Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 20, 1919, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19

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    ." . T-1 a MW'Wiffin ."! 'ii i hi, nim i wwppwhwit'
M V-'" ' -,r"? , " , "V" v? Wf 'w11 T'Vw-''w''w "'---'"'' 'jjjf.f
Bt-'--''- - -!-r ' '' -' U- i- . i. i ' f .. . J
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'", - - . ' ,y-
i .
J51.' .1. " "r ' ' . -- .-.. . . .
tift. 'ffai -. . - ; : ih - Hi v
Philadelphia. Markets
i T" "I A T "ITWmT A i f -- w---. " -w-m ----.-. ,
vm.:AT.v.,.,i -.. ,... i..i,.i. ii. i i ii a i nn aiii in k iiv riiiMuiii v
ii' I" l VHHlltill ui uuuiriuwi imirl'-t ,.:-u .. . ' . , ' ""', .."" .V i...r -v'Jil.XJ I XI 1 -T XI 1 J1U1I.I.J l'l I I J It lI'Jl J I
tvll ill liflAK Imi-n l.n nnHnf1. ""Ti nl.nile.l llmi, W t I llltllt offerlllRP -.a. - AX 1 V J A JJ... . 1 I. JJ1 UXJXJ I
been u fonlurc of the, market I SSfKK s.and'hVcK' fiKKSl
2.ani so.
lncren.r.l nctlrlty In I lie Meel trade
la Indicated In the citation of uumeroui
rases in
Phl l.-
""' """ " i".1 " . " '"", nmri.ci. i Boyminciit standard Inspect!
rni CntYlA lima hnl It 1,,,.. .jl.n...,, nr n v . l'l .,,,-,.- ,
.w. v..v. .,,,,., WltV II HBP nilWtl e , n ,w '. T(l WIDIT,
.vu..,..j iv iiilicupi' nunc uiu rwun.- .,,,, V. """' .-.am .no. I. naru ".""i-
Izatlon" program wns Indorsed In the, ir;3",1 j.L- ',."'" ."Inter. rllcl!V ?':'
trade. Tho extent of tho cut In nrlces' ??h. .ld :.'"V"v.-MiJl -rS'. .wJ.5tc.r.-I
that will be agreed to at tho confer-1 Imrd winter": L"a No red wlnterV e7- UutOOIllI of W'l.slllll
ence wh ch is now n urocrpfM continues llcky. la. 34i Xn V..i ..T.,.,i. wMTk. 1. v-'UH.UUH Ul tlMHIl
In doubt, and thli fart liaa lietneil trl I ri winter, J2.32! Xo. a. nnrtliern orlnr. !
brlntr out some orders. SiVf.l ;.:,l.v,,'Rnl,.wJnt"'' I2,n No. '"'
I WMrr' ,?fll"y, 2,S(i: No. :i, red, smutts,
,... , . - I it:!1 J' , red, li'SOi No. 4, Burllckj.
While the purrhanes of (lour for ei.J2.-H: No. 4. enmity. 12.27: No. 4, garlicky,
port by the (train corpoiatloii for the "'!?'!' '.t;-'".' Ji'o. ,",. rej, $2.SB; No. .
Kovernment yesterday were smaller l Kf! ?kv 'mmiiV. ..'.',-i lnul,y- --'-3i V' n'
auaninv Tiinii iniv iifin i,n tiftn v -
i . - ,i' -.r-
I A .-,. ." . . I ZT77 Z r ",rJXi I.
ivaisuk'S fliwht 'PKIVATIf Kl INIfSN' aP" Asks Equal &M
u 1 m MM III II III IliLIt I -. . mm ...'.')"!
nTll?Ml?YT MHWTU AS DEFENDED BY " J" ".T Z Kights in beagufftm
vu ti luviii... V0N HINDBNBURG iv iikclakk j (iiiNK,M..uHfM:rH.H. v
INTERESTF.n TN STF.FJ.'S FT1T1TRF vn ...: i,v n... .. .... ,.. ..;.: ,,, . r LiT Tfhr
--- -" -J -' --j u i .' i . - - i " ...in i inn iniri mnmii . 'n r wijiiiiiii I- if-il llfllll'l illll I V III ,..i.. .1.. . ,....... . ., n 1.
Mari'll 28 and Hiirrv lVacc and oitl Ideas ol Lmploves Mll.sl lit' Vl,,u 1,e '"countered in the UnltedM)
A..JI IO Mlimi1alw'I l I I I tcmiUl t-rtltfrn altnrnttnna Uerr,n thAt 'r
i II J V I 'MM 1. L.lIimHM'Ul(Ml
nfc uioii it- until iit-T-ii irLcmiJi 1 ,nt.( . . ,
intlne to 425.000 barrels, the prices! ,,-i,7r, ' mw', .-''J'5", t""'1!1'-, rrlf?
were; considerably higher In'sym- JV'Jd", "5. X" ' vfL'i1, "eUow "in ar
. with the general domestlo mar- loti for tm-ai traiie as S nualftv nc loci'
s nco the last nrev oils i.ur.-lias.s. Hon. at tl r.ifM ,ij . '?..! 1HS"" """ """
rue prices paid were J10.10 to $10.60 for , "A'r ""eint, 22.0U buoliet
gton ConffiviH'i Is nxioiislv Await
ed Legality of Proposed Agreement to Fix Prices I
Questioned Gossip of the Street
tTlllHltrc whs no niisiuMiifc the fact, which u(1v
the soft flours, and $10.3(1 to $10.fi0 for !!i".rlny ."'"", n.111"'. l'"t orlrs rulil tlfm u
Ihe hards, ill being in Jute sacks f o. b. ' "rt ""' L""''t'n:, ,"". "u':!'.:, .,r ,0':' ","
Ualtlmorc. These prices are 10c to 20c ,'V whl'te.";' icT Vo"'- h " Tt'-'wrv'
higher than those paid 11 week ago and, No. I white: 7irTli
1 i,ui II Keilpt I.Slll.SIM lbs.. In k... 1;
inianil wan fair .mil nrl, v.r. Ilrn.lv
30c to I0f above the limits of two weeks
,, j ,. , . K ,',"", Vnetl , Tlw quotations: To arrive. P-r
Crude rubber continues iiulel under )" lb. In 1 lo-n.. juti sacks Winter
louiino ueniings. ianuiac:i.iirers are
not anxious to consider purchases of
spot, as they are amply supplied on ac
count of their Incoming contract ship
v merits. Yesterday's arrivals on one sin
gle steamer amounted to B233 barrels
ana 1281 cases plantation rubber con
signed to leading Importers. The ruling
quotation for the first latex crepe on
the spot remains oZiiic, but those
prices Rre wnony nominal and a
eventually be shaded on firm bids.
1 " "'' m.miiiifc im iMi-i. wnn'ii was puiltil eiiieiH es-
tenlay In the tllltinchil district, that the outcome of eterda, meelliiif
of steel men In Washington with Secretins lieOfleld and the new Indii--trial
hounl of the Denaitment of tVmiineice is beliiK looked forward to
with unusual Inteiest. The conleiencH is the tlrst one between the lieu
board of u series which Is to be he-Id Willi the lepieuentatives of the basi,
industries of the Pnited Slate.
