jrttfc . - ' ., fc" " IU- I iv :!t- tef iv li? I- w If 1 ft J a ,.m jesse t;vogdes, PARK CHIEF, DIES Engineer Succumbs at I mi vcrsity Hospital After Short Illness WAS 61 YEAR-SsOLD Children Were Especial Friends of Big Playgrounds Engineer .lpM P rtfTl1o 1...A.I t In llnn....l of Phllatlelphlans us tlie "boss" of Fair-1 mount Park, Is dead ' J Ho died early today at Hie Unlerslt Hospital after an Illness of tliroc weeks. ' Ho was slxtj-one jears old and vvlfl born ln this city. Mr Vogdes was Stricken 111 at his liomc. rtklReland, In Kalrmounl Park His condltloiiMiecame j Krrftrfially worse and he was removed to tho hospital jeslerday. Although he was, officially, chief engineer of the park, most of those who Nltcd Falrmount regarded htm as the general superintendent. He was familiar with eery nook and spot of Its ast area and look keen pride In limine rharge of the best park In the world. Thousands of automoblllstB and hoibe inen know the chief persqnnllv and the 'kiddles,' too, were also his Maneh f i lends On leaving school, ill VogileB bccninc a clll engineer, lie wbh appointed chief engineer and superintendent of Fair mount Park February II, 18D8. Al though a Republican, he never took ac tive part In politics He nui member nf the Merlon Cricket, Bachelors' Boat and Columbia Clubs, also of the Ma fconlc fraternltj. " to is survived by a widow, three tons and two daughters Aiiangeifcnts for implc rzz: r -I p :V j m: I. ilH' i h .,?:, k Lsm:VLsm-' $MlX& PUBLIC LEDGER-IHILADELPHIA,. TUESDAY, MARCH is, 1919 the funeral have not been competed L'lTALIA DICHIARA LE SUE ASPIRAZIONI GAETANQ POCCARDr Who has just been raised to the rank of Italian rotiful general, a promotion which brinRs the Italian consulate of Philadelphia to the same -rank as New York. Chcva lier Poccanli entered the consular serviie in 1899 when he was sent to Alexandria, Eg) (it. and has been in charge of the Philadelphia con sulate for the last four jears lussa 1 Italia mautenne II suo Itnpegno ed attacco' 'Austria nel termlne flssato. LA PROM07JONE DEL R. CONSOLE ITALIANO Richieste Sono State Pre bentate all Conferenza Delia Pace Published nnrt ni-trlbutM Under PEHMIT NO 341 Authored by th6 net of October ! '"IT. on fllo at the PoatoMcs ot Phll. delnhtH. Pa. By order cf tho Pr-ntdent A S BURLESON Poitmaster General i0i",n 'V c'n,!'lclmento lt)iendlamo die 1 lllutre Iteglo Console dl Philadel phia, ( av. fff fJaetano Poccaidl, con recente Decreto Iteale e' stato promosso Lonbole Generale c con altrettanta sod dlsfazlone Happiaino die rintegcrrlmo funlonarlo restMa' neU'l'llleln ill questa clttn che, Xonsequentemente, per la promozlonc del tltolaie vena' elcvn to u Consolato (ieneiale II CnV I'OCCaidl e' lialn In Tnrlnn ,,M ii.Ii'. e SJ '."ilfi"0' ' Legge nella ilettal V"" '"-' "'! m teguito au esame ,c.c?n!olso c"o". nel marzo del 1890, al Mlnlstero degli .ffarl i:ster! in Homa Per le spkeale quallta' die fanno del ,iv. loccarui tin runlonarlo apprez zitlcslmo. II Patlio (loverno gll ufflilo' ' sengite Impoiianti Incarklil ed uIIIlI. Hi I vice-Console In Alessandria d'Cgltto t a MnrsiirMn n TrtoUin t..nn..n t .. .' --r. ""i'lc. t I1IIU1IA - Uillllll,!, Promosso Console fu invlato nella lin portante sede dl Boston e poscla a r.a Plata, Argentina Chlnmato nuova niente al Mlnlsteio degll Kstcrl, i rl m.isn qualclm tempo e poscl.i enne r,?mln.'l!tV.a11 Important Consolato ill Philadelphia. 