j - " , fcS.i. Rientna public merger t 'V THE WEATllER Washington, March 11. Fair tonight and toinorron. t ( el POSTSCRIPT trt J. -f)t it -T TEMI'EBATUKB AT IUTI! IIOCR g I 9 110 I 11 112 1 S J 4TM IS I 10 MC 47 I I I I I I I VOL. V. NO. 152 TAX DECISION EXEMPTS 1918 BRIDEGROOMS New Ruling Reported Af fects "Personal or Fain ily" Income Clause ALLOWANCE ALSO MADE FOR CHILDREN OF 1918 Record Collection ai Thou-, sands Throng Revenue j Office Here CLERKS ARE INCREASED Five Remaining Das to Pay V. S. Impost Will Be '" Busiest An Important extension of the rxeinp tlon provisions of the Income tax law Is contained In a ruling bv Commlsslonet Roper, made public In Chicago todav. It Is that the exemption for wife or children covers the whole e.ir 1318, exenjf the wife were wed or the child born, on the last dai of the eai The provision In the Income tax legu lations covering personal and famlh exemption', which, It Is helloed the new decision oveirule", leids .is fol low If ;iou were married and lived with our wife (01 husband) or wire head of a family In 1118 iou nm subtrni i from jour net Income, befoie calcu lating lour ta. a family exemption of JJ000. plus $.'00 for each person under eighteen (or menualh or phjsl oalh defective) who received lib chief support from win If husband anil wife make separate returns ihla . -emptlon mnv be claimed b either buh not b both) or ma be divided between them. If jou were not matrUd or did not live with wife (or husband) and wete Here not head of a famlh In lilS, vou are entitled to :i peisonal exemption of $1000, plus $200 for eai b dependent person undei eighteen (or ineiu.illv or phvslcall) defective) who lecelved his chief support fiom vou If you were enlltlril to urn nf the foregoing- exemptions during a part nf the sear onlj. vou iiihv claim hn many twelfths of the exempllim utated as there were month Ju such part of the ear. ni part of a .innth mav be rnuntett as n month. A "bead of tnmllv l a pei'-on who la the chief support of one m moie persons living In his hourhul.I who are, closeh related to him (en her) b blood, marriage or adoption Wild. Itunh To 'a Thousands of rhlladelphlans Jammed the Fedetal building todav td pt In come taxes The) llteiallv deluged the Internal revenue clerks with checks greenbacks and coins Old, women old men preltv gills unkempt jouths cbaiilTeins s;i.l a hundred othei tpes made up the great throng that Jostled, puhed Jammed and wedged Its wav into the ottlces where Collector Leerei s foice Is accepting pavments To facllilale the wmk Mr Ledeiei has placed big tables In the conldois and at these the ttouhled iltlrens fill out their Income tax letuins 'I his morning a voung woman occupied u chair at the head of a table and for ten minutes busied hei self with one of the blanks Her return called foi the piv ment of J2100, but It Was not her monev. Her emplovei had delegated her to Journey to the postolllce bul'dlng and pay hla Income and excess-pioflt tax The filling In of the blanks was mere routine she had a certified check, and, taking a place In the long line that moved slowly toward the pijlng tellers clutched the check In hei left hand and the blank In her light. Many Women Mut I'av Tax Scores of single women whose incomes exceed $1000 appealed In loda) s throng. There were few gioucnes In the g-ilh-erlng, 'or everbody seemed leionclled to the thought that the weje perform ing a patriotic dut "A b'g crowd,' suld .Mi Ledeiei, 'but everything Is going nlcelv We aie handling the business without much diffi culty. We ask the people to be atlent when they come here " Inside the offices the counteis weic divided Into sections and at each one was h sign Indicating the chaiaitet of 'business transacted At one section the clerks received floor taxes on distilled liquors : at another excess prntlt taxes were received: nt a third the clerks wrestled with Income taxes paid bv or dinary, unmatried mortals who reecho salaries above $1000 a ear, ' It Is Impossible to estimate the Amount at money being collected at these arl ous sections, but clerks had no besltancv in sajlng that tndaj's lecelpts will break all records foi the Philadelphia district. Ilunlrst lla (III In (nine And they also Intimated that next Friday and haturdaj's business would make today's activities appear small and piny. Collector I.ederer anounced tn.li) that only about 26 per cent of the Income tax returns due from this district had been filed at his off ce. The end of this week Is expected to start the usual wild msh to file the returjs and avoid penalties Only five rJsaiays remain In which to com. plete the returns Few applications for extensions hnve been received by Collector Lederei mid none will her granted without u eon lnclng reasop, Wherever possible, the cltlten Is advised to make his return by matl to