Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 22, 1919, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    "rifirs "y " ,yww v T-n
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Monday Begins a Half-Price Clearaway of All Odd Pieces and
SimYs in the Furniture Sale
, Honor Brings Responsibility
To be born in Philadelphia, where the nation was born, is an honor
with distinctive individual responsibilities,
To live near to the historic battle grounds, of which Independence
Hall and the Liberty Bell are the center, imposes upon us patriotic leader
ship. It is impossible to forget Valley Forge.
To live in the city which was the home of the first President of the
.united states superimposes upon city and city otticiais and the public
, generally the duty of setting the example to the entire United States of
observing the birthday of the Father of his Country by patriotic ceremonies
of a reverential and impressive character.
An education at the city's expense in the public schools of 6245
teachers and officials and its future citizens of 209,888 scholars creates
an obligation on the part of those, receiving it to become thoroughly
acquainted with the part Philadelphia had in the Bevolutionary War and
the lives of the heroic men and women of that period; and by annual public
exercises of a public nature to quicken their patriotism and pride in their
Every citizen and corporation should endeavor to promote the honor
of this' first American city by being and doing such things as will add to the
city's influence in' the United States and its fame across the seas.
Feb. it, 1B19.
MORE Women's
Fur - Trimmed
Coats Are Much Re
duced A group at $37.50, made up of
'coats of soft wool velours in
leasing colors, made in a piain
elted style and finished with
iHudson seal (sheared muskrat)
or' nutria collars. They arc silk
lined throughout
a i.rim nt 57. E0 (and these
were almost as much again) are
C0ts of silvertone velours in a
ale wttn pieaiea ducks una
jkttons on the belt, pocket and
Ides. They have largo collars
t natural racoon.
' k crmun nt SI 00 these beimr
I fine coats and wraps of Bolivias
land velours in 'lasmonaoie coiura
F mrtA nmmllv fnshtonable styles".
ivTTiey are all fur trimmed with
huge collars and ouen pocei
and other trimmings.
(Flrit Floor, Central)
INE Beautiful
New Styles in
kSjfomen's Spring
14 All high lace shoes, finely made
Black or dark mahogany Hus
' aia calfskin with indicated wing
tip and military heel.
c Black calfskin or glazed kidskin
fcljith straight tip and Cuban heel.
f Black or mahogany calfskin
with gray or fawn cloth top,
tJ.tMI.J wlnw tin nnrl mtlttArV
1 mT 1
And three smart plain-toe
T ,,( VisbI nfvlo in mahocranv
', Russia calfskin, patent leather
With dull KldSKin top ana gray
,v MlQSKin wiwi K"y ciuwi wv
. Price $12 a pair.
A (Flrt Floor. Mnrket)
EW Waists Spe
' daily Priced at
nontree. strined wash
.nlon fnllnrprl nnA Henr-
waists of a. more or less
of these styles are dupll-
our stocKS, so mat we
to reduce tne latter to
(Tf AliW)
rT 3rB
5 flw M
v In,
Ml MPa
' 1 w
TH Skirts
pecial at
Wool nlaids in (rood colors and
. Wr Tilpntpd stales: with deen
f girdles and pockets.
,' -A lew noveny biik bkiiwj.
. 4-vt-l41 .. I.u.J1aI1i al?(t In
-if' jOmOll niUUHl on..i.o ...
attractive coiois. ...
f Home fine sertre skirts in black
id blue.
A few silk poplins.
1 1 Ordinarily vou'd nay several
' iellars more for any one of them!
V-. firlr.t ntnf. rantre.1l
1 ,-.. -. . - --.
A-' Sheer and
:Ixvely Frocks
tiFine plain organdies, in colors
Which you may see duplicated in
weet-pea gardens or clouds, but
tea reel y anywhere else so ex
Mdlngly soft and lovely they
, xnere are otues, rose ana pinn
s. layenders, greens, tans
white, and prices run from
A Few of the New Fine
Gowns for Women
One gown of a soft pale brown has its upper part of Geor
gette richly bended with crystal and its lower part of charmcuse.