1',' stato reggente del Con. solato Oenernle dl New ork nell-epoi.i .ilellarrlvo della .Mlsslono Itallana con a capo s A It II Principe dl fdlne 11 $2.1; Pocordl e' lav.iliqre ullkl.ile del i !.2,r,'llne, ll'"a Corona d'ltall.i e del 1 Online del Santl Maurizlo e Uizzaro i una la parte sana della Colonla Itallana ill Philadelphia ha affressp con soddls, fnzlonc vlvlssim a la fronilozlonc Ven- York, 17 marzo Da un comunl cato dall'UmcIo Itallano dl Informazlonl. redatta In base ad un cablogramma utH clale, si apprende die, lo asplraziont Itallane sullo AlpI e 1'Adrintico sono ftate presentatc al'a Conferenza della Pace. Nel pre-enlaie le sue asplrazfonl I'ltnlla non soltanto ha splegato raglonl hullo quail toll asplrazionl ?ono fon date, ma ha dlmostrato che esse sono Isplrate da glustlzla, legalltae modera zlone. Ittalla vuolc che tutlt I' suol flgll oppressl dal giogo stranlero slano llbcratl, vuole la ricostltuzlone del l'unlta' nazlonale geograflcnmentec storl camente e avere Indispensablll garanzlo per la sua slcurezza in terra cd In mare T.'Italia nel presentare le sue asplra zlonc ha anche dlmostrato che esse pos nono reallzzarf.1 senza urtare I ltall In teressl dl altrl popoll. Porlgl, 17 marzo II Temps pub bltca. un artlcolo edltorlalc Urea 1c rl endIcaztonl Itallane II cul scopo rap preRenta la protezlone delle frontlere contro Invnslonl gerinanlche o la sltu izlone stabile sull'Adrlatlco per assl curaro la pace tra Itallanl e slavt, contrlbuendo ,i garantlro l'equlllbrio del Medlterraneo Trattnsl-dlce II fHnrnnht li ilro nl nnnnln ttnll.n soddlsfuzlone merltata al suol sacrlflcl o proya materiaie cue non ingannavasl ncll'entrare In guerra a flanco degll Allcatl. Lo domatide dell'Italla sono fondate u aigomentl etnlcl, geograflcl, storlcl n Btrateglcl. Ma per quanto rlguarda I'oplnlone pubbllca francese, e senza dubblo 1'lnglese, i e' I'eslstenza dl due trattatl che devono essora rlspettatl. II glornale rlcorda come 1'Itatla mal- grido luslnghe e- toncehsionl degll Im perl Central! abbla flrmato II trattato dl Iondra II 25 aprlle 1915. die la lecava alt'Intesa. Nonostante la catastrofe Imparts Lustre To the Teeth By absolutely and thoroughly 'cleansing the teeth from all de posit and stain SOZODONT re fines, and purifies tht teeth, gumi nd mouth. White teeth or yellow teeth show the evidence of refine Stent and purity after using FOR THE TEETH Liquid Powder or Pasts OLD BY DEALERS EVERY WHEM CIGARETTE RISE LOW Ienue Officials Say Cost Should j Not Increase 0er 1 Cent ' Following the report that controversy i had started in retail tobacco shopsNjvet prices resulting from the Increased tax I on smoking materials, officials of the Internal Itevenuc Bureau said today that to offset tho new tax any Increase be-' ouiiu unc utm in me cost or a box con taining ten cigarettes would be profiteer ing In the matter of cigarette revenue tax ation It was said that previous to Octo. ber 3, 191T, the tax was $125 on 1000 After tbat dale It was raised to $'05 and under tho recently enacted lavv" if was Increased to 13 per 1000, or an increase of nlneU-fUe cents on eveiv 1000 cigarettes. "' MaWson & DeMair? U15 Chestnut Street Opposite Keith's Theatre Buy Furs at And in our 73 Removal Sale A SALE of sucli saving importance is truly remarkable. Though next year's prices are bound to be higher, we reduce all prices to clear out our stocks before moving into our new store at 1215 Chestnut street. Purchate will be reserved in our vaults until next t all upon payment of a deposit, payments to be continued monthly during spring and summer. - - I Fur Coats i 120.00 Marmot Coat . . 