriigKlitfl
Effective tlecoiative lamps, ate
a great addition to the pleas
ure and comfort of the bum
mer home, in fact, they are 3
re-cognized necessitj. We spe
cialize in these beautiful
lamps, and our carefully se
lected stocks afford a wide
choice of the mobt graceful
and individual designs in Floor
Lamps, Table Lamps, Libra! y
and Boudoir Lamps, together
with an entirely unusual vari
ety of the most charming Hand
Have you seen our
Millinery, specially
priced at $7.50?
to - hang Curtains in wide
. fourth flooh
furnishing complete your
VwVv& til. , i
Former clircrtor or nurses at Jef
ferson Hospital who has just re
turned from oxcrseas
otherwise ellclble. are no loncrer re
quired to pass a qunlhylngoxamlnation, '
but shall be selected on tho basis of
their university or college standing, sub
ject to any further test which the com
mittee on selection, in their discretion,
may Impose J
Tho last . m.iti front the University to
hold a Rhodes scholarship, Morrison I
Eoyd, won his honors several jears ago.
Of later years few candidates from here
have competed.
I'reiuvterian La j men to Confer
Presbyterian laymen, representing
every church In the Philadelphia T'reshv-
ter, will hold a supper conference to
night in Bethany Church, Twenty-second I
and Balnbildge streets, to make plans'
for the N'e.w Kra movement In this i Itv
It Is hopl to ltilse $456,240 in Phila
delphia la tin. ev erv -member canvahs to
Mart .Mai ch "i.
Mw$ V'f' il I
The Henry F. Michell Co.
One After the Other
Perfect Satisfaction
1 1 was only three years ago that the Henry
F. Michell Company, seed merchants,
purchased its first GMC Truck.
Today there are five GMC models each a
different size carrying the burden of this
concern's hauling.
, In the beginning GMC was an untested,
untried motor truck, so far as the Henry
F. Michell Company was concerned. '
True, it was-backed by an enviable reputa
tion founded upon actual experience, and
guaranteed by the work other GMC trucks
had done for other merchants in and1 about
But the first GMC decided its own case
upon its own merits for this concern.
The perfect satisfaction which its day-after-day
reliability brought; the dollars-and-cents
reduction which its operating
and maintenance cost' sheets showed, and
the qualities' of stamina which grueling
days of service established, fixed GMC as
the motor truck standard of the Michell
Company. - ,
And this is not an isolated case. It is but
one of many similar situations in Phila
delphia, and in every;other city of the
Philadelphia Branch
, Former Spokesman for Brit
ish Army Will Be in This
. City Next Thursday
JInJor General Sir Frederick -Barton
Maurice, K, r, M. C., C. U., spokesman
for the British army until his sensational
outbreak against the L!od George min
istry last year, will be In Philadelphia
. next Thursday to deliver a lecture on
, "How the AVar Was Won."
Major General Maurice hai Just ar
rived on this side from England. He
I Is tho first of the prominent British
generals to visit America since tho arml
tlce was signed.
lie will be the guest In this city of
Broad and Walnut SjWs
Ihe Victory Koom here is primarily a restaur
ant but at times it is a Fashion show and a
Beauty 8htw combined. Very out-of-thc-usual
very aiucrent, mared, trom any
other place you'll find the Rit.!
J'our next Banquet? May we show
you the Banquet Room, and svbnnt
sample vienusf
the University CUib, and at his lecture
In the Academy of Musla next week
Major General I W. T. Waller, of
the Marine Corps, will preside, '
From 191B until about a year ago
General Maurice was director of mill-1
'tasy operations for the British army. ;
lie snw the newspaper correspondents I
dall explaining tho developments of the I
fighting and weekly explained to the,
world the progress made ngalnBt thoi
common enemy. After the big brenk
through in Flanders last March, when
tho Fifth British army went to pieces,
General Maurice engaged In n public
controversy which arose over the mili
tary situation In Great Britain. Ho
thon resigned his post and was sent
to active service on the western front.
Show for Wounded Soldiers
A vaudeville show and entertainment
wero given last night by the Jewish Wel
fare Board at the government arn-y hos
pital. Thirty-fourth and Pine streets. It
was the first of a series of weekly enter
tainments planned for the benefit of the
wounded soldiers.
Purchased Five GMC Trucks
Direct Evidence of the
These Trucks Gave
country. Business-upon business has pur
chased a single CjMC and thenceforth
GMC has been the standard truck unit .for
all' the hauling.
There are good reasons for this marked
tendency of GMC users to settle upon
GMC for all their hauling.
The standard qualities of materials, work
manship and design with their resulting
solid, unfailing service in actual perform
ance have been summed up in one word
The completeness of the GMC line six
standard sizes, from three-quarter to five
ton capacity offer every business a truck
of the right sfze and additional equipment
of other sizes all with GMC quality.
Back of these things stand the GMC fac
tory, rich in the experience of years of suc
cessful truck building and founded upon a
bedrock of sound manufacturing methods.
And, in addition, there is thelocal dis
tribution organization, fully equipped to
care for the trucks in its neighborhood and
ready to follow with its useful help and
advice throughout the entire life of the
Let your next Truck be a GMC.
N 203
308 To-day
Two and a ouarter mil
-. ' '
lion babies a year are bom '
in the United States! lhat
means that 308 infants arc
arriving to-day in the mil- Jj
lion families that read Ihe
Delineator. Talcum pow
der, baby-carriages, cloth
ing, rattles, cribs for 308
new hnhies everv dav of the
1 1 Tt,.,:.. 11-7 enn mn.V
yCUl l A1ICU ll-IVU lllUJIli
lers rely on The Delineator
for advice. Have you any
thing to say to them about
the article you manufacture?
1 One Million tiomes
- 5 - 7 N. 22d Street
. 3
r , '& 4
' 1 JS
, I
-oti,rc ,,.. v? ,-- .. c , .ft")1, .V, V
ft'.TJ HI .
mi zrM
&l? t'mMfST?'
-? L'sfejM
"tmavrimiMm mimm-mrtrmt,m?r'liii--t
Mmt a