A white tricolette of the novel block sort has a slip-on long
blouse opened like a coat over a vest of white chiffon. White
crocheted lace forms the lower half of sleeves and a deep
border on the blouse.
An enchanting dark blue grenadine tunic is very closely
beaded. It even has a bead fringe to contrast with the dark
blue satin skirt below it.
A pale blue Georgette has vertical lines of beading and
very long pointed sleeves.
A delicate blue net over a radium taffeta has self-ruffle
scalloped and prettily outlined with beads. The wide girdle
has a twist of pink and blue ribbon.
A sleeveless evening gown of blue .radium has bunches of
grapes in rose color sprinkled over its skirt and the latter is
closely shirred round the foot.
A heavy white tricolette has tasscled rope girdle and green
beading at the waist line and on the pockets.
Another blue net has a skirt covered with tiny satin ruffles
and French ribbon flowers on its bodice.
There are ever so many such charming things in the Little
Gray Salons.
Prices are $90 to $275.
(Flrnt Floor, Centrl)
With Feathers and Flowers and
Ribbons Dame Fashion Spells
the New Millinery
The Gray Salons have some delightful new fashions to show
you among them
The new high-crown hat like the one of smooth henna
straw with narrow mushroom brim and wide blue ribbon band.
The new Watteau hat flat "and picturesque and finished
with a great bow of dull silk ribbon.
The new small hat, turned up in the back with a row of
tiny posies peeping from under and turned down in the front.
The new large hats, trimmed with feathers and feelers
these often silk faced, 'unusual in shape and very new. '
And there are other new models with curled ostrich feathers,
with long, flyaway wings, with flat ribbon bows.
$12 to $30.
(Second Floor, Chetnut)
Now Come the Fetching New
Spring Coats for Young Women
Many pleats, large collars, yokes and ever so many buttons
are some of the things you will notice at once on these new Spring
coats, which are all in the new fashions.
Usually they are of soft velours, but a number are of wool
poplin, which makes excellent coats for this time of year.
There is Pekin blue, some Springlike tan snades, soft grays
and, of coursc,.navy blue. They are all well tailored and come in
14 to- 20 year sizes.
$25) to $32.60. ,
(Second Floor, Chutnat)
Buy Back Some of the Silks inthe Feb
ruary Sale for More Than We Are Selling
Them For!
There's a certain good Shantung pongee in attractive checked
gingham patterns that we are selling for $2 a yard. The very maker
from whom we bought it cam in on Thursday and offered to buy it
back he wanted to sell It again for a higher price. That's' Just one
Instance of the remarkable values In this good sale.
There are fine black satins at $2.25 a yard. .
There are splendid satins in street colors at $2 a yard.
There are white sports satins, 3G inches wide, at $3 a yard.
There are some Jacquard Baronet satins in plain colors at $3
a yard.
And a fine assortment of new Spring foulards in the wanted
And a fine assortment of new spring foulards in the wanted
blues, navy and the fashionable Gobelin, and dotted and ,figured effects
at $1.85 a yard. .
Hl "WV " , wi)SMI V "IW
One inevitable result Of selling so much furniture as we have sold during the past three weeks-;
or more, is that we now have a large accumulation of odd or single pieces and suits.
During the last five days of the sale, commencing Monday, we are going to make a general clear
away of all these at half the regular prices.
Whether one should buy furniture at half price or not depends upon the furniture. So far as
quality and desirableness are concerned, this is not half-price furniture; it is Wanamaker furniture, the
kind on which the Wanamaker furniture business has been built up.
During the remaining days of February there will be as much of this standard quality furniture
offered at half price as would stock a fair-sized furniture store with single suits and pieces.
(Fifth, Sixth and Srxrnth Floom)
French Beaded
Handbag 8
Truly Exquisite
These new batrs show some
of the most charming color
combinations of any beaded
bags we have ever seen.
Only a limited lot and only
one of each kind, but any
woman who gets one will get
a work of art.
Novel and distinctive shapes
nmong them, mostly with
frames, but some draw-string
styles known ns antiques that
are wonderfully beautiful.
Prices $20 to $100.
