t. '' Ztti1fo:&Utok&J"J'' ;-rf::":''rr": '"''h''::: ?& Aliening c leftjcjet PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7,' 1919" . .' t". Ships From the World's Largest Shipyard Ready. to Sail the Trade Routes of the Sea, BWfOBBilBBPByihHBK yA--ty ' "?fyjBMti2??i'L,''s . (fflETBKtLt lr!BBBBcBrelB!iB k':"'I' tV Kij t'.-,I-&1l-J,fcK4-!-ililBKWHHBli (shipyard. jft. :, V IJMllHH9BPBlMitf SffiMPJPJJJBJHuySnB9HK . ' nK?vBB!BBBBMBfaMHtftMHMl f' 'illaiEIBBIKBBiiaSSBISSSSiBI' k i . ii u-fc--- , I y i- t Jk. '-2 THE QUISTCONCK, Hop: land's first ship. The keel was laid in February, 191Q, and the boat was launched ther following August. The Quistc.an.ck, after several sea voyages, is at present at New.Prleans taking on a cargo. f , 1 ' ' WTTi'' " .1 '""n iBfc f lfiflBBBHMIiV -- r: - iFBBPpni2iBBB te . ' Pr S096feiHHMiB:!4S Evt ' ! ?rvr-J?,,JBPHBBBBBBBBBBHH- 4.-' I' '''kkkHlK ?&& i ,vaBy:''ii'""'lBBBBBBl it . iiiiHiHiwOiBMBIfliiiiiill) i Hk iHHH H' I, ,-,, " i THE SAGUACHE, another great Hog Islahd cargo carrier ready for work. The buildingof Hog Island had a greater psychological effect upon our Allies, neutralsvand enemies than any other orte war work. Its completion has been a national achievement. t i . T ZwEn IllHBsaBSiSKBS 1H KQ H 3crtnTfctggrdmMlfcfcoeJ ty IniMMiaiional rfwnar LRD IiAFONGE, of Fcrrieres, Frwc.cfj,whtffcWselBd . ' "" M- - ' ''hi'fo'itfyX. J V, '.V, h' ' l-f ,.'.Nv .w Cjl' -1 f-. ..-. ' ; ,' . ,r J i of Um-EUtue off Liberty. thattandsWewYork', . ' " . GENEIUIi.GEORGE'DARNETTHCownunderrUw.llteJnei'CorpiriniipectlnK'tb 'UarJnetUs'iit-WBshlngtota. D. C.'.'Th HrineiGfrbi-are'lrUWiajnrW'ir-iUujry UfiUa-lU HM,i , M. La Fongc la now -raof Uw 78 ye f Mrf'v s ,, , ' , ''' ',"''' ,"i ,-"" ' .'-vW r -'YrM-flfStwjt Ui of pf Me Con.-' The cm'jdU'-atlUArotrfcM. r f . J' , ,t -""3 , i " J, v -1.- ft j. 1..