Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 04, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 9, Image 9

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    i,n r -- . '" "- vk
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' '19
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French and German Dele-
vntno of RnPllO Knnvnilpll
f . &IW .. ,, j,w
Each Other
" -
Teuton Declares Britain's
' "Hunger Blockade' Causeil
Death of 700,000 Teutons
New British Parliament
Has Coalition Majority
Unionists .....r 33S
Liberals ;.... 136
National Democratic party .. 10
, .
Total 184
Labor party' 39
Unionists -18
Liberals "0
National party
Sinn Peltiers
Irish Nationalists
Coalition majority
district Is twins enrYled out tfrorousb. I
1 and all attempts to uold Ml vice nro bo
I Intr denlt.wlth severe!. The tralnlwr of
AIT linnmiT nnmim t" Bolshevist army la bclnc assisted
IllYI IVllRTlI IfRlllVIT b' Teclal bcIiooIh of Instruction a! Po
Vil IlUIilH riiUlll trosrad and Moscow for all non-com-
i mlsdlOlieu onicers nuu men uv.vwt."...
MIia nnlhi)nl nartv.
By the Aisoctalcd Pfcs
r Berne, Feb, 4. A Molent rhetorical
duel between tlie French and German
i, Socialists, with many reciprocal
lirnanhen nml rirctlRatlnnn marked
ttecond sitting last nlclit of the Inter
J national labor nnd socialist conference.
a Tho French side of the debate was In
tho hands of 1'lerro Tlenaudel, Albert
Thomas and M. Mistral.
J, Otto Wcls, tho former military com
t mander of Berlin, defended the German
position and sa'd that tho German so.
Britain's Legislators Today
Begin Task of Compos
ing Lahor
Ited Army Clrun Htronurr
Generally, the army Is growing hlroiiE-
cr, and, althoueh the new troops arc
far from belns reliable, the sevcro
'methods that liuvo been adopted have:
proved adequate to train these men to
that they nre tho main strength of tho,
. UolhevIst party.
BTO flTIX ACTION LIVFI.Y " '' Me1 tl,ut thu ipparemt In
Hr jUl At,JIUl L.lL.L,l n mllur BtrcnKth Ims been
" tnlten by many to Indicate Bolshevist i
n i.i t-i til Idea" aro ttulnlntf faor with the popu-
ratrols AlSO LllgagCU Along lutlon, but this Is by no means true. I
i Tlie majority or me people are aim-
1 llolshev 1st, but aro afraid to cxpre-N
their opinions. Tho entire strength of
the HoNhovlsts, It Is n erred, rests on
their Institution of red terror.
London, Feb. 4. (By A, P.) Bolshp
vlst forces aro now masters of almost
tho whole of eastern Ukraine, Including
the Important centers of Kharkov, Pol
tava, Kkaterlnosliiv and the Konetz mill
Russians Operating With,
Americans Driven Back
hy Bolshevists
E cry Sector and U. S. Flyer
Bombs Terrorists
II position nnu sa u inai iiic uerium. cu. . . .-,. -..-m- m
' rlallsts already had settled the qucst'on HAS PLEDGED REIORMS
e9 iAr..viMllt. frit !. rnt l Vinvln,-
k taken all power from tho princes nnd i ' .
I KlnKs Wels nccuscd Great Britain of
having killed 700,000 German women,
rhlldren nml mid men hv tho "hunirer
blockade." He said that tho exclus'on
h an
i of the German socialists would impede
' l the reconstruction of tho Internationale.
,' Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian Uremler,
J was tho first speaker on the program
for today.
J Ask Guilty Be Punished
Albett Thomas, who was formerly a
French member of tho Allied war coun-
J ell. prior to tho French and German
' erbal clash offered n motion placing at
tht head of the program questions of re
J rpons'bllity for the war and tlie future
J of Socialism. The motion follows:
I "The Berne Socialist conference, con-
flderlng that a catrclysm deliberately
loosed by a Jew men has Inflicted upon
' J the world nameless calamities and
threatens to harrow up civilization Itself,
It nnd considering, on the other hand, that
nil hopes pf a Just and lrstlng peace de
J pend upon tho possibility of founding a
J society of nations : that thcro can be no
Koclety of nations without trust, and that
international public faith would remain
I . - loreier cuiiiiJiuimaeu iv mw f,u........u
' ! wlilch havo lolatcdvlt could escape
punishment, for their crimes ana it so
t clallst chiefs who made themselves ac-
complices of these governments were not
' branded outcasts by the Internationals,
a has decided to inscribe at tho head
agenda the question of governmental re-
sponslbllltles In the causes of the war.
