Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 14, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 15, Image 15

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5 k
Tokio Has Asked China's
"Consent" to Publication,
Delegation Says
jroud of Soulji Sea Achieve-
merits', Wants to Spread
Its Culture There
Uy die Associated Press
j TarU, Feb. 14. The Hnvas Agency
nys It lias been Informed by the
Japanese delegation to the l'caco Con
ference that tho announcement that
paron Mnklno, nenlor Japanese dele
gate, had received an order to publish
Jertaln agreements concluded between
'China and Japan (.premature. Con
formably to diplomatic usages, says tho
lelegatlon, Japan has nslted China's
fonsent to the publication of these
ftgreements. but" the Pekin Government,
lias not yet forwarded its reply.
. The Japaneao delegation insists it Is
liot a, nutation of secret treaties, of
which none has ever been rinr1n,i,i i,i.
tween the two countries, but simply of
Trart" Again Denied
' The 1 lavas Agency also makes public
the following:
S "Viscount Chlnda, Japanese nmbawa
dor to CJreat Britain, again affirms cate
gorically that allegations contained In
ft- dispatch from Pekln, dated February
3,. nnd published In London February 12,
nro absolutely without foundation. VIs
tount Chlnda says no pressure has been
brought to bear upon the Chinese Gov
ernment at PeKIn nor by tho military
-party. Japan, lie. saya, has not concluded
'secret treaties' with China, and he has
every reason to believe the President of
lhlna Is In complete accord with the
JToklo Government"
j Japan has not yet agreed to the pian
Tor making her n mnndatory for the
Caroline and Marshall Islands. While
Afte. other Powers have virtually agreed
jto the mandatory principle and are will,
lnjr to accept' direction of the German
colonies, Japan desires a more complete
definition of the plan under which the
two groups of Pacific Islands will be en
trusted to her, and a. more complete
description of the kind of international
control and supervision which will obtain
tinder the society of nations.
A member of the Japanese delegation
said the Japanese have great pride In
their achievements In the Pacific, nnd
feel that as a reward for' their' military
anu navai acuvuy uiey snoum be per
mitted to extend their culture and civ
ilization to the two groups of Islands,
; which iarei Inhabited by undeveloped
If the society of nations desires stand-
oarjllzatlon and Unification of develop.
ment of the captured German colonies
wlvlch would prevent Japan from giving
, -I distinctly; Japanese character to the
Marshall 'and Caroline Islands, the plan
woud not, be acceptable to Japan, as It
vfquld hurt the national pride of her
'people, the delegate said.
Waahlngton, Feb. 14. The Japanese
Government regards as "absolutely es
sential" the treaties and agreements
signed by Japan and China in Pekin
May 2D. 1915. relating to the settlement
of the Shantung question and defining i
lunan', nmlMitn In mitn Xfantinrtn artti .
eastern Inner Mongolia. The Japanese
Government, according to the best avail
able opinion here, will not permit Its
peace delegation at Paris to discuss these
arrangements at the Peace Conference,
as Japan considers they concern only
herself and China.
In, order to present the Japanese
view' concerning the Importance which
the Japanese Government attaches to
the series of treaties and agreements
of 1015. all of which have been made
public, the Instructions given by Baron
Kato, then Foreign Minister, to the
then Japanese minister to China, Mr.
Illoki, on December 3, 1914, have been
made public here. They say In part:
"In order to provide for tho read
justment of affairs consequent on the
Japan-German war and for the pur.
pose of. Insuring a lasting; peace In
the Far East Tjy strengthening the
position of the empire, the Imperial
Government has resolved to approach I
tno usinese uovernment with a view
to conclude treaties and agreements
mainly along the lines laid down in
the first four groups of the proposals."
Japan, having determined to attain
the ends set forth in the five groups
except the fifth, .which. was withdrawn,
"by all means within her power," will
not consider, according to Information
obtained here, any proposal for their
review or revision.
per essere Invlatq In Italia sotto acorta
tlerllnn, 13 febbralo. Viia Insurre
ilono (jeneralc c' In progrefso attraverso
la Itumenla. secondo tin dlspnccto
speclale da Vienna. lie Ferdlnando e'
stato ferlto leggermente mentre cercava
dl fugglre dnr Ilucarest Insleme alia
famlglla reale.