AccoidliiK to some financiers, there N a .os.slblllt that no definite
conclusion .,n hteel iimj he arrived nt for h few dajs. Theie is some
ilonbt lie: 1,1 rl,A l.,n1t. ..i .1.- ,..i.nt-..it , . .... .... .
ltvu l'l oi'ii .. u. ,1 . ., . ,r!""". '" 'o Miuiiuaiiuii yum which is to ue proposeu
xl , . ,-,l-M,It .VH firm, tut tlier" wu not. ,
fVnl.,".'.T!:,:,1,,,'l;l'''!'''', "erl hy SeC,'el'l,y ItP'ltlehl, and the fact that the Department of Justice is to
iik, 11 1,1- ,rrn .i,iM 111.311. do. iiearln,
MlMillIJj; Kaunas slralaht, $10.s:.'fU1.2.'..
Vi,.?n.,,i,lL!" ." '"": 'lo- tiati-tit. lrts:.sr
II...,. do flrel cloar. Iv.nnn KI.I11
tirleeH are whollv nnmlnul ami wnnlil '. .'.'.'? '""Iket tulfd stead.
o.nliiotl.. ho l,n,l,i n.. .. 1.1.1. i?.ODInB nemalid for inonf desi rintlona.
;... . ,- 1 nut" 1 iirm 1
1 tho quotations ralicpd as follows:
-7; 1.. .... ... ; --.......... ...
i. ,1 "'"oa-ii ana air-dried. 40c, bef,
Conflilenre (lull prices In the li-xllle I il'c- Uork'U'?amnv',r'j sST-'i.''11 ,!n'1 ""'ilr"'i!-
lines have reached the bottom for the I ?ufe.l.Toose, l.i2"cd 0 ' sWnned PoosV"
t me bene s oneratlnE- to Inmrove the 33K.1ii . TiV. . ,i .'..,.V? ,.,.1l4Vni"i'. I""'-
nnnlllnn nt l.o unlllni, ill .. ,hl l,i boiled, tinn-l-.a M Vf.. ...,.. !!' ' ""'
te Inquiries to hand from iiiiineious'Ku,rert, loo-e, 23c: do. smoked, 20c: belltoel
sources was seen the hand of the mill ''r,r ", '0""' M- breakfast bacon, 37c;
agents who are now beginning to buy In '
somewhat larger volume. The increased ItKFINFIl SnnI?N
Interest manifested by foreign buers Is ou J"3
noteworthy : Japan is again Inuult lug for Th-ie was liin iradlng and the nuiit-l
dyes and the .ssumptlon Is taken Unit w"" um nanieit on a basis or Be for line'
the quantities which were shipped her 1 uranulafil.
earlier in tho year must have been, nAIIlV univntrr-fc
pretty well used up. The Increased In-' "Aim I HUUULlS
terest in bright shades is perhaps the 1 HKRSi: -Was nun n und hii,h,. .un,
principal feature of the local situation. d-mand Rood Quotations. "nxewKY,,rk ,'
rll... I i'i ri-Lcni ,mk'- ."(,: do. do.
"anry. hM. 37W.1Sc: socluln hlchiT- d,i Hi,
. Trading throughout the canned goods . fair to itood. .Ti;K;;. " nign.r. no. ao.
market shows a dull tone, anil there is ItrTTlin Tho market further iid.an.-d
' not any Improvement over the state of U with supplies closely sold up. Quotation-
llio market on the opening, .Monday holid-packed. rreumery. estrae. (ISr-; hlnlwr-
morning. The announcement that the ' '.'ir""r''91w,'ri the latter for Jobbinit sales:
government will not dump any of Its ac' ? "",'!. ?7' flr"1''- 17."'-, seond-
cumulated holdings of canned vegetables Z .1 ?" ' 1?, niTIV 0c" ,'S, ,f"n,:
on the market has not resulted In any ap- 71 1 ?!: fio sood (nsi'''" JobblnB at
" preclahle Increases In the demand, audi nsiiu ,.., .-. .' ," , . ,
brokers report that they found it evceed- nr'iVao.'.0 SZLT St'at o!!.! Tro?
Ingly difficult to Interest jobbers in any , .uses nearby flrMs. $12 15 per crate- .ui-
offerlngs of canned vegetables. rent receipts, $11 9.1: ostnm, estra hrt
' f1,-;!'"'- "rs. Ill.sr.: fancv selected eg(r '
.... , , . ..... Jobbing al 4rilS;7c per dozen.
A deal InToIrlng two of the best pro
ducing coal properties In western POULTRY
Pennsylvania and a coke plant and a
Big Ulver coal fleet will be con- 1 'f'Vj' u(,iL ''TilT Th" "'"."J"1 na. ""' B
anmniated Anril 1 when W Ilutrv a" ' 'belted with pikes higher. Supplies
summateo pru 1, wiieii n. uair , Krt. smnM nllrt demand wus Kool QU0ta
.Brown, coal operator, will bell to tho , tlons: fowls, via express. 3li?4iic: broil
Pittsburgh Steel Company two mines, bur thickens, fan.y. aoft-inenied, welKhlna
.Vllala No. 1. near Urowiisvile, and Alicia , l'a".' lbs. apiwc ,"0i,l."ri spring chickens.
No. 2. in Green County, seveiul batterlea ' """'"""".V. 'Bri5nrs, .fj2""' , 4it.-: staBiry
of coke ovens with a combined annual , KWKiArffiEli .1,
capacltj of .lo.OOO tons, and the steamers ' ner. 4u41c-. awse. 30c. plceona old per
Alicia, John A. Wood and The 1 'oilier , Pale, r,.-,c; ,1,,, Miunx. per pair. 4.1 ft. Mi',
and fortv barges , nn:nsi:i) mis Hrm nltli u booJ demand
for .lesliaide stoil, . The quotations .ver.
. ... ,. . . , as follows: Ponls. fresh-killed. In boxes.
The Hr Depnrlineiit tins rei-mii- welt-hlnc r, lbs. and over upbee, 3i:.-, w-IkIi
mended the cancellations of cinilra. ts Inc illi f(4'i lbs.. 37c weishlm? .1 lbs.. 34
amounting to $2,!M1.000.00. Actual ' ft3.Vi smaller sizes. 2SiS2c: fresh killed
cancellation to February 27 amounted '; " nM,rrP,'V ""','' , drl . I'bkwl . wclpblm.- r,
t tisr ituneo lbs anil o.er HPlere. SHc. ueKhllh' 3,,a'iT4t!i
to $18u,l,U.0C8. lbB iiplece.3ll37e. smaller sizes. "sflaV
old looster. dry-plrkeil. '.'7c, tonMllu; chlck-
StockK of hides and skins In the 1 ens. western, dry-picked. In boxes, wcls-hlntr
t'nlted States on December 31, !I8. ' lbs. bihI uvr upleie nnwn?.-. weBhlng 4
given by the Bu.euu of Marl.els in the 'J Xiti '& s'tv'
ilrst report arc: fattie bides, both do-. ti:kic: roastfni chickens, western. i barl
mestlc ana loreigii, b,ji.,2,n pieces. rls, weinhing 4 lbs. apie.e. 3.V , escepHonal
sneep ami iiiiiui Minis i.iiai.-a 1 i.l.j..-, ui" i.iKi.ei. ..riKiuiia ..,j counus 1. piece. ;i4c:
pig skins 200, !1 pieces and 1,440.- we'is lilng 2'a :i lbs. apiece. 32i :u, ; atacej.
f.Sl pounds of strips. llorsehirie, in- wy'' o!.r",'o "jn'-'.TMin.11 .th'e"l'th!n!:.n
eluding fronts butts and shanks. , $kA'rtiPfoJI,tf.&3l?&l$
FiinouiiLL'ti lii ivi.ut.i iut-i.T-. aim ran .tnu iiik r hi, ner oz.. Si . rii iin fin . 11.