prevent further cungestlnn and to aotd loss of time on the part of business men. Veteran collectors Inured to almost anything' In the line of taxes were sur prised, when one man. accompanied by hla wife, walked Inlo the revenue ofllco to file his return He claimed $3000 ex emptlon, claiming u wife and five chil dren. When he handed It In, he called the deputy collector out Into the hall Continued on I'aie Mnr, Column His I DON'T CARE Moderate uest ulnds ancc( ami putr, Xot much rlianyr tn icmncrntuic. Fair tonight anil M'cdncsdav, too. I don't care at all. do your 1 l'ubilihcd Dully Jhe-ijt Hiinday. -M tlRht. IM. by TOURING CAR TURNS SOMERSAULT TOofAA V.. "S )VX, J-w. A,., Hiiall antoiiiolxle rolled inmplrlclv over after licin -IrniK liv i In.ivier ear pnini! at liijli .pceil at .even. Icentli ami Ta'ker lrccls carlv llu ninriiing. Thr driver of llie mrrltiriird madiine wa injured and three u-eii?cr in llic siiiic aulouioliile and two in llie heavier mat lime mrrowlv c"Uied lienip liurt MV IS INIIIRF.n I POLITICAL FOES 'mill? I AW Flf.IIT MAN IS INTTIRFn AQAIlTfKfRAQIJ1 Ah Al 1 Ua IKAiSH Five Others Escape Death When Car Ov&vtunis After Collision T'i i-inn nic t mil' i no lAAl I'ARE DIbAPPhARij One man was injuied and five oiheis nanow.v criped death whtn two au tomobiles enshed at Sevendenth and Iaker -tieets eailv this moinliig 'Ihe injuied in in l Veinon t.uNchard, 2411 North lliiiteenlli stie.t lie was tientertj nt st gnrss Hospital 'Ihe accident nciuried when i beivv touilne ear driven bv William William 111 I'll,., nt,. vt riM t rnlni. . At m. laske, st.eet. , into u ilg.it hu1..,o. III. i. .4.-1. I...-.1 bile run bv linKcliaid llie light machine was turned ovei and rollel up on Ihe paxement, com ing lo a halt only when It stiuek the side of a house Tbe diivei and three passenge.s we.e ,lown fion, the car SniVor '.nIoI f?,i"h,e1l,0ll,"l,. on the fiist levolutlon and with the "'j'" uin'er the leadeishlp of U'llllam exception of (.ulchaid escaped neil-T "I0" -'"' f i'Tl of Cuminoii Council z :,idu:,:, ;';,:. :::zru,n up. north n. j. carmen to strike i In the meantime Williams h.,1 lost .dk-oul Plll.lic-Set mVc Mlle conti.il of his eai but indulged to le- I'flrw.i;. .. 1 i ti ' i. uce nee t i lfiiiimi.il. gain II Ju-t In time to .-cape hitting, .lir. . . ,. ,, "IO,")W i 'ewiirk, n p, via tilt I ill. v I1. an lion pole Ihe automobile stopped,- V all Ike on nil the Ii n Hon lines . f with the fiiml liss than a foot fiom the !'" . V,"1'"1. Se, '! ' "allw iv ( ompnnv obstnieilo, I Zii M,,.V,n.ltl'r'', N" '""-ev vv i- Wllllains ,1, yes a tavkab V ,,. ''llT, ' ', .'" IT.?",..., l.".'"".K '. nnire. It. tin. .... nt tin. .ll..a .-.r .1.. aeildent jiniiiieil as soon as the lolllsMi occuned ami inn wllbnut .walling to see the extent of tin ilam ike " 'Ihe llglu, m ii bine wis wrecked he vond lepili 'Ihe luavlei vehicle ilo was badlv d imaged Williams was anesled and will be given a healing this mottling In the Fifteenth slieet and Snjder avenue sta Hon COUNCIL HEARS TAFT'S LEAGUE AMENDMENTS Plan for Revision of World Coo nant Is Studied by Allied Leader Pari., Jlnicli II -(Hv V I' ) 'Ihe aiiiendments to the draft or tbe league of nations plan which have been pioposed In William Howard laft. ate receiving tile close, stitch of the vailous delcg-e-tiona to llio Peace LVnference Tho understanding prevails that the sugges tions made bj .Mr Taft might be adopted If assurance i ould be bad that tho re opening of the whole subject will not be Involved and that timber amend nicnlK will not ho offcicd bv other nations It Is geneialh admitted In well informed ilriles, liowevet that sonio I retieh and Italian pioposals are to he expected Ihn gtound is being canvassed quleth In an effort to obtain further informa tion on the polnta raised bv Mr Taft jntlclpatorv to the arilval of Piesldent Wilson, who must render final Judgment on nnv American amendments lo the iliaft. Ml Taft. In an edltoilal In the Public Ledgci, specified these, aniuulnients us desliable. In the league covenant, 'Ihn covenant sbculd be made moie definite as to when its obligations mav be let initialed That pirt of Hie covenant on the amount of nillllarv foice em h nation should furnish should be clarltltd In his address In the .Metropolitan Opel a House. .Mi 'J aft said 'I Would favor ii leiugnltlrn of the Mom on Doctrine bv specific words hi the covenant with ii furthei provision that Ihe settlement of pureh Ameihan ques tions should be letultteil prlinaillj lo thu AmeiicHii nations " TOWNS LONGDRY TURN WET Kiglit AlussaclmsrttB Conumiiiitir' Vote Mle enlli-l lour Comiv ialily llnatnn, Maich II tletiirns fiom eleven towns thai voted jesterda' on the fiueatli.n nf Issuing llcntor llienses show that eight changed' from drj to wet 'lluee southshore towns, Wevninuth and Illngbani. which huve- been nn-ll-cense places morej than a ciuarlei of n centurj, it ml Scltuatc, with a drv tec ord of eleven jears. shifted to license. IJaston, Itockland and Ahlngton also went wet, following the example set by aeveial other towns In the Old Colon district that voted a week ago. Oilier towns changing to wet were Hudson and Ipswich Liquor advocates maintained that Ihn result was a protest against the national prohibition amendment, npd antlsaloon leaders asset ted that It waa inainlv due lo apathy on the part of volers. Thee towna, Amcabury, Needharn and Apt hersu voted to remain dry. . , , .20 1 'Hi Subscription Prim in -Yr by Milt. 1'ul.llei l.clter t'omtunr. rat-"" v-' (K4M . . i& . H.X-.ATT Z?