. .V. f EVtetTCNG PUBLIC '"LED&BB 'PHIi;ABMLPflfiV,'"VEi)UESD!A.fY,'rFB?SUAEY 20, '1919 te ' .'; ,A -y h? . rf y f 2477 CASUALTIES BOOST U.S. LISTS Keystone State and Nearby Men Figure Largely in Today's Record i i 2413 SUFFER WOUNDS 13 Meet Death From Wounds and 20'Othcr8 Succumb to Disease Washlncton, Feb. 26. Army casual ties released by the War Department to day number 31" J, all ranks. Of this total, 1202 were listed In the morning report and 1275 In th afternoon rec- t-i nM .ik-i.i-.i . fniinwa- six killed In I SSS SFS d.rse.rteeXd-1 from accident and other causes and liJJ ar. wonnriVrt. The complete list of officers and the enlisted personnel of Pennsylvania and New Jersey is given below t Reported today Totals Killed In action 31,802 Died from wounds ... 1) 13,180 Died of. disease 31 19,918 Died from accident and other causes 14 2,979 Missing; In action. In cluding; prisoners 6,932 Wounded 2,413 194,788 Grand totals 2,477 269,399 OmCEBS' M8T Killed In Action LIEUTENANT Stephen Paul ltoaklni, warren. Pa. Died, Prerlooslx Reported Mttstnl LIEUTENANT Kelson W. Tertne, 821 South Forty-eighth street. Philadelphia. Weonded, Derree l!ivdetrmlnd, rreTlouitr Reported Mlsilns LIEUTENANT James U. Sweeney. De troit, Mich. " Wonndd, Decree Undetermined MAJOR Frank C. Robinson. Martinsville, lad. LIEUTENANTS Samuel F. Allen. Hut Ijr. Pa.: Talbot Matruder Brewer. New Tork: Robert M. Ilrookes. East Liverpool. O.: Jfjurlc. V. Orlffln, Ellzsbeth City. N. C: Joseph F. Johnson. Jr.. JacKson, Tenn., Wsnnded PUthtlr .CAPTAINS Louis Wine Whltlns-. Hiatti rtlie. ild.; Alfred J, Law, Chattanoosa. Tenn. rENNSVLVMA KlUed la AcUon PRIVATE Joseph D. Asoitenl. 1815 Rowan street. PblladelpLla. Died from Woonds 8ER0EANT WlllUm Leslie. Williams. Pert. PRIVATE Eusene F. Riley, Plymouth. Died from Aectdent and Other Causes CORPORAL Abraham Morserman. 5124 Wst Morris street. Philadelphia. PRIVATE Charles H. Koehler, Etna. Killed In Action (Preitonstr Reported Mltslnz) PRIVATE. Russell Worth Sllverthorn, North 8prlnrneld. Wsonded Severely (Previously Reported Mlsalni) CORPORAL Roscoo E. Potter. Newberry. PRIVATE Peter R. Jtlley, Altoona. Wounded, Decree Undetermined (Pretlously Reported Misslns) PRIVATES Rodney Gibson, Wells Tan neryi Charles Utan, Scranton. sUtnrned to Duty (Previously Reported Missing) PRIVATES Fred Olsnnlpletro. 7222 Ha serman street. Phlladelpbta: Vallepo H. llor can. Plttsburch: Andrew Pezoldt. Allentown: Cloyd M. Bhucars, Johnstown. Wounded, Decree Undetermined SCRRRANTfU-nMir. V T-r ui...... Raph Sullivan Thomas. Plttsbureh; Thomas F. True), Plttsburch. CORPORALS Peter Boyer, Duijuesne. John Jtoy Elchelman, Plttsburch: Oeorse J. -rri, dr., iwb wayaiusinc avenue, mua- delph: bla: waiter D. llurnhv. Trntm naipn napp, w Thompson. Kane, ph Rapp, Willow Orove; Robert L. PRIVATTES Ch&rlea T. HiWp. Rtinhnrv, Ixydor Barclelski. Erie: Joseph A. Farrell. 311 West Chestnut street, West Chester. Joseph Anthony McDonald. Shenandoah; WlllUm A. Mehler. 2413 North Carlisle strut. Philadelphia; John W. Morcan. Kens, tnston: John Petrlsky. Osceola Mills: Wil liam Pitt. 2910 North Third street. Phlladel. phla; Joseph L. Schmldbauer. Plttsburch: Carl J. Slutter. Henryvllle; James Elmer Stsllsmtth. Coehrantown: Lloyd N. Tatem. Plttsburch: Walter B. Carlson. Port Alle rhany; Bortolo Colettl. 1421 Montrose street, Philadelphia; Joseph Crawford. Plttsburch Anthony Charles Qrocan, fill North Mar' hall street. Philadelphia: Charles C. John son. Reaver Falls; William Charles John, on. Mahanoy City; Joseph N. Lauchlln, Far rellr James McLaushlln. Glrard Collece. Philadelphia: Joseph MeVerry, Braddork; Steve BaVto. Hawk Run: Harry Albert Huff man. Jersey Shore; John Kutchmlre. Custer City: Charles A. Rltxhelmer, 2S North Seventh street. Philadelphia; Herbert C. ers I.eroy E. Stlmellnc: Thomas F. Walsh. ' KIncston: Harvey S. Brenslncer. Bethlehem, .aW.Im V..Kn.,A T,s,n. TmV V I Esan, 1704 St. Paul street. Philadelphia, John Gotwald, Punssutawney; 8th tno Me doro, Clymer; Leroy Reber, Phoenlxvtlle; Harry Reed. Orove City: William Charles VUI.4M Rltner street. Philadelphia; William X weaver, Somerset. Charles E. Turns, Fort Hunter. Wounded Silently SERGEANTS Charles B. Weaver. Colum bia: William 8. Patto.1. 4913 Florence ave nue,. Philadelphia; Qeorce H. Umrleby. Potts vlllo. CORPORALS Charles Albert Freed. Mc- Ssss Rocks; Arthur Bsldlncer, Plttsburch: crbert H, Bartlett, Holmesburc: Huch Cooper. fi04 Ocden street, Philadelphia; William Darrach. Wllkes-Barre. MECHANIC JoMDh o. Sledleskl. 840 South Third street, Phtadelphla. PRIVATES Mike Bardnel. McKeesport: David Bradley. 2812 Oeorce street. Phila delphia: William Mecontcal, 1913 East Som erset street, Philadelphia; James Sullltan. Plttsburch; James Thomas, Berwick; Paa quale Vli.censo. Slows; Moo Berkowltz. Wllkes-Barrs: Harrison Culbertson. Edln boro; William F. Mattls. Jr.. Womelsdorf; William H. Morcan, Belmont; Oeorce R. Smith, Plttsburch; James E. Byline, Or-en-vllle. William C. Tate, Brownsville: Levi J. Vandervort. Edlnboro: Acostlna Castelll. Plttsburch; David Cook. Sharon: Walter H. Davidson. 18ttt North Taylor street. Phil adelphia: Joseph McKeever, 701 West Rus sell street. Philadelphia; Bird I. Miller. Mahaffey; Vlncenso Pezzano, Wlndber; Charles Shaffer, Tunkhannock; Joe Hucco, Bradford; Oeorc D. Thornton. Erie; Pletro Verroco. Wilson; Harry E. Walter. Emaua; William B- Armstronc.'e Washlncton: An draw J. Hushes. Plttsburch. Francis K. Louchnsy. Jermyn: James McGowan. Leb inom Limun B. Paden. Bethlehem: Lewie M. Rayman. Frtedens; Lulsl 8plnnato, 1121 Cross street. Philadelphia; Lawrenro Spites. 2027 South Third street. Philadelphia; James F. Stevenson. Plttsburch: William Sulln. Duqueano; John A. Travers. 11 Kohler's ave nue, Philadelphia; Harold W. Zedlker. Wash. Instoni Oennro Baldlnl, 337 North Slxty- onls. Zlon's Grove: Alex.Fotlocate, Monacn; Michael J. McQulra. Plttsburch- llaydon O. Merrill. 2107 Porter street. Philadelphia; Henry Newell. Doylestown; Bryan Frederick Johnson. Meadvllls; Oeorce Kluce. 1447 North Perth street, Philadelphia; John Muraskl. Homestead: James It. Mueser. Aaronsburci Ellas Novroth, Wllkes-Karre; Relnheld Raupach. Connellsvllls; Walter Rotkawaeh. 218 West Poplar street, Phlla- islphla: Jtalph C. Stout. Readme; Anthony ' Thomer. 2182 East Tork street. Phils. dslphla; John Ushlnskl. Nantlcoks; Frank E. Woltsr. FttUburth. 1 NEW JERSEY 1 Bllchtly. Previously Reported MIss- I nirVATE Frank L. Sharp, Platnfleld. matsornesl Doty, Previously Reported Miss- us HVATE Norris Church Mills. Jersey Wnaded. Dwree Undetermined rVffl?ORAL8 Hinv Brown. Montelsln Fi-' .' sttand O, VanSant. Atlaatlo City; Ralph t. WaUui N Ktrvnf. 4VAiks-MenD A.acun. jriorencoi starry tmivir. Psteraont Kenneth A. Wnt. ;tsjrnt John Krejpclo. Jersey City: Huca saonipoon. oununiti coward w. van irvinrtoni ioomis van zanac. new. arl ZadrewskL, Bayonn; Frank Me Jersey dty; Frank E. Smith. New- Wounded Silently snuJCANTS Harry . Clark Lanterman, rionitawara tunaaiu iTentonl John 7. a. Jersey tity. OK Edward Kreutler. Newark. J VATES Matthew. Connell. loboken; nasi v;nriaiian aseiat, iiu nortn -arst street, camdeni Stephen Rosty, waiter vrodenburc. Jersey rity; 1. Kelly. Jersoy City; Edward Wrs- Aradeiri Patrick Wrnne Kl !.