'" epieseiireu at the meetlnp; by KdwarU T. (iulgley. actlne; solicitor of
the Department of Commerce, lends color In such suspicion. Some con
tend that If the go eminent had kept hands oil' and allowed the mutter
to adjust Itself in the regular order of business it would have adjusted
itself t least n mouth ago. Others ttalm thai in that ee.nt there
would have been no lowering In steel prices, and as the government is in
the market for larnc quantities for naval construction as well as for mil
road betterments and equipment, it was nccessars n take the steps
which are now being taken.
When speaking of the possibility of an agreement between the steel
men to fix pikes in conceit at the meeting, a broker said ho could not
see how sm-li a move would be legal. If the "gentlemen's agreement"" of
the famous (Jarj dinners weie illegal.
Anxious for Hincs's Conference With Railroad Chiefs
There was some disappointment expressed in the financial district
esterday over tho postponement by Director Ceneral Mines of the meet
ing at Washington between himself und the committee of railroad ex
ecutives. A certain banker when speaking of the mutter said he under
stood the ruih-oads under government operation and supervision were
aUpresent running behind the btundaril contract compensation terms at
'a rate of more than $40,000,000 a month. Me also said that, either
through faulty distribution of equipment or ,1 lack of business, more than
250.000 cars ure lying Idle at various points ail over the eoiiiitrj.
"Of course," ho remarked, "thut In itself is not a very serious matter,
and was expected ul'ter the signing of the armistice changed the whole
Industrial complexion of the country." Me added that as soon as a
number of Industrial prolilems which are now being woiked out are set
tled the wheels of industry would begin to hum again, ajid when the
harvests of the South ami Southwest begin to move every one of these
cars will be needed and manj more besides.
This banker also stated that the gres.it problem facing Uiiector (iep
eral Mines Is the labor .situation. lie claims that the goernmenl when
it took over the mlhoads caleied lo and coddled labor, until now labor
has the upper hand und will not submit to any lowering of wages. It i
mpossih'.e, he said, lo run Ihe roads with the present wage s,Mie without,
another inciea.se In rates. In order to avoid a big monthly delicit.
Another banker said he believed if the railroads got a fair tti.il
under the present management and under nonmil conditions tlie would
make a much better showing. As to the labor question, he rem-.uk-,d
that a 1 eduction in living costs is so palpable a precedent to a lowering
of wuges that it is Idle to expect one without the other. He said he
understood Director lleneral Mines Intends lowering the .ost of operation
b cutting out all overtime, and to do so he intends emplm ing mote
men to work during the regular limit's only.
kipVdclns 2,lfi0.26e pieces
Rtntisllt's tnnile public b. I lie lUr lle-
partment today showed that the govern
ment lies on hand or contracted for
I8",100)40 pounds of wool remaining , , , , ,
lo be disposed of. Wool purchased or .. ' '""V: ..,'.'.' k" "'!.'' . '!'' un.l s.iu,, lends
. . . ..... HfrF iiitriifr iitiniut linn
d'arV. ft.-iiV' '&Xi nS: rr fta-i.4., Opinions on Victory Loan Sale
ounir, pr pair. $t,50$S i,i j
.,., a -, 1,'u "rlr itiKiiei . siuuih.iiiiih: Apples. tt
...4all,lb8 York, ner bM. Klmr. I'JSl 11 U.,l,l.,l tTr.ii
contracted' for amounted to
pouniis, vauieu at more man taun.uuu.- -iMi.,,0; llu)l,irdsnn. 7Mi ".-,- (ireeuing s
000. It Included lO.OOO.UOli pounds ofifilii: flu-bet. 7s.r,0. Apples. iviu!.i-
'domestle clip yet to be delivered. 4,000,- Jnlu and vtrgbila per bbl lien I -a vis
000 pounds to come from South Anierica ,',.','! ,,';'",,I."','?' :'r V -'.:,,W'!r,"""; "!""'"
and P9I,000 0,10 pounds contracted for &r!rWt- hVV'Vr
with tho British, Clovei nnicnt. . box. JJ.V.IJi 4.7.-, Oranges. Florida pe,
. cralr $'-'.."iaiff7.00. Oranges, I'allfornlu. pee
nvrcTnrv nunTITinvc b,i, tr, iioiiciiu lirapefruil. per l,o. $2. J.,
LIvI'-SlOLK yUOIATlOiSh u.-i.r.n. stranbeirles, rioiidu. per nuai'
ClillliEO. .March 2(1. IIOUS Heceipts. :i:i. '"!0'
1 elpts. 33.000 head. V'ully steady with es- L''i:-l1 I III rc
lerdav's close. Hulk, $1II.3.-,S(H1.70: lienvj. ' A-lii -lilvbS
lin.i. if in.sn;uiedium, Jin.oim 111 711: light c.iaioe- we.e in ann,l suiml. ini 1,111,1
AIan financiers in tins city hae Irec.v expies-sed their opinions
as to the pos-lble result of the coming Victory Mlierty I.oun. They hic
vlrluully unailimous In saying thut the loan will lie placed in the time
specified, but they are divided on the subject of long-term bontl and
short-term notes. There is. besides, a ery intelligent minorit.i who
contend thut it would ha e been a better plan for the government to
have continued the Issuance of certificates of .indebtedness to ine"t the
curient expenses until business would have lesiimed a more normal
They s.i that with the pioceeds of these certificates: and the income
ami other taxation returns, the launching of a loan could have been
postponed lor a later and more satisfactory peiiod. .Many also main
tain that to issue a long-term bond ins'ead of the notes would have
nisi rritT kin h.iui ill n.i ; 1 lir 11 1 3 ix hi i hi in .. . . .
heivy packtiu-" sows tlg.r.oniti. imVking ' , " eneVa ' aleu v ''ouutu I ms' -'' WhUe "fcesslluieU t"e putting out ot a ,. per cent bond, which tliev ackiiowl.
owe. $t7.2.-.US.2.-.: pies. tKl.-.-nri lT.r.n .''',.. ?.'.'' r," .1 . " ".L 1... .' !". . " '".: y'1". ,,,,,,1,1 i. ,n..ui,.....u ... ti,u s,.inJ i.iniin
CATTI.K Hei elpts. IS.noll head. Choke I ':.-.,?, --' v., ',' '? ,1 ,, , ii's ,' ',,'", .-s ,...,,,.,,.-.....,,.,,.-.
butchers, "she" stock and best steers steadj. V'l one oeV lull 'l Is ii snl S 10 '2
?5fJy o-e'e'r $. riVe- arfoA'ine.'iW;- !..V':.t-7,' 'Wj-, ' ' '-, ' Hrolter Says Stock Biiviig Comes From West
20.23. medium and good. 1 1 3. 2." 'it 1 S 23 1 i.m- ''' ',V -,,,;, 1.!. ,d,.-.'. " r.'.1'' l"'.'"" J '
mon $11 7.-.JM3.2.-,: light heef steers, good e. ',1;'" ' .,.""., , uJ!"-',1"0-'-,,"", ,? "I wonder who is buying stocks'.' We're not." s.,u the prim.
