FPyrfffirrMflri T - ! HNG APPLAUDS i uimcnisj npiviTR AM UUIUVJL1 WU f Ull ' Spanish Ruler's, Sporting jBIood Quickened by Carreras' Daring Jupcr-Six Sick Car Is First Up TortuouV Mountain CouriAG U 1 (Dy Special Cnnle to thv Kvonln Public Ledser) , T, ,. Barcelona, Spnln, March 12V"Il7?:s in the gray of tho dawn Beside V "" wayside ahrtno, a remnant of tho i !a ages, stood an aged jirleat In full v,:" imnta. a crucifix uplifted In his hatiV IJA the dusty rood beforo him, t I mime-covered men eat with bowed hcad The prleava HPs moved In Bllent Mesalnif as he stepped close to the car I to allow each of the occupants to kiss crucifix. Then he moved back and, ia sullen roar, tho great engine loke. There was a clash of gears, and Ijjtfe car vanished In a whirl of dust. Its Laothaust echoing from tho mountainside Ike the thunder of a battery of hcay ftlllery. 'Hardly had the din subsided when pother car rolled up out of tho mist, lused, and the ceremony was repeated, (reive times this happened And, as tho t car disappeared up tho tortuous road ftv. It left the finest surrounucd bv a tie croup of peasants, their brilliant led headdresses offer ng a ttran&o traat to the sombrencss of tho scene. TUrtlng With Death jTor it waa tho very heart of medieval am, me sunny lanu or mo urusoau a the grandees, and these representa tive of a bygone age were paying a tri te at the feet of supreme speed and durance as exemplified In tho finest Mlons of the foremost automobile ineera of two continents. The great Partridge Mountain race, ha premier event of tho year In all Banish motordom, was being run. With tun not yet In sight twelve great ed creations were hurling themselves lions; the treacherous, winding road. through a dangerous mist, toward Spain's "tos-of-the-world" the cloud- pped, peak of Partridge Mountain. Breathlessly the 1 ttle group of men Jfjnd women at the foot of the Bhrlno Salted, peering Intently upward to ere the rising sun wan painting the 4op of the mountain a oubk, uiuu-reu. 1 man at a roadside telephone turned. duoss Is out." he said. "Car went over n a turn. Mechanlo an killed." There araa a sob In his voice, for Jose, who Jrove a hlgh-poworcd Italian car, waa a popular favorite- with tho villagers. King Wires Congratulations Silently tho seconds passed, and, be fore the contest was half finished, only ate cars were left, tho othors being asrevvn in spi men nco v. ..... . J;e along the treacherous road. It was S saddmed little group at tho shrine JJhlch waited tho final result which Jjjimo from the' watcher at tho tele- Sione after me umo oi mo wmnuuw id been compvited : "Luis Carroras, In Hudson Super-Six, Sins." he shouted, anu a rippio oi akeers greettd tho sun, vlslblo for the Sat time through the mists S In w nnlng v. Itli a stock car, the only tange in It h.ivlng been tho use of a eclal body, Cirrcras had broken all S cords for the course by thirteen Kilo etera. Carrer.is reached the top of tho Mountain in imi-uvo "" "".,,, Minutes at an average speed of 121 kllo Ceters an hour. in recognition of tho feat King Al- 5 ' . j t.i nuln euirlrv rflnd f?r- aanao nau "' " cw-....., raa a letter, wh th said: 3 "I havo had the honor to convey to his Ekjesty the news of your victory and he s specially charged me to oonvey to tu his congratulations on having won e race with a Hudson Super-Six." IeRIAL MAIL SERVICE :T0 EXPEDITE SHIPPING zvu k Bzs'm IbbbbbbbbbbbbEb'.,7 M BaaaaaBaaaaaaHaaar aaaTaaf afl WWMMM ax aaBBBaBaa tati bbbbbbbbbbbbbbi ".JIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! LIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbCbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ibbbbbbibbUbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI TV i.llf.l. P 8B; "flilPyrW ttfefeeep eoaw m MOtlatlr M K Is the car of safety. "Every detail of Mftttrucuon ) a rec ognised leader In ltt field; and In the American you find these standard units assembled and co-ordinated Into ono completo nnd efficient piece of engineer ing. "As the American comes over tho brow of a hill, you get the Impresilon of style linked with strength. There Is a slmplo ruggedness of design' about tho front fof the car that Implies n wealth of power nnd dependability. It Is a Qual ity that gives a real pride of ownership, backed by the sure knowledge th-vt tho car has the stamina to live up to Its up- penranco. In tho American a smart ex terior is the2 birthright of tno nu-uity within nnd not merely a deccptlvo cloak to concenl hidden weakness." In lino with the company's policy of obtnlnlng tho best engineering talent tho country affords, tho American Motors Corporation has secured tho service" of I, '. Rife, formerly super visor ot iweduetlon of the Hudson Motor car Company, of Detroit Mr.. Rife takes the position of factory manager with tho American Corporation Immediately. You will readily appreciate the tremen dous advantage this will gtvo our car nnd Ihe prestige which It wilt carry to prospective buyers ' Q. Allison Drowncrs, president of thj Tenn-Ainerlcan Motorcar Company, Philadelphia distributors of the Ameri can Six, announces thnt they havo Just opened a new service station nt tho northeast corner of Fortieth nnd Ludlow streets LOUIS CHEVROLET liious racing driver and head of i Chevrolet Motor Company, who is at- n,"nS ,n8 eighteenth annual ilooiobile show hers CHEVRON PRAISES AMERICA'S MERITS Paige Earning! $1,000,000 Kiirnlngs of the Palgo-Uetroit Motor, car Comtiiny for the vear ended Decem ber 31, 1118, were shown to be 1 1,0 00, 000 In the statement of earnings and profits read at tho annual meeting. To tal sales amounted to 113.800 000. com- pared with $15,500,000 in 1017. The figure for profits !h without deductions tor taxei, estimated at J500.000. MOLE-RECORD HONORS TAKEN FROM GERMANY Dc Pnlmn, in n Packard "12," Lowers Time Credited to a Blitzcn Ucnz aermony's name has been wiped off tho automobile racing record book by tho exploit of Hilpli Do Palnia, who. In a Packard twelve, dished over the mllo mark on tho straightaway Daytona, Kla., cou'so In 24:02 seconds. Tho previous record vvai made by tlie late nob Ilurman, who, on April 23, 1911, drovo n Mlltzen Ilinz over the satno course tn 2fi 10 recondn Do Palmn'M record w.tlmado Febru ary 12, 11. His Bpeed waa Ui.Vi miles per hour. This Is better than twice as fast as the first record established' on the Or mond beach In March, 1002, when Alex ander Wlnton, In his famous "llullet," did tho mllo In C2 1-S seconds; At that tlmo the straightaway mllo was held nt Dl 4-G stands by Henry Fournlor, made on the Coney Island boulovard. Right fully the honor of being the first to hang up a world s mark on the beach belongs to W, K. Vanderbllt, Jr., who drovo hl9 Mercedes In 39 reconda In January, 1904, This flight was respon slblo for tho establishing of the Van- derWIt Cup roatl re, for M,1W ord polder, entiiused over the naW sport, offered for competition a cup which tster became a clastic. After Vanderbllt camo H. I Dowden with a double-englned 120-horsepower Mercedes, who, on January 28, 190B, cut the mark to 31 1-G seconds. Then steam camo Into Us own and tho A. A. A. book tells of tho remarkable spurt of Frank Marriott 1n a Stanley Kteamer, who dropped the mllo to 28 1-5 second, equal t5 127.66 mile per hour. Hirney Old field, In the Illltsen Uenz, cut this to 27.83, or 131.76 miles per hour, on .tl K.tn IMi ' second fretn then tmtH tiae day this year. Parla Mall Service ' ' Not tho Irast of tho examples of CaA Iliac dependability In Franco was the performance) of a number of Cadi Mao rtrs used to relieve the railroads on a French mall run out of Paris. 