58.00 130.00 Marmot Coats.. 74.50 145.00 Australian Seal. 79.50 175.00 Muakrat Coats.. 98.50 185.00 Australian Seal. 125.00 265.00 Hudson Seal .. .165.00 295.00 Hudson Seal .. .195.00 375.00 Hudson Seal .. .245.00 375.00 Squirrel 245.00 550.00 Caracul Coat . .365.00 1000.00 Broadtail 695.00 1500.00 Mink Coat . ..895.00 T ( Fur Sets 65.00 Nutria Sets 32.50 69.50 Black Fox 33.00 70.00 Hudson Seal .... 40.00 95.00 Taupe Wolf .... 47.50 100.00 Black Wolf 50.00 120.00 Skunk Sets 59.50 125.00 Brown Wolf .... 62.50 140.00 Taupe Fox 69.50' 140.00 Brown Fox 69.50 185.00 Beaver Set 125.00 295.00 Natural Fisher ..195.00 750.00 Hud. Bar Sable.. 495.00 YOne-HalFOff 185.00 Nutria Coats 92.50 220.00 Nutria Coats. ... 110.00 240.00 Nutria Coats. ... 120.00 260.00 Nutria Coats. .., 130.00 290.00 Nutria Coats. . , .145.00 330.00 Nutria Coats ..: .,165.00 : PURCHASING AGENTS' Scarfs For Spring Wear Greatly Reduced I 39.00 ,Taupe Fox 19.50 , 37.50 Brown Fox 24.50 39.50 Hudson Seal . . . 24.50 45.00 Taupe Wolf 29.50 52.50 Brown Fox 34.50 55.00 Seal Stole 37 50 60.00 Natural Mink . . . 39.50 95.00 Fisher 62.50 135.00 Hud. Bay Sable.. 89.50 145.00 Squirrel Stoles.. 98.50 145.00 Stone Marten ... 98.50 375.00 Silver Fox 245.00 ORDER--- ACCEPTED: Mason & DeMarvy 1115 Chestnut Street whitYfe' TOLNTING ji Exterior, interior, ft wood and china srloss naintinsr. frescoing, calci mine tinting, done by real ar tists with pure materials. Jet Our Estimate JAMEfi WHson&SonJnc, BOTH PHONES erkAlrirV. X MaPHMM Aug 'IM SaasJWv 4jNBlfeLB- I rNfSS&PSs 1 Taf V A I 1 J3g$&$ III (Opposite Keith's) Every New Spring Ha t Must Be Sold in Our Removal Sale Before Moving Into Our New Store at 1215 Chestnut Street Reductions on the Season's Newest Creations Never Known Before at the Very Start of the Season. 850-10M-12S0 Each Hat Worth a Third and More Than Our Special Prices. i Styles include, poke, mushroom, sailor, side roll brim, turbans, tarns, tricornes and various other wanted spring styles. Effectively trimmed with dainty flowei laurnt feathers, twisted .loops and ribbons. PUKCHASING AGENTS' nnilKits. AmiaPTKn '$Bk STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTr . jPgJal Announcements for To-morrow (Wednesday) - -M The War Taught Us Many Good Lessons The necessity for conservation during the war resulted in a number of more ot 'less mandatory recom mcndaticns from the Government which had a tremendous effect in abolishing wasteful practices and processes in production and distribution in almost every line of merchandise. Manufacturers and retaileis tlu'ouglwut the country, and, what is still more important, THE PUBLIC also, learned that the elimination of certain extravagant methods was MUTUALLY ADVANTAGEOUS, and that n.anv relorms adopted as war-time measures could be and should be continued as permanent peace-time policies. For example, the public now privilege of RETURNING AND- fully realises that the EXCHANGING MERCHANDISE Had" become a wasteful habit which, in the long run. was as expensive to th.2 customer as to the Store itself. Therefore, our customers will be vcrv glad ttT co operate with us in