Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 17, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 8, Image 8

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French Deputy Cautions
Countrymen to Stop 'Bab
ble" Creating Discord
Destroyer and Lcwcr Ship Bring
Losses to" 110,000 Tons
I'arla. Keh. 17 (By A. r.)A full
I fit or KTencn naval losses in tno ir.
which haa been published, Include four
battleship, the Douvet, Suffren, Oaulola
ami Danton; four armed cruisers, the
Leon Qambetta, Amirai unarner, i-ieoer
ntirt tvnetlt Thouars. anil one rait
crulner, the Chatcaurenault. There were,
beilden. fourteen cieatroyerB, eigni tor
pedo beats and fourteen submarines
lost. One of the submarines, the Durle,
una t-ftflnnteri nv tne enemv. DUl OB - .
"" " subseauently recoered. The minor ships
BUbmarlno chasers, one Bioop ana secn
small craft. ......
The loss in tonnage was iiu.uuv.
First French Canadian
Premier Becomes Uncon
scious Following Stroke
Denounces Declarations That i1ao??iSVr,S
A 4 t. oh a r . W mM M m f a4 ' 9 F I
pones Reparation Question
United States,
fly the Associated Prcs
r-arls, Feb. IT, Under the caption,
et us be Just to America," Deputy
Maurice Damour makes In Le Journal
a irtronp protest against "the national
ism, as exasperating as It Is ridiculous,
of certain of my fellow-countrymen.
which. If allowed to bo unchecked. Is
likely to alienate our most demoted and
most trusty friends "
"There are," he continue" "French
people who keep repcatlnc to our
friends that If the armistice Is concluded
en bad terms. If the German troorn re
turn with colors flylns. If their defeat
la not sufficiently brought home to the
Germans, It Is because our practical,
resolute realism clashes with American
Idealism. They declare that this Is the
same Idealism which Is preventing Len
Ine and Trotzky and the I)olshelkl gen
erally from being crushed, which makes
the work of the eminent diplomats as
sembled In the Qual d'Orsay so inco
herent, and which Is keeping In the
background the questions of Indemnities,
reparations and territory
"It Is time " adds M. Damour, "to
put a stop to this babble, which is cre
ating it serious misunderstanding be
tween America and France two coun
tries which hae everything to gain by
a closer and closer union " '
Bolshevik Attacks on
American and Entente
Troops Cease
Terrorists" Acceptance of Con
ference Invitation Not
Cause of Inactivity
Ily the Aisocintcd Presi
Arthnnget, Feb. ID. (Delu.icdi
Since February 11 the Bolshell(l hac
made no attacks against the Allied
forces on any sector of the Archangel
front. Allied airplanes which are con
tinually aloft report that there has been
no new moements of troops behind the
enemy lines since the IlolihclM with
drawal south from Kredniakrenga
While the cessation of attacks Inj
been coincidental with the Bolshevik
offer to attend the Trlnces Islands peace
conference, their offensive was checked
bv the American and Allied troops. The
Allied military leaders do not believe
Wilfrid Stricken While
Dressing for Church
Sinking Slowly
II) the Associated Press
Ottawa,' Ont Feb. 17 Kir Wilfrid
Laurler, former Premier of Canada, who
was stricken with paralysis vosterday,
became unconscious early today. HJs
physicians announced that sir Wilfred
was sinking slowly and that tho case
seemed to be hopeless
Sir Wilfrid was stricken while dress
ins for church When ho was heard
to fall to tho floor, members of the
household ran to his assistance, and
then summoned a phjslclnn It wus two
hours before he recovered consciousness.
Sir Wilfrid attended a luncheon of
the Canadian fjlub Saturday, worked at
his office In, the afternoon and was said
by his friends to have shown no sign
of fatigue In connection Willi his duties
at leader of tho opposition. Ite hat
been extremely busy, however, of lau
preparing for tho seaslon of Parliament
which opens Thursdav He was also
engaged In organizing the Ontario
Liberal conventions
Ills latest appearance as a public
speaker was at the eastern Ontario con
vention hero last month, when ho de
llvered the chief address.
Sir Wilfrid ls'ncArly seventy-eight
years old.
