Pff a.s-faiM&MMA aia - - "-i fcM-"JllfcllM-' "- j j... y i .1 ,f . 3. . . -a .-ga r a J'VSP''W f fW Ti(W!V4 "' "lijfPvW ' T ,-tVij- ' i''V- "nwy ( y,Ki T'igTFijT ' ', V g 'i -i-i H ax tt, EVENiSfcT PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THUJtffcJDAV.' ' lUAliCJjT 20, 101!) ii ?1- j- "w-i -'w V"-'VWTr V J" 'TfV 'fTS'T r r II ' i1 ! f. "" . V,,, "J- " .. 4T 1" l !T .SPUSe EGYPTIAN , I S JLf Hrl JL IJCUd t i wirnrTT " e Utmost in Cigarettes f& olMW'Rll Qrkople of culture and refinement m- j TMMWr - invariably PREF$R deities ' COAL OPERATORS MEET GOVERNOR J a Independents Confer Today on Threatened Probe of Industry ' the foitlicomlnB Issue of tlif I'unth Bowl, CAN'T SPEAK FOR ALL I e iolIeBe coml maRiizlne. which an- ' .i 'Filsiue Number ' Fuel Administration Urges i Consumers to Buy Early Again This Year Some snj that the much nlnn-ed iTra Indeneiident antlnadte oueialois will ! malic irltk's faoilte, "rlfciiue ' Is meant meet with Goemor Hproul toda in Harrlsburc to dlHCUss the threatened In. Vestlgatlon bj the Leslblature Into the liard coal Industry. Attorney General Sihaffei has com pleted a report to the (loeinor on tho legal powers of the i-tate lo curb further price Increases by the anthra cite, opcratois, and also a resolution lo bo submitted to the Legislature piold Ing for an lmestlgatlon. Xo action wll) be taken on the resolu tion until4 after tho conference today. The meeting will be held at L':30 o'clock and will be attended by the attorney general and a committee of Independent operators headed by Alan C Dodson, of Bethlehem, secretary of the Independent Operators" Association. Do ot Represent Illi; Operator So far as could be learned there lias been no definite agreement under which I the committee to hee the Coventor to day can represent the ralhoad opera tors, who control full 73 pel cent of the total output of anthiacite. Without Mich an agreement any pact oiyTfour.hVoVth InSustryV It asi entered Into bv the opeiators will effect pointed 'out by coal men Urged lo llur (mil Lurlv The fuel administration at Washing ton Issued a statement uiglng con sumers tp o'rdei their coal early again this spring. , "Coal," said the statement, 'Is moie plentiful now than It Is likely to oe for A good while to come, and letall pur chasers will piobably have no bettet op portunity to place ordeis with their dealers for their next w Inter s supply of coal. "Compated with pieceding jeals the Increase In 1918 was not gieat. having been cut down bv influenza and other factors, Including the signing of tho srmlstlce. ' "Comparing the piesent coal ear. endlng 1, with the same peiiodi which the state suifeis annuallv. either of a ear ago, the output so fai has dliectlv oi lndliectl, as the tesult of been only about 11,000.000 tons, higher the tires, wanants the expense This la accounted foi by the tiemendous' Mr. Pinchot also advocated tonseiva decllne In production laigel since Octo- tion of the statu watet supplj and urged bar 1. balancing the magnificent show-la complete suive of the Ft.eams ot Inr made by the miners and operators . -daB tipito the .autumn of 1018" TWO PHILADELPHIANS CITED Men Awarded Distinguished Serv ice Crosstjj for Heroism I'wo more PhtladelphJans have been awarded Distinguished Se. s ice Ci oases' for'fcstraordlnary heroism In ba ittle. ac- i tJlUlIlK iv nu... i .v.w .- k.w.i. ...w ..... , Department tonay. tnev ate uorjioral Hharles V. Williams, of 534 Soiith ninth street, and Private l-'iank f, Don ahoe, 257 Emily street, Corporal Williams is a" mejubei of romnanv B. 345th Battalion Tank Corns During an attack on a hedge south of the Montrebau Woods, France, last Sep-1 tember. vv.mama wii i s "".'