" ,' EVENING PU13LL0 LEDUEU JMllAlIlaJLA, MT1&DAV, EHBJa'AJ.V lUlfl 21 ; I r Ii,. I' r. "- TmATHE WODOCK. Feb 22 LEILA rnARL (nee Oialn). wife of Wltllmn P. Wodock. sued 35. Dj police of funersl will b dven, WR10HT, Feb. 2.1 J. EVAN4 wmoiiT. sod i, husband of Harriot I. Wrlnlit (nee Smith). Relatives and friends Incited to fu. nerat services. Thurs , 2.30 r. m., -arkes-bur I'll. tin. private, niiflEn Th "SI. AMANTVA A., widow ' i"njmln r, Yeaier. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs , Spm. 2111 Mt. Vernon t. Int. private r, . rii-,i ft.,. n tiMi i iiti , - . . r r.lt. ,-,-1, .a, ,,,,i, i , pan OI .Starr and lata William V, Tracer, Relatives inenaa invitt toruneral services Wed , 1 r . m , 21(11 I:, Tork at Int. pel. vetc Nnrlhwood Cm, Remains mar be (erred Tues.. ' 1 TO 1U Auto service. feed jn. Relatives and friends, Richard Vaut lde No. 384 F. an I A. M.i T. II. Irecman t 'hapter, No. 243,1 Mary Com manderj' No 30, K. T.i l.u I.u Temple, A. A o N M. ft director Grand Union. Dauphin. Or. Enterprise and American En ttprlo Hid and loan Assos,. Invited tn funeral services. Thurs , 2 p. m.. OH X. Mh el lnt Sit Veire Cem LOST AND FOUND . UniflM .... , -. .- . . ... .. m - Iivi ."v".,,'i-i-isi, com nar-iinx aiamonu-ssi V bracelet with email chain and ball at If? iwnin- rewsrg. rnnne URc. T.AntUNrwMt. on Saturday. February 22, ii .V"' '" nRth "i Catharine to shopplnar dlalrlcl between loth end Market, on 8th st or thereabouts, diamond drop from 'errlnr Liberal reward If returned to J. ' aMnell I Co. Iimfn-r and Chestnut st In rortJnTnnpK l,st. FeK 21. pockethoolc. vicinity of 18th and Market: name and ad- free, inside; reward. ricaee notify 112 Cornell aye, rtwarthmore. Ta. PIiUSONAIiS MiirilKU (.anl rectleil; started fourth ear with your promise In mind: come nen ready, always walllnc F, H t. HELP WANTED PEMALT! ni-U TF.l.TJPIIOVB OPHRATINO ..- FASriNATINfJ wortk- o KxruniENcn nuQumED per week first 4 weeks, with rapid increases thereafter 1031 ARCH ST, MIS'? HTAN K.S.'5.p!l7TT"fv Acrouvnva de .rT'iTL';J?.1P.or T,fn I'ttnr-ir i.noriEn ini.K?Bf,ETH" snnvicnt of a JV.t.r;..AyOMAN MriI NOT T.KSS THAN IJ3.n.ASK FCln Jm rnirr tMini.tr l.EDOBn CO . BTII AND CHESTNUT ST8 HOOKKEEPnrt and elenorrapher. one who has had experience In sarn house pre ferred. Harry Cohen. 32 Strawberry st. (near 2d and Chestnut) TlOOKKEEPEtl Cl TOVS.ns. r'iAnnn account work Arpir ntirtEAti (f employment WANAMAKLIl'S CHAMBEnMAID and waltressee: mult be experienced: references. Thone. German town 28.0. CllILDNprtSD wanted, expert-need, forcaro ot 2 children, ares 3 and C 401 Harel ae., West Phlla. Phono Woodland 3101 J. CHOCOLATE CANDY COATETt: lady pre. ferred. Apply 10 E. Ivtncaster ave.. Ard. more. Pa, OIRf ft OVIKLV,,.AJ?..M.'r,,'INnT APPRTCNTTCES applt nmtEAu of employju:nt WANA.MAKER-8 OOVERNESS. French preferred: references. Phone Oermsntown 2810 HOSIERY orERATOR-4 experienced on Mrrow machines those experienced on e-amlnir ladles' tine silk and mercerized aeamlcss hosiery NOTASEMI5 HOSIERY CO. Oxford and Maeclier sts. LADIES for transferring patterns taken home; spare time; (3 hundred. B112 Market. MILLINERS WANTED EVPFRIFNCED MILLtNEnS ' ruiiiuviL.pi i- ruisiriuJa ALL YEAR rf ROUND OOOD WAOF3 APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU . LIT BROTHERS MOTIILICS 1IELPER llellnblo younc worn- an. cars for clilld and light ebnmberwork " S b''',"1 Ant. U-10. The Ilrnntwood. 411l Pirkelde si SALESWOMEN EXPERIENCED IN HANDLING ARTIST31 . MATERIALS Arri.Y rureau or employment WANAMAKER'S S rENOCRAPHRU EXPERIENCED TEMPORARY APPLY PITRLIC LEDOFR CO AHK FOR MH WIBST HTi-NOORAPIIEn Only thoroughly experi enced need aprlv, slating particulars nt experience age and salary expected. P 723 , lyiurr wine STK.VOORAPHER Competent stenographer. legal experience preferred; state salary desired P RIB, Ledger Office STBNOOHAPHER. rompstent' state exne. rlenco and salary desires. P 702, Ledger Office BTEVOORAPHERP CAPARI.H OF DOINO GOOD WORK rPI.Y UtlREAlT OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKLIl'S WAITRESS Experienced waitress wanted by Mrs. C. C. Zantxlnger; best reference required; good vracei. Phone Chestnut Hill lis. WAITRESSES FOR FIOOR WORK ACPLY IlUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAItLR'S WOMAN to do general bnusewurk and aaslat lit taking rare of children excellent home Call H175 bhenuan st,, Oermantown, or . phone Oermantown 20-1)7 W. neneral TEACH worVr at war pay Knit urgently needed pocka for us on auto knitters: experience unnecessary: full particulars: 3e tiitin Denartment 2R0. Auto tvnltter r?A.. ni Jefferson St. RuRalo. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANTS Experienced senior having ttubllcv accountancy experience wanted Apply by letter, stating age, experience and alary required, to Marwlck, Mitchell, Peat A Co 400 Morris Ilulldlng ADVtllTiai.Nd . distributors Money vanced each night. Apply 6 30 a. ;oh N Front AUTOMORILE PAINTERS FXPI'.RIENCED RODY HANDS APPLT WANAMAKER OARAGE 23 U AND WALNUT T8. 'BANK TELLERS' WANTED SERVICES OF RELIRLE RECKIVINO OR PAYINO TKI.LF.RS IV HANKH IN I'lllIMDKI.I'lllA ivn utinrttttiq. ttlfiaT iravt.- hpvkiiai. j 1EARV EVPhRtENCll AND ACQUAINTED TWiril riiini:ms uuMuriiivB uium. LOCUST 4243 FOR APPOINTMENT. ItILL CLERK and assistant bookkeeper " ... wia as Allll aifs BaMIPI 4aa ! tl miss ASS JrsDUi J ii" 11 tiuivrt. diiu s.t. m , huicsi must ba able to operate tvpewrltor: stata age. experience and salary desired. P 807, Ledger Office BLACKSMITH nPERIENVFD ON COMMERCIAL TRUCK BODIES ATrLT WANAMAKER'S OARAOE 23D AND WALNUT STS. BOILERMAKERS: must Have experience on tubs work) only first-class, all-around Willermakera need apply. . Atlantlo Refining "u I'n. Kmployment Depi . am passyunk ave. 43ANDTMAKER Wanted a tilth-class candrinaker on satin (ton finish hard goods; must hay first-class references; good wages, location) a large city In the Middle West. ,sn old talab Jtihed house with flrst-ctias reputa tion. It 322, Ledger Office. K "w.- itral, yllh eavlnstr. ." -' HELP WANTED MALB rtooKKKF.rnn fvperievofd nv ntinnounif) liooKkccniNa machines permanent rosi. TION. Arpr.T runnc. t.edoer comtant Til AND CIIKSTNtIT STS. abk rort MH. W1EST ESTIMATOR WANTED Man familiar with ship estimating, cost and specification of both engine and hull work: able to handle, technical correspondence, rec ords, drawlnr, etc, Apply or write car of the ' EMRLOTMENT DEPARTMENT CllESTKR BltrPItUILDINO CO, ( FRONT AND KERLIN JiT?. CltF.STnrt, TA. ESTIMATOR wanted mi structural sleel and ornamental Iron; ststo experience nnd sal ary "P..78 " P O nnx 1441 FITTEns-lTP, lasers out. calkers. riveters, tubo bollermakers, anzleimlth, black smiths (nlzht). Apply at Emplojment De partment, the Atlantic IteHnlnr Co . 