Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 13, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 6, Image 6

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EToX,-.-, ,-- i tt.. . t
KPrTUld. uospci, new ruwci
2L" Rnnnnclninlinll (.nil-
J 1V1 lll,l.uiiauuv'")
Eft; fcrcucc Is Told
yJSo Preacher Tells Brethren
"Ghost" of Interpretation
Walks Into Session
1. n. Adams, of Llnwood, probably will
be assigned to the Bllllngsport Church
In tho Brldgeton district the nev H
U Burkett, of Trlnlt Church, MllUllle,
ha-, be'n Invited to Audubon The Ilev
James T.ord, of Spring t.ale, la to go to
the MIIIII1 church Tho Rev. Herbert
.1. Root, of Capo Jlav City, Ins been
Invited to St. Paul's, Pennsroe. The
Ilev. .lohn n. need, of Asbury Church,
Camden, probably will bo to Wesley
Church, Brldgeton. The llc. Kdgar
Cloud, of Cape May Court House, In alt
probability will go to tho I layton
Few channel are probable In the
Trenton district The Nov T S Ham
mond of Mount Holh, lm been InMlert
to llllltown, and the Ue .1 K Se
Christ, of St Paul's, Trenton, probably
will be sent to Sarellle
tt ui KuiiuL inrui iTiurvuo vjiiu-
WA flfNV.! iRFlV l"-burg. Awurd llctronctivc
111 XKJ JRJL 1kJ.1XA-JA ,
Colonel Harvey Publishes
Putative Text of Repri
mand by March
Proost Marshal Instructed to
Revoke Certain Edicts and
Suhmit to Staff
4i .Hi
Srnlal Telcoram to Vitnixo rublic I rrforr
n..H n..r. . j.. .iarcn u "
little sympathv In the New .erse i
Conference of the Methodist 'CP" Senators UnnOSinr WllSOll
.called ' feature reunion i .
tf-fciin-h for no-called 'tea
'as a church necessity in the ar after
math If an incident during the reading
of the. nev. K. A. T)e Marls' report as
rA. i.,.t.-. r i ha Camaen uisirm.
J during the session i anv Indication
BSi -Camden docs not need a Kino oi r
but the
See Doom of Present
World Covenant
Bclice Rcmoing Society
From Peace Pact Will Per-'
mil Suitable Revision
Camden docs not
',iot,-iiMlnn cojnel. ' he raid
old gospel -AHh new power
The nev .lames William Marshall re
tiring superintendent of the New "runs
wick district fdld there was no neces
sity for "democratization In me -
dlst Church, where ' there are no bo"e-
end where nona will he tolerated , n, llu. Associated Pr.-s,
The outburst of " Aniens. "J1 a aslilncton. Mnrcli 13 Surprise .ind
.fervor an thing that i?"'rcd monstra'.lgratiniallon were expressed both bv
nARlon OL Illrf-mf i .