Laurler, the "grand old man" of the
Canadian Liberal party, has been
living In retirement bIiico ho lost tho
fight against conscription two years
ago lie Is tho only French-Canadian
who has held the premiership of the
dominion ; he headed tho cabinet from
1806 to 1911
Re iltorio Emamiclc Loda
l'Opcra Coinpiula in Italia
Durante la Gucrra
combattula Invano as 6a essa puo' sor
gero una socteta' la quale potra' per II
futuro prcvenlre si rlncta un conflltto
cost' tremendo. 11 glornale romano "11
Messaggefo" dlco:
"Not palutlamo con profonda cmorlono
e slnceca fedo la fondaztone della Legs,
dcllo Nazlonl e sperlamo che I rappro
sentantl ilell'Intesa raccoltf Intorno al
Tresldente Wilson npproveranno lm
medlatamcnto II progetto cho c' stato
rarlgl, n febbralo. La Tleglna
tllena d'ltalla, accompagnata dalle due
flglluoln lolanda e Mafatda n dalla
Duohessa d'Aosta, qui glunta per
vlsltare II padre. He Nicola dl Monte
negro La Sovrnna vlaggla In IncOentto.
l'nrlgl, 16 febbralo. Con rlguardo nl
camhlamentl dl un Intesa tra la Orecla
e l'ltallfr, concernentl lo questlonl terri
torial! In dlsputa, e quanto al rlguardo
ha detto I'e-senntore Vivian!, I'Eco dl
Fatift dice quanto appresso:
"Rapport! da Aten e da Roma per
mettono lo. conclusions .che un .nrjeordo
e' stato ragglunto tra I due governl
rlguardo lo esposto nsplrazlonl territo
rial!. "La Orecla hn prometso di Implegare
tutte le sue forze In Asia Mlnore, le
quail sono conslderevoll, per stablllre
uno Stato Armeno che at estenda da
Treblsonda ad Adana, o dal Mar Nero
aS Medlterraneo.
"L'ltalla rlcevera' un mandato Inter
nazlonale per ammlnlstraro questo Stato.
In camblo essa tiara' lmportantl con
cession! per lo nsplrazlonl greche In
Asia Mlnore, nell'1-plro scttcntrlonale e
nelle Isole del Dodecaneso."
Tale proposta o' Interessanto polche'
anche g'.l Stall Unlt( hanno fatto fort!
presslonl per Inearlcarsl dcU'ammlnls
trazlone dell'Armcnla,
Published and Distributed Under
Authorised by the art of October ,
1017. on n: at the PostofTlo of rulla
delphla, Pa.
i,y u,Ji wt n rresldent.
1,'ostrnaster General.
lloma, 17 febbralo. Ro Vlttforlo
Hmanuele ha fntlo la seguente, dlchlara
zlono concernente la Croco llossu Ame
ricana :
"La Crocc P.osta Americana venne
con goneropo Impulso dovunque gll
Itallanl combattevnno e sorfrlvano per I
loro grand! ldeall, mitlgaiulo Innume
revoll can! ill sofferenzo della guerr.v Vol
suo lavoro dl nbnegazlono o con la sua
nmorevole asslsttnza, rlnforzando, cosl',
con affezlono Jiura e rendendo plu' unltl
la fratellanza ed I sentlmentl dl slnoera
anilelzla he etl&tono tra le dun nnzlon "
Tutta l.i stamp.i llallana saluta con
Blola e Hoildlsfnzione l'nnnunlo della
fondazlonc della Lcga dello Nurionl o
loda II Preside ntn Wilson per la saplcnto
opera il.i lill splegala alio pcopo dl
sistemare le b.isl della l.ega prima (II
pal tire per 1'AmerUn.
Tuttl dlcono cho la gueira non o' stata
Sterling Silver Tea Services
We show the leading de
signs of the ablest silver
smiths. AJ1 are heavy in
weight 'and 'substantially
made of sterling silver.
A hammered and hand
chased Complete service, con
sisting of coffee, tea, sugar,
cream, waste, kettle and
waiter $560.
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
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Widener Building
gitablUbed 1808.' Tolechona Walaut aI4.
Ilerlln, lb. 17. (Rv A 1') "The
so-called league of nations," Is the head
line placed by the Zeltung Am Mlttag
over Its reoort from Paris irlilnir !h
outlines of the proposed constitution of that the Bolshevik acceptance of the In
me new norm society. Tho newspaper itatlon to the conference caused the
.imifw5,tnmi,nJ'SfSi'S?Sl'd,SnBU0 '? "oWievIk inactivity of the latt four
almply a compact of alliance of Ave great j,,.
nations, who reserve the right to admit ,V . ,. , .
or exclude other nations Ihe rescrva- ' ommentmff on the Bolshevik m ra
tion In tho disarmament clause that dls- ""Ke of acceptance the Vozroshdenle
armament shall take into consideration Slevcra itlie Resurrection of the North)
me. -reoerapnicai istuation- of a nation savH
From the note of Minister Tchltche-
rln It appears clearly that the Bolshe-
theM'M are ready to sell Russia at auction.
plainly- means, the Zeitune Am Mlttnc t
asserts, that J-Yance shall be exempted '
irom us provisions
une I'aris aispatcnes coverlnc
leamie of nations covenant reached nr
lln too late for comment by tho morning
Delegation From Berne Gives
Resolution to Clcmcnceau
rails. Feb. 17. (By A. P.) A dele
gallon from the Socialist Conference at
Berne called on Premier Clemenceau
and handed to him a resolution adopted
and Intended for the Peace Conference.