3ttl rasirunk avt. KITTi:Ra.UP Experienced men wanted to nt up hollers and tanks Apply Atlantic. Keflnlnir Co , Employment Department, 3144 rassyunk ave, OIlADEIl OPEll vrOH Wanted, all experi enced operator for a TCe atone crader for work out of town, must be man of experi ence. The Atlsrtlr Ilennlnr Co , Employ ment Dept , Atlantic date, 314 1 Passyunk ae IN'UmAVcr; Mi'V TWO noiITIOVS OPEN FOR INTRA VCR REPREIENTATIVE"! WHO WHITE A LWtOE VOLUME OF ni!"! NEtS ANNt'VLLY PHONE LOCUhT 1730 1 OR APM1NTMLNT JEWELERI Steady positions opn for first- class platinum Jewelers In our shop at 1118 Chestnut st brlnff references an Dueen tr HtnNes Crl . I-AYERS-OUT Experienced mn wanted to lay out boilers and tanks; must ba first class men Apply Atlantic Refining Co , Employment Dept , fl14t Passvunk ae MACHINISTS, flrst class, automobile, want ed .loseph J Derhsm Rosemont, Pa MECHANIC, qualified to make and repair scientific appnratus: must know how to work both metal and wood- llBht work; pleasant, weii.equlpped shop. West rhlladel phla C 207. Ledger Office YOU MUST LIVE Why Not In Ilarrlmsn and Work for the .11 M. c. 7 A lonff-timo covcrnment contract assures a permanent inh In a nrd built not onlv as a war rmerjreney but to compete on a com mercial tasis wnn me worm a creaiesi aras, in our moaoi lownene. wiinin iwn min. utcs' walk of vour work, am modern houses and nptrtments unfurnished for families or emnntes iiacn or nusrters aro nro- lder for slnslo men nnd thoso without families Thero aro openings here for flrstclass me chanics who provo their ability. Special consideration Is cln ex-senlce men urine our uiscnarso "witn you WE NEED AT ONCE ' Shlpflttera (first class) Llnermen (experienced) Rhcters (asnes) shell and bottom men only Chlppers Hiid Caulkers Machlno Men (experienced) Oxy-aeetyleno Burners and Welders (ship cxperlcnco neeessarj) Roltcrs and Itcnmers vlth ship experience (Muht work) Training- School (Bolters and Reamers) MERCHANT SHIPBUILDING CORP.. Asent U. S. Shipping Roard Emeruency Fleet Corp. 13TII AND RACE STS . PHILADELPHIA. Or riant Employment Office, Harrlman, Ta. MEN Experienced, to distribute advertis ing! monev advanced each night. Apply 6 .10 a m . 200 N Front. MEN for drill press, also men to learn. 13ox A 11 ledger Ortlce PLANNING DEPARTMENT IAN Experienced In Tailor or Garrtt methods, for assistant to production manager liRtlng cbargo of division planning room, growing department in melal manufacturing plant: replies treated confidentially: atatc age. na tionality, religion education fuil experi ence, when available and salary expected for starting. Address -1I-70," t: u. jjox, ais PHIMRER8 wanted. OOR Atlantic ave . Apply Frank Walsh, Atlantic City. N. J. . rORTERH AND CLEANERS WHITE MEN ATTLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PROOFREADER. FIRST CLAPS. MEMBER OF T1TOORAPHICAL UNION. WANTED ON PURLIC I.rTDOER- PERMANENT POSI TION WITH OOOD RMllT TO THE RlnltT MAN CALL TODAY. AFTER 5 P M . AT 00R CHEST NUT bT FIFTH FLOOR SALESMAN if vou are a trained salesman, hate sn active mind and can present a hlgh-cisss proposition In a forcible manner, we have a position for tnu; references rc nulred P B02. Ledger Office SAT.F.vttfAN wsnted to call on hanks and brokers to sell pampbtet digests of the 1011) retenue law a golden opportunity for a live wire nee jir jienucrson, jioiei ten dig. Tuesday evening SALESMAN wanted for city and country territory, one tvilh some knowledge of teas snd toffee preferred Apply by letter, Wil liam S rs-un to,, i ront ana icaerai its Camden V T SALESMAN (outside) Orsduate hlrh school or manual training preferred. Williams, nrnwn I Earle. Scientific Instruments and Photoarrsphlc Supplies Plft Chestnut st. SALESMAN for Delaware and Maryland If ou have earned 12500 per year or more wo have a position for vou: rapid advance- ment 1 e.n iifoger iiince SALESMAN If you ara forcible and have selling experience of the highest type we navo sn opening i"r jou in 1 ennsyivanla P K10 Ledger Office SALESMAN wanted to sell real estate; sal ary and commission, blr money lmme oisieiv. 1 min logger tunce. SALESMEN, Catholic If ou have ever sold specialties Insurance, magaalnes or books here's a flno opportunlly to get a nerinanent lob tvhrre ou can earn from $10 to $20 dally as our paat records prove; live men find this work etry. pleasant and very profit able; I need only dependable, trustworthy men See Mr Costello today. 808 Chestnut st . Room 701 SALESMEN I want i! live, ambitious sales, men who know what big monev has been la being and can b mad In legitimate line and that they are equal to the task: natlonsl organisation with unequaled opportunities for early advancement Write, giving tele phono connection. P Ml. ledger Office SALESMEN Stock and bond salesmen: high class Indus trial, with unusual unlimited factors; lib eral proposition and co-operation: clean-cut. aggressive, dependable men desired; full par tlculars by mall M 827. Ledger Office SALESMEN for Pennsylvania; education, selling abllltv, gentlemanly appearance full of pep and energy: to a salesman of this typo we have high-class offering. P 720 1-drer Office SALESMEN Opportunity for re.i ihe sales men, men who hava earned $3000 pr year and upwardt references required, r 72.'. j,"qnpr uic-. SALE-MEN of proven ability who can work to r. svalem: 1010's greatest opportunity for hlsh-fltss men P 721 Ledger Office SOLDERERS. experienced, wanted on radi ator work. Apply tbo Autocar Co. Ard more. Pa WATCHMAKER Man with thorough knowl edge of watchmaking and repairing: good salary and ateadv poaltlon. Apply to Gillies Store. 2200 N Rroad WATCHMAN Night watchman for foundry and marhlna ahon: must understand tiring hollers Chambers Bros Co , 32d and Media. YX)UNO MAN to serve morning newspaper rout In central ptrt of cltv, 4 a, m, tn K 80 a, m ; no Sunday work. P 820, Ledger Office General ,,. OREENEWALD'S Coat auditor, largo mfc. corp $5000: aenlor accountant. C. P A.. $75; head bookkeeper, office manager. 