preventing a return to the too-free indulgence in the habit of returning goods, knowing that it ls.u; ,u'e l0 satisfactorily ADJUST ALL CLAIMS, whether the error is our own or the customer's. It is expecteH. of course that reasonable care shall have been exercised in select.on of merchandise, and it is also ex pected that when a customer has good reason to return any article, it shall be brought to the Store personally whenever possible to do so. and WITHIN THREE DAYS from time of purchase. tv This is One of the New Coats with a Suggestion of a Cape It is n smaitlv belted, closely-littetl Coat in the fiont, and has tho npple and swiiiK of a cape fiom the joke in the- back. Price $45.00. Some hang flee pom the shoulders and aie most becominjr and jrijl-i-h, otheis air- plaited in full effects, the fulne.ss con fined by a bolt These aie chieflly of poplins, seiccs and jratmidine, $20.00 to $55.00; and of Bolnia doth, nicotine and evoia. up to $75.00. Black, navy blue, and the fashionable taupes and tans. Mannish Top Coats Of two-tone mituie.s, in biowns, olives and ciajs; made in plain-tailoicd, mannish effects !20 0o"to $U7.oO. V MrnMVidse . I lollilcr s,.,nn(l Hooi ( dure The New Suits and Dresses are of Absorbing Interest The longer, closer lines in themselves aie of considetable" interest, although cery woman knows they are becoming, and then, too, so many new ideas hac been adanced this season: Dress Suits, $32.50 to .$8000 Suits of mrn'.s-woai seiges, gabardine, Poitet fit ill (11(1 1 IMA t !U . 1 llt 1 . I It I ...... .iu inuumiu; oeiieu, scmi-Delted, box, mouse i and close-fitted styles, trimmed with bvaids and but , tons, many viti tho flat silk braid which is so fash ionable; alho many novelt;, ests are shown, particu i lu.rl-Y 0' tncolette and khaki wool. All cty new and distinctive. The model sketched, $0.00. Suits in Extra Sizes . .Ianj of the models mentioned above have been adapted to the extras-full figuie, nnd aie being shown 'hcie in an excellent and satisfying vaiietv, and in the same tange of pi ices. Sports Suits, $32.50 to $55.00 Of jensev, in solid colois, of navy blue, plum, henna, reindeer artl blown; hcathei mixtures ofrtw rerior qualitj, in atti active coloi -combinations, in cluding blues, olive, blown tones, tan and Oxford. Ucltcd models in plaited effects with .substantial pockets, with buttoned laps, and notched or converti- ' Iiln nn I In i a n nmnn .. i ..... 1 1 . .v. .,..,, nz-iuy suugiy at tne mroat. Men's-wear Serge Suits, $27.50 m-id.n'i!,!0!1 S!".tN f men,'s-woar seige, in navy blue and black; V" it ,p In i L m?lt" fanously plaited; also some flaring from the waist-line and models with coats in the new box effects. - Mnnbrlilpt. . (.Inthlpr Soronrl Floor Market Street Lovely Silk Dresses, $25.00 oi, ?f la,,eia- untl tjTeta combined with cicpe Georgette, made in nmh,;.r,,C,inUnce am ft'.'C 't-line styles; some beaded, son e pretti y omhroideicd; one model k finished with narrow nlaitines- several mo.lols have daint.v white collars of Swiss or cepe GeorgeUe. Navy blue, plum color, taupe, gta.v, Belgian blue and black in the collection. Silk and Satin presses, $19.75 encash ?hrfad,ehte A"liSi. n ? " ' some aie hmshed with stvl.Vh liltle vestee and colla,:"0"8 New Tub Frocks SI 6.30 to $45.00 --' urnui. t i .ilhlrr Se.ond 1 loor Centre, Ufl- r Men's Hart, Schaffher & Marx Suits in California and Spring