& SS M Ml ... f e ...- S srrw political foes PAY TRIBUTE T0 j as. p. mcnichol $en.iloi .tio Will Ic.kI i:uloy of M.tn W ho Fotifilit Him in This Cilx tun Sfnjy 1 ortrsjw til l lli.rrl.liurT. 'Jnr.h 11 One time tbe polhlial foe or the liie .Senator lames I li li h,il tn flu 1 .. I ,.... ..r in Kepiiniiciii oraintntloii in Phlla-. 'i'"1'" .S,,";V" - ," oiingire ihe' irrm he fmiaht nolii'iallv but llkxl pei-i .1 r i . ' ' .'HI' "I '. -I.HIIIt ,FWI I ,,l I, III IIK.O I.P1' vrtim 111 m. tin. "yl. V .. ..... i . , . ,: y "l "" ."c mini, i.iiiiori u PI- bea In the Mate, s. nate Clumber this line noon I lie. smalm wl Ion (KllIK till ilit llie, smalm Who offeiril Ihe resnln. e of llli memnri ll fill (OlltV Will lie 111. Hi-t uwiUr nt II,. memoilil h. telsea I his ptoKinm was imeii iipun llM, Ki (Idveinor Spioiil udiloi Cener.il Snvdei nml .",",",' "euslus I riaix Ii ,,f jhi. idelpbli all of whom -at In the .Swi iite with llie lite Sriuitoi MiMchol, will be ihe other apt nkt m iiLS'nH1 ir,i" "r I'lillmiii ctis will li lug the foimer fnllowem of Sen- !',",' .,, llho', lo "rlshuig for the Illelnolllil eei,,es I In. e lllliulle.l ami jrilVi '-"n'v.l.V.l'lV.rc M.lll'i'nV M'i VH iflltfl (ii r i.ii.ii.,.,1 .11 .. in ,.'" iiiiw.iii.iiii win r. .inoild the U"1.'.,,"'', .? .''?."?: "'"I! "' Thorn w sessions ( ourt who was Senaloi Me- .MlllnlN tllUted lleillell ml I,. .1.. .I,.,, u i ...... .:,:''" "' wutiiei polltli, Wind oIltli.il management cif il. th. T'ullv '..,i... ..."... '" "llie IH.Iij i,i it.iaueis or llie Mii.ilganialed si., I ,. ... nui .--iieei inn i. icitik i;eiw n i;nl. plov ef 'Ihe asMiilition Is the nallonil n -g.iiilzatlon of tiollevnien DR. SCHAEFFER ILL Condition of .Slate Head of oliools Causes Concern Imiraster, Ph., .March II 'ihe cotidl. Hon of lit Nathan c cllae'el .state uperlntendent of Public Instruction who was t.ikui in on I'rldiv in Hauls burg nnd brought lo his I.uieastei home J-ituidi evening was of such a nature as to i ntse giave concern vesterdiv Ills lllmss is due to overexertion and i weak heart IGNORANT OF WIFE'S SUICIDE Wotd of Mis .Sumner C. loam's Doatli F'aiN in llcieh Husband 'Ihe husband f jr, Mininei i; l.vatis who killed herself when he I, ft her does not know tint she is dead lis father. I)iv Id llvans nf West o Ingi! wood. V .1 todiv i.celved a iur from him which did not contain anv muitloii of his wife '" a,n 'Ihn fithct does not bellevo thai his elegia,,, , his 0n idling bin, of VI, , l.vansK nltempi it suicide on Marcli 1 evei leached the voting man l.vatis Is anging the oil tl, Ids and l prc.et t his no petnuinint address Ills fain r todav sent him n tel.gtam telling blm J,f his wlfes sill. 1.1 .1 attempt an u, death at (he Habneinatm Hosplta FORMER KING NEARLY DROWNS William of Win Itcinherj; Scuffles Witli Sailois on Yaclit (leiiein, Miilili II (Hv P)pnt. mer King William of urtteniberg bad a narrow ecape from drnwiring lo.lav during it siurrie that oecuired when n paitv of (lerman sailors from Kiel seined the ex-Kings vaeht on I.ako Constance 'Ihe sillois took the jacht to use It ns a fishing boat " '"' IliiotderH along the Ithlne towns not undei Mlleil ocrupulnti are coiitlntilng The tjerman nnd Austrian tonsuls hnve been witlultavvu fiom the Lake fon stanie terrlloij liecause of ihe linslllc nttltudo or Ihe neighbor ng puisants SoWer.s 7'ri Their Idol Mai In Holclikaieva won the lespcct "f hei comia.les Jn n,o Ircnchcs bj her btaverj nnd tlevo. Hon, but when the) vveto led nway h tlioughta ot peace and vqre finteiiilzliiB Willi the Uennitns they would no longei llslon to her words of uUvlie 'Thcie was a tomniotlon among the soldiers. Some expressed their dissa'tlsfactlon loudly. "'Wlij Bland heio nnd listen to this lly bab.iV sounded one. "'Give her a shove!' shouted nn otlici. "Kick her" 1 1 led n thlid. "In n nanicnt I was being handled louglib. HluwH'hhowcicd on mo from cvcij jlde." nead her story on page S. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919 AFTER SM ASH-UP BLUE LAW FIGHT FACTIONS LINE UP Friends of Sunday Concerts Criticize "'Intolerance" of Opponents I()''.'S'i' a t'' ''n irMTi.' ' lxy- ' ,-" ' X1' ''' ' ' IUM I r. dvocaieH and opponents of the Koike bill to penult sundaj niiiiiemeiils ate ptepating to continue on Match 11 at llnrilshuig the Iltbl b.gun vesln.liv befoie (he legislative .ominltiee al Cilv Hall Ibe attllude or Ihe nilnlstetlal lllM, iienis or the blP at the first hearing brought fotth eptesslons of dlappioval fiom men who tie advocating the pas s ige of ihe meauie 'Ihe inlnlstiis, iteadiil bv Hie P,ev In ("ail I' (iramnet the ',. v 'I T Mutch let and the Hev W llllat.t M Point v ptomlse to pie'-ent at Haiilsbutg the united sentiment of the Piolestant tie notnlnatlons of the state lr Charles D llarf. who spoke In a.holatv. of the hill as the lepreseuta tlve of the Phlliilelpbla lltchestra, pointed out lodiv that the attitude of the ministers was tint In kei ping with the i gnitv of tbeli profession I thought the iiI.h ,,f unralinevs wcih thiimelves unfaii to Mi PorUe sal. I liocloi Han He obvlouMi tiiert lo give an Impailial hearing to bulb Hit filen.N mil roes or the bill I was veiv miuli -uipilsed nl the disorder of the met ling vcslerdav llpplorr tm liitiilrraii.e Vrt.i all I do nol -ee tint Hie bill should be Hie subject for Intolerance on t ilhei side 1 he opponents of the 1111 as itte questioned inv motives, tdev ques Honed the motives of the otrlustia anil lis illrectots 1 iiirin t especlallv want 10 go thcie and talk We felt lint we wete slmplv doing our tluij In advocat ing SuniHv (oitcetts for people who oilieiuhe, would not be able to enjov I hern ' ' Pronalh 1 do not think that the Kllons) of th mlnlsteiH and thelt a.l letents m, npHjeil the bill veMerdav will uphold the dlgnliv or the cloth when men call names like a lot or nolsv old women and lose theli good manners 11 does not tend to Incre&se our respect foi ihetti We are going up fo Haulsbuig with a single Idea or doing this thing raiijv We want to Ktinw uh.Hi.i. i ., .. of Plilladelplila vant Sundaj concert We ate not (rjlng to 'put anv thing ovei" on anv bod v ftiigadler (Jeneial . W r Wallet, who was present al vesterdav s uteetlng on behalf nf Sundaj concerts but was pievenl.u bj having to fill another en gagement from remaining until he could speak for the bill explained todav that as .in officer he could onlv go Inlo the mallei fiom Hie standpoint or the In terests or his men I lie u.l a few of the nieileeis ve tenia v said (Jeneial Wallet anil I saw the disorder I'nfortunatels I was not able fo Slav 'Ihe meeting Impressed 1110 as lathet dlsoiderlj no plice rnr n elflrlecting soldier Mirprhed at Hill's Opponents j 1 iuiikI confess I eannol pee how the Philadelphli Orcnestia lould do hum I ontlniieil on Tate Nine, ( olunin Three GERMAN U-BOATS TO BE SEEN HERE LATE IN SUMMER U. S. S. Huslmell Snila From ay Yard lo Kcort War Spoils Here Six or Ihn Herman l -boils sunen dered at 'uiU Plow tn the Mlled 11a Alra will lie turned over lo this counlrj for exhibition purposes Thev will ai ri liete some time .luting luh undei I.A ..IH..II..H.IIII. ,.f l,n t U C U..-I. .,.,- n..". "." ".nl' ". .... ' . iiunn- nell inntlierrlilp of submarines which saneq 110m tne rnuaoeipoia vnvv yarn at League Island nt 9 o'clock this morning 'J he Huslmell has been under steam since Satuidav and its orders to sail came eailv this morning It cartles a crew of lufl men Including manv nitl satiB and mechanic- and Is under the command of Captain Conant lajlor It .. ... .nt I tl.B . rl . ..a .1 lAlll. til Oni. .. l. H.nr ...ci nu.,,..r,i. ,u, miu,,, ITOU- abh stopping at the Arores Islands vveanj 1111 01 me nuncoucreo u-ooats have been dismantled, both bv their original crew and their captors, and one of the taskr of the Huslmell w be to refit them nnd make them ready for the vagc across the Atlantic. It Is nlanned to bring them over under their own power. It s lumored that one or the subma rlnes turned over to tills counttv Is the Deutschland, which ran the blockade of the Allies and clocked at Ualtlmore In 10IS. under the command of Captain I UI .WJCiiilii W. ..." wK.iiiau i.HVy, Cm roioifi. w.imnr sin., .i.t. 11. n vines were reported to have sunk the Deutscli- IU1U. ,,.. ' $89 llERRIBLE STRAIN FROM WAR SEEN IN PHILIP GIBBS lWed Correspondent. Here. Protests Mention Aboe Fellow Writer HIAIOR THKOIGH PMi c V. ritor) Had Unusual Battle Priilcgcs. Brit- j i-her Declares i i Uv ClIKIalOI'IIClt MOKlLY A oM M.li slender man with a deep voice, the pile face or a student, niatked with the line" or one who has looked upon Infinite nnd Indescribable surTering lit with candid blue eves and n gare In which sbvness gentleness and filendlv courtesv are happllv blended I uch Is Philip Clbbs the vvai corre spondent He walks wllh a lonf. .uiloulv slow swinging "trlde In which though it mi) be merelv ImnglnaHon one seems to see some lemlnljcences nf hours trudging through the mini of I tatideis fields