3 asatatant book keepers, collection man. Installment eip : sales manager, electrical supply houae or hardware, exp.i a aalea enalnesrs, mechani cal, civil, surveying, highway xp. required, technical and collets men preferred; excel lent otfar; credit man. retail xp ; prlvat seorotsry. writ shorthand, rood wsgss: chemist, (aks chart; paints, oil, varnlsbss or vapor pulp xo.i good wares 1 salssman. contractors' or hardwar gupoly axp.1 nv Plonnent msnr. famsle, 1B00 yearly: no wlfar work 'sirewt woman u siiwihsk, nELP WANTED MALE Clenral we teach yon to nntvrc and ncrAin AUTOMOni.TIS tire roMPr.riTR cotmsE $15 ... DAY AND NIOltT CLASSES Sattler'a. loni Bprlnir Oarden at, Open Sun 2821 W, Dauphin t. .. llI.UE-rRINT nEADINCI or all tradea, quickly taucht: learn and earn more money: aend for ratatorna n. Co lumbia Correepondenco School, Dept, B, Dreiel Itulldlnr. Thlla, SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE TELnrilOVE operator, eper., wants r. II. X. Addree P 730, I.eiler Office. tOUNO IjADT, oxper. In coit and produc tion recorda, would like poiltlon, pref, with tatlonery concern, r 733, IiedBer Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ASSISTANT CKEDIT and collection man. 32, marrledi excellent ability: 10 years' bank and mercantiln experience: Rood rea eon for chanalnc P 7.12, Irfdrer Office. COST and production man, experienced, open for Immediato emplojment: ate 28, mar ried: salary secondary to connection here re'iiin brlnit adancement. I 811, ldrer Office. TItANsi.TOR, Hpanlsh-Enrlleh: wieli to en. a-ato with a larae export house C 81R. I t) EMPLOYMENT AQENCIE3 HOLY TRINITY aiency has housemen, but lers. waitresses, chambermaids, arneral housework Oris; Rood references. Call Dick Inson fl87H UU1Y Employment Bureau. l.'Ol Spruco st while and colored holn supplied, male and female all capacities Phone Walnut 248 COOES chambermaids, housework girls . .yam positions Mlas Rose Dougherty, lltl Olrsrd ae BEI.ECT help of all kinds on short notice. iiji Master, fnone 1'opiar .tui WANTED, nt Episcopal Office. 312, S 12th. cooks, waitresses governess and nurses. BLDO. MATEPwIALS P.EPAIKS CINDERS for sile, dellered anywhere In city. Ream Fletcher Transportation Co , 31st and Master sts BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Twenty Investors with itonn to twin wanted for i.t- TARLIBHED 1IWKIVO CORPORATION TO ENABLE IT TO TVKI5 CMtK OF RAPIDLY EVPANDIVO RttSIVESH PVRTICL'LARS FROM P 823. LEDGER OfflCE. FOR RALE Excellent lumbr coal feed fertilizer and farm Implonvnts buslners In thriving" Chester County borough on routo No 131, ample warehouse and siding faclll ties wcllpreserved buildings and severil acrea ground: one of tho best-located plants In eastern Pennsvlvanla, farmers prosperous and land doubled In 10 years bj Inrotnlnit millionaires: easv payments onH ono reneon for selling V 802. Ledger Office TREASURY STOCTC FOR !,'I.E 2110 shares. M1u I117.S00 0D to finance the manufacturing of a meritorious dexlce Wrlto or call for particulars CHARLES W. ROLIN Ibe Interchannable Crato It r o tlllllllcrs Kxrbsnre 21 s 7lh st HOSIERY manufacturing business for sale machinery and enulnment for manufactur !nc a welf entabllshed line of infants and misses' hosiery: hate sold mill and rctlrlns pons Te-dger Office rOR SALE Apartment house; rents return about 20 per cent, on Investment, close to train and trollev: beautiful grounds SMVKIil mensin - WANTED A manager to take charge of u branch servlro station tbo Ratterv bervl-e Corporation, an Investment requlreil Applv at office, C29 N, Cth see Mr Knoblwk BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT nv seeing us at once you will reallre the highest cash prices for jour diamonds, any slxe from '4 to 10 carats, none pay higher also, old gold, platinum and silver bought, estates bought (privately), established 10 rs The Diamond ShopPhn'r, Wal 7'n DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO ORJECT KELLY & CO . 012 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-22 Over Childs Restaurant Private. MATTREShBW hand made, retailed at wholesale priced; upholstering a specialty. Arneita Mfc Co . R2Q S 20th st ELECTRIC treatment manicuring Room 101 Heed Rldg 1211 Filbert St. Loc HP,2 ELECTRICAL TREAT. phjsleal culture 302 S Rroad: hours. 10 a. in. to 0 p. m. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY TAILORED shirtwaists. 12.71 mado from my msterlsl; It 10 mado from your ma terial Poplar "IB1 W. FOR SALE DIAMOND EARRINGS ABSOLUTELY TERFECT 11230 WEIGHING 4VS CRATS VALUE 31RQ0 R IK I) ER'S LOAN OFFICE. 158 Ma rket si GENTLEMAN'S DIAMOND RINO ABSOLUTELY PERFECT 11000 WEIGHING OVER 4, CARATS EXCFPTIONAI. RAROAIN RIFDER'S I1AW OFFICE 128 Market OFFICE FURNITURE Lsrg lot desks, safes, files, cabinets and general nfflra furniture store fixtures. 1V Iluv Sell and Fxohance PATTEN FURNITURE CO tICt'ST 4070 1127 ARCH BT. RACE 2100 FOR SLE Fixtures of first-class reslau rant, lot of mahogany tables, hentwnod cl airs, marble, counter plate glasses mlrrnr dishes silver, etc : will sl for lumn sum Can ba seen for one week at Crane's Res laurant 13th and Sansom sts CENTRAL HOUSE WRECKING CO S W cor 12th and Spring Garden sts All kinds of office furniture nnd fixtures Bathroom outfits complete, Rell phone Poplar 1138 BATH TUBS wasastands toilets, radiators heatlne boilers. 1420 S. Stll st, Dickin son 3T4 BILLIARD pool, comblnat'n 2d-hsnd sold bought rented exch'd Keafer. 320 C.lrard BILLIARD, pool 2d h. tables; rep'd sitpVs Clark-Herd Mfr Co 2410-11 N Front BOOK OI KNOWLEDGE The greatest eilu cstlonal course; new 00 Pago free booklet ready also ,1 minute lessons for klnderrar ten Th Oroller Society. f.OI) Denckla Rldg, lUUCKb. hard motortruck delivery Chas r lfestv 114 N "1st Relmont 7121 MI'LTIORAPHS $900 models for $110 snd $400 multlaraphs for $181- these are trad ed In. but thoroughly rebuilt and sold with guarantee Multicolor Press 81 3. Rroad st SAFF.S. flrenrpof. slightly used ith thinibodyi n jear tn ntv beo Mr (In u Mm WS11K Onu SI' ft FHirv.iiinrm , , 1 niirin STANDS CABINFTS etc hJi.- bargains J'piia rnnirin ei.it. 1 r. jmi si TYPEWRITERS rented, sold anil rehulll QutKcr I Iiy 1 i-'.rurr 10. mis vv linui 2D HAND safes good barg.' fin like new Tork Safo and i-ock (.0,, ijh n ,th et LAUNDRIES FAMILY wash, finished and semifinished. shirt and collar work that pleases rrank- Un Laundry. 