.W",'0 ? was out of action, and went thtough a severe rifle machine gun and artllleiy fire to glv' first aid to a wounded lleu tlnant He then took the wounded offi cer's place, leading the platoon, of tanks J.0.1 the objective through the Intense riw enemy iii v. " nnrlnir the engagement near I'unel. l-'rance, Pilvate1 Donahoe's contingent, Company A, I'ourth Intintrj, was tem porarily lost In the darkness. After all the runners had become casualties, Priv ate Donahoe -volunteered and succeeded In establishing lialsoir. He pushed through the heavy machine gun rUe, and ' accomplished his mission, desjilte the fact he was painfully wounded. PRIZES NJR BOY SCOUTS 1711:. A i"1;.. r.i. .1, 1,l He was taken 111 short!) aftei the WllS A. vrlinbel t.up Anion tlie'lnfluenZtt epiaemlii and nevei fullj ie- Trophies Awarded Tonight Court (of 1 onor will be held by the Phlladelnhla Branch of the Bov Scouts of America In Room U9G, city Hall, this eenlng A number of prizes will be awarded, among them the Hills A, CJIm- ' cupaio Tioop 3, of District 9. for having earned the greatest number of merit badges during 1918. This cup will be presented Dy Mr. uimuei in per- son. . Special awards for wolk In the Red Cross, sale of war stamps, in ho bhd house contest and other activities of tho Bay Scouts will be made by G. W. Churchman. The life and star award I ywlll be made by Charles K Fox and 'the Dagle Scout award by Dr. Charles D. Harte, chairman of. the council. The court of honor xvill ope.f with a salute bv all the scouts In uniform. Kdward Mok. of the Ladles' Home Journal, will make tn address. At the close the boys I will sing the "Star Spangled Banner." fimsSffiape SOCKS The name tells why the' nevei stretch at heels or bag at Insteps. TRUU SHAPU Bockji knit to the TRUU SHAPE of the foot. Thev are free from Btralu at every point, and strain la what makes the ordinary socks wear out, . , a: r. underdown's sons . ' 202-204 MARKET STREET mJ ' . ' ' T "FRISQUE" MYSTIFIES U. OF P. AWAITING "PUNCH BOWL" ame of Vorlhttnninp Special "Sitmber of College Comic Magazine Pussies Literary Students. If ho Wonder What Effect It' W HI Have ou Co-eds and Male Undergraduates 'I he gtuilent-bodj at the L'nheisltv of l'eims) hanl.i Is much Interested In Webster Blxes no tuch wold In his . pondeious classii, other stnndaid worlts of ttfereme are uiu.tlly neBlectful In faet, that Is the Interesting feature no body teems to know what 'I'llsque" means ocept the board of the Punch Bowl and the ar not lelllntr and that the change was made, wot to alatm the authorities ithers declare that it Is onlv a rienchlfied form of the harmless mid eeijday "frlbkv. ' which Is an adjeithe much favored at this enlivening thne'of the jear PINCHOT URGES STATE i CONTROL OF FORESTS Water Supply Coiiseratioii i Also Advocated in New Century Club Talk ,. Mutt? lonttol of fotestH axuI Imuioxe- ments in the facilities foi fighting the fotast Hies whkh aniiualh 'ot this state 30,000,000 aie advotated In Clif ford Ptnchot. who vas ih'if 1'nltcd states fores.e, undo, Theodoie Hoose elt and Is now head of the tonseivat Ion commission of the Penns.vlvanla .Slate Grange Saklng at theuiiiiual toiiEei vallon slnte 1860, when Pennsjlvanla tanked . .. . . flist In Itimbet piotluction, tie lumber I Industry has been peimltted to dote- riorate until totta the state iiuiks oniv twentj -first In the production of luinbci anu is auie to suppij uihj uue-muu ui the lumner useti in ine siair "Jore3t 'tires ate the