Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 05, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 13, Image 13

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riat Feet
To tho Editor 0 Woman' raae:
Vnr Mrtm Kindly print In pur column
what the bett treatment li for fJ!1,
I Trould like to help out here, but ilo
not feel nunllfiett to adUso.Jou. Con
ult a foot specialist.
HsirdrettltiR Schoota
To the Viilor 0 Woman' race:
Dear Mii)m Cjuld you tetl m 'If there
In any hnlrrtreielnc ohool In I'hlUilerphla
nl hero It l located?
X tnar.k ycu mnnv time ...
If ou will look carefully In the busi
ness section of the telephone directory
under tho heading hnlrdreaalnR ou will
find that nomo of the hairdressers there
listed Include Instructions In nil tho
branches of the nrt.
Ladies of the Golden Eagle
To the Editor 0 TVomnn'n Paon
Dour Madim Will miu Utndlv let me
l.no- here, when and what Hm the Tdl
nf the Ooiden Eagle meet In rhlldtphla;
nleo. In Camden, too? , (lira I H.
The headnuarters of the T.ndlee of the
Ooldn EaKle In Thllndelphla nre nt 114
North Broad street. It you drop a line
thero you can find Just when the meet
ings nro neia ine time ior uuhuuk inkl
ings is so ofton sublect to chanse that
it 11 nener 10 ajei iniormauuu m mm
way up to the minute You can also find
out thero about the Camden branch. It
may Just be that some of our readers
who are members of thlp orKanlzatlon
would be Bind to oluntcer this Informa
tlon. Name for Club
To the Editor o) Woman's rant:
Dear Madam We. are colnr to form a
club: that l, boys and ulrla from fifteen
rear to seventeen eir. Kerjlhlnir la
O. K. but on thine. We can't And a eult
able namo for 1h club There are six bna
and six Blrla Kindly ha It In before fat.
urday. aa our flret meeting Is on Saturday
If the club Is a pleasure club here are
fesome names that would sound the rlcht
note: Good Times Club, the Cnrefree
Crowd, the Smllers, the Jolly Joiners or
the Jolly Hour Social. If It If? a club
that It Is to bo In for outdoro fjpoits, etc.,
you mlKht call ourelves the HIUer. or
f.nmo name that will describe our ac
tivity. Use Plain Role Hanging'
To Die Editor 0 Woman's Page:
Dear Mndam Tou aeem to be able to un- 1
ply adlce on o manv points that I would
'Ilka jour opinion on thle I am fixing up a,
runt room and am nutzled nbout the hang
Iras We ha on the wall paper with a
rather larao rose In It. It Is erf pretty
n. nnu. I wnillrt like in llRA R Valance 8t
each window to ko with It. I have been
4hlnlrlnr- nf a rr,(nnn uith H ITU fiffUre In
It. too: but I think majhe it will be loo
Much. I wondor If sou would have a aug
geitlon to maks about It? Thankfully.
(Mr.) M.
Plain rose hangings with no figure In
. them all would look ery pretty with the
paper. The roses both on the wall and
on thn valance would be too much, but
the plain Nalanco would ret the pretty
wallpaper off ery nicely. That Is a Rood
rule to keep In mind. PUln hangings for
figured paper and figured hangings when
there Is plain piper. When I can help
you again please write
What a Fourragere li
N To the Editor of Woman's Foot:
"Dear Madam Coild lou please print In
our column th- meaning of the different
insignia worn by eoldl'rs? There la one
In particular that I would like to know. It
la a rd shoulder strap with fringe that
hangs down oer tho arm. . . , .,..
You no doubt refer to the fourragere
the shoulde rstrap Indicating that the or
ganization to which tho man belongs has
been cited a number of times for con
anictinna cnllnntrv bv French army com
manders. It In a b'rndlded cord looped i
about the left rhoulder. In order to
have the right to wear the fourragere it
Is necessary that a unit must nine been
rlted In general orders a specified num
ber of times. It hhs been denied that
nny American regiments hae the right
to wear the fourragere. as although
arlous units have been cited thov have
not leen cited the required number of
times. Order? 1iae been Issued against
the wearing of these cords.
The other Insignia to which you refer
Is worn on tho left shoulder and
designates the division to which a man
belongs. It would take n great deal of
space to describe all the Insignia, but If
ou will tell me which ones ou are par
ticularly Interested In I shall be glad to
tell ou about them.
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1. Namo two appropriate Inscrlp-
tlons to put over a fireplace.
2. Suggest two Rood games that
will help to make the St. Pat
rick's day party a success.