-, thi O. Barlow, New Brunswick; Ouatav HIlfUIMtn Hicham M nn n John h. Thompson. Mid- vBnras.n. sitiierviiief ra: nsnry rerejia. warai wii- SSI PERCHE' IAUSTRIA 0 PAGHI I SUOI DEBITI Una Proposta Dcll'On. Crcsp nl Supremo Cincilio a Parigi Published snd Distributed Under PERMIT NO. 311 Authorised by the ect of October A. M17. on Ills it th. l'oeloftlc of Phila delphia, Pa. Hr order of th President.' A. 8. BURLESON. Postmaster General. I'urlel, 26 febbralo. II Supremo Con clllo della Conferenia delta l'ace ha declso dl telefrrafare a Vienna doman dando II pagamento det cuponl del deblto nustro-unitarlco scadutl, e non plu' tardl del prlmo marzo, n.,. m . ''" ' , , . azione e stata dellberata In segulto ad ( un rapporto dell On. Crespl, u Italia, alia Commlsstono Interalleata dl Fl- nanza, che -ugxerl' cho II pacamento In I rtltmllntio -..-. . ...-. a?-, lillf, a (Win I ndTchrV,vano "nrtU Tancha ,",ro"n,arlcj;e - Tale .Kamento crea I una 8Pecle " precedente che potra I cssere plu' tardl usatc contro 1 different! Statl che componevano 11 passato 1m- ; pero Austro-Ungarlco. Un comunlcato pubblleato, lerl sul lavoro del Supremo Conolllo della Con ferenia della Pace, dlco: "NeU'lnteresso della Commlsslone In teralleata dl Flnanza, 1'On. Crespl (Italia) rplego' lo mlsure cho dovevnno essero prese per evltare un mancato pagamento del curonl del deblto austro- ungarlco do-utl e scadentl It prlmo ' marzo. In mancanza dl un accordo tra 1 archdeacon of Worcester, England, will dlfferentl Statl che formavnno l'ex-mo-, ,,,.,.. .,., .j,,.A.... , .1,1. .. narchla Austro-Ungarlca. Le proposte dcll"r 8,vera' addresses In this city della Commlsstono furono approvate. 1 next week. He will be tho guest of "La questlone del trnsporto In Polonla nishop Ithlnelander, and came to della dlvlslone polacca In Francia ed In America at the Invitation f reveral Itala fu esamlnata, ed II Maresclallo bishops and rectors of the Episcopal Foch vl prcse parte, 1a conferenia church, and was the guest of Bishop mando lstruzlonl sul soggetto alia Com- Harding, of the diocese of Washington, mlssiono Interalleata a Varsavla. ia8t wech At preSCnt Archdeacon M. Perottl, del Dlpartimento Afri- Gr(,g n New York, cano, splego' le domande delta Francia The distinguished visitor will preach In merlto alia soppresslone dell atto dl a unverslty sermon to members of the Algeclras 0 l'lmposlzlone alia Oermanla facuty and students of the University dl garanzle per prevenlro che essa possa , of Pennsylvania next Sunday morning rlprcndero un aztone ostlle net Marocco, )n st- MarJ.'s Episcopal Church, Thirty, come feco contro la Francia ncgtl ulttml nnth nnd locust streets. On Sunday dleclannl." I evening he will deliver an address at A. W. Dulles ed 11 Prof. Charles nryn jjawr Coltepo. Seymour sono statl nomlnatl come mem- Archdeacon Grelg wilt conduct a pre trl dcll'Amerlca nello speclale comltato 1 jnten conference for the clergy of the del Supremo Conclllo per studlare le' aspl- aocese 0f Pennsylvania next Monday lazlonl del Czeco-Slovacchl. morning at 10 o'clock In St. Mary's Dlo- cesan Church, Broad and South streets. Farlrl, 25 febbralo. 1 Ilappresentantl 0n Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, dt Flume hanno conferlto coll'ex Am- j,e will address a meeting of women war basclatore Henry White, Plcnlpotenztarlo v,orkPrs n Wltherspocn HalL degll Statl Unltl ol Congresso delta xhe archdeacon will be the noonday Pace, c gll hanno esposto le raglonl ed pre.acher In Old Christ Church Ash i dlrlttl Der cul Flumo deve essere I -w-r!neBday. Thursday and Friday. On annessa allltalla. Lo unlche obblezlonl motse dal Plenlpotenztarlo amerlcano sono stato dl carattere economlco ; ma sono state eftlcacemente rlbattute dal nappresen tantl flumanl con argomentazlonl cho hanno prodotto profondn, Impresslone . - .. i sul Plenlpotenzlario. I Flumanl sono rlriastl plu sodlsfattl del colloo.uto. che UN GRANDE COMIZIO TRA GLI ITALIANI Come abblamo annunztato In un numero precedente, lerl sera ebbe luogo una lmportanto rlunlone nella Sala del Flgll d'ltalla, alia settlma strada e Christian, nlla quale presero parte, oltre I Venernblll ed I Orandl Drputatl dello Logge dl Philadelphia deU'Ordlno Flgll D'ltalla In America. II Capo cd 1 rap presentantl dell'Ordlne Indlpendentc Flgll d'ltalla; 11 Cav, Frank noma, Presidente del Comltato Itallano per II Liberty Loan: II Maestro Httore Martini, presidents del Comltato Itcglonale "Italia Irredenta": II Slg. Koberto Lorn bardl, presidente del Circolo Itallano, ed On diamonds. watches, Jewelry or I any cnntls orvnlur. Unlimited rapltnl. WALTER'S Bonded to the city eh S.E.Cor.11 &Arch WINTER RESORTS k" ' il INVITE YOU TO JOIN THEJI ON THEIR Fortieth Anniversary. Tours CALIFORNIA THE FLOWERLAND Sr!".i;nJ Celehratlnc Itineraries Including Grand Canyon Painted Desert Petrlfleil Forest Apache Trail Palm Canyon Yo.emlte National Park Illverslde San Dleco Coronado flench Pasadena Los Anceles Pnnta Harbors. .Drii,n lT.?il Francisco And The Romantic .Missions OTHER TOURS FOR FLORIDA AND JAPAN-CHINA Or Our Exceptional Experts Will Arrange Jour Trip Tn .tntiohcre Fnr Anytime 1 TROUBLELESS TRAVEL DE LUXE ANK VOIl THE HOOK THAT INTERESTS TOO RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO (EatallUhed 1875; 1005 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA A"lirVH,I.E. N. C. C5c -JCi----i t'".w' I .331 a -TeV. 'ji AMERIGA'S ALL-YEAR RESORT Wiator Trit Ui&nx f tk Sovlfatra ApfaUcklta-. lUttvni Anrical Cliac I Mount.. Cral'ur ! Ufiei.tla( CJitaat. If y'r lirrd from ovtrwvrk during th r wllh Iu att x& tirala, cm to AiOw'tlle. lb tdral ipot ia all America for reit, wctf -ll-n, rfntpartlioa. TbU wadrfiil clim-u wilh il- oiaafladea air aad DUit Saaatila. lr. oT aad plraiara aiurpaud. pula "pp" ) 7u Mag, aad vlaa. vigar aad vltalil la osar twks. Ys.n'11 It "tickle.! t dfaik" itk tsM weadarfal laoaalalaa aad valltTi, aad aur caacrtlt, laaaa hy Motor a real dreasa Tao ll-tala tll-lorf golf coarao of ta AahrvlUo Cowatry Uub oa laa aUaoa of Saaart Moaataia, witU lu ffxlraordlaarj tiow of "ITjgafc tad ta Pat" to lao wait, Waa tbaraa aad laro all Ita own Through Pullman hcrvtca. For rnrrraliani wrrfio THE MANOR, CKOVF. FAnK INN. LANCnEN, BATTFRY P4HK. MARGO TCRRACF. and SVANNANOA-DCRKELEY, If voa aal lo fcaow mora ahoal lata woadarlaad "Ia tho Iltart of tho Vlua Ridgo IMKJ -SsS6 -nV.Hs. for vacatioaa, baaiM, agrtealtaro, IlToatoca: oa baaiacM. wnta lor apocial oator. Uiataoat hat aad daocnpli a Aihe till bookUt or agrlcullara Mdar.- Uiaj'ro froo. BOARD OF TRADE " ASHEVILLE. N. C. ATI.NTtO CITY. N. J. GRAND ATLANTIC Vlrclnla Ave. near Boardwalk and center ot amusemsnts. Private baths. Runnlnc watsr In rooms. Elsvator. Table and service dis tinctive ISSlUreS. S3 OV UP USIir. Bfiviw wkJy. Capacity 000. llklt. Auto tnests trstns. Ownership manacement W. Y. HIIAW. WFHNEBHVII.I.E. I'A. SUNSET HALL"corS.V;r.: crisp, dry slrl beautiful mountain walks. Rlelcblnc. roastlnc, etc Not a sanatorium. Writs GEO. 8. GAUL Mer.. WERNEItH VtlJ.E. PA., or Public Iidter OfBc. ItsekleJce. Fla. HOTELS India River and Rockledge ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA II Sltf. John Queroll per la Soctcta' "Unlone o Kratellanza. Ter quanto II sltr. Joseph Dl Sllvestro, Clrnmle Vene--nMIn .tll'nistlnfl Vlcrlt iVltnlla In America, con splrlto dt 'Imparilnllta' ' avesse dlrnmnto t'lnvlto n. tutts le ' IMItuxlonl della Colonla, la Ftderattono dclle Sucleta' Itallano non era roppre-1 sentata, Dopo breve dl.cusslone fu stablllto che un Brando coml-lo nam' tenuto domenlca prossima, 2 martivaiiej ore i pom., nei Tcntro Atnmbra, sltuato nlla dodlctnlma strnda, Morris e l'nsunk avenue, al quale snnn lnltatl tuttl Kit Itallanl dl rhlladctphla. Lo fcopo del comlilo e nuello dl rendero II dovuln omntrgto n l'resldente, Wilson o far si' che, prima Che Kiel I rlparta nlla olta d'I.uropa per rlprcn drro II suo posto nlla Confercnza della I l'ace, kII Klunga un