(Main Floor. Chrttnnt)
The season for roller skating
is at hand, and it might pay to
remember that Winslow roller
skates are the most substantial
skates made. Plain-bearing,
$1.75; ball-bcarinc. S2.76. -
A strong chainbolt of cast
bronze if attached to the houc
door will effectually prevent the
entry of any undeslrnble visitors.
Price $1.
Get an early start on the saw
ing of the fall wood here are
the saw-buck and buck saws.
Outfit complete, $3.
One nmong many good specials
in the Spring Sale is n steak
knife and fork of extra-good
steel. Price $1.75.
Beef tea prrssers nt special
prices are S1.25 and $2.25. They
soon snve their cost in the sav
iner of "juices extracted.
The onen weathrr Is prompt
ing people to'dn n little 'touchlncr
un around te house. Here are
paints, vnrnishf". rnnniels. brURh
cn nnd oher such thinirs in grcnt
vnriet". not to mention expert -wVn
i-nn tell you how to usp thorn.
MHV-bnnr- doc and Ttnnmr Ws
c"'t" have been proved tn he one
of th Vt posible fods for
four-footed friends. Also' they
pro rVnper than meat. 35c a
Burgnr-pTof night latency will
iWv the jimmy expert Price
A solid bronw doo bolt in its
rtroner place MH make vour on
rnnce o'nor doub'v pocurp, O'V.
Foot holt of solid bronze for
sinele or double door. $1.35.
(Fonrth Floor, Ontrol)
Count on Du
plex Gloves for Serv
ice $1.35 a pair .for white, irray.
mastic or buck gloves, with 2
S1.50 a pair for strap wrist
dun'ex in white, gray, mastic or
J1.75 n pair for white duplex,
silk lined.
2 a pair for buck or crrav
dunlex, outseam or nioue yewn. 1
elasn, or yfrnn wrist style in
ct" or cordovan.
$?.50 a pair for strap wrist
dtmlcx 'n white, gray, pongee
pnd cordovan.
(Main Floor, Central)
Fresh and as well-cut garments
as we can 'secure. The regular
sIzpa of striped flannellet are
$1.85 to $2.65.
Extra sizes of the striped sort,
S2.75 and $3.50. Of plain white,
(Third Floor, Contra!)
v bon borders at $2.85; some of sjlk
muslin at $3.85. All come, in
llgnt, aainiy coioro.
(Kait Altlt)
White Voiles
35c a Yard
They are quite good for this
price, and are of a grade that will
be useful for children's dresses,
for women's blouses and frocks.
They are 38 inches wide.
Other new white voiles are In
different qualities anil widths,
starting at Me and w tjjt $1.3
The Lamp Sale Opens Monday
Hundreds of Lamps
and Shades
Most of these lamps and shades are our regular stocks re
duced, the exceptions being certain sample lines direct from the
Here are details:
100 two-light wooden floor lamps; in various finishes, such as
gold, antique, polychrome and mahogany. These arc half price, or
$6.75 to $47.50.
300 solid mahogany candlesticks, 12 inches high. These are
half price 50c.
100 solid mahogany boudoir lamps at a third less $2.60.
50 two-light table lamps in gold, polychrome, decorated and
mahogany finishes. Prices average half $5 to $10.
150 samples, including floor lamps, table lamps and boudoir
lamps, and the silk and parchment shades to go with them; also
some candle shades. Prices for these run from $1.25 to $23.50.
A large group of one-light lamps are pr i from $1.50 to
$23.50, with a score or more of prices in between.''
Also 24 fine silk shades for floor lamps for a third less $22.50
144 8-inch silk shades for floor lamps and boudoir lamps. These
are of rose, blue or gold silk. Price $2.
(Fourth Floor, Central)
New American Dinner Sets
Re-enforce the China Sale
These latest arrivals arc sets of 10G pieces with wide coin
gold bands and coin gold handles, all first quality sets at remark
ably low price $27.50.
Other American sets in the Sale in large assortment and at
savings of 20 to 50 per cent. Prices range from $17.50 to $40
a set.
Indeed, the contribution of the American potteries to the
Sale is distinctly notable and invites special attention from all
(Fonrth Floor, Climtnat)
If You Delight
in Eastern
then this advertisement
especially for you.