taute of the pool condition of out fotests lodaj," declH.ed Mr. Pinchot. "ind we must have an elflileut svslem for lighting them To institute such a sstem might involve expense, but the loss ie siaie wnn tne cuiiuaie oujen.oi rlari ttir i rVTiVTiiAliAtitl n ivln tin 4TftB fK a diaftlng comprehensive plans foi the utilization of this water supplv CHARTER FOES TO DEBAT& 1 Senator Vare to Head Opponent of New Bill at Dinner opposing lews on the pioposed new cts- tliartet will be Mgoiously argued .... . ,.ll,, 1 tomoirow nigh.t b Thomas uaeburn White, chalrniiiu of the subcommittee on chajtei levlslon : State Senatoi Ud- win Vare and a notable utiay of other speakers representing both sides of the Issue at a dlnnei in the city 'JIUD Cltlioi. unpflltpiM xe 111 tlf! Pouili lltniiti nam J. Trainer. John C. M'lnstnn. of the C'hattfr ltevlslon Commltte'e: Josepl: P. Caffnej , chairman of the finance,, Committee of City Council; Predeilck P. Qiuenberg, director of the Buieau of Municipal Besearch : State Itepre- I sentatlve John It. K Scott, and David) II. Tiane, member of tlnsi Board of Edu cation. POLICEXURNKEY DIES Willialn Culbertson Was Fornier Physical Instructor of Bureau William Culbertbon. turnkey of the Itlchmond and Klikbrltle streets police station and formei phjslcnl Instructor of the police bureau, died early todaj at his home JUSJ pieitwicK stieet covered. Culbertsou was appointed patrolman fifteen jears ago and during Ills set ice saved several lives along the river front and timing fires In the north east He Is survived by a widow and several children. jawing at .neinu.a. louse, vauoi. meeting of the New rntu I'lub 5es-im terdav afternoon. Mr. Pinchot said that, as8Wm rifv Jcwclfers 'The DiaiTiond' may b? chosen by the , least experienced - so care ful vva"s the selection of eachxfem in this collection. - ,mimflJU ., , . t enpseu line oi me trip was iiiiuth o , ,''",'' lommerclal Museum. mlmU(,hi u mM ,'01(1 OM Mnllh Tills veislon is koinewliat limn out In I Tlilrtj-rouilh stuet below Spruce 12 Avlatoi Lion II .smith brought the tho announcement uf the edltois that a jirovlng piolitii in sales Inhibitors mall to Washington In 2 hours 7 mln- "appro idling springtime has lllled the sa ,, bu1I1H ,s f , thcIr utes of nv Ing covellng the distance thoughts of tho men who made up ll'ls , . . ' ..,i between .New York nml Philadelphia at Issue.' and who. In the phraseologs " , , " Tf " rate of ninetv -eight miles an houi the Pmiili Bowl oltlce. me tailed I "iree sales f ,K, ucK, on Tuesdij. Hm, hciKeni phllidelphla and Washing "spoons" The lovei design, depleting with piospects tor two more before the tnn ut (he late of 110 miles an hour the 'Sphlt of Spring' bv Donald Post. 'week Is out f kIipi lepoits Indicate. o March 15 Aviatoi Ira O Hime an archltettural sophonwre. Is declared that the show li.iv id Its rffei I oi. the made a remarkable tlip through rain to be the ke.vnote of tho entire number, buying in.irke' ind fog from N'ew- iorlt to Washington, Nevertheless ever) body on the campus 1h mBtlf.etl .ti lo the .cfn t siK..lfi..u-e , .. .. . u . !,.,.. .. i..i.n- ii ..miB"u,T "" wren mi- L-i uh ins uiHi iiimui- Ul Ilia I ttuiiu iii--14U, iit;iin-t il iii prove a mete fiollcksome overflow ing of spilngtlme exuberance oi whether, like so much of modem drnina and mod-I em llteratme, It will bring the blush of modestv to the readet's i heck The tffeit on autnorities o eus ami male iiiukt- will be moie anIouslv ob Ki auuuir., SO mil FRESH EGGS 35 CENTS A DOZEN BY U. S. POST Trucks Brintr Product Direct From Farmer to Consumer ill Big Saving