I lavoralorl bloccarono la ferrovla
quando la famlglla realo teuto' dl fug
glre a Jasay ed II Ho con la famlglla
ru costretto a tornare lndletro. He
Ferdlnando fu ferlto quando I lavoratorl,
secondo II rappdrto, fecero fuoco sopra
It palazzo reale,
1 tlottosl scorazzano nello strade dl
Eucarest domandan do sla ubbnttuto 11
trotie della dlnastla asrldando: "Ab
basso I burattlnl 1 Viva la repubbllca '."
Da Budapest nl Bppre'nde che la rl
volta e' dovula alia jiropagnnda bolsce
Vlca. In uno scontro, tra le truppe ed I
dlmostrantl, a Bakorst, sesscnat per
sono rlmasero ucclse e ISO ferlte,
I.a dlsclpllna nell' eserclto rumeno,
dlcono 1 glornnll, e scossa. la sltuazlone
cconomlca c per I vlvcrl e' dlvenuta crltl
ca. IO flnanzc della nazlone sono com
pletamenta dcmornllzzatc. Tji poslzlono
del Gablnetto Urntiano c' dlchtarata In
sostenlblle. Fin dal prlml dello scorso dlcembre
glunsero rapport! dl gravl dlsordlnl In
Itumenla, ma non 1 fu alcuna ufflclale
conferma o qualslnsl rapporto dal
Governo rumeno sulla, sltuazlone Inter
na. II prlino dlcembre fu rlfierl to che'
Bucarest fu Incendlala, ma tale notlzia
fu negala II glornu seguente ed It trc
dlcembre Ito Ferdlnando a la famlglla
realo fu festosamente nccolto In Bucar
est dl rltorno da Jnssy, che era stata
la capltalo temporanea durante 11 tem
po che 1 tedeschf furono In possesso
dl Bucarest.
Dlspaccl gluntl In Vienna da Bucar
est, It 28 gennalo scorso, dlcevano che
una rlvolta dl contadlnl era scopplata
In Itumenla o die parecchl crano rlma
stl ucclsl o ferltl durante lo dlmostra
zlonl In Bucarest. Tale rapporto pero'
non fu mal confermato. Clo' nonostanto
la sltuazlone Interna della IWmenla non
era rasslcurante o quet governo doveva
combattcro gll agitator! sociallstl In
casa ed 1 bolscevlchl provenlentl dalla
Itussla. 11 lavoro dl rlcostruzlono del
Governo fu arduo per 11 modo con 11
quale 1 tedeschl avevano sacchecglato
la nnzlono durante l'oecupazlone.
II rrlme Mlnlstro Rumeno, Bratlano,
e' liberate In politlca ed un antl- tedesco.
Hell 11 2 febbralo comparvo lnnanzl 11
Supremo Conclllo dl Pace In Parlgl e da
quel glorno ncssun rapporto glunse circa
11 suo operate
Bo Ferdlnando sail' nl lrono I'll
ottobro 191
Wmass-' mBiliuimtiiFmLATmhvaTsmy. i-'bbeuakv u: ioid
Maritime Council Arranges
Temporary Distribution
of 750,000 Tons
Passenger Vessels for Trans
I ports Cargo Carriers to
Convey Food
armistice of January 16 and the Treves
A-i ' J,nury 17,
ntimK.". p;Pu"-tlon of a considerable
2..0.M'SV.,U ,li", bee" .Proceeding
nnd .about 780,000 tons dead weight ton-
r-Jli .b,n nam'1 bJ the aerman
Vh"1',.""1 ttre now "ad- ,0
-Meantime the associated s-ovarninents
are maklna mi rvnn.iH.i.H .... ,..'
managed alTatr," but asserts from
knowledge obtained from official docu
ments that If the assassination had
not occurred 'the war certainly would
have been started very soon,
'The fnmnus Potsdam conference of
July 5, 1914, according to the hook.
was not what hni been generally lie
I spot, of 010,'?"'''; ,V"Wr .... ,. .. wpte.1. Tho mectlnR took place, but tt
I man port.. erman VMScIs ,n nel! Would HaVC Compel rd f- " ? tomm confwenw ns 1m,
t . (been declared repeatedly. It Is as-
Deen oiain
Munich newspapers, he has established
that tho ultimatum from the 'Vienna,
i Government to the Serbian Govern'
ment was deliberately timed when
President 1'olncare and T'remler'Vivl'
anl of' Franco were at sea after their
departure from Petrftgrnd, In order
to make It difficult for the entente, to
reach on understanding.