8421-23 Hsverford Bar 1MT MACHINERY AND TOOLS SCRAP IRON, machinery and tools, we buy for ctsh for dismantling plants of nny alio or description! if you have , an) thing for nulclc turnovfr iret In touch with us ot once Moore Iron and steel Co . ' nd Washington ave. Dickinson .117(1 OTTO GAS ENOINE. 20 II. P.; flrsl-cisM condition: only been run one year: crsrk corn roller. 0x10; inedlum-slxe safe and bookkeeper's desk to fit on same. Apply tt B Cassel 2111 N American st POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos. Motors, boilers, steam and oil 'r!aV5.CTm00-lgY-.C,Tc.1'.rtl-;7rV 3d... 5rEcrnticroMo..QU1MAcHVE IOOU O'RRIEN MACHINERY CO . Up Nan ST v ANTED A le-ver Orundv copy winder Hehadcwald Mills 3d and Huntingdon sts LCTRIC msrh.bought, sold, en h, and u lr7p I red. Delta Enr. Co . no ?f. 3d PAINTING, PAPEBHANGINa ROOMS I"d "s. tood work: ood paper Splvol'. H"4 1'sssyunk ave. PI ANOB. PLAYERS. TPNINCKETO EDI80N DISC. Vlctrola records, muslo rolls boutht. eichanred! talklne machines re. paired rliht. Muslo Eichangp. 6127 Market, tr STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS. ALBUMS AND. SUP.HE3 foa stamp collectors. rniLA. stamp co.. si a. itth st. OLD GOLD USED AUTOMOBILES MARMON, 81, 1018, Chummy roadster, like new. at a sacrifice. Marmon Sedan, WIT, eletant shape, at a bargain Marmnn 34, 11)17, 7 pass . A 1 shape. Marmon 81 1017 Chummy roadster: equal ..to new: repilnted Marmon 31, ll'lO, 7-pasi thoroughly oer hauled. Marmou 41, 1)IR, 7 pass a barrain Marmon 32, 1914, 5 pass , electric lights and starter , Standard 8 1017 special roadster, (1 wire wheels, A-l shape; at a sacrifice Wlnlon, 191(1, 0-4S, 7 pse at n bar rain Davis 1017 6-cyl. Chummy roadster, at a bargain, fine shapo Oldsmoblle 1U10 8 cyl. tourlnu ear. fine shape at a bargain Saxon Sedin, 1017, 0 cvl , wire wheels Iftilck D 51 10, 7 pass.; tine shape: a snap Haynes, 1917, 12 cvl., 7 pass In lino con dition! wlro wheels, nt a sacrifice Hudson 1911 0-10 tourlni ur at a bar- FVNNINO-MATIIIS 1 0 Marmon Distributors (s e Mr Freeman) i-u .n iiroad st roiuivr ,"1" Nevservlcn station. 012 111 NJlrojidj-t 0VEE BALL GAS TAKES HILLS ON HIGHS aee ,10 of casollne hlil Increas-s mileage Increases power in nit motors as sures efficient Ignition, starts eisy In winter clesn spirit ptus. ellmlnstes carbon pro series mntnrs Box sufflcl.nl to treat 110 tsllons of gisollno mailed on reieipt of 11 ROBERT A. MAYS 2352 North 21st Street AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK DEALERS WE WILT, FINANCE YOUR i)Kn;imi:i) payment sales KEYSTONE AUTOMOBILE FINANCE CO. 801 ABBOTT BLDG. ir.R;' BIG REDUCTION SALE usf:d trucks REBUILT VIMS and l-'OKD Coniinprcial fars VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. RROAD Hl'NTINC.DON 8TREMS At'TOMOlULFS OV'RRT.ND MAVWI.LL MARMOS PI Ii Iv ?,!;'.)A,,!UICK ' OI'PE IILTMOIIII K ''A1.MERS CHANDLini W II LIS TOlVniM. .arhVniBA.uWffiW DODOi: TOt R1NO 1 Oltll TOUUINO l MOH1LE (Ml OTHIRIS, L1E VOHFI AND "IHOROl'IIHLY OVFltHAl I 1 H , PRICES RUUIT TIME rVVMEVf Ul'l ' EVEN1NOM OVERLVM) It WIPER CO. !: ARCH SI' SPRINGS SPRINGS SPRINGS FOR NY AIITOMOI11LE LVRdE IbSOItTMBNT OF HEAVY TRUCK SPRINGS SATTLER'S. INC. 2S2IW DM'PIHN ST 1017 PIC,E .1 PSSrS'OER SEDN WIRE WHEELS EM'ELLENT CONDI! ION M510 HIOEI)W-WI1.LW MOTOR COMPANY 301 N IIROAD ST PAIGE SEDAN, 1918 1 paisencer; like new rebuilt, painted and pmrsnteed BIOELOW WILI.EY MOTOR CO. 804 N. Rrnad St. You Can Find Any Automobile PARTS AT SATTLER'S 224 w nurrmv st. SALE OF USED TIRES Owing to discontinuation of trade In ni 1 tires our entip stock of tnrious sizes and makes to lie sold st half value 414 K G1RARD At E TIRES Sole agent .Marathon atid FHiire turn, Brrviru eiuiii.ii i.ir niniijitiii inuni n of tires, accessories of every Ucstrljitlon on 1 hand . . I.OCFST AFTO M'Pn.Y CO I Sprtlte- tt", 1111 liooiisl. .-ltaoajgll I FOR HALE Whim Hl-VatvrfV'I.Baisenecr I (ourtntf car In first rlasstrhiMlition: unlj run iibuu miles must be nto. .t(seitle an estate no rcnsntnbto offer refusHl.lCnAS M hTIEU' INC 0 JJ Llliirtv st Haiti I more M 1 CENTRALLY LOCATED OARAGE3 American flsrage 1111 fcust J Racquet Club (Urage, 1C02 Chancellor 1 Short storage, noc per dav: eai h garage provided with comfortable chauffeur rooms TWO ri ton Whits trucks stake bodies with closed cab: theso trucks are practically new, have been run four months and not over 2000 miles J O Justis Co Newport Del AUTO REPAIR SHOP ill' Till: BETTER KIND AMERICAN GARAUF. . MVCII1NE hllOr Spruco ." 1411 Locust Race 211 TRUCK REPAIRING OCR SPECULT- Prlces reasonnhle AMERICAN OARAGE MAI RISE SHOP I Spruce (II 1111 Locust Itaco 211 DODGE 1017 tourln: Just hcen thoroughly I ovcrhsuled: winter top See Mr Hunter, I CSS N Rrnad st I ORD rommeielAl cire nil Imvo I eep thor oughly overhauled and reiaintpil goo 1 tires, several bargains See Mr Green lm Jlotortruck Co llroail and Huntingdon FORD radiators, nil models llilO Inclusive, liberal allowance on old ones 112 N l.llh FORD town cir Iiodles for sale Taxi Cab Co. 1411 Locust st HIT MOBILE I.QI list st late model tourlnn iar 1111 LOCOMOBILE SEDAN, onlv run 20 000 miles A 1 shape P R2I ledger office PAIGE 1017 Utile Six C pass touring fine condition Sco Mr. Hunter btuu Agency 000 N Broad st PAIUE. 1BH1 Fairfield touring, excel rnnd Hlgelow-M lllev Motor Co . .104 N llrmil st PAIGE. 1017 nil chassis n. vv $1071 Blcelow Wllley Motor Co 101 N ro id st PAIGE IMS ll,M, Rsaex. like n iheop lllgelow-Mllley Motor Co , 304 N llniail st. rAKIE. heduli IHIK. (1 .10 0 piss xi cund Blgelow-Wllley Motor Co.. an I N llroad st, bll'T NEARLY ALL MODI.I.S ril'llt. OITCHLY OVERHAULED AMI RE I IV ISIHRl MINT BARGAINS SI. I. MR HI'NTI'R, SrtT- AGENCY, tCO N IIROVD STREET n"M dellt very car rebuilt, reptim I nnd eeil open express or Inilos I panel guars nt I .lumiiiu. i .. ........ ,.,.., iiuini.i. ..... umn; litrcivS :: ton cxrrr h '" n- tnn uump oxer, icm runaiiKm rrjiconHnia terms 217 N 22d Wllin: .1" Vrsepiiwer Call 1411 Locllit st Phone Spruco 01 i WILLIb-KMIilir 10IR limousine guaTiill- tecd in A 1 mechanical condition looks llko new Apply Oierland Ageni). Mrtlgbt (larage n anil 1 logit ats A BEFIER insurance iKilloy at lower rales covering nutomoblles and trucks Arthur I Freestnn 111 Walnut st. Tmhar.l e2 1 HH'CIv CO! , Ita -' Ions new, will e-ll in lnvv I 1114 N 13th st Cash or lime I WE BUY all makes of cars Machine yhop 1411 I.ncuat st AUTOS WANTED OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS WILL PAY SPOT CASH K0LBER C1C-22 NORTH HKOAD STItHM' POPf.AR 1.0111 WIS PAY SPOT CASH mit ANT AUTOMOBILES sATTI FR? ,fin "rrln Harden 3t I 1 L.L.l O sn;! west Dauphin Aula Hnpplles -Repairing HUDSON REPAIRS IN ALL RRANC1IE3 Rrandywlne Auln Repair Co. Ray Simpson, formerly with Oomery Srhwarts Co.. iiovt established at 2220 and 10113-31 Brandywlne at. Toplar 20.13 AUTO TOPS. Jllp covers, bodies repaired: lights put In whlls rou wait American Auto Top Co . 