The party was composed of II. HJalmar
Brantlner. of Sweden; Arthur Hender
son. Q. II. Stuart Bunnln? and James
Ramsay MacDonald, of England, and
Jean Longuet and Pierre Renaudal, of
Premier Clemenceau received
They intend to arrange this nicely at
the Princes Islands
The Bolshevlid nre increasing- their
effort to destroy the morale of the new
Russian conscript soldiers as well as of
tho American and British troops. Bol
shevik propaganda, well written and
printed In English, has been distributed
mysteriously among the various Allied
leaflets distributed In villages on
the Onetra front, where American forces
are operating, call upon the American
soldiers to orgnnlze soldiers' committees
and demand of the officers that they be
returned home, as the was with Germany
Is over and there Is no reason for re
maining In Russia. While there has
been no appreciable effect because, of the
the Bolshevik propaganda, the Allied sol
document, which, he promised to nre- diers are looklnir forward lo some stale.
Jh-VnH.orJ0.- .J1.6 sald,ment as to what the Allies intend to do
the resolution contained points that were ..,,1, ,,,. fnrr v,.-. '
"in accord with the views of the Peace ,, . ,",' , ., . .
Conference Itself. Reports of Bolshevik misconduct af- ,
Arthur Henderson, the British labor tpr tlln occupation of bhenkursk, which
leader, states that tho success of the aro printed as facts In tho Archangel
Socialists' conference exceeded his hopes newspapers, havo greatly Ktlrred the
.'i8.8.!'8 " vould lJ' bft SNii.ct a population here and Russians friendly
nt thl Mrifl S'!?,rlej 'hhe P0'lc'" , to the Allies are anxiously Inquiring
or uie pacinst elements of the Labor ' ..i,,,,,,. tt,n aiil r,.rm ( in t, uiih
n,tl. e fnnr. nnH iv.i.nj --j j. wnetlicr tno Allies force is to te with-
clares that, in his opinion, the failure rrT n cr rltal2fd I!er''
nt Allied Socialists to participate In the
Stockholm conferenco last ear was a
'political error."
Among the Bhenkursk 'reports printed
Is one that Mother Raphella, Abbess of
the largo convent at Shenkursk, has been
executed by the Bolshevlkl Reports
received by Allied Intelligence ottlcers
Indicate that Mother Raphella has been
arrested, but there Is no news of her
alleged execution
Seeks Settlement of Liihor Die-1
pule Through Conference
London, I'eb. 17 Tho government
has decided to convene probably within
the pretent month a national confer
ence of representatives of capital and
, i labor to seek a settlement of tho present
1 Industrial unrest
It Is llnrierstnnil that rnrKntaHv
The Japanese are said to desire the of the employers and' all the leading'
publicity of the Shantung agreement In ! trades unions will be Invited, and that
the hope that the conference will rcc- t,,ft Premier Is devoting himself actlvelv
ognlze Its validity, while the Chinese to ,the Promotion of this conference,,
hope that; as the agreement has not been whlchvW!.11.b,!Jth? "Y1 .Important ever!
ratified' and as It would give Japan a ?.Bsfmbltcl ,Ad.'l.'witn IaboT. P"blem
Dermanent nosltlnn in qhiBtiim, .k. Il ls exVectti that there will bo a at-
orir ni ,JL.. .? lVnf' ,ne '" bef0" llft threatened miners' strike
conferenco will recognize Its Injustice heglns in the middle of March.
President Orders Pact With Ja
pan Made Known at Versailles
Pekln, Feb. 1! (delaved) (By A. P)
Premier Chin Nun-Hsun, under in
struction from President Hsu Sluh
Chang, yesterday sent a dispatch to tho
'hlnese peacx delegates Instructing
them to disclose to the Teace Conference
the Shantung railway agreement and
other secret agreements with Japan It
Is reported that the President Is en
countering opposition from his pro
Japanese cabinet at every step.