3. What Is habutal?
4. "What Is tho popular legend
nbout the first production of a
piece of velvct7
5. How Is It possible to lengthen
children's stockings that have
0, A kneo pad for tho housewife
who must scrub Is a Great
convenience What material
Is best to use?
Yesterday's Answers
1. The Inspiration for John I-uther
Long's "Madame Butterfly"
camo from letters lie received
from his sister, who was In
2. Louisa Alcott lived wltli her
parents and sisters In an old
homestead near Harvard,
Mass. It was named "Frult
lands.y 3. A lovely combination of mate
rials for a lamp Bhade Is silk
and georgette. In the case of
rose silk tan or cream georg
ette entirely covering It makes
an. attractive shade.
4. Gingham Is being used for kitch
en curtains. A yellow check
for a white kitchen gives a
bright sunny room.
5. To make a room look larger
than It really Is choose a wall-p-per
with Nx-'zontaaJ llwea or
effects or choose a plain wall
covering with a border ox
tending very deep.
6. Massage N necessary with the
use of hair tonic. To correctly
massage the scalp place the
thumbs firmly Just below tho
temples and move the scalp
nround In little circles. Do
this until you have covered
every Inch of Its surface. It
Is not sufficient to rub the fin
gers over the surface. The
scalp must be loosened.
oer the hand and forms a little wash
board. Over the left hand It goes, and
with your right hand you rub your silk
combination or lace collar on this little
mlt washboard until It Is clean and
fresh. The price of this mlt, which
should be especially convenient for the
girt who boards, Is but fifty cents.
MOItn and more popular are Japanese
decorations and Japanese wares be
coming, and although you have no doubt
seen many things fashioned by these
skillful little people, I'll wager ou have
not jet seen the Japanese writing paper
I saw today. The paper Itself Is rough
and crepy in appearance, and each
sheet is decorated w Ith a little Japanese
scene. In black and white and soft gra s.
Most artistic are these pictures, and the
woman who peeks the unusual In sta
tionery will. I think, be delighted. It
costs but thirty-fhe cents a box.
one such garment. Prlght-eolored silk
dolmans will surely be affected very
generally for country wear as tho spring
advances. But to sav that only dol
mans and capes were to be worn would
ba an absurdity. Tho conservative
woman will also still Incline to r wrap
that Is true to the lines of a regulation
coat, and such a garment li Indeed a
good Investment
A conservative model of that sort is
the ono that Wo have chosen for our
artist to nortrav today. It Is tho one
that you would bo wlso to buy If ou
wanted to Invest jour money to tho best
advantage. So although It possesses a
smartners of silhouette, there Is nothing
thnt brands It with tho season of 1915.
The skirt portion is sufllcicntly fill', so
that If fuller skirts return before
anotheV season comes It can be worn
Just aa well as with tho present want
Tho material Is trlcojlne. and tho only
trimming consists of cleverly arranged
rows of buttons down tho shoulders and
at the pockets. Tho deep Joko at the
back Is a detail that makes It oxtrcmely
graceful and the generous phawl collar
ono that makes It a splendid selection
for motor wear on chill spring dajs
And the hat that Is less conservative,
for one does not need to take next sea
son's needs Into consideration when
buying a hnt. The brim Is of straw,
and the high soft crown Is of tarretn
with a perky bow at the center front.
It is smart, of course, and, moreover,
one of those hats that Is aluavs to
comfortable to wear.
Conrliht, ltt. 61 Florence Kose
Riot iu Theatre in Which
Guns Arc Drawn Arouses
Northeast Section
Kstabllghment of a provost guard Is
being urged by residents of Kensington
following a riot last night In tho Peo
ple's Theatre, Kensington avenun iinil
Cumberland street, during which re.
volvcrs were drawn and several persons
were hurt. Unlisted men In tho audi
enco are blamed for tho trouble
Two tailors, who wero arrested In the
fighting last night, wero arrnlgncd be
foro Magistrate Dletx this morning mid
were each held under $800 ball for n
further hearing. They gavo their names
a lMward Yarwood, twenty-six years
old, of Atlanta, On . and rharles i:
I.lnd, twenty-one jears old, Kansaa City.
Hoth are stationed at tho Philadelphia
i N'avy Yard Another sailor arrested diir-
I Ing the riot was released.
