mxyvvrm PiH WiRW',--". r' vlMiiWSiT'il:VW.!TRWWfFf.flMlftcJlA,v,'''i5't ,1?v'AT9?!liSaKffflBWIHIHlMBIM h.PrW ,, DEATHS .DETERS. March 10. JOHN C. husband f Albertlna. Oruel Oeiers. aged 73. Rels. tivti end trlfndf, Hermann Lodge, No. 12R, F, and A. M. i all other organisations of Which he was a member, InUted to funeral aervlces, Wed., 2 p. m., residence 1450 N, .6th at. Int. private. PATTERSON. March in, MARY A PAT 7ER80N (ne Foul, wife of nobert Tatter, on, nelatlvea and frlenda Invited tn fu neral services, Thura., 2 p. m.. 2523 N. Franklin at. Int. Oreenmount Cem. lie xnalna ma h vutvert Wed.. R tn 10 n m. .VUIt-l.irS. March If.. THOMAS JVAMb PHILLIPS.. husband of late Kat chllllps (nee finally). Relatives i nnd frit athrvn friends. hila. tx,d. No 1. II I'. O R . Invited tn funsral, Weil.. :l)n a. m.. 02,1 Locust at. Solemn requiem mix St. Carthage's Church ... "j "it- Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. POLBT. March in. RQllERTA n., daugh ter, of late Adam and irargnret J. Poley. nelatlvea and friends invited to funeral 1 ervlcea. Wed,, 2 p. m.. MHO Master at, nt. Ml. Morlah Cem. Itemalna may be Wiewed Tiles, eve, niCHAItDSO.V, March 10. RACHEL r . wife of Amos Richardson, nged 75. Heir, flvea and frlenda Invited tn funeral services. Andalusia, Pa.. Thurs., 2 p. m. Int. All 'Balnts Cem. Torresdalc. . RITCHIE. March IS. At.MA Tl . daugh ter of late John ami Mnry llltchlc (nee o. jeell), nged 18. llelatlvea and friends, M. V, M. Soldallty, Sacred Heart Society of St. Ann'a Church, employes of U. R Tire Co., Invited to funeral, Wed.. 8:30 a. nj,, residence of aunl. Elizabeth dwell. Snos Memnhla si Solemn renulem mads ft. Ann'a Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathe. dral 1 Cem. Auto funeral. - .. . KCHKLLENOER. At Wt Berlin. N. J. JIarch in, ANNIE C widow of Jeremiah Schellenger. aged KB. nelatlvea and friends tr.Vlfeil tn funarat ,vl Wed 4! tl. tn.. -Jlii. '-!" j--". ... "Y'.:.',.VV. '" '..7 '.' ,,--' to wornceoi son, nan scnelianger. wtai tier. .. j. mi. iierun tjem. 1'n.tln leaves fsjrlcet Pt. ferfv 12:2.1 p. rri. Buiiwr;:vi.EUER. March in. riiAiu.ti? J., husband of Emma K. Hchoenleber (nee Bauer), nelatlvea and friends, members of the Delaware Temnle. No 21. O. nf l A.: rsuau.emploj'ea of Hoopes Townaend, Invited to ""iFvln, -t-....-.. ... Ini Vt- U'IMju V(..hD, (-IU1I.., at l, ill., ,-, ... ...,-. at, Int private, Oreenmount Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed. eve. . SCHULT7,. March 10. WILLIAM, son nf late Ljnu .and George Sehultr. aaed 41, Rel atives nn-1 friends Invited to funeral services. Thura., 2:31 p. m . residence of sister. Mrs. Anna .Adams. nniO Cnllowhlll at Tnt. Mt. Merluli Cm,. Itemalna may bo viewed Wed. m. 8HANAIIAN. March 17. THOMAS 13 . !rr., aon of Thomas E. and Matilda Khnna tan, aired d years, nelatlvea and friends nvlted to funeral. Thurs.. 2 p. m , parents' residence. 2nd 8, nnd at. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. SHARP. March in ITIVIN. son nf Hush nd Mary Sharp (nee Dates), aged .in. Reln llves and friends Invited tn funeral. Wed., J P. m., 7408 Montour at Km Chase. I'bllu, Int. private. Lavvnvlevv ("em. SHAW. March 17. DAVID n . husband of Lena M. Shaw (nee HnubT), need 17. Fu nernl and Int. prlvale. Wed. n. m . 137 Mce han ave., Mt. Airy. 8HELMmE. Third Month 14th,nLANCHB C. (nee Jorden), wife of Horry L. Shelmlr. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral, Thlrd-dav. IPlh. 2:30 n. m.. residence near Huntingdon Valley. Pa. Int. nrivate, Hor sham Frlenda' around. Autos will meet trains leaving Trenton 11:55 a. m. and Readlnc Terminal 1:U2 p. m. at Retbayrej Station. SHUSTEn At roatesvllle. Pa.. March 17. SELENA DOAN. wife of Edmund 1,. Shuater and dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Toung. nelatlvea and friends Invited lo funeral, without further notice, Thurs.. 2 . m.. frnm parents' residence, 1214 Kast Incoln Hhrhway, Contesvllle. Pa. Int, private) at South Laurel Cem. SIMMO.NDS. March 11. TJMMA. wlfa nf Frederick T. Slmmondu and dauzhter nf wiuiam ana renericKa Hcnwenier, aited 20. nelatlves and friends invited to funeral. Wed.. 3 p. m,. 27H2 N. th at. nemnlns rnay De viewed lues., i to u p. m. int. Belvue rem., trlvate. Auto aervlce. HLIFIiR. March 10. Dr. LEVI It. BLIFKH. husband of late Hannah M Sllfer tnee wu-soni. nue notice nr runerai will be lven frnm 42.10 N". flroad at. 8SIYT1I. MMrch 17. KI.LA. wife of Oenrire 11. Smyth and datic-hter of late Alex ander nnd Marifftret McCov Helatlvea and rrienaa inviien to runerai aervicea. wed o. m. h22 JJ IDIh at. Int. nrivate. SNTDUIt.- March 17. CAnniR A.; wife of Blmon C. Snyder (nee Mnverl. naed 50. Hel atlvea and friends invited tn funeral services. Thura., 2 p. m.. husband'a residence. 7300 move nve. uoxDorouKn. int. private. SOUTH. March 15 MAIIY ANM SOIlTlt. aged 71 llelolhcs and friends Invited to funeral, without further notice, residence of cnariea uuerr. sycamore at.. Newtown, ra., Tuea.. 2 n. m. Int. Lnnnhorne Friends' Burvlna: Ornunds. Conveyances will meet tronev lenvine irenton l p. m. state jt. nnd Washington ae.. Newtown sTnNaRrt March 17. Aunnur n.. hus. Band nf Nanml Stentrer (nee Lautzl rteln. tlves and frltnds. membera of Wliartnn Kcnooi. i. oi i'. v-iflns loin, invitrn to ru nerai sei-vlcea Thura.. 1 n. m.. 193ft TV Huntlnadnr. m. Int. private. Hillside Ceml Itcmains may i" vieweu ivin , n to lit p m. TEMPLE JIarch 15. K.VTHBTM It mil. PLE (nee Wilson), wife of Joseph W. Tcm. pie. affed 41. Helatlves and friends Invited to lunerai wen., a. m., rrom tuiz w. Columbia ave. Solemn reoulem mass at St, Jrialachl'a Church, 10 a. m. Int. private. thoiias. aiarcn in. syijicy a.. nn f Thomas C. and Alberta Thomaa. aced 3 days, nelatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu neral, wen., a p. m. resinencc ol parents. U1 v.. Schiller at Int. urcenwood (K. or p.l cant. TlIOjrPSON'. March 17. CHARLES E. THOMPSON, atcd 70. nelatlvea and friends. Post No. 37. O. A. P. : Cnmden nellef Learue, Cnrlnlhlan Lodtre, No. 1, Shield nf Honor, nnd Fidelity Lodee. No. 3, A o, u. V,t Invited to services, Thurs., 2 p. m.. 700 wrieni ave., uraaen. i. J. int private, Arilnnton Cem. Friends may call Wed., 7 to THOMPSON. March 10. WILLIAM r husband of Marcery n. Thompson, opred 34. Beiatlvea and friends. John Morlln Council, No. 20, Jr. O. U. A. M. ; Penn Treaty Coun. ell, No. J07. D. of L., of Phlla., Invited to funeral, Thura., 2 p. m., father-ln-law'a reatdence. John Prader, Mantua. N. J. Serv- irea at nouse. int. txio j-enowa' Cem. Fhila. Auto aervlce. THOpEN. March 17. F.LStK THOREN wife of Otto Thoren and dnuchter of Her man and late Katherlne Dlleheinier, aited 20. Relatives and friends. Washington wmp, io. nil i-. ki. ni a., ana tienenclal tlnlon. No B0. Invited to funeral. Thurs.. p. m . 523 N. 4th at Int. (Ireenmount Cem. Frlenda may call Wert, after 7 p. m. TOI1IN. March 10, MART A . wife of Georae V. Tobln (nee CnwrfenV rtelallvoB and frlenda Invited to funeral. Wed., 0:3n a. m., un w. iuscuium at mm st. and Jlieneny ave.j. jtian mtifca oi renuiem St. Veronlca'a Church 11 a. m. Int. Holy Sep tilchre Cem. Auto funeral. TOIHN. March IB. THOMAS .r . hiisknn of Margaret F Tobln (nee Stewart), son of noae a, ana taie t-nrisiupner ionin. Kela flvea and friends Invited to funerai. Wed. T:oo a., m., residence or mother, oini Walnut at., West Phlla. Solemn mass of requiem St. Carthage's Church 0 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto aervlce. TRIPPLE. k resldenco of brother. Harrv L,. 