Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 14, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 9, Image 9

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. ,
' Boston Force Taken From
Politics by Method
Grand Organ, 9, 11 and 4:50
Chimes at Stroke of Noon
The Down Stairs Store Welcomes the Coming of Spring With
Sprightly Style Innovations, Combined With Special Prices
' (I
Rotan Urges
"Legislature Aiming at General
Z Purpose Pending at
J -,'
i )
i "
i A Blngle-licadtil tnetropolltan pollco
forco, such as advocated by District At
torney Rotan, lias taken Boston's pollco
out of politics, made tnem Independent
of Jeadcrs, more uttenttvo to their duties
and given them a prldo In service that
has gone far toward making the forco
the best In tho country.
y After many years In cloe touch with
f Philadelphia policemen and tho political
Wy8tm responsible for their nppolnl-
I ment, Mr, Itotan and "others associated
t S with him havo reached tho conclusion
f- A th' n mc'roPolltan force headed by a
commissioner or chief would help Phil-
j adelphla.
Conditions nlmost similar to those
j existing hero forced legislative action
J In Jlassachdsetls back In 1900. At that
J tlmo tho police vvero nctlvo In politico.
I had organizations of their own and owed
I their position! and promotions to poll-
' tlcal leaders
J The appointment of a commissioner I
( with full authority to make all rules, ap
i Point a trial board which he, on occr-
'Ion, could overrule, appoint his own '
superintendent, employ his own olllco ,
I force, etc., caused a change which Ilos-
i tnnlnnq nnlnt. fn Mlth nrtrip. '
Governor Appolnti t'ommNftloners
Tli. Tin, An imvi t l In. in..., rill
I pointed by the Governor and this plan
j Is believed to bo one that could bo put I
I Into effect here bv a legislative enact-
J ment at tho present session. District
j Attorney ltot.in Is not alono In his
i advocacy of a metropolitan force, hide-
I twndent of politics and under a central
1 (power. Several measures, ostensibly to
' tako the police out of politics, havo nl- I
t ready conio to light at Harrisburg.
Thcro Is no division of opinion In
Uoston as to tho practicability of a
iilngle headed polho commission. The
department has been conducted with en- ,
tiro absen'oo of scandal or of public I
criticism. I
Tho system has had remarkable suc
cesses because the man who put it In1
operation, Stephen O'Meara, who died
recently, ruled w ItlfTustlec. He was
appointed commissioner by tho late j
Governor Curtis Guild, and tho police
system was changed from a board of
three commissioners at the Governor's ,
suggestion. 1
, In 1878 an act was pasted establish
ing a board of police commissioners,
three In number, appointed by the Major I
and confirmed by the City Council, in
1906 the number was reduced to one and
tha Governor given appointive power.
At one time Boston wns regarded as tha
most severely political city In the coun-
try, with the possible exception of New
Vork. Politics governed cver thing m
'city affairs. Tho pollco department wns j
dpmlnated by men In political favor, i
men got Into tho police department on '
tha .merest pretext of fitness. Crime
was rampant.
When Commissioner O'Miara took ,
It office he let It be known that every pa- i
troltruwOand superior officer would stand
oh hlsown merits. All promotions
, would be made according to his ow n ,
Judgment, and were not to bo Influenced
by any outside agencies. In the old .
days of the board of three, policemen
often engaged counsel to prosecute their i
claims beforo the board, or to stimulate
a movement through political friends for
promotions. Commissioner O'Meara was
Httlo troubled.
Promotion limed on Personal Pltness
Promotions were based on civil service
examination and by personal assess-.
ment of tho candidate's abilities. The
commissioner would get all available
facts of a candidate, weigh them care-
fully and then see for himself, by con-
.orentlnn hnt .'lllllltV tllC Ilian'
possessed. Few promotions were cvcr
Tho police department rules, as pro
mulgated by Pollco Commissioner
O'Meara and assented to thus far by
Police Commissioner Edwin U. Curtis,
havo worked with general satisfaction.
They hud for their main object, nat
urally, the establishment of discipline,
which had been sadly lacking.
Nobody who has not lived In Boston
under the old and tho new dispensa
tions can appreciate what the rules In
' their strict compliance lias meant to
tho pollco force. There aro compara
tively few complaints against police
men for brusque treatment to the pub
lic, whereas In tho old days complaints
were many. Police captains havo been
apeclally careful In bringing up tho re
cruit to Impress upon him the necessity
of obeying that rule. When there were
violations that reached the commis
sioner's car he would usually read the
violators a lecture, warn them of pos
olblo penalties and advise them to adopt
a different auuuue.
Defective Flue Causes Blaze in
Residence Twice in Month
For the second tlmo within a month,
m fire was discovered In a flue In the II
ST brary of. the homo of John Cadwalader,
1619 Locust street.
is Whllo tho family was at dinner fast
Mile-hf Xfr f7(lfiwfllmipr'H limiff,ilr tii-
t-..a.", - -..-..--. ..-
g ucea smoito uuiinug uum una ui uio win-
(t dows In tho front of the house. He no-
Hilled Jonn cauwaiuuer, Jr., who sum-
'tnonea mo nremen. uno maze was ex
itlnsrutshed with chemicals without Rerl-
S'OUS aamage.
' A defect in tho flue, repaired since the
J flrat fire, caused the blaze.
I . - : . ..
'.Ileal Instate JJeulers ltcvicw liciie-
' fits at Meeting
Benefits which come to tho home
Jowner were reviewed last night at a
'meeting bt real estate dealers at the
f rtriinvu.strairord.
fl plans for an enthusiastic "Own Your-I
('Home'1 campaign were mapped out ana
("Jt was oecwea to nave ospeciai demon-
stnitlon In this connection during tho
ik nf Anrll 21 to 2b.
!V Among tho speakers nt tno meeting
twero Horace Groskln. who declared thnt
230,000 or 390,vuo uweiungu m i-nim-delnhla
were occupied by rent payers.
Addresses Wero also mudo by former
Sludge Dlmner Beeber, Thomas S. Inger.
cross, Jr., who presided.
Colonel Carl Boyd Succumbs to
' PiiAtmtnniil
' Prl, Feb, 14. Colonel Carl Ilojd,
'nrlnclnal aide-de-camp' to General J. J.
Pershing. Is dead, after an ttttuclc of
'pneumonia. . .
;, Ills home was In Adamsville, Ga.. and
'for a number of years he yaa military
altaciiB oi iu American eniuasoy ncre,
' -
4.Mi IPW N r
A Thousand Lovely New Hats-
$3 to $8
Small shapes or large shapes; smart, crisp lines' or soft drooping lines; stiff quills or
c two prices.
ostrich; rough or smooth straws as you choose, for they aro all here, and within.
(As many at ?3 as there are at $8.)
Straws aio black or in light and darker shades of all the fashionable colors, including the new
red. Steel ornaments, flowers, embroidery and bits of ostrich seem to be favorites for trimming;
ribbon, too, is largely used. China blue pipings are very attractive.
These hats are in the very newest shapes for early and late Spring wear and there aie all the
various straws to choose fronit
Many Children's Hats Arrive
for mothers to tec on Saturday. From the little (i-year.-old to Miss 10, haU Hither fuvor the
strictly tailored styles. Straws aie both light and dark, and smooth or rough. Hiims turn up or
down, rather than being straight. Of course, many prettily tiimined hats aie the exception that
proves the rule.
Spring Coats for Junior Girls
of 12 years' to 10 arc made of velour in henna and in light blue. The
collars and belts arc attiactively stitched. $19.75.
Blue serge coMts are lined throughout for girls of 0 ycais to 10.
$8.50. Other new Spting coat, in velour, arc priced up to $15.
Blue Serge Middy Skirts "
for gills of 10 years to 14 arc pleated on to white bodies, which is best
as it takes the weight off the hip bono?. ?5.
Bright, New Frocks
of Uiffeta in blue or in pretty plaids for Miss U or Hi Years am
pleated. The bodices extend into panels over the skirts in front and
in buck. They are embroidered in silk, and are topped with lound
neck frills of Georgette crepe which also finish the cuffs. S19.75.
Other taffeta and Georgette frocks go up to $32.50.
300 Wash Frocks Special at
$1.50, 32 and $2.50
l'rettv' plaids, neat stripes and plain pink or blue
choose from. They, will make good school frock
of 0 years' to 14.
Another Lot of
Linen Doilies Half
Kound and oval doilies of
firmly woven round-thread Irish
linen arc all neatly scalloped and
some have eyelet work.
8 inches at 8c, 15c nnd 18c.
10 inches, 18c.
12 inches, 15c and 25c,
18 inches, 25c and 45c.
0x8 inches, 7c and 10c.
7x10 inches, 1214c.
9x13 inches, 15c and 20c.
19x27 inches, GOc.
(( lientnut)
arc here to
s lor young daughter
A Charming Array of
Spring Wraps
Dolmans, Capes and Coats
You will not see many of a style,
but thcro arc dozens of models to
choose from. The capes are unusual
ly smart; dolmans are lovely in their
soft, graceful materials; and nothing
need be raid for the good-looking
Dolmans and capes aro of serge,
velour, gabardine, silvertonc, silver
tip, Bolivia, duvetyne, duvet do laine,
suede velour, tricotine nnd 1'oiret
twill. Prices start at $15 and go to
,?135, with many in-between pi ices
for fine things. The cape that is
sketched is special at $15.
Coats, too, are of suede velour,
.scige, silvcrtonc and tweed (tweed
promises to bo most popular this sea
son). They aro for young girls or
large women. Prices. $12.75 to
All the Winter Coats Bear Substantial
Every Winter coat in the stock is much reduced. Many
beautiful things will be found among them that women who aro
going to the bhore or traveling will want. Now $10 to $42.50.
A Word of Skirts at
Low Prices
Many good styles will be found
for both women and young
women. They are all made on
sttaighter, narrower lines, of
Plaid Skirts at $5.50
are made of sturdy part-wool
serge. They have pockets and
wide belts. Also a box-pleated
model in plain navy blue part
wool serge for young women.
Poplin Skirts
A navy blue or black skirt for
young women in the new simu
lated open-back style, trimmed
with buttons in back nnd pin
tucks. $7.50.
Another in a more conservative
style for women has unusual
pockets. This also comes in navy
and black at $8.75.
Other fine poplin and serge
skirts in navy and black are
$12.50 to $15. Waistbands run
from 25 to 40 inches.
500 Beautiful Blouses
Samples at $3.90
Vestees Have Never
Been So Smart
as they are this year. The new
styles that have just uriived are
inntir-e'-a'de 'P'"1 n ' '- bite
and the colors tluit will be worn
with new spring suits and frocks.
They are of colored si'.1- gabar
dine, crash, pique and sheer or
gandie. Dozens to choose from,
many of them eollurless and some
embroidered effectively. Prices
go from $1 to $5.
There arc: ,
--Georgette crepes in flesh, white, Gobelin blue, tan, navy, wine, taupe
and brown, in attractive styles; many of them beaded and embrouleicd
and some have the new round necks.
-iCrepe de chine in flesh color and white in many styles.
Wash satin in flesh and white in tailored styles.
Of course, not every size in, every btylo!
How Like Colorful Spring
Herself Are the New Necklaces
Just Mike a bed of bright, bcautitui noweis
that have poked their heads above ground!
Lovely bright hues that aro a delight to the
eye, and darker colors all combine to make these
necklaces most effective. A costume couldn t be
dull with such a string of beads to brighten It!
There are beautiful blues', the new henna shade,
restful greenv imitation coral and amber. They
are of plain beads that are graduated or are alter
nated with metal nans anu linns m " "' -dized
finish. .
Red, Too
A' whole case of delightfully cherry red beads
unusual things. Prices go from $1 to $0.
Special Bandeaux
at 45c
There are two models one of
basket-weave and the other of
lighter weight, figured marqui
sette. Both are pink and fasten
in back where there is elastic.
They have tape shoulder straps.
Lace-trimmed bandeaux are
special at C5c.
shows many
Fabric Gloves Fit
So Well
A new shipment of chamois
lisle gloves in buck, chamois,
gray, slate and black, with Paris
Point stitching on the backs and
two clasps at the wrists. $1 a
Special, Duplex Gloves,
$1 a Pair
Duplex chamois lisle gloves are
in gray, sand, buck and white.
Some have spear-point stitching
or plain backs.
One is embroidered around
Box coats are much in evi-
400 New Spring Suits for Young Girls, Women and
Large Women in About 50 Styles ,
They ure delightful to look upon, with all their new features of bright vests, brass or silver-like buttons, lovely
embroidery, loose-back panels, etc. With all this, fine workmanship is not neglected. On the contrary, the suits are bettor
made than ever. The new lines are most refreshing after several seasons without any radical change.
This season marks a new era in women's suits, and every woman owes it to her education to see these advance
Serge Suits for Young Girls at $22.75
There aro three models in sizes 14 to 18. Some show braid trimming and attractive pockets.
bilk tricolette vests are gootl-looking.
At ,$23.50, other models in sizes 14 to 18 a-,c also made of serge,
the bottom of the jacket with black silk and shows a rose tricolette vest,
ilcnce. One of these suits is sketched.
. 12 Mo'dols at $25
Good wool mannish serge is used. A suit f om this group is sketched. It has a box-coat Jacket
with a Tuxedo roll collar bound in braid. Braid aid buttons aie smartly used, and a bright, dotted vest
in front is rnther dashing.
Any Number of Tailored and Sports Suits
Tailored erge suits are trimmed with barf 's of braid. $25.
The jackets of wool poplin suits ripple very gracefully in back. Of course, they are adorned
with silk braid. $27.50.
Mannish tweed spoils suits with jackets beautifully lined with peau de cygnc, are $29.75.
Novelty Suits for Young Girls at $35
and women who wear sizes 14 to 18 in vivueious little models arc sure to give pleasure to all who see
them. One of mannish serge with u fanciful pique vest is trimmed with broad braid around the bottom
of the jacket. Another model, of lovely silvertone velour, has n white broadcloth vest trimmed with tiny
buttons. The box coat is tucked nl the bottom.
Still another, of neat tricotine, takes on much of smartness from its rows of tiny brass button.
Good-Looking Tailored Models for Large Women
At $87 50 one is of mannish serge with n long roll collar. The over-collar is of beige silk. The
jacket is finished with silk crow's feet.
At $:tl.75 a rather smurt-tailored suit of tricotine is trimmed with braid.
v ivnu oo on inrougn many More
Tailored or box-couw odcls, rippling jnckets, vests, braid, buttons-, etc.. are all here. And vou
will agrco that prices are' veuL moderate. $28.75, $29.75 to $75.
jyrr vT
v v4
Lovely Voiles
29c a Yard
It is the same ounlity of
pretty voile that hitherto had
to be marked from one-third
to twice as much
Dozens of pretty patterns
plaids, checks, little figures,
challis designs and the like
are in as many dainty color
ings. It is H8 inches wide.
You can plan your light
dresses now at a saving.
Pop vers at 85c
Blue chambray rompers for
kiddies of 2 years to 0 are
made with straight, beach
legs. There are two shades of
blue to choose from, and the
rompers are tiimined with red
or white piping,
Seamles.8 Sheets
You'll want to get a supply
at this price.
They are of sturdy bleached
muslin, 81x90 inches.
300 Silk V'tticoats
at $3.85
Jersey, messaline and taf
feta petticoats are in black,
navy blue and lovely change
able colors. The quality is
Sturdy Percale
22c a Yard
It is 30 inches wide, in light
or daik grounds, with stripes
and figures of various kinds.
For house dresses, aprons,
kiddies frocks nnd the like it
is just the thing.
Drawr- f."" aings
at $1.25
Gray stockinet 'ei;"!nes ire
fleece-lined for children of 2
years to (5. TV-pv have elntic
at the back of tho waist The
butter's are sewed on firmlv
and th" buttonholes are well
finished. (Ontrui)
For Sprina Frocks
A lurous quality crepe do
chine, 38 inches wide, in many
light and dark colors, with
plenty of black, navy blue and
white, at $1.35 a vard.
Beautiful silk charmfuse, 40
inches wide, in navy blue, wis
taria and black, $2.25.
A Closing-Out of
Boys' Hats at 60c
Included are cloth hats,, caps,
golf caps, knit hockey caps, tarns,
sailor huts, etc., for boys of 3
years to 10. Some brushed-wool
caps that resemble Angora aro
especially good. They arc in dark
green and old rose.
(Ciullrry, Miirkrl)
An Army of Low-Priced Shoes Marches In
at $4.90 a Pair
Dark tan calfskin shoes that
lace high havo welted soles and
low or medium heels.
Gray kidskin.shoes with welted
soles havo high or medium heels.
Tho tops arc of kidskin or cloth
to match.
Black kidskin shoes with gray
kidskin tops havo medium heels.
Spats Go With Spring
They add a touch of smartnrss
to tho trim suits that are being
worn. In white, ivory and
chamois color, they are $2 a pair.
Oxford Ties
of black patent leather on long,
slender lines havo turned solen
and covered heels'. $5.25 a pair.
Girls' Shoes Special at
$2.85 a Pair
Dull black leather lace shoes
with low heels are in sizes 2H
to 5.
Boys' Good Shoes
of dark tan leather in sizes 1 to
C are on English lasts, $4.50 a
pair; sizes 10 to 13 aro in
wide-too shapes at $3 und $3.50
a pair.
Children's Shoes
Dull black leather button
shoes in sizes' C to 2 are $2.50 a
Special at $1.15 a pair for
sizes 2 to 5, and $1.35 n pair for
sizes 5 to 8, you will find shoes
of tan kidskin and black patent
leather. Some of them havo
white tops.
Smart Veils
are here in many kinds. Some
unusually attractive ones are in
octagon and square meshes, somo
with much scrolling, others arc in
the new braided effects and still
others dotted. In taupe, brown,
navy and black at $1.50 to $2.50.
Envelope Chemises
Soft white batiste chemises
have entire tops of fine lace and
insertion, which is very unusual.
Camisoles at $1
Pretty camisoles of satin or
crepe de chine are plain and tai
lored or are trimmed with good
lace. Some aro gathered on clas
tic at the tops.
Pink Satin Ploomers
at $3
The soft pink sutin is heavy
enough to be durable. The bloom
ejrs are .finished with hemstitched
Pink4 Nightgowns at $1
Soft pink batiste slip-over
nightgowns are htitched in pink
or blue designs.
A Man's Money
will go a great deal farther if he will take
advantage of. the reductions in the Down Stairs
Store for Men.
Suits at $19.75 and $24.50
bring savings of anywhere from two or three dollars to
a $10 bill. They are of all-wool materials in dark col
ors and pleasing designs, and the $19.75 group includes
the waistline models so much favored by young men.
Overcoats at $20 and $25
represent equal reductions and are also in thedesir
able dark patterns. The $20 coats are single-breasted
box style and the $25 coats are double-breasted ulsters
and ulsterettes.
Fine Neckties at 60c
These are chiefly the. large open-end four-in-hands such as
sell regularly at an average half more.
There are also some knitted ties, among them manufac
turers' mended goods.
' Pigskin Belts at 65c
Black and tan pigskin of a good, heavy quality.
Suspenders at 40c
Plain-color and striped suspenders dn both light and heavy
webbing and all under usual price.
, (O.llfry, Market)
Four Groups of Special Frocks
$12 to $25
Group 1 Special at $12
This consists of serge frocks that will be splendid for business or school
wear. One model is trimmed with braid and another shows double tiers' on
the skirt in front. These are especially good for young women.
Group 2 Special at $17.50, Savings of $6 to $7.50
which is worth-while saving on a diess. Fine, heavy twill serge in navy
blue forms two excellent frocks. One, with a draped bodice, is embroidered
on the cuffs and tho side panels of the skirt with -henna braid. Black silk
braid embroidery adorns the skirt and collar of another frock. A dainty flesh
color vestce, all prettily tucked, lightens the bodice.
Group 3 Special at $23.50
Fine wool jersey frocks in brand-new Spring models have vests and cuffs
of contrastingcolor wooljersey. Buttons trim several dresses, while others
aro adorned with colorful silk braiding on the wide girdles. You may choose
navy blue, gray, Pekin blue or rookie.
Smart Wool Jersey Frocks at $25 Form the
-Fourth Special Group
The models arc various and all aro new. Odd buckles finish borne of the
girdles. One model shows draped rockets piped in contrasting colors Others'
' are embroidered in silk and chenille braid. .
Also in the Group at $25
aie two models made of heavy crepe de chine. They are very at ti active, and
represent unusual value. The colors in the group include navy blue, taupe,
$17-i0 Pekin blue, tookie and black.
750 New Spring Frocks Await Your Choosing
$16.50, $18, $19.75 to $45
.Models are legion and colors aie in all imaginable shades. Materials' are unusually good and a pleas
ant surprise in quality. There are dresses of Georgette crepe, in light and dark shades; crepe de chine,
taffeta and crepe meteor; frocks of foulard in various patterns; and dresses of serge, wool jersey, trico
tine and silk tricolette.
400 Pair of Women's Silk
Stockings at $1.15 a Pair
are added to the sale of hosiery and underwear. The stockings arc of
fine, even silk in black, white and light colors. They ure full-fashioned
and have lisle feet and garter tops.
Women's Underwear
Vests at ?0c of light-weight cotton are trimmed.
Union suits at 50c regular and extra sizes in light-weight cotton
are trimmed with lace.
Bloomers at GOc black, pink or white knitted cotton bloomers aro
in regular and extra sizes.
Men's Half Hose at 25c a Pair
are in navy blue, black, light gray, dark gray, tan and balbriggan.
They have re-enforced feet and are excellent quality.
Children's Stockings,i35c a Pair, 3 for $1
Black cotton ribbed stockings' are in sizes 6 to 9V&. This is
unusual and you want to take advantage of it. And there are many
other specials in this February Sale.
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