Weights $28.50, $32, $34.50, $38.50 Four exceptional groups each piesenting unusual opportuni ties for substantial savings. Our reset vation of the fabrics was made in June. 1918 remainders nnd single pieces, in quantities in sufficient for Hart, Schaffner & Marx to sample to their customeis secuied at a price-concerbion and held for us to be made up for this season. Therefore, these Suits ate equnl in every way to Suits in this spiing's regular lines at prices ranging fiom $35 00 to $30.00. A great variety of styles youthful and conseivative single- and double-breasted, in many excellent fabrics S28 oO ?U2,00, $34.50 and S38.50. ' '- S"Hbnds;" 4 I lotlncr Sr(oml Hour r. lit Golden Special To-morrow 500 Boys' New Spring SUITS At $7,65 P DAILY SPECIALjW we is SDrlni"suksBfor hnvrlf,y- "ttl,d-clne Mic-span new lot of handsome n&,i m I y ' t0 17 CJ,S' t0 le sold under the illumin- ONE-HAl ' F a'iORE "VLfT"0 nt 5'-6VWORTH ALMOST , " "Ai.r Jiuttt. lhey aie well made, of excellent chevint in brown and giay mixtures; full-lined Kn ckerbockew, some wi h double seat and knees. We expect to sell the entire lot of e hun dred to-monow rfo'( mist thh opportunity. Slr,,M,r,.lM j. l-loihlpr .sMnj rioor Fllhrt hlreo . Ea5t Now Is the Time to Plant Your Rose Bushes and Shrubs the count! v. ers. un- BOSTON BABY GRAND PIANO A ?11ISitPrniPPO nf fltlO ftt'll,ni mtllin rnnlvnifinm .i II t.- . . ...w-w. "vw wi . ..1 T(W1 IW (! til lip I.HIUUI1J lllfci Mil II1C Ull" excelled tonal qualities of the grand piano, yet small enough in bue to fit easily in the nverage apaitmcnt ot home. The Henry F. Miller Baby Grand Piano is four foot ten inches long and foui feet six inches wide, and is in a highly artistic design which m.ikcs it a desirable addition to the furnishings .of any home. The case is of handsome dull-finished mahogany. The Price is $700.00 Suitable terms of payment can be arranged unci vour old upright piano will be taken as part payment. Descriptive cata logue will be sent on request. These I'i inns am hold In 1'hll utelplilu and vlclnltj onh ,it tills More, 'he Henry F Jllller Piano Co branch, furmerl at 1105 Chestnut Street, having lieen discontinued II Children's Rompers Special at 95c rff-- Motheis will be delighted to fin d such values in Rompcrb for chil dren 2 to 5 years old. Unusual designs of sturdy plain chum bray, white madras, or sttiped galatea. os illustrated. All buttoned in fiont, with stiaight legs. Uompeis, one-third lar value 95c. Vr-V Htrn bridge (. Clothier Third Kloor VV e We have jut leceived a dlge shipment of thousands of fine two-.veai-old hauly Hose Bushos. from one of thr. lnlnn. ., . lhey will be icadv foi selection to-monow morning: I'erxian V ellou .Moss ItoscH (pink, uliite and red). CLIMBING ROSES American Heaut (carmine) oroth PerKlnH (red and pink). Haltlrnore Hell (white) i ellovv Ilnmbler Shrubs, Vines, Etc. ?i.7i a duzen. AU These at 20c each; $2.00 a dozen htrawlirliUe S. Clulhler llflh 1 (,r West R0SC BUSHCS Vinciiiun Ik.iut) (i .11 mini) Kllliiinej (pink and while) Ivarl Hi i:st hi I (puic whltei 1. 1 uis an I'eplltz (n.nlcl) l.a n inie (sllvei lose) ViiKUst.i lctoil.c (soft pcrtrlj while) nrollne Teste ut (h.ilnion pink) Central Jacqueminot (hrllllant crlni on) Oenernl WiiFlilnRinn (line ( I inion) Mrs Jihn l.alnt,- (brlKht pink) niil Nevron (dcen rose) llrlih Urunner (die) i red) Also Vciretable anH tois, etc. 1Kr e.i, h Wlstnrla Vlthea (while, red and pink) iMirbv thin, tiolden Hell Snrw Hall Lilac (unite and purple) Wetcella Mdr.iiiffea Hone suckle (lematls CP.ntilr.nLi tn t'lemiills oil. white and pink) Flower Seeds, Rakes, Hoes, Spades, Cultiva- -.