.n4 .u .. S1-.A, 10T-. ......i,nn., ..a ,..,..11..,.. lork. pel 1110 lb. i. .1111(1 ,.,. White . r. ... ... t, ,,,,,.
Sinl.-,. hotelier helfeis. 17 JI I. -..-. cms potatoes, Ui'lunule and .Marvllilid llnosivl.
$7ff71."' calves $1 4 Cot 17 l,e- 11MI llu . $1.4ll'il l.r,0. Sv eet potatoes.
RIIEnP r.ei elpts. SOOil he-d Slow first Jerse. per basket No 1. $2112 2.",: No. 2.
sales steady, most packers bidding lowei $1.. veil 1. 73 Hweet potatoes. Cistern Miore,
Top lambs, $21; prime wethc-s. $lcl.!iil. per bbl.. No. 1. $lUa7.'o Sweet potatoes.
Uelawaie and Marjbind. ptr liushel hamtier
u ,,.. No. 1. :ii:i.l.i. o. 2, tl.uoai.'. ii o-
rlttslilirgb, I'll.. March
I lllSDlirgu, i-i.. -oarc u o liuus lie- , .-, T', , ,, ; ,- i,etl-ti r-., i
eclpts, 1SIIII head. Steady. Heavlea all-1 "J; l"i ,, ",,1. , o, per J,"", -T '-, p"
heavy -orkers. $202ii.t.-.: light yurkers. ,' '' , ' ' 'Villi i ', J loo i ' ,,. tl '--ifj i" -'
$1S 2.-,4i tS..-,0 pigs. $r7..-.llSI17.7.'i. union". ellow. per Inn-lb bag. $1 ,.Hi -
Slini:i- A.VI) 1,-VilHS lleceluta. 300 heil
Active. Top oheep, $15; top lambs. $20.3(1,
CAI.VIiS Heceipts. 30 head. Hleaih
Top, $1S.
New York, JIhicIi 2ii. llt'TTlin tlnn. I'.e
HI n. lerel. "II O.eali.l. 1" mill' I clulS. (Ml'-M tUbS II lalll'l -Scoring. OH Si (IS ((l (
nt. MMIIH, Jiarell .11, IcecOlplS l,IIIIO ,v..,u ,.-L. l,isl,l,.- firsts ll',ffi,llTi.. ue,
head. Loner. Lights $111. lllih 10.113. pigs. 2',,. ,,' !',' a ill lr in si (Ml ; inilta
tt-is. iitl, tin riMfiim s-.. n.i i.a.,.-, , nns. Il2li4c, slice iidlr, il.if'liiU, . nulla
I,. -j-:. in To,, ....... tlim ereanier. on ii ,,i
I pa I
of one of the large Investment and brokerage houses in the city yes
terday. Me then proceeded to answer his own question b.- saying he
believed Ihe principal buying of the last week or so came from tile
other side of tile .Mississippi. It is said, he icmarked, that the wealth
plungers of the West. iarticulail of Chicago, are in the market btijing
regardless of either prices oi news. Tills Is especially true of the steel
stocks, which are subject to vei y erratic movements recently.
Tills western buying power, according to fimiiicieis, is malnlj due
lo the fact that the western and middle western banks aie said to be
Ipirs'tlng with money, deposited by thousands uf farmers who are selling
their $2.-0 suaruntoed-by-tlie-soi'eniinent wheal.
Vas,e7rskfVir!olV!fera!,t?& Vi'IFHt.. VP? S " 44, i '"'' '"' "' '' 'T"'"' '""
,IVFV:p-f.V;e!p,;7-r'v.oo he.d stea.H ' & wVilleA. VfJ& : "sulbered i'ldtS?. exchange over the sudden drop in I rend, exchange last ilonda,. The
l.ambs, $lli.4itHIli i 73: ew-es. $128113 424c I'aclllc . oast w idles ,4ii4i 4.V: west- mf)S, p1UShlP explanation was lliut It was brought abou'l b.v the I'Yeneh
i -"rn jitiii SsOUtii'rti nii'H. UK i iicriii, 41 -ttit .-.i . tr
siaio benner- browns, 47, . outside; mixed authorities lor the purpose Of acquiring francs iheaph to redeem the
Trt nitfTnlik V X" . Xl-ieee. "O l'A'l"ri L . e.ilnred. 4,S'("4lt,
Receipts 173 head. Steads. Calves, re-, Clll-IJiJI., Btroinr Heceipts. jr.... l.oxes
eelplB. 100 bead. Steady. $3SttH. . . State, whole in I, i.ilored. specials. .IJj..
IIOOS nei elpts, 1201) head. Steady oulslde; flat whiles 32c. libido; flat, whites.
Heiny mixr.l and yorkors, $20.23; llglit ' average -un 373Sc: flit, colored, uv-rage
corkers. $10Sr 10.23; pigs. $10; roughs. $10.00 ' run. .IJStS.I'i
-17: stags, $12W14.
SHEKP A.NX) LAJII1S llfcelnts 1400,
& SnTimihSr "34r-,'T5' ",hm CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS
(illl-liao. March 20. - IH'TTKIl Heceipts
sll tubs. lixiras, niinn'ir: m-si'. iuw(
Kuiltaa City, March 20. CATTI.K He- S31. d
elpta 23011 head. Steadj. KlilbV lie,
IIOOS -Heielpls. 3300 head Strong tolas!."
A Yi fSVk A V "
fin h1chr.
15u hlRhPr
0. HOHK Re. ,- I.il l,i. e ullt-nr ,-,,s ,,n,,1e,l ill
...ini. in nnn h.j,i i..iri.a. n -... i ........ v. ...,. ..... ".".. , .
il., hnuih Via Xhain V, " -Ne VorK today at ti.ui ', an ounce.
Ts no,r.TIJnW''i- 4nm, ,,,, 'unchanged; In London at 474.1. un
lit, SHEEP Heceipts, 7000 head, t cranged.
Sonth Omnlnl, March
The Jefferson Railroad Company
First Mortgage Bonds
Now York, Match 19, 1919.
To the holders ot
The Jefferson Hail rued Company First Mortgage Bonds, dated
January 1, 1889, maturing April 1, 1919.
i '
The Jefferson Railroad Company otTertf to extend the above
mentioned bonds so that they shall mature April 1, 1929 (subject
to redemption at 105 fc and accrued interest on" any interest day
on thirty days published notice) at interest at the rate of 51s'c
per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day. of April and of
October in each year at the office of Erie Railroad Company, in
tho City of New York, N. Y., without deduction for any taxes
which the Railroad Company is bound to pay or entitled to deduct
therefrom, the present mortgage security of said bonds to remain
Holders of such bonds are referred to the appended announce
.ment of Messrs. Drexel & Co. as to the terms .of the extension
The Jefferson Railroad Company,
By F. D. Underwood,
Philadelphia, .March 19, 1S1H.