1481 ralrmonnt av. l'op.lB2 WANTED Repalrlnai Packard, and Hudaon a speclaltr 174(1 N 12th Diamond 20 llanllns; HAUIJNG Autotrucks to hire. H to 8 ton) hor. day or seeek. Callaahan Rooney, 1J3 Ranslsad at. Hpruoa 1918. Raca 16. ,atjto: 9 OBILBfi TO ; ' ''i STOItAOE AND MOVINO JUL1EN S STOHAC.E Imneet rstes on local and distant tuovlnir and storage, will bring 1 load from N' w Tork, Feb. 24 to 29 IMi will Irlnir 1 load from Allenlown leb 24 to 2H, 810, will tko 1 load to Washington, D l , Ib 21 to '." 0 2102 W. Huntlmlon st Dlsmond 1112 Park 4131 A Tlic John Rlioads Co, Storage, racking, Moving, Carpet Cleaning; 4157-59 Lancaster AvctYV". FIDELITY FlllFl'ROOF WAREHOUSES 1117 1810 MARKET ST LUAUrollI) HKIIlAIll; will bring nn Ins 1 of liousehnll boo Is from ah. to Phlla, resJlel 0IJI night phone Del 8Q'7 W ' SEPARA'li: rootiis stor"," moving, packlns Radford. .1110 N 1nterst Wo 2101 . 1. TYPEWRITETia AND SUPPLIES typewrTtIrsIented "" VO VIStlll E 1 MOVTIIS. t MSIIII.E 1 SIOMIH J7 50 IP l'actorv Tlcbuilt Tvnpwritci- Anicncan Wiitinc JlachuiP CO. "0J rilESTVl'T ST WM.MT .MM) MMN 3J0 WANTED Don't Sell Your Jewelry Oer our estimate We bu from all large jewelers department stores nnl Individuals I eslabllshcil nier 10 rs lllmnondH Jewelri Uric a llrac oil (loll nt' I Mlr uiuthing of nltie liou;ht for cash I'lmne Walnut 2'iJ I I l.i: t. i () 71J Walnut el Eslnh 180 CAST-OFF CLOTHING nn desirlpilon PoslilveU highest prices tall for ladles an I gentlemen s shoes lists et. Wrlto. tall phone Dickinson 01.".' We ' t ill Hi country i!a evening I UIFDMVN DUO 114 1 Soulhst DIAMONDS BOUGHT Tig! 'si prices pill for dk inionds, obi gold t tit Inuni silver falsi 1eth and pawn tick ts bought 1 II li I l'llliert st eeconil lloor WriqtES and mo I fur feather beds, mar ascs btok Jew hlt,ti prices Write '" i" cr IQ-'i'i N flier Ph DUnioml 8.'3 HllTtK- V elr untiriues pistols, coins em imok llh prlio 1 u3 milled lie .1 H Hess (Piiiple s Stor I 2fl) 11th WslllKt. (MMNliH bought sol. I or exchanged sIH i old gold plrtlttuini false teeth nnsnm It tlninc Co "JO --itlisolil et, Ft ItM 1 1 I'.E uanteil -lii" inorVthnn others Kramer injJRnrJ Preston r.7fl I I llvTll'ltF inrncl ti dcl bHdl : highest prl e inl.l 2HIH HI liri- no Poplar 1114 'lliil !l iiii.iih1s tup rs Iron old iloth s , II 1ene Id.M Uinc ne rrestnn .I" Household gonds single or entire, high nr t oil write Ituba.k 1."l V (10th Rel 7sl7 ' '' .i: irinr-..-.n.l davenport ( all R'lsl WAN n Ii - inld lOi I iitli.t beds highest prii es (lirard aie Ph Poplar 3011 ROOMS FOR RENT mtniE furnished apartments, some hktig Mierwoml ft ( o 1721 Wilnut st ROltVILR N 17.'1 Mcelv furnished rooms light h.nisol.c. ping running water RIt(D N .11(7 Third stnrv front room tiici Iv furnlshe I Tioga n7.ll J IHRSTVLT 2001 Rooms and professional 1 offices , (.01,1'Mlil R2-' 2d story front room and large pnrlnr In rent well heated phone ' POlAFIToN AVE. Hill 11-stv room vid) ba'h .verv comfort home of retlmment 1 iiiiVW ftirtinlshe I or unfurnished largo re. iellnn rioin Applv 217 P 1.1th st 1 sl'ltl t'L lot J niolmehurstv Double snl 1 single vac lieiiuttrully furn running w stir private Imtbs .leclrlc lights, phones sl'RFCl, lell l.nri, wcll'heattd rooms hnl water bent all nnvenlcncs IWll UdilMS fimipletf h furnished for house kicplng adjoining bath. Diamond "! Aiplv uroc. iv slcrc Marvine and busque- Innna jvve UdNIH.Itl FI I Y mra 21 flwir suite ( I troiiins ,md living mom communicating) 10 windows unnmtt 1 leiepnono ticuuty 1I1 itilmr 1 lc l'l nno Prestun TICi 1.1TH s lino We" furnished rooms Bill. ale or . n suite rui'lar 7.1H J lit III N HOI 2 rnnms furnished house- keening H up hoi! single 100m 12 10 1 7TI I S 1.12 (.irgeveii furn rooms sin. clenrcn suite gentlemen locust 3SB0 W ill II s UK -lirjiv front room furnished" electric light private house ijlt N 2I1 1 urn rooir s with convs nrlvati fMMillv ne.ir I IMmont 21K W wfst riiujtnririm sritt ci, Nr prlv home 41st Lirge hind furn mod convs T'hone Pres M'KI ('I' si toll- l.'iro 2J slorj front room flttrnrtivcb furn conv to tars ROARPINO AVI. S22 First clsss hoird. IjJ tier vvk nlsn table bd ph COLFIIBlt warm j;ms HUM. V 21 1 su civ furn heil rooms nl HI imntnl JIM V,' SPRI il. It 1 1 Second s or stnglo room. Willi privivte. b-itb nnd board table hoard 1fAI.FI I41H Itooni Tind board gemlA men or man 11 n 1 w Ife Raring 1270 IJI.IOWl ROOM ind Imard for 2 gentle men modern Improvements, steam hest and electric light Phone Diamond (1101 W si iHjyij UESrirMAN up n-cUtlmr the courtesy Tif refined .nvironmiiit con secure warm cheerful il't with well (noked nourishing meals in n real h.ime In select suburb 20 mln from Philn Phone Melrose C28 W or wrlto P 700 ledger Of five SANITARIUMS REM'Tll I L Itrsllon sneclsl se,ntlnn core- nervous 1 Iderlv every comfort, nurse. booklet Or Ran 111 Cltv Line chest Hill APARTMENTS APMirMFVT HEADQUARTERS Central miartltKllls a Apecllltv Sheruoe..! a. Co 1721 Walnut t s0mo terv attractive 1 linn . rnnin nun ni'i. enin" noiiaeitecii g. Ml' VI.ilNOS Mi; bath ki'vh neltc rooms with bath Two rooms ,rlvt also 2 housekeeping FURNISHED APARTMENTS IHE I EON'F 1007 Chestnut Two large un. furnished moms with bath vacsnt Apr. 1. APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMENT itifurnlshe I wanted IS rooms or mere l furo April 15 by family of S ndults. locii il letween SOth an I 4llth Chestnut tin I 1' 'i' rent not to exceed $S0 ! 1-12 Iilser nffi e LLST jour apts vv th us our large list of ap. lillcants nsur imnituiaio results Thn. M Aran r.1.1 1 Ihcrlv Jtldg Walnut 4012 FURNIhlll.D 1 t and bath 01 Ice central loi s bedrooms sitting room wiih restaurant sen ( .'OO 1ertger Oft"lce HSRPll apt M Philn . furn . or unf . -4 or V DI2 Ledger Off .1 rms . nni over iuu HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT8 TI1I5 LEONE H.07 inestnul- Seven-room housekecplnK Hpatiiu nt unfurnished APARTMFNT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS AmerUan plan CHELTEN AVE KSD MOftRIS 8T Amr(.n plan ri2N AVI. SP MORU GERMANT0WN ro minutrs to nnoAn ftr ptvtiom Purnlatfi and unfiirnlntiT'il wultti "THE GLADSTONE 1ITII AND TINE STS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF MVARTIIMOIIU VI'VltrMENlH N E cor 22.1 and Walnut sis riREPitooE iiiRocniioiir I NFURNISIIED APARTMENTS I OK ONE ROOSI Ail) SHOWER SIHTARLE FOR 1IVCIIELORS ' FIRS r Cl-lhS DINING ROOM SERVICE HIE LITTLE HOTDL. 