Wish of Sttmako Matsui, Actress, to lie Buried Beside. Patron, Burn
ing Topic of Debate Professor's Widow
Opposes "Moderns"
Toklo, Jan. 2 (By mall). It ls not the t listened to, and through the Ueijltzu-
za tne Dramatic Hoclety of Japan
they threaten the widow If her opposi
tion continues.
Opposition to carrying out the dying
wish of Sumako, headed by the widow of
Professor Shimamura, comes from the
"old-fashioned" ones of the empire, from
inoso wno nave not "aavancea" through
Peace Conference, and Japan's hoDes
thereat, nor the situation In Siberia, nor
even the results of the annual wrestling
matches now on, that ls most discussed
In Japan at this moment. The burning
topic of debate, from government of-
' flcials lo squatting circles of ricksha
men, huddling around their flrepots, !s:
What Is to be done with the ashes of
Sumako Matsui, Japan's most popular
actress, who committed suicide a week
ago, with parting Instructions that she t
ho laid to rest beside her Instructor and
patron, rrofessor Shimamura?
At the- hour when Professor Shima
mura had died exactly two months be
fore, Sumako knotted a crimson scarf
around her nock, and her body was
"r found a few hours afterward. She had
strangled herself.
Her hand held a letter, addressed to
her brother, which said:
"Dear Brother I die. I am going to
the place where Professor Shimamura Is.
.Please bury me where he Is burled."
. And It Is this request which has up
set Japan.
Professor Shimamura was widely
known, ss a literary man and dramatlit.
-.He occupied a chair at tho waseda Unl-
' '.( varsity and his friends predicted a most
Ski? Vaalttf.. a. Tti..n tttn,m tita llaann
fl with the actress, through wWch he
t' abandoned his wife and two smalt
" daughters, estranged his best friends and
wast forced to resign nu professorship.
Two months ago he died, one of the
many victims In Toklo of the Influenza.
' Toung, romantic Japan desires to see
4k ashes of Sumako burled beside
' O prvtTesfor 'Shimamura, with a "hlyoku
aulre," a lovers' mound, marking the
Jatat grave; The grand passion of the
snt aotress, which carried ner across
$ Wer valley to join her soulmate, has
vmm tar her all that she died to acoom-
", bM ''"argue these "moderns," whose
IMafltta temperaments urge the flouting
WW. W ..!..", ,v- .. ..,.. -.r
. toe family ana eapctiiy or the
tMlat tfaat-tti opposition of.
translation of Russian and Scandinavian
treaties and novels dealing with mod- I
ernlty. I
MX. for an Amer
ican Revolution
without Bolshev
ism a definite
constructive pro
gram is outlined '
in this week's issue
The Nation
10c .
The Knack of Getting
Ideas That Go!
DEAS made Edison. And Ford. And the United
States Steel Corporation. Arid the United Cigar
Stores. And Woolworth an Idea hitched to a
nickel and a dime. And so it goes with every notably
successful business. Ideas did it.
The right Idea at the right time may be
worth thousands. Every successful busi-'
ness has been, is, and must be built on
Ideas. There are no two ways about it.
' But how to get Ideas that's the prob
lem. "Perspiration," says Edison. "Inspira
tion," says someone else. And "Hunch,"
says another. All of these ways are
good. But the trouble is they don't al
ways work.
There's a simple way a way that thou
sands of the keenest men in America use.
These men men who so often astound
the world with their impressive results
frankly admit that they get many of their
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ing Ideas bodily from its pages; and some
times by adapting and re -combining -a
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You know SYSTEM, but do you use it?
Use SYSTEM as these men do. Then
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SYSTEM is like a huge international
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From the pages of SYSTEM you can get
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So read SYSTEM from this viewpoint.
Read it. for Ideas as well as for specific
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Do this and you'll be amazed at the end
less chain of sizzling, workable Ideas that
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From Mortgaged Plant to $6,000,000 Business
HOW'D you like to be in a fix like
this ? You've just bought a busi
ness. You thought it was a "going
J concern. When you take possession
you find that all you've cot for
your money is a pile of bricks
and mortar saddled with a heavy
mortgage. And to this an empty
treasury. Then in walks your
bookkeeper and announces that
he needs $5,000 to pay on a con
tract for a new mill which you
knew nothing about. What would 70a 4oF
That's the fix Julian S. Carr found hlmatV
in. Surely business romance tuned up to tho
nth power I Yet ho got out of It, and in low
than ten years built up a $6,000,000 business.
Mr. carr is President ol Tns Durham C
nosiery mills.