That Is the flrrl lmpieslon one Ins ot Mm a mill of appaientlv fi all sensl Ive boih ind mind a man w 110 has looked Into the white-hot fumace door Cf vvai, until the earlng glow of the flames hive beiteti Indellbh upon his spirit 1 man who knows that no one ' v ho did not see Hie war nt first hand 1 an possiblv grasp It agonies and torments land beioisli s and defilements and a J n an who will shiltik fiom no weatin.s" in. soul wringing . ffoit In his tai.k of showing what th wat meiiit In the I volceles" millions who bote lis buiilen Mr lllbbs has been acclaimed Hie giealet com spondent the wii has pto duced With the modet of everj hon est craftsman he vvould be the first to piotest at being mentioned above anv of l.ls fellow writers who laboied undei the . long and ten Ible strain of derlblng the son ow sand colotsand triumphs of those i ears of b'ood I Hut the re. pone of ihous ind of re id. . eis has hett'ed the mailer 'those who I 11 nl bis dispatches in the Hv fmnci I Pint If I.FtxlMi found in them a note of sinceiltv of long Hnd terrible stialn I of descilbliig the polgnint human pltv I commetisuiale with the greatness of the struggle ' Humor through Pain It was in gieat good fortune to 1 Ide ' with .Ml lllbbs on the train from New rk 10 Phil idelphla Kidnapping him fiom the iiowile.l nnd oveibeated club ismokei, 1 wis luckv enough to pilot j him Inlo a vacant compartment, which llie laiiroau eonipanv cans a oiawniK ,room." where we could smoke andtajk undisturbed .Vo Journey was evefso shott Looking Into the ejes of this quiet man who was foi ovei foui vears the voice of the Jliltish ill in) .on the western f r out and living tn lead behind that filendlv deep' -lined fai e some of the long hours of mental effoit and suffering that he had known tbe level New Jet.ev meadows became the flat swampv fields of Klandeis s in all bis dlspatdies .Mr (llbbs Is reticent about himself Humor glints through pain when be tells something of what he has: seen Hie humot that was the onlv llghtenei of manv a gi lev ous hour Ml lllbbs to'd something of the wav In which the eoric,spondents attached to the Hiltlsh .unites did their work It Is a stor which Ins iievel before been told 'there weie seven or us attached to tbe Urltlsh irmles he said Pive Biillsh Pen v liohluson or the 'I lines Heuch 'Ibonii- or the. Dallv Mall Per clval Phillips or the Morning Post. Herbeit Itussell of P.eutei s nnd mv beir Then thete was vour own 1'red crlck Palmei until 1310 He was suc ceeded bv itol.ett fcinall or the sso clated Press IMi .Small I now managei of tho Public Ledger Bureau In Wash ington, and Philip Snims of the United Press and later McKen.sle, of the Associated Pies" l.l to rorreicntenl I nllt xt..l 1(lt.'. (.11 llie Rl Itlsb j conesponclents were fiee linces lepre sentlng onl.v their own paprs and vvnik- I lug1 under all sorts of difficulties Then the glowing eagerness among the people I at home 10 get news of their men brought about a cnange 1 lie men 1 have mentioned were definite!) accred ited to the armi and were given every possible facllltv for obtaining and dls patch'ng new In no war In the world s hlstor weie conesponclents given such privileges 'We lad a cot respondents hcadquar terr. usualh placed In some chateau be hind the lines or course this was incwcd fiom time t time to follow the great movements of the armies Our first chief was ( olonel V Champion l'aun thorpe (now attained to the Urltlsh em bassv In Washington) who was sue. ceeded bv Major Lvtton Hve ofllcers mostly captains we were also given honorar rank as captains vverf as signed to help us in evet.v wav They were our guides our .elisors mil also our friends Tl ev took care of all the necessars arrangements such as seeing that we had cars at our disposal, chauf feurs and so on ,1- ...11 ni, tout hrnc we went iihnnl IU r.. j .... . --.. .. ... our work take for Instance tho bnttles of FlanderB In luii. wnen our men maun an attack almost tery day for five months On Hie night before 11 battle Sir John Harlngton chief of stnff of the second armv (under Plumer) would call us In la) out all his maps and spend a full hour In telUng us Just what was planned for the next da. Ha told us everv thing without reserve, knowing the trust would not b violated He would expliln where hn feared to strike a snag Just what particular difficulties lay In the wa) -ever.vthlng "Then ery early In the morning berore dawn we would go out gen erally by twos, for companionship, ns far forward as the cars could take us Often this was not verv far. for the roads were appalling and we had to be sure of our letreat so as to get off our 'stuff' Leaving our car behind some ruined cottage we would set off on foot, with our helmets and masks and a feel ing of fright In our tummies! Modern IlaHlrflfl.I "Its Impossible to realize a modern battlefield unless ou have seen It, It covers say, a twenty-mile front; on all that front our guns would be placed fifteen miles In depth, alt carefully screened or hidden In points of vantage behind a ruined wall. In n clump ot trees, and so on, We would walk up through this region all ot which, of course, would be under harassing fire , CaaUaued en fm Tw. Csluam firs t-ntertd as Second CUm Under ! ALLIED TERMS WIPE OUT GERMAN FORTS ON RHINE; . ABOLISH GENERAL STAFF THIEVES ATTEMPT REDS' DEFENSES SUBWAY ROBBERYIN BERLIN BROKEN Cut Wires Again in Effort Artillen and Mine Tlmm-j to Loot Collection rrs Week Last Strong. 