'The t length of the runs varied from 1C0 to , 200 miles These cars effectively dem onstrated their endurance In making the runs. day after day and month after month, nveraglng flfty-flvc miles an hour. a Famous Racing Diicr V& Dependability and wcr c:" JIA. in Hailing from the four corners of V nAimirv n tittla sroUD of profession 'k drivers of racing cars met at the opn- Ing of the auto show. Naturauy iney "talked shop" and as n matter of course the conversation drifted around to the problems encountered on the spoedwny This led to a discussion of the merits of various machines and as to what one characteristic nbove all else was essen tial to r really good car. On this point they all agreed that balanco was the prime requisite, for nt high speeds and on sharp turns n motorcar must look to Its distribution of weight for down right readability. At this stage of the conversation they paused in front of the American Motois forporntlon exhibit whore Louis Chev rolet. Internationally famous automobile designer and vice president nnd chief engineer of tho concern, was explaining tho merits of tho American Six to a group of interested motorists. "So you boys agree on tho Importance of balance." Mr. Chevrolet, who hail overheard the discussion, said to the drivers. ""Well It Is this exact distri bution of weight which Is tho outstand ing characteristic of the new American Six. Uulanced to the last fraction of a pound over Its four wheels, the Amer ican was built to hold the road. This I o nu elemental feature of Its design, vhlch offers, as a by-product, economv. It means that tho wear and tear of very driving strain Is evenly divided throughout tho wholo machine. 1-n.h pirt wears exactly ns It waa Intended to wear tath part lives Its maximum lifer Tho American is tho car of low Bfl HB jHj r" BBBB DBBBBBaBflBBBBflBaBBflBBBBflBfeflaBBBa BflBTBflBTBflBBTBflBBlttXV. BBBBBBBBBBBrQIlBS gfjEf-- tflBBBBxBJI BBflBYBflBYBflBTBflKBBHisB ittv. BMnBBBBBTBflBTBflBTBflBaBTBBBTBflBTuBflBTSflBHBflKiSBBPnSa .v 1k BBlSBBflBBBi BBBBBflBBflEPtaEK2nBiP' VV."4''' 'VJrmSBKMSUMjpmSlajtfK .-fc -flSMjaaB BBBBVaaVaBBBBV '!' 2a&mz-4:'2&!fr&rj''r "r i i P!&JSJfc1&4 . -terJIssaE'av J 3K," w X' , .. mm ' ., mjt 4i '"' .S .........i t. lfci." Qbnsignee'B Papers Will Be ; Sent to Ships at Sea, Averting Losses i Invention of an entirely new type of tfrplane, by Its adaption to the needs il shipping, soon will make It possible for Isse'.s to leave port as soon as they are aded and cleared w'thout the frequent nfctly delays due to the late arrival of Mills. JOreat Inconvenience and financial loss sal cargoes often Is caused when ships Uve to wait In port for the consignee's tarcers. Perfection of tho Christmas PBullet," a blplano capable of dovelop' kj great speedf-swlll remedy this condl Emi. accordlnTTo Automobile Topics, lch In Its current Issue has this to ky 1 f This problem has now been solved by p Kerr Bieamsnup company, oy me ujo : ,k.timinnA nrA Ra tharouehlv does SlHH.nu Vi-1'mva thnt thlM will nrnVA LTpractlcal method out of the difficulty EkA., t, la nhmtt to onerata a fleet of Mans, among them the Christmas Bul !,'' which Is a strutless and wireless llblane rfald to make n speed of 170 biles an hour. Thes will be able to de (j Mti fmm tvntv-four to thlrtv- I ul hours after the ship leaves port, tho I Mil being carried In waterproof sacks I .J- . ...l An ,Via Hlr ne ,lin bnntM bv I Ivflators who have learned the gentle I Iri of bombing. rThe cnriatmas -xjuiiov is a uipituiu lealgned by Dr. W. W -Christmas and Tmade by the Cantilever Corporation, l5 Broadway, New York city." Busted thinks! Don'f Worry. Bring It Htr: Our Repair Work Is tpo guaranteed kind, finished when promised and done to stay done.' Vulcanlztnr, t Acceitorlei, Tire; etc. Keystone Tire & Repair Co. 807 N. BROAD ST. m m, ffl m w iri 1 KESTEHRiSTrMT5a7fiSfSTFaBSn: J sj. :4.