- hlrawl-ndee S. Clothier H.lsi-mMlt Very Unusual Value in Mercerized Poplin j 28c Plain Colors; 27 inches wide ' A remarkable lot of SIX THOUSAND YARDS of Colored Met censed Poplin, one of the most desirable spring fabrics for women's and children's dresses. In light blue, navy blue medium blues, gray, heliotrope, pink, old rose, reseda green and dark irreen WORTH ONE-HALF MORE than this pricc-28c a yard rt-V Binmbridge . Clothier l'llbcrl Street Crons Al.le Q5i r-v-s iwrpu under regu- The Sale of Children's Sample Shoes High Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps and Slippers at an Average Saving of Almost One-half rRri,h!tf?fn,fgSaleofSa,eShoesforINFANTS' CHILDREN, MISSES and LARGE Si"8 -morrow ,vith than 2503 pairsthe sam , j f J itua manufacturers Parents look forward to this event as a very welcome opportunity for sav ing money on their children's footwear for Easter and the spring and Tsummer season: Infants' Sample Shoes $1.95 i Misses' Sample Low Shoes-$3.15 Samples of $2.50 to 4 00 grades. White buckskin Samples of S4.30 to $7.00 grades OXFORD nH and canvas, tan calf and black kidskin; button and lace j PUMPS; white buckskin; white canvas, paten Tether styles. Sl7PH .'. nnrl A L .,.,.1 . : :- .. r. .. i tun iinrl fritn.mof.,1 lf c: in .r.. . " oiic 10, ion anu 1, a and styles. Sizes D widths. und 4 ', and some in size 0; C and Children's Sample Low Shoes $2.45 CiimnlAH .r frn ei . r nn i... . - . , f.. . II -"""f' " 9-J.ou to o.uu qualities. AWK.LK TIES, Men S OtlirtS M PUMPS anii OXlroRDS: white nubuck and canvas; I nlHi'lc nnri rnn rnlf fJnL- b Now at 95c Former Prices Were One-third More Reduced because they ure remaindcis of lines and broken lots which we desire to clear avvay quickly. VhWous good shirtings and an assortment of patterns and colors to please the most fastidious taste. Early inspection is advised. Htrau bridge It Clothier Knt Blore. Elulith atrfct Sizes black and tan calf, black kid and patent leather. u, uVi, 7, 10 and 10, B, C and D widths. Children's Sample Shoes $2.95 High Shoes in button and lace styles. White buck skin and canvas, tan and black calf, patent leather and blek kid; sizes 7. 7, 8, 10 and 10J4, B, C and D widths. tan and gun-metal calf. C widths. Misses' Sample Shoes $3.45 , 4 High Shoes, in button and lace styles. White buck'. skin and canvas, tan calf and gun-metal calf, patent leather and black kid. Sizes 13, 13 and 1, B, C and Large Girls' Shoes $3.95 and $4.45 OXFORDS AND PUMPS, samples of ?5.00 to $9.00' grades, at $3.95. High Shoes, button and laces sam-i pies of $6.00 to $10.00 grades,, at $4.45. The collection includes white buckskin and canvas, black nun-metal and tan calf and kid leathers. Sizes 3, 4 and 4. anu V W1UU13 Bring the children to d6 fitted if possible, or be sure of the size required. We eannotV f1A!llfrss nni- nnn tva fill fnU.,t.nnn .....,. " ' -uvir sell to dealers, nor can we fill telephone orders. -,- - Strabrld i Clothier Eighth and Filbert SfreeU Market St. Eighth St. Filbert St. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER jt n.t Market & Eighth atjj'i Filbert ST 1 Sfl W S ! w ! m ? .