- .1 vap tv- "ivyn W V .t ' . &; c ' ; .- ... , , . (, " T I I r i i t i r V- VM- Euenin0 public ledger PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1919 Flood in Cairo; Wreck on the Isle of Wight; Roof Tennis; Varied Views Far and Near WjSf j ! . ' , - . " &', TENNIS ON THE' ROOF C. N. Beard, Cynwyd, a contestant in the covered-court 1 ;rJMPIIH;''"' 'J'lv3'S HkfjftHfli ' -i," V- 1' ' vH? " i V-MPFVwIk! Ht- tennis tournament for the Middle Atlantic Championship, on the Wanamaker Store roof. iKftiHPWBlB'!' HIHr? ' '" & ' "'- o';5 Jl 'V'''5 'w1 '" iBP' V W&ZLzM'M t .iHHrHKli' "'H 1tlaBlHPillHKSHlMBi' HB .BbbbBbbHBbBBSbbbbbbbL ;it AJil ...pwp-,.....,........ iHHKjMLflHIBIHHR-i19H: , , THESE FOURTEEN SPANIARDS were seized by Federal agenU in New York y-: "MeuaM"of their altleeed anarchistic urocllvities. unearthed iust as the President - --! i . . . - "-? reached ithis country. THE MEMBER FROM OIUO,r Captain Victor Heintz, honorably discharcred from the arrnv. has heen em. spictKHM 'in Congress with his military belt and overseas uwuMJK wort ..contrary to MOUtSKms. captain' Httotst A BOSTON GROUP who welcomed Wilson, At the left is the new U. S. Senator from Massar - - ' chusetts, David I. Walsh: in'tho center is Sherman L. Whipple, a-leader of the Massachusetts 'barn 'w' - -. ,v t, . ,U, 8. army. " '"V -, '5,-t- -1 i &i i . -ff.'l (IMt ww la SUU.0iBig X"J Wo fiW' J J . 1 T.'fr