1 ij .fM? 'J. ci' ' ' i - ' ( b. v V 7 fisf t.ra.. H ft 'X 'EDDIE STYLES HAS LOW SCORE Tics Fowncs and Stearns for High Honors in St. Valentine Tourney .COVERS COURSE IN 78 Vlnehnnt, S. C, Feb. . Tlio HrBt 18 fiMes of tlio C-hole qualifying round In tlio St Valentino Volf tournament were played hero yesterday, one-half of the field, play 'ntr on the No. 2 course and the ether half on No. 3. Today tho process will b,d reversed. ' Henry C. Fowncs, of Pittsburgh, the Oakmont veteran, and Edward Styles, of the North Hills Country Club. Phila delphia, led the contingent that went overiNc. 2. Fownes went around In 41, 37-78. and Styles in 40, 26-78. John N. Steams, 3d, of tho Nassau Country Club, negotiated tho trouble BOmo No. 3 courso In 38, 40-78, and was the only player tor do better than 85 on that courso. The following thirty-two finished In SO ftl nntf.- liilaii ....a...... .. a nl.iilnw nn p No. 2 and eleven on So. 3: IJ. C. Fownes. Oakmont. 41. 37 78, course 2: John It. Stearns. 8d, Nassau. 3". 4078. course 8: Edward Styles. North Hills. 40. ?7 72, course 21 R. It. Owaltney. Haltusrol. 41. 4081. course, 2s Franklin 11. Oates. Jloore County. 40, 4282, course 2: J. D. Chapman Greenwich. 40. 4282, course 2i C V, Wumn, Jr., Raltusrol, 41, 4884, fours. Bj John W. Watun, Morion Crlckst Club. 40. 4n 83. courts 8; O. T. Hloodsood,' Cherrv VU' 43. 4283, course 2. Oeorge H. t'arhart. Greenwich. 42, 4383, courso 2i F v. Kennedy. Toronto. 41, 44 8J, course 2i R. F. Mundy, Garden City. ; 4483. rourno 8; Robert A. Strnnnhan. Inverness, 4n, 40 S3, courso 31 F. C. Leon ora, jwortn Hills. 42. 4480. courie 3f. (I. vjaamom. 44, 43 NT. course a, I,. Pierce. Ekwanok. 42. 4587. court S; Major . ir a. is. ilanner. Greenwich. 44. 43 ST. V'"" i . u. riuiiips, floors uoumy, a. i 43r8, courts 2. W. K. Trueedell. Oarden City. 40. 4288. courts 3: Courtland Van ClleftV nichmond S?.V?"'' .47-. 418. courts 2 Everett E. jytlbar, Alpine. 47. 4188. courts 2: Frank K. Mahan. Ht. Davids, 41. 47 BS, courts 31 Ueorje A. Dixon, Jr.. National. 41. 4788. courts 3: Q. Wyman Carroll, Jr., Norwich. . 44 88. courts 2i Charles George, Hrook line. 43. 4480, courts 2; Oeorst II. Wil liams. Areola. 4ft. 4380, .courts 2: T. A. Kelly, Southerh Plnet. 44; 45 8. courts 2! . 11. Meigs. Merlon Cricket Club. 43, 48 0, courts Si F. T. Keatlnir, Spring I.aKe, '44, 40110, courts 8; Donald rVirton, Youngs town". 40. 4400, courts S: It. It. flharrtitn. Veungstown. 40. 4490. courts 2: T, R. Drown, Scartdale, 47, 43 DO. courts 3. RUTH PLAYS WELL State Champio Wins 28 and Loses Five Chess Games With only flvo defeats In twenty-eight eamce, William A. Jtuth, Stat? cham pion and Mercantile Library tltleholder, 'last night made a splendid record In n simultaneous class exhibition In tho Central Branch Y. II. C. A., against n number of the best Qhess exports In this vicinity. Iuth was at his best through out the match! and only shortage of time, which required the adjudication of a number of matches, kept his total of victories down.' Five'drawn games were so 'adjudicated, with his consent. Ills record for the evening was 18 won, S lost, E drawn. ' Hla victorious opponents were II. N. Mlller,--of Fox Chase, tho first success ful bppnent: George K. Dal;er. of the ' Y.VM. C. A. : J, S. Dorn. of t3crmantown: D. W. Hoffman, of tho Y. TIL C. A., and "Meyer Schlmselowltr, captain of the Uni- Averslty of .Pennsylvania chess team. Draws wero obtained by Mrs. IX D, Chl- i tlester, J. A. Gillespie, F, N. Dates, N.'V. v"C6ates, S. S. Raltlbirg Saltzburg Is tlio Hwarthmdre expert.' ''HABIT FOR NEW YORK- tnfSiklliSlAltfil1 Game iii A' ' Shipyard'1 League v ' STANDING OP THE CLUBS " H'"1 ' w. t p,c w, i r.c. N. York S. 8 0 1.000 Uok Itl'd. 2 5 .275 -Chstter... 