'iripnie. I'iw .". ;:atn St.. JIarch 17, MARION ELI'AnETH. daiiahter of uta Henry C. and Elizabeth C. Trlorle. Notice of .funeral later. ULLUEno. March 17, JIARIE, widow of August Ulberg. aped 70. Services Thurs., 2 ?. m. sons reqiaence, le.-o w. untario at, nt. private, Mt. Peace Cem. WALTON. Suddenly, at Kartmrth Ti March 18. SARAH A. WALTON-. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tuea.. 8:80 p.m., residence of Mrs. Josephine Vial.M, Itnl W. r'nltifnhta ava In. ....,. t.w,.. m. . ww.-...v. .b, ,,,,, i,ii,rtii;i Wed. morning. WErnHTMAV Xlnrrh In tBWMIe r wife of Isaac Welshtman. Relatives ami frlenda Invited to services. Thura.. 2:30 p. m 240 Mill t.. Darby. Pa. Int. Mt. Mo rlah Cem. Friends may call Wed. eve., after WELSH. March 1. ELIZABETH H . Widow of Peter J. Welsh. Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Thurs., 0:30 a. rt., S025 N. 35th st. Solemn requiem mass nr unai-ars unurcn v:su a. m. int. west- I .....minster Cem. Auto funeral. ir""" WETHERRTINE. Feh. 1B P,l,-.. t - 'irJ-i-. i-.i- ,..-... -" ....n.u v jiahhi nAit.iiciK. agea i, or nneumonla, mi jrrance, son oi iiarry ana francos o. Wetheratlne, 228 Hansborry at,, Qerman- tnwfl. WETZEL. March IB, at Washington. JO )EPK P.. husband of EUla Wetzel (nee frosaly). aged 41. nelatlvea and friends. Emerald Benf. and Literary Asso. ; Plate 2-xiniera vjiiiuii, iiritfiL-n io, inviien 10 ZU- neral. Thurs.. 7:30 tn.. residence of mother. Mra. Susanna Wettel. 2530 N. Han. rock at. Solemn reouiem mass St. Honlfa- f iui ujiurcn v a. m. ini, rio.y iteaesmer cem. atjio tunerai. WIEDERSEIM. March 17. WILLIAM A. W.. aged 70. at 2033 Spruce at. Due notice tff funeral will be alven. WIOFALIj. March 10. niCHARD. hua- iand or Auguata wigrau inee Wenlger), aged 47 Residence, 2820 Overlngton st., Brldesburg. Due notice of funeral will be given... LOST AND FOTTND BANJO Lost, a banjo In black case, vlcln M lty of B4th and Race, about 730 p. m. Frl jay eve,: liberal reward when returned to Tlinmas McConnell, 437 niBhter at.. Wlisa hickon Pa. PIN 150 reward: lost. Thursday. March 1S. Philadelphia or Germantown. diamond bar pin. 2 Inches long, platinum and gold set ting, eafaty claapj return to 28 W. Walnut lane. Qermantown. or 115 Chestnut st. PERSONALS I WILL NOT bo responalblo for any debts iniess contracted br myself. contracted br myself. JOHN W. V.. SCOTT. 830, E. Mt. Airy ave., Germantown, HELP 'WANTED PEMALE -... ' ... BOOKKEEPER Tho Public Ledger Company desires the e-rvlces of Mn experienced bookkeeper: splen aid chance for advancement. Apply 8th anf Chestnut ata. Ask fee Mr. Wleat. piCTAPHONE' operator; must be capable atenographer: apply by mall, giving e. terlenc and salary expected. Addresa Mr. Koaenhelmer, the Briber Trunk and Bag Crt., 1041 N, Hancock at. pICTAPHONB. OPKRATOrt and tyolst. .knowledge of shorthand an asset. 1411 Wideneir Bldg. , DRESSMAKEn wants waist and skirt fin Isners: aled Improvers short hours and long season. (Apply 1801 'Locust at. CrtESSMAKEU wants flrat-elaas waist v filter. for high-class trade: long aeason: -ajaod salary, 1 532, ; ledger Office. BV aewlna in Christian family. Call 'Wood ff, land 5588. ' . T!9MAKERS -Waist, aldrt and .!... finberai alsn apprentices and Improverail A'iwUd whllo'leirnlm-, Ait,U 1100. Locust st;! . I . VJ ' . T .PPIWijlfJlHUUI HELP WANTED PEMALE OirtL for geherat housework. 6(103 Lnwntnn "ii rK i.ane, i-nnne oaK Lane iBri j. UIRLS. white, 2. wanted for Atlantic CIW for general housework experience unneces- "i ppiy nut fliaraet at.t rnna, GIRLS experienced on fancy leather goods. GOVERNESS, French, wanted; over 30 -eara or age; mut have good references for two-yenr-perlod with previous employers. Apply by mall only to Mrs. Elsie Casiatt Stewart, Haverford. Pa. GOVERNESS to take care of 2 boys, aged n and 8 vearsj must have reference. Phone Mrs.A.P. Wetherlll, Ardmore 20 J. HOIJHEWORK Olrl for small adult family; wllh city references fall nt R70 N. 23d LADIES Take, work hntne; leisure hours transferrin patterns; J.s, hundred) not e perlenced pay for patterns to learn. 6113 Market, 1 A ITVnnii-fiS rmniiLMi wTtTniiviwTtv AvAslllNri 4 2m'TxJ. SiTM'rftrqT PFRMA VFVT rAV i ''Trkn Vifnvrviti avR w pii" HADHKLIJ A I... 'I . 'Ill l,A OPE1IATORS steadv. all-lhe-year-rnund . Initiative, hlgh-nrade man willing to demon work for glris nver 10 nnd wnmen In mod- strate bv ni'itinl enls own tHnes tnr the em. iip-ln-date factnrv liulldlnx: Ideal loea- positions aalnri' nnd bnnus. ran nrrnnge In- tlnn for West rhl1aite1nila vtrta ntt Bi-mitnl nf close proxlmltv to subway. Raring, Lan caster ave . Darby. Spruce, Doltlmnre ave. nnd Sorlnnr Garden bridge surface lines: op erators wanted In the assembllnsr deparl- niwiii. vmcre inp wnrn la Hint ann cienn. aisn on presses, tappers and other IlKht ms chlna. For details call nt factory office. II. T Palate fn.. 3;p Arch st SALESLADIES WANTED; THOSE WITH WAIST K-XPF.ntENCF, PREFERni'.n. APPLV NEW ToniC WAIST HOUSE. 1230 CHESTNUT ST. MAID wanted for ladv. willing tn assist nursn wun (iiilrlren. permanent position ennd wages In rlaht person Wrltn Cnpt, Knnwllnii, 12I 23d i N W.. Washlnglnn MlLLtNEUS WANTF.D, F.NPF.ntF.NCF.D JltLLTNERS PERMANENT POSITIONS ALL YEAR ROt.'ND oonn wages APPLY EMPLOYMENT ntlltEAU lit nnoTiii'.ns Nl'RSE. mtddlc-nged. cnpable nf taking com plete charge IS mnnlhs' mntherless babv; live In bnlel, Norfolk. Vn.: references. Ad- dresa P O Rot mm. NnrfMk, Vn . OPERATORS, exp.. Infants', children's whlla dresses: fine piecework prices; fine wnrk- rnom pleasnnt wur. Freund. 1215 Market. OPERATORS. ep., Infants' cream cloaks. capes, coats , cnodp n v . Freund . J2 1 5 Marke t SALESLADIES Department" store eTp"rl'-enre- active, quick. Intelliirent gpnd chnne fnr advancement, half lime Saturday. P n05 Lei1ar Office SALESWOMEN DRESSES. SUITS AND WRAPS MILLINERY DRESS TRIMMINGS APPLY tJt'nKAt' OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SEA M STRESS fnr plTl n seivilicl a bo u t 2 peUa' wnrk Call Woodland 5.108 STENOfinAPHEn Atlantic Refining Co. has an opening for a stenographer experi enced In engineering work: best work: will renulre one who hae had at least a high school education nnd con take rnpld and ae rurat dlctntlon, transcribing nulckly nnd nentlv- general nftlce work, such aa filing records, etc.. will he a part of this position; thnle who qualify apply In person. .Room , ?144 Passvunk ave. STENOGRAPHER One with dlclaphon experience preferred must be nvallable Immediately apply bv letter, giving experi ence and salary expected Address Mr. Ros'iihelmer, tile IMber Trunk and ling Co . 104t N Hancock. STBNOriRAPMEn EXPERIENCED OUALIP1ED TO DO OOOI) WORN APPLY nritEAI OP EMPLOY.MENT WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER and tvplst Good future for a bright wntnnn nf neat appearance end address salarv SIR. Apply Marccau Sludln, inrn Chestnut st. STENOGRAPHER Young lady. h-glnner: permanent position manufacturer's office- state age and reference. P. Q. Rprr lMH." TUCKER ctp.. abort, long length": Infanta" wear: all eo r. Freund. lULI Market. WOMEN Wanted for Phlla. vind Icn"TtT and the state of Penna nt lorffe. inleilf gent women a organisers for women's branch of a fraternal beneficial anclety pleasant and easy work: excellent enntntet for those who can qualtry. Address M 508 Ledger Office. deneral PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgent-ly-needed soclta for us on aulo knitters experience unnecessary full particulars 3r stamp. Dept 'jnn. Anjo Knitter Co . fil Jefferson at.. Duffalo N. Y HETV? W ANTED MALE "" inctitTccrpnAi T-it'iatr-ivtc c-.