! that of violation of neutralities which
! had been placed under the guarantees
. of Europe and that of the responsibility
of Socialists Invohed.
k Calls Bolshevism Menace
t "On the other hand the conference.
considering that the future of Socialism
In tho world Is threatened with greatest
dangers by new tendencies called Eol-.
t thevisra, decides to place In the second
posftlon on Us agenda the role of
democracy In the establishment of So
cialist order."
. Arthur Henderson, the British labor
loader, opened the conference yesterday
afternoon with a brief address show
ing ,tbo difficulties ho, Samuel Gom;
pers, president of tho American Fed-
I.ondoii, Feb. 4. The "reconstruction"
Parliament convenes today with a large
part of the country's workers attempt
ing to take reconstruction Into their
own hands.
As organlzatloii of tho newly elected
legislative body gets under way, Great
Britain and Ireland face the constantly
growing menace of a general strike,
which Is admitted frankly oy many of
Its Instigators to be tho first step toward
attempted socialization of the nation's
Industries under n Bolshevistic regime.
Added to this situation was the em
barrassing presence of tho now "Irish
Republic," which was declared formally
In the recent Sinn Fein "parliament"
In Dublin. That the British Go eminent
had not evinced In any way Its Inten
tions toward this new neighbor only
added to the responsibilities of the new
"reconstruction" Parliament.
For a week Parliament will devote
Itself to organization work. Including
the swearing In of members, hearing of
contests, etc. It will bo opened for
mally February 11 by King George.
I.loyd George Will Return
So Important nrn tho wobloms Imme
diately confronting Parliament that Pre
Uy'the Associated Press
.ArrliRwrrl, Fen. 4. The IlUbstan
detachment operating with the Amer
icans on the Plncgn front retreated Sun-
,inv L.vm v..i. m v.r.t i nhnut i Imr ronton, according to a HelslngforR
.i, o.n. , .. i,n,.i, . dispatch to the Mn I. It Is reported thai I
Ituicc-utiii-ui u miirs. unci ........,--.. n f.-oxlct j;ocriimcnt lias neen cstan
sueessfully attempted an attack In , llshwl at Kharkov, the president being '
which It encountered superior numbers UT tSfVlffi1 GeVntlny!
I of the Bo1she 1st forces. I
on all Rectors of the front. ' ERZBERGER TALKS0F RIGHTS
I An American airplane Sunday bombed I rp . , r All T
Bolshe 1st positions on the Vnga nivcr. I "uul .", . . ""-"
Adlces to tho Allied Intelllitenco ro- Alike, lie Insists
veal some of the methods by which the, nnff i'cb. 4. Speaking befcie the
Bolshevlkl have been able to organize .colonial Society in Berlin Jlathlas Krz
their army In such a way as to make'be onp f tho arnnan armUl!c0
53,V nolnmB n'is,0,!." blr0nC!commsloner, protested yesterday'
,. ,, , . against Germany s being deprhed of her
Hold Families ... 1lo.tn.e , ,,, acc.or(1ine to dispatch received
The principle, of thes methods, no- here from tho German capital, lie ts
cording to information recclcd from reported tu hae said:
tho Interior, lies In compelling tho gen- "If we no longer havo troops or arm:',
ernls and staff officers In the old Pus- 'laye our rights. Depr'vlng Germany
lan nrmv to servo Hi Bnluliovlljl uv of a" ller colonies would contain a dead.
EoMinJ .l-u ATifu. -. i . "y H"1 for 'c league of nations cum
hording their families as hostages for ifffcro that league Is born. We under-
tho ofllcert: conduct. Cases have oc- stand It has been proposed to lntcrna-
currcd of ofTlcers' families being placed tlonallze German colonies under the h.1-
undcr close arrest, the women being ministration of the league of nations.
treated a badlv a tho mra Wo uBht to repel categorically such a
nii!n e .i J?.? . o, proposition, or cla'm llm s.une treatment
Tlie position of these Russian odlcera for the colonies of nil other powers.
n the rntiks of tho Soviet army Is ex- Pre-sldent Wilson's program gives Ger-
trcmely dlfllcult. They serve as com- many an Inviolable right to her colonial
mnnding officers and are trusted in all territories."
technical matters, but In regard to every-i
mlssloners, who are permanently attach-'
ed to the nmfy and even control tho. Planned Destruction of Business
carrying out of operations. I xi,m.a : A.f0,n
lluenon Alre, Feb. 4. (By A. l'.J
Trotnby Threaten l'rcir utlon
Leon" Trotzky. the Bolsl:c 1st minister
of war and marine, has 'ssued an or
der that families cf officers who desert
Dispatches from Chile last night report
an alarming sltuat on nt Antofagasta,
to the Allies are to bo held resnonslhlo where It Is said that disorders, which
and will be prosecuted In some cases. have been prevailing for some time, have
Military experts who have been fnrr,i taken ni admittedly Bolshelk turn
to serve tho Bolshevists Include homo It Ih snld the agitators arc demanding
mlcr Lloyd George despite the need of of t bebt mcn ,n flcld tactics, engineer" th establlshmoiu'of n new WMrnnunt
his presence at the Peace Conference. , d ordnlince t0 bo found ,u J,"r there. The police nro said to h ivo cap
will return to London tho last of this u,,s,.a ' tn,ral, tured documents showing a long list of
weok (n pnnfw with n.irtlnnionlfirv tpnd.
ers and direct formulation otuT legtsla-'
tlo program. The ttal questions this '
Parliament must pass on are:
Ratification of the peace treaty.