1 ram holdb of Spnrtacans WOMAN FOILS BURGLM. Thieves ind hlghvvnvmen In d'flinee of the police have adopted 'If nt first ou don t succeed Irv again as their slogan In a suspected eTott to toll the . ol lectlon train on the Market ticet 5iib wav and Illevated 'v stem wlies nt the Eleventh stteet stibwiv station ag-iln weie nit lasl hIrIu econd attempt In rdi Hie vondate Apirtmenls 1 hlrlv. ninth and Locust stieels was frustrated bv the preence of mind of Mls Helen Buohnmn well known In music elrc es In this cltv which lesulted In the .11 rest of an In truder Ihe maxim In lis proper sense was appliid bv Representative Diniel t .Sean (t HarrM.tirg when he made a second ittempt to lestild the lie of Oleums hv the Iniimluctloti of t bill ma'dtv It 1 t, 4lrtneano to furnish fire urns in mlnc.is 'Ihe Hoii'-e vv iliout a dissenting vote fimllv passed the UfTorlv bill which tin teases llie penalt) for convicted high w ivinen to twentv vears 'Ihe police now ate fullv convinced that bandits Intended fo hold up the collection tialn on the aubnav, nnd thai the cutting of the rfs at Lleventh sure, was 1 nimii fnt the Intended he 1.1 np wbl. h thev nv prolnblv would hive oecuired nt r.ittv.sixih stteet On Hie li.f atfeinnt all of the wires leading lo eveiv st ilion 011 Hie siibvv iv and e'eval.d Mete cut l,nl niTclals ds. coveted Hie -itu it 0.1 lefoie the irnln left s.uv.ninth M,.,i ,,,) ,, HI( allsxlts ei,. amplv gunideil li.lleillnn I rl VI ell (liir,r, .h.,ri c ber,, ,,t got list night II rj lull., vl.- piesld 111 of the Hapi.l Inin-li 1 am nnv notified t.ie phce of the , nt .. It.s at Lleventh sii.,.t - polbiiien fiom even dMilit that touele. the line we,. ,i,n.,, , fcllril the tnln Fotlv-elght men In plain cot ,e m,W ,ho ,,, ,, , cle.k in.i ,olle.tor Cvet, evl, and en! trance wis guatd.,1 mill the tMi i,ad passed and ihe collections of .tv.r.l thous-ind dull,,,, lsd bce, a the .onipaiiv s vaults negro a1.lig--sus)iIc'ous"l", ,,(t, fouiil, do,, r ,he Wi.nd.l. J ,. inei.tM iliii.ted the ..!.., , of v. ,,1e',,,"",',', "h" l1""'"' "' !'- apart mem lb, negio H.ci.ldllig , MNs Bu, lianai. wis ,tt..,)tB , , OP. ,, Hied 01 of H,e apat.iuHu of loti mem and calmlv called up the police of the Ihlrlv-second street nnd Woodland avenue sis. Hon eigeant Phlpp, ,,, Patiohnan Djgan hurrl-,i ... ,1.. ment "" ",M"- In Ihe nifanlltne and foi reii th 11 the pollie woud not teich tl,. ni.au menl In time Miss Hue Inn in e Hied the Janllot lust ,, fhe hung ,hf, ,H il on. Ihe negro lapped nn the du)t and asked ir Mis,. Iohnon cms linn., there Miss HiKh.nan said sho knew or no such peison and attempted t en gage the nigro In conversation The man stiddenlv became suspicious and boiled down stain Janitor Held II lm for Pobre He ran Inlo the hands or the Janitor who struggled with him until the. police rurlved The man gave his 1 ime as L'ovd Thomas Carlisle and Huntingdon stieels When quest loned In Dl'trlu Detec I've McDowell. Thomas denied trvlng to force Hie dofit of Vlcker s npaitment That dior was forced lit Prldav be said tiuie enough it was lepl.ed M. . Dowell While hundieds of persons passed bj. Continued nn Care Nine, Column Two DR- SCHAEFFER BETTER! EXPECTED TO RECOVER LANCASTER, Pa., Match 11 Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffci, State Supeilntendent of Public Instiuction, who sovtial days ogo was biought home from Harrisburg in a dying condition, wasrepoited this, moining to have lested comfortably last nlfjM Attending physicians say he will rccovei unless, complications set lu. He collapsed fiom ovei work. GEN. KENLY RELIEVED AS HEAD OF AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON, Maich 11. Majoi Geneial William L. Kenly, diuctoi of militaiy'aeionautics, was iclieved of that post today and, in his peimanent giade of colouel, was ordued to ic poit to the chiet of field nitliTeiy to; duty. Brigadici Genetal William Mitchell will be detailed to command the aimy avia tion icivlce. MRS. FAIRBANKS MAY REWED i Report Wife of "Mo. ii" Star Will ! Marry Broker New ork, March 11 'Ihe foimer Mrs Douglas Fairbanks whose decree I of divorce from tne picture actor was made final recentl). Is to be married again, an evening paper t-ald esterday. I On Novembei 30 last her Interlocu tory uecrets ut cuvorcu was Olgnea U) Hupremo Court Justice Young In .New Hochelle Tlie c6-restondent's nnme was not given The case was not contested and it Is said a financial settlement was "amicably arranged" James Hvans, n Wall stieet broker, Is ihe husband-elect, t.ie story said. At Mrs Fairbanks s apaitment In the Dorllton, 171 West Seventy-first street. It was said she was out of town and no statement would be made at this time. Matter at th rnntofllee At PhlladelpnU. P . 