223 S llruart st A rood place to live while In Philadelphia REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITV ,l7liil .'5)11 N. 13T1I h'l Three-slorv 10. room hrowpMonc- trimmed dwelllns. pos session after Merch 1 HAill'LL STERN 1501 Cheslnut st 18.M W TIOOA 8T 12 rooms porch front". cpen nam oains. nioaern piumoina ana heutlna.liouse In elegant order V I CARRE 1720 N 21 Ih st DOVER ST. AIIOVK DIAMOND Two story brick dwelllns. e rooms, balb, ranice heater. ' MTERS HARTir. RIDC.E AVE tltlTK, fRANIvrORD AVE. tz SOMERSET ST. 0 rooms and bathi porch front! deep lot. across from public, school. Parker, 1832 E. Alleaheny sve. SEVEN rooms and bath, porch front." lti Al condition. $4100. ,Ior particulars apply Mill vviniiiy .1, uiinmnn .th ,v. 101n FAIRilOUNT AVE, $3000: assessed $3000: make, offer. JOHN M DREDOER. Jr . 1-secutor. 121H Chestnut st. COLORED HOME8. you ran buy Ilka rent! no deposit rot .-waff-(kmi ai.i tvmnui 82 VINTON. T.-r-Sli HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE IIEnMWTOWV Largest List of Suburban Residences No odier firm has such a vstled selection of choice residence ptopertr In Oermantown. Mount Mry Chestnut Hill and Telham Ton can OWN YOUR HOME Phnn or wrlle us st once Our lore and successful etperlnc In desllnx wiih Suburban Homes will be of treat ssslatsnee to sou In buying a prop ertr Tnu will feel belter satisfied by dealing with a firm whose foundall'n ami prestige aro built on honorable and ethical principles Place jourtelves In our care and he a pleased client Testimonials from hundreds attest Ihelr satisfaction In their relations with us What are jour requirements? WM. H. WILSON & COMPANY 700-01-02 Morris Bldg.. 1421 Chestnut St. Members of National Ilea! Lainte Hoard Philadelphia Real Tsula Board and Phlu Hiamber of ommers irv llnou ihreesiory corner propertj s .0 N I ."lh 111 rooms and .1 baths southern et nosure hot water heal and electric llslus I everv tonvenlence for boarder roomer or 1 psrtintits in good order near ,1 olnnount I Pari, and 3 lines of trollejs might consider farm ur i Ity propertv In trade (all on Ptemlses or OSCR t Jv.MlLEIl .1103 N 11th st 'ClitOREIl lmers desirable homes ; r tint, -ssv lertlis Mitchell 2R0 H Quince I 2008 WALNUT ST. lot 21J0I 2D rooms I balliliioms elecirlc elevstoi steam heating eti C.F.Simon, 112S. 16th St. I "OWN YOUR HOME" vv . Im them from J00 and un Msi witti 'he latest Improvements Small nninunta of cash renulred for m HARI T 1 F SFI'SB JOtti " I Catnhrl t ITOii coi.l'MHI VM: . lorner 13 ooms 1017 N 1Mb st 1J rooms i)l N llitli et 10 rooms .117 Oxford si 10 rooms IMI in is N. 24lli st store.s and dwellings j 11 r-nted In gnn.1 onler. F I. CARRE 1720 N Jllli at UtANKI.LS. N 2.' 12 Six rooms and bath assessed Jisoo now rented at $18. month Iv lease sale price SlOOO cssh required MOO JOHN KRAl'SE. JR 80s. Ul-atnut st Plume Wslnut 1.110 Rnllillnc lots Fntlerv sllea. rtc. l.SDl'STRI VI. sites Willi railroad facilities. within easv driving distance of all Parts of cllv MAl'HVN. DOLMAN I CO N E 'or llrnail nnil Chestnut sts slri.s RAILROAD I'enna and Reading 12M0O per acre and tp sicnrdlnr to loc Inouire fir terms. Dleterlch 717 Walnut I'nc lories. Manufacturing Floors. t l'Al rORIES. FACTORY SITES. GROUND for silo In different sections of c't. with and without trackage PKTTON . lOJlLI.VSOy Lincoln Rldg 927 CHERRY Small f'Clory l.1u Ap W H DMsrth. 711 pg Cnrden P Mkt 397" est rniLAnEi rniA . $2300 Own sour boine'at mud Reedland st roims bath and laundrj. elegant condition, public school 's square. Connell Park tt souiire trolley '4 square a charming home, with modern Dutch bell Take 30 car on vv.imif .1 in Old snl Llmwool ave BONA I 1) V REDDING r.Jil and Chester ave Till: HOME for comfort, convenience ami stvle vv have It has large living room bietkfast room bsrdwod floors hot-water heat, Clec : prlcn inun recenuT uuni. iiiwi-i- tn cars AKTI1U11 J l.l.l-rvil.l' .1" 1- "-' GAR GE blTE Located on Chestnut west 34th 2 tracks In front near elevated station near West Phlla Station Fenny R R convenient 10 .enirr 01 iu. i' i.'v sq ft Pa Hon . Tomllnsun IJncoln llldg $42111 -rUCRIFlcil to lne account three story. Just like new white enamel an 1 IK. hflgaiia. nevr Park '-' 1 st station. 4 tioiley llies Anoinn 11 I ewimr .....ii ....i....... ... $3100 Woven rooms steam heat basement laundry, largo porch 2 squares to I. Ma lion ARTHUR J LEUPOI.D 301 H S.M il SMALL HOUSES ripe fur market In ex .ellent location SONALD V REDD1M B2d and Chester air c.rRM.wroHN Modern Brick Colonial House and Garage Good Apartment House Site Splendid cite for an apartment house In a locality wlure the supply of firs'-class apartments Is totally unequal to the de mand Tbo modern Colonial residence Is much too large for owner's present fam ily and can easily be arranged to use for Apartments now and be. 0 nucleus for new buildings hereafter. The propertv fronts on .1 streets, near trollev and Is euldlstaut from Upsal and Carpenter Htdiluua. Address P .It I. Ledter Offke SALE BY OWNER "Hone porch semidetached house 3 alufv 111 rooms and "J baths hot-water beat hard nood floors. 