According to Ram Lewis, manager of
tho theatre, thero were about :00O per
sona In tho place when attendant at
tempted to eject several sailors. A
fight followed, in which many civilians
participated. 'Women screamed, seats
wero overturned, and, It is alleged, re
volvers were drawn. Lewis said ho
was knocked down Tatrolman Qulnn
was trampled1 on when ho attempted to
enter me theatre
A riot call was sent In and thn Police
To Dry Sweater
To drv a woolen sweater without pull-
""' . n.. n v.lr nnn with
ing tt oui oi sunpc, i'" ""? " ';: , v 4,J "" -iil m hhq ino ponce i
paper and place sweater In the pan arm succeeded In quieting the disturbance I
then place the pan in tho ven- " -Qualnn and tho men who were arrested
WHICH 11 tiunvn ov
will not burn
take sweater out nnd phake It out every
few minutes, iinea in una .-.j
look as good as new.
This is the sort of coat that will
stay in stvle for several tenons
and still is at the same moment in
the mode of today. The material it
tricotine. The bat is straw with
a high crown of taffeta
"ITfHUN" the woman with only a moder-
YV ate-slsed dress allowance buys
cloak of any sort these days she usually
considers first what she wants' for this
season's use, and then almost as much
does she consider the requirements of
another season. Although the prices
asked by the shops for well-made wraps
nre not exorbitant or unreasonable, they
are necessarily so high that a conserva
tive and calculating spirit is naturally
h nn in which the woman of mod
erate means does her buying when It
comes to a garment like a cloak.
Cji aithnitvi, th mrim extreme mocieis
In suits nnd frocks are easily sold, even
In the high-priced garments. It Is the I
more conservative models In cloaks tht
are In demand. For one naturally mlgtit
expect to wear out a suit or irocK in ,
a season, but there Is always the expec
tation that an expensive outer wrap wl.I
do for another season.
iinlmom to be sure, are "all the rage
and every women who wants to be dress.
ed In the pink of rasnion snomu w-
Crepe Paper Tovcls
Crepe paper towels offer one means
of lessening the rk of the laundress
In the summer, or. If the laundry s
done out of the house, of I"''"!"",?
site of the laundry bill The towel",
r .iihatantlal thickness, are sold In
packages of 100 fr.r fifty cents
Chinese Toman Lawjer Arrives
victoria, n. c. March 5. (By A P )
China's first woman lawyer. Madam-
olselln it icneim. ircio ,u"j .,.,
her wav from the Orient to Paris, where
she will report the Peace Conference
for the Associated Prcs of China. Msd
amolselle Tcbeng Is well-known In C hlna
and holds a. certificate fr -v a Paris uni
versity Riving her tbe r to practice
law In France.
weie taken to the Episcopal Hospital
wnere their Drulc3 and cuts wero
With a Purse
For the names of shops where ar
ticles mentioned in "Adventure!
With a Purse" can be purchased,
address Kdllor of Woman's Page.
Kvenino PuBLtc LEDaEn, or phone
the Woman's Department Walnut
Tassels From Japan
Tassels and fringe both became so
popular last summer that there was
some doubt about their remaining In
favor with women who dress well. But
they have both been retained, in spite
of their popularity, nnd somehow by
using them in new and unusual ways
the designers of smart clothes still
give them distinction. Ono new way
of using long Jet assels Is to fasten one
pendant on each side of the brim of a
wide hat.
Cleaning Needles
T.V storms of life when ou need an
JL umbrella,
May jours be upheld by a charming
oung fellow,"
But what If said charming cavalier
hath no umbrella! Tell him right now
before you forget It about the men's um
brellas one of the shops has lowered
from J4 to 2.95. Here Is how you
know they are men's umbrellas. They
have substantial crocked handles. I
have lived well, several years. I have
met jes, several men; but I have yet
to discover the man who will of his
own free will carry a straight-handled
umbrella. But these, are real man-umbrellas
of good union taffeta. If jou
can't Induce him to buy one for him
self, does his birthday come soon?
CHUBBY little hands, when they first
learn to hold spoon and forjc, are
hard put to It to manage grown-up
utensils. Of course, they should have
baby sets. And here la the story of the
most adorable set ou'll And In many a
long day. I speak of the Peter llabblt
Bet of wco fork and spoon, It Is, of
course, of sterling silver, and all done
up In a fussy upholstered case a fitting
gift for his highness, Friend Baby, and
the prlco of the pet Is $3.75.
ON the outside of the box, we are told,
that It is an Invention of a woman
seeking to benefit nnd please women.
And, It will, particularly the woman who
loves to fuss over her fine underclothes
and things, and will not Intrust them to
the destructive hands of the "washlady."
It Is an aluminum mlt, which fits snugly
If sour knitting or crochet needles
become rusty stick them Into soft mud
and they will be as smooth and bright
as new ones.
