.. V w. W - - T r. - - . " y ' ' . I b THE GIJMPS-Andy WentHhe Limit Cotyrtht. i91B. ti T!i TrIMjn O Bu SIDNEY SMITH The Young Lsdy Acrot the Wtjr MiH- WW- V00 MAJC& UP 7A SOrXftY OfcVJrATI Atb- YOU KtfOW OC0N"T WEAN T I Rs, m AM. you know i uove yoo AAIN "VNE- NOftt,l WOUUNT BEANVTNN vniYwouTOU- NNM.V 15. OU CAN NAME ANV YHfNt Hlfc .F-ANYTTHlNt? HAPPENED to 0O- NON COtAE ON Vv)5 DONT WANT TO NAfPV ANbOOLL FUtAE- THR.CvN'NOU&Afch AfcOUNb ME- ANO AY -Vqu'LV. FCfcGdVE ME AKib vneXl rAr ALL OV&ft r- v . . : : o ot r-KltNDS lMv Afw V V V" YHE WAX You SAtb ir AJA VAJWA.T MADE- ME hAAb Wkirr ;m PRGNT O F EVE(Y &0& ST.l 1 . . r . . .. . - . . N 1 (WW-ALl. KIC7HT THCN- 1 V1F-V0U DON'T WANV tO I tfTSij-, I PETEYAnd He'll Go Wild When He Looks Around m ? C. A. VOIGHT P li I iiM JbsT 1T4IWK. OP Ufiwg 1M SVIIMMIWG IM TH MIDDLE OP FERRUAN- tilm -- -g" sM fe OHT3ovme Buwch "Bac. Home'd go vito I F TMEV CoiJtD SEE ME NOW- rwim rM, fesgfeij c.s, rvJs-V The young lady across the way says nothing Is ever trained by re Bortlntr to lolence and all labor troubles ought to bs referred to a court of Incompetent Jurisdiction. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES tfVlX ,'CUTlfrrW Cut out the picture on all four sides. 'Then carefully fold dotted line 1 Its entire length. Then dotted line 2, and so on. Fold each section underneath, accurately. When completed turn over anA ou'H find a surprising result. Sar the pictures. Explained Cautious -whlpporf during pr Hm Why does that Frosh wet hl pencil so often? Companion whisper Must hav tho answers at the tip of hi tongue. DRAMATIC IMPRESSIONS V. il l'i h Vfa ftt , IT-- , .- SOMff TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE TRAGEDIES WILL BE POSSIBLE ON THE LINKS AFTER JULY FIRST -:- -:- -:- -:- By FONTAINE FOX The raailnr Shaw. "Well, dear, what was the name of the show you saw today? "Oh, I can't remember, but It was a ripping show; the .dresses were by Raquln, the shoes by Payne, the parasols by Bangster, and the hats by the Malson Llsettel" THE GENTLE ART OF GETTING HOME i t i r dk.7 Ye Gods I ' I SCHOOL DAYS Bg DWIG ,7 I ii 1W L hlPi llll' i I'll' il Hi I II I'f I I HJH I ill I I www 111 III 7 I ri i -i Jthem-was the J Vou Very muck I f"K-r- J ??, 'ht So ?ont te the AeaJt - xvrfhccna. w..r. ttihtc . l'tf w -tfM miwwr ftns- TM officii 'tn y3T' C71F' STUBBS That's What He Said. By EDWIN A ?$ WSJAVjyAWjflA 1?3 !a J London Oplnloo. , Hostess (at children's party) Why, Jack, Von do look penslve -- - . I" "' ' JWII'" fJiSyMI . . , .., ..,.ra..,. pne,ucal1l "ifrzai& MAI OH rrV. 1 - uc ec -cumkicos. av.i&uc -inm twtts ' ''Mx i? 4 S if Ml ASr? jag hf 1 . . . .hiBBBV siaa .-- iBi - Sjhssibisjsl miiiBw -irr .nfc isBBBBaai sbbbbbbbms u sbbs ubii . it -ssssh m. ..p-isb iimi- a sbbbi sb' i. . . hh. . tit . snv- .' ---wi ji ih tti r ii rw n l Bii,,.ii sbi s-i i ii in - . , lu j ., . a i si it Kt Jct itL 4- 5S v I W rs n rr'3 1 ft- Ks tar W i - X m -( Vt t . X1 MS' Tv1 " wt are you thinking about? , ,, . -t w, r ,'. .v jtsis 1 : -. -'"- '' . .-.. J .."ms-s-s-s-s-H ft . V . vj i, . ; i ' ' . ;. " t Vii