Troops Xq Anv&fc1
Uy the Associated Vress
l'.irU, Feb. 14. An official communi
cation Issued last evening says'
"The maritime nnd transport coun
clt met February 1, 4 and 11. Thofe
I present were MM. Clemenentel and
( llobson, for France: Signer Crespl, fcr
Italy; George Iluhlee. for the United
-States, and J. A. Salter for Great Brll
' aln.
I "Important decisions were made ns lo
the allocation for management and uso
ofiAustrlan nnd German tonnage. Pas-
t senger vessels will be mnhi'.y employed
in inn repatriation ot troops nnu cargo ,
vessels for the carriage of food to dlf- j
fercnt ports In Kurone. Including lib-
crated areas and enemy countries. The
vessels nre to be divided' for the pur
poses of management among tho asso
ciated governments.
1 t "These arrangements were made on
I thi Understanding that the ultimate dls-
j position df the vessels hy tho terms of
pcaco would In no way be prejudiced
nnd, In order to make this a fnct, they
aro being administered In the meantime
In trust for the associated governments
as a whole. They will fly tho flag of
thb Allied maritime transport service,
ns well as the national flag of the coun-
Itry undertaking their management.
"The' council appointed delegates to
proceed to Spa, together with representa
tive's of the food departments and tho
naval authorities of the several govern
ments, to, meet tho representatives of tho
Germnn Government February 16, and
nrrange with regard to tho delivery of
vessels which tho German Government
was bound to hand over under the
Delegation Argue Seaport Should
I to to Itnlv
, IMrls. Feb. 14.- (By A. !.) President R ELATIONS
I wiuon yesterday received a deputation
from I. lunle. the big Hungarian seaport j... . .. .
,on the Adriatic, southeast of Trlest. Ultimatum limed
omnoseci or Doctor Grosslsch. president
tho national council: M. Os-olnach.
deputy f0r i.-lumC) nmI Doc(or y
Mayor of Flume.
The delegation outlined to President
Wilson the reasons why Flume should
be united to Italy. Tl.,v .i.i ,i....
turning over Flume to Italy would be in
accord with the principle nt Li?
determination proclaimed Sy the PresN
I'rcnch ChiefB Were at Sea,
Book Shows
UuiiliiN, Feb. 14. A boot: IukciI n
olllclal documents, and issued todaj.
describes ns a fallacy the belief tlmt
the assassination of Archduke Francis
Ferdinand nt Sarajevo was a "stage
r.' ' KTIIIH
serted that many persons who were ,
'supposed to have ueon there wcro nut
present. Kmperor William nnd menv
bcrs of the German Imperial Staff
were present, however, nnd nt this
conference Germany deflnltelj decided
for war.
Some of thy accepted stories iif hap
penings In the critical days Jut before
the war are shnttercd In the book,
which Includes personal notes of dip
lomats nnd was written b Prof, i
Charles W. Oman, president of the
Itoyal Historical Society and n pro
fesHor of history nt Oxford University.
A. J. lialfotir. the Hrltlsli Foreign Sec
retary, nnd Karl Curzon, government
leader In the 'House of txinH pro
understood to have taken nn nrnvc
interest In Its compilation.
