SFrF'' vt7 BMMBMI H III Mill 1 y HJM1MmM illliin iiii1iIIM , , -t 'w'TOrnafJVWWraPr tfliiffj 'm!im:im,j7Trr v" 77 r. ,2" v.", i j v-Vl w- 'vTTtM'?j'''R.fflrr'"' '' . ,Mt, - . " V, iMPWffHBfl & , , ' i4v ",," 1 I 51 ETENINCf PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAKOH 18, 1910 2ffi GUMPS The Best of Friends Must Part Coprrlrht, 181, br Th Trlbum c. By SIDNEY SMITH NELL- if UooKs MKE SH"b QOKtr KONE-AT LA5T SHE NENTQOOD VNNlLtSHE WAS KERE- 'SHS-CANVfc WIITW A ,REE& SUITCASE., A TOOTH BRO&H AMD W.SWAWL jt . fr-w" jy.-W' poiues of Is) ( - 'an AoroNogiLy 1'L.U BfcT;TH& PBOFLEr DoWf VrV B LOOM in YON. VNIL.L YNiNK SHE 'aTfcUCKfojL ) SHE'LL 'LOO WELL TOTTIS; OFFyroCMUfccHUNTNfc MORNmCr ntvTthvt tooth L&sb-won oe-Vll-drese'up in That PRl IN Or ALfe E fcT COAT ' V0DEL-IS7tj- WITHTHbCLOTN ALL OF-F TRE- BUTTON 5 rD- ALL OF-F TRE- BUTTONS YM NT PLAf GROUND FOf ' WOtHS - - c ' tr i (sTo wr Ills U2$c v(V VVlTKXfKAT, UYTLE "E.FLAT HAT AN 0 THAT CELL U -OID COLLAR- f ELLfcW AOUNh THEEDfc?E - fHE ENDS S0 FAR APAS-T, ITHfcV LOOK.LKF THBS'E- KAO,AT ECH OYHEfc- A'ndTtHAT LITTLE BLACK PlRErAAN TlE.WtTH TNfe R-UBBETHAT CfOE ABOUND "THE- COLLAR. BUTTON AND HOP INTO PUAE ' ITLLLOOK. UKE ULUAN RUSSELL WP - NAT VvlELLS y xf sr ,i &bMEY , The Young L.dy Acroi (lie Wy 4j' $? PETEY Evidently He Looked More Pickled Than Tanned liu C. A. VOIGHT A This TaJ. ) s V WiffliSl " ' C AT THAT crsaTorc I SAc'wotviP A? it"" - I TiSETamvboovA V TnpeViil diss appeal , V i y.iylj7tl t( ((TVffiw. i,m mil i jv'f I Ml The ouriK Indy across the way ns Bhe sa In the paper that Cap- I tain Lddle Ilickenbacker wore nine citations and she supposes one has ' to drcn warmly up there. 4 ! MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES I K.W : WiTHTK KEVS HAN&IM- OH TU NAIL JTfcBAR j WeSWOT UtWOttOCU CHAWCtOP "J vD IMTOTW V BOTt. Cut out the picture on all four sides Then carefully fold dotted line 1 Its entire length, Then dotted line J, und bo on. Vjld caUi section underneath, accurately. When completed turn over and joull find a surprlslns result. Sav the pictures. His Bitter Answer 'Tim tnali I marry must have common sense'" sho said nought llv 'lie won't!" he replied bitterly. -Answers. DUG OUT 01' THE TRENCHES THE TOONERV1LLE TROLLEY By VONTMNE FOX SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG k The Sketch Old Lady still a little fearful of aii 1 aids, despite the armistice) I suppose jou hae neveral dug outs In the town? The Boatman Lor' bless yer, mum, the place's snaimln wlv 'em 'ere's one comln' along now THE DELAYS OF DEMOBILIZATION I jpijfsiPiipSi wj$- London Opinion, "Well, Dill, what are you going td dd when you sets demobilized? "Live on me pension, of courBe? "You don't think yer goln' to get a, pension from the army, do yer?" "No, not the anny old age pension, I mean." MUST BE TRUE, THEN JwBBgHIa lam j 1 London Opinion. t. Counsel (to bookmakei) Will you swear that? ' Bookmaker Swear It? I'll do more than (hat; I'll Jay you six THAT5 THE POSE -SKIPPER., KEEP Your HEAD STlLU VJ""2 Htr !?5iW ir Jv lliLSrlyir - ASS i aw There is going to be SOME RAU FUN WHEN THE SKlPPEK SEES THAT PICTURE INTO WHICH SIM EVARTS SNEAKED UP PROM 0EHIND VITH THAT INSULTING SIGN. PSfcc- - - "CAP" STUBBS-Myrtle's Sammy's Girl Alright By EDWIN A ' SAME'S nlRTLE'5 EAtf! JAMrT'i nVfiTLE-3 3EAU! 7I VIE AWT1! -l ftifu-r: TTfit hates HER! 5HC5 TM'BtG&EST. 6uru- e-i Pt (Ml S 1. ri i i - l . s .. SHE'S TH1 FRECKLETjESTn" OLE-1 -t--t- 1 iirir-ir -jj .--M I 1 rymKi V 1 sS'ri J"W5r i KxT "ivfelf ;; 1 ' Wlf H'tmV Tw JR.l 'VJrV. '-VSv 1 Vfvi Ml 'Hivn I W9 CoirvA, W,l "it ii XI r a. r; to, lour about, it. I nil mini a L.LI 1 .hL fi 4' i ;:." m i fl f t. fi - Vrf'l" " i 3f iML-r -,x wa&larfteiiiiLa 2ik w.' JUU IU-J1-IJ jM-J-L-J 1-XJ t.litlllll.