lime loiin N Hin p ii ml imtiinlf lmis ritili && lllril nt th Iki i miJYur.ton now be puulused fot thlitv-flve i ints h'Ivb hiiiJ one liulf tuns ii ilosen I sewn and one half tons No, licit fi om Philadelphia gtoteis, but from the fainiei. who irets them w, fiom the hen one daj and sends them tn -inn tho next The ii n, ei still , b u aea to jou the net Ihe giocei still cli.ui,ea between fifty and sltj cents a dozen Housekeepers are flndlng the postal niotortiuck loute fiom the Lancaster dlstih t to i'hlladelphl i n gieat ton- Nen,cm(1 A 1kl of fBimeri w(h otheI farm ,noducts tor sale Is kept ( PiUll po3tolIlce Housekeejiers wlh- 1 1 f fVlttirru illrm t frnn alia t . i-n lllf, i"iir "I'f-i Hum "l 41.tl4i i(L t, modest pike can onlei the things fiom i,n, ,jretj , ,Je Mhpi b, paue, ,notol p0bt UH, nio goods ire dellveied to th putchaser tlc ,eNt ,ay On the regulai till) the ti uck leaves McL'onnellsburg, Pa , . t 0 o'clotk in Ine morning, stopping at various fanning con munltles on the waj to gathei shlp luents Hhe seivice has been In opeia tlou oulj a few month", but has aheadj mdo a distinct hit with both the faimr.s and tousuiuers, and Assistant Postinsslei James Blakeslee, In chaige of the ttutks, plmis to luauguiate sev tial new lints touching other centeis The legulai of tho -iroduce Is augmented somewhat bj the postage charges, but even then the costs aie be low the iltv market prices Kggs, foi Instance, ale sold for tlilrt-two tents, the tlnee cents postage bilnging the cost up to tlurtj-tlve. tents Again Heads Country Club .!oeph It Ilmbei) w.ik re-elected piesldent ot the Krankford Countr Club at the annuil meeting and ban quet held last night nt the Adelphla Hotel. PUBLIC SPEAKING NEW CLASS .V abort tuuree in Seir-Coiuldrnte Self. Developnifnt Public Hiieukliig, Ten I'rldav Kvenlnea Opens March 21at at s o'clocl. Cai, rit8 or phone bpruro BJ18 for in- atructlve literature MFFF Pfil I VflV "SO nCJr VmJ'UC' (HhSTMlT ST. DESKS Largest and Best Assortment Eatab. 18X1 SHOEMAKER'S, 926 Arch St AN ESTIMATE COSTS NOTHING l'lione Preaton 6107 ZOthaCtnturf Storage Warebouie Co. Opposite Wt Phlla. Station, Q) w it1 I II 'I Mil.'. Ill I I i-lZ-LIHW ill J'l STOPS THE PIREATTHE START asaaaRBaaaHHaaaaHssaaaauaaaBKaEaaaBKaaaasaa) Insurance saving on 99 installations OebreQLOBE SprlnUlera were Intuited! Average rate on bulldlncs, 31 88; cm con tenta, 04. i After GLOBE Sprlntlera were Inalaltad: Averase rate on uulldinea. 37 centa; on contents, 43 cent- GLODE hottctlon la aoon raid for In premluma saved. GLOBE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CO. 2033 Washington A e. Dlcklnaon 531 Tha Go drn KM Mill TorTu on1!, Teilt, Insti'trd GLODlJ SprinLlerf TRUCKS IN AUTO SHOW MND READY MARKET Exhibitors of Commercial Ve-I hides Snjs Sales 4re Up to Epcctutioii Hie ciiiuneulil vehicle r Milbiliim m , .v notable,,,, ,,r n,iu ,.,.. eai h cliniu linn K..M, i. .. i .it. . . i . . . t10" struck huus In the selection of 'u "hide whl"h thej intend to pur - chase This is attrlbuleii to the In - creased knowledge of motoitrucks which transportation uiep have aouulied niven men who ,ue n oxpeits aie heard raising iiuestlons of n. semlte. Imit al iciinraciei inil dlsi as ing problems of load and road, opei it ion ecoiomj and Benei.ii iinniiung or tun motoi ehlcle While the laigesl of tl ucks this eai, attending to estimates, will be In the one-ton 1 1 iss, of which It Is I planned to mapufiitmo ncarlv l"9,un0. them Is a tonslsunt Incieaso In the manufacture of olhei t lasses as well Tho comparative Ilgmes based on the production estlinads of the