Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 27, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 18, Image 18

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.27, M919
. ' i
Thomas W.Kelly Victim of
Poison Vapor in Last
tv Moments of War t
Over 270 Pciinsylvnniaiis on
Today's disunity List,
Bui None Killed
'K f I
, ,. 5 I ."s- '"W
foor o7 or ic Cily
oHf s Vicinity Today
m-hmilh. in:r.itKK i'.mh.tlii-
miiiii.i.i: varonk. io i:t iiend.
ret street .
UII.I.IM I. MIX!.!. Vdanis road,
Cresrentvllle Phllsrielphla
IWIF.s IIIIKMII. Kill Ontario street
Mil IIAFL . Il l.l., 201 Tsllor ave
mie Camlen .,
I.OI IM .UIIIF.I.I.H. Ilroiil Street Station
(Csre .Charles Papnes)
CIIMil.EH r. .MII.LK.lt, tlir.9 Glrard ave-
TII(1M) II. MOV. 840rt Regent street.
.Will CARE KlTDIIi:, 1130 Mouth Mnlh
U W.TI.fl K. lllt.sMT, .Ifrt Chancellor
I III IS ANCin.lx. 2J Monastery avenue
4UOII lMK. sill Kensington avenue
JOHN A I'KVMMiTllN. lion I'enn
street Cnmrtm , .
(.IMINTII MNNKTTK. 1223 Catharine
. 1 hlthy
I orpor.ils
Gtnr. 1244 South Twentieth
Wounded Ca&scd. I
To so uninjured throUBH neural of the '
fiercest engagements of the war ami to
bo severely gasseil vvhllo carrjlng an.
crder from heailcju.irters tn otlloers In his
Hector to ceafro firing because of the ,
armistice, was tho experience of
Thomas W. Kelly, one of tho Phllftriel-'
phlans reported wounded In toda-.'-! of
ficial casualty llHt. I
Kelly told of his eperiences In a let-,
ler to a ulster. Mm. .Mary Strelllg, 4C61
Oslo street, Manannk Ho raid"
"I tamo through scvrral engagements!
without u scratch, until on November
11, In the eleventh hour, 1 was detailed
to take orders down tho line nonliving;
the. odltcrs th.it the armistice had been
signed, when I lan Into n. boche gas
barrage and was Knocked out"
lie Is recovering. Kelly Is a member
of Company II, 100th Infantry, and was
formerly In the National Ouard Penn
sylvania. He enlisted In July, 1017, and
was In Intensive training at Camp Han
cock until May of last ear. wren h's
regiment tailed overseas. On his ar
rival In France he was promoted to
corporal, and selected as a dispatch
bearer, which entailed man danger"
Kelly Is twenty-one jears old. He
expects to sail for home soon.
Fought In Klglit llultles
Another Phlladelphlan named In the
report today has written homo of the
thrilling experiences he had. and of how
ho was wounded. iHe Is Corporal Wil
liam C. Peters, 444 Itlplta street, Itox
borough. Peters, who Is a member of Company
F, 100th Infantry, was wounded Sep
tember 28. In a letter home lie said
that he was In the battles of the Ar
Conne, .St. Millie!. Arras, St. Agnes and
four others.
"A part of 'ry right hand was blown
off by a bursting shell," wrote Peters,
'and that put me out of commission "
He is twenty sears old. He enlisted In
March, 1017, and trained nearly n year
before sailing. Henry Swnrtlcy, Peter's
grandfather. Js a Civil War letcran. A
brother of tho soldier, John B. Peters,
was In the army during the war, but
was not assigned to foreign duty.
No army deaths are reported for
Philadelphia today. Kigliteen men
wounded slightly and thirty wounded
With degree undetermined make up the
city s casualty report. Two corrections
are, affixed to the regular list. One man
ho was reported missing has returned
to duty and another who was reported
Wounded Is declared now not to have
been injured.
The combined casualty list Is some
what larger than usual. It is made up
or 2009 names, 278 of which are of men
from this state.
Frlrite Hugh 3. Hannon, 1841 East
Harold street, was wounded October 27.
In a recent letter to a sister, Mrs. John
Hughes, of the Harold street address,
he lv rote that he received a shrapnel
wound In the fighting at Chateau
Thierry, but has recovered. He Is twenty-six
j ears old and a member of Com
pany O, 111th Infantry,
Private Lewis J. Coffey, Company II,
110th Infantry, reported wounded, has
returned from overseas and is now at
the Fort McIIenry convalescent hospi
tal In Baltimore. He is the son of Mrs.
Margaret Coffey, 5543 Osage avenue. He
wrote recently to his mother, sajlng
that he was rapidly improving from
wounds In tho leg and arm, received In
action last July.
Coffey enlisted In the National Guard
of Pennsylvania in 1916, and saw serv
ice on the Mexican border. After being
re-mustered In in the fall of 1917. lie
Ul trained at Camp Hancock until last
?!. May. when his regiment sailed. He is
twenty years old.
Samuel Mathews, Camden, Company
D, 303th Infantry, was wounded October
19 In the right shoulder and araln No.
!J ember 2 in the right arm. He received
Dotu wounds uunng the lighting in the
Argonno sector. He wrote home a few
days ago saying that after several
weeks' confinement In a base hospital
he had recovered and returned to his
Unit. He Is thirty-two lears old and
previous to entering the army madfe his
"'home with his mother at 550 York street.
(' Camden. He vas drafted last February
and sailed in May. Before -becoming a
eoMler he was empIoed in the Evemko
i Public Ledger's composing room.
Corporal Ilutler I.. Weir, reported
wounded In action, Is the son of Mrs.
Bessie Weir, 6214 Race street. He lias
i been overseas several months. He
writes that he is recovering.
Private Harry Slmlble. the son of Mrs.
Flora Shalble, 23J0 North Bouvler
, street, was slightly wounded, but has
recovered and rejoined his unit,
Returnlnr Hero Lost Kye In Battle
, r i Vrlrt IVUMfini Smith. reDortpd
wounded in the oHtclal report of today,
has returned from overseas and is now
It Kill, 0214 llce mreft
.IOSFI'11 liMKINi. 1M Sonifrs slrel
Mot Mini M.K1MII.V
I Irutrtmnt
vimtllls 11. I.ImM it. 141 i:t Tuli'
horkn Mrt. (Not known a, this
nil'lrei 1
III SSH.I, . s.l.Khl 47t Nlh
Third trrct
Mil. I.I M I'. ri.TIK. 411 P-lpka avenue.