111. Act of Mrch 8 1879. LOOTKRS ARK FA'ECtTTED ll the -Ijvormc. 'rrn I nn.ln.i, Mit.h 11 Herman govern Client Iroops in lleilln made, rurther ptogiess dutlng -atuiila and sunilav In demolishing paitacan strongholds In the northern anil .aslern sictlons r 'the cllv, according lo a Heitnan wire less message lecelved beie In older to tvol.l unnecessai v losses the Hoops used artilleiv and mine Huoweis, be ing thus able to fotee the Instil genta back without exposing themselves ' Nevertheless the "-partacans have nol g ven up nnd aie ntemptlng in itansfer Iheli field nf resistance to Hie eastern Hiibuihs 'Ihe (llspalch savs that theli teirnilsilc nieiiiods lnve .atis-.l 11 revul slon ..r reeling in ravot or Hie govern ment v. 1 v vv her. Itillvv iv it Mile and other communica tion services hiva been resinned ex cept on the tie. tile Htieet n.llwav the jemploves of which nre striking for an I advance of wages In connection with 1 Hie political strike llerlln Match II (Bv Pi Mm 1 "lers fighting nnd plundering continued throughout Mindav In various parts of the cltv I'heie was much sniping fiom Ihe loots Mill) paitacans were mnde prlioner .luting tho forenoon and sum nnrv executions begin In the nfterncon following the nppearnnce of the older of H.i 1 Noke .ecretarv or Mllltar Vffalts 'lluee loiteis ciught In Ihe a.t weie the first to be executed Ihe govern ment soldleis weie so embittered bv t heli opponents ntrocllles tint Herr Ni se s deetee wns welcomed n Ins'aiu of communist treacherv vas noted In the lsalserstrasse where a si. ll,. 1 appro iihed a small bodv or gov ernment troops, holding tip his hands and crvlng Pout shoot The troops advanced to meet him and weie qulckl) sin 1 Minded bv a band of Insurgents who .1 satined them The Incident bad been obseived. bow. ever, it ml a fence o'f government sol. d'els quickie, 'appeared on the scene and anesled these Spailnc.ins. The s-illor who p lived to be a laborlte diessel lii 11 mailne uniform was sum ti at llv kIioi Moie than .''.n wounded peisons were tnlo-n to iirou hospitals StinUiv In c ud ng manv women and .hlldren The Spaitacans lemoved a large nunihei of ineir own v ictims n unidentified auplme Saluida) dropp.d a bomb on a crowd si, inline In line to bin fond pparentlv the air men mistook the crowd foi a ginup of lombitantH 'Ihe explosion of Hie bomb lesiilied In thlitv .asiialtles imong 'ilvlllins Including woineq ,ind .hlldren Ihe Inhahiianl" of e islein and nortli eastetn Berlin Tie suffering from hun ger b.caue often ihev have been nn able to l.a e the 1 homes lo bilj pro vis oti and nlsn b.cause tbe provision shops In their dislncls hive been plun deied bv Insurgents WIN THOUSANDS IN BACK PAY Peileial Lmpiie's Award lo "Sine Engincincii Applies Widel) llarlelon. Pa. March II (Bv P) -Charles P .Nelll of Washington um pire of the nthiacite Conciliation I Board, tod iv sustained the contention I of Ihe engineers fliemen and steam I shovel cranemen emploved bv tho (j 11 I Maikle Coil Compinj tint thev are en I titled to an eight-hour div with a t pet cent wage Increase instead of he- Ing pild a (lit 7 per cent aihame on ihe basts cf nine hours ) The award lettoirilve to Mav ', I I01R carr es with It thousands of dol lars In back pav, due on waillme eirn- tnc-e iml jtinlLa ... ulinlla,. ur.ii.t... no ... over the nuthracllo flehl FIFTH WRECK VICTIM DIES W. W. Floi.i, Traininun, Siieetuiibo to Injuries Suffered in Crasli W W Flora sUt)-two veaia old of Hnola Pa died In the blnglon Me morial Hospital as the lesult of In Juries received in the wieck at Healon on the Pennsjlvanla Kallroa.l Trenton cut-off, last Thursday , Flora's death Is the fifm that re suited from the wreck A sixth man Is reported missing He probablj per ished Floia was In the cmplov of the com. panv for ears. and was to have gone on the pension roll within a few months. The date of the Inquest Into the causes of the wreck has not been set bv Cor oner William Neville, of Montgomery County, . i i PRICE TWO CENTS Reduce Teuton ArnW to 100.000. Raised . i By Enlistment i FOES CRUSHED TO TMPOTENCYj (Service Period Twclv0 1 ears, Exeess Munitions to Be Delivered TRKATYPRONJSIOISS RKADY BY MARCH 20 Allow Small iNation Seven Rfpre.enlatips on Impor tant iew Commissions e 11 the Aociatnl Vcm I'urh. i,Ph 