-.. r Vnif MwtlVire P B II .. nil T7?T tout ', r r'13'.Jirl5"JPf"c.. A,Lro. TRUCK salesman wanted to sell a n gn-ciasa motor trurK. must t. ,t,. oughly experienced, rrf tenuired. paid salary p-nu coniminniuri. in wruina give telephone cnniictiiuri . .nr., urutrr venire. AL'TOMORILB WASHER nnd night watch". man wanted: must also be able lo operate a truck, one living In vicinity nf Trentnn and Westmoreland avea. preferred. Apply 1.I..II. e.ll.lnr, C'a M--t - .'-'' iv ,"".... i".'.'.". v-,.",l"", ,,,rnt urn-f. OI If I ,ir,in ave . Phlla ROOKKEEPER The Public Ledger I'ompanv desires the services of an experienced bookkeeper, splen did chance for advancement. Apply Olh and Chestnut sts. Ask for Mr. Wlest BOOKKEEPER and office man wanted by manufacturing concern In the northern section of tho city. Apply, giving age. ref erence, experience and salary expected P 417, Ledger Office. . BOOKKEEPER wanted: largo banking house, experience-a in biock leager accounte: appiv in own writing, atatlng experience and sal- ary. M Bill. Ledger Office. HOY over 10: must be good writer and ac curate -at figures; grammar school educa tion or better. II. K, Mulford Co.. 426 S ISth at. HOYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK MUSH RE OVER 10: CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER H P. M.. LEDGER OFFICE, FIFTH FLOOR. nRICKLAYERS First-class men, only need apply. Atlantic Refining Co.. Atlantic Gate, employment dept.. 3t4t PaaBrunk ave. CANDYMAKER Wanted, an all-around. practical candvmalter. one capable of taking; charge of factory, or will take In as a partner the right man. J. King Co., W. Hanover and Chancery ste . Tren. ton, N. J. CANDYMAKERS EXPERIENCED ON HARD CANDT AND APPLY BHREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CUTTERTexperlenced short knife cutter "on ladles' muslin and silk underwear. p ply to Zerrer Bradley Company. 1427-33 Vine street DESIGNER wanted on children's dresses and middy bioutee. State full particulars, age. sal ary expected, etc. Correspondence strict ly confidential. THE KLEIN-MOFFETT CO. 100-118 H. Hanover st. Baltimore, Md DESIGNER Wanted, designer ot automatio machinery, tools and fixtures; must hsve shop experience and knowledge ot economi cal methods; give experience and salary ex pected. Universal Machine Co., Industrla.1 Building, Baltimore, Md DRAFTSMEN for tank and sUel-pIate con struction work; also man famfll-ar with water softeners and purifiers. M 605, Ledrer Office. DRIVER Steady man for steady position," over 21 veara of ags: good salary. Apply in., ,.ir. iieinniti. ini iiainoriqge at. FACTORY MANAGER An experienced fac tory manager or superintendent: must be thoroughly familiar with systemlzatlon of production, handling labor and mechanical apparatus: excellent position for the right man. P 403. Ledger Office. FARM HAND Wanted, a farm hand, single man: references required. Tel. Ard. 7n0 after n. m. FINISHER Wanted, first-class finisher nn silk nets. velllnV?'. S"iS.ii'L.i'btl tatlng fnrmeP ant rtrmwtim (m E' '.? ,Van Jtaalte, 465'aettv ave.. Pater-! son. ,-V. J. PI)OR RENOVATORS AND POLISHERS APPLY BtmEAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S LINOTVPK OPRRATORH AND AD ' MEN WANTED. APPLY FIFTH """ ilHfUMJi OlO. MAN AND WIFE, white, for gentleman's nlirei man general outside, poultry, etc.; wife good plain cook. Adaresa Box B8, Had nor. Pi. MM?rP,?,R;7,,W,nt,! ,by a rtrnal benefi cial Insurance society, stats manager, also nrganliers and solicitors for the stats of Penna. and Phlla. and vicinity; splendid con nft.hr0Of,roe' "" """ Addre.M PORTERS AND CLEANBRS WHITE MEN APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S SALESMAN Wanted, a thoroughly experf. -.i,ncLl InitBllroenl furniture aalesmanuone who thorouehlv nn1,r.t.nS. k ..m .' .J. S;J!?J 5u,l.ln,,.. Address rp!y (confldentlsl), -w, ,m ... mi n jcanon, rm SALK8MEN--Two. gentlemanly appearance, SALKSMEN. real estate, live wires, for'in. loo. p tUtMittrptiet.' u v WffifYJf Vf "' l.4 - ."''- EVENING PUBLIOLEDaER-PHEDADELpHIA1, TUESDAY, HELP WANTED-MALTi i RALF.'SMAN Can you earn 5000 a year A corporation, leading In Its lin. manufacturing equipment for found ries, machine shops, wherever iron and steel nre used will add a suc cessful salesman to lis tales staff. The qualifications sre n high-grade personality. proen Integrity, reenrd of euccess and a working knnwledae nf elementary mechanics, preferably foundry and machine shop practice. Salary, crmtmleston and traveling eP"nse M 501, l.edaer Office mi t-ci ...,,.- .. ... ... .....-.. --.., ... .,ri. weu-it'iown iiiiriiiun-i . , ,"i"ufe. turer, whose product formerly die- ,r ,.u"'l,. brniiBh dealers nnd jnlih-ra. , now aclllntr tlirect. must b good nrgnnlger enpa- l-le flf linnillllitf m-I l.rllnw ,, nn ftwm ti i.ji n nuiircftsing upportunit Lincoln HulMHpr. PhlNdeinhln Sl'ttFACE CllflNDEn. eipenene'eiL wanted for work In and also tn take charge of aiinace-grinillntr room slate experience, aai ary wanted 1 K Little. P ( Rnx B2I. Cumberland Md FPHOLSTEnF.nS FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN' APPLY lU'REAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEn'S HO.VOtlAlll.Y DISCHAROED OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN will be given the positions if they ctn meet our requirements. An otil-establlshed organization hns three ac.inncs in lie einns siatT. wnicn are opportunlllee to the right men. A good edu - ration Is necessary, but prevlnu s aeiunir ei - perlence is Hot: more Importance will he at Inched to the nunlltles v,hlrh mark the auc cssful executive with p view tn the future and rnpld development. Let your reply be a history of your business and service experi ence nnd don't write If seeking a sinecure nr a low-salaried clerical position. C IIS, Ledger OWcu. tTNiPORM Kb MISNWanted for vaudeville, discharged uniformed men- dis abled men mnv apply Vera De Hart, Inlng Hotel. 1117 Walnut si . Cenernl OREENEWALD'S Accountants. C. P A '. snlore and Junior" permanent connections, office ingr.. handle j bkpg. and ncctg. depts : head bkpr . t40:. two nsst. bkprs. , prhnte wecty ; Htenoff- j rapher. $1'J5; asst. employment mgr.. fr-, male, expd woman only: salesmen, only those expii in the following lines: whole-1 sain hdwe., electrlcnl supplies, office aup-1 pllesi nils, machinery stokers, machine Paris, small tools, machine shop vork. trnilrTfnt nt Iron tit-id attssil min nfinifilnfeil ' -,w.-,.....a ... ..,. .ilk niriit iiiiii ni i4Liitiiii( with fihlpplnn- board, knowleilge of steam ships. Atlantic aeabonrd ports, officers nnd masters of boats, man for financial cam palcn. like Red Cross of Liberty loan drives, supt. repair dent., lame eleclrlrnl mfir Corp.. high wages nnd I'bernl bonus: chem ..1st take charge large mfg. rorp.. familiar with pnlntt., nils, varnlsheii nsphnlts nr purer miff, protiucta, Auditor; botel cnahler: excellent npeninga for trained men and wnmen with ennd rernrds L'.ln S. 1 1th at. No enrollm cnt charg e s WIS TEACH YOP TO DnTviANirfiKPAlll Al'TOMDHlLEU I IK COMl'LFTB COl'RSE IR DAY AND VfnllT CLASSES Sattler's. inoi Spring fianlen st Open Sun aw'-'l W Daunhln si. E.VIIN RIO MON'ISr I Z ;ra'n von In nuln. electrlca' end me-, ''bsnlcal repair shnp praMtrn and drafllng Phlln Mechanical and Electrlcnl School Call ni-l-ms Rrnwn si Wrllo EARN MORE "MONEY" Learn In read blueprints Ii- on- nulnk and nrecllrsl methods Send o- can fnr 'nto 'nnue R. Columbia Cor .V'ionl. Dept T, Drexel Hide . Phlln nisiNrss fniRvtr-K ni. ntii" r.nn'd Tit,. ( P'LB MEN PLACED nlr. off . tech . AGENTS LNSirRANCi: AGENTS and solicitor, better vonr cnndlllnn bv renresenllng u in vour xlelnltv selling the mot eontnlete cnmblna- rrrrir. rii-aiiii. Bcr-tieni nn'l lie contract on the market: something pew. attractive. J appealing to evcrv min nod woman: good renewal conleact tn live-wire agents. Ad dress C If Clemens. i;rl. pa. SITUATIONS WANT'D FEMALE STENOCnAPHER. thnrouglili- capable and experienced, desires wnrk for .nnro time atiri eypriinKw. i. iu, i.ener itrncc STENOOItAPHER nnd typist. cxpTrTT desires , wn-n tit nome. r .ml'. Ledger Office . TEACHEn Cnlveraltv graduate. It veer' experience, wants position to teach English I and mathematics In nlgM school, good refer. I .'I Jill. Ledger Office HJIXUATIUWS WANTED MAT.W :- riEnK. high school graduate, desires p0. sltlon nt prh-nte cecrctttrj a -curate KnoivietiK" oi sienograpny; would like to learn real estate business. P fiSfl. Led. Off. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES M1IS N1CHOLI..S. 11)20 Balnbrldge. hna com- notent utlflera. cbera. hnnt.m.n .nni,. French ladles' maids, nurses, etc Wanted conksf waitresses, nurses, kttrhenmalds sec ond man, references. Locus! 2110 lino rpt.-rx-itTianvr 1.1 j ,.,1 1. 'r.'-.. ' Employment Agencv llaV. i is ."nS ber of, colored help, sleep In or out. also man and wire ror gentleman a piste. Phone Wnl nut 4014 COOKS, chambermaids, infant nuraes want nns. Miss Rose Dnughert v. 1113 ( ; I rn rd MRS. HARVF.Y. 101(1 Illtlenhouse aq" bV-slrablo- help wanted for every capacity. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL apartment house, clearing J1.10 n month; prominent tenant, beat section of city, must aacriflce. J700. If sold Immedl atelv. some terms, lift S. lnth at. SPOT CASH PAID for all kinds of stocks of merchandise. Spedaile & Kuperamlth. auc tion and commission. 1012 Market at. BUSINESS PERSONALS ' DIAMONDS BOUGHT Our l.lghtr prices speak louder than words. By seeing pj at once you will realize the highest cash prices for your diamonds: anv size, from V to 10 carats; none pay higher; also, old gold, platinum and silver bought; estates bought (privately); established 10 yre. The Diamond Shop Pn,;"'h7?:.i DISCHARGED SAILORS. PLEASE NOTICE"' I will pay you 14 In cash or 8 men's union suits of underwear, fleeced or ribbed, worth S2.C0 to 13 each, for every sailor coat In fair condition- David Rosenberg, 10 S. 4th St., third floor. Open dally from 0 to S closed Saturdays. DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OFIJKCT KELLY & CO.. 032 CHESTNUT ST Suite 21-22. Over chllds Restaurant Prlvale ELECTRIC treatment manicuring. jVociin IMS Heed Bldg. 121.1 Filbert St. Los. H062 ANICURING, elec. treat. Office Hutchinson Bldg.. 122 rf. 13th St. R'm407. Hre. 10-8. ELECTRICAL TREAT., physical culture, 302 8, Broad. Hours, 10 a. m, to 0 p, m. "WANTED Don't Sell Your Jewelry Oet our estimate We buy from all large Jewelers, department stores and Individuals: established over in yre. Diamonds, Jewelry, Brlc-a-Brae. old Gold and Silver We are paying the Increased prlte for diamonds. LEE A CO.. 71V WA LNUT ST Estah. 18(15. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Itlrrtie.t nrlces paid for diamonds. nM v-ntA- platinum, silver, false teeth and pawn tick ets pougnt. lauu nipcrt st;.. seconq noor. OLD CLOTHES, ladies', Jnen's or boys' nulls. overcoats, snoea, nan we positively pay 60 more. Send postal, call or phone Dick inson Hn5. Wo call. city, country, day, eve ning, r Tieqmau iirus . tt.t nouin st WANTED To buy 2 portable bakers' ovens. second hand, capacity 250 1-lb. loaves, single decker, answer, stating lowest price, manufacturer'" name and the ear made, Address Mr. T Crotrer. Browns Mllla. N. ,f. ,.l rvrillMO Ktlartt Ollrl rllb.Srrf.. ,1-ul.l.- -I all kinds bought, need goods; best prices; twrtta nr nhone : will call. CliV or atlhurhnn Samuel Cooper, the old reliable dealer 1010 W. Olrard ave. Poplar 28.11 ANTIQUE furr.iture, feather beds," ctiina, needlewlt., pictures, bead bags, old Jewelrv, gold, sliver, platinum, ' false teeth, dlam'ds bought. Antiques. B28 Chest. Wai. 702B. ANTIQUES and mod. fur., feather beds mar'vases. broU. lew high, prices. Write rinneer. lB2rt N. Uber. Ph. Diamond 823 BROKEN Jewelry, antiques, pistols, coins, coin book with price I pav mailed tne. J. n. Boss (People's Store). StlflS. 11th. Wal. 4180. OAST-OFK clothing, shoes snd lists bought; send postal. Pneldmap, (122 Poplar St. FURNITURE, carpet peeded badly; htgheat prices paia. "?'' .iuBe H,VH', copier n44, ffOUSKHOLn goods, single or ent. : high p Call, write, Ruhack, 420 N. 00th. Del. 7H4' 7H47. DBE3S1VIAKINQANDMII.HNEBY I DRESSMAKEn. best New York expert, de sires engagements, !. '". ,""'" no fancy gowns. Miss Blair, 1224 Walnut, Telephone Walnut SW. PAIMtlN'O AND VAVmiKANCtino ROOMS slied & papered reas'ble: good work, good paper, Splvak, 1104 Psssyunk v.e. STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS. ALDUMSfAND SUPPLIES for stamp collectors. :PHILAr8TA"W,ytl6, ITTH.ST. J - ,i'f!l"1"' - r" - iW - - t - ?y'Wrt', - WW . POR SALE KlntJWOOD FIREWOOD ,,, ., FIREWOOr) '?B nt'TTS AND FtnDWOOD n,A,.9N ' CAIHX3AD LOTS - I'p.RY 1UTNER SONS 0rre1?i r.f?..Pl''A. QUARTERMASTER uWlSiy- WECCACOB AVE. ntJ.frS&VC.1' AVE.. OR niCHMONt) AND llUCIUfB STS PHILADELPHIA TYPEWRITERS RENTED SImThTOo Vp I' flCtOrV Rrlillllf Ttnm.-r!lnr. American Writinp Mnchinc Co. tvlt-Mi....- HKST.M'T ST. WA1.NFT 24511 MAIN 320 t.r.. l. 9,'T"'B ''Un.VtTURB i'en.V.t "eirtf,ic"' "' l'. cnhlqets and general nflc furnllure. store fixtures. n. Jil'.T- H'" nd Exchange. IViLlllmT,1: 'n :non CBNTRAL HOUSE WRECKINn CO. " All ti,t'0r-.,-il1 "id Soring Garden ats aii Minis of ofnYe furnllure and fixtures, nathrnnm oiltllls complete. Jb;iiphnne Porlsrl Lin NEW WIRE r.; rilEAM CHAIRS , , 27 FER DOZEN IIIIOCLAlt PRICE' 8.10 i.ti.m ..HV.nnw "I'd "'ve monev 1 ."APL111' 1IAN.1E Ji.J-lcnrnih and Vit, A.Ml,.OA,L,'', elrnlle'rsT brand "new nnd ,."i,i 1'"dt', "" ''IK aetertlnn. Op-n ftijna ,i.rh.h. afl52 (llrnrd n nlLLIAIlD. pnnt. tnmblnal'n. 2d-hand. sold. noimni. repleil e.rh'd Kenfnr n--'n Olrnrd 1 lULLIARD. pn.,i j,., tables-ren'd sun' I'S , ciarK;Meril JMm Co, ;4lH-n.,l N' Vrnni iiitii in, nanl: nintorlrurk delivery. iMias D. Heavy, tH N. nisi n.ltnnnt 7424. , EAIIRI.VCS HS.Mi Dlamond'enrrlngs. nlisn- t -'. ?JHrJt ' 1-nan Offli-c. US Market st KINDLINO WOOD "for ile "by b.trrel" 4n,-? '""i i'"ii weigning 41 Ksrnl -nlue,i nt or bv loud i.i rin. w spilth j.'iii.'l W Huntingdon n SAFES. flrpronr sllghtlv used wtUsnnil steel eif cnblni-ts ; with thin N l-'ourth STANDS, CAIIIVETS. etr , Phlla Printers .i-mnh II hlg bnrgnlrs S "lh et , 1 W'KW RITKIl ail.llnu ninchine. nil tnak-s Hunilv l pew ritrr Co R2Ti Cheslnut si TyT'WJVIIITEHS rented" mid" and rel.ul t Quitter I llvTMiwrlli.efn . IKK V.ilnill ll'.r.ll PP Trunks. hogs" siiltciss. bfg altles. war.lrnlm trunk". J'J.1 up WALTER'S LOAN OI'KICP UHi and rrt. MACHINEIIY AND TOOLS POWER-PLANT EOflPMEVT Dvmntos. n'ntnrs boilers, steam and nil engines, ptttnns i ir cnnipre.snrn PRANK TOmiEY.lNC.IS7 N .t,t st ELKCTilit- Mll'llllis MACHIMS POXVr:i! EOPIPMENT Q'nnir.'N machinciiv cq nn n. m st 11! 