XTII II. 1'OI.I.ACK. 21.1. North
seventh Mfet
lllltm Mil lllli:. 2.110 North llouvlr
Ktrt ,
III (III URt Hi;, 20.15 South Soventh
JOHN II. I RI.I.TII, 21-'9 Lawrence
ItflPlI I't.TIRI, K.4J llrlstol trfff
4 1 II I IIRII '. AN hlllK. 12113 Bl
txrorl ptrrt
III (III I'. IIXMIV, 18lt East Ilarolil
lolls ,(I1IKV. Mil oce avenue
IIIHIIUtT (OI.I.MOIK, 111-' I Hotlth
suth Mirft
TIIOVMS l. M.I, 1,1. 4lt Oele atrrrt.
I'MKKK HtH-.MXN, Hrvn Mnwr
IIKSJVMIN Mil. I. Kit. l.'J.I tilth alreft
ttmorrert addrefttf )
lll.SJMI 41. 11ll.l.llMN. 20J.1 North
Tenlletl" siree t
MRION R. I.V(IM, 14)1 llerit
(IIVKI.I.s II. IIUTOID. 055 North
Anicrltan mreet
STAM.I.V RKKIKt', 1 057 Kurett
Mrrt Cnmdcn
KKVVAKI). 1, sMITll, 117 North Sixtj-
third street . ...
IMKK I.. THOMlII. 1300 West
MnMcr trret
TIIIIMS MiK!.(l3, 0018 lValton avc-
Mil I lM 4. (ONNOR. 2100 i:ait riear-
floM atreft ....
North Third atre't . ..
SWUM. M. Tl'KNMI. 4R 1817 IVolf
nilVIINK K MII.I'OM, 0154 Olenmore
4IIIIN KMXIIX. ION North Sluth street
1,0111 RIA S. sCllt'STUt, .Til J Opral
Htrft (Incorrect aiklros )
III! INI) Y. TMIN. U14J Westminster
atr t
JOSH'H II. nRTOV, 3438 North Hur
le street
J.lll f A. nESI'HIlR. 1450 North Six
tieth street.
JII.IIS nE.N4MIIN fillRHON, 301 1111.
notonbtKer btreet (Imorrtct address )
Mounded, Dfirre VnJelrrmlnrd
. IAP TAINS Cheater 1., Ilarr Oxford
ra , imuert f Hunter, vvnllasto
IMnard p. wheppard, Clarkavill
lonn ei ytrvenaon t'olumbtis. ll
'Tanhlln VMIIIams. Newark, N J
t Moimtlen HlUhllr
(Ot.flVI!tIMwflril rrfii.n.tftr Ihflmann.
Alhant, N. V
MAJOR Thomaa llarrett, Augusta, Oa
t'AI'TAlXH Charles ( Orlfnn. Washlnir
ton, I), c i l'arl II. Smith. Princeton N J i
Soren c Sopnsnn (lrand Island. Neb.
MHUTKNANTH "herman Hart Itnllard
I'eterstann, VV la i William Martin MlnCli.
tin. III Samuel Arthur lllank, Waan-
ItlKton. 1), l' t Maurice H Hush. (Ircens
1 1'lirsr. Pa, Hnbert N Christian, Providence,
ji i,t Morris vt i.isner. hi rcaat Tiupe
hmken street, Phlladelnhlai Albert J los.
n-riMtTtin, ttTitii-ii ,-tnrti '"r IVausau Mls i Wiley Madison I'u'ler,
WOUKDEl) JNUjMBER 2923 ' Whlnmn. I C. Ilaroll llaner, Hmllh.
v vvjisiuiy iiLiuuLiii -. lmo ,,.,,,,, j Kcnnedv. Mllord, o.t
, Mjilnev Schoenfeld. Vew York. N V t l.e
I Hoy !, V Hmlth. Fresno. Cat.: Oeden I.
iioss. iro), .n, j hoy 11 saKrieon, ueer
llled t'rnni Arcltlfnt mill Oother Causes
1'RIVATK John 11. Crevellnt. nerwlik,
1 1 led of Illsense
Vim ATI1S Mllllnm II nartholomevv,
latani); (lot Nlrklon, Adallde.
Mounded, Decree I'ndelermlliftl, rrfTlonsly
War Department Reports
3009 Only Three Are.
Killed in Action
Eight Die of Wounds; Sixty- vS'l'. m"
tlirce Victims of Disease,
Eleven of Accident
COnPORALW 1,mls W, Ourt, 1144 Pmith'burh Hush V. ltannn. 1841 Kast ltroM
Twentieth street. Phlladrfnlilai Itav r Ket.
ton. .Mass '. I "er, Mlllersburgl Stlncy Itusselavase. lllner-
Ulle. Tenn ! !.nn Tuddr llusso. Pittsburgh, , I.estsr
oi Arthur Warner. Payrei Ilutler U Weir, 0214 Itaca
W , n'HIUI IA(.b-, 1,1.11. .1.1, . . ,... ..,... ,,.,111......
Mnshlnirlnn, Feb 20, -Four army
casually rolls released by the War De
partment today contain 3009 names,
commissioned and enlisted ranks.
Of this total 1021 were published In
the morning report nnd 13S8 ure In the
afternoon list, divided ni follows. Killed
In action, 3: died from wounds. 8; died
of illseaac, 6.1, died from nctldenl mid
other cause'. 11, while 1303 lire wounded.
The list of olTlcers nnd the enlisted
personnel of Pennsylvania nnd New Jer
scy are Klvn below.
Keported today
Killed In action ... 3
Pled of wounds 8
Died of disease ... 01
Died of acrldent nnd other
causes . . . ..11
Missing In nctlon. Includ
ing prisoners . . 1
Wounded . . ..'.923
flrand totals
Hied from Aeildenl nod Other Causes
I.TKl'Tll.N'ANr Mllllftn Addison Cook,
1llel of Disease
MMOltS IVnnk Andr llucll Toledo
O Victor M Whiteside Washington
CAIT.MN rrca llurston
Vtlle (la
Parkcratmrir. W Va
D ('
lleporled lilllcl ,
PIUVATI1 (llueppa Uuonlcontt. I'nlon
Iteturnrd In Dull. Previously Reported Killed
I'fllVATi: -John J llonan, Dunbar
Vllsslnc Previously Reiiorleil Mounded
PR1VA111 Stanley Orocoskle, Dickson
Killed In rtloM, Previously Reported
prtlVAT I. nenjamln yasofsky, Johns
town Died, ITevloui.1) Rrportefl Mlsslnc
I'l'.IV ATI: ninln llarnes. l'rle
Mounded, Deirree 1 ndelermlned, Pretlously
Reported .Vllsslnic
I'fllV ATFS Herman Chottlnger. MeKeca
port WllllatTi Clovd Uos, Iewlstown, Jalnea
II. Helsr Wllllamaport Jamea Mc.Namaru,
New Cuttl
RrtMrnefl lo Dulv, Prevlouslr Reporteil
rniVATIJt fleorito I. Preston, foalcs
vlllo. 1iuls A Itepsher 1450 North Sixtieth
street Philadelphia.