mexMKKlo. delta Co lonla Itallana dl rhltailclphla per pre- venlrlo contro qualslaal InfrluttlxlA po-i tesso essere fatta all'Itnlla che, nelle Terre Irrcdente, vanta ranlonl geocra-l tlche, ttnograflche, stortche e llngul-l stlche. II messnitRlo dovrn' nnche rl-l cordarrll I tncrlflcl sostenutl dall'Italla ed II valore delle sue arml, In xlrtu' delle email e' stata posslblln la vlttorla finale da parte delle Nazlonl Allente. nnn i- ......... .ii r-..Mi.i.. .i ..,..j. aulu lu ri:uiiu nei v.omisiu ri iircvciie un gmndioso succe.i'o o slnmo certl cho netisun iiauano ui i-nuaaeipnia mnncne """"vcmrv. M -ar.a k - aai m n BRITISH ARCHDEACON TO SPEAK IN THIS CITY John Harold Grieg, of Wor cester, England, to Talk From Pulpits Here The venerable John Harold Grelsr. "- . . - - Ash Wednesday evening he will deliver an address Irr the Church of St. Simeon, Ninth street and Lehigh avenue. Favor Major's Commission for Noble Washington. Feb. 26, The Senate, Military Committee upon reconsidera tion again voted to recommend the confirmation of the nomination of Robert K. Noble, assistant surgeon gen eral, A. II F.. to be n brigadier general. The vote was four to three, while pre viously the committee voted five to four for confirmation. Majority Leader Mar tin appeared before the committee and opposed tho proposed motion. PAHCEL POST BRAND NEW Woolen Blankets The ataiiiM srrtfdM ami minlllv b tir.nlCaM the 1 H. Arrrn. Made, from th nnt I auillty of wool Terfect, thoroughly 1 sroncfd. shrunk and sold direct from our nun mill rim MOTOKIM, nit (isTCXERAL lT8n Ollie I)rnl or Oxford (Irer. Mze 42i60 lletcht IK to 2 1M. S3.75 t,',! S10.50 Olive Drah. eht. 3 lh. filie KOxM Orford .rei U rt 4 lh. Mi SAtSI se-oo th?!,r S16.50 J SEND REMITTANCE WITH ORDER I Pent by Parcel Tftat PREPAID to any f address In the Tnltert Stales J tmmedlste delhcry. Sold under money back durante. MAKETLA COM) i 611 II. Drriel Illdc. ffth a j Philadelphia, Pa COMPANY and Chrstnut WINTER RESORTS ASIIEVII.LE. N. C. HezjiIIe CSJI3 OFTHl StlS.-Y aipbalt, aoaradaia. aad aaadctaf roadt, aaalva aaaUgaj 64 paai 1,000 fl. aad ovor, ktraaVouU. ATI-ANTIC CITY. N. J. HOTEL B0SC0BEL J,uc'' " n"r Tboroufhly heated. Ilklt. A. K. MARION. TMYMOKE ATLAMICCITYl AORLDS (rREAiTSTlMTELSIXICESS OLD rOINT rOMTOBT. VA. nnd out difference In fsres to ths far Boat resorts snd Old Point Comfort OLD POINT COMFORT, VA Hotel rimmU,l n Rwlmmlnc Pool, (lolf. Seafood Cuisine, Every European Bath and Treatment, Writ ytu.r. ADAMS. M.rr. sTsrtreu Menxo., Va. or Booklet and Information at C .iKrni WhllMuah. 1, Mer.' ' . In Aakr-a I Amxlean chvre4ai;Oi X or Bookie 8. ttroadi Jl "Aft Seas' S9k 338 cav ', KIlCrATinNAL Until Hex Acerwood Tutoring School mtttfl th" nAa of children who re nulr Inrllvlduil Inalructlon to idVrnr In nrhonl work. Excellent cara for t"h Ifally wnik and undvcoid chtMrn Manual work, rardrnlnir. athletics. Outdoor !lft. I.arir itrounda. Pvon.Pa, 25 mlnutea from I'hHaCtlphla. Cat a lor. Mitt Devereux, Principal nox A. PKVON. PA LANGUAGES AT THD Berlitz School 1311 ciicRTNCT btiiej:t Entrance on 16th Street Ily tha Berllti Method students lesrn r, t only to read snd write but also to UNDERSTAND and to SPCAK foretxn Isncusces. THIAt, LESSON rrtBB Terms may bo begun at any time. Causerics Francaises Conversation et Prononclatlon Tous los mercredls a 4 heures. Entree llbre pour nos elees presents et anclens. MIOKTIIAM) AND 1IOOKKKKPINO Our craduates Are In constant demand. Oood ,rayln positions await you. Orecc Short, hand, tho easy, speedy system. Complets nlsht classes Intensle tralnlnr. for full rsrttriilers un dcntnlor. m tllllwv. lil'Pl.il'- t UI.I.KUE ,rJ' and Collrco of Commerce 1017 "lietnut St.. rhlladrlphla Tuesday and Thursday Nights If ou want to become an eipert typist, our 6hnrt. Intensive course will Interest you. Touch system, thorough method: also Pitman system of shorthand quickly acquired. IlANTtS PX'SIVnSS rOt.T.EOE BID WAT.NHT STOKKT NIGHT SCHOOL Quftlltv 4nnt ruction In Orfirir Bhorlhand, Touch TyTwrltlnR' and Hnok keeping". Call or phone walnut RM for catator. The Taylor School ,,. fcT 25 LESSONS. Snonlsli or Trench, ;pfe. pare ourself for the future at once. This opportunity own fAr n definite time only. CENTRAL INSTITUTE. .11 risia Illds-; IBH7 Arrh Street Teachers Vtnnted Positions waltlnp;. Free reclst'n for College snd Normal crsduntes. Modern Teachers' Itnrefln. I002 Msrket fit. STRAYFR'S The "" nusinesTschooi xv"' 1:JX J SOT rUKqTNltT ST. Young Women and fllrls I'hl'a. School for Nnres.23d Chestnut Sts. Hospital & home trslnlnc. Call or write. IN MEMORIAM NEELT In lolnr memory of Mrs ELIZAHETir C H. NEKLV. wlf of nishop Thomas II N'eely, who departed this life In the city of New Orleans, on the 2tlth day of February, 1IK WIMON',-C.odlslove. WILLIAMTH0MA8 TVILSON Entered eternal peace Feb Sfl.1015. In lolns memory. Wlllam Elmer Wilson. BafljS .rriXOATE. Suddenly. Feb. 2. 1010. MAHOAUET. widow of William Applecate. aced 83 years. Helatlves and friends In vlted to funeral senlces, on Thure., at t p. m , at the residence of her son. 718 Station ave.. Iladdon Helchts. K. J. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem UACON. Feb. 21. FANNIE E. DACON fnee Simpson, wife tit Wlll'sm K. Bacon. Hr Relatives and friends Invited to funeral rcrUccs. Frl . 2 p. -n.. 1S10 Rltner st. Int, private Arlington Cem. Friends may call inurs . h 10 iu d in. Auin service. j T1AKUR. Suddenly Feb. 21. JAMES DAN- nHun, nusoana 01 wnneimma liSKer. erd ru. jteiames and mends inMted tn funeral services Thurs.. 10 a. m . Trlbliltt ave. belt.w Elmwood ae.. Tolcroft. Delaware County. Pa Int. New Brunswick. N. J. l"rlnH mflv rail We.1. after 7 n m. DECKMAN. Feb. 2S. REOINA. daurhter of William and Catharine Ileckman (nee Brennan), aced 11. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl.. 8 30 a. m.. nnrents1 residence, 317 Potts st Hlch msss Church of Immaculate Conception 10 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. BEIDERRECK. At Riverside. N J.. Teb. 23. DAVID husband of Jranette C. Belder beck, need 73. Relatives and friends. Olive Tl.anffl, r.u1.. Vn !lt T n f A t)l.r- ..... ni. ,j. r.i r . r,-,....,- .. ... , skid, nnrrptuo rue v wurt,r wi&pirr, 1 No. 50. K. of P : Henry C ay Council. No. Vi" Tt nt k nt Phlta ln,ltr 1 f,,,..;.! Th.,r. 1 n" m snii in iw. r.iVn.nJJ' . 7h:'i Quh ono'r"; nw."IMlJ,Sct' ' 4M5r"x.A rSm"t,'t 2ni?M rr?.ve"H.n.lv'I 1slde. N J Int. Riverside Cem Friends . I m?X-S!lli..y di.-'f'' n, i- , , . - I BETHEL. Feb 23. ELIZABETH (BETHEL (neo Iindauer?. wife of Grant Jbers of Kensiiicton M. E. Church Invited to wn'airnir1iT lot ' ieu.!1.' "a.S,1 )?,Yl . AlrarlO St. Int. private. North C ty Jinn rm Vrt-nits ma aii Wrt n tn in jteuici iciii.- uiiu iririiue. amo mem- n m HIEItLEIN At New York city. Feb 21. OEORGB C B1ERLEIN. aced At. Relsi tlies and friends InMted to services. Thurs . n m .nn. F.,M,n wiiiio .- tt . ni... t0 0 -..;lfc:.,, 9KSHKieE14?QY .......... ......... ,v ... , . ... i.u.a , Invited to funeral. Evercreen Cem., Ca ,.Uu.Mu.,,. -- .-" ...--..-o w, ,u,,m. l-smaeii, I iinvr?"ur"i,.i:;i"o0',ri-nrnTJi.T . is , I BOD . Job. 22, MAROARET. wife of Robert Boyd Relatives snd friend asws i s si-ssi.st-sv sasia 44ciius aiavaiiTM to funeral. Thurs.,' 8:10 a. m.. 7820 Brew. II nharf lavfi llslo Tiara as on1 fs and a Iniiii a. to runerai. Thurs.,' s:iu u. i eter ave. (near Island road), mass BURG late nu" 'uii atmvasv uu iiicimg Invited to funeral. Frl.. Hi a. 'm., dauch. ter's residence. H74 N. Bucknell st. Int. pri vate Remains may be viewed Thurs. eve. Auto funeral BURKE. Feb. 24, BRIDGET, widow of Miles Burke. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs., 8:30 a. m.. 2710 South st. Soif-mn hlch mass of requiem bt. Anthony' , rh' Tvuto funeral. HUX. eb 21. LEA C. wife of Charles R TImy st 1frrlshtirir. Vs. Itelatlv.a mnA I .l.n.l. In.ll.H tn f, moral ...vl.. Th,,.. - "- ".".'.''." . ...v :. i. :" - Friends may view remains Thurs. eve. CALHOUN, Suddenly Feb, '.'1. RACHEL TEPOUSON ROSS, wife of John D. CM houn. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral services. Thurs., 2 n. m... 1630 Wake line st.. Frankfcrd. Int. private. Ceda "' XTL , , . ....... J Artllll'.LlW . feu .u. .vil.. n,, nUBDina of Susan L. Csntrell (nee Restlne). Rela tives snd friends Invited to funersl services, Thurs., 2 p. m., B37 Columbia ave,. Darby. Pa. Int. private. Friends msy call Wed., after 7 n. m. Auto service. CAVANAUOH. Feb. 24. MAGGIE CAV. ANAUGH. Relstlves and friends invited to funeral. Frl . B a. m., resldenee of Miss Annie Whltmore, 2323 Turner st. Solemn requiem mass St. Elisabeth's Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto fu- ""aVNEY-McMAHON. Feb. 24. SARAH, widow of Patrick Cavney. Relatives ami friends Invited to funeral, Sat.. 8:30 a. m.. 2H3 uaui st. nequiem mass st. Ann's Church 10 a. m. Int, Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral, fOMEOYS. Feb 23. ANNA LORRAINE BELL widow of Walter pourlss Comects. Funeral service at St. Paul's Church. Chest nut Hill, Thurs., 8 p. in. Int private. Omit flowers. Nashville, Tenn., and St. Louis paper please copy, . dauchter of Cornelius and Mary Corcoran nnd crsnddsuchter of lata Cornelius snd Mary Corcoran and late Joseph and Isabelli vt1nlan ml 4 years. rtelsilv.. ..J friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 1 p. m.. parents' re.liM.T-f. 2333 S. Ilouvier st. (17th snd Rltner sts.). .Int. New Cathedral Cem. auiii i-jn.r.ii , CHEAHEY. Feb. 25. EDWARD J., hus band of Emma Creasey, seed On. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 1 p. m., 1601 W. Psssyunk ave. int. Mt. Morlah Cem. Friends may call Thurs. sve. Auto service. CUMMINGB. Feb, 24 M. JOHN CUM. MINGS. M. V.. of 220 N. 13th st., son ot late Michael and Ann Cummlncs. Relstlves and friends Invited to funersl, Thurs., 7:30 a. m., 400 8. 2d st. Solemn reoulem mass St. Joseph's Church 8 a, m. Int, Holy Cross Cem. Auto srvlce. fUTAIAIl. ten . JIAIiTlIA CUTAIAR (nee MrKlnney). wife of O, Wesley Cutslar, seed 32. Relstlve snd friends. Ladles' Auxiliary no. i p. vi v,, invitea ia iu neral- servlce-s, Thurs.. 2 p. m., 210 E. Hortier st., Oermantcwn. Int. Prsbytrlsn Church Oround. ItnxbcToush. nemslns may be viewed Wed.. 8 to 10 p, m. Auxiliary "BaTlEY, reb. 18, THOMAS J son of late Michael and Annl Dalley, Relative and friends Invited. to funeral, Thur.. 8:30 . m.. residence of brither-ln-law. Michael II.- Ityan. 8840 Richmond st. Solemn requiem mass Church ot ths Nativity 10 a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem.' Auto funeral. DALEY. Fab. 23. WILLIAM F-. husband of 1st Msrcsrs J. Daley, acsd TO. Rjia- ' HVi. Ji4n" .-si.cpeeMinsia . Li, I D. n- a., -van ' I QeffS! mLX.nZ ts,"; leln' 4,37 NS.Ifort "phll. ""int Arllni" , """3. 'ld V SUy AtmbirN.V iVeV n'r-.m u-H.rtS. mi'i L,Vh '' ?'""" . M P-1 StepherrOreeoe. Soc.. Local Union ,0nnitl?n.iiwr' SlhV. cSl,. f?: Sy .' N- Phl'- 'i " "' Bookbinders. Invited BOUItQUIN teb. 24. near Quakertown. . t funeral services. Thurs. 2 p. m 2040 S!!.:.i.S-NL.'f 'iSon S,.,9.u."La.v .i!nd.V,H!;N..SIst St. Int.-private. Forest Hills Cem. of requiem at tt itaphsers Church 10 rielttV. ind friends Invited to fOneral Int. orlvsle. Carrlase funeral. Se.,a,1ie". na Irleriaa Invltea lo inner. I. .Feb . 25. MICHAEL, husband of " - -." ?.. ."'" Si . " J""- t n... t.i..i... .. e.i... vate. ,,rtemains msy v viewea inurs.. i m p. in., si Armsironc.s. ivii-.u .. jiroaa ot Mary E. Lelcht (nee Blddlo-Gskeler). BtVT&R.'S& 25. HARRIET I., w.dow of i"tr?leS:?y"rfni l'lV HSnUu Pry.1eVnd,.ter.n!,.,erde'to'";fune7rVl S&V JS dencl20l"Nr-lHh',.t.1 fclfSrlvM; HIM 2r,nn'3 m. ""ao'lR Rldce" 'int '"'L' , '" tern. Remains may be viewed Thur... iy.Tn Ladder Co. r-nna, frtste riremen's Assn., employes lUib-r I'erklns, Invited lo fu "rsl. Thurs , s.:.1o a. m.. ftlM Webster st "M' ' "!' Solemn requiem mass hurrh Cem, tlrfa ... mb ......- m,a A !. Hf.u,!y "d friends. Keystone Lodce. No, 271, F. and A. M.I Columbls Chspter. No. L Tt. A, M.: Mary Commandery. Np. an, K. T,l rhfla, !,.). of Perfection. A. A. 8. R. of F, M Invited to funeral services, ?!"'!' z p- ,m- n. 'h " ,.n,-Jfw;r Merlon Baptist Cem. Auto funeral. Friends "".Jl"11 Wed.. to s'p. m. . .. . ETTLA, Feb. 24. CHARLES F husband of Susanna H, Ettla (nee Keys). Relatives end friends, riilla. . Lodce. No. 2. U. P. O. E.1 members Manufacturers' Club. In. vlted to services, Thurs., 2 P. m., St, Mary's P. E. Church. Broad and South els., rhlla. Int. Swarthmore. Pa. Mlddletown. I's., pap-rs copy. Friends may view re mains 42S Tale v. Swarthmore. ra,. Wed. eve. ' KL'BTOrr. Feb. 25. MARCEI.UA v.. widow of Edward R. Euston, Due notice of funeral will be clven. EWEN. Feb, 25. BESSIE G.. datichter of Oeorce and late Mary Ellen Ewen. aced 85. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Frl., ltao p. m., residence of fsther, 2211 N. 27th st. Int. private. North, wood Cem. Friends may call Thurs., 7, to FENTON. Feb. 25. JOSErll If. FEN TON, aced 87. Jteletlves snd friends In-' vlted to funeral services, Frl., 2 p. rn., sister's residence, Mrs. John Homer, 100 East Park sv. M.nhsntvllle. N. J. Int. private. Evercreen Cem.. Camden. N. J. , FBItauSOr'. Feb. 25. MAnT C. (neo iiennessyi, widow or Mlcnsei rercueon. ei. stives snd friends T.eirue of Sacred Heart of St. Elitsbeth's Church, Invited to funeral, Frl., 7:30 e. m., 1511 N. 23th st. Hlch re quiem mat St. Elisabeth's Church." a. m. int. iioiy sepulchre cem. Auto tunerai, FINNERTV. Feb. 23. 9ALL1E. wife of Wllllsra Flnnerty, Relatives and friends Invited to funersl. Frl., 8:30 a. m.. 12R Diamond st. Solemn requiem, msss Church of Our Lady of Mercy 10 a, 'm. Int.. New Citledral Cem, Auto funeral, . GALLAaHKR. Feb. 31. at Denver . OoL, CHARLES, son of Mary as.lle.cber (nsa llrsdden) and' late CbarW Oallaahsr. of povhlll. Parish of Ardara, County .toecal. Ireland. Dsjsj notice of. tnssrat rorn rssl denes of brother, Patrick Oauasjbsr, aoig N. Stlllman.st, . . ORAIIAM. Feb. 24. MART, wldo f the late Jsmes A. Oraham (nee Nolan). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl., 80 a. m.. from the residence of ber son. John J. Oraham. 8024 Cedar street. Frank ford, Solemn requiem mass at the Church of the Nativity. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepul chre Cem. Auto service. . ortEOAN. Feb. 23. NELLIE, wife of Joseph Orersn and dauchter of Mary and late fatrlcK L.ymsn, acea zi. jisibutps and friends Invited to funeral, Frl., 8:30 a. m., rear 43ft N. Franklin st. Hlch msss requiem Church of Assumption 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. ORENNEN. Feb. 20. JAME8 J., husband of late Catherine I. Orennen (nee Cudahy), aced 76. Relatives snd friends Invited to fitn.r.1 wr. fl . m.. son's resldenee. Jsmes R. Orennen, 148. E.' sterner st. Sol- emn hlch mass cnurcn or visitation tua. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. GRIFFITHS. Feb 24, GRIFFITH ORIF FITHS. husband of Dinah Orlfnths, aced 80. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., X p. m., dsuchter's residence, Mrs. Florence Hopely. 2622 N. 11th st. Int. North wood Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., 7 to 0 p. m. Mahanoy and Shenandoah papers copy. Auto service. HALE!. Feb. 28, EMILIE C. wife of Dr. W. If. L Hsle, 1718 Pine st. Rela tives and friends Invited to services. Thurs . 