(U-"ji m . m csskwwz bii K U Ti WJtfl HI W miVVTi IH -1 r"! WLa W mnmmmmmmaa IB IrlTO fFraJLf Thw' 1 B . J.LM 1WMBJ' 'i HAl BBflBBBHaBBlBflBBBflBBBflBBBflBBBflBBBflBBBflBBBflBBBfl WIIUb. ... .- -. LJS?lBaBBBBBBBBBBBBasWBBBalBBBBBBWaBBBBBBB iffl n1afisHHHPHsBMI KVU UOlpCj lafes BmTaaaiBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBWBBT! aBflSBalBBflBBBBBr 3aBBabN. "bBBBBbS BOS TTTfl KsBTaBBBn bbbHsbbbb1bbbb1bbbb1bbbbbbb1bbbb1bbbb1bbbb1bbb1 fBBTlTeai l SffO lias "JjiBBy aTF; ) , " n iiwi A IfKS ZwaMmti!ii ill TyyjmWmimmKHm i "For Him" . I I II a . Pi B The pride ofOland owners Is the result of Overland performance. ffij I m Owners tell their friends of their satisfaction in driving it and thus jjg fjfi the car'a reputation grows. For ten years this public appreciation Kg) m ''has been our sole aim. Today the Overland Motor Car reflects W 93ft , the best of our great engineering experience and production ' ' ' p H :' , facilities. The sales of the Model 90 shown here now number more SB. ffl than one hundred and fifteen thousand cars nnd arc constantly . j im increasing. m Hi isii H " OVERLAND HARPER CO. SI Hi 1627-1629 ARCH STREET S Mi Bell-Locust 4100 tlanV.c (3ty.?ranc . SB iffl ' Keystone Race 66G Opposite Rending Station ffl ffl CHerland Model Ninety, Five Fasseneer Car, B8S; Sedan, $HSB; f. o. b. Toledo WJ IRbbbbV kU I Mffl - I JCc i i Sixth' Annual White Truck Show now being held in cooperation with the leading truck users of Philadelphia at the WHITE SALESROOMS 216-220 North Broad Street THE Annual Motor Truck Show being held by The White Company has the function of a general truck exposition. A large assort ment of White Trucks recently purchased by many of Philadelphia's leading truck users are on exhibition for a week before being placed in service. This is a yearly opportunity to inspect and compare the ideas in design and equipment which have proved most satisfactory to firms of long motor truck experience. THE WHITE COMPANY 216-220 North Broad Street March 10 to 15 inclusic I 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sedan Model X r JTAWDARD CVJII ' jlliaH bbI bbbbI bbbbbHi H bbUbbbU 5BBBBBB7, ..aBialBBBTaBBiBBfllBflaBVRGflBBBflBBBBBBHBBBHa -i(iiiii WmA IB1111"1" ill What You See- You see a car of beautiful, straight lines, 1lz inches lower than last year's model but with the same headroom. A car of attractive and artistic style and luxuriously fitted with comforts and conveniences that invite you to step inside and enjoy them. Artistically and practically the new Standard 8 Sedan represents the newest and best ideas in motor-car design. What You Know Your pleasure in the appearance of the Standard 8 wU lea! vou to a clser examination of the mechanical and struc- turai features. You have confidence in the car because you know $ '3 k1"'1 by an immense organization. The Standard, 8 is the' product of the Standard Steel Car Co., Pittsburg, pa bui&?rs of lhe world-famous railroad rolling stock. Behind thft Standard 8 are the immense resources, skill, and experience of tne Standard Steel Car Company. See the New Svan at le Show, Space No. 20. Standard Steel var Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Eastern Motors Corporation, Distributors 655 North Broad Street ATS5"CE TPkoePopim; P ) .-rf'S . A . 3fl 'eTa J 'j Poplar 1527 - Ws1.1'. v. J.1.'J A . - ' f -nt-!. fidfo juV- ifef.-'' W , ,1, .