Krroneously Iteiwirled Mounded. Degree
t ndelemilned
PHtVVTK Julius llnjamln Oi.Tdan "HI
ItlltonbirKcr ttrcot. Philadelphia
VVnitndcd. lleurfe I ndrterndnrd
KKttdl. V.Nr.s lriiv P. Jlctllnnls Clifton
llelshta John T. llulllnn. Klnt-ton. Ilobert
It JUKowen New Alexandria Thomas .1.
Moron, Pittsburgh: Joseph Frcrln Pfelfcr,
I Pittsburgh John ,T Powell. Pottstowni
Charles Qutnn. Wllkes-Uarre. Harry P.
Punier, llarrlshurg: John M I.om1nson. wtl-
lllamsport. lay C Sanffrd Coraopolls John
II. Snmleker Heaver Kalis
street, Phllsdelphlai Itav Conley, VVIlllanis
porti Henry Chei.tn, Prlcnlale. JTatik I,.
Doerlng Uryn Athvni John 11 Krelscr,
Itojaltom Walker William Otl. Chambera
hurgj i:dward A. Poste-, Plttaburght Albert
i: Thumm Heaver Falls, ltatnond Watts,
llloomamirg: Howard William Harllett, Oil
City Claud OrlmwcHM Hinomsburg. Hdward
J Kohn Faitoryvtllei ItafTaele Morlnetll.
1020 MnntrAy street, Phlladelphlai Steve
Angeln, Pittsburgh
lll'(ir.v:it.H Normal M Klsaman. Oreens.
burgi lwls !,co Frlich l.vars Cltr
.MIICHAS'IC Raymond 3 l.fpnold. Vernon.
COOKS Clarence C Hilly, Apollo! Fred
If schlndler, Carnegie ,
PIIIVATKS Columbia l.lmer lllller .Co.
lumblatowm R, i:. Hleele. Harriiburg, John
'Kblas Jlunhnlh Raymond O. Ilradlnnl.
Washlngtoni Paul J Dao, nrr i Ralph 1J
DeNlln. Allentnnn. Uronislaw Dowglel,
Nccan: Joserll Oatklns. 1518 Somers Street,
Plllad-lphlni Jamea Walter Oarrlgan. Ilrad
fnrdi Jos'a'i Hnldeman. .Mount Gretna John
P. tones Homestead! John Leonard l.aver,
Pittsburgh llaurlie O. Htlgerald Tylers
port Krnest II Luvendcr Avocat Robert
Martin. Jonestown! Cljde Ollbert Reyntlds.
Kane.- John s Simons Hethlehenii Howman
J L'lrlch. W'atsnntnwnt John trtcher, 518
Wood street. Philadelphia.
Mounded slightly
SlinonANTK James ll-wlev Oak Mew:
Harry P Douglas. Vanderhllti lolin 11
Hteele, n27 locust atrtet. Philadelphia! A
ItusseM Yerkea. 1300 Rusromb street, Phila
delphia. t OHPOHA1.S Samuel It. ke. Altonnai
John Anderson (onemautth. Harry J. liar
rett. Plunai Luther M (Irablll New Hol
land! Paul St. John, Llncidnvlllc William
i" Peter. Ill Rlpka avenue, Philadelphia!
(lustave J Yerkes. 471 North rnlrd sinet.
Philadelphia . .
.MCCIIANIC Nathan M Pollack. 2135
North Seventh street, Philadelphia
ritlVATKS Kdward M Marsh. Home
stead! Harry Rehalble 2130 North Uonlver
street. Philadelphia Illchurd Peter Wernor,
Pittsburgh' John F llradlej, Vnndergtlft
Heights! Mush llrude, 2I1J1 South Hev'n.
tleth Btreet. Phlladelthln: Charles J. Con
nelly Pittsburgh: Tnnl Delesky Krle: Olu
seppe lltinzzn, Wnshlngton: Howard J (lul
nan 133J V'est Cumberland street, Phila
delphia: Andrew Lazowskt, Hhamfkln: Pat.
rtck M lltDonnugh. ( onnellavllle: llermrd
A. Mctlroartj. Interne. Arthur 1 McOuIre,
Indiana Dnmlnlk Petrowskl. West Ilime
stead. Orlando SI, Plpr Tyrone; Frank 13
Havel, Heading: William Carl turkett.
Ilruckcnrldge: Christopher Schroll Mount
Oilier: William I, Williams. Farrelf Frank
Hnnglovannt, Cnssindra John II Freeth,
2",2h Ijvwrence strict. Philadelphia, Frank
J (loodman Pittsburgh Milton 1. Haupt.
Maa'titawn, Patrhk Johnston. Derrj Walter
Henlsmln Long. (Iratersfoed. Georae J. Antl,
Pittsburgh: Joseph A llrand Ht. Clair;
Charles C CrHWlord N4ntlcoke: Michael I.
Flnn Pittsburgh, Stephen ilehnlllik. 11
senrlug; John F Mlnlror. Krtej Ralph
Peters 1042 llrlstol street Prlladelphla.
Herbert Hager, Johnstown: iviward T, Men
strom. Cadoga.n Clifford C Van Kirk, 1JIM
Kast Oxford litreet Philadelphia: Frank J
Zaksher, Hhamokln. Oscar II Halllet. Wap
vvallopcn Frank Hwn" houthwesf O-'eTe
pnmbnskl, Tioga, Wladlslaw HalensUt. Pitts-
street, Phlladelphlai James Lewis. Scrantont
Antony Marino. Itosetoi Harry L Hrown.
Pittsburgh) Louis Coffey C148 Osage are
nue. Phlladelphlai Herbert Colestock 1024
Houth Fifty-sixth street, Phlladelphlai Lau
rence Dexardi,, Donors i llonl .Doha, Xllnt
vlllei Thomas Knslekl Krlet Ilobert It OC;s.
Relnholds Mtatloni John Betnpelea, Harris
burg! Aleksander Hrespsjenskl, Pittsburgh!
Frank Waslak, Pittsburgh! Hrsan l!'Vrn,?n,:
Hell Verrons Thomas W Kelly 4N01 Ogle
street, Phllscielphla! lfarri J. Kuhna. near).
Ingi Lulgl Meraglla, Wlshall Angelo Polliil,
Dunmoroi William Slmnklns. e-Vranton:
Hsrrvn Newlln Plttsburghi Samuel Thomp
son, Punxtutawnes
Hied from Mounds
CORPOnAI Patrick Joseph Kane, Hay
onne Died from Accident or Other Cause .
rniVATK David llarnaby. Gloucester,
Died of Disease ,
CORPORA!, George Joseph Martin, Pal
mra PlllVATK Harry Longmore Trenton.