Iteieri-liiB to the abote notice, the extension privilege uppjles only
to tho holders of such bonds who shall deposit the same with us at our
ofllce, Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, or at the office of
J, P. Morgan & Cq, No. 23 Wall Street, New York City, on or before
April J, 1919,,
At the time of making such deposit, the coupon due April 1, 1919,
will be cashed If presented with proper Income-tax certificate.
Upon such deposit, temporary recelptu will be Issued, exchangeable
for bonds of an equal principal amount, with the 1'Jxtenslon Supplement
and couon sheet attached, when prepared, and there will be paid in
cash the Bum of $20 for each $1,000 bond. The investment yield of the
extended bonds -will thus be approximately fJa per annum.
Copies of the Extension Supplement may be had pn application at
our ottlce.
$100,000,000 a1: per cent French Hepublic convertible notes, which on
April I are ledeemable in Paris tit .".."i. francs to the dollar.
Arrangements ale belny made lo finance the $3,2.'.u,uuu South Carolina
and (ieorgia Katlroud first mortgage gold bonds which mature on .Muy 1.
According to reports, an effort Is being made to extend these bonds for
a period of ten years at the same rate of Interest, but present holders
unquestionably will be given some Indiiieinent In connection with the
This issue covers the Carolina illusion of the Southern hallway Com
pany, and the financing is being, taken up at this lime because of '.he
fact that the Victory Loan campaign will extend beond the date on
which the bonds mature, and It is hoped to arrange the matter prior in
the beginning of the government securlt offering In order not to con
flict wllh .the ell'orts of the Washington authorities.
Dealeis yesterday in discussing the bond-market situation stated that
there had been u steady decrease in inquiries for and sales of railroad
bonds since prices of Liberty Bonds bad eased off to a point showing 'a
better Inducement to the Investor than the corporate issues.
Insurance companies and savings banks have been subsiautidl buyers
of Iaberty Honds, and this is accepted as indicating that the period of
distribution is about over and that quotations will gradually improve.
The opinion of experts is that no improvement In the regular bond
market need be looked for until well after the date of closing of the
Victory Loan campaign.
The shoit-terin-note market was a dead uttitir .vesterduj . .theie ap
pearing to be little initiative on the part of purchasers to take on fresh
American Telephone and Telegruph Us of 1H24 wete offered at 9u9-lt
and interest, and Westlnghouse lis of 1H20 at 100is und Interest. Ameri
can Tobacco 7s were not materially changed from the pi e Ions tlnnl levels,
the prevailing quotations ranging from 101 "a to 104 '4
Xew York Interborough Kapid Transit 7s were 4ill.
llerlln. March 20 i IK V P I
Aroused bv re.ent .tltlclsms r.f former
Here Told
would require alterations before tho,"t f fcj
would permit such outside lnterfer. Jw&
ence. -., j
Itntluii i lulliiu l,ef,.rn II.a Uaq.. Cv i ' ...ncl
-'-- - - "' ".- ..n cave SVUII. " f 1
fetence will encounter no difficulties ami' (.'
a solution win ue easy, according to the-
i-aiir. t-,,1 lespuil.ieiu Ol llie MlOm&Ie. , fi
d'ltalla, of Home, . -M
W.S , I "fj
tniMtilUiX UI'I'USK .,
Uaslilnglon, .March 20 The Forty. , Mmperor William, tegaullng bis flight
second (Italtihnw, and TuentA-'lxth ' from iJerinuny lo Holland last fall. Field
(New Knglnnd National liuatdi l. Marshal von llhulenbuig bus piepared CI'I'KS WORK RMS I NRKST
h-ions will sail fiom Hiest between "'"' """"""ed here a defense of t lie ex-
Jlar.li 28 and Vprll 10. the War liep.nl. rn."."' ,
. . . , , . , , , . After deph ting the .s illation a- it ex. ii i ,, .. ,,
, mem la, beet, informed bv Jeneial ,Hfpf, . v, ,.,.,. ,,, ,1V tl,n.,...,u. IIIIIS I'lllll 111 Kf'W Unlllll. Kill-
1 I'ticvh nir l"Itrt ll.i nlwni' ili'lulnii nn.L, "
' ' oiiiiii III" I in lliw.f 11 i.'.IHMl lillll' ,..!. j ,
at New York and the New BnglHtid '",, B " tll' uri,1-' "'p 'loubtlnl lella-
Division ill llostiui, billty of the for, cs in th,. tlclct anil Ihe
Ceneral IVrshlng said It woiilil m.i he bunking out of the involution at home,
possible lo send home the Sevcntx - i "'e field niarsliiil Hides
seenlh i New Yoik Nafl.iii.il inii "The peaceful letiun home or the em.
DMslon befoie Apiil 24 utiles Ceriuan pei.ir then beciiinc Itnposslble It . onld 'Tbe peisoiiuel oT ndiisii,. mu-t be
. utittinttm limoiiiwi lit oMiilii,. i ii. .. ....i.. i... .......
,....,.,. ........, n.s.,..,ir j.,,,,,,-. ,.,.,. uni, nine neen cm i led out through "' gveii tuoin nCentou durng the
, -.r, .... n , Liru, lorcetll a.,,, ,!,-.,, u,,t ,.f 1.,.,I ..,,.. ... , , ......., .. .-..
lieneral Petshitis did not liuli.nte and .-ivll w w. ,1 l,ae i ... .l led U ' " ' "' ""' '" "ecoine iii(w.iiiiiii,' ',::,"""" ."iranun mpmki wb
I whether the l,i tv .,e,,,,l ,he Tn - Hi. i,A i..i" . "'.'.' ,1'. ?.'. .V" liM"1 '" ,.! n , c ' ,. ... ..- . . "",nl" ll "' '". coinnioiiwenlth was not -,J
loy's. Advocated In
U.S. Pace
Purl.. Aliii'ili 20 fllv A. I1 TfiSfi3
ib legates from the British Dominion: JWJ
heartily . on. ur In the xlew of tlie'Brlt-" jR
isn ueiegaiion that the question of the
equality of ttcatment of all nationalities
throughout the wot 1.1 Is not a matter.