1( P. new hnrlr.nnul aleani engine, inn gal Jacketed kettle, meat tnlxer, bnlf ,t pipe cut., port turn, cheap sn x 4ti, DVNAMOS. motor." belting. ptlllys. hangers, plants bnucht Yewrsley - Cn. ,224 N .til ELECTRIC mach hmighl. sold, exebanged ' and repaired Delta Eng. Co.. 1411 N. .Id STORAGE AND MOVING "continental" " storage warehouses '.'nrif ST AMOVE CIIEHTNl'T STORAGE MOVING HOPSEHOLD AND PERSONAL EPPECTS PACKLH AND SHIPPED TO ANY POINT RUGS CARPETS OUIF.N1 L -DOMESTIC 'LEANED SCOPRED STORED LOCl'ST lOtm PHONES RACE i IBfl ' 1'hlrtv-fourth Year ' The John Rhoads Co. Stnrnsp I'.t Mm;. Mm Inqr Cirpt C'lrf, mns I it-- -n T I 41o-o9 Lillicastcr Ave. W. Pliila. I FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES IS17-1KIU MARKET ST. "'-""' fihei'RuoT nrehonse. .-.. ci.i Lehlirli N. Phila Htornge Cn. etir.a vv 111.1 m 7800. linger the dlstnnre' shorter Ihe rates t SEPARATE rooms for Mornge, mnv'n. perl". I Ing. Radfnrd .1.110 N. Water. Wyo J.ln.1 J ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNPT. "Ot.-i Thlrd-dooi r room and' batsj: also single room. MT VERNON. 2(101 Dealrahln third back. ' ""' ""-v--'m':Lii-a.":i:JL""'miPg. SPRPCE lllli (Hnlniehursll- Double and ! single vn . henullfulli f.irn : run water: , rrlv bath. eer light: phones. 87 week nn. PPRt'CI". 1711 Housekeeping suite Hrge i nell hented. ensjclus!e neighborhood ' i riWALNl'T. .10.12 L'nfurn moms for light housekeenlne: e'ec. light hot-water hent. ess- reasonable MOTH. N 1401 Two rnnms furnished. pnuseueeping. t up. single rooms. S.I up .1 unfurnished room- I 112.1 CLINTON ST De.irab'e rooms, rnanent tenants desired per- I IIANDiOMEI,Y furnished rnnm in lafgi; ' modern nrivate home, electric nRnt )0 , ml" to City Hall. Telephone Hiring 41.1 .ATTRACTIVE firn. apts. . some houaelt ping ' iMierwnnti nin .-errrwj , ..i c lironn. WKST I'HILI)F.LPHIa'"" 48T1I AND PINE, vie '.M-sty rront rni In ieflne.1 borne: furn. nr unfilrn. Wdld. 441 j. BOARDING COLUMBIA AVE.. R22 PI rat-class board: v.arm rt..t0 per wk : also table hd. : nhon e. (irtATK ST N 2142- Verv nicely furnTs"hii rooms, with hoard. Ph Diamond 240H w . m'lt. S.. 2BII Sunny sulto. southern exptil sure, with board, for business women: refs lOTlT. N.. 1R48 Elegant room and board for 2 gentlemen, modem Improvements steam heat and electric light Phone Dla imind nidi W SIIIHTMIAN GENTLEMAN, appreciating the courtesy of refined environment, can scure warm cheerful ant., with well-cooked, nourishing mala. in a real home In aelent suburb. 20 mln. from Phlla. Phono Melrose 828 W or write P 70H, Ledger Office BOARD WANTED BOARD WANTED. .uburpVn. "by 2 ..duits; ! 2 rooms, communicating; conven ent to train V 410, Ledger Office. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL loratlon' special eclentlflo csre; nervous, elderly. every comfort; nurses; booklet Dr. Randal. Cltr Line Chest. 111)1. APARTMENTS APARTMENT HBADQUAR I'ERS Central apartments a snecUItv Sheiwood JVfirencv 'J.1 H Itroml r.r llnm. very attractive furn. ants ,some hou.ekpg. I ATTRACTIVELY furnished sparimeni i en- trally locateu. a rooms, bum anu Mtclv enettr. available April I. Phone Locust 12r . H0LMHUR3T. 1012 Spruce Three rooms and bath, aouthem exposure, beautifully furnished : electric light , second floor: phones. WALNUT 2108 .Unfurnished elegant 2. 3. 4-room BDat Intents elewrl,. Iglit all mod- ern convenlencea . i. n Ital private hotis e TWO ROOMS and bath In s-iblet In npart mellt house. 22d wild W.ilnut sts. For Lisf'ynur apnrtniet't with us for Immediate' rental Argo, B18 Liberty llldg TJ1K IJIONB S007 Chestnui Two Inrgn rooms and hath, unfurn. . prr. liega of irrlll FU31N. and unfurn. apt. In all locations, T M Areo. Liberty Bldg Wa.nut 4IHJ. RNISiraDAPARTMENT8 POPIJiR APARTMENTS, lfl.'O Poolar-our rooms and bath. Including kitchen ie trie, hot-water beat furnished for a adtuts KITH. N . 1401 Very large rm lt prl bfth. itj; 2 rooms, private bath, furn.; hsltg HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENI 1400 PINE Two rooms balh 4 kltchem 150: 1 room, bath and private por-h. r0. Merlon Oreima. Liberty Bldg. vvajnut fl'Ln BROAD. N., lbO.1 Small housekeeping alt alao aingie room . .rejjrrejice tjivner. THfJ LEONE. 3007 Chestnut -- Seven housekeeping apartment unfu-nlshed. pm APARTMENT TTOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST GERMANTOWN 20 MINUTES TO BtlOAD RT. STATIOk Furnished ana unrurnnnra uma THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PINB STS. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF SWATITHMORH APARTMENTS N. E. cor. 22d and Walnut sts. FIREPROOF THROVaHOUT UNPUBNISHED APARTMENTS. ' pirst-class dining-room aervlce iar TOB CLINTON. 10th st bel. Spruce , erni furnished & unfurnished apartm rtrnt im I irittr. l.iTTLB HOTEL. 225 H Draadii rS I :Xeo(l'Bi--","llx-'r,1,l.'lIWl1 .. - '" ' -7rT7Wrl v TJSED AUTOMOBILES I!HllltfnifliB!B LlIMItllllinmlmiltllllllHlimmiaiinwNun.,.fl.MiHHt,MH,lmnHii,mni.ini,iH,A..H..., ........I. ln.......u.- 1.... T Announcement Second Annual &0g Used Car Show Continues Tliis Week at Our Showrooms 304 North Broad St. A wonderful exhibit of PniRo Used Cars nnd other makes. Kvery car has been thorouRhly overhauled nnd icfinished. We solicit your ertrly inspection. Bigelow-Willey Motor Co. t M Spruce 1410 Open I VJU.M- Bi.i nil,' 1 .11, ,,'!.' ll!llllli,.!lilUillll'll! ,illlllll fflfflWaWIWillffli'KIKillllfffllll'Vlft STANDARD "8" USED CARS V have on h.intl m rhin tan n number of nnrticulnrh -oc. uil .MfirniAfd "ft" nn bnih in T-pats. lourliirT nnd BoM on our usual Ktifirantyp Eastern Motors Corp. I broad at Wallace St. -4 j ,. ,., .,., . 1, ' i i 1 AUTOMOBILE & TRUCK t DEALERS le WE WILT, PIN WCE TOI'R T DP.'Eitlti:i PAYMPNT SM.ES C KEYSTONE AUTOMOBILE ; : FINANCE CO. 810 Abbott Bldg. Spruce IW r.4r,i r i -tits SIIISSIISSISISS Is REBUILT VIMS rEMt TO PAT P.ebulH guiranteerj and freshiv pa.nted. Opon Ex press or Enclosed Panl Roily VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. Bread and Huntingdon sis . Phlla PUT , PAIGE. M'ASSEVOER SEDAN WIRE WHEELS EXCELLENT CONDITION ILViO IllriBLOW WILLEY MOrOF! COMPANY SHI N IIROD ST 'SPRINGS SPRINGS SPRINGS! FOR ANY M'TOMOllILE I 1 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF I HEAVY TRUCK SPRINGS SATTLER'S. INC. S-M W. DAl'l'HIN ST WE PAY SPOT CASH POR 'ANY AUTOMOBILES SATTLER'S Hint Spring Garden 2S!I West Dauphin FORD DELIVERY CARS Great care has been tnken In rebuilding i !;"". repainting tnesa cars, jtargain pnees. Will demonstrate VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. 1IRQD HUNTINGDON STS. PAIGE SEDAN, 1918 isenger. like new. relrullt, painted and eua rnnteed HIGEJ.OW-WILLEY MOTOR CO 804 N. llrnnd St OVERLAND All yewrs. sll models, nil prices, get your service and parts at aame place, 1000 enra sold In IMS, also oilier makes, time payments. open ecnings OVERLAND 1 1 A I : I t , I : CO . 11120 ARCH ST POR HALE Mlfrhell runabout, 80 horse power. nrst-cl:iss condition: tnllt.ihle ror a light IlilrU. would consider exchange for small touring car Apply Ounlher Lumber o 20th and Grays Kerrv rd. CENTRALLY LOCATED GARAGES Amertrnn Garage. 1411 l.ocuat Racquet club Gnrnge. lfiflj t'liancellnr Slintt storage .10c per day. ench garage prni ineqMtnr-omtortabIe etiaurreuru0ITls TRUCK REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Prices reasonable AMERICAN GARAGE MACHINE SHOP nprut" tt.l 1411 LOdiel Race 24B STORE YOUR TRUCKS wllh ua: special rates, run equipment rnr repair work. Armleder Motor Sales Co , 1720-20 Callowhlll st Phone Locust 4208 TnUCKS. several light and heavy; specially priced for SHOW WEEK, terms; open evenings OVER1.AND HARPER CO . 1020 ARCH ST REPAIR WORK 'nn all makes of trucks and cars. (Jet nur prices. Armleder Mo tor Sales Co . 1720 20 Callowhlll. Phono Lo cust 420S. BUICK S'dan 101a, tieailv new terms, open evenings OVERLAND HARPER '' 1.lyA!!