Mounded, Drgrre Cndetcrmlned
SntlGKANTI llary T. Maull, Audjlwni
Frederick Apaar, High Hrldge, Robert
Hlrnn, Park Ridge! I.ouis John Conord,
Kllrabethj Hamuel Sachs, Newark
CORPORALS Domonlc Igrosa, Fair
Un, llrnest Old, Riverside: Joseph IIoJ.
novlts, Dunellen: Frederick M Hrown,
PtrVi AmtKij, Louis Levin, Newark! Philip
T Krhardt, Asbury Park
nUOLKIl William Horneman, Jr , Pai
sale, WAGONLH George II. lllllcr. West New
I'OOK rharlea l'lleschman, Hackensaclt,
TRIVATF.H Nelson Mitchell, Horden
town. Marimis Van Hstlnbrldge. Patersoni
Thaddeus Allen Whlttacker. Passaic: Uenjs.
mln Altord. Newark: Charles lldwarn Rar
ker. Peterson: Fldele Casene. i:ilgabth:
Istei K Good, Ills Thirty-second street,
Camden: Thomaa F llackett, Lincoln pArk:
.Tolin Crala. Montclalr! Robert Johnson.
Patersoi: Voorhees Rlcncke, Houth Orange;
ilobert y.nzmnn, urange.
Mounded hllghlly
SHROKANTH John J. Allen West New
Torlc, Joseph 11, Hanks, PauIssbro; Henja
mln Hoffard. Passaic
CORPORAL!) Frank llarhlerl llarken
sack: HntTnelo Illancn. Patersnn: Daniel II.
Mahnr, Newark William L Poulson. New
ark: Frank Miller. Woodbrldge
PHIVATFS John Joseph IteGre Pater
son: William 11. Richardson, Patersoni
Hnwnrd W Ogdcn Mlddletnn: Vhrls Til-ner,
Pilerson: Karon Zanaya. Trenton; John J.
Cnone.'. (luttenburg: Lulls Marvin Johnson,
1111 Jackson street. Camden l.mils t.'ikpr.
Newark: Peter J Curtis Patersoni Clprls I
e. i-iungis r.iizanein; William J llvan.
West Orange! Wllllnm H Howard Hscken
sack. Walter J. Dine. Jersey Cltv : Samuel
MtCnnnell. Morrlstown; Clifford Morris,
Hradley Reach: Francis Murph. Lllzabeth!
Tames Calraretla. 3d Jerse nt, Victor
It. Hlnns. Cast Orange: William C Hurke,
Paterson: Conrad Hugster, Jr. North Her
gen: Ralph H .Klohr, Spybrook: John P.
Topie. Jrsey cit : Harry F Weirf-r. Pster
son: August F. Oeehaner. Carteret: Frank
stmato. Jersev Cltv; Thomas II hulllvan,
New Itrunswlck: Thomas 1. Tlghe, Wee-hawken
Drawing Materials
Blue Printing
1209 Arch St.
Telephones: Spruce 1256. IUce 614
unanimously adopted at the regular monthly
meeting of the Hoard of Offrera of tho lies
brew Lducatlon Society, on Monda,, Febru
ary 21. Hi lin . .
Resolved, that In the sudden demise of our
late colleague and friend
mici Mm Aim i.f.vv
Hit Hebrew F.durstlon Society as well as th
tommunlty al large, sustained a severe blow
and an Irreparable loss He possessed the
rare qualities which emanate from the mind
ol the scientist, coupled with the heart of a
philanthropist. His countless deeds In the
Held of humanltarlanlsni did not efface his
loo for traditional Judaism His was a
rstura Imprrgnsted with the milk of human
kindness and a aoul Impressed with the
sanctity of the rights nf his fel'ow man. II
was alwai ready, even at the eacrlflca
of hla comfort, convenience and materia
gain, to give suctor to the need,, informa
Hon .to the! uninformed, and help to the help.
Irasl, Ills vsst scientific knowledge ner
Interfered with his ssplratlons for the Ideal.
Indeed, he thought Ideals not onl, but he
acted Ideals " Ills horizon was that of
the seer, of the prophet In Israel, and his
ontlmtsm was supreme rrn tn adveralt..
Ilesolied. thst his services as a member
of the Hoard of Officers of this society for
the past thirty-seven cara anil as an hon
orsrv life member hsve endeared him in hi
colleagues and that they win remember with!
gratitude hla unstinted labors on behalf of.
jewien eaucnunn. as wen aa nis mantrold
efforts In helping to Americanize the tmmt
grant portion of the community.
Resolved, that a copy of thrae resolutions
suitably engrossed, be sent lo the family of
the decedent and that they be published in
the Hvenlng Ledger and tho Jewish Expo
ORENNRN. Feb. 20. JAMKfl J hUfan
of late Catherine I, Orennen (nee, Cudahy),
aged 70. Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral. Frl 0 a, m., son's residence,
Jamea R. Orennen. 140 R Sterner at. BoI
emn high mass Church of Visitation 10 a. m.
int. Holy sepulchre cem,
FITHS, husband of Dinah Orlfflths, aged CO.
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral,
Pat., 1 p m,, daughter's residence, Mra.
Florence Hopelv. 23.'!! N 11th at lnt.'North
wood Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl.,
7 to p m Mahanoy and Shenandoah
papers copy. Auto service,
HARDY. Feb 23, SALLY HARDY, for.
merly of Chester Pa . daughter of lats
Isaac and Retty Hardy, aged 77. Relatives
and frlenda Invited to funeral services Frl ,
R p m , residence of niece, Mrs John A.
Hrsmall, 300J Walnut st , Philadelphia Int.
KINS, widow of Lieut Colonel George W.
Funeral services Frl , IL
Hawkins aged Nil.
a m home of daughter, Mra. 11 C llurun,
41S K 13ih st , Chester, Pa Int. private.
Ml Morlah Cem
nt the homo of hla grandmother. Mrs
Samuel Pallertaln, 117 North hlxty-thlrd
Smith lost an ce In the fighting.
Yesterday ho told of eomo of his experi
ences. He was attached to Company K,
110th Infantry, and was wounded In
the lea- hv shrannel at Verdun and again
Injured when the ambulance In which
he vvas going to the hospital was blown
up by a bomb. lie vvas Beveral months
In the hospital, but rejoined his regiment
before the nrmtstfee.
A brother of the returned battle
scarred and partly blind soldier served
also overseas. He Is Private Edward
Smith, 110th Infantry, formerly of the
N. U. P. He was twice wounded In the
legs at Chateau-Thierry and again dur
ing tho fighting near Belleau Woods.
He Is now with the army of occupation
In Germany.