mug fur the league of 'nations. V -i 1
sixth would be started home thai. "The emperor . mild have betaken him- c ,,,. ,,,. . , ,',ei,H.. ,.r V, "i a great adm ratio for them
The Rainbow men are al Ahrw-iler. -'' 'o the figlulng Hoops In order to ,,.,', '' "" "IUf"""" "' N'" 1 ,elesS i J ,"", Australians beJIeved ffl
Ce.many. with the arm) of occupation. '" '''' "' '1"- bead in a last at- tional Wholesale l.mnber Healers' Ass. , hal u bHuV for ?he fuurt,ryj
and the New Kngland tioops arc at M..n- V keX ' lesli'elf'hV U?e X,"e", o'l Id ""-' ' "'- l'eM,o..s'.a,frd llntM world If each race should develop ''
tlgny-le-U.il. Frame The Severn -sex - therln ae lee, I ostimned a id 1 tclav .ts own distinctive lines s,fi
lentil Division i nl Chuteau Vlllla.i. lives of ,nav -soldiers usidessl" sn, ",- , Th" ' llipf consideration, the AuBtra.4
.France. tb-ed The em'peror llnallv in ae'reen i "iirliig the pasi generanoii tlierc Han continued, was the Industrial one.,431
i tHa-'Ifb'j
oml- U&
If lUfrtH MHO II III ,,t...s..i-.a.1
The New ilnghmd Div islon w HI i,..tado . " ",1 bis advl.-ers, and after a sevete lave I n tremendous stu.le In the Austral a aimed at building up r
.. ii...-,,... i...r.... ...... .,- ,,,,.. ., ment.i sirni-irin ,i. i,i.i t ia, ,i.., ' . niosl rapid inaner an all-llrltlsh t
, V.r ... '",.:"r. ""'""""";'""" .ountrv. solelV- In ii. hn.-. .!...,. n,.i.i d.-velopinrnt ,,f oqtihimeni and of latlon of m.ue than llfteen millions. nd 3&
Y rl .liv ThL t.,i. w.. ,. , V," t,"'r,','v best 'serve the fatherland, save n.-tlinds. or efll. lend." lie said "11111 ber , blef attia.-tlve was her high wages- ,
, ,,, ' . "alnbow unit piob.ibl.v Hermanv mm, ftirtlier losses, distress ,, ,, ., , " " "'" "ul and 4ileasant industrial conditions, Tho'".
"' - i M-- xi'vv.i.1 i.w.tu """ iini-1- hiki ipviur- ptut null iTijPt ' i-.i.n ' mi.- i-- ,iniif ttuiKtr, an nnnwn 111 yusira.iiai Jrvt5
, ranui.ilfiii i In TH'OKrea. 'ami Sptrr-faM 'o h-r ' iniul .f mn ilifTt tit lncliimrifs um iowpor. whs i rlieap worker, and there. -13k
AnhlKiitiifiit uf irtunll all units ol PACC UCCT UIDTIMTA nEDT Dili 'X' H'' ",IP "' Ioih whu- opened to Avlutlu Imhilcrt
iiiA vitw.tv. first iiivisi.,., .....i ........ .i ... IntJiJ nr.il I VIKlillilA llr.KI nll.l. iciivnn t'" tii nrrpnt nmesi imi.i. ir tion tlu' would liap to be closed to
. -i.i'ixiii ii iiii -rifi ,ii in ... (( mr mr m m Baj&a -- -- -,- -. -. .
f ih. vim, a- . ... ,i i .... , -. l.llioneans. ''CI
,-nv ,.::,.. .. ..'"," 1...V.T.. '.' Hoil.ls .......li..., ... xl.'t-JIIIOlin '"' """ " A Canadian delegate declared that .they, M
Hii.i.iiiinvil U'UII.V Ul lllf --..... ....... iw viunww.vrui. "Tl,.. .....I.n ..... I . . ... .. hio.oILmi ... In,.ln...llan H.n,i Vi AlMa.l will
It'.. limn,..,,,,,,, 'pi ... . ". ir-n " ' mi. in, iifir i K"IHK HI lf (II. II iurniiwu inn 1 1 n 1 1 u I n null liiUB ue acini, SH
i,ol,J,.L ,....', ,'" ?h,'lt"l ill Up IssllPiI ol the individual, from the bead man Individually by each country Canada. M
..-. ,.s . w...,,.-,-,, ,,i oicii ironi nsn- , ,.,,...,.. ... , ,, ... ., all ihe- wav down the line The Ideis ' "e said, hitherto has had no complaint ' .m
inglon. O.egon. c,fo,l. AlasKa. , , '"" " "' " '. V" M"'1" " ."- "' ,,e e , 1 T, ' r ,., ,!a regarding the Japanese In Canada. Their - tiM
ganUatlons of the Fifth Army
, eeny convr
l.lalio. evaiiu. Montana. Wvoin ne- nn.l I ' v""" """ passed me Virginia ueni ... ,..,..' .. . . ' . inim grat Ion was lm ted. He pointed out. !:!
Iflnh. settlement bin. I,, w HI, b prov is,,,,, is ,"" ", ' L , "" ';'", '"'" "lz' and only a few hundred were admitted i
Other uniis assigned fo, eailv .-,,mo, U'""- "" baying -he , iilgment of the , ''." ' """ , n,nn jj,"' .' "", ,,'l)atv "' . ' ' " J
I include base hospitals No. 4. S. Hi and Supreme .'on,-, of the Cited States '''" SM '""'-" managed b, ,, few , vg
'noiddeiUnnem 3rT JS'-ids """"'-'- '"' "-""-' ." ' '--- " - " STOCK MARKEJ f
nt " ' :.r,;V. " '' """ "' ""' r'-Bul'" "r.iu,P .,f me personnel and n.vt ,.e .c- Trade Continues Quiet Gilt-Edierl it
The l-'ifl -sexetii'i l-'ield Amlleiv The loll piovmcs iliai im issue of et
llriga.le will return to the I nlted K'avnl bonds m ihe amouni of $13.-
States with ihe Thlrtj -second Division.
alio. noil be made The) will bear
I ,, Ml' II .. 1 11
Nm'Iioii Dull
Xdiocaies llonus,, I.,,,,,!,,,,. March 20.Tradlng ,in. se;
...... ....... ...,.,. .. ,- .iioiiicr man nn u s coniic unit e , ciii'i. les on i ne stock e.xcnanKR concinue.i
Ceneral Pershing cabled the War He- months mi n. ,,;.,, ,,,i t,,- .J ...,. and more into vogue is the naviinr of quiet today, and the marketB presented
I the
rebound In
state reserves ihe ntltt.e ,m legislation, read 1,1s ie,,fi for1 optimistic auviees as to commionB in
.a. 1....-.II. ..iv Jt.in i.euuillieL 1 leio VPIIV. 'ipv w .a n ..nllnon ana ,oo- III. tlllses. anil Ike OIllli for in, rei, tr ,!, 1'"... ..jiirun,..
.M"'1?--m;,R,""!';, w-v'Ttt ' ,s,::,..'" , '--"- i"m-. x ...... n,s, h(. tes?? liuuZ, .WXIZA1
'TMr,'-se.onu """ ""' "" "'Ions or ',"C nnrtiTo.'hVt r..,1,a" ,",",, w -'" '' "- I J-r. brouKh, about' a shirp rebour
'roops letu.iiiiive f.on, Flame duilng !1l?..,?'s!'r,',L J"'1 ;"' .l,p.. '" A' . v x, ., , "VxrnMne rn sTere cheerful on
,,, -iiiii. ...... os i,i , u,'. ao,",. .. i.ii'o. a... mi. - " .,,.. ... ,, it- ,,,,,,.
i.ie weeu cnoeu -oarcix n numneref, ,i:.,- alH Jio.noo Tb
-,.-,. ...e I.UBI-M uii,.i mi -any w. since , 1Knt to rtdeem tlie bonds at anv t hue the nasi vein- ..niiiinmitin. .,,
the armistice was signed. Flgntes made by paying oar and intcrisl. 'ITie re
public indaj by the War Depaitinent ib-mptlon points will be New York city
showed lhat up (o Mnrcli 11 4 11.278 men ami . narieston. W. V a.
had Deen l.roilglu home.