manufactur eis. follow flno 1ir.!l inii 1 100 111 OH I'll (inn (1 ins 1 1 147 in o.n li lv. l'l JU 1 tin lii'i'U 1 iiiiii 1 on ill iThiep quarter ton Ono ton . . . One nn i-l one half toiiH Two tons Iwu a tut une half tori's Consldeilng the latfo ot produi til n of thtso vallous lanacltles. there Is nn ' f dentil nallj luge representatloii of I 4tuckm; of medium aiid large size 111 this sIl0u Several nakeis show whit might bi tailed a double-deck bodv. w licit Is lalsed on glint arms eight or ten feet above the name for unloading' purposes Theie am ambulant es aUd neaise , ii ,o ! ug v nns n m, t tt , V,!ebe" anpeil to "he t.isml observei but there aie ninny meclinulial details and t hanges appar- -- ot onlj 1'eir to the ti. lined ttthnlial e- J OFFICE ROLL L Ijj-l. I -SfWutiWtud. 1814- m dipAm, 1919 iflf Hi. H jp!ii!ii!"iiiiiiiiuiiuii!i mnii iiHuiiiiniiiii iiiiii!iiii I p. (i l''ii iii'iiuw mmmnmifi B(DQSi?Qaga i wfjiv 1 Get Better Letters 1 I WmW ' i for Less Money i y f pjjj . . pjj, Call the office roll This is 1919 time for reconstruction time to put letter-writing on the basis that saves one third; time to start in getting Better Letters, and convenience and comfort and real effi ciency in producing them. Dictate to The Ediphone. It is the one system that satis fies the stenographer, and you, the dictator. The easiest way to dictate a letter MIL OtNUINE EDISON OICTATING MACHINE W Udm CdtpHone Edison's ideas, embodied in The Ediphone System, rep resent more than f oi'ty years of perfecting. The rc- suits of those forty years are at your service, as they are' at the service of thousands of other business men who are today dictating more than a million Better Letters with The Ediphone. Say "The Ediphone" when you mean the only dictat ing machine buijt and perfected by the originator, Thomaa A. Ediaon. (Laboratories Orange, N. J.) Send for our booh, 'Batter Letters." Or, better yet, cef a demonstration. Telephone The Ediphone Walnut 3135 Guaranteed Jointly Jjy AIR MAIL FLIERS ' sot nrw RErnun ; b&tplane Aviators Pilot Planes Averaging 110 Allies an Hour HAiNDlCAPPED BY WINDS Trip From New York to Wusli iiiglon jVIade in Two Hours and Fourteen Minutes Mini .iMatoi'., fhlnn .it the rate of 1 T 1 4 miles an houi lulwoen thl clt and Wnshlncton estahllshed a new tecoid i foi the trip fiom New York, according to an nunourremrnt bv the Poslofflci I llep.u tinent todav The till) from N'cw Work to Washington was mide In (wo hours and lhc mlnutee Peuplte high vv lnd. A lalor Postman 1) II Hart made the trip esteida, ran j Ing a full load of mail, In two horns and lotirteeu minutes II" en countered patches of snow and rain en route, but malntilned an iveiago of 110 milts between New York and Phllidel phln (in Mniili II vi.itor IT I brought the mail Into Washington fiom w ork at bitter than '00 mile?, an hour. tUIng fiom .New "orlc to Pbl'.n delphia nt the late of 102 miles an hour nn,i from Phllidelphla to Washington at th? rate of 101 miles an hout The total cirrvlng the mull on' that dav between llie (.itu iiuims ill .'i iiuuin aim p"-un minute" 'I hi trip from N'ew York to r umiun"1 tin i i. j Lti'tii sr ivjih tn Philadelphia wis made at the rate of ' nlnets miles in loitj-elght minutes, oi i at the nte of one and one-half miles a minute, and (nun Philadelphia to Wash Ingtou In out liout and niuctctn minutes. 