11 -Mlllta,, Ciermany "III go out of oxwiuice as the lesult of the adoption bv the Supreme Coun ell last nlghi of (he mtlita.v terms of Ocrnnn dlsai mnnienl as they will go into the pence Heitv The Orman foils along the Rhine must be destioved and the Imperial KeneiHl staff Is nbolished under the teinis adopied These, terms ptovlde foi a sweeping i eduction or the (ieimait military establlshmenl down m inoono men with -toon officers the, armv to be re ci tilted bv the voluntarv svstem for the l.eiiod of twelve vo us The effect of this is to limit (Jeimansx military 'eo,,l,",., i'""' the number of men s it-erland lias hei arm). Otlici provisions in .be inllitarv terms limit the H.ms'and mttnltlZ Cermanv mav possess to a quantity suftlceni f01 ltifiooo men and all the lemulndei nuit he deliveied over or destioved Coiisirliillnn Ahollslied Discussion ot the subject was re, siimcd bj the Sum erne Council ester, j elav. the l.ictD tr.. ..... .,, . . Marshal Koch's tepott of JTemlerfe ". " ".o mi ,,i ueoaie neincr . , .-.-,.. "ii':i i.iuposai ioj ieoucev I Germ inv aimed fou'e from ifiO.OOiV as had been suggested, to 110,000 meh nnd to substitute voluntary for com. puNorv set vice Mais,a -och f.ivoied the change, ns the ioncilption plan piovldltig for J0O (hid men s. ivlng one v ear terms, would havo given (jeimanv a trained aimv of .'oooooti men i nten veat, As against this .Mi Llovd Qeoigo proposed to fl the enlistment term at twelve vears Marshal I'och em- ' I'.'. . IIICII l .- posed in ntmv of 141. do men but the council finallv adopted fin amendment Tut then i educing this tiffin e to 100,000, Will Knit All l.tiriipe One of Piemlei I.lnv.l CJeorge's main pin poses in substituting voluntary set vice feu the c onsci iiitlon s.vstem was to pivo tlie wav foi tlie disap peaiance of Hie c onset Iptlon svstem tlnoughoui Kiiinpe as it was eblleve.l that the effect of the Hbilltion of tho svstem in Germinv would be that tile ohci Europe in countiies would gen einllj follow it thus ending the menace of laige standing nimles and their provocation to vvaifare The council lias alreadv adopted the naval teims of the; tieatv except for a few ic served provisions which will be discussed todav The progiess that lias been made with the vvoik of fiamlng the pear tieatv ensuies the completion of the task bv Maich .'0 In (all lue t.i Versailles 'Ihe first tough drift will be (n readl. ness when President Wilson arrives In Prance riuirsdav and the revision will be com uded berore the twentieth It Is Ihe present purpose of the peace con feiees lo call the i.ermans lo ersallles soon aHer March 'n prnbabl rrora Match 2J lo March 2' The document ihen will be delivered to the Herman delegates and in case tliej nre not pre. paied to sign It al once thev will be given the opportunliv to return In Uer nianv to consider It and teturn for the" formal signing nt erallles Ibis plan obvl-ites the necessity of holding sessions loi debate at Versailles and tesfilets the runitlnns to be con ducted with the Hermans to the delivery or the document and their letuin for Its signature or such other nitlon ns they deslii to take 11 is known definiteh that Count on nernslorn former Herman Vnibassador to th. 1 nlted Slates will not be one ot the Herman delegates at Versailles. Premiers To IHrert Plans The presence of Premier I.lovd Oenrge In Paris Is permuting of dally; eonfetences or tho Premleis or the powers, ns a e.ort ot steering coiumlltee to direct the course of the main work"" of the confeience The session vester dav was attended bv Premlets Clemen- nouieu mis in ins repot t which pro- ..call and Llojd C.eorge and Col 11 M, I House representing President Wilson Premier Orlando or Hah will join the other premleis lodav and, when. President Wilson arrives It Is expected that tliee. conferences or Ibe govern ment beads graduallv will take the place of the council of the great powers, which 'experience has shown to give loo much """tf , ... . n uiiq.i'Iiii. 'I tin innfaianiui. r.9 d lit .IV i. p," ' i' ' ,iv . 'nt , roii, v- ., the premiers, on the other band, are providing an errectlve executive organi zation for the rapid discharge of bul. m J ness 1 his rapldlt) Insures the drafting " of the peace within the limit fixed. I week fiom next Thursdaj. . Itcprcsentatloii nf Minora The supreme council also settled the aUnitted ouestlon of representation Af the small imvvers on the economlu luiijj nnanciai isjiiuiiiooiuub ui uib x-ruca woaiJ ference by deciding lo name their i-eyw s. f- -j resentatlves Itself, thus eliminating aHS?"S contention between the European sq4 , Iitln-Amerlcan countries as lo propep- ..Anal- rnresentntlnn. -. i This decision was reached on a1' port of M. rlchon, the French. Fo.t CeeUaued Tsge Me, thimmm j i J'' ' J l a Jtj a; .Jl I 4 'ii i a 1 1 V t i h . 0 ,rl r