Settlement of general strikes.
Definition of Its attitude toward
the "Irish Republic."
Adoption of a general reconstruc
tion program.
Under the last division Is Included the
problem of Import restrictions, with
probable departure fromi the freo trade
policy; freo land for soldiers; better
housing and working conditions, nnd )
extension and maintenance of the mer
chant marine. !
Both l'artlons Pledged to feorlal Ilefornm
Both the coalition nnd minority par-
General mobilization of soldiers in ull; SrS.
i buflress house which are to be bucked
Smoke Insu
pration of Labor: Albert Thomas, tno i,.ia .,,i,, , ,..,, ,,.., .. ,i.
Iench labor leader, and "EmlleVander- )ogIcal refornls ..tnal wlll maUo Ulc
ifejd, thj, Belgian Socialist chief. ex-counlry wprthy of the heroism of tho
petfenctd-; In ..-arranging the conference men who ,,ave fouehtr for )ler 6lncc
nt all. lie proposed the name of HJal- jji 4
mar Brantlng. the Swedish Socialist
loader, for president. He was elected
, It wa,ofnclalIy announced that eighty
delegates -representing twenty-one dif
ferent countries, were present, and that
more Were expected soon, Including
seventeen Americans.
There was applause when HJalmar
Brantlng remarked that If tho Peace
Conference at Paris "represented the
ruling classes he hoped Bene w'ould rep
resent the working classes. There was
general approval and some' cheering
when Brantlng declared:
"President Wilson Is the great pro
tector of worklngmen and the founder
of tho league of nations." Brantlng also
praised 3Ir. Wilsons "fourteen points."
rrj. Feb. 4. (By A. P.). The
tierne Socialist conference, to whlcn
many Socialist bodies In Europe have
failed to send representatives, is the
outcome of a German plan to help Ger
many retrieve her military defeat and
1 oscape the payment of just Indemnities,
la the belief of Charles Kilwnrd Rust-all
and' William English Walling, speak
ing In behalf of the Social Democratic
League of the United States. Messrs.
Russell and Walling gave out tho fol-
. lowing statement on the subject in the
name of tho league:
' "As delegates of our organization we
lecllno to go to Berne because, despite
the pretension that the world's laboring
j Inniaa Ufa Ktnrdanntrl .Uami ., n.l,.
V "." ... ...ft wuu.ikvu l.uv, ,W, .l,-f
clp.il movers are .those In all countries 1
wno triea 10 cause peace when It would
have meant the triumph of Imperialism
nnd the ruin of the working class de
mocracy. ""Wo note that the general federation
of trades unions of Great Britain has
n representation there, nor the Italian
Socialist party, representing the major
ity or the, Socialists; nor the Belgian
Socialist party, nor the American Fed
eration of Labor, and that forty So
cialists In the French Chamber of Dep
uties allowed their delegates to go enly
under.protest and under the threat that
their action would be repudiated unless
the-Schetdemann group was excluded.
"We also note that one-third of the
delegates are recognized by the Bol
shevlkl as sympathetic with their doc
trines. "We believe that the Berne confer
ence Is designed by Germany to redeem
her from military defeat and avcld the
payment of a Just Indemnity by Intrigue
and secret diplomacy,"
Lieutenant Dalis Recounts Expc
' rience in Argonno Battle
Twenty-seven consecutlva days' fluht-
. ing inline niunii rortsi was me expe
r rience nf Lieutenant Maurteo n Tiaits.
'z, sitih Machine Gun Battalion.
V Lieutenant Dulls Is one of the Phllo
r1, flMnhlsL men who rjartlnlnntpH In tliA
y iiercest. ciigKvuiu"i u. uie war. ills
,; home Is at 16s North Franklin street.
i In a letter to his brother. Private H. L.
. Dalls w no. is yjtauonea at Newport News.
Bnerman was au wrong. lieu
The housing problem will bo one of'
tho first things to be considered. Par
liament will be asked to authorize the
building of thousands of cottages within
easy nccess to the Industrial regions.
These cottages will bo sold to workmen 1
on .easy payments.