('IIST- ,t CHALMERS r.-paescnger touring. 1017. ex cellent tires, flrst-clase mechanical condl- t Ion, new top, nliitiv e x t r as. 2 Hi W a lnut s t CHANDLER chummy roadster, l5lfl, fine condition a real bargain See Mr Hunter stutz Agency il) N Rrnid st f50DOE Tourlnj. J.18.1 terms, open evenings. OVERLAND HARPER CO.. 1 1lL'St ARCH ST nrbVraifn'wa'nc'c'nroVel''TnriV iTvSnn i,. vtt, tZ n ;. '.jr 1'"0ARrnDlln'' fiM'Vjft 'n,.1.',."' MAXWELL Touring, late model; sacrifice: terms; open evenings. OVERLAND HARPER CO . 1B29 ARCH. MAXWELL Sedan, in fine condition.': special body and paint, extra equipment. Ger nlantnwn ,1121 J. MITCHELL f-'EDAN. excellent condition: big eeJWi"' !' Hunter. Stutz Agency. flin N Broad at, OLDSMORILE' roadster. late model?1 extra tires, etc.: bargain: terms, open evenlntts OVERLAND-HARPER CO 12(lARjrH ST OVERLAND Sedan IMS model no, i";ht durable, overhauled p.ilnted terms: oneri evenings OVERLAND HARPER CO 1020 ARCH ST " bv'ERLAND inis " .1 pass. J773 " terms- open evenings OI ERLAND HARPEIl r0..Jt2AncH ST OvhRLAND i.l D new paint extras must be sold this wei'k owner eavlng tltv P fi3. Ledger Offlte " luv' ' PAIGE. 1B18. fl"3.1 Essex; like new: cheap Blgelnw-Wlllev Motor Co . 304 N Rroad at ' PAIGE, 1017. Sedan tine . ondllinn See Jlf Hunter Stutu Agent v. 00l N Flrnad si PAIGE, 1H17. n-,11 chassis: "new: JlflT.i Blgelow-Wlllev Motor Co., 304 u. Broad in PAIOE.' Sedan, 1018. (1-39, ,1-pass - ex contl' Rlgelow-Wllley Motor Co.. 304 N. Rroad st! PAIGE, min Fairfield touring"? .xoel. cdnd Rlgelow-Wllley Motor Co . 304 NBtoaj at' STUTZ. NEARLY ALL MODELS. THOR OUGHLY OVERHAULED AND REFIN- ISHED: .MANY BARGAINS SEE MR HUNTERSTUTZ AOBNI'Y tliln N IIROAI, WILLYS-k'nIGHT loiitiug litis ,1 anil" 7 passo-iger. "Silent Kniuht motors, terms open evenings. OVtHtLAND-HARPER CO 1(12(1 ARCH ST SVILLYS SIX. Continental motor. 7 pass enger; sacrifice at $47.1. Uiius. open eve- OI'ERLVND-HAnPER CO. 1(120 ARCH ST WfLliYS-KNUlirr "Sedan" IM18Tierfect ton dltlor bargain for SHOW WEEK: terma, open evenings. O VmA N D-II A R Pfi R m 0.lA III 'H ST. WHITE TRUCKS 'J-ton express bodies: 11 ton dump: excellent condition; reasonable terms 217 N. 22.1 Phone Locust 380ft. TRl'C'KS Several used B-ton trucks for sale. The Datdvvin Locomotive Works. .'.no N Rroad st I TRUCK. 2vi-ton llethleliem. perfect condl tlen; run about 3000 miles; $1200. -1232 Real fei!'" Trust Rldg Walnut S4rl I TIll'CKH for sale. 2 S'i"ton. at" "a sacrifice, , 30 per cent of original cost, perfect condl ' Hon 2422 Hunting Park ave AUTOS WANTED OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS WILL PAY SPOT CASH K0LBER AUTO CO. 016-22 NORTH BUOAD STREET POPLAR (103B WE I1UY all makes of carsr American Ma. thine Shoo. 1411 Locust ITanllng If ATrr,1Vn-Aiitotrneka tn lite U tr. R .... . .'jyT- day' or wesk. Callsghan Ilooney,' irvvo vDBfcsaa sw, aprvow tjnni Ivacg ff ! i i IB m I Si 1 Wl'lffl mm i 1 vwmiY jxtt s ,,i''j'w i.vt; MARCH 18, 1019 USED AUTOMOBILES iiC' al as Kveninp !!lte 1200 lf iillll!il'ii!!lIIi:!!ililW $600 MONTHLY HAULING CONTRACT u i: wn.i sell n me" 5-Ton Capacity Dump Truck On Our Kasi Payment Plan PART CASH tIM SNCK t'.'OO MO.NTHI.V We have a signed ronlracl f.u III Oi MP TIUtt'KS t HAUL SAM) I" MONTHS at Main MONTHLY Take advanlaae of this p endul nn pnrtunlH In star' In business fnr xnur self end liae sleadi worl, i-iinianteed with good Interne HALL TRUCK AGENCY ' Ml (1ST NORTH IIROAD STREET . .... u .. . . . "" .-iiiMnie" nrpnirinc HUDSON REPAIRS IN ALL llRANCIIKU Rrarulvwtne Am,, n.nair r- iibv itnpsim. fo-merU- wllh Oomerv r"ivS.r'? ' "ow ''nbllhed al 'Ji'L'U and IJK13 .4. 1tritnd wine s Poplar L'n.V" I I REPAIRING ON ALL MAKES OI CI1S AND Tltri'KM) RE.N.NOC At TO RI-PUR CO Tlng., L'lnt Allegheny nV,. ni 'mi, ,t nnfj u , . " iilil.M Hole ngtni Marnthnn nlirl Kaure tires stntinn for "tiindiird makes nr tires accessories nt every tle.r-rlptloti on ,,.,,. .,., LOi'l'SP Alio SCPPI.Y CO Snrti.enr, 1411 I,ncust Race 'J 4 Ti ACTO IIEPAIR SHOPOP THE 1JM1.IIICAN OAIAtli: MACHINE SHOP -prut-e II.-. 11 Locust Itare "l i lib i . ..,',""", """- bodies repaired.1 a, ,,?! ","' '.".M1" ,ou """ American' Auto lop Co.. 14,11 F.irrmount nv Pop. IpL'tl I OLD OOTil) OLD gold, siller, plntlnitm. plaled ware, nld- r. .o.- "ll' unites nougni rnr casli Estlli .! I. Clark reflner.l" ,o,ln).otn, 'CASH paid for old gold, sliter. clocks re. ' ralrcd. Rogers 4f. S 17th si Iaic. 12ln. PIANOS. TLAYEIIS. TUNING.ETC. EpfsoN DISC. Vlctrola re.ord". muslcrolls bnushl exchanged talking machines re. paired right Music Exchange. m; Market. AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE TOURING CAR. 7-pascnger limousine. H.r.0 per hour iin: Poplar 181)7. . TO HIRE New Franklin and Packard autns ror weddings, funerals Amerlran Taxi cab. 1111 Locust. Spruce 0.1. Race 24.1. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $1000 Tnveatnien' In n good Investment property will pay you 12c,,. it Is a good house In a convenient locality and a positive bar gain for some one tnav we send you tne full particulars of tnls desirable property? J. A HAILEY CO. 133 S 12th st. GOOD INVESTMENT Franklin St.. N.. 2232 Four rooms, bath nnd kitchen, lot (1(1x20 ft.: assessed 11800; nnw rented at $18 monthly leaoe; sale price S1000. cash required $300. .Inhn Krnues. Tr . 008 Chestnut st. Phone Walnut 1.130 SCHULER'S QUALITY HOMES, with garage privilege; Immed possession, at 3d and shdale ats.. 1 block north of riniileVar.l. rmn A bath, beautifully fie.thed. wide, paved rirrri . iiii, rarv irrms i due ran i , or i n SAMPLE HOUSE. 1321 E Rltlenhoiise. near cor i nellen and htentnn hv-.s . n rooms, bath and norch. nrlce $2.iri0. ti.xt month price raised to $2100. onlv 3 left THOMAS 'ai.1 W lehlah live NORTH 2STH ST Four verv- sltrarllve properties, porch. 7 rooms. $23rin each, also one 20th st . porrh manv others. $2000 AMERINRBALTY.141I Walnut 2032 N 12TH ST Seven rooms and bath, porch from In A-l condition $4100 Pol- nartl-ulnrs apph olll) Whltbv ave Woodland 2142 W WE HAVE fnr salo aeveral desirable 2 and .1 story properties, convenient to both train and trn!le . can give pnssea.lnn within ,10 lavs WM D. CUAMREnS. 411.13 N Rrond. 3ft TWO-STORY brlcl: hou-es brownstntto Irltnmlngs. rente $18 nnd $10. nrlce $207.1 llttje c.ish necessrv; these are excellentlv altlia AM EniCAN REALTY HIS Walnut INVESTMENT I offer for salo 1.1 2-story houses with conve.. in good nelahborhood; nrite $in00- rent $10 each P 425, Ledger Office 181R N 12T1I Three-story brick dwelling, 1ft ronmii and bath, good condition. M Y ERS tt IIARTH. Ridge ave. nnd 1 nh HAROALN 8-H GOODHREAD PLACE Rents for $0 ench. $000 for both. CARSON SON. 23.1 N. (Ith si 111.111 N HTII Seven rooms and shed. nle honin for famlL' of moderate meurs prlcu !f40li. Mallnn. 2811 N. 8th t 1117 N12TII Twelve-room dwelling, excep tional features: tile hath, parq floots. ,tc MYERS It IIARTH. Rldae ave. and JOth 31100 BLOCK Fairhlll ami Reese sts Urge 7-room homes prices $2200 and $2,100 Mellon. 2841 N. Rlh st 4114 IIUTTONWOOD- 4 rnnms. $1300 clear. CARSON b SON L'3.1 N nth st 232 N. RANDOLPH 7 rnoms. price $1850. tlflttnu v- r.w: j.l,v s tltn t Itulldlng lelts. rnclorr Sites. i:t SITES. RAILROAD Penna and Reading $2000 per acre and up. according to loc: Inquire for terms Dleterhh. 737 Walnut. fi.vr.ige Mte LARGE LOT. about 210x7'-. with HI foot out let to street Ideal for gar-ige nt ,mv bust neaa tertulrtng onl.v small stieel frontage, will he sold at an nbsolute sar-rlflce for casli SHERWOOD. 