Just how Mr. Carr accomplishsd tUfl
enviable record how he ktaps bank
happy his eight specific raits for
financing how he trails 1 100,000a jraat
out of material that formerly want oa
the scrap heap all this and much mora
is told In "What Mads Our Businse
.t -
Mftti U
M -TrtJJ?:?S:
I j tufft. "..an ton";, wotV. 5'rtown.
' "'-uh W !'':..ee "ino w
y. ta"'VAV..ilea."t.,.u.b'a
Mow one "V ro.n-h"""'
nur i nnu - . i ioix
W-ETtne L" r.7 l
Businesses That Grew
Out of Shoestrings
, a FIGURE OF SPEECH? Yes, it's
Xtl. often used that way. But not in
Mr. Snydtr'ac.ie. Ten ytirt zo.hett.rt
ed with five centi, a vaucepan, a wooden
poon.a baker's tin and a hrip of confidence.
From thlt almost lauehable start aha hat In
ten reira built up a thriving candy buainei
and wop national reputation.
William Frtlhefer'a mother had alz cowl.
At that time he wn 13 yein of ace a lucky
number for him. He started out to aell tha
milk from theia cows. Today he has creat
businesses all over tho country, and (n his
odd moments oreanues Danks, irusx com
panies and theatres
Francis J. Plym started out to bscom a
carpenter. Then he got a great Idea. To-
day he s in the Business ot making stores
better looking ana is a big success.
lust how they did it Is told In short art!.
.cits In the February Issue of SYSTEM.
Idea-Flashes from
on all sorts ot BUDjecw. ... .
. lha a linn iuuiiu "" - l
DUrivfnl hours we encreased. produc-
as working hours wo d down
tlon.ln qua'"""'iT"";;nco company cut I
To induce salesmen i to m.Ve mor.
usual comroisaio" "' -
"i'atfffiin. SOr?r president ha. worked
'.".'.. Tmeila form wWe? '"" .-Vr7hlm
EZtf&TXZ of .
business. . et.
ary Issue of BYBJam-
A.,.., zznm
Br-.;". " Dn, iT ferw, r'eoaT.'7Ja
'". vb- ..i"is... wrv. .t - ran
"lore',!?'1 neu.':s- ButV..?u SfmZ"
year .'?" thef " ""an'a ."T'.""ndi.V
J3ee " w h "J "ef "staHT'9? ro ,7S?
inn .
';9Co'a. "iS-V"-
- .
SlMll aP
li J our IZ
r rr i?s
J "nvh.V:' 8houM
0f," ...IT. "V bB. f bOkS H
fh.r. : "". " A. I." ""1 o. "" a
'yrct"'Jct""ine- ""'.. or,' "r on
r, "e tu,;:"0"'"". sad , '""''
.. "norou-i.. 'v'rou mil ..u''"ovif
"iutl -lf "r e,p; "in, v, ,
' 'aua n-aa lii n f
'"fSTBtj. '"
Quick-Paying Investments
HAT goes up must
roNK.Y can toa. vv - -nwn How
Lurf.ll a men. Far too - "'"-..... . ,
many investments "loaf or, the Wg'P d(J com, down?
tob" and don't pay you anything S-J'tWhat many business men
a,re wondering about money
III,. much as thev should. In
"An Idle Dollar ls a Business
Sin," in tho February issue of
money busy tells how to tnako
your capital earn the l8e
possible returns consistent with
safety. The author is Robert
F. Maddox, President pf tho
American Bankets' Association.
conditions created by the war.
One of the soundest economists
in tho country George E.
Roberts-gives his opinions pro
and conintheFebruaryissueof
SYSTEM, and tells what Paul
m Warburr. Frank A.Vander-
Hp and Judge Gary say.
rWlCK ,
ipronVo;tocvfe' -n,
"helves not onl, m,re,n
on other ..iny Pr no r.
To .. -I. . -"nock. -' " nt to make V:r 7"T
n't n.'..""" on th.rao. '"
sy B,.h7- t how, nlr'"'"8. out san th. Z.:?"a n
iii.T ...""J'lnr. tuCl'V. .
n;""nr.iiht.; "'".
Problem oa,il!'"xl
move. But ,h.p'' e ooda on 12!
-a snoll,.. .,.
-- vim
On Sale To-day at all the Principal News-stands
If your dealer has already sold his supply, write direct to the pub
lishers A. W. Shaw Company at either Wabash Avenue and
Madison Street, Chicago, or 299 Madison Avenue, New York, and
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copy or $3.00 for a full year.
tin-. V
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rM to teM'taOesBia (
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K' alKu VJUM