A ministry of health Is to be created ,
to supervlso sanitary conditions In In
dustrial quarters and see that the work?
ers' environment la made more pleasant. I
Tho wago scale, it is hoped, will not!
be allowed to drop back to Its ante-1
bellum, hand-to-mouth leveC Although
there probably will be some difficulty in,
fixing a minimum wage. It seems virtu
ally certain some figures will be agreed
on that will enable all workmen to main
tain a much higher standard of living
than hitherto hns been possible. Regu
lation of working hours will be debuted
and borne maximum working day will
be fixed.
Labor Program TJLely o He 1'iri.t
Tho Labor Ministry In hclnlnc de. '
mobilized soldiers to find Jobs. Whether
such aBslstanco will develop Into a regu
lar frc labor agency, with branches
throughout the country, or whether the
bulk of this work wlll'be done by the
trades unions, Is still uncertain. Both
schemes have their adtocates.
Quick formation and passage of the
Industrial part cf the reconstruction
program, It Is believed, will tend toward
amicable adjustment of the labor crisis.
There was some conjecture as to
whether tho Sinn Felners elected to
Parliament would attend In Its rorma
tory stages. It Bcemed to be a foregone
conclusion that. If they did, they would
withdraw befcro the .formal convening
,of the body next weel compelled them
to swear allegiance to the King. Tho
few Irish Nationalists elected will bo
present, according to T. P. O'Connor,
their leader.
Labor Party Ataumea Opposition
une 01 tno notnble features of the
new Parliament will be the appearance
of tho Labcr party us "HIb Majesty's
"opposition," The Laborltes won this po
sition In the last elections by polling a
plurality over tho other non-coalltlon
parties, with the exception of tho Sinn
i-einers. ine latter, however, nro or.
pected to relinquish their chanco to lead
me opposition by refus nsr to s L
Among the noted statesmen who u-r.
defeated "Tor re-election In the recent '
elections are Herbert Asqulth, one-tlmo
Premier, and Arthur Henderson, Labor
' rtuo ror o
sizes 10c
It insures your getting a
good cigar. It insures vour
getting a cigar that won't
leave unpleasant and harm
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what "smoke insur-
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Never gets on your nerves
ever In It for a 'minute with the i
anna Bcran. livery men n
i' every least little vantage point
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tdriy contested for.
Every inch of grow
ungo point, was 1
But your old Tai
1 meant business, and slowly shoved ahei
The casualties were enormous, of course.
- nllut when one man kicked off, there
'"Was -always another ready to tnke his
'. plfcce. Ono "division, depleted and worn,
anothen went In, fresh, ready to carry
' on where the other left off. The dead
of both armies we-e lying about In
fctape.-unburlcd, though tsomo attempts
v.'ero inado at burial, fopirrherever ono
'IvuKodt newji -erected crasLjs, could be
v . 1 1 .
vVtittle Uope of Saving
- Waafclnaton. Feb. 4. Ad
' a.drtu4 the Navy Department
oWMKMn cnarge ct enoris
I it.
NsBf-' knsett
nssKA filmn
"Mfct the
years aco we had the smallest
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Tndav va hav the largest coal
vard In Philadelphia, delivering
150,000 Tons a Year
We have had Blizzards
We have had' Strikes
We have had War
And we served you well,
No order too small cr too large.
One Price to All
Owen Letter's Sons
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I to corrosion.
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I Pyra $ obtainable at garage, druggtit, etc..
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neverrealizcd xvltat it would mean to them to sec a girt from home" Elsik Jams.
1 - 4 M j-. .at
A K any soldier who was Overthere when
ii the fighting was thickest the name of
the Most Popular Woman in the World.
In nine cases out of ten, he will answer
without hesitation
lsie Jams
FOR six full months this brilliant young
actress spent her whole time with the
American soldiers in France singing to
them dancing with them visiting the
sick and cheering the weary.
Now she has written it all up in her own inimitable
way. Yes, she wrote it herself there are better
lines " in her war story than in any of her plays.
THE "Big Show" by Elsie Janis is unique.
Whole libraries of books have been
written about fighting, about strategy,
about death and misery. But here
is a woman's story about our American
soldiers it's as plucky, as cheerful, and
as characteristically humorous in the midst
of danger as were our boys themselves.
You will find the opening chapters of the
"Big Show" in the new February number of
A Magazine with a Mission
IKfjiNY NEWSDEALERS tell us that their supply qf Hearst's Magazine
L'-l is sold ottit completely a day or two after the magazine arrives.- Since only
nt mnnu conies are vrinted as are ordered in advarice many veovle are disavvointsd
each month. It is. therefore? always well to buy your copy of Hearst! s at' oncf , .
mud, whtre convenient? to leave a regvlar reservtk Jm tUJjtfm numkm.
.1. ' ' f. , - .,.'. a ' 14. C1 .4iB w . it
josL., . ' iilsti"- V- " .slfieJl.i . "... .:.v....,i.MSB3Sdi&
Ha ."
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t &
' Ta
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I 1'.