22.1 SJlro,id Ph W.ilnul 317 WIT PIIII,pEI,PIIIA 60th St. Corner House Ahme Raltlmorc v-. (1200 S flOlli) Hot-walfr heal elertnc Usrht. Dutch hall parquetry floorfl the beat buy In restricted section. fROWLRT. 123 NT 0TTC. 11 ."ft S MI) ST H block Hbo Chpstei ave.) 1'niiHjillv well-ronRtrurted ll-rnmn nirrii. front hftmp. tlcctilc HuhtH. Bteam heat hanl wnnd flnnm. laundry In bdRemont llnan roet, tlntftherl In whlto ami inahnsHny. Ini inriUatei pot.eion. ensv tftrmo; J.ISOn, npen daily and Hunrtiv for insctinn Parili ularn. apply io jiAuiiT .i KtjrjiijdMc & i-tj , n'jn I'hemnilt t . or P X IKIA.Nr. Vct K1.U I'runt muib DON'T HESITATE Thfr i only a fw lft at J 'J 700 , IPIiAND .ST (53D TO n4Tll ) Two utorv. porch frpnt, R roomi laundrv. 58th and 'hiiUrB' " I'OMi; Ol'T TODAY ITanie on l.irihwooil ave. i'atharm l . f'hrljntlan Cedar a . Kprufp. Walnut, l.orust. t'arpenter. IMne, Wlllowa ave . H room a II ft . Owse ave and all numbered Btref-ta nrieeH $:titni, to Slu onu ARTiitn .r i, ft'-'i t. ISAOO" HOMKH SStlOO " In the trcautlful Sherwood sei tlon Two ton H rooms, hot-wnter htnt and eiertrlc loat 1 between 54th and sr.ih on Ma holm at taami.! houe TVJ7 Malroltn): first atreet helow Whltbv nve- : no-iieBloii In a daa. K -t T DOYI.K CO . MIS Mauler yt.-PhH 3 Bedrm. Modern Houses, $3700 Ov-e.-hrook sect elertrlo lights, stedln'heat: Dutrli liall siiihII ard. eaav terms, rrtow- KV i, rt- iiutti i-none iieitnont .'1S42 J. JORon ELEGANT S-story home: nia.k Oak Tarl. section, space for garage, all conven lemes of course; another at $02,11). AJlTllt'l. J. LEUPOLD, ,101 8 Md. 63D STREET (Lincoln Highway) lielow jredla n rooms, hot water, electtto CHOWl.EY, 128 N'. fldth nelmon I .1B42 J OWNEH WILL HELL 114.111 fatharine st..' R rooms and bath, modern throughout! new roof nevvlv oapered. must be seen to bs sd nrerlated: immedmta possession 4V'5d SACRIKICK to closa account, "3 sty, just llko new; whlto enamel and mahog. any! near Park, gM at. ata.; -4 trolley lines. ADOl.PH H- CAHPArt, 00th & Lansdowna av 53ooNlNi3-iuJn semiiletacheil house in erlusve section, haying pornuetry floor- Inr. hol-wster hsat antj electricity. ARTHUH J. LKUI-pLo, 0l .' (24 ,tr , BV y ' HEAL ESTATE FOR SALB WWT PHILADELPHIA FOR ONLY $3200 ;ou tan own one of thee 2-tery Ii-rnom homes with pnrrh and lawn frnnl and 4 large rooms and bath on second floor TRINITY ST. West of 58th St. 'i'T" AN" HESTER AVE.) WILLIAM I, CRAVENS SONS Ml and cheater ve 12.1 AND ISO N II2D ST Tnn'atory, porch" elei'trlC light. ftp; ,0v tml (, J, nodgers. HPIl Mortis llldf Klf' WVAI.I-SING AVE Corner, -2"atory tTlf.i '' " ; 1 1 1 "K. 7 rooms and bath, AM En t. RAnTR Illdgeave and lOlh lir.RMANTOTtN , j: t nn iitv ave .ivn nv.u. bt i (IHM-n-n 7 fipMimnlnun nt. ?. ..... - -Mfff J1. -JJ ii.. . . .:. "' ": i-r'iiM ,"rr, "i':,.''w P1 ::"."."'' ":.' "- v ' S !;, u;,T Wo':;.",?.-,""" jg.r. c sniDEi. , ,o 4... and callowhll, .1MM -EAST TBRMS If de.lred tl tnntns and tiath hnrdw-norl nonrs. Urge ards Mnrllinrl si below Washington lane nt'l'heiv si . tnke IHr on Orrniintnwn tr in Wash Ington lane nnd walk east tn Chew at nr car on t helten e. to chew st nnd walk rorih. sample I, mis., npen ,.cr dnv SAMl'EI. STERN 1201 chestnut at A HtiMK W I'l.l, l.l.-TED"l II VLP i.annr. i.i'-T in- pnopisnTiEi. H. it i III .Mil-. AMI III ll.DINli "ITI.iX COR SALE LET l IM1U vorn IIEljI'IREMLs rs i II II I.IXTER . SON Mill" flERMANTOWN A E i PEND POII Ot'R LIST op MODEIMTE-1 PRICED HOMES FOR SALE IN SEDO. ' WICK. MODERN. WITH GOOD I its . SPACE FOR GVRAOE CONVENIENT TO i I 13 , .'irf-. .viii.i'i.n r, ii, - P C. TOCRISON. 70H ROYER ST I .-illtll LACIIENS ST. 11400 a ral barirlri I A 14-00 house for $3400. stnr. nnrrb i rooms Still tittth hnt-w.iter hum .1 t.i. light", opposite public park, at ,Mldnle ave Iridic s tjueen Lane St.i . P n R I-' riejstn nni v,st End Trust Jlldg Spruce 5 lllTM T HILL E.VCEPTMNAI. OPPOnTINITV Stone, port hes (inr luseill with " n.-re lawns tine old Bhmlo . bnir-r nhrubberv en. and eleett Ii In . but w.-itr hnrdtvtmd tlnnrs modern plumblne Incut. -,l in blithest most tes ral.le ser.ti.iri nf i heatnut (Till M r.PJ I .edger Oftlc rn.lAl llKIl ,T stnri linu.e. $ E Uralcr" DETACHED ".i stnr ""'? . 'onn, hnt-wnter heat Ir.t ,inxtnn near trains nnd trnlej, rrr. ;:,nl .iiiii.n iici;ii,I, r.ij.llli-iirammninvf I'liwuniiiD I I" ROOM HOP.XE upon which owner baa . P"nt ii liirue intount of tnnnev In Intierlor ' ...?, n'"" high grade ,-e, trie future, hnrd- lnn;nn.,r. plat,, glass Inclosed pnch large ,heat nc svstent. tan be purchased at mnsld- , ernhle rr,lu-ll,,n Inrated In exclusive tielgh. i borhnod and erv nttrncte tn mill nr bti"l- I "' '"nn hnMntr Interest In the nnrthenet , ".V:;10" AhpU W E. s. Der. IMS Land i Title ITdc I j OI.XISV l WEST FISHER WIS Double lot .'II V Tabor st.. inrce Int. Ideal location Ait quick 0LNEY REALTY CO. 1.171 N ir.TH ST I.OOAN LOGAN 1011 Llndlnj ave rnrner properlv. "torn and dwelling, p rnom. nnd hath, all mnd conveniences suitable inr confectioner or druggls! Chambers. 4011 N. tlrnnd si LOGAN Two etnrv , rooms, modem throughout. stlrrnitndd by llrnad St.. York road and Boulevard ninn. tut renin. ItUIJJRVIT.. 3lNJ1lh st 52211 N. IIRilAD Three"ntnry.""t2 rooms 2 baths, a'l modern conveniences. C1(AMRER 4J133 N. jlroadst TWO-STORY MlLLETT'twTn bouse ,,n Mer vlne at . noon block S rooms. 1 bath W 1. CHAMBERS 40.1.1 N Ilrnarl PNNsJ'ItYANIASInuRIt.N BALA. CYNWYD. MERI0N. WYNNEFIELD MODERN SI HURHAN HOMES $10,000 to $20,000 Jas. E. Dolan & Co. Cvnwyd. Pa SUBURIIAN hnnies. convenient to COIh St Terminal: .-,2lu nnd upwird. all conven I- ences. GEO. I IIARNF-3. 1201 Chestnut at. MlU.nilSI-; PARK DBrAtHLD sinne and brlrk summerTid winter home. 12 rooms. 2 bath? 1. garage; lot 8f,x1R5 ft : hot-water heat hard wood doors open' fireplace, sleeping porch very high location, with plenty of Kad": convenient to train nnd trolley. Tn Inspect apply nt W D chambers 4931 N Rroad at Mr.moN-XABiir.RTii IlLAl Tin L .Colonial residence Ideailv lo cated lot ,xl7(l- reception hall llvng room dining room, pantry.kllch.-n laundry sleeping rooms. 2 baths. 2 balconies end sleeping pnrrn tnirn lloor. J Sleeping rooms nr.ii pntn, price rigni . otner noniea from I8OO0 no WM D SMEDLEY. N.irherth. Pa srniNoriTn.D BUY AN ACRE at tne price of a building lot In Beautiful Springfield Wise restilctlona (12 minutes from 00th st. station) JOHN .1. DOUGHERTY filth St. Terminal SWARTIIMORK Desirable Suburban Property Stone house 12 rooms 3 t-ith hardwood fioora, ft open flreplareq electrtr Huh- Hn, gas. h -vv. he.ii. sleepfnu poirb .1 .-i. i... rnu be used forap' house, priv.lte hospital.' fcan otorlum nr prlv school, beautiful grounds; price $17,000 ftoni the owner must be snto 1.0 oppret luted Pfi.'l Ledger I irflce willow t.nnvi: Ml.NGALOVV. tor Reservoir ave and Rilbl- can st. a loonia and large nttlc; loL ,1.-7.1. facing park r..l mviiti.v I I. I N ,11th si LI STON'E nemldelarhed house 1 1 "rooms hoN vvnler lieal. gas. elr-r. light tonv. train A- 'rollev , neulv papered, lot MlxlrtO: sprues trees shrubbery: stone garage, in mln rrom llrnad SI, Sla.. etcel location. Hnrace JIavis Itnn rhestnut nr 22H1 -V ,11st -MAIN LINE WAYNE ST. DAVIDS llfl WBPT I.AMWfiTKR A VK vo'otn'il tonp liou1 , l.T roomi U bath. aleani hunt ftnlshi-d tn wliti, lor lSn&lO'r prt. m JH.000 1- rooms, bath hot-air lot lliUxi-'-'lo. poft4cslori May I .12 not) 11 rnnnin. 