One of the "damning repiatloiii.
a Professor Oman mils them ts lili
sintcmcnt that, from n. close study of
Motor Unndits Cnusc l'nnic nnd
Police Arc HelplcH
iinlerdnm, Feb. H. -(Hy ,. p)
There is a panic al Hamburg as h re
sult of depredations by bands of thieves
operating throughout tho city, accord
ing lo Herlln dlspntches to the Handels
blad. The bands nre said to trael In motor
c.irs nnd to lie heavily armed, and It Is
reported that Hie residences of mer
chants have bern pilliigtd nnd the police
pri helpless. Twontj residences have
ullead' been robbed.
t. ,S
Patronize Encmv Plivsician;
rob'lfnr. , Feb. i-(tf "a "Mft-U,
further evidence of American Mtt(rvV'
mtnntion to prevent the intermingling ot .'.i, l
Hermans anu men or me armj ur oclit. -, , j
I'nuwil fB hnVIl IUUH )ll II1C IB3UKIIUI ' 'IM
at orders forhlridlnir Arnprlrflil soldlCs is.
to patronise German doctors. Regula
tions acalnst fr.itrrnl.-.ntloit are nlf .
str'ally enforced nnd the latest order ' f'
wns In line with that forbidding "."ij
local purchase of foodstuff?. . t-!
Local newspapers express satlsfactlc-rf'
with the establishment of the neto Ger
man Government, but the Increaa.ng fooll
snoriagn seems to arouse more po
s 0.0II
(eriiiatK Halt l'nlijli Offenic
.nrlrli, Feb. 14. -The German offen
sive against the Pules has been suspend
ed, .Uerlln newspapers say,
lntri l slleht liut virtually
nlflcant Increase In the ment supply lias
been made possible by nn order di
recting the sale of condemned American
army horses. The sliortngc ot milk, ac
cording to statements by physicians. H
being reflected In the health of babies,
laical appeals have been made to tr.e.
people to use ns Uttle milk ns possible.,
evn though III The milk conuuied In
bnb'es In Coblenz Is now 3180 quarts, ,.3
uany. iieiore ine wjir una uiiibuuuiiiu
.. .... ..,. ,. ....... i4 . v n ii
as snown uy niausuin. w.in -i,-u,
minrfu - I
A Big Bargain For Men!
THINK of it! $2.95 for these handsome NEWARK
Shoes for Men shoes that are worth $4 to $6 of any
man's money !
They are mostly small
sizes of discontinued lines'
and broken lots of this sea
son's stock. They are going
too fast to wait longer
come early for yours tomorrow.
qBSH S9Hlrr
lie. lath
Sllaiiii. t!9c
10c. Cam Cbii. 7c
tOe.Or. Iiiurt'i
com sal Kin
Isislit... . 7c
10c. Di. Insiti't
Cuth e. Cnik
lie. oniiillcn
. IttCK CUT Etc
ji.uu uiiriillin.
COICM." 79c
tiia JJelegazione abRiguardo j
mucvuiu uai irresi-
r M
dente Wilson
PubllihM and frl-trtbuted Under
Authorized bi- the set of October .
1017. on nl at th PostoRlc ot Phila
delphia, Pa,
Uy order of tho President.
Poetmaiter Oenersl.
Tarlgl, II febbralo 11 Presldepte
Wilson ha oggl rlcevuto una deputazlone
provenlente da Flume, It grande porto
delt'Adrlatlco a sud-est dl Trieste, com
posta daPDott. Qrosslch, presidente del
nonslglto naxlonale; M. Ossolnach, depu
tato dl Flume e dal Dott. Vlo, slndaco
della clttn.' '
I.a Delegations eapresse le raglont per
le quail Flume deve essere vnlta all'Ita
Ha e nello nrgomentazlonl dlsse che 11
rltorno dl Flume nll'Italta era In nc
cordo con I prlnclpl dl "propria determl
naxlone" proclamat! dal Presidente Wil
son, Roma, 13 febbralo. Dlspaccl gluntl
t da Vienna segtialR.no che 11 Governo
jA.ustrlaco ha tnvlato una protesta a
tnU I govern! AlleatI ed al Presidente
Wilson contro I'ltalla che reclama' 11
.possesso dl sessantaquattro dlplntl che
ekono dl proprleta, personale dell'hn-
peratbro Carlo, e non della corona.
i Secondo t glornall dl Vienna una
..commlsslone dl Itallanl ha Istato la
blblloteca della corto a Vienna ed ha
preso possesso dl antlchl manoscrlttl e
voluml Che furono trasportatl a Vienna
da Napoll, sill prlml del 1800.