Some of the priests' robes
and other robes which have
been laid away in chests in
the Oriental Store are show
ing the effects of time
their seams arc breaking
apart, and in some instances
the fabrics themselves are
giving way. Such an inevit
able condition does not alter
their value to artists or to peo
ple who love color for its own
sake and. who could mend and
use these robes for hangings
or table-covers or other deco
rative purposes, but it docs
weaken our desire to keep
them. So we have reduced
them all and they may
be had for a third less in
some instances even a half
less than their original prices.
You will find them in the
newly arranged "Embroidery
Room" of the Oriental. Store.
(Fonrth Floor, Chntnot)
and Capes for
the Babies, Too
New capes are of cordurov and
of cashmere, these last lined with
soft silk and embroidered, $7.50
to $16.75 -each. .
If the baby's mother prefers a
coat, we have plenty of new coats,
too of soft cashmeres and fine
crepella cloths. These are dain
tily made and quite a few are
embroidered. $8 to $16.75 each.
(Third Floor, Chrotnut)
SPRING Patterns
in 'Rag Rugs at
Inexpensive Prices
Colonial rag rugs, plain and
hit-or-miss effects.
9x12 ft, $13.50, $15.50 and
7.6x10.6 ft., $11.50 and $13.50.
6x9 ft., $8.25 and $9.
4x7 ft., $5.75.
3x6 ft., $2.25 and $3.75.
30x60 in., $2 and $2.65.
27x54 in., $1.75 and $1.85.
24x36 in., $1.30.
One-piece Velvet Rugs
9x12 ft., $72.50.
Wilton Rugs Special
9x12 ft, $57.50 and $69.50.
(Seventh Floor, Cheitnnt)
Men's Fine Suits in
a Special .Sale
at $32
This is a reduced price on a few
hundred remaining fine Winter suits of
cheviots and worsteds.
A man who buys one of these suits
now will save all the way from $10 to
$25 against next season's opening price:
(Third Floor. Market)
Choose Mattresses and Bedding
at Reduced Prices While
You May
There will be full assortments of hair mattresses, cotton mattresses,
feather pillows and bolsters and upholstered box springs at special
February prices up to closing hour next Friday evening.
(Sixth Floor, Cheitnnt)
Curtains at
$1.75 a Pair
They are a special purchase
two hundred and fifty pairs are
air we have, and any woman who
needs such good curtains as these
is advised not to delay her se
lection. They are of good quality mar
miitli tha edcres are hem
stitched, aid the, curtains care-
A Carload of While Mountain
At Special Prices in the Housewares Sale
Including the old favorite Wanamaker Special at $30.
The Wanamaker White Mountain hardwood refrigerator, three doors, enamel
lining, 125 lbs. ice capacity, is probably the most popular refrigerator in the whole
eastern part of the United States. We have sold them for years in great numbers.
.We usually get them in carload lots, but we are never able to keep them very
long in stock. These are the first that have been here in several months. Splendid
refrigerators for families of average size, but selection should be made early.
Other White Mountain Refrigerators at
Reduced Prices in the Housewares Sale
These include refrigerators suitable for all
purposes at price reductions ranging from $5
to $11.
75 lbs. ice capacity, white enamel lined, 3
doors, hardwood, $30.
100 lbs. ice capacity, white enamel lined, 3
doors, hardwood, $35.
165 lbs. ice -capacity, white enamel lined, 3
doors, hardwood,- $50.
95 lbs. Ice capacity, white enamel lined, hard
wood, $32.
80 lbs. ice capacity, stone lined, 2 doors, hard
wood, $38.
110 lbs. ice capacity, stone lined, 2 doors,
hardwood, $50.
i 165 lbs. Ice capacity, enamel lined, 4, doors,
softwood, grained, $44.
220 lbs. Ice capacity, enamel lined, 4 doors,
softwood, grained, $54.
60 lbs. ice capacity, enamel lined, top door,
110 lbs. Ice capacity, enamel lined, top dobr,
125 lbs. ice capacity, enamel lined, top door,
$36. , ,
(Fonrth ( Centra!)
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