Of tlie 18S.434 otlicels of the arms on
measures passed hj Congress whl.li he
said hampered the full development nf
The cr.tu.nn and 'irgbiieied bonds will the lumber in.lustr.v iliiilng the war
be interchangeable upon the payment W S Phippcii. ttallP' inaiMgei , iea.1
..,- ,. U,.,ll fr... V.. ,.,.... ,,.111 1... !... . .. . .11- ...,,.,
duty when the armistice was signed 8:1- Uuiiig ih e ban l" , ' ' , , ""na.iioi.s n all sec-
I 40!' bad been discharged up to M.u. I, IS " "'"T '" ",' '"u",,-v- 1""1 "'v', ''"
A Win Depiirtment aniiouncenicnt to " '" ""' "'n1'' sit ua I ion as u now stands
Lr.:'A:r-r,r" gas expert is gas suicide ,..,., .. .,--, ,
inl.intiv otti.eis, 1 u,..so medical oill.eis. (Mil Doll. in. op Defers Dividend
12 4411 aiicrafl olllcers and 10.758 field t S .r Cltflllical Oflioial n, Man a 20 -The directors or
artllleiv ..fibers. Discharges from the ' -4rI" t-'lu-'"! ,a' "" tbe Old Doiinnloi. Compan.v have voted
ordnance and quartei i:,st,.is ,,n.s Overworked. Kills bt'll l,. defer .uii.ni on lb. usual qiiatterl.v
totaled 7M4 tine hundred and twelve , x ork, M.iuh 2.1 Captain Kegi- dividend of Jl nei share, due at tin's
ufllceis of the judge advocate general's i.ald i:. Taylor, . lu.-f of ti-M-soiinel of tn- """,-
depai I in-lit and -hi.-, . haplalns als,, i,.) KHH stail', cheinlnil division. I luted : : r-
M.u .i .11.111,01. States arm. with headquarters here.
.'omiiuttcd suicide .vester.lnv lc in-
ir. (. I , , ex- iinixjrff gas jet in bis moiitli and a towel
Mls-s arall J. Iveyspr lor lears vvntpped around his head
Wa S.lliool Principal Hero ,lis wlr' nlged a nervous breaU-
.,.,,,.,, . . ., r ' .. , , down from overwork during the war as
KeVscn'lo'lniu .,mda;M,hwl.,Sl,','eil',',ci!, tlin , for Caplaln Taylor's a. , She
from her home. 1117 Stratford avenue, l"iUl ,0 ",ui ""rI"'11 overtime In making
Melrose, al 2 n'rin i tomorrow afternuui.' lesls of gas and gas appliances for use
Miss Kevser for man.v years wns a in France and often stayed at his work
teacher in the Philadelphia public late nt night experimenting with new
.v.a.ciS2., U30 and v'as'griidu-Ued frolo ,eViL"S- S1,p 1,1,1 " l"tloi.. liou-
.lie Normal .Softool In YsCf. In 1887 "v"''' "' "" illt"''11"" l" "' '' Mr
slie was appointed principal of the Wll- """
'i'"", ','-, ,,lu,,"?r 'hammar School and i nc 1 1 XII' IT uiuvct
she lield this appolnlmcnt until hei ic- l.DLAI, .XII'.AI MARKET
lneii.em in lVlli. -ihe r.illnnlnK ,ep..rt on th.. fresh meat
trod" in I'hlltiilell.hla is ftlrnisliiii In the
Mock Kxcliange Committee.
I'lesideiit .Miailes II f -in.. ., tl.(
Phlladelplihi Slock I-lxc-hange. has HM.
nounced the following standing .'otii
mlttees Flunncc- I lav Is A Freed,
.'balrman. Horace II. Lee. Fund: L.
New-burger. William . ..range. P.oian.l
L. laylor. Stocc List, lohn w Sparks ""rt draggv at t!4 to 12
cnairiiian : i-rani, i. ,wuui'gei, i fai
ence I.. Mover Untitling Hoiace II.
Lee, I'haiiuian i uslimau NculiaU l-'iai-U
' . .viattnews. itulcs- aience I. ii-i"r.iN sin.tiK nh, oli.rti.i u
Moyer. chaiiuiaii : Albert K. Vurner. 'I'.' t'-1'. .lemuinl fair
tlently c Dulles, .ior.lon S. Carrlgan. - -
Frederick P. Ills-line. Admissions: David ,,.,., ... ,..,-.
A. Freed, chairman. Horace II. Lee. 5 Ll,8oI.i.)l.lli in Cilv Treasiirv
iioiano i. . ayior, . usiiinnii .Nevviiuii. -i'i, i.i, st;.ie,.-, r r',- t.
that country
was dull. Fren
Tbe oil group held well.
loenl iivestn.k n I'll meat nin. e .if the llurein
et .iarl.eis. l. t lieu stales I .eiiarttnei,: of
FliFSIl IlLK'F- 11. .em" !i, .,..,. i,.,,rl.rf
steul' at (wterllav. prl,-. demano ouiel
S'TKI'illS Ite, eipts liloiletale. nuirlcet
s.eailN lit IJ.'l to 27. ileinal.il lls-lit
c'OVVH Heceipts nio.lerate. ini.rkei u,,,i
al l!l lo S2:i. .Icmi.lt, I slow
K.I. Jleceipts iiinflerate tnirl, i .hnl
,'ln.iiiii i ii
PclltK He. elpts nmilerate. niHrket n,
..t.il -Ir-ig'y in S2S to l.'I2. tiematwl iimi'e.i
I.AMH SuppU nn.ilerale. ninrU. . eat;
an. I .lr..s-Ki at $2S to $.11. demand t..",i
Intensive Course in Practical
Prepares and Advances
Junior Accountants and
Commercial Auditors
Class Begins Monday Evening.
March 24
Call for Particulars
Y. ML C. A.
1421 Arch Street
The gilt-edged section, A-.M
ch loans were steadier. va
I .''4J
- ass
ABintt' I "',fel
W.ntHI ,M
, wrwil
"loxit" ;
The Sup T.oi k AV inflow Calclj locks
tmtb i,,8h"9 tn nny position, fitopA Trln
down from rattllnR. Hrnd Thrift Starnpi.
Bridesburg Novelty Co. 1
2710 l.KFKVKK NT.
uitr Khojer shows llisit $784,3ii.1 43 mih
ICdwaid J. .Mouio 'otmnlPFiontt Franu
l t II t 1 lllL W . 1 I II I 1 I I I tl f 1 I 'isvi'nn 1) lino
herder, Edward Hi-vlawski In?oenL- I'aitl l" ,0 the ilty lrt.isur .is .tourist
liav.d A. Kiftd, rhali man ; fuslunaii $1.'J31.300.3 ii.iid out Tl. IjaKiin e on
N'ew'hall. Hota.-e II. ,e. Arbitration: hand, itol Im-Iud he ihe Milking fund at -FratiU
II. Hai'.mian. thauinaii. IWwtn M(Uin. amounts to $1.; S3 1 754 o;
N. Hcusoit. Jr. Will am I (.raitK". Mem v.
I. Wieand. Kdward J. Mooie, .'uslnnan
Wwhall. (tPoiKt- . Mnuhcigt't'. KUi - ,
lions: Mfiirv It V H.tiiil. eliaiiman . .