01 at the late ot ulni tv-even miles I houi. bilnging In a load of J81 poinds or nnu iming against tin- stoun last Sntuulaj fiom Washington to New loil. tae speed of the mall plane was held down to in aveiage of flflj-one miles an hour On Monil-i Mauli 17. Aviatoi i: (lardner fltv. fiom Washington to .Ntw Y'ork with the mall In two hours and live minutes, tovenng the run fiom Washington lo Philadelphia .it the rate of OS 4 miles an hour and from Phlla delphla to N'ew York at the rale of 114 miles nu 1 our Th9 trip from New Yoik to Washington against the stnmg head winds was at the rate of fifty. seven miles an houi $700 FIKF, I.N "MAKSHALL ST. Carele-s Hiinilliiip of Mutth Marls Uol. tling Sliop Blaze lighted matth thrown on the flooi Is supposed to have i aused a tire at the lilobe Bottling i omiunj. Marshall strtet ncai (Jlrard avenue, ea.lj last night damage l Ing estimated it $700 'lhe tlaim 4 had burnt d through the tirn two floors of the building betoie tbev were got undo, tontrol bj firemen , i' l c.elbolt7 wlio has chaige ol the establishment, enteied the building ibout 8 o clock and lighted the gis throwing nw.iv the match V. sliort time latei lie illstnveied thit the pliuo was on flic, mil called in the alarm on the telephone v . , : i B1.Baaa""""'"-",iiHit ,-. IM GEOftGE M. AUSTIN ' B luja v-nesuiut a tree t rnuaacipum i young women get fortune, sister is cut off, in will llillionair.e Sunburj Ittonwy Bequeaths S25,000 to Philadelphia Girl "for Good and Sufficient Reason," While Testament Specifically Provides Kin Here Shall Not Share in Estate 7. '. """' ills Atlele t- selz of 15" Crank-t rathe! iirelti vvoin.ui Leiwoen twntj ford revenue, vvlllKet IJu 000 In hetuiltlis I ntnl fortv M-aly or nue Tier dialer tliiourh the will of James (' Pinker mllllonalie, of Sunbtirj, l'i 'I ho le- mcirbrmico Is glen nj ruoKfi m -miss,. nei7 iui "" ............. ...- , i .. .-..-, a I nml rtiffli Unr a i f.ntia 1 nicordliiK to the will Ml9 Ilhod.i M Burg, of hun!iur li left $30,000 In l'ennsylnnln Ilnllroail bonda and an $8000 house for faithful and honest nerlce" i Mrs nobert 1' Uhilmei of 4 703 KliiRscRilnK nenue Tackem Bister H ot onlJ. cu, ott in to will tut tpecinc piol!,lon la made that she shall not in- herlt an of tlio millionaires tnone t. i. .. ,i..i,. ,.- ti.i. ...!., t i the document; 'that neither Man K ; Y litlv,if ,yn Lot linahnnil II I X li 1 1 " "" " ""-"" ....... mei nor anj of her heirs nor am pel- son claiming nuclei her. shall In anv manner share In mv estate At Mrs AMiltmei s home 11 was said that she was out of the iltv Phlladel phla beneficiaries ale Mrs illlnui II blate and John II Packet of G178 Wood bine avenue Mis Slate Is willed one touith of the estate Packei divides a similar portion with Maiv Packet -Blue and Miss Alnrv I Pin kor. both of Sun burj fourth oath Is also provided for the widow who lives nt Sunburj and Mix-r K Mill of the samo town Tor some jeirs Miss Sel7 his spent a great part of her time In a hotel near the palatini Picker home In .Sunburv At her home tn this iltj, n woman, who said she was her slater, declared Miss Sel7 was not at home 'Yes' sild the woman tl is due tint Mr Picker loft mj sister $JD,000, but, of course, we do not want anj pub licity -ibout that p-irtlcularlv In the Philadelphia papers ' Asked If Miss Hel7 lnd am business relations with Packei the worn m an swered lndlgnantlj In the negative She. lepented that the famllv doesn't want 'a word printed about this" and de clined to give anj Information as to what Packer meant In his will bv the phrase 'for good and sufficient leasons" Neighbors describe Miss heir as a mnii (jiiadi: SALESMAN oung. ninn. itt, no Im iiinbrnnrea. Well etliirutedl Rood uddrrHN, ilriilrea connec tion with n tlrfct-liih loncern. 