2 open fireplaces, lot 173 feet deep very desirable location, hlsh around larva lawns on side and rear, unuau.l opportunlt P 809, Ledger Office Owi Your Home, 105 E. Durham Three.story brlclt semldotached residence in rooms and ha(h lot 21x112. elesant nelshborhood rlose to Scdswlck station DONNELLY & SUESS LEHIGH AND tlERMAXTOWN' A ES IJIDd EASY TERMS If desired, I) rooms and bath, hardwood floors, laruo jarls. Jfajland st below IVashlniton lane at Chew st i taKe raro on Oermantown ave to Hash Inston lane and walk east lo Chew st . or car on Chellen ave to Chew st and wall: north sample houae open everj day SAMUEL STI'RV 1201 Chestnut st SEND FOR OUR LIST OK MODERATE PRICED HOMES TOR HALE IV 8EDC- WICK MODERN WITH C.OOD LOTH SPACE tOR OARAGE CONVENIENT TO STORED SCHOOLP ETC H C TOllRIHON 7014 ROTER ST LARCIE LIST OP PROPERTIES ACREAGE AND nUILDINCl SITES KOH SVLE LET I S KNOW TOUR RKQUIREMENTS II R LISTER . bON 1(112 OERMANTOWN AVE PELHAM RD , ntm, tot 70x170, all Improve ments, with old shade convenient to train and trollev and close to Uncnln drive 1110(10 W tl S, Der 131R Land Title Ride Also 1221 Harrison st I'rankford Pa $2400 A RARE CHANCE only $400 caeh entire expenses but $1 monthly located 0233 Clearvlew ave OWN TOUR HOME JE'.SE IV ACHEY Jr , 022 Oermantown ave MUST HE HOLD (1211-11 Oermantown ave 2 ilwta . lame stable in rear, lot 7.'i30O eullablo a-raco or storase will divide KUANK M MII.Ll-.H HI S 12th st MT, A1BV. C.r.Rl VVTOVv V 225 E. Mt. Pleasant Ave. I MOUNT AIRY Three.story twin porch real dence 111 rooms ana rain 101 .,&isi uc lllhtful location, near Sedgwick station DONNELLY & SUESS LEIIIOH AND OERMANTOWN AVKs 14 West Mt. Airy Ave., Mt. Airy Twn-slory brlclt porch residence, 7 rooms and bath, rood condition DONNELLY & SUESS LEHIGH AND OERMANTOWN A I.S rRVNKFOHD ii""illliiliilill a a 1 s ija ajj OWN YOUR HOME Artistic English Homes IlarrUnti street tKtwen Horrock and Lars elreeta. In thn tVatitlful .Norths ooJ aeetlon of KrnnkforJ. near the Northeaat Houlfvard Takn .car a to Harrlann atftt and Frank forJ atnuf, vralW well 3 qua rea Hardwood floor a. hot water (irate romblnatlon flreltia cooker ranse; electric UM. CUras rrJUfii, Lots 21 10U17 to center of 16 foot drirtwa Come and aee aample houae Price $6500 , DREBY & EVANS on TremUes. or 100T IJncoln Rulldlnr iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiium HARRISON, 1226 Residence, complete In every detail, for sales available about May 1 Apply WE 8 Byer. IBIS Ind Tills Rid- 1 also 1228 Harrison St.. VWd, T.NT Olaey IlEAL ESTATE POU SALE IIFRMANTOWN LIBERTY HOMES WITH BUILT IN GVROES Two biois from stores train and trolley FOR s. RIO February Clean-Up Will Sell Durtnr .li- tilanrr of thm month t $4350.00 (Regular nlarket $4600.00) .NOT1CK Thl offr in iibjt tr wllh ilrnwrs Tiitliniit nnlfre After a llmltfd number of tlVue hoinf Imv? hen sold SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN 4936 NORTH SMEDLEY ST. sllllir 1 ! Ill I'M nil or l"F III ,11 to th amntint tit rh .mi rmv T)O.N"T PAS TI1IH UP ITS TOtJH riLANVE TO OWN TCJUIt llUMi; CAM, TODT MAURICE LICHTMAN OFFICE IIROAD AND t-OFDEN STS IVyomlna 1.1SD or 8115 Auto service from office to houses In the 4900 Block of Penn St. 11 hue t of Ih- most beautiful little nouses that are oRerrd in Logan tudnv prices and terms on any of the a can lie nr ranaen moat attractlvelv Inspeitlon b ap r polntment onl I Dallas & Hartley, Inc. 470JJV' RROM) IViomlnir till SI.' iil,;1!' iro c..iislderln Loaan as a IMsslbla future residence. It mleht b ad 1 sable for jou tu avail joursclf of one of rifisr"r" itani ti'i11" ":".")' ot uur unlimited llstliiss It will lertslnly save jou much lime and discomfort HAI.W1 A HAIirLI 1 estate Y -oan rea, Cor. Marvine & Wyoming Ave. l!fr ""V.",. r" - squares from Irol ive todaj " lons wu"''nB Dallas & Hartley, Inc. 4T(M1 N lino VI) womlnr S7I-M.' LOGAN 4638 North 12th ;" ' 00"1H "-"; bUli prettiest block in . B... tn,-i.rr,mji juiie 1 George M. Randle. 21 S. 12th St. ? 11150 VII Uvomlllir sTl ;. ,"sTVeJrT'lf HIV"'' ,' c"-ner propertj store and dwellliia rooms and hath all mod tonv sultsble for confei tinner nr .2L 'ILVaillLRS 41)1 N iirn.,l st i BROAD sr S200 block Ihree-story house nil modern conr 10 rooms 2 baths ita- rae CHV.MIIERS 4011 N Hroid st V VV.NEJI SCIKIN $2J10 Only lino rush like lmme 2 storv (room norch dwelling tine order K M MII.I.I.R lit s 12i II K I VN'E OAK IVNE Ileineen $11ini and SKiOOti me newer section of Oik I.ane wn offer ' ii umn eein i nsi or ana ."7 stor up! fasnrhlv I nV.' .. ,i'i "".. ."? '"""' favorably with anvthlne tliat la offer.-. n the city todaj DALLAS & II.VItrLET IM 47(19 N llroad st. Vvioinlmr N71 S72 ri vNiu,vn-si in iui vv SOUTH ARDMORE 3 s'ors twin detachel brlcU snd frame modern conveniences n rooms and bath, southern exposure near hurrhes hlsh school trollev and stores lot ln2.'3 price $100 To Inspect see Win " Davis office at station Vit nromptlv SDUURMAN homes lonvenienlto flltli St Terminal $12(hi and UDwaril all (onvenl I ences Of O L RARNCS 12lll Cheslnut jit ' ''111 Til VUDRIIKI. 1 MOST D-SIRAIII.C bulldlnii sites alone rd. more trollev alt prices and eUes ' 11M DAVIS OITIce at station slop 1n 11 VTI IJ I I) IIA'IKIELD Cnuntr home larai lawn old shade. S bedooms all convs hot-water heat, over ncre of land with 2h fruit trees shop tiarace and barn artesian well near train und trollev i; H lll.UHY Hatfield, Pa . or (IIS Jefferson ! Philadelphia 1IFKIOV ANEWMERI0NH0ME $17 600 NORTH SIDE.NEARSTV $20 0110 We build a traraRe tn suit you at cost, balatce monthly payment open every da tantnTM n wott rhni t..i son IAMBS R SCOTT Phone Merlon IWI M'KiNnnri u BUY AN ACRE- OP GHOITN'D t th rtrirm nt a luill'tlr r ln IN BEAUTIFUL SPRINGFIELD 12 minutes from omh si station. .'OH.V J DOUGHERTt !)th Street Terminal WVNCIITE COR t-ALE Wjncote Two semldetsched stone and frame 3 stor dnelllnirs, with . porch, lot SHxloo ft 8 rooms and bath tood I cellars stationary tubs hot air furnaces Kas water modern plumbing, shade, cood lavvrs hlsh elevallon, tlrst-clsas nelitbbor I liood 2 squares Jenkintown Station conve nlent to churches, schools and s'ores will sell together or separatelv price satisfac turs JOHN II STEVENSON Id Commercial Trust Ride or 100 Woodlsnd ave . Wyncote Pa MVIV 11NH WAYNE and ST. DAVIDS t no pUrr on thr talii 1 fno ar tne homs innrt roni fort ablo nnd runmunil spirit morn marki, Som of th attrrtle nolnts are. renlral Hteam lie.! St Ivlcls Coif ctub at tJge of town f-xrellent Publir and Private hchoolsj WelMlff.iietl atreft. Klne train aervfr. W ha a number of fine proper ty for aal or rent and feel euro you nlU be wtU repaid for a trip out to look thpm over. 1. ou am Interested In obtaining- a home thin aprfnr. HERMAN WENDELL 10,1 WAYNE AVE, WAYNE PA THOSE WAlNE 4M 1IRYN MAWR Two fine corner properties with saracea; complete In every respect snd resdv for immediate possession; worthy Inspection It ou want the Seat at n reason. shle price 1-11 particulars by mall MAURAN DOIJlfAN . CO.. X. E cor Rroad a-d Chestnut NT.1V Jr-RHEV BI1HII1IIIVN LirriNCOTT IJTS.AND HOMES HADDOV HEIOllTW N J HAMMON'TOV 6 TO 10 acres woodland near Hammonton. N J I IS rash and 2"i weekly per acne. Rhlls ad.hand Pine Supply 1001 N 7th tt. KVV JFItSKV SKASIIOKK OCKAV CITY BUNGALOW, lath st nearlha beach. Apply . vi.iimiu i a, 713 Spring Rhone Market S.0TB TWO HOUSES. rooms sacb. central Iocs, tlon near ths beach rhone Market Isllt PENNHYT.TAMA FARMS rOR HAL- Fouf-aw farm! tools, furniture In the houses 7-roomea dwelllnsr: considers able frultt Uatlnj water) (004 locatleji: price complet. 