3 p. m Oliver It. Balr Didf., 1820 Chestnut st. Int, private. IlAIimEON. Feb. 24. ELIZA, widow of Andrew Harbison, ased 7R. Relatives snd friends lnltrd to funeral jervlces. Thurs., 2 p. m. 330V Queen lane. Falls of Schuylkill. Int. private. ML Pesce Cem. JiAir,... ret.. -i. iw,. .,... Lena Haes. Relatives and friends, em ployes r. R. R all other orcanixations oi -.Bis-. L- .. M fe.KalWAB In.el.- t iafaAiet Frl.. 2 p. m.. 2310 8. 68d St. Int. Mt. Mo- rian wtm. itemains may pe viewea .iiun, eve. HER8T. Feb. 25. EMMA L n wife of Henry O. Herst and dauchter of late Joseph and Alice Beckhouse. Funersl services and Int. private, at the convenience or me xam- "hENLET. Feb. 2. OSCAR HENLET. chief cunner U. S. N, R. F., husband of Esther E. Henley and son of John A. and late Charlotte Henley, of Kansss City. Fu neral, to which relatives and friends. U. 8. N., naval reserves and marines Invited. Frl.. 8:30 s. m., 2488 S. Hlcks st. Solemn mass of requiem Church of 81. Monica 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto service. HIEMER. Feb 23, MART, dauchter of Georce and the late Elizabeth Hlemer. Rel stives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 2pm. 1703 Qrats st. Int. private. HILL. Feb. 24. ETJMUND ALLEN, hus band of Msrlsn Datesman and son of late Elisabeth Allen Hill, aced 27. Relatives and friends Invlt-d to funeral rervlces. Thurs.. 3 p. m 512 Arbutus St.. German town Int. private. IRVIN. At Turnervllls. N. J.. Feb. 24, ANNA M.. dauchter of Edward ana uut Idella Irvtn. aced 18. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Frl.. 1 p. m.. father's residence. Turnersvllle. N. J. Services at the home. Int Turnersvllle, N. J. JACKSON. Feb. 25. LAURA, wife of Leonard Jsckson (nee Grsnsback). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Frl.. 8:30 a. m., residence of mother. Mrs. Cstherlne Orsnsback. 2507 N. Lawrence st. Requiem msss St. Bnnlfaclus's Church 10 a. m. Int, Most Holv Redeemer Cem. KEASBET. At Salem, N, J.. Feb. 25, EMMA BOZBT KEASBET. widow of Quln. ton Keasbey. aced Bi. iieiatives ana itienas Invited to funeral, 279 E, Rroadway, Salem. Frl.. 2 p. m. Services at residence. Int. ffaet View Cem Salem KEENF.. Feb., 23. WALTER, son of late Joseph and Elizabeth Keene. Relstlves ind friends Invited Ui funersl. Thurs , n:80 a. m.. residence of brother-in-law. James Tnomey, 8430 N. 3d st. Hlch mass St. Veronica's Church 10 a. m. , Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. Hartford. t:onn .rsners ennv irTnvr wi 01 mrntaTtvi wnvi . KEGEL. Feb. 24. CIIRISTINA KEGEL 'bee KOCfl. lOrmeriV ITCUSCni. WIOOW Ol Aucust Kecel. seed 88. Relstlves and frlenda '-"dies' Aid Society of German' Lutheran Trinity Church. Invted to funeral services. Thurs'. B P m.. 34 Royden St.. Csmden. N. .1, Int. Harlelch Cem. Flrends msy call Wed eVe KEHOE. Feb. 23. KATHARINE, wife of jonn Kenoe and daucnter or late -wj liam ana Ksthsrlne MoDermott. of Letter Ke """ -County Donecal. Ireland. Relatlv ant frt.nns Invited tn funeral Thurs R'l sna irienas inviiea to itinera), .inurs.. o.. en ves m" -310 K. oomerset st. ff',"'?.,! r?'-?1' Ann HU.TSI'p,ulchJ"K CSm' rtrir t i I ,KJlVi,.' vltil Vn'S'-Jit.ei "fc Sallle Kelly. fne Splcer). A . nstIi F. Somerset st. Hlch mass of requiem Church of St. Anns lota. m. Int. LIAM J., husband r .. ,,, --,, r.u. n.,1 At.(u nn friends msy call wen., a to lo o- m. KITCHENMAN. Feb. 23., THOMAS I KITCHENMN. ared 70. Relatives and I .ri,nd, mvlted to funersl services. Thurs.. ' - . . a . . v r . . . m. 51111 N. 3d st Inf. nrlvte. KOLB. Feb. 24, KATHARINA KOLB . .- 1 P,"V kT.11 JNS Suddenlv. Feb 23 'VIRGINIA C. of Clsrence Koona' and dauchter of ' ...... n..iHin - t ..... ... fla wife, of Clarence Koona' and dauchter of Mstth.w.n. and Vlralnla C X,ucar. ased 80. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs.. 2Vp, m.. 5St Boyer st.. Oermsn town. Int Hatboro Cem. Remains nay be viewed 'Wed, 7 to 0 p. 'm WtTKKTT, f'D, -1, AwnA Ia, aaucn- ferty. Belitlyes and frlendsMnvlted to serv. ices Frl.. 2 p m., 530 N. B8th st. Int. ,....- -r .T. ft in in n m. Omit flowers. LENNON. Feb. 23, MARY, dauchter of Stephen ad late Sarah Lennon, of Westport, County Msyo, Ireland. Relatives and friends, B, V. M. Sodality snd Leacue ot Sacred Heart ot St. Charles's Church, In vited to funeral. Thurs., 8.30 a. m., broth er's residence, Peter Lennon, 2548 8. 12th st. Solemn requiem mass Church ot St. ti.t.t.U in a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. LEVERINO Feb, 22, ELLEN, wife of Howard Leverlnc (nee Slavln). Relatives and friends, u. V, M. Bodsuty or St. vin cent's Church. Invited to funeral, Thurs., 8.30 a. ni.. 3810 Lena st., Oermantown, Solemn mass of requiem St. Vtncent'i Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Aotn funeral. I-ONG. Feb 23 st Iste residence. 356 N. Kith St.. VYU.UIAM llKMtY LAJ.Mi. scea OS, n... raiI. nf fun.r.l tt.HI r riven LYNCH. Feb. 23. ROSALIE, .dauchter of John J. and Rosalie V. Lynch Itoletter. aced 3 years, relatives sna rrienas invitea xo funeral, Tnurs., 2 p. m., crsndparsnts" resi dence. 827 Wolf st. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Friends may can wea, eve. UANI.ET. Feb. 5S. 101U. JOHN E. MAN. LEY. husbsnd ot Laura Stanley (nee Hnrlncer). Relatives snd friends, also Wshlncton Camp. No. 88. V. O. 8. of A.i Enercetle Chamber. No. 11. Order Knlchts nf Krienosnip: i-uniio liuuainc itener asso. i Invited to funersl services, on Thursdsy, at , 2 p. r'fvate, Fernwood Cem. Friends may laie resiarnce, solo n. in v. ' Int.- tvl ? . ---rr -r. . I MARSHALL At Trenton. N. J., Second Month. 24th, SOPHIE II., widow ot Thomas .P. Marshall, seed 28. Services at her lats II wen evn, residence. 50 N, Clinton ave.. Trenton, N, J., nun aay, jnn mst., ii a, m. McBRIDE. Feb 25, .JOHN J., husband of late Msrcaret McBrlde (qee Black). Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 0:30 a. m , residence of sister. Mr. M. C. rampbell. 2022 E. Thompson st. ttolemn re ftulem msss St. Ann's Church 11 a, m. Int. fit. Ann's Cem. McOI.ELLAND Feb. 24. at Norfolk, Va., MARION ELIZABETH McCLELLAND tn.v Henry). wlfe of David McClelland. Rels tlve and friends' Invited to funeral sevlces. Thur.. 2 p. m... father realdenc. Joaeph Henrv. 24IO-N. Marshall st. Int. private. VtrhEHUOTT. Feh. -24. ClIilllVB FRANCIS, son of Charles and Catharine Mo Dermott, aced 12. Relative and friends In. vlted to funersl, rtatf avta..' Chestn! parents' residence. 228 smut run, 'inurs.. a Itlch msss Church ot Our Mother ot Con solation u s. m. int, itoiy nepuicnr cem. Mcnitiiiai, r.D, n, av j llvsnurcn, trmnt WILLIAM (1. McKINNEY. M. D . son of aicr-i.ns-x.-reo. xn, t i'lns late Rev. William W and Ellis n. McKln. ney. rvinerai services inurs, a p. m,, in Preibylernsn Church, llutleds. Pa Train leaves Broad St, Station for Morton, Pa., ' VfcLAUailLIN. Feb. 23, ANNIE A., dauchter of lats DanUl and Ifsraarst Me. Lauahlln. Relstlvtf . and friends. . employes inviisa u runerai, Tm .c-wiruni uisri M.. nAfnlet widow of Adoloh Kolb. aaed 77. i Lttiiil TeD, .d, uuunuE. n. nusoanu air uros., inviisa u runerai, Tnur.. a, m. resldenoe ot rrederlek L Beowa. HEATHS Mclaughlin. Feb. 22, Catharine E.. widow of Jsmes McLaushlln (nee Mulll. csn). Relatives and friends Invited (o fu neral. Thurs.. 