tlon' .. , i,,,r.ht laid last
Special tthoraw la K tfnfiiff Publtr cdoer
W nalitngton, March 13 Tho contro
versy as to whether Oeneral March, as
chief of staff, had reprimanded Provost
Marshal Oeneral Knoch H Crowder on
the ground that the latter had exceeded
his authority on certain occasions, was
renewed todav hv tho assertion of Col
onel George Harvey in his weekly that
i he reprimand had been given, despite
the categorical denials authorized by
the War Department
Inferring to the den'als, Colonel Har
vei said
Sonic one lias deliberately sought to
I deceive the public Ho use no stionger
I term)
i He then proceeds lo support liis a
Ueiilon In ouotlng the following, which
he B.ivs were the exact words of the
I reprimand, and were contained In an
I oflic lal bulletin sent to every member
of the general Huff
! 'The Chief of Staff reprimands the
Provost Marshal CJener.il for having
I , n.i.n n.w1 lut Anil lilo n,llhn-U, 1 Fa tl.O
who are opposed to the ,,..., ,,,,, f-pnerall "iti rmok
covenant for n league of ti.i-l(,rt,,n orr(.s which h" has l!-stied and
f'lismh-rhi,rr. t. Mnrrli 13 (UV
A P ) The tintlonal var labor board
has sent a decision here to the effect
that until June next, at least, the
minimum hotirlj wage In virtually all
the local Industries shall be foity cents
for all males more than twenty-one
Sears old and that there shall bo un
eight-hour day
This Is the same uward made In tho
Wnyiifsboro appeal ttbout u car Bgo,
and follows a strike by tho men of the
Wolf Company last summer. The nward
affects mainly that ompany and Wood
Sons Company, tho Hnglneerlng Com
pany I'oundry and Machine Company
and 12 (' Haftr Companv. Tho award
Is retroactive to August 26, and the back
pay. It Is estimated, will exceed $50,000,
of which amount the Wolf Compans,
flour mill machinery makers, will have
to pai 20 000
Government Will Transport
Men Discharged or Furlougb
etl for Distress in Families
old ghost thougnt """';'' -Present
after manv veirs oi mum- - tions and those who favor it at the will issue none hereafter without au-
tlmes bitter debate, roappeare , , news horn Paris that th- icatv of peace thorltv from tho Chief of Staff
talked about for a few ""? . I Th, War Department authorized a
during whlcn l ne i"' '" - Htrbeitl . , . . ""'"" "" ' statement Pebruarv
of Brldgeton ana iu '-' nir niciuae Ttie league s i ovenam wiurn
or iremu" - ,lf is lo be left for future consideration
the old oia i"" i ,,,,,., . .
docirtrn. t -,- luimuiBti tium ccn.i.iui'- ,uo iiac
.. hnnl. a an(l !. .1 . i ji . .., .
vu.nl9.11V as H iS fOUnil m '" l'"" wri-n (.upjiuiLlllj; ITCiriPIlt li:oilh coil
"-- - . . ,.,, .in r is ex-
forces. U was
interpretation of Methodist
tieclally as It Is found In text
tenhons in favor of the proposed cove
nant voiced a keen sense of relief that
a return to peace conditions will not
be Indefinite! rielaved b n long-drawn-out
debate over the league Opponents
of tho league are jubilantlv- asserting
thev have won half the battle
According to tho view of the matter
taken by Senatois the apparent deci
sion of the Paris conference in the
SSfir a deteiminedTght will be made
laTer on to quash all the pIOceedlngs
Dead, for Disabled rr-aeher.
The Uev M. E Snvder, superintendent
of tne Trenton district, made a pea for
M ?" pension stem for disabled
tor. H also urged the infusion of
bfood'Into'thenlstrj by the p.,-
- KAttur Kalaries.
ITlQIlb Ul wc tA mTltmUO utieonM f IVaelflAnl UMlLnn In uot.n
"Men cannot do exycc. " , . i -..v..... . ..vd....t .. ..w... . o(.n
. jh. clergv," he said. '"' salaries , iate the proposal for a league of na
whlch are insufficient to afford thetntlonn from the general peace treaty Is
nml their families t living I not a death blow to nil efforts to form
Th nuestlon of disposing of the 'PC- a soc.etv of nntions for the prcserva
otl war emergencv funds was di-cused. , tion of world peace, but it does mean
nnct It was decided to divide the fund I that the present Instrument Is doomed
nmonc the home and foreign missions There is little doubt that the trentv
The KeV. A K Ballard president of of peaco with the Central Powers will
th Ocean Grove Camp Meeting As,o- be promptly ratified bv the Senate
elation presided at the annual memor-j After that is done the discussion of the
" 11 services last night Ten members question of a world league villi proceed
of conference died during the ear. It j in an orderly and unhurried fashion and
was reported Thev were Robert D. a slnrero attempt mark, say tho opx
Tstephenson. of Mllltown: Charles B sition Senators, to nork out some scheme
'Roche of 'VVrlghtstown . Paul V Miller. I that will be estlsfnrtorv to all the na
of Camden: 'Walter II Hills, of West- j tonq ami peoples Involved
" -..i ! -l.-lt VTTrnnAjf'l A r.d -
vvllliam -viiicneu, oi c u . ys one aennior expressed n last nigtu.