4 2 .007 i'ua'J&J'nei O 7 .000 Harlan ... 4 3 ,607 New York Sh p, Itadcrs.of, tho Dela ware Itlver Shlnyard Leaeue. continued Its maf ch pennantward last night by de- j UJttiiuif Auscy oc juries in u close antl exciting game. at the P. It It.. Y. M. C. A Camden, by a, score, of 32 to 19. Both teams were minus some of their bright est stars. Hyde and Lennox, of New York, and'Mclnhardt and Watson, of the Pusey & Jones team.'belng out of their respective line ups .PHILADELPHIA BOY WINS . Bill Wear High Gunner in Mil- "Jibn-Dollnr. Pier Shoot" Atlantic", City. Feb. 4. Tno fourteen- year-old boys featured the shooting In the regular weekly tournament on the Million-Dollar Pier yesterday. ,7WllllmP. Weai, of Philadelphia, and i.TPaul W. Hyatt, of Brooklyn, held the stage. Each Bmashed nineteen targets In their best ntrlnc of twentv-flvo. and accomplished other creditable scores duri ing-rtha week., young. ear wpn the boys' trophy ana the Brooklyn lad was elven the beginners' clip,. The latter -also, led theadults among the novices. ,. WAY faPEmER TRIP Yale Athletic Gommitteo Believes iJl-i '" Exnenses Are Too Grant New . Haven, Conn., Feb, 4. Doubt tSabout,the desirability of an Eapter trip' y,fror the Yalo baseball nine this year has ,tee, in spite of the urnent request of the student body that such a trip be allowed nb lleuil 'l' The athletlo committee is .Inclined to feel that no financial chances care be taken the coming, season and that. h.. cause Easter trips have usually been financial failures, the plan might be abandoned this rear. BOWMAN'S ENTRY WINS Finishes First in Fliglit From Rittertotvn, Pn. First honors In the-plgeon race of the West Philadelphia district of the Lib erty Concourse Liberty Association held on Sunday were won by Paul Ilowman, whose pigeon was the first of the thir teen birds to reach hero from Iilttertotvn, Pa.-, a distance of 100 miles. Shelton td Coach Wett Virginia Morganiown. W. V., Feb. s.e-Wttt Vlr Inla again will b&va Kemper Shelton, Istt year's successful dlamsnd coach, to handle 'ths nlno In the spring. Shelton has written from .France that be expects to sail within ,. week. 0'Mara,Slgn With Brooklyn 1 V I. .. . .Mil. . .1 t eb esiiw, mif, .-Jiiis u.&iara, iniru -, r pucmtjiuup ins uoager. wno is visiting I. hero-. bag. signed for another ysar and !' nailed tie contract to President Ebbett. 'V Jxiii8ieiir8 Not Waiting Until April 1 tWMoiint Canriel, Pa., Feb. 4. Ths second Ybtteball gams of ths season was played yea- iferdr afternoon at Msitvllle Park, when1 TJarlon Heights defeated Natalie, 13 to M, tJaefor a large crowd of fans, i ' i y .'CbriiKnion Throws Conley Ea.il jTWaax City, Is.. ,lW 4, It required thlr- it(i,miuiv is-eb uigui pt" Jruiu winsian' rntn, 'Pa,, Feb. 4Mansger Hugh t , PatOonly,. otvllvHe. Moat.. Irish chain- xffiy N i,Tlgrs' $en4.0nt Fifty Contricu gwuiusp, u. uiw virui. .isvis, announoed hr ysatsrday that the Detroit owners have . gent out contracts to fifty playsrs, all of ' wJwmh are on tbe roeins list of the club, a &f, KleckWec.ta Defend Title J. .tAWSC.- X! HAVERFORD'S FIRST GAME Varsity Five' Defeats Alumni in Opening Lotcst llaxerford. To., Feb, 4. Tho first olTI clal basketball game In the history of Haverford College was staged here yes terday, the representative team defeat ing the alumni, which contained such men as Shipley, the Intercollegiate soccer star, and Morgan, the football light of 19K, by the score of 69 to 32. Basketball Is a new sport nt Haver ford, but Judging from last night's re ception It will be an Important one. The contest, which was played In the gymna sium, was interesting throughout, being a free-scoring exhibition by clever passes. Tho ecoro "at half time favored the Haverford team, 28 to 17, Haverford Alumni Graves forward Weed Nattke ....forward......... Shipley Walton center. ......... Morton Corann guard Hall llenderaon .,,, guard,, Do Weets Held iroalt Ornvet. 