The removal of 'a hair growth
from under the arms or the
face can be very easily accom
plished by using this excellent
paparatlon. Sold by drug
and department stores.
Frlee 11,00, Bantples lOe.
U rir Co.. 820 X. IBth St.. mils.
HHsaBrm. . "eslBlBlBlBlBrfl
If You Love
You Will Not Only Be Interested
in the
But the
of Flowers
The Century Flower Shop
12th Street below Chestnut Street
Fresh Fruit
Desserts 2c
Jiffy-Jell desserts, ricK
and fruity, cost but 2
cents per serving.
Each package contains
a vial of fruit essence,
made from condensed
fruit juice.
Add boiling: water, then
this flavor, and you have a
fresh-fruit dainty.
Compare Jiffy-Jell with"
the old-style quick gela
tine desserts. You will
find it five times better,
yet it costs no more.
Millions now enjoy it.
10 Flaeort, at Yoar Groctr't
2 PackagtM for 25 Ctntt
bandaged over
that skin trouble
will relieve it quickly
Cease tomperJnK with that painful
trouble. Apply a healing and sooth
ing ointment that has the power to
sink In and correct the trouble.
Rcslnol Ointment aided by Reslnol
Soap usually clean away cuch affec
goat quickly, uul thereugkly
47 Rue Blanche, Paris
jt. most unneces-'
sary to endure pain
when it can be re
lieved. I first pre
pared my
over a quarter of a century
ago to relieve the pain of
rheumatism, headache,
lumbago, sciatica, and .the
like. In the United States,
with the endorsement of
your leading physicians, it
has been successful to a
most gratify- v
ing degree. , JjJ&
dt i" Clam
Tkof . Lwmlnt ATCo.
Who Benefits by HirH Prices?
You feel that retail mea prices are too
Your retailer says he has to pay higher
prices to the packers.
Swift & Company prove that out of
every dollar the retailer pays to the
packers for meat, 2 cents is for packers'
profit, 13 cents is for operating expenses,
and 85 cents goes to the stock raiser; and
that the prices of live stock and meat
move up and down together.
The live-stock raiser points to rising
costs of raising live stock.
Labor reminds us that higher wages
must go hand in hand with the new cost
of living.
No one, apparently, is responsible. No
one, apparently, is benefited by higher
prices and higher income.
We are all living on. a high-priced scale.
One trouble is, that the number of dollars
has multiplied faster than the quantity of
goods, so that each dollar buys less than
Swift &'Company, U. S. A.
F. M. Hall. District Manager
Seven Wholesale Distributing Markets
Central Office, 9th St. and Glrard Ave.
The Down Stairs Store
Announces the
Opening Exhibition of
Spring Millinery
The loveliest hats of all the Spring
time will blossom forth tomorrow, and
by this sigi), though all else fail, we shall
know that Spring is full upon us.
Jlost striking is the Directoirc note.
Its influence is apparent in the simpler
hats of every day, as well as in the
picture hats, with nodding plumes and
floating streamers.
But it's in the brisk little tailored
hats that the greatest interest lies, for
they arc the hats that women seek for
the immediate occasion. Here are cheery
little hats of navy blue touched with
bright red; close-fitting hats with wings ,,i
aslant or burnt plumage towering high; l'
hats with the tiniest of flowers used
flatly and closely to form bands and
facings of bright blue.
It is for such hats that most women
are searching; it is in such hats that
the Down Stairs Millinery Salons excel.
V . . 7s A 2 VWNS
I. j 1
During March,
Special Prices on
Waltz Dream
Toilet Preparations
The ingredients of these toilet
tilings aic puic and pood and
they have the delightful fra
grance of flowers crushed ever so
Face Powder is -3c the bo.
Talcum Powder. 18c the tin.
Toilet Water, 73c the bottle.
To Set Nimble
Fingers Flying"
lias come quit a patherintr of
stamped pieces all ready to be
embroideicd. There arc covers
for card tables, breakfast and
luncheon sets, scarfs, pillow tops,
pincushion tops, childten's dresses
and many other thinps which
hand embroidery will adorn.
All Arc Half Price
J Have Liked My Winter
1 Coat So Much That Now
I Want to Buy a Spring
Suit Here!
So said a man who came the other day to the Down Stairs
Store for Men. It is an excellent example of the value and
satisfaction in Wananiaker clothes. No better clothes are to
be had for the money than these pood suits of pure wool, cu
and tailoicd after our own specifications and honestly made
Men's Spring Suits Are Ready
in all the fine freshness of the new season. Suits of fancy mixed
cheviots and of cnsbimeies and of flannels in dark blues, brown
and green. There are 2 and 3 button coats for men and waist
lino coats with vcitical pockets for young men, exemplifying all
that is coircct for Spring, 1919. Wide and interesting choosing
at $30 to $03.