Adams, of Delanco. amue "ti,0 attempt to force a read -made
4 that Oeneral
iYottders entire mlllt.irv lecord was
lunmarrcd s an explanation of the
'origin of the storv tlint Oeneral March
I had reprlnanded Crowder, it was said
that there had been a difference of opin
ion between the two on tho subject of
medical culminations and that letters
had been exchanged on the subject An
nhstract of one of the letters the ex
planation continued, hnd been construed
bj (leneral Crowder as implying a rep
rimand and he had taken It up with
Secretary Baker
The latter, according to tho War De
partment statement, found that no rep
t lmand was Intended and hud tho lan
guage altered
This explanation of the hltuatlon ap
peared entlrelv plauclblo at the time It
was made, hut In the light of the pub
lication of the text of what purports
to he the official reprimand, tho-e w ho
have Interested themselves In the case
feel that an explanation Is in order
Representative McKenzie, of Illinois,
in the last dais of the Sixtv-flfth Con
gress. Intioduced a resolution asking
for the complete correspondence be
tween Oeneral Crowder and his superi
ors, but the resolution died In commit
tee Another resolution was introduced
by Representative Slegel, of Xew York,
Koldleis returning liotne from over
seas through furloujjh or dlschatge,
granted because of dlstrrss In their
families, need not pay for fheir own
.This announcement by the 1 omc serv
ice section of tho American Red Cross,
supersedes an original order of the War
An order was Issuod some time ago
permitting an enlisted man serving with
tho A II 1 or with the armv rf occu
pation In (Jermnny to iinplv fo- dis
charge or furlough to the Lnltert States I the New
because of distress or death In his fam
II The order, however, carried with It
the provision that all such enlisted men
pav the'r own water transportation,
amounting approximately to- 170
Tho new order provides that all men
relieved from active servlro with their
units in Hurope, either for furlough or
discharge, be formed Into c-asusl com
panies for discharge or furlough, as the
case may be, and shall be returned to
America, at the expense of tho War De
partment The new ruling also prr
vldes that men sent home for discharge
bo sent to the aviation concentration
camp at Oarden City, I., T and men
forming the furlough compitiltH be fur
loughcd at the port of embarkation
Measures Permitting Ligbt
Alcoholic Beverages Held
Up During Wrangle
Legislation Will Not Contain
"Right of Search" Pro-
sions, It Is Said
r,j a Staff Correspondent
Ilarrlnburg. March 13. No liquor law
enforcement legislation has yet been
Introduced by the "wet" forces Into tho
Legislature It had been announced
that bills to permit the sale of beers
and wines would be Introduced In the
House Monday night.
"Dry' membcis cngcrly awaited the
mensures and scented n mystery when
thev failed to appear It developed to
day that the bills did not appear be
cause ihe liquor forces could not agree
on the provisions to be Incorporated In
the measures.
The wrnmle nmonc the llnuor people
held up the Introduction of the bills I
They will likely be put In next week if,
an agreement can be reached.
It could not bo learned If the light
was dun to the old feud between the
brewers and distillers, but it Is believed
that it had something to do with the
differences of opinion.
The bills which were to provide for
the sale of G per cent beer and 10 per
cent wine were to be modeled after the 1
"wet' hills which will be Introduced In
Vol It Legislature Representa
tive William T. Ramsey. Chester, leader
of the 'wet' forces in the House, made!
a special trip to Albany to get a line i
on the New York measures
As scon ns the bills nre Introduced a
fight between "wets" and "dry" mem
bers on the Moor of the House Is antic
ipated , "Odrys" confidently asser they
will have a mijorlty strong enough to
defeat nny measures which would tend
to thwart prohibition
The ' dry" hills to provide for the en
forcement of prohibition am now being
drafted Theso bills will llkelv b In
troduced next week also "Dry" lead
ers arc silent about the provisions of the
bills, but It Is known that they will
stamp anything containing alcohol as an
H Is further announced on reliable
authority that the "drjs" will tnako no
effort to put a right of search and
seizure clause In the bill. Considerable
opposition would develop to such n.
clause which would permit tho con
stituted authorities to enter a, mini's
home to search for liquor and tonlbcalo
any Intoxicants found.