8 Natzkt. 13! Wal ton. Bj Corton, 0: Shipley. Bi Hall. St De West, 6. Foul.goalt Natike. 8: Weed. 4. Iteferee Ilurrett. Time 20-mlnuts hale. Yankees May Lose SniallwooJ New Yerk, Feb. 4, Walter Smallwood. who joined the Yankees last teaton, hat notined ths club secretary that he It mov ing toward ths Ithlneland and may not be back In time to play ball with Now York, LOST AND FOUND tlOX Lost, ault box. containing lady's dr and child's coat, In sneiienourt millinery department, nrat floor, Raturday) liberal re ward A 128. Ledrer Ofrtce. . DOO Iwitt, black and white Kngllth bull dog: "W, O. Houthton" inscribed on collar plate: lott around S8th and Walnut att. Re ward offered at 8780 Walnut at. . RINO Liberal reward ottered for diamond and sapphire rlnir lost In ladles' room nitt-Carlton Hotel. Sunday evening, between 7 and 8 o'clock! no nuetttont atked. Phone Ardmore 1108. p. o. Pox 82. Haverford. Pa. WAL.L.12T Lott. Maturday nlaht. at Keith's Cheatnut Rt. Theatre, wallet containing money, carat, eic neionaina to c. urawn; reward. Finder notify Q. C. Lamb. Fll, S383. HELP WANTED FEMALE ATTP.ACTIVB POSITIONS FOIt YOUNO WOMEN DO TOU WANT A PrjACMIMR PO. )irill?i 1VHW1I AH.SIIHBH pnovn. TION. AIWANCKMKNT IN aALAIlT jav i'ui(i-Ai;rux7 nurj, Tni.KnioNE opkratino is rAHCINATINO WORK. NO RXPERI E.NCE IS HEQUlnED TO START. tO PER WEEK FIRBT FOtlft WF.EKH. WITH RAPID INCREASES THERE AFTER. APPI.T It A. WEEKDAY. H. TO G P. M. ANT 10.11 Arch at Mitt R; flyan Sml 4IW Mtrket tt. llat mlth . II. r.Tth and Chettnut ttt. Mitt MrCaba :'u . Snellen me uta liiirknardt 20 V. Oth it. j Chester, I'a. 11 In Troy THE DELI, TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNA BOOKKEEPER, experienced In stenography and typewriting, want'd at once bv an automobile concern; mutt. he capable, willing and .conerlentiont p-rmnentt wtate ttAry an.l nhore nnmher P 02T, Ledger Offlcs. BOOKKEEPER wanted at once by an auto- mooiis company, experienced in ttenog rnphv preferred mutt b capable, willing worker: permanent: state salary, phone mimhe. l 127. ledger Ofllce. 1IOOKKEEPER and stenographer, one thor oughly experienced In general offlce detail, to take charge. Call II, & 11, Co., 147 N, 1 2th st. fourth lloor. IIOOKKEEPBR-stepog..tpewrller stats er per. rnd salary desired. P 128 Led. Off CA8HIFR Qlrl who has experience In handling 1'ally receipts, petty cath nnd fo'lowloT un delinquent payments. P lOd, Ledwer Offlce. 4 CHAMHF.PMAtD and waitress wanted: good white girl Phone Qermantnwn 174B J. fOOK 'l-hambermald" and waitress Two sirl" Trotestan'. white; pest references re. quired: gnl wares: no washing, Phons ChMt-nt Hill 1170 W. DEHIONKRS on detail work; half day Satur.1 day: nice, clean work. P 1 23,' Ledger Off. fHRL Iliitelsn or Snanlsh wsntcd to do housework In a family of 8. Write to tiftni Ogontz sve Qermahtown, or phone Oak Teoe l.tm W. OIRL. exp . wanted cream and bakery. .Teeksnn sts attend V. cor. itore, Ice 10th and INTBHV1FWFH Woman with presence and tact: permanent position; short hours; good Income; advancement Call afternoons, nno rienekln Ttldg.. second floor. t.AD'F.' to take work home leisure hours! trsnsferrlng patterns:tendy. Rita Market. LAUNDRY MARKERS AND