((.Rllrr.i, Markrl)
Spring Suits Are Venturesome
This Mild -Tempered March
Anyone who doesn't believe that it isn't a Spring of women's ,
suits will change his mind pretty quickly if he takes a turn on
Chestnut btrect any sunny afternoon. If more convincing proof is
needed, luncheon in any one of a dozen lestaurants where smart
women congregate will furnish it.
Suits Arc to the Fore in Fashion,
The Down Staiis Store has a most interesting showing of suits,
all witiiin a model ate price range $19.75 to $07.30.
For slender young women there are delightful box coats with
gay vcitees and straight slim skirts.
Women who find a belted jacket moie becoming will like the
good models in dark serges, tricotines, twills and so on.
Sports suits of jersey, tweed and ficsh Spring mixtuies are
ready, too.
And, as a last bit of good news, thcic is plenty of navy blue.
To the Credit of
Narrower Skirts
we must place these smart new
bloomers of soft jersey silk. They
end just above tho ankles, where
there arc soft pleated luftles.
In navy, black, gold and puiple
they arc $5.50.
In emeiald, navy, henna, purple,
Copenhagen and jay blue, with
bright diamonds of color in the
ruffles, they are $8.73.
Lustrous black sateen bloomers
are $3.
Substantial Savings j
on White Goods :
by the piece or yard l
Good quality, "0-inch long-'
cloth is $1.90 for a 10-yard piece: i
or 19c a yard.
OG-inch longcloth in a good
close weave is $2.'J0 foi; a 10
yard piece; or 22c n yard.
Women's Stockings
Special at 40c a pair
Black mercerized cotton stock
ings in a fine, light weight, with
scams in back, have lc-enforced
feet and garter tops.
Cotton Combination Suits,
60c Special, in regular and
extra sizes
Made of fine libbed white cot
ton, they are low-nock, sleeveless
style with lace-trimmed knees.
Glittering and
Sparkling and
Shining With Color
are the new Acad necklaces.
There arc s9l4Sfei5?''s Dr'l?ht
blues, darkjP 3jte'e P'"'58
shading to t&d, creamy
bends, eU X-j, green the
shade offC 'jS and green as
dark as0 .baf really, there
seems tg .to end to the colors.
Thestihining beads are held
together by links of metal, of
metal mesh or of celluloid, and
others are strung on silken cords.
Truly, bead necklaces aie one of
the brightest spots of the season.
50c to $5.
Spring Arrays Herself
in Gay Silks
Foulard, one of her favorites, is here in a pleasant variety
of patterns and colorings. You will see various protty patterns
on grounds of green, beige, rose, navy, Belgian or Pekin blue or
black. 3G inches wide at $1.85 u yard.
Stripes and plaids in prettily blended dark colorings in a
serge-weave silk, 35 inches wide, are $2 a yard.
(Central) '
- f N
Three Stops in the
Undermuslin Store
Of course, you will want to
stop oftener than that once you
enter this fascinating realm, but
these specials arc remarkable.
Crepe de Chine Chemises,
These are in envelope style in
pale pink; the top is of imitation
filet lace and there is a hand
embroidered garland in the front.
Pink Batiste Nightgowns,
The material is soft and fine
and the yoke is cut in points at
the shoulders wheie there are
embroidered medallions edged
with insertion.
Extra-size Drawers, 75c
They are roomy and full and
are finished at the knees with
rows of tucking and embroidery
Rugs Are Less Than
Seamless Brussels Rugs
7.6x9 feet, $22.50.
8.3j:10.G fcjet, $28.50.
9x9 feet, $28.60.
9x12 feet, $29.50.
Seamless Velrtt Rugs
0x9 feet, $22.50.
7.fix9 feet, $28.50.
8.3x10,6 feet, $37.50.
9x12 feet, $39,50.
tl.lxU fMt, WM. '
Piles of Aprons
for Housecleaning
At 63c
Big blue-and-white checked
gingham aprons have long strings
to tie in back.
At .$1
Coverall aprons of striped per
cale in many colored stripes arfi
trimmed with bands of plain color.
These look almost like dresses, for
they fasten down the side, have
elastic at the waist, short sleeves
and a pocket.
At $1.30
Pretty striped gingham aprons
in the same style are edged all
around with ric-rac braid. Also
in plain pink percale.
t .
? eM H tfuttUt. rtr'tr
tor. etaAMt. AbWbMM,
5.. '"