SUPERIOR COURT DECISIONS P-W was retused- 0rladl';
CL Bl, VB. JIHimtlU oc
Rcargumcnt in J. SI. Nnvc . P. K. T.
Is Refused
llnrrltburg, March 13. The Suiii"''
Court completed hearings nnd handed
down twelvo opinions nnd two oidcrn
yesterday. The Judges will meet today
for consultation Reargumcnt In Jnmcs
M, Nave vs Philadelphia" Transit Com-
V. J.1 Asure
vs. Ilankcio c Aimnson, , -.
Bucks, nlllrmed; Orlman Hstate, O. C.
Chester, nfflrmed : Karmany vs Kar
many. C I. Lebanon, aHlrmed , Marvel
vs Mullen, C P. No. J, Phlldelphla, te
verscd. Head, .1 - Dlsken vs Dlsken, C. P. No.
3. Philadelphia, affirmed. Love vs. Tlogx
Trust Company. Philadelphia. M C, af
firmed! Commonwealth vs. Starkus, Q.
K Philadelphia, reversed.
. Le Phonograph
do Qualite
The genius of the artiste producing the record
enhanced by the genius of the Pathe inreproduci
Mahn. Richard P Lear, Josepn c. rvuip
and Joseph N Brown I
After the communion service vcster-
dav afternoon the conference was or
ganized bv tho election of the Rev Hd
' ward A. Wells, of Lambertvllle. as sec
Jflxiry: the Rev. DeWItt c Cobb, of!
J?leasantvllle. treasurer; the Rev Wal
ter Shaw, of Woodlvnne statistician,
Wid the Rev. D. H. Clair, of Trenton,
rdllroad secretary
l A resolution of sympathv concerning
the Illness of the Rev H F tlravntt
of Camden, was adopted, and then slml- u
JSX BCVlOIl III U1Q ci-:a ul ,, or-' tiicn-
berf of conference was taken
New Charges Ileported
'Conference adopted tho recommenda
tion of District Superintendent Alfred
' -Wag, of the Brldgeton district that
tho name of the, Cape May church be
changed from "VlsStors' Church of Cape
Triand" to the "First M II Church of
Cane May" Superintendent Wagg re
ported new charges at Carney's Point
nnd Deepwater Villain and said West
lllllvllle was prepared now to go ahead ,
with the erection of? Its $.5,000 edifice
r Superintendent Kurman A De Marl', I
Sr the Camden district, reported that
the Bev. Kdwin R Bfumjate, of Black
'Wood, for forty-six jears in the min
istry, would retire thfls year. Superin
tendent De Maris praised the war-time
activities of members of churches In the
The Rov. Mellvllle E Synder, super
intendent of the Trenton district re
ported that tho Rev. X ,T Wright, of
' Trenton, would seek retirement this
ar. He lias been In the ministry for
forty-two years.
Bishop Shepard was closeted with the
' four district superintendents conipris- ,
Inff his "cabinet" for several hours be
fore the formal opening of tho confer
ence, and It is understood much progress
' ras made with thf pastoral apsign- i
irtenls. Some delegntes predict there
Trill be wholesale chseiges in ad four or
tho districts, but the opinion is general
the- changes will not be numerous.
'' No change Is likely to be made in any
of the Atlantic illy cliurches, the Rev
IT. J. Belting being returned to Central
Church, the .Rev. 1 1 V Parker to Chel
naa. the Rev. G. T Han Is to the First
Church and the Rv
Changes In amden
The Rev W Earl Lcdden. of the Bel-
jrn-r Church, bbs been Invited to the
State Street Church, Camden, and tho
CRev. J. B. J- Rhodes, of Simpson
' Church. Long Branch, to Centenary
L. r",nii-h. Camden, nother change likely
fft- to take Place In Caraden is tho transfer
fth af'the Jftev W K Zimmerman, ot I lor
W 0 Parkslde Church. Camden.