(itHire II. f laulioi jU'i. IlaiTlsim ii. Seelt'l. '
(ordoti .S. CaniKan Kdvard JlrylawMd
CU'aiiug llnut'i' Harrison -J. Seet .
chairman . ' lordon S. 'arriKan, Uobei t
I). Taylut I.. T Stottsbmy was re
elected a tuiLt'H of tin stock exchange
and -' ' Trti'-'e.' )(f t'nn gratult. fund.
I Troops Hack From War
I und Hommvurd Bound '
.Mhuiii". jit V Vurl.. fnu.i ltr- ht ith
('hsuhI Vmi pi u 1 I".. cuiuiirN'tiir two of
tiers and lir. 'i.ti.tc! mn uf ulilo. .tsiitfiifii
. to I'atnp Mf rt itt
MofTHHln. a' tw Yoik. from Hn-t IVb.
tuarj -a, v nh on nlr Mervii-H nftUT hlv
tijlisted mon I..- fi'run'r uirii t tind t'APtif
five ilvlllHIi-
DakotHi. hi "v YurU. fruin ,st Na.iitri1
March 7 unli KtTtli At-iu Squadron, twv
offlp.rs ainl Hh men, tlio SefiitMntli Aero
Sfiiiat.1i on. el",t'u offli'MH ftud IHti men, urn)
the Tivent-vi'Hili I'hic'neerrt, tuiuplHtM fot
ly-three otllcnrs ,nul 1:1411 met'
Ji lm Matuiu.i. -it N'Mupott Nn, tiom
St. N'azatn . with il.Mi nitu of the 114th
Machine liun H-ittalion nf tli 'Ihlrtieth ftJUl
Hickory) imUIou
ntjmlaiu, at Viw purt .Sews, from St
Xaaalrt. wllh Hi" la.ld Held ArtlIliM
Thlrty-iixth il.on St.tr. IHvlslon
Italia, .it Nfu York., from Mnrt.f-iil.
March ?,. w If It 1010 men including ( 'a Mint I
tile-i No1- IP in. Nhu ,Ire. 11)4(1,
6fg CPgt3gX3Z)CPS4 O
Q Get the Best; Always the -
neapest A
Made In IMiiladel- B
Ithla by the Ahram X
Cox Stove Co. Wrlle
or phone for ostl- X
mate to H
Wm. C. Tompkins
Heating Engineer ft
1323 11. Siis.iticlianna V
Avenue m
9 rttjr
a L fit.
Day and Night Telephones
' ,'si
If you are a grocer, druggist, hardware dealer, tobacconist, clothier,
furnisher, jeweler any hind of a storekeeper you shouldn't wait
another day before subscribing to the Retail Public Ledger the new
twice-a-month periodical for merchants only. Subscribers say they
have been waiting for it for years. Not a trade-paper, but an inspir '
ing news-magazine that interestingly tells all sorts of things that
merchants want to know. Business problems salesmanship, buy
ing, accounting, the handling and training of help, credits, delivering, ,
advertising, collections the Retail Public Ledger tells how they ,
are all being solved in successful stores. Entertaining fiction dealing '
with the sentiment and drama of storekeeping, ancedotes, verse, pho
tographs, news of big movements for merchants' benefit three I
pleasant hours of entertaining, helpful reading in every Issue. Sub- I
scription price, 10 cents a copy, ONE DOLLAR a year (24 issues).
Just slip a dollar into an envelope, with your letterhead or name and
.f1i1ri.il nlainlv written, and it will b .ant on the first and third
Tuesdays of every month for a year. Address Retail Public Ledger,
220 Public Ledger Building', Fhiladelphla, Pa. Do it now!
AtReiiUlia. al New VorK. from Mar.eillf .,
March 4. with llfi.v men
lllunoppe Verdi, at New VorK. from Mar
cities, Martll .1 vlth 11)21 army personnel,
Ineluillng ,'asiinl .'ompaulfs Xos. un,i and
1UM2. e-enls ivaiiia.
Francescii. at Nev -VorK tnna Marseilles
Mat.h It. with In. is as'iala. in. liiUiim .'usual
1'omp.inv No 1112a I'ennsylvanla
Finland- at Vewport NVni, fiom .l
.-.i2alre. due .Vlar. h 24. with heauquar,ets
FlftJ-fifth I'.eld Altillerv Illlgade. Ilatteli
A un.l First ltiitlaH.ni Headquarters llalh
1'lebl Artillet . ahunl , ompanles No, ls:i
llhl.i. anil 1ST. .Vrlalisus ll.'uh Machine I luu
llattBllnn luiniilde dctaihinenl U-lll, Ma
ihlne llun lliittallon. 114th Field Artlller.
complete. Jiltt , onvales. ents. vlKht .asual'
; offt.-eis. tluee . ivlltans am) live field tleiki
-j,, ti,l :U7-J.
ro'nnectl. ul ili.t'leship. al Nettpuit i
from Ilrest. dut Man h 2.1. wllh ".18.1
I Hrlaa.le Ileailquarters. iK'lachmelit l.lilth '
1-leld Arillier' iota, i,n,.
Vermont a' Newport N'evvs. from llr. st
due .March 2ii, v-Hh 1:10th Field Artlllerj.
detachment 1.1.1th Field Artillery, total. 1214
No Splash or Drip
No Sink Compute Without Tbsa
Sold and Installed by
James J. Doody, Plumber
Not all the vessels that vyent
to Davy Jones' locker at the
hands of the ruthless raider
will be lost to commerce forever. Many sank in shallow water.
Others were beached, bow high on a friendly reef and stern
awash. These were the lucky ones destined to come back. And wire
rope wilt be their savior.
There are many methods of raising sunken
vessels. One i illustrated here. Practically
all employ wire rope slings in which the
vessel to be raised is cradlerL asapi
The U. S. Submarine F4 whrBY? acci
dentally sunk in Honolulu harfHfin 1915,
was recovered from a depth oTOOO feet
with wire rope.
Before the work wa completed a severe
storm snapped every rope but one. This
was a Yellow Strand Wire Rope of
Droderick & Bascom manufacture which
had already served three years at railroad
bridge construction on a nearby island.
This is the kind of super-service that B. &.B.
Wire Rope users are accustomed to.
There Is a grade of B. L B. Wire Rope that
will render you the limit of economical
Factories, St. LoUts and Seattle.
I- . . ,Uel&kbsfalrff , lr iiniiiinitfiLTOsTlia-atlV!. iiliiiili.,--' i i- -i - n,fiitiftiiiiUaiiWi1ifllinll-rf"'-"'-fc-A-- !'.?r.W.',ijrCjL,,,..lmJ'.H.':''J -. - - Et7- ,,f ll1tlMlMlliWliiililll'-j'