The brothers trained at Camp Meade
nnd sailed for overseas in .May. -liiey
are orphans and were reared by their
Private Louis Amhellus, Company I..
148th Infantry (Buckeye Division),
wounded, Is one of the returned heroes.
Ills life was saved by a gas mask hang
ing loosely ore his breast when a piece
"of shrapnel struck him squarely over tho
heart. He has undergone several opera
tions for other wounds he received In
Iloth Sexes
f I-
r """-
ALL, YEAR. Tennessee ave.. lust off
.walk, European plan. $1 up dally.
pnointm't. Modsrata rata restaurant.
lwara own. Alwtra readr. Terms mod
kt. Vhonn or trrltc M. Wilih Duncin.
ITEL 10SC0BEL 55S,u2SwiS. S,!
Tbroughly heated. Ilklt. A. K. MAItlON.
K HlrXHWav
Famous Mtrywhsn for
t location, oorvleo
and ouldno.
Booklet and rats uasia aaollcalUa
8. J. LAWRENCE. Maaaat
oat aKfrme tn farea to tha far
rrssoria and OklJolnt OaauTert
A aWealakl C kAMhaUrHtl
College Courses for high school
graduates in the following sub
jects: English Freshman composition
and literature.
Mathematics Trigonometry.
Co-operative Engineering Forge
and Foundry; 'Woodworking
and Pattemmaking; Mechanical
Courses lead to Bachelor of
Science degree.
The Institute will also open
Preparatory Courses in English
and Mathematics for mature stu
dents not high school graduates.
Successful completion admits stu
dents to more advanced courses
of the Institute in these subjects.
Term starts In both College and
Preparatory Coursra Monday, March
3, and ends "Wednesday, May 38.
Classes will meet Monday, Wednes
day and Friday evenings.
For further information about ad.
mission, credits, fees, etc., phone
Preston 5325 or otherwise communi
cate with the Registrar.
D. C. L., President.
A New Intensive '-Weeks' Course
7:30 to 0 o'clock, lleglnnlnc March 3
For men and women who want speed.
accuracy and higher pay. Class limited.
Fee moderate.
Training for Business
Ueuima an accountant, a private sec.
retary. a master of industry. Cultivate
your lnlnd. develop your gilts, master
the science of buslneas. Make sour spare
tlma profltabla. Then turn these Into
dollars. Others have, you can. Attend
our Night School Knter any time.
Halal CkaasbarHa
flwlroaitna Tool, Uolf,
HaafooaCulaliie. ISiary
12iinw..H Siath ana
f aitOM-L . .Writs i VV U
J '
Our graauaiss ar in consianv aemand
paying positions await you ui
hand, the easy, speedy system.
tilght ciasse mienaiva irainini
h.m i anv ,n,a
Uavias an
Call rl Wfl.a. I
: a.:il -I-all..tl T"-.V ."I'"i
iwr tun ffiarucumm an nraiatiOar
a lul Calleaa
tni7 rhaatnut HI
STRAYRR'S Th n"t Buslneas nchoel
ailWlLtia hat fnF.8TNlrT BT.
dr V MJWW&Ctf Z J&JM
. b ?
. How did it disappear? It hid the secret
of the missing gold; its solution wonjd
complete the evidence against the murderer
of the heir; yet it formed only one link in the
shadowy chain, that imprisoned
The Mystery
of the Downs
By Watson and Rees of Scotland Yard
Read the .whole amazing tale as spun by these two
famous real detectives around an enigmatic
murder a tangle of clues that enmeshed
in turn most of the principal charac
iQ ters, and that will surely baffle your
) keenest analysis to the end.'
mm ' wwiw i f tjcto
Begins Sunday, March 2, in the
Al,i;AMlKR- Feb 2(1, JAMn.. liua.
hand nf Anna Alennnder Ineo Fettls). nela.
lives and frlenda Invited to services Hat.,
, P m, 2441 Jasper at. Int. private,
OreeiiTnount Cem. Friends may ca.l Frl.
1UCOV Feb '24. FAN Mil L tlVCON
Inee Hlmnson. wife i,f Wlll'am II. Hacon.
r nelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral
services. Frl. 2 n. m . 1810 Itltner st. Int.
private Arlington Cem. Frlenda may call
Thurs . 8 to 10 o m. Auto service.
nAHVAnt). Feb 2fi COUMLAND C,
husband of tale Ilehecca L. llarnard nela
tlven and friends, Jerusalem I.odge. No film.
F. and A. l . I'hlladelphln Conslstnr. A. A.
R. It. Jl 3,1d Degree: Lu Lu Temple. A. A.
ON, M. S , Invited to funeral services Sun .
J 30 i m, Torrcsdale ave. above Hhawn
at., Itolmeshurg Int. private. Omit Mowers
far will meet I M p. tn. train from nroad
Ht. Htatlnn at llolmeshurir Junction,
lIBCKMsN. Feb 21. IILOINA. daughter
of William and Catharine rieckman (nee
llrennan), aged IhV Relatives and friends
invited to funeral. Frl . 8 SO n. m. nnr.nt
residence, 317 I'otts st. High mass Church
i of Immiculate Conception 10 a, m. Int.
. Holy Cross Cem.
nKVNETT. At lit. Alto. Teb 2.1. Tini!
NAHI1 son of Catharine (nee FlUeernld)
and late John Dennett Relatives ahd friends
Invited to fumral. Hit . 7 30 a. m moth
er's residence, Cottman st , east cf Rising
Pun avc Mass. Presentation Church 0 a.
M. Int Hoy Hepulehre Cem. Auto funeral.
4U:.T.l,l.nL. -reb ss u m z a ii n t ii
nnTHCL (nee lAvndauer. wife of Oram
llethcl Relatives and friends, also mem
I era of Keneltiuloti M. 11 Church invited to
funeral services, Sat , 2 30 p. tn at 1210
)y... Alrdrlc at. Int. private. North City
Hill Cem 1 rlends may tall Frl . 8 to 10
P. m 3
1IIRC1I Feb 28. MART C. v,lfa of
Samuel 11 lurch. Relatives and friends
Invited lo services Sit.. 2 p m . 31.11
Jasper st. Int Hillside Cem . via trolley.
iiemaina ma be viewed Irl., R to 10 p. m,
IUlOWN. Feb Sir. Chester. Pa
C1IAEL. son of Patrlcl. and late llrldaet v.r,,nii.L.
I awri Vll Ifn alKa. ami e-t-n.1- x'a.t .. . .