1 bath, hn'-air heat , lot U0xL'4.5, powt'HHlon Mhv I 0 rno 1 4 rooiup. L' bathe. cpt i ra 1 ateam heal . lot 127xi'.i. Rar.iiK . . n 000 13 rooms 1 in in, hm-air heat lot 173xJi KuraRf l-'.flOO Ifi roonia. U hnthh ifntral BtfHin hear lot JU0x'.'-.' I J .".(li WEST VALU: KOlt YfifR MOXKV OV TJIK MAIN IASK HERMAN WENDELL H)A WAYNK A K . WATNE TA. I'hone Wavne -4 Rf Niiiv .lEnsrv srnrnnAN WHITE AM) COLORED nt'VKRK Asl, vour Vrlen-ls ali-.ut Ol'lt 5-i'UK KA111I LANDS at SEWTO.VVILLB Center I'nrk. near HaMMii.VTun' N J only ISdO acres left, $411 per aire and up $.1 down and 2.1 weeklv. also our HAM.MONTON IJI.vVOOU and M17.PAII lots, onlv 8000 lots left , EL. WOOD lots. J2.1 Sll and lip MIZPAH lola, J12 .It) and up also I). room tnne-rront house wllh 4 acres of Isnd and PLENTY of EltdT TnEES fot fHttilly use fating railroad sta tion and White llm-ae pike pnie S3UU0. only $.1(111 Cdeh Ijiil-tllie easv teims. all our prop erty la 1 to Li miiruti s' walk to atatluns: high and dr TITLE (JIAItANTEED. EASY TEHMS. ntltlll l) P P O II T I' X IT Y l-'OU SALES'SIEN N It V. nillLOT r Owner, llillii N "til at . Phlla . n. Office ',11- 11 until K I- III dully LIPl'INCOTT LOTH AND HOMES HADDON IIRlnilTfs N. J. AI'III'IION $30011 ON EASY TERMS huva 2-slorv 7rooin house on Lel'ntn ve ft minutes to trollev. now being repainted and L I.UUIICIUU lllluilKll.rill , l.ll-.lit-nE.Ull ill UIU'I, Ii D. LeCATO $30011 NO EXTRAS New bu-ualovv . .1 rooms and bath, lot TiOxLIO. electricity pas, laundrv trays- r-etnent walks, possesalott at once If D LeCATO NEW JKRKV SB VSIIDHK ATLANTIC C1TV ro'll HALE 11 H. Rhode Island ave . 2 cot tages; front cottage, 10 rooms, 2 baths, rear, 7 rooms and 1 balh, lot 32x13.1. yearlv Income around $1200. Address 'owner. 4411 Guarantee Trust Hldg., Atlantic City. S', J. orKAK citV ISTH AND PLEASURE AVE,, on tho baT. near both Reading and Penna.. deslrabla eemlbungalow with -I bedrooms, hot-vvatsr heat; large corner lot, price 14300, it. u. iuahi, Auouoon, is. J, NEW 7-ROOM HU.NCJALOW, with garsga and all conveniences, on the, Garden' Tracts near ataf and trolleya; only d2S1i Verma tQ ult, H.f V, ICAW, AWvUa. N.J. HEAL ESTATE Foil BAEK PKNNWVf.VANIA FARM " MAIN LINE FARM, . Fino Site for Country Homo bert?sh.?iu".,.b,.tn "ni tnsnt house could Workmen aro 'or "rra,r aB HERMAN WENDELL WAYNE PA. Illll HALE A Atl-1,,.1 ,1 . . . . nl:,..'."l wnndtand- near railway station, pi n ii ri rrpiv aveeii , it. : roil VaW i"ld 'r.T18 rMionab!?. 1 I VttJ?l,TA- "-"U-MrntM. iO-ncTP firm. I IfiK Inr&fl Imm ""'" """""n rpfK. -roomd rtw-ll. ... !--. hi',ktii houi, hortri( cftm j,;,; ,r.z"?n"x. 'priv'." .''" m , " "vcw"Shwr;n"u"jjrbe,'-Pad"" ' " "" , - w fV,t d,t,.. Inr .""" ,n' " bargain, sullabl tm dahvor roumrv pla.-e BOod bulidlnr sits J- P- 1 Rot T. Wavne I'a. HEAL ESTATE-SAXE OB BENT JiynsTN i tii ii,r, Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent JOSEPH M. JENNINGS n.t.Tin,RT'u'r "'' PHILA. Hell Telephone, Chestnut Hill 13JT. REAI, ESTATE WANTED srnrniuv U'bn2'J':n TO ""NT. modern 7 or 8 room Hill nr.f:uiha,n',I!,!rm"nlown " Ch.Itniti mi'( rSn?!,," Walnut REAI, -gTATjF0R KENT c I TV DAYLIGHT GARAGE. 7500 ,n. .. vicinity HP.ItG .inn MorriillM g. Locust 2400 . 'fPr.oj'crjIcajind Slorea ,5f"iV.!liK?,r ST'"'' "d Race). 2d floor,' .,,"' "I- " ,uil storage or light m f r "J.1 rrr-nii-frhajtST-Jjni Sjrln,roaren; '"j"?'"!. Mjntirnftiirlng Fleers 1220 RACE STREET -flxlno to Quany st modern building tlnors nn,l basement, electric light freiVh iclevainr. steam heat. iretgn j C.F.SIMON. 1I2S. 16th St. FLOORS Urge Small EaTablls".- fj,y. C0H0CKSINK MILLS STEAM AND II C ELLCTniP POWER . Large and amn.l flo-ira 1732 Randnlah. JTii;.ijsi.r,it itniiMq, mrn. ir,00 SQUAnE rEET of office room. Terml- n?"LArn', """ding newest oftlC. build. !f?-,,",.0'1."rn ln."lTrv Particular, low rental. K.MI.N GREENnHRH. 300 Morris nldg. ,ViV,i'.:S!'i'I''.:;,",70"r 'ootns on first floor, suitable for phvEcInn. electric llghtj hard! wood floors vrrv altraitlve I PiNT,VANu.irnpitnN ST.fJn,I!pro.I"'r'v' fnr rPl 'n country town.', 1.111 Poplar a. rhnne Poplar M0I -?-g-giJ!gNJ!r-FURrSHED x. : ATTRACTIVP. DETACHED ""hESIDENCE: nni J??SI "" bn,h. Io,1- ;r"-':!0: good fruit nnd garden: gaa nnd e'erfrl-it. HERMAN WENDELL W'avne. Pa new .ii:p.m;v HANDSOME large ninnsloi, furnished near Mnorestown N J : all mod ennva . 3 bath. rooms open ii acres culttrnled a miles from camden. good roads near F R aim irone , jir.nn vearli prnileirii nur. chase. R 301, Ledccr OfOie. 3onrvax&ux3Cf SI 00-to $5000 to Loan i-eT? tntf nnni'i.M tioln or nifj I.ont of hort t-rn. or initHlln(ntt St-iilpment 1 fin j KbiHtp loan1- OIill. ihmn taken up. ARTFIUR J LEUPOLD 30.1 Ilnllev ItklB I2IS Chestnut st, Itlrlg fill I 121 S Chestnut fi2d si. NOTE OR MORTGAGE immediate settlements ft, settled estnte loans ituildlng association funds DKMPSKY CO . 27 S. 10th at. I $1000 Money for 1st Mortgages CHAS. W. MILLER , - A Urn ppintt BurtTv imm- IpjyJ din-c pfitlpmrnt Intcrfar In ',, f si i boutrlit t 'a sh at one. $2000 EDVLII1M0LLJ?1,S.". Mortgage Funds F. S Lewis, fr,"". Cnn First and second Arvarnoun' v ere,a Trust flld LOANS. HEAL ESTATE AND ESTATES AW Sl'll OELANT. 31 S Broad (West End Hldg.) UOn.nOi) TO INVEST In mortgages In sums to suit SEiriEL k IO . 4th and Callowhlll sis. EIHST AND 2D SIOrtTOAOES placed aulck lv OEO. L 11AHNEH 1201 Chestnut st. WVNT 1ST AND 2p MOnTOAOES TAYLOR -MIDDLET6N. 703 Walnut at MONEY TO LOAN BENEFICIAL LOANS' IVs lend monev lo anv one who has good rha'-a-ter and steadv emnlovmcnt Tou can obtain lon on furniture, real estate or Cuaranteed note no pawns, loana J30 and n repajablo In tan or mora monthly Instil menta lrfgal harges only, based on un paid halanres. for aetual time due: Inquiries invited, new borrowers welcomed very fair and helpful, society financed by local hull. ne,s and professional men. organized to nerve the public, and not solely to make tnnnev. call, write or nhone prntnnt, con fidential and courteous dealings. Hours. 0 to i JO. Saturdav l to 1 rilO.VE WALNUT 117.1 BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY LICENSED MONEY-LENDERS mm I lUortir KlllMinir loth Liberty Building floor """" ..-..,, Floor' N E COR nilOAD fi CHESTNUT STS. Lkense.l by Commissioner of Tlanklng Membei rhila. Hoard of Trade Member Phila Chamber of Commerce Member Legal neform liureau to Ellmlnat the ton Shark evil CASH AT CTNCE Whv vvai' fnr ihe tnsh voti need when tha EQtIITAHI.B i an lake, care of your wants usuallv the same dav otl apply? Our new repavment plan permita vou to arrange pay. menta lo suit our i onvenlence. snd tho rate of Interest la but 3 per cent up tn $100 and 2 per cent on all amounts abtfva $101). Ynu will hud our i,ervi.e PROMPT O.OUR. TEOUS snd CONr'lDENTIAL. If you have. loana with any other company wa will ar range to pay them iff and advnnca you more inone.v Ynu will find It to your ad vantage to deal with this company. Private department for ladle EQUITABLE INVESTMENT CO. 123 .viAavivr. '- oi. Sllth door. Phona Hornce. 43. 8 to 8 dally. Member Philadelphia Hoard of Trade .fr. , - i YOU CAM liuitlllivv Ml-IKV ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY $25 AND HP.... S. PER CENT $7,1 AND HP 1 PER OENT ,20OiAiNDUP.fa.E,n,arERNT iob vtltlKET ST. RIDQE AVB.. AND OXFORD ST. " 22D AND SOUTH IT8, -READY M0NEY- Unitcd States Loan Society, j lt NORTH BROAD , i' 210 JUikst at,, 254S QermrnttMeajaM: "M""-"!!.ffir,!Vy,M,iJ5.nffla ',&' f"r a $&. Jii 1 im m -' ItP- .ff..tli S'v . .. ,..'.'. ' 'v. .' M M& . ..r ' . .-3keiV.iik1ricr:aj.Jrr.AAL.,iiSi.sVL,-JrfJA.-i .Jkiijie vlV7, r y' . W1l"vt !&Sii. - . Mi'.', -r. J,. 'K.51.'j:jJ i v . ' tf