Pt -vwv,.'- th Rev P I'. Ml'ler. pastor of
rcT'TarKslde, will be sent has not been de-
KV," wwo netv charges In the fiimden dls-
Lic i-t -.ill lia.v to be tilled this sear
V Thcy are Kmibury church Colllngswood
I,; and tne euhihistiii" .--.
' Church, wlllcjt nave ieceiui I'omo mm
L - T- I.-.. .rnn. 'Pl Tint
.' th xew jericjf uiiii-icmc. " -
league down the throat of the American
people w ithout due consideration and
without opportunity to amend It has
been frustrated" Tho thlrtj -nine He
publican Senators who signed the I.oilne
resolution are naturally elated over this
latest turn In affalrn abroad because it
Is Oiactly what thev have been de
manding as set forth in the resolution
Governor Eilge to Make Rurlinglon Ap
pointment Soon, Trenton Hears
Trenton, March 13 The Kenato was
in brief session jeatcrday, taking up only
a few routine measures left over from
last nlgl ts calendar, nnd adjourned un-I
til Monday night. Among the measures
passed was one by Senator Ham
mond, prohibiting the display of anv flag
or other device inienciea to interiere f
Wim organizeu uucrjimciiL, ami jiromii-
Itlng the distribution or literature In any
language intended to Interfere with tho
proposing that the Speaker of the House I government
appoint a tpiclal committee to Invest!-1 (iosip Is to the! effect that Sen-
gale various chargerf affecting the War ntor Harold II Well" o-
of Tornier Governor W. A. Stone
) Remembered by Governor Sproul
I l(nrrllmri, r, March 13 Covcrnor
' Sproul last night announced the appoint
ments of Stephen Stone, City Solicitor
of Pittsburgh, and former state Senator
Charles H Kline, Pittsburgh, to be
judges of tho Allegheny County Common
Pleas Court. They were appointed
I under tho act recently passed by the
Legislature providing for two additional
judges Mr. Stone Is a son of former
Governor W. A. Stone.
Department, Including the one that ncn-
eral Crowder had been reprimanded.
Secretarv Baker and General M'arch
are absent from Washington on an In
spection trip of all the mllltnr camps
In tho United States
U. S. Minister Dines Swedish King
Hlockliolm. March 12 King Gustavc
dined with Ira Nelson Morris, American
Minister, last evening Tills is the first
time since the war that the King has
accepted an invitation from a foreign
County, will be- appointed by Governor
Hdge to succeed William D Llpplncott,
the present county judge of Burlington,
who Is a Democrat Judge Llpplncott'a
term will expire April 1. His salary
The Short-Story Slate
California Is the best "short storv
factory" state of the union, declares
an authorltv Whv "factor," and why
onlv the "short' storv' Story writing
may be a grest Industrv. hut It is not
jet on the basis of standardized prfiduc
tlon San Francisco Chronicle
1 er -a
i fmmh' -- '
: iflii i-vv 7 -71 Bh
I (jmm': 73crUtaJ HUA I
I fliHir vtATTPn B1 i
J88r- milk HIh
i Mini Lff'S -fr"
ffli w
NS!-?,? BtsTQUAimr Wy
- .n vv
. t;;J,!'
Borden's Malted Milk lor
Pathc Instruments, naturally, have artistic
cases. Pathc Instruments, of course, embody
every' perfected and proven feature of mechanism
and control. Pathe Instruments, to be sure, nre
equipped to play all makes of records:
But the recognized pre-eminence of Pathc
is due to the genius that made possible its mar
velous reproduction the wonderful ability to
render the brassiest playingt of a band without a
"blare" up to the tiniest, tip-top note of the
violin without a ''squeak."
When arc you coming in to let Pathe play
your favorite record for you?
Pathe Irutruments Cost No More Than
Ordinary Phonographs $32.50 to $1000
Convenient Terms
In Rtiy fin Mi de
aired. Fnlly equip
ped o play all
mnken of ill 10 rec
ord . (1 o m p I M
with sapphire hull.
Borden's Malted Milk lor
children home from school.
Nourishing delicious hot
or cold.
Insist on Borden's always.
In square packages only.
ilLJtl l"ii)JMi,uiiWMWMBMWBBM
Dealers Everywhere
k - STORK OfllNS -JJ M
9 0mw f 0 A. M. S9
H -4r V V Bf ' IV VJL V BnW)te
A H. Lucas to St.
