' ? j' .r.v n ' y v -A. -) ', " 1 . l' A ' - t I . THE GUMPS Another Ice Box Mystery . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FE1UU AlO '5. 101T1 Cop right 19 It, by the Tribune Co. By SIDNEY SMITH WVv WAWl! LOOK AT HER RUN I KNEW SHE'D BBEN AT THAT HAW t WAONU K.bDINC-r HEfc,, ITS J I KMli 1 r i nnv r,,,'Jii'A'.,"M1vp " J l-EPTACAN.OF NiT ANO iY"b kONB - I POTTED KAfA IN &0JA6.6OttVs,"A,tE.lT,J TN& ICS B, i -- . J ft rai&l CATcw THAT (NVoubP L .emSV J I 6nvh Xfs-. -,vK X. XL' . T THAT'S STEALIN fa- 1 VS.-JW I V, 7 iVA&A f& .' v --- r . ii t i if ukt a". CP- j; .-i xy&i ,44 &k. i . iSftoq r w L SX-O LiaJ s c 1 - k-l gfc IN H I s , The Young Lsdy Across )he Way :PETEYHe Starts Something, Watch His Finish liu G. A. VOIGHT i-. 4m C ah -There t ? numvi" irtrAi .wire vr i MIME IS AtWAS LeAVW6 Her 'Riucs iu The BaTu-J I t?0OK j'tL TAUe tT , AV40 TeACVA HER A LE55ow- - Tfifizzmfr AR m tt -NO.fl nBB'i a ii. lz -. OOM- Mabel.;did Voir see-a WUC AWV- "S l :.. e WHtRE .' 4Et3 MOLCEP-I VjJHIte. AMP .IHEM -CIME IT TO I HER- M j J 9 kJEFt: .J - , .OM PEAe- IT WA5 'W 11-IE '?ATh-1?ooM. ow the Shclf flTl-OH .r lleA , VAiHERE Could t MAe gome yT I l MLJKH.lt X S' .-a 'y someoUe. f?s ; '0C-' !W - 'i VIAI . 'v - li- -rt-r cr, ,,.,... N-'.-r UUC33 I Lb OVVIU I - XT To WER WOW J h Va(Mere"Tme.0, .. it-" WU-Kt.Ki: vw Tot it ?K- 7T jTSg-. -fe-uA if w,-i Mh ,-r- . A remarked to the joune lady nrroM the way that Liberty Bonds would ko to a premium after penco Aas declared, anil Mie said she'd continue to buy them anynay, as her main purpose wasn't to make money MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES j N MVKiMEWT nil7MVS. i. BEFORE HE , , , I'ut out the picture on all (our sides. Then carefully fold dotted Hue 1 Us entire length. Then dotted line l', and so on. Fold each section underneath, accurately. Vhen completed turn over and oil II thul a surprising result. Sa the picture. THE ACTUAL FACT - WjJsLJmm NOW THAT HOBBLE SKIRTS ARE IN AGAIN, OF COURSE THE LADIES IN THE SUBURBS ARE WEARING THEM -:- -:- ... .;. ny FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG ' Indon Opinion. ' Joe Blogrs, ex-munitlonalie. says all his children play on the piano. THE JOYS OF SERVICE V ii wKFwh k 1 1 1 ni WTii" TfTi i" KA ' In4on Opinion. ' tiS Sergeanl (after an hour's herolo efforts to set the tent back on ,1. the perpendicular) I said "Push " joU couple of puddeh-heada not Z "Pulll" BUSINESS BOOMING XI ( BfflHBTTloIy smoke. Looky rf.cvc xMMM0MtK V ' ' . 'CMF' STUBBSWliat He Needs Is Business OpiorfunB EDWINA sum"- "nj pi; c-o'WAyllB I I T ( Krt f ' I 0.0 UrJ l.lhi;,ii I WIHT IT'JO 3N0WSO HARD WC COULTJWT GO to a.noot,;rr TiT v Ml' BAP PoirJB ( jriP a 1 fmSk AW' MEBE MA WOULTJ CMriE A 33IME. TO SWEEP TH' SIDEWALK', m is. .-w -j; ,r VK Snv 5, Co it r f !AW r ii i ..i lri!in AN' MEBBEMlSbUi RUNKlES CRObbTH" STREET 'B CIMrAE A DVME IP I'D SWEEP HER STEPS- AN' mSMJSHM HN Mli;ili Vi nat9K3gE72-. N' niasui n JWK v-'.; ifiliiiu s'MJjkx EE-1 COULD LEARN MEBBE ER-SA-: cee: JEST LOTS of noivfc.7 it--if I I I I ! II I II -wz r?. a i I Mil J "- ' 1. 1 i1 jt . IWI -T I 5 0:6 5 ; tin London 0to4i. v - "x. ; .