8:30 a. m.. 2445 N. Sden; ham st. Solemn requiem msss Our Lsdy of Mercy Church 10 a, ra. Int, Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. Mclaughlin. fk 23, dennis. hue. band of Catherine .MrLnucnlln ,pee ilnyle). formerly of 2321 llrnwn st. Iirnwn st, iieistives sna 303. G. A. It . Invited to 30 a. m.. 2143 N. 30th st. iss rhurrh of the Precious irienas. j-osi rsv. 303, runersi, -inurs nl Solemn reoulem ns Blood 10 a. m. Int, Holy Cross Cem. Auto runerai. McMEARTT. Feb. 24. CIIAni.ES JO. SEPH. son of Catherine snd late John Me Mearty. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral, Frl.. 8:80 a. m, mother's residence, 1024 W, Arlion st. tilth and Tork). Sol emn hlsh requiem msss St. Edrtard's Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto funersl. MEt'RER At Warrlncton, Bucks Co.. Ps.. Feb, 24. OENEVIEVE W.. wife of Wm, P. Meurer. Relatives and friends In vited to services, Thurs., 2 p. m.. Ollvsr It. Balr Hide, 1820 Chestnut St., Phlla. Int. prlvste. MILI.En. In Norrlstown, ra., Feb. 24, M. REBECCA, wife of Dr. W. Edward Mil ler, of Dsrby, Pa, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, mother's residence. Mrs. John H. White. 36R E. Main st., Norrls town, Pa Thurs., 1 p. m. Int. private. Riverside Cem. MILI.IOAN. At Newsrk. N. J,, on Tun.. Feb, 25. 1010. ROBERT EDGAR, husband of Alice Palmer Scranton Mllllcan. Funeral services will be held at his home, 030 Mt. Prospect svs., Newark, on Thurs. eve., Feb. ST. at o'clock MONV1LLE. Feb. 25. GILLES. husbsnd of Ssrah K. Monvllle (nee Stuart), aced 70, Relatives and friends Invited to 'funeral, Frl.. 8:30 a. m., 2115 8, Frailer st. Solemn msss of requiem Church of Most Blessed Sacrament 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. MOON; Fb. 23. THOMAS MOOV, hus. band of late Annlo L. Moon, aced 74, Itela tiles snd friends Invited to funeral Thurs . 2 P. m.. 1027 8. 17th st. Int. Mt. Morlah Cemetery MOOREHEAD. Suddenly. Feb. 21. ROB ERT T husband of Flora Moorehesd (nee A. A. ft. Tt. af.. a2d darraa. Jjn Y.11 -Tamnla. A, A.O. N. M..S.J Ensfns Co, No. 82. P. F. TJ.t Fire Department Relief Asso., Ststs Firemen's Asso . Aeolian Council No. 17. F. P. A.l Wlsslnomlnc Circle. B. of A.i Phlla. Lodce. No. 84, L. O. O. M.. Invited to funeral. Sat. 2 p m., 6032 Tsrony st.. Wlsslnomlnv Int. North Ceise Htll Cm. MORRISON. At Mt. Holly, N. J.. Sec. ond Month 24th. SARAH E. A. SHERW1N. wife of W. P. Morrison, aced 70. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Friends' Meetlnc House. Mullca Hill, N. J., Sixth dsy. 28th, 11 dO a. m. Int. Mulllca Hill Cem. M MORTON. Feb, 53, MARGARET N . dauchter ot late David W. and Msry 8. Morton. Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral services. Thur a. 2 p. m.. 103.1 N. S2d st., Camden. N. J, Int. prlvste. Harlelsh Cem. Friends nur view remains Wed., after 7 n, m MULRANEY. Feb. 25. EDWARD MUL RANEY. Jr.. son of late Edward and Cath erine Mulraney. Helatlves snd friends In vited tn funeral. Frl.. 7'30 a. m., 810 Chestnut St.. Moorestown. N. J. Hlch mass Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel 0 a. m. Int. St. Mary's Cem., Mount Holly. Friends may call Thurs., 7 to 0 p. m, MYERS. At Atlantic City. N. L. Feb. 24. HENRY II. MYERS, of Phlla. Relatives and friends, Apollo Lodce, No, 880. F. and A. M. : members 15th Penns. Cavalry. In vited to funeral services. Thurs., 11:30 a. m.. .Chapel Central Laurel Hill Cem. NORTH. Feb 22. ALICE, wife nf Her. bert North and dauchter of Ellas and Elisa beth Cluderay. aced 24. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs., 2 p. m . A218 N. Lee st. Services In Providence M. E. Church, Front st. and Allesheny ave.. 3 p. m. Int. Greenmount Cem. Remains may bo viewed Wed, 8 to 10 p. m. O'BRIEN. A patient sufferer at rest. Feb. 24. MARIA O'BRIEN (nee Dlckel. widow of Joseph Connolly and Jsmes O'Brien. Relstlves end friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 8:30 a. m.( son-in-law's resi dence. Georce Jesbercer. 2715 Orthodox st., Brldesburc. Solemn hlch mass at All Saints' Church, Brldesburc. 0:30 a. m, Int, nrlvate. O'DOWD. Feb. 23. CARRY EDITH, wife of Edward O'Dowd. Relatives and friends, Robert Emmett branch of Friends ot Irish Freedom, Invited to funersl, Frl., 7:30 a. m., 1018 E. York st. Hlsh msss Church ot Visitation B a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. PHILLirs. Feb. 24. JOSEPH, son of late Frank and Elisabeth Phillips. Rela tives and friends Invited to funersl. Frl., 8:30 a. m.. 2017 McKean st. Hlch mass ot requiem St. Edmond's Church 10 a. m. Int, New fathedral Cem. PUaiL Feb. 28. WALTER T husbsnd of Alberta Push (nee Whlteman), -aced 42. Relatives and friends, Tllesetters and Help ers' Unions, Nos. 13 nnd 17, Invited to fu neral, Frl., 8:30 a. m., 1441 W. Mayfleld st. (above Indiana ave.). Requiem mass St. Stephen's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. QUEAR Feb. 24. GEORGE C son of late Leonsrvl and Hsnnah Queer, aced 10, Relstlves snd friends Invited to funeral services. Frl., 2 p. m., residence of uncle, Thomas J. .Hsll. 810 E. Moyer st. Int. private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may view remains Thurs.. 8 to 10 p. m. READ. Suddenly, at Atlsntlo City, N. J.. Feb. 23, ROBERT W son of Harriet II. and Iste Frederick W, Resd, seed 87. Funersl services. Int. prlvste. 20.1 Kent rd.. Ardmore. Pa.. Mon.. Omit flowers. REDMOND Feb. 24. LAWRENCE T. REDMOND, husbsnd of Ssrah Redmond. Funeral Thurs.. 0:30 a. m.. 811) N. 43th s. Solemn requiem msss Church of Our Mother of Sorrows 11 n, m. Int. St Denis's Cem. Relatives snd friends. Our Mother of Sor rows' Holy Name Society. Pan Salvador Council. 'K. of C. 1 Archbishop Ryan General Assembly of Philadelphia: A. O. If.. Dlv. No. 68; West Phlla. Nest of Owls, No 1041; Mlnortk Tribe. No 431. I. O. of R. M ! Court llaverford. No. 202. F. of A.: L, O. of M, I.odce. No. 54: employes of Esetern State Penitentiary, alt other societies of which he was a member. Invited. Auto service. REED Feb. -24. MYRTLE ESTELLE, dsuchter of Georce M. and Addle Reed (ne Schwlnn). seed 2 years 4 months. Relatives snd friends Invited tn funeral services. Frl., 2 p. m., parents', residence, 852 E. Schiller st. Int. Hillside Cem. Auto service. RHYMER Feb. 24. CAROLINE RHYMER (nee Volet), wife of James L. Rhymer, seed oz. Relatives snd rrlendr, Lsdlrs- aux. Kenslnston Commanderv, No. M, K. T. : Past Presidents' Asso.j members Lutheran Church ot Atonement, Invited to funeral services, Frl., 2 p. m., 1103 W. Wyomlnc ave. Int. Westminster Cem.' Auto funeral. ov;iiinkiiil,ic. ren. 20. ijiamk u., son ot Wllllsm and Theresa Schnelble (nee Krsft). seed 24. Relatives and friends, Invited-to funersl, Frl.. 8.80 a m.r 2857 N. TKth Bt. Hlsh mass fit. Tlonaventurs's Church 10 s m. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. SCHWAJtTZ. Feb. 22. HARIETT V.. wife of Bamuel M. Schwartt and dauchter of late David "ana saran Kerbaucn. Relatives ana friends Invited to funeral,, without further notice. Frl.. from the- Horshelm Friends' Meetlnc House, 2:30 p. m- Int adjoining around 8HRIVER. Feb. 23. CLARA E. BIIRI VER (nee Meade), wife ,of Walter E. Bbrlver. Relstlves and friends Invited to services. Thurs, 1:30 p. m., 700 N. 41st et. Int. private. Femwood Cem. Friends msy cali Wed. eve.' - SEi.itsH second Month 24th. mahx C. wfdow of Samuel Sellers, seed 02. Fu neral services Fifth-day. 27th. 2 p. m.. 6134 Columbia ave,. Overhrook. Int. private. 8H0FF. Feb. 2.1. JOSEPH B. husband of Cora J Srurz. Relatives and friends. Erterprlse Assembly. No. 16. A. O M. P.: Col. John Clsrk Council, No. 815, F. P. A.: employes of House of Correction.) Invited to funeral Thurs. 2 p, m , 8100 Rhawn it., Holmesburc. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed . 7 to P, w. 8HULL. At 3r,n Chestnut St., Feb. 23, MARY SHULL. Notice of funeral later. BINOLETON. At Bordentown. N. J.. Feb. 23. CARRIE T.. dauchter of late David and Elisabeth It, Slncleton. Relatives snd friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 2 p. m.. Trinity M. E. Church, Bordentown N. J. Int. Bordentown Cem. Autos will meet 11:35 a. m. train from Market st. ferry. Phils, and the 1:40 p. in. train from Trenton at Bordentown. SLOAN. Feb. 23, ANNA M wlfa of A. W. Sloan. 8ervicea Thurs., 8 p. m., 807 Ard more ave., Ardmore. Pa. Int. private. Media Cem., Frl. a. m. 8HTH. Feb. 24, ELIZABETH B.. dauch ter of Charles A. snd Hsnnah M. Smith, aced 18. Friends may call at 11 Park ave., Swarthmore, Pa., Wed.. T to 0 p. m. Fu neral Thurs., 10.30 a, tn. Int. 'private. SOUDER. Feb. 24. WILLIAM F. SOU. DER. of 2307 N. 11th st. Relatives and friends. Washlncton Csmn. No. 887, P. O. 8. of A.: Camp No. 140. P. O. of A.: Locsl Union. No. 48. Carpentsrs and Joiner 01 America, snd 87th Ward Council, Stone men's Fellowship, Invited to funeral services. Thurs., 2 p. m., parlors of Charles- H, Thlele. 8210 Oermantown ave. Int. North, wood Cem. SPAIN. Feb. 24. HANNAH C, dauchter of Iste Charles H. snd Amanda Spain. Rela tives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs., 2 p. m., 2213 W, Ontario st. .Int. ....., ,..- w.w .1 tiwt.tr ter T a. WORTH, husband of Lillian P. Sterllne and 01c.1VL.1-.vr. . reu. , . ...- i oi n.ai sna iste Harry nieruns, ieia. ss and friends, Fslrmount Lode, iip, 833, II of L. F. and B.s Lode No. ion. ii. of I E.t Clnclnnatus Council, No. 840, O. et I. A.I Wsshlncton Camp, No. 270. P, 6. 8, of A . and Voluntary Relief Depart ment of P. R. II.. Invited to services. Thurs . 2 p. m.. 5548 I.unsJowne av. Int. Mont. roe tern, rricna may view remain uvu. Yn?irniLtPRON. Feb 23. WILLIAM F. THOMPSON, aced 82. Relative snd friends. EureKA lias. mo. z.i. r. ano v. ii.. 'w Wllmlneton., Del.; Maaonto . Veterans of Philadelphia. Invited to funeral, Thurs., 2 p. 'tilS N. ltth st. Int Mt. Morlah Cam. Wllmlneton rspers copy. X mPlbl. .w. - . lUUiAi, iiusuaiiu of Mary J. Btatxsll Tlnney, seed 68. Rela tives and friends. Franklin Lodce, No, J34, 1C ana A, ,j riilla, t rinima ,.R.iiirii a Union. No. 4: employes Oeorc 8, Fereuson Co.. Invitea to runerai services, rn., p. in i . 212 W. Hscert st. 24th and York sts.). Int. plvst. Remains may be viewed Thus., 7 to 0 p. m. JUUJn.-v-lllllrlll,. s-vn. s. isiv.iciii. husband of Msrcaret Tobln (nee- Daly). Relatives and friends. Limerick Ouards Den. Asso,, Invited to funeral. Frl., 8:30 a. m., 1758 N, Waterloo st. Solemn requiem mass 8L Michael's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cam. Auto funeral. DKATHa TU1.L. Feb. 2.1. SARAH, widow ot John lr run, scea P2. Jteistives ana irienas in- vlled to funeral services, Thurs., 8 p. ni,, .1834 N, Sydenham st. Int. private, Mt. 1'esre rptyt . . VANDEdnlFT. Al Thlla.. Feb. 25. JOSEPH C. VANDEORIFT, aced 74, Re mslns msy be viewed Thurs., sister's reel dence, Mr. Ssrah Sharp. 8480 Emerald St., 7 to 0 n. m. Relatives snd friends. Broth, erhood It. II, Trslnmen of 8Sth Hope 'lose Fire Co., No. 1, Bordentown. N. J., In vited to funersl, parlors C. B. Ilocers, 188 Farnsworth ave,, Bordentown. N. Jy Sat,. 2 p. m. Remains msy be viewed Frl.. at Bordentown. 7 to 9 p. m. Int. Bordentown. VAN FLEET. Feb. 24. CATHARINE. widow of Abrshsm Van Fleet. Funeral, services. Thurs., 2 p. m., 4004 Greene at., Otn. Int. prlvste. WALKER. In Upper Merlon township. Ps.. Flrst-dsy, Second Slonth 23d Inst.. ELIZA C, dsuchter of 1st David and Han nah M. Walker, aced IB. Relatives' snd friends Invited to funeral. Port Kennedy.) Upper Merlon township. Fifth-day. 27th Inst., 2:30 p. m. Int. Valley Friends' Bury Inc Grounds. Conveyances will meet trains at Port Kennedy 1:14 p. m. and BetswooJ 2:18 p. m. y WEISENBUROER. Suddenly, Feb 24, LOUIS, husbsnd of Anna Welsenburear. seed 53. Relstlves and friends, also em- Fioyes of John Hancock Life Ins. Co. ot 'hits..: District No. 2: Phlla. Lodes. No, 54, L O, O M.' and loska Tribe, No. 37S, i. (. II, M., invited to funersl services. Frl., 240 P. m.. 2110 N. 18th stt Int. private. West- m,WELDCH5I At Chews. N. J.. Feb. 24. EDNA, dsuchter ot -Edward and Lillian Weldon (nee Johnson). Relatives an friends Invited to funeral, services, parents' residence. Chews, N, J,, Thurs., 10 a, m. Int. M. E, Cem. Train leaves Chestnut St. ferry 8 a. m. for Chews. WHKLAN. tVl. 24. PATRICK WHELAV. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 8 a. m., residence of sonln-law. ThomaM Patterson. 430 Walnut st. Solemn requiem mass 8t, Mary's Church 0 a. m. Int private WILLIAiisON. Feb. 24. JOIRf-JJ.. hus bsnd uf Catharine C. Williamson (nee Adams), aced 84. Relatives and friends. Keystone Lodce.' No, 271. F. and A. M.l Keystone R. A. C.I Olrard Mark Lodre, No. 214- Naval Order of the if, ff.l Military Order of the Loyal Leelonl port No. 2. O. A. R.I Union Leacust Kensington Soup Bo dsty and Hereford Ounnlnc and Flshlnc ciud. invited to funersl. Thurs.. 2 n. ra.. 1134 Shsrkamsvon t. Int. Laurel H'B Cem. WODOCK. Feb. 28. LEILA PEARL WODOC1C (nee Chain), wife of Wllllsm' F. Wodock, seed 85. Relstlves and friends In. vlted to funeral, Thurs., 2 p. m.. chapel ot Andrew J. Bslr A Son, Arch and 19th sts. Int, Hillside Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed., 7 to 9 p. m. WliIGHT. Feb. 23. J. EVANS WRIGHT, seed 83. husband of Hsrrlet L. Wrlcht (ne Smith). Relstlves and friends Invited to fu. nersl services. Thurs., 2:30 p. m., Psrkes burr, Ps, Int. prlvste, YEROER Feb. 28. BARAK B.. wife ot Oeorce M. Yercer and dauchter of 1st Philip snd Sarah 8tonc. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 11 a. m., 107 W. Gorcas st.. Mt. Airy. Int. private. Remsln msy be viewed Thurs. eve. ZOEI.LS. Feb, 23. JOHN ZOELLS. Jr., seed 76. Relstlves and friends, Rlrhsrd faux Lodce No. 884. F. end A. M.i T. B. Freeman Chapter, No, 24Ji Msry Corn, mandery. No. 88, K. T.t Lu Lu Tempts. A. A. O. N. M. .: directors Grand Union. Dauphin Ger. Enterprls and American En tet prise Bide and Loan Assos.. invited to runerai services, inurs.. p. m., vat n, 5th st, Int, Mt. Peace Cem LEGAL AT'ETtTIBF.MENT8 !KS? ESTATE OF ARTHUR NOTT 8AN- ix?- v-nHII. deeeaserfl .Anclllsrv t.tfera nf administration c. t. a. upon tho estate of Arthur Nott Sanford, deceased, hsvlner been RTsntert to FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, alt persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those hav-Ine- claims acalnst the same to present them, without delav. at the office of the said Com pany, Nos. 328.31 Chestnut St., Phlla, FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. WM. P. OEST. President. LOST AND FOUND IV. Kolnff flnm RRth nn ruhtHn. tn shnnntnir district, between loth nd Market, on Rth st. or thereabouts, diamond drop from earrlns Liberal reward If returned to J. E. Caldwell A Co., Juniper snd Chestnut sts. PERSONALS MOTHER Carn recilved: started foutth year vitn lVen r.,1v your promise In mind: come In-sv-s wnltlny P , T. VERY IMPORTANT fnr I.ulstta to set In communication with D. Please send your ed'lrees WILL E. J. C. Please communicate with H. H. C. HELP WANTEDFEMALE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING FprtVATIVO WORK NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED 13 per week first 4 weeks, with rapid Increases thereafter 1631 AnCH ST. MISS RTAN BILL CLERK, assistant We require the services of a lodv with ability to work quick and accurately: a very deslrsble po sition for some one tntendlne to make this a permsnent connection: clve full particu lars, tncludtnir see and salary expected. P 011 T,edger Office. BOOKKEEPER THE ACCOUNTING DE PARTMENT OF THE rtlBLIC LEDGER CO. DESIRES THE SERVICES OF A YOUNG WOMAN WITH NOT LE8S THAN 2 YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL TRAIN ING. ASK FOR MR. PRICE. PUBLIC LEDOER CO . TH AND CHESTNUT STS BOOKKEEPER We require the services of assistant bookkeeper: must be a quick snd accurate wsrker: exiollent position for some ono tntendlne maklne this permanent connection: elve particulars. Including ace -, ..,.., . r.i'ciru. j- hhi , iqrpr (Jince. BOOKKEEPER and stenoRraphef f one ca- !aui. ui iivKine cnarffa or omcr. uaii at 1318 Race st. BOOKKEEPERS EXPERIEVCn-D ON CUSTOMERS' CHARGE ACCOUNT WORK APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKFVR'S CH1LDNURSE. wanted, experienced, for care of 2 children, aces S and 8. 