No 122H Local Order of Owls. Invited
funeral, Sat . 8 10 a m reslderce of Mrs
lidwnrd Fulllcrtun. 114 I'arker St., Chester,
I'a. High mass and rcuulem at Immaculate
Heart Church 10 a. m. Int. Hol Cross
nURO Feb 51, MICHAKL. husbsnil of
late Anna M. Rurg. Hclatlvea and frlenda
Invited tn funeral Frl . 10 a. m., daugh
ter i realdence, 871 N Rurknell st. Int, pri
vate, n-malns may bo viewed Thurs eve.
Auto funeral.
RTIINC Feb 2.1. HARRIET L. widow of
Sylvester Rime, 'aged 71. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeril services Irl,
2 p. m . 301R Ridge ave Int. private.
Friends may view remains Thurs. eve.
. HATES. Feb 24. HUtlM, husband of
Irfna llajes. Relatives and frlenda, em.
plovcs P. R, n all other organltatlons of
which he was a member. Invited to funeral,
Frl , 2 p. m . 21HI S, 03d at. Int Mt Mo
rlah Cem. Remains may be viewed Thurs.
Relatives and friends Invited l funeral.
Sat 8 311a m . chapel of Andrew J. Ilalr
A Son. Arch and 10th sis High mass at
Jhe.Cathedrot IStli and Race sts , 10 a. m.
Int. Old Cathedral Cem. Remains may be
viewed Frl , 8 to 10 p m.
of Hush Henderson Relatives and friends
Invited tn fllnpral Vrl . T !tl) ,. m . nmrlnra
of Charles F. (limey. 2214 E. Cumberland
st. Solemn requiem masss. Rt, Ann a
hurch H a. m Int. private, Holy Crosa
Cem Auto service. Remains may be
viewed Thura , 8 to 10 p m .
- Henley F.h i nsran itrMt.r.T. '
hlef gunner U. S. N. R. F., husband of
r,smer i.. Henley and son of John A, ana
late Charlotte Henley.-of Kansas City. Fu
neral, to which relative and friends, V, .
N.. naval reserves and marines invited.
Frl . 8 30 a. m , 2410 S. Hicks st. Holemn
msss of requiem Church of St. Monlcit 10
a. m Int, Holy Cross ('em, Auto service,
HKRST. At 1714 N. IBtll St.. Feb 8!.
EMMA L 11 . wife of Henry O. Herat and
daughter of late Joseph and Alice Heckhaue
Relatives and friends lnvleil to funeral
services Frl ,11a in , David II. Schuyler
Hldnr , Rrosd nnd Diamond ats. Int private.
hand of Vlannle Root llergesheimer, nged M
Relatives and friends Invfteil to funeral serv
ices. Sat , 2 10 n m . 41 Qlenslde ave.
(near villi road), Olenslde Pa Int private
HOFFER. On Feb 2.1. 11110. WILLIAM
HOFFER, son of late Henry and lna Hnf.
fer, uged 3K enrs. Relallves and friends,
also employee Pennsylvania Irfivvn Mower
Co and nit organization of which he was
a member. Invited to funeral services en
Saturdav. at 2 p m . at tho parlors of
Martin llvov & Hon, 2K00 Diamond st. Int.
private. Remains may be viewed Frl.
7 to to 0 p m.
HOOD Feb 2(1 JAMES, fiusbanil of
late Margaret C. Hood (nee 1,ocue) Rela
llves and friends. Court Federal, No. 61,
F of A., and Warden Ileuellclal Asso , in
vlted to funeral. Sat.. 8 3(1 a. tn . residence
t daughter. Mrs. James Walker, 4253
Pcnlisgrove st Mass of requiem Our Mother
of Sorrows Church 10 a, in. Int. Holy
Cross Cem Auto funeral.
JACKSON Feb. 2B. LAUnA. wife of
Leonard Jackson (nee Qransback) .Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral, Frl., 830
a m , resilience of mother, lira. Catherine
Oranshack 2107 N Lawrence, at. Requiem
mass St. Unnirncius a Church 10 a. m. ini.
Most Holy Redeemer Cem. ,..
.IVNKH On Feb ail, 1019. ARTHUR
SOOV, husband of Ada L lenks (nee. King)
nnd son of Anna O and late William A
Jenka aged SI. Relatives and friends also
emploea P. It II , Order of Passenger Re
celpls Department nnd all orBantzallona of
which he vvas a member. Invited to funeral
services .on Monday at 2 p m , at late
residence 221.1 N 3uth st. Int. private.
Friends inav call Hunda) evenlnff
SON, aged 78. Relatives and friends In
vlted to services. Hat . 2 p tn , near North
Wnles Fa. Int Luth-rnn Cem
KEASHEY At Salem. N. J., Feb 25,
HVIVIA HUS5IIY KEASHIir. widow of Quln
ton Keasbey, aged 8- Relatives and frlenda
Invited to funeral. 270 E Ilroadway, Salem.
lrl.. 2pm Services at residence. Int.
East View Cem . Salem
KI.KNh, Feb 21. WALTER son of late
Joseph and Elizabeth Kcene. Relallves and
friends Invited t funeral, Thura , 8 30 a.
n safllAlAHnA t keAl ViafS.lrl.l'i tv la mal
-vi '" iceiviriivo sj viutiict-iii-iniii
MM loanu-), 14111 N 3d st. High mass St.
c nurcn ii a. m jut. iioit
AN'AUdll Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral, frl, 0 ll m, residence of Mlxs
Annie Whltmore 2121 Turner si Solemn
requiem mass St. Lllriheth'a Chunh 10
a. in Int New Cathedral Cem. Auto fu
neral, CAvNEV-McMAHOV. Feb. 24. SARAH,
widow of Patrick Cavncy Relatives and
frlenda Invited to funeral Sat.. 8 SO a. in .
281(1 Oaul st. Requiem mass SI, Ann's
Church in a m. Int, Holy Sepulchre Cem.
Aum luuurai.
CLINTON. Vh "It -lnnv v h.i,.n.i
of Mnry ('Union (nee Hurke) nelatlvea and
iriuuia liouennakers cnlon, Ncysldl, In
vited tn funeral. Mon , 8.1(1 s. m. Tint Al
mond st. Solemn requbin maHa Church of
Nativity 10 a. m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem.
Auto funeral.
CORN. Feb 23. DELIA, daughter of
Patrick and Margaret Coen (nee Oueenan).
nf Ou fadda, Hall Mote County sllgo Ire.
land aged 27. Relatives and friends In
vited to funeral Sat . 8 30 u m . residence
of brother. Jlartholomev. J, Coen 140O s
Rlmrgold si (J4th anil Heed) Solemn high
mass of requiem St (lahriers Church 10
a. m int. lion i'ri-3 'Jem. uto funeral.
COMIDON Feb. 20 JOHN R. husband
of Sarah Conrdon Relatives and friends
Irs lit d to services Sat . 2 p. m 38J1 N.
Rih st Int. private, fhellen Hills dm.
Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m,
COOK. Feb. 24 MARGARET, daughter
nf late Lewis and Margaret Cook (nea
Hecker). aged 71, Relattvea and friends In.
vlled to funeral. Fri., 7 30 n, m., 2111 N.
Orknev-st Requiem mass a. m Ft. Ilonl.
farlus's Church. Int. bt. Peter'a Cen.
CUItRAN (nee Norton) Feb 21. ANN'A.
wife of James Curran and daughter of late
Michael and Margaret Norton. Relatlvea
and friends Invited to funeral. Sat . 8 30
n. m , 2008 N, Jtnpe at. Solemn requiem
masa Church of the Visitation 10 a. m.
Int. Westminster Cem. Auto funeral
DARN'EI.L. Feb. 21. MARY L. widow
of John T Darnell aged 87, Tuneral serv
ices at 1810 w. llerlcs st , Thurs 8 pm.
Further services and int. at Mt. leolly, N,
J,, I'll., U a. m. ,
DVIS At Conshohocken. Pa.. Feb. 2.1
LYDIA EDITH, daughter n George W. and
late Manraret Cress Davis. Relatives and
frlanila Itvi Haul a riitvnl d.1 U a. ..
fConshnhocken pike. Int. private. Riverside
viausoieum. conveyances will meet train
leaving Reading terminal 2.0S p m , arriv
ing at Conshohocken 2,40 p. m
widow of Henry c. Dickinson, aged 85.
Frlenda may call Sat.. II a m to 2 p, m.,
realdence nf sonln.aw, llatholomew H. Sla
vln. 1135 Fillmore at.. Frnnkford Services
and Int. at convenience or th family
EARLIN (nea PpiinnctiV K,ATlIfiTlTVIT
M., wife of Joslah K. C-rlln. sister of
(i-orga H Pennock. at Phlla. Hospital.
Tuneral private Ilordentown and Burling
ton. N. J., papers please copy
rlf n., t'-K S Iflin -,OBnr .
hushund of lata Rertha F, EcVt (nee Trowlgl,
aged 73 ears. Relatlvea and friends In
vited to fureral services on Frl. at 2 p m.,
at the residence of son-in-law, J W, Ham
ilton 2020 W. Allegheny ave. Int. private,
Mt. Vernon Cem.
F.USTON ivb. 2.1. MARCULLA C.7
widow of Ldwnrd R. Kuston. Relatives and
friends Invited lu funeral services, Frl ,
1 30 p. m . residence of son-in-law. A. W.
Clark. 1101 Is. Alden st. Int. private
KVAUL At Palmvra, N. J. Feb 25.
OLIVK I1LANCHE. daughter of Anna Ijcura
lleppard and late Abraham Kvau". Rela
tlea and frlerds Invited to funeral. Sat,,
2 30 p. m. 330 Ilerkley ave, Palmra, N.
J. Int Morgan Cem.
EWKN. Feb 21 RE8HIE G . daughter
nf Oeorge and late Man Ellen Ewen aged
.33. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral
Wvlces. Frl , 1 10 p. m.. resldenie of
father, 2211 N, 27lh st. Int. private. North,
wood Cem. Friends may call Thurs., 7 to
0 p in.
FhENKY Feb. 21. CATHERINE V.. wife
of James J, leene and daughter vf Jamea
and Ellrabeth Ruddet. Relatives anil friends,
St. Francis's II. V. M. Sodalltj. Ladles'
Auxiliary. Knights of St John No 104 In
vited to funeral. Sat. 8 30 a, m , 2443 Fklr
mount ave Solemn requiem mass St. Fran
cis Xavler'a Church 10 a m. Int. Holy
Cross Cem Auto funeral.
(.TON. aged 80 Relatives and friends Invited
to funeral services, in. .'30 p. in.. First
Presbterlan Church. Merchant vllle, N. J,
Int.Evergreen Cem , Camden, JC. J. Friends
may evil Thura , 7.30 to I) p. m . residence
of sister. 'Mrs. John Homer, 100 E, Park
ave , Merchantvllle, N. J,
FINNEHTY, Feb, 23 SALL1C. wife of
William Flnnerty, Relatives and friends
Invited to funeral. 1 rl . 8 30 a m lll-'l
Diamond at Solemn requiem mass Church
or isrey hi a. m. int. New
vo 1 Con vv-s -'nv.
KlSNWuKTilr. ren n joskii u..
husband of late Amida KenworUiy (nee
Stre.t) ared 71. Reimhes nnd friends In
vited to services, hat . 2 p m 3011 N,
Reese st Int. North Cedar Hill Cem
band of Grctchen Knoll (nee Moster) of 2243
Sears st , nged' 38 Relatives and friends
InvPrd to funeral, Sat., 8 30 r m , home
of John C. Klmmerle & Son. 1C11 S llroad
st Requiem mass St Aloyslus's Church,
2f!ih and Taskcr sts , 10 a, m. Int, private.
Auto corteae
(nee Romlg). widow of Adolph Kolb, aged 77.
nliltctti anA fpUrtdM lnvltid to funeral.
Frl , 2 10 p in , 445 N. (list st Int. prl-
i lo
Remains may be viewed Thurs ,
nf flit,. Tjl.ltf
Cvtiedinl i - ! "funeral
IIAljf.AOHER. Feb. 21. at Denver. Col..
CHARLES, son of Mary Gallagher (nee
Rraddnn) and late Charles Uallagher. late
of Devhlll Parish Ardara. County Donegal,
Ireland. Relatives and friends invited to
funeral, Frl.. . 8'30 a. m residence of
brother. Patrick' Uallagher, 20 ir, N. Still
man at. Solemn requiem mass St, Col urn
ba'a Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cera,
Auto funeral, . ... .
GRAHAM. Feb. 24. MARY, 'widow of
lha late James A. Graham (nee Nolan).
Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to tuneral. Frl.,
8 JO a m.. from ths residence of her 'son,
lohn J. Oraliam. 8024 Cedar atreet, Frank
ford, Solemn requiem mass ret the Church
of ti. Nativity. 10 a.m. Int. Holy Sepul
chr Cem. Auto service. .,
QREOAN Feb. 21. NELLIE, wife of
Josepn uregan ana uaugmer ni iary ana
lata Patrick Lyman, aged 27. Relatlvea
and frlenda .tavltad Js fjfirl J'H.e M
3 tt m
I.AMH Feb 21. MATILD. wife of liar-Iholc-mevv
Lamb (nee McKenna). Relatlveas
and frlendi Invited to funeral. Sat., 8:30
r m . K81.1 McMann ave , Germantown.