Vienna, 13 febbralo. II Governo
Austrlaco ha protestato .contro II Governo
Itallano che pretende la restltuzlone dl
dlplntl che furono pre'sl net terrltorl
Itallanl occupatl dalle truppe austro
ungarlche, Tra dettl dlplntl vl e la
"Madonna del Tre Arancl" del Glpvannj
Battlsta, it "Grlsto" del Carpacolo, una
pltfura del Tintoretto, Hue 'pejzl dl
altars del Veronese ed altrl tesorl d'arte.
Alcune delle dette pltture furono
trovate nel Museo Imperials d'Arte u
una nel Castello .IJcliaftsau, ovc vlveva
''Vlmperatore Carlo. ,Un prlmo iptto dl
saWUtftquattKi' dlplntl e' gla' wente
HSga i ''or
9K Baf : f Jk M
Women !$M ff j
THESE NEWARK Shoes Jw6 ' i'MKkm li'fl K &TW I
for Women are equal to Vw AJt'mi "?$ ll Vlvf If Sm
any $5, $6 or $7 shoe vfyjflteff ,0tM irF 1 FW' JWMl
sold in this town this seashn. tmfK' -dHtt l?' . i' ipf MKffflsPSi
Now that we are selling them .s'JPP M -DK11mA
for quick clearance at actually Jw&SMB ' 'puw fiff ' RTtlBd M,
half their worth thrifty jfyj&r' IISwrMyra4P;' '$m M
women will not hesitate to jPJWr J -"" !' i. ' J IfcXteRKIi ' 'f jjlf'l
be at this store early tomoc- fag& si .39 & Si.oo I 1 -1 If frfirg : f I in ?
1 row mm-nW. 4kW WooWn' Silk . '! I JEI :' "F S I J 1
tUuM" Slioc StereGx IJf mm
ISSi llarket St.. bet. 12th fc ISth !S JV. l'ront'Bt., near Dauvnin t)t. I ,'a.!a' .)
mi lienln(ton Ae,, bet, Xorlt BOSS (iermsntawo Ate,, .near Cnel. I JA ' ..-- . l(
and Cumberland Sts. ten Ave ' i-i--i
J3l Oermantown At., bet. Ihlth 8. 0,th St., tftr Market fit. IVlfi ttC"A
Ave, and Bomeraet Bt. SS1H Kenelnston A nr. Hart Line I V TQJ n 1
1S7 North Hth St.. near Cherrr 8t. 14l Mouth Hi., bet. nroad fc IBth. "" iiJ
4ri Houth St.. near 4th St. 51 N. Mh Hi., bet: Race Vine.
4S4 Alarktt nt. Dei, im ma ate. niui nnu oiuraoiA ATlli I
lilt South Kll S. 5!".1'1,",k '.', .. . ..
4.133 FrMokford Ai. 40SI IjinreM.-r Ate., near ttet St. I
Women's $1.50
Silk Stockings
run fashioned. Mack, white and
colors.. Imperfect.
j Women's Union Suite.
75c & 8oc
j Fine cotton ribbed, low neck-
j sleeveless. , Regular and extra
I sizes.
Ol'llNS IIAII.V 0 A. M. AM n.OSi; 1 8:311 I. 31.
Ml llrntliere First noor. South
Lit Brothers
One Yellow Trading Stamp With Every 10c Purchase All Day
$2.50 to $7 Girdle Top
Corsets. $2 to $4.50
White or pink coutil antl fancy
materials, llubber across top 4r
rubber inserts. Sizes 20 to 28.
I SG Lit Bros'. $A Cft
i Special' Corsets ' wv
! Of fancv pink material. Sizes!
I 20 to 26.
t.lt llrotberii SKCOND Fl.OOIt
T)U Prico Is for the
One Day Only!
$7 Chest of
26 pieces, including 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 table
spoons, 6 teaspoons, 1 sugar shell and 1 butter
Watch Daily Advertisements for Similar Big
. Valuta
Ut lroler FIIIST FI,OOtt, SOfTII
Our Million Dollar February Sale Has a Message for You!