4041 Hasel ave., West Phlla, Phone Woodland 83(13 J, CHOCOLATE CANDY COATER:. lady pre. ferred. Apply 10 E. Lancaster ave., Ard more. Pa. ..- - - GIRI.P OVER 18, AS MILLINERY APPRENTICES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT . WANAMAKEK'S - HOSIERY OPERATORS experienced on Merrow mschlnes those experienced on seamlnc ladles' fine slllc snd mercerised seamless hosiery NOTASEME HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Mascher sts. INTERVIEWER Woman with preenc and tact: permsnent position: short hours: cood Income: advancement. Call afternoon 2 to 4, Kin Denckla Building LADIES for transferrin home; spare time: 33 Market. patterns taken nunared, 511: MILLINERS WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERS PERMANENT POSITIONS ALL YEAR ROUND COOD WAGES APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU LIT BROTHERS 1ALESWOMEN EXPERIENCED IN HANDLING ARTISTS' MATERIALS APPLY BUREAUsOF EMPLOYMENT STENOGRAPH EH EXPERIENCED TEMPORARY Pr'ni.TC T-Krinu-n r-rv ASK FOR MR WIFRT STENOGRAPHER, thoroucbiy capaT-le one' with law experience nrf..4 t. . . Wolf. 1118 Real Eststs Trust nldr. BTENOORAI'ltrTB. competent! state xp. rlenc and salary desires. P 702, Ledcsr frTENOORAPHERP CAPABLE OF DOINO GOOD WORK APPLY "JPPWWIaSrT WAITRE8S Experienced waitress wanted by Mrs. C. C. Zsntilneeri best reference required! rood wsees. Phone Chestnut Hill 118. . WAITRESSES FOR FI.OOR WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKETVB WOMAN to do ceneral housework snd assist in tsklne est of children! excellent hom Csll 8875 Shermsn st., Oermantown, or V.BII nnni iii-iii',i.'"i nbnne Oermantown 2807 W. WOMAN of education and rennsment, .free to travel, forposltlon with a war worki short hours i well paid. C l. Ledcsr Oft. HELP WANTED MALB ACCOUNTANTS cprlencd snlor. havlna HELP WANTED KAtiB AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS) EXPERIENrED BODY HANDS ) Ar?l'T WAMAMAKBIl rjAitAOB ' 2SD AND WALNUT 8TH. OP nRf.tAiir. upppivivW r.Vi wiVi! LOCUST 4243 FOR APFOLVTMENT. " EXPERIENCED o.v mMMERCf AL, APPLY.TMAKEnARAGD 28D AND WALNUT ST8. Absolutely best proposition offereirestesms ;in.hJ,,.tL'r'u;lv'' ?'" frrltery -I'.lli".1L?r.'rlr''1 ,OT lemenf alt nvw'lesflsl -,.,.,r,. i,fir,ini one ot larcest merchanta n America 1 better eel In shll' "ia "efrltorJ I open: only , hlchw-jsss hook men nsl wfflnr.;lf,l.'idt!!s"qulffd' C'. A "''.. BOOKKEEPER EXPERIEXCFn 5?V ,S, J55.OUS,,, nooKKEEPINO tion" ' rsnuj"n ,rdat. APPLY PimLIC I.EDOER COMPANY -8TII AND CHKSTNttT-STS. ASK FOR MB. .WIEST PRABS MOXJOEIISJ WANTED affltf' i. Hn.Vy.ur IUWN iBPPRTATION PAID .AfeS COMI ..cA"fX&5SHATTP1 py Mi. vAkfvnufw bt CANDYMAKER WsnUd a ntch-cls candymaksr on satin "(loss finish hard eoodst must bay flrat-clasc refersnesli cood wires: location: a lire cltr In th Middle West, an eld-esUV-' llshtd house with OrsKIsss rsputa- Hon. U 822. Ledrer Offlo. T DRAFTSMAN familiar with, all details r. aschltectural woodwork. Oeorce W. S a ' . ipiii saiui imianiC BVB, DRIVER Steady man for steady position! ... iifiiioiu, mi uainpriwra mx. ""; wanit-a on carpet yarns, ootn vroolert arid wersted; only first-class man new snnlv. M 332 Idcer Office. ESTUIATOR WANTED Man familiar with ship estlmatln. cest and specification of both enclne and hull .work! able to hsndle technical correspondence, revtv ords. drawinc. etc. Apply or writs car ot WIV EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT CHESTER SHIPBUILDING CO. FRONT AND KERLIN BTS. CHESTER, PA. ESTIMATOR wanted on structural steel aret ornamental Iron; state experience and al srv "n.7S P. O Ttni 844. riTTERS-irp. levers-out. rslkers, riveter. tube bollermskers. anslesmtlh. tilaek. smiths fnlcht). Apply st Employment De partment, the Atlsntlo Reflnlnc Co . 114 I'assyunK sve. FITTERH-UP Exprlnrv. mn wanlM t fit up ho 11 em and Unki. 'Apply AJn1ta nnn1nr Co. Employment Department. SM4 Pnvunl: RVO. ORADHU OPRUATOR Wnntej. an export wM pratnr for a Keyatona grader for work out of town: n.it M mn of expari enee, Th Atlrtlr n-'ftnlnr C., EmpJor ment Dep... Atlantic Gate. SM4 raasyunk av. . INS'AVCE MEN TWOPOSITIONS OTTT FOR TVqfTHANCE TtrPREtENTATTVESI WHO WRITE A I.ABOF Vnr,UM OP" ItHSINFRS ANVttAI.T.Y. PHONE LOCUST, 1730 FOR APPOINTMENT. LAYERS-OUT Experienced men wsnted t lay out boilers and tanks: must ba first c'sss men. Apnly Atlantic Reflnlnc Co.t Frnptovment Dent. 3144 Psssvnnk ve. MAN TO IVOK AFTFR nENERt.!. HOTTITf. "T IvTEPtNO AND TORE r-TA VLTNEMt V MUST ni-7 CiPAn'.P OF DIPECTINO AND OVFPKEINO HELP APPLY BITtE" OP rMPLOYMTOTT WANAMAKER'S ' U ... sv YOU MUST LIJ'B Why Not In Hseelmsn snd Work for-the) M. B. -C.I v . , " i . v A lone-time eovernment contract assurer; permsnent Johitn a yard .hulttnftt only as) a wsr emercencv but to- compel on a corn merelsl basl with the wor1d's,ersatst yard. In our m"dl townslte. wlthtnr two ,mln utes' walk of vour work, sre modeyn houase snd apartments unfurnished. forfemtlte of employes. Bachelor Quarters ar pre-, vlded for stnfle men and .those without families. There sre npenlnrs here fnr flrst-clsss jn chsnlc who prove their sbl'ltv. ' Special consideration Is clven . et-servleeJ men. Brine your dlsctisrse; with you,., WE NEED AT-ONCE " ' Shlpflttrrs (Arst-rlsss) T.lnermen fexoerlenced) Riveters fcunssl shell snd bottom men onh v-iiipiicra anil i-aumrrs laviiina juvn (exnerlencedl. Oxy-scetylene Burners sna Welders' (ship experience ncery) . Bolters and Reamers with ship experlne (Nlcht work) Tralnlne School (Bolter and Reamers) MERCHANT 'SHIPBUILDING CORP.. aH U. 8. Sliipplne Board Emtrcency Fleet Corn 13TII AND RACE STS.. PHIUvDELPHLU,, Or riant Employment Office. Harrtman. rW MEN for drill rr-t slso men to learn. Boat 1 1, ! elrer Ot ce ORDERLY wanted with, experience. AoniyT T snliensn irn.o'lAl. Cortnlhlan snd Qlrap ra'i PLVVAEILS wsiiied. Apply Frank Walsbv fint AlUnttn no,, Atlsnt'e City, N. J t PORTER) AND CLEANERS .. WHITE MEN r t ' ArPLY BI'REAll OF EMPLOYMENT t WANAMAKIIK-S t-Lj PROOFnEADER. FIRST CLASS MEMBER OF TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION WANTED OV PUBUfj LEDGER: PERMANENT POI TION WITH OOOD SALARY TO THE RMHT MAN, CALL TODAY. AFTCR I P. M. AT 80(1 CHEST NUT of. I'iFTH FLOOR. RIVET rUAMKHS on trivellne bssst staMf work. See Mr Law. 1841 N. Hancock a. 'I near 2d and Columbia ave. -till CA1.ES MA.N'AOER retail sales ssency. f04 srsnaara ni.asure can siuiiu ciasst with about S2.100 and rstatl automobile experience to take over the Philadelphia nv, , .1 tall sates of established distribution. P T24V ' rfl Idrer Office . SALESMAN. PRINTING SALESMAN TO SELL HIGH-GRADE PRINT ING TO THE VERY BEST TTlADEl MUST BE ABLE TO EARN NOT LESS THAN tlOOO PER YEATtl REPLIES HELD IK BTTIICTE8T CONFIDBNTJ-J, T 812. LEDGER OFFICTI & XI 'si a-i H f j 1 i -I .ii "i ra Si 1, ',-. I l ci rx -I fl rV nmfMr T, :& ' r 'Tflr j.w,