Solemn high mass of requiem Immaculate
Conception Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Sepul
chre Cem Auto funeral
LEICIIT Feb 2.1. aEOnGE II.. husband
of Mary E Lelcht (nee lllddle-Gakeler).
aged 711 Relatives and frlenda Invited to
funeral services. Frl.. 1 P. m., son's reel-
dence. 21110 N. lllh st. Int. private, 1II1I-
side Cem. Remains msy be viewed Thurs ,
8 to 10 p. m. Omit flowers.
LILLY. Suddenly, Feb 2(1. LOUISA
c. (nee Sceburger). wife of Henry Lilly
Relatives and friends Invited to funeral
servlc-s. Sat. 2 P. m , 2J13 N. 10th -at,
LONG, aged IIS Relatives and frlenda In
vited to funeral services ma N. lflth at..
Sat , 2 n m Int Mt, .Peace Cem
band of .Matilda MncKenzle (nee Dealt;).
Relallves 'and friends Keystone I,odtce, No.
.. a ir- .-a 4.nW as T rAtm Va K K
I. O O r . Invited to Bervlccn Sat . 1 30
p m.. 7L0 E. Ontario t. Int. prhate,
wife of . W. MicMnn and sister of w,
W. J, Cooke, at 4011 Spruce at., aged B2.
I uneral aervicea prnmc, oac.v y, m. i.
Pr' .. n..- v- , a 'a
aiAlCJ-ltACI rtl r-lliuii. ,. f . aTiiiHU
Month. 24th. SOPHIE II. widow of Thomaa
P Marshall, aged 2s Services at her late
residence M N. Clinton ave.. Trenton.
X J . Fifth da. 27th Inst.. 11 a. m.
McRRIDE Feh 21, JOHN J , husband
of late Margaret Mcllrlde (nee lllark), Rela. '
tlves and frlenda Invited to funeral. Sat ,
Ii Bil a. m , residence of sister. Mrs M. C.
Campbell, 2022 E Thompson st. Solemn re
quiem mass St. Ann'a Church 11 a, m. Int.
St Ann's Cem.
widow of Robert A. McCrystal (neo McFad
den) Relatives and friends. II V. M. So
dality and bacred Heart Society. Invited to
funeral. Hat. 8 10 a m, realdeme of Wll
Ham A. Mahonev. 1.123 N. Grata st. (JefTer-
son st. above 18th) High requiem mass
Church of Bt. Elisabeth 10 a. m. Int.
Cathedral Cem Auto service
METZEL Suddcnlv, Feb. 21, IDA II,
widow of Ilenjamin Metzel aged 72. Rela
tives and friends. Queen Esther I.odge. Lady
Washington Lodge. Invited to funeral aerv
icea Frl , 11 a, m 1.123 N, 8th at, Int,
Adath leshniin Cem ..,..-
aiunvll.l.e; r en. .o. cjh.i.i.-. nusiaum,.
of Sarah E. Monvllle (nee Stuart), aged 70.
Relatives and fr'enrts Invited to- funeral.
Frl , 8-10 a, m . 2113 S. Frailer st. Solemn
mass nf requiem Church of Most Illrssed .
Sacrament 10 a. m. in:, limy uross cem. .
MOONEY. Feb. 20. CATHARINE, wife J
of John P. Mooney, corporal with U. S
army In France, and daughter of Edward
and late Mar)' . Mcllrlde (nea Gallagher).
,-,.... . nn.l f-la.iila lmlte.1 In fnnarul.
IkCI.II,-. ,. .....- .-....-.. ""
Hat , 8 jo a m , lamer s residence, oa .i
Almond st Solemn requiem mass Church F ,
fJ ..' v. It., in U n. 1.1 III.IU (J..,l.kH '
Ol 1111 .,i.l,lJ . . ....... ,-v,.u,v,w
Cem. Anto funeral. .
MOOHLHEAD Suddenly, Feb 21. ROB
ERT T,, husband of Flora Moorehead (nea
Glern) aged 4. Relatlvea and friends.
Tacony Lodgev No. ttno. F, ard A. U i Blloain
Chiller, No. 20. R. .. M.i Kadoah com
manderv. No 2) K, T ! Phlla. Colstn-v.
A. A. 9. R. M 32d degree, Lu Lu Temple.
. A. O. N. M. S i Enefne Co- No. B2, P. F, ,
D i Fire Department Relief Asso.. Stat
Firemen's An Aeolian Council No, IT.
F. P A. I Wisslnomlng Circle. II. of A.J
Pllla. Lodge Nu 34. L. O n M.. Invited
to funeral 8at. 2 p m.. t032 Tacony st ,w
Wt's'no ' Int Vortw ria lliil Cm.
MORRISON'. At Mt. Holly N. J . Sec
ond Month 24th SARAH E A SHERWIM,
wife of W. P. Morrison, aged 70 Relatlvea
and friends Invited to funeral, Frlenda' '
Meeting House, Mullca Hill, N J . Slith.
day. 26th, 11.30 u. m. Int. Mulllca Hill
'MOSnllOOI:. Feb. 2S. EMMA E., widow
of Michael Mosbrook and daughter of late
Tnhn nnn Kllzalitith Reh. aaed (11. Rela.
I. il... nnn frtnna Invited to funeral lfUl V.,
r..'-" .. ..--.-; --,:- :. --; ..-- -. .--.:, .r.
Apsley si., Hal , n m a, m. aoiema nign ','
Church 10 a m, Int. Holy Sepulchre Cera.
RANEY. Jr.. son of late Edward and Cath
erlne Mulraney, Relatives and friends In-,
Vlted to funeral, Frl., 7 10 a m , SIS f
Chestnut st,, Moorrstown, N. J, High mass
Church of our I.ady of Good Counsel 9 a.
m. Int. St. Marv'a Cem.. Mount Holly.
ITlenns may can inurs,. i 'o,w 1'r.m.
NKVVBIlAai, Buaacniy, rru aa. nun
ERT L.. son- of John II. and Margaret A.
Newsham and arandaon nf Robert L. and
lmrv J. Anderson aaed "T, Relatlvea and
friends, children of St, Edmond's bchool. In- 1
vlted to funersl, Sat , H.3CI n. m . parents'
,.,Mn,. Lonn McKean st. Anael imass.
Church nf St, Kdmnnd 10 a m Int. lloly
Pmii ram Antn aervlCi.
Hue notice of
,117 II
funeral Will be alven. 1889
;.. i-i7 ' .
O'iiRIEN. A patlsnt miftrr t .,
R--K y MARIA O'llRIKN .tlfft D ckal.
widow of Joieph Connolly and Jm
O'llrien. lieUtlvrs and rrlentii invitea'
funeral. Bat., 8.3ft a. m. "on-ln.lnw r
acnCs. (jrorica jcJrisTr. uituvnv-. ..
Halntn' Church, Itrldtburr, 0.30 a. m. lU
Haatsa.W f.
w '