Popular Prices for Parttcultr People
Re : Pies
CHERI Pies are "the
kind your Mother
used to make" with
flaky, crumbly, rich
brown crusts and deli
cious, generous fillers. It
is like going to the cup
board at home. A limited,
but ever-changing assort
ment, and each one a gas
tronomic work of art be
it "home made" Mince,
Lemon Meringue or Bos
ton Cream Pie.
CHERI Pies like all other
CHERI pastries, are made
fresh daily in our own
Bake Shops.
124 South 13th Street
132 South 15th Street
1604 Chestnut Street
(Wats Alttr.tioni Ara CompleUd)
J. G. PATTON, Piesidtnl
Will Prove a Great Convenience
We will open an account icilh
every responsible person
Apply Second Floor
Aquamarine Rings
Remarkably beautiful wlicn
i ' ebmbined v i t h diamonds,
f-especially when the aqua
bl; marines arc of rich color.
'A finfriiflfh titn innn r-r ii 11 -e
V and one diamond in mdivid-
,uai square settings, ipt...
1 5 f
iiWn m f- o ci ... .
. JXltia CC nuns, lUU Chestnut at.
Those who are interested in a motor
of exceptional quality and dis
tinction will appreciate the
Brewster Car on Private Ex
hibition at Hotel Bcllevue-Strat-ford,
March Eighth to March
Made complete by Brewster
6c Co., whose excellent Coach
Work has won them a diftin
guifhed patronage ever since 18 10.
Patrons of Brewster & Co. of
late years have insistently urged
that we produce a motor car
complete that in mechanical de
tails, in perfection and perform
ance of motor, would be of equal
distinction with 'Srelvjier Special
'Built Sodief.
Thoscfamiliaratjirtband with
Brewster Coach Work will un
derstand why patrons would dc--sire
a car built complete by
Brewster & Co.
After Macch Fifteenth the
Brewster Car will.be in perma
nent quarters at 2039 Market St.
,inf '
f wm
Women's & Misses'.
$4 .75
Values Up to $2S
A giouplng of one rack of
tlio now spi Iue dres-es at this
&ieci.tl price.
b 1 1 U taffetas. Georgette
ctepe", matins and all-wool
serge3 In neuest trimming
effeU.s All new coloring"1.
Women's & Misses'
$ A.75
Regular $25 Values
'lhla price Is for this ono
day onl and embraces all
the most popular stjlcs of
the beacon.
Made of serges and pop
llnb In new coat and braid
td cfTcctf. All new spring
1 -Jtmi-Jv
$1.00 Value.
Large arlety of
tailored, lace or
embroidery trim
med modclR
50c Corset
Manj stles for
cholc'c, trimmed with
laces and embrold
eiles In front and
White Mu.lin
or Silk
Lace and embrold.
ery trimmed. '
Women's $1.50
In white onlj Most
extraordinary uluea
at this special price.
STin:r.T i'i.ook
Toko and mUBhroom Htjles, mnartly trimmed with ilbbons and
Cherries. Very chic and unusually dreicy.
tSiiif & nanfts
With Crepe
$2.50 Values
New Spring
Value to $2.50
Herges, popllna
and plaids, with
new pockets and
belt effects
In unusually amart spring fitjlcf.
-izes ior women ana misses.
Choice of wcol ftergefe, satins and silk poplins
l Women's Silk & Serge Dresses fo.98
A npeclal group for this one day's Belllrg. fieveral of the vnost desired styles for choke.
Made of all wool nerges and Busquehannu alllt poplins.
2 ureases
Rompers and
I Girls' Lingerie
Sizes 3 to 0 years,
j& ctiico 10 u ycar '
Lace trimmed Btyles.
alzts from 8 to 14
Girls' Spring
Of serges and check
materials. Sizes
3 toflt years.
Girls' Wash
Of glnghaihn and
repps. Sizes 6 to
x years.
yr, I.
ah VKiihT M
1 9k
v-w, , i
i'l ..
.A' "f