5 jenrn with present emphiTe selllnir food prml arts to retail ind Jnlililnar trutlr raatrrii ptatrst rerord will briir arurehlnK In vrittlriillon. (' U7. I.HK1I It OFritK I Just a little while p Overcoat will begin to feel .SB iov is tne time to see If HOUSE of WENGERII Iff '229 WALNUT ST. Nm III Air Storage j Vm AN ABSOLUTE FUR M IM preservation at all ml V lheie is no other perfect method JSw . of fuV security against the 'JjM . damages of Moths and Heat. ff ls3Ss Phone Walnut 1!308. jMw B line of Spring clothes I j There ia a choice assortment, of the World's "Best Efforts 5 I a in our Spring showing. jri I Jacob Reed's Sons I 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET PaHilftili!lli;ii!llll!,B cJnoQ (Jeeosjon 0PRIS6 OpNING PweeNTATIQ1 Perfection of modc in Irinsic quality richness of material relative aluc, these are the quotation marts of the 1910 Shoe Occasion. Featuring: , , A Genuine Buck an ciiliiclii h (i tailored bow Pic-emiiicnllv JNlEDERMAN 930 Chestnut Street and Branches "ouiun l sav "" 0u " i". not how ioiik wie nnu Known I' Mr I '.ulcer win known as n !aer , d ,0,.slnil,. , ,,..,. . .imuo ., ,te pnres8ert fclirnr se tlml I. ifi nolhlUK to neernl of his finorlte tlmrl ties nid hobbles Amonir these arc the Man M Pucker Hospital, Sunhur a memorial to the testator's mother the Chestnut Sttoet Opera Hmisce In sun. bun and Unglne i"ompan Vo 1 of Sunburj Itenlii Tteitwival nf lltnn.s7irM 1)1....... " -n-. .- . ..UlIC- lU ToAZZ ....... .. . . nhiuumi toiuiuiis signal noxes anu oilier im I station equipment from the premises of1 letall diugglsts who have oidered this H," " prefertine to aci opting a new al" " '""""Isslon whl.Ii the conip mv j Mile MriuilCil "ill lit'ttlllir- I'lll'l 11P -prll CEMENTSs OR iovr. UANOnt 1I13ATKR! Main 4000, Market 654 HOOPS r. L. D. Berger Co., 59 N. 2d St. am ambitious to make join hhirts 3 for $10.50 Madias last colois stvlish patterns. Cvery man likes to do vv hat lie can do best. 1 hat's why 1 want to make oui shirts. The aiUist tan feci no jppat'',i pude in a great canvas. IIVI.l sniiiK Uth & Chestnut and that Winter Suit cumbersome and heavy. what Jveeds have to otter in the S' in Etruscan Grav new tone of self uiatei nil a Siteeess. jfVl'' Q K ' Spring Overcoat Sale ! Last of the Season, and the only one of its Kind! IOdd Lots and Broken Sizes remain ing from the stocks of the last few seasons excellent, desirable Spring Overcoats and Topcoats that we want to move out to make room for the the new goods now piling up fast! Spring Overcoats that were $20 now $15 Sprijig Overcoats that were $25 to $30 . now $20 Spring Overcoats that were $30 to $40 now $25 Cf-Single- breasted and double-breasted models; conservative models, loose-fitting models, snug-waisted Spring Overcoats Staple blacks and Staple Oxfords, some full lined with silk; browns, tans, grays, blues, and heather mixtures in knitted fabrics, beautiful herringbone patterns faced with gray silk to front edges and skeleton lined; velvet collars and self-cloth collars; fly fronts and button-through fronts, cravenetted cloth raincoats Spring Overcoats for every taste and tem perament at prices for which we can not produce them today! Suit Bargains! Some excellent pick ings at these interest ing prices H7.50,H9,25 Also Winter Overcoats at prices that will pay you as an investment for next year! Perry &Co. "N. B. T. Kith & Chestnut St lJi y?S !rt 4frJ m . 1 frea '1 Jii . i fa m Jfte t& SSI tI va"1 -$B M 111 1 ,-s 1 iTl TMBaisnN I P taV . i i in. w i i". ppm ii ca ' a, I .'.v ' liW. iiiiaiuaal ll V m$. tv. t .1 ri . ,f!' . t "' y, .ft, "- I. v l r . i r.v v W w V 5 P ' ii n 7 ( ' i(,l(