m ' Y ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PIIIEADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1010 THE GUMPS A Temperature of 104 Copjr!lit 1B1P. bx th Tribune Co. Bu SIDNEY SMITH Poor I 'Uncle ' Jsr - - - - ' - . The Young Lady Aprojk the Wiy HEADACHE i0 V 1 THERE f M 'YH&-FLU- li V V M YOU COU&Kp NAVE- A linlX VANTi-UNCrTO L TMtr- i . Q . JTI: j& ok km r - vj NE'S BEEM ALL DAV UCjNGt- SUCH AINS- SUCH A HEADACHE YHNtr FOR. HIA TJYAT AN&V ENT FOR. A DOCTOR POK IE. k 4M Itf c f ir UIYTL.&CHESTE 0R.& YMROaT WHEN HE DID I If fJ 1 i ' I r If - i-i-" lit ii-lmt- in n nm -JJ-i:: im :i LBTJW X Af--OJ j II 11 r r A . I v & nB88iMIt IHieuiiuoDMl WZf-tfSV'l fl'd "i - BBU 50 ; -' i vv jf y-f ffikffimfr Sidney , smith . 4 PETEYHe Hadn't Noticed Much Chmme in the Dresses Bit C. A. VOIGHTl Tho joune lady across tho way , sajs onto In a whllo llio pape makes somo mention of the moron problem but bb a rulo u hear ry little about tho Philippines now. J MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES . TrFt m, ik CRMiL&CPTHE COH0UCT0R TlPEtO VET OUT OF int. nnma ' . ,1 Ft? J . t . r rLL ' M.KA na . !3:' ,jff Cut out the picture -on all foUr eldes. Then, carefully fold dotted lino 1 Its entire length. Then dotted lino 2, and so on. Fold each section underneath, accurately. When completed turn over and jou'll find a surprising result. 'Savi tho pictures. Inevitable Question Customer 1 have tnken 66vcn teen bottles of this 'stuff now, and' I don't feel any better. ' Chemist But how would but feel If you hadn't taken it? An s crs. - - w v VT The Color Bar WILLIE LASSOOED A LADY IN A HOBBLE SKIRT AND SHE NEVER EVEN NOTICED IT SCHOOL DAYS ft u W li J n. kv 'The Sketch. Muslo Hall Artist (to his partner) TV doan seem ter have no luck wld our show deso davs. W i, Tho Partner An' how can you spec luck when youse &o an' chance ?A. vrtllr fnnl w hlnlrprn frrtm hlllA tr preen? . CONCERNING SOVIETS rv a. I x' ?.! mt'in ' " "'" ,?T "CF' STUBBS Maggie's a Tyrant I BE1" I COULD EAT I 5EVEMTEEN CO0WE&) (WHY l COULTJ. I hFftTTWENTy'i Sf i. couj-Ti eAt a HUfVDWE MilBKa: iVWnlffl JTELLVA MAGGIE. LE'5 TH' IOST COOMIE5yX ncn Htc rii-- , WIULTA! mm m JESVONFMACOIE.'k TTC I . J..-.- ,.., - vv -- iiliKl I l fWT A ONE'. CLEAR K i 4a V ri i "w Mfc. i i ylii.:" sBWll iH i"i- J 7ffl auv.of 7bi. r Kyz&Mmb&'MKm r iiHi mtiiMitimrtaiMiii BilDr iiaiiiiiHB Btk i aMilllllHHilllllilillllllllllBBWV n 1 1 Qui ifitiMfBKtBLLLMiLlLMiiiiti . K.t HMidD iHIIIIIIIIIIIIIBilllllllllllllHillK iHiv AW-HAGG-IE MftHE&J mc Tioen' y i it- i intu, 5y EDWINs " s tit (SV - t V ir' r -T J 'Til '1 ' mu:jk 4! tAjj V'1 .. ,..n ,'n', r-l A , . ,tf j t UJ9 'i --W 'J .si i3i i m .ffJj. I