js 348 v ;ww v , hi StfSZ - ,tf v& r& n- J i ' I in T Ebeniftg $ubltc fodijer i , -1! ' "f ,- r I .'".' .' ;v' 1 TT) ' PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 18 -1910 ,, Yesterday's Spring-like Sunshine and Warmth Pictorially Portrayed by the Camera-man if" - j -fm0mmr i THE KNITTER in the sun and the younger generation in a white coach, quite indis putable proof that balmy breezes aie wafted through the park. (.AM. OF 'I HK I,AULlEis'l incontestable signs of the coming of spring is the uppemancc of the hunbathers the public squares. The park benches were in demand yesterdaj. I hoy wore excellent vantage points vatch lei.suielj the world go bj or to peruse, perlrip?, the newspaper that some one has left behind. ""! ' liMiiimmi , mill i I gu i i an im p v, imhlM mm I - w -v. , &&ftfttMMMKilMlMMMMMMMyKKfejit WSK. -7 - .tXHitoLri9PJ '.MuuHMMMMMMl 19 mi Sis-v .,.,...jitgP"M F rlMMFffT h -v.MWiBBBMa;i:MiiMMPJPJPJ . jr PWPnfel3W'AM!MFri ' t X. vAj MMKmmSk j$RMf 'W 9H1 '9MfllMMMi9-MnHHlKwHMMPBfMVlMMMMMi iiWlr-S wSrliaBB?r "lHMrVMMMl IXalMMKlS xrimimmtgmm4?,fflimBmmmmm - !? 1KMMK -' " iMHiJWBBBraHBBBW' MMMH ' 'V.vMM RVk PW1 - MMJr Mr VMMMMMMv V " MMBSraBf "S iii!f BsSnMWMBlHHMf - .MMMWf I MmKm "'m'? MMLRfBEnHMML.- -, 'MMMMV ""MMl PHaf flfff aV V IHHBMfMHMMHH - F 3 '--; "lVWiHnMBiMHHMK R5Sifc..'-i. msaKr . 'B:Sv MV'MVJ r.v xvaMMMMMMBEMBBSMBMMMl .- -. r iv . ; ?r - ?BMfa..KMM"BP?, t.'ArfJ""M' ' j f- WMM7 sWfcW"- ,. - t w ,.,t. i 4 . . J ', 'v s. '"j.u ' JrOt .llBrlBBH ! V . W V - v '.. .-Sik V ',t "W, 3iml?f SiPsiS - imMRiT MJ?rlBf; n-, w MMMBMPABMHHMHMMBJMBMB1 v YT -':. s-' - " . "HMMMl rCT-vrSS?S?' MRv J3i?ilWE3RP -&!.. MMfSaRifS ,-v 'ii- vMMMMMe9HHMUMMMMMMMHH5 V x Jjr , o IMMPFyMii KgsreiwiBteMlBHBf; . y? 4'V'r nHERw t. MMHMMMHMHHMMMMMPMMV f ZZZZIZ ------. s I F , V' '" '!- -' -;,': tv .t-JUi'-f "-j;yA ' ."v,Jv?rt--U " j - . b ' -'t.ftj( WITH THE MERCURY touching 7!J degrees, winter overcoats were excess luggage on 1 Cheystaut street yesterday. THREE YOL",'G FISHERMEN and a bottle of wiggling bait who felt the first-call of springtime and hurried to the river's bank to test their angling luck. THIS YOUNG LADY is carrying her fur neckpiece but yesterday was almost summer enough to 'wear it. lineal m ww in ma i mwhj wmm ! 535 1 N "Hm1m11mmS! PHI - 8mh ' -- jm I?giilillBMM,MlMMBlBaiSS."'BM"M mmB MMMJ- 'J'Jmt f - C a ; ; ' ' ' "' , , , II 'J I READY TO WAIT ON hundred? of soldiers, sailors and marine at the Benedict Service Club, 1010. Market street, formally opened by the National Catholic War Council on Sunday. The store building in which the club is situated consists of five floors, three of which are used as dormitories. On the first floor is a cafeteria. The second floor is used as a recreation hall A PATRIOTIC, son of Erin. Joseph J. Conley, with his American and Irish flags and trumpet, cel bratinj; St Patrick's 'Day trumpeting a salute to thoiBnrry statue in Independent Square. il .1 i 4s! A' ', h W'Vf s - f n - ,"J II. '1 i .s.a ". f'i1. ji!; -, ! 1 I ''t 'I '' (L. "? n? t - i "Til' i -. iV' fi ,m. -it T .'fji ru " jDvJK. s'. . . likk4'..