180 t. .1 FOR BALB-rlT-acre farml B.rooiv,io, Tou may fit TOt!. OWN TEIIM for raiment aha.n mrrylnr rharcn which mountlo onl JtSO mmlhlv tf o vny uyuuion -1 KCAL ESTATE TOIl SALE . Pr.NVMLVtMs, l'nm " FARMS Willi good buildings and bjildlng slles st nltrsethe prices E Ii TROUT, Wsnc Ts - n- A MAIN LINE FARM Jf fi i seres for sale nt a bargsln sullshTe ror dairy or country nlsce good building site E E TR(I)T. Wayne l'a 111 ACRES Tlnlcum af and Bow Crs.l. mske offer Mowl.ray 501 Main st Dsrm, . .x Jmi;y FARMt .NEAR station it miles nut 8V seres, o-rivun modern bungslow stable, fruit, stream t2Km s-.no ,ash oeitv. r.n n mh at MlnlMMl FARM WATERPROVT and Inland farms, esstern shore of Maryland, mild cllmsie, catalogue 1 WATERS RUSSELL Chestertown Md. REAL rsTATE SALE OBJRENT ciii.stnct iiir.r. Very Desirable Residences for Sale and for Rent FURNISHED AND UNPURNIRtnjD ALSO A FEW CHOICE LOTS. Irautltully altuated Ripe for Improy ""JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL. FIIILA Pell telephone. Cheslnut Hm 1887 REAL ESTATE WANTED "Vl-.'": mauled to rent in ood eoidlllta before April 11 by fsmliv of .1 adults mrnmi between jflth and Jilth Chestnut and I'ino ret,' not to evcecd tw 1 S33. Iedzer OtTI e I .l a member of OwnTourHome Iov. tnent and have purchasers for homes, sens' tne particulars of jour houses for sale MVIOV m.ISS 1(1211 1'oint llreeie sve iv E II WE a far number of inquiries for farturiea factory altes. around: It win pa vou tn send us Inform, concern yours, rent or ssle I'attnu Tomllnson. Lincoln Bids FPU ATE FARIV silshes to purchsse mod- ern aarsije " ,,t l'hlla. section FRATK: TFA1IKRJ I2il Chestnut st. Spruce Btr? WE Pv CASH for any real esute and ineke tiulck settlements, aaents protected. U lltllEVITZ. r.31 N 1th ,t. U.1.NT PROI'FIITIFS east of 4th Wharton to SnjOer MIKI.ES. 1200 S 4th SMALL houses wanted In Kenslnrton; Stat Parlies Ins F Smyth 2411 Kensington WANT IIOF.i:s for sale any section of clt sCHAi:rER, 1104 Spring Garden rt COUmi.ll PROPERTT Sn-clslty. rents col. I lecled low rate Mitchell HI) B Oulncs. Factories. Manufacturing Floer FACTORY HUILD1NG wanted: TS 000 squara '."S1. r over railroad sldlnir. Phlladelphi, i i nfl Camden ! 730. lda-er Office. HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Factories. Isnnfaetnrtnr Floars "for'rent 81,000 Miuaie feet of manufacturing space in the new building', Nos. 42-58 Noith 6th street. 3 floors, each containing 27,000 squat e feet. Will divide to suit good tenants. Low insurance; excellent elevator service. Kveiy modern convenience. JOHN H. SINBERG 1218 Chestnut Street FLOORS Urge Small IV HRUCE RARROW, 110 N 12TH ST Established lssa 1-itorles a Specialty C0H0CKS1NK MILLS RTKA1I AND D C. l?LECTniC TOWER. lMTtr wnd unoll flftorw 17H3 Tlandollij QKrirr.s. m;mr,qH tioomh. ktc. I 15ft( flQUAUE KHT of oe room. Ttrmf i.ai .Annex ilulldliiBr nevrtat rna fctillda Inc. modrn In fvrv particular: Inw rental . KAH.V - ORKEVRERO. gOtt Morris Bldr. . J '. . . . i : n ,. ,, . . . rz 5-- I i'lm LRAI. desirable well-liahted offices ts as sis iij i;sfi uue fU414llsjf C4V1ll'i mr i a i' i centrsl location Apply E. J. ELLIOTT, 1112 Chestnut st WAI.MIT si no rour rooms on first flee suitable for physician electrio Debt. hr- woml noors erv nttractive . ! Professlenal Olflies 1337 sntlCE T Offices for physicians: slnrle or en suite, "rood service, steam beat electricity also offices for nsrt time WEST 1'lllf.VDEI.rHIA 1002 H 41TII Three-story porch froMt electric llaiit .' baths. Immediate posses sion "HlillWOOn 1721 Walnut nritiivvTovor I OR RENT 7217 Creshelm road, thorouxh 1 inoilern 12-room dwelllnx- porch front; electrb llahts steam heat, upto-date Im provements. I minute from Allen Lane ta. tlnn 1' R R ri'.NNSM.TAMA srnrnBAN THREE story 12 ruims. electric ltaht: lsrsa lot 140 month Aient 083 llrlnton st , Oermantown , 1I1.R1QV ii nini. . Mndem hrnwnstone Pn11. J1 hu,, ,.aT " Jl .4 h.ihs 5i.h. ' house . stories i.-v rooms. 4 pains. 1 lan oratonea. creat nan carajre. a acres oc . around rlose to station Phone Merlon (Hi. FOR RENTFUltNISHED (II RMAvrowrrT 11.1.LT furnished bouse In Oermsntown, rooms aarace bio, k to trolley. 1 blocks to Tulpchocken Station, possession March 1 Call Oermantown 4RS1 MORTGAGES $100 TO $5000 TO LOAN riMl r-tat onrrii not" or rnt Iinr r nhon term or tnatatlmentf Sttlemnt t da Kftate loan OblUatlonn takan up. ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD nor, Raitey llldi; IK Chestnut St. roi s st SS0 TO 1100(1 $5(T VOTK Oil MOnTGAQK lmmrdUto arttlementa rnaettle.l estate lon" It ul Id I nnr aapooiatlon funds DKMrsnr t ro. 21 P 1th at Ural atate f-rurltv Imma illato Hfttlenisnt lntraat fa 'Matm boufht Cash at one $2000 EDW. M. MOLL ,,a?ty VUTolTBR SEVER VI, DL8IRAULE 1R'8T niorlksiire Investments of t.1500 at oVs per cent paints and service gratis OEIIl.HAl'h DALIlS . HARTLEY, INC. 17IIB N IIROVD BT VVTOMINO I1-H MONEY FOR MORTGAGES F 1 DAVID r10 ,,AND J L.. UtWIU T1T1 B RUILDINC1 REAL ESTATE 11ROKER In rortlieast would like to dear from Individuals whs rave money tn invest In first mortgages. F I 11" ' eilger OITice Mortgage Funds y,!rTm;:T H lnls r.p.T fommerclal True Rldg, II AND L. 1TJNDS No premium, no commission C HARRY JOHNKON. 1421) Cheslnut si LOANS. REAL KSTATR AbU LSTATB- DELANT. 4 B. Rrnad (West End Bids I KIRT snd second mortasses placed quiclilx I J i i,i.,ir.f- i..i, . ii.,iiiiii si IfOSEV l-Oll IHT OR 2D HTOsI . m T Oft country R fajlor Mlddleion. T03 Walnut st. MONEY TO LOAN tou can nonnow slONKT ON DIAMllVDS AND JEWELRY 121 AND I'D. ,. S TKR CENT I1 AND 1'R . - 1 RKU t'KMT ,200 AND UR I I'ER CENT 128 MARKET "ST llllVJI. v . n,, ..r.iiui eii 22D AND SOUTH STX NEED M0NEV W will lean money n salarr sr tnrnttsr" to reliable people. Nn honest employ tae rased Courteous treatment to alL 1 - D. D. DRAKE JJU . READY Wmi: i & till vA t M 'A M r ' V'l QAVMsTt r vaw. HTJ . t-rewipi s SWIIIIW isgsjrrejeirscai n sri on as m mmungw .. 9 Irs t wpi lpwM9mB9 VtHP mm -- MX) ii, hi hi i.aiiM liiir