A Great Gatherlnu of
Merchandise and a Great
Outpouring of Values.
On with increasing mag
nitude this wonderful
movement goes, reaching
far and wide to gather in
from every avenue and
channel of trade the best
values the market affords.
Watch the announcements
as they appear; read to
morrow's list every fig
ure counts every price
points a saving.
Ready - to - Wear Hats for Spring
$4 Values,
$5 Values,
$2.98 I $3.98
Captivating styles made of liseve
or caterpillar braid combined with
Georgette crepe and trimmed with
flowers nnd fruit, Brown, navy
and two-tone effects. Two pictured.
VM S5?
I.lt Hrotliere First Floor. North
Pineapple Straw Sailors, With Satin Bands $4 QO
Another List of Stirring Bargains
in Kino Footwear
Women's $S)$ 65
Wonderful variety in black, tan,
brown, gray and sand kid, with
fabric tops. Lace models with
long piain and perforated vamp.
Fruits & Flowers, 49c, 75c, 98c & $1.49
ft :
Women's $7 Black $Q.S0
Satin Pumps ....-'
For street and evening wear,
Hand-turned soles and Louis
Men's $6 Shoes. $4
Black leathers. Smart lasts'.
Women's Smart Shoes,
$4, $4.50 & $5
Long vamp lace and button models
in gunmctal, patent coltskin and
giazea Kiu. Fabric and kid ton3.
M M J,
Clearance of Children's
Shoes j
intanis' $;: to $2.23 Shoes $1.4il
Sizes 1 to 5. I
Children's $2.23 to $2.30 $1.79
Shoes' Sizes 4 to 8 1
Children's $2.73 to $31 $0.49
Shoes., Sizes 81-i ti 11.. tt
Misses' $3 to $3.50 Shoes $0.50
Sizes ll'.i to 2. J L
Boys' $2.30 Shoes $1 .98
Sires 3 to 6. I
Big Girls' $3 to $4 Shoes $1 .93
Sizes 2 to 6. 1
Young Women's $4 to $3 $0.98
Shoes. Sizes 2 to 6...
I.lt Brothers First Floor, Xorth
Men on the Alert for the Best Values Their Money Will Buy Are Thronging ,to Our
fZary Reduction Sale of Clothing
And Paying 60 Cents on the Dollar for Suits and Overcoats of the Best Styles
It IS ' Si
PBKkp? ewlt Berlin W1I HI-
jh Mrs t!v'jrM'Viry'Wf7llL-
. -Ill n si ieffluEii'fu
nU-V 1r ' WiJR' " '
wt iwjljhrae
Trvf F
ft I xll ... . t-
. I fcTj.'ri C3
J If I
AT -; 'i!lM-
Formerly 20, now ' Formerly $30, now
Formerly $22.50 &
CInow $ -I n
Formerly $26.50, now
Formerly $35, now
Formerly $40, now
Formerly $18.
Formerly $25 &
$27.50, now
Formerly $30.
11.50 $17.50 $22.50
Men's $15 Mackinaws,
Reduced to $10
$8.50 Values $C.7510 Values
Sizes 7 to 16 years. iSizes 8 to 1
Men's Trousers, Reduced to
$2.90, $3.35, $4.90 & $5.75
18 years.
Boys' $12 Mack- $g75 ; B;V$'i2'cord7' $0C' Boys' $8.50 ' " ' l$C CH
Sizes !) to 18 veais.
I.lt Jlrothern SUOONtu FI.OOp."
roy Suits
u Sizes 7 to 18 years,.
Overcoats .
Sizes 2U to 10 years.
The Clearance of
Girls' Coats
Marked by Economies That Are ''
Positively Amazinj?
7" fl ll
" 8 IT
$12.50 "
Winter Coats,
F i n e cheviot.!
ltlialu cloth, etc,
J Some military
effects. Sizes 12
and 14.
Big Girls' $17.50
Coats, $9.65
Wool velour. Some
with fur cloth
trimmed collars;
others have cross
ed belts.
Little Girls' $5.50
r.t. fii i:.J
i Tvmmj .U.IV IlllbU . .
j Corduroy, with belt and pockets.
Girls' $3 to $13.50 Lingerie '
Dresses, $1.98 to $7.98
Persian 'lawn, Voile, etc. Trimmed
with lace, embroidery and ribbon.,
Picture shows a $3.49 style.
Girls' $3.50 to $13.50 Tub
Dresses, $2.69 to $7.98
Plaid gingham, poplin, rep, linen
and Peter Pan cloth. Sizes 8 to ,14.
I.lt HrolliiTu SKCOXD 'FLOOR
Misses' & Women's Apparel
Styles Are Fascinating and Prices Throughout Are Most Reasonable
French Serge Suits $
Box styles with detachable vestee and top collar of natural
nnncrpp. TTlnTVAvorl cilt Unlnrr Sklrtc linvA- trnthtTnr linV anrl
smart pockets. Que 'sketched.
blisses' Spring-
Dresses of Serge . . . . ' ,J Coats
Cut on long simple lines. Collarless, pret- Clearance lot offering wonderful values!
tilv piped at neck and attractively em- One pictured.
broidered about bodice and .pockets. Have loose - hanging back with side belt,
There arc also stunning tatfeta ana crepe
do chine groups featuring boleroi coatee
and tunic effects. One sketched.
$15 ff' VcIour s16.75
paten pockets and beautiful kit coney col
lar, utner styles are
beaver plush collar.
of cheviot with
For women I
Serge Suits,
Stunnincr nlain tailored styles
jwith tuxedo front nnd the nejv
box-plaited effects showing coat
with slits at side, rows of flat
silk braid, ball-shape buttons, de
tachable vestecs of novelty silk
and chic belts finished with bone
buckle. Peau de cygne lining.
On -pictured.
Women's Sergei $0 0.50
Dresses '
Navy bluo and black. Cut'on grace
ful, long lines, featuring" attractive
pipings, belts which tio with bow in
back, set-to pockets and braid bind
ing. One sketched.
Women's Fur-Trimmed
Coats, $35
Clearance! Materials are cut velour, broadcloth and sllvertone. Smartest
styles of the season enriched with long fur collar and lined with peau de
.cygne throughout, IJt Brbr second floor
r lr
Ui ICSwteHK SrTBkN-"f j
lsrW ruw
' 1 &
1 I'" 'hi J
I KV : V T
Continuation of Our Annual Sale of
20th Century Brand Collars
lrwr BstKi I
I iitui7i I
$1.20 Half
Regularly 20c Each Special 15c
Regularly $2.40 Dozen Special $1.58
Every collar is absolutely perfect and of the newest
cut. Included nie straight, close-fitting and cut-away
We have received but three-quarters of our purchase;
we can only fill mail orders while styles and sizes last.
No Quarter Sues, and No More Than Two Dozen
to a Customer
65c Silk Four-OQc
in-Hands.... ?7
Purchased from a noted local
maker. Satin brocades, stripes,
etc. Kxtra largo size scarfs.
$5.50 Tub $Q aC
SilkShirtsJ .DO
Stylish detachable soft col
lar. All silk with satin stripes
in ricn colors, ooic c.uirs at
toched. j
nere FIllRT FLOOR. 7TH STRfctfT
Waist Offerings 2g,&jfc
. . 1 : i. - & '
Georgette Crepe Waists, $8.98 -.
Wonderfully dainty in design, with round neck, new
collar, plaits and insets of filet lace. Alto new extra
site waists of 'Voile, ft.98-and.fS49; of erspe de chine,
fS.OB. ,
I.lt Ilrother. SECOND TLOOIl
1UH vnr mm Jw siueiinii i or istrrjiumr ! until i'rneenenii tiour or uur . annuiBg, 1111 x miv.i ""-"TTlQVJi 'rr iTTr trr
' .-ff- 1 ,r,-f- .i fy.l- -
Lingerie I $1.49
Waists L
Of voile with inset
organdie panels and
trimmings of Valen
ciennes ' lace. One
Crepe de. Chine
Waists, $3.98
With French stitcling
and heavy Valenciennes
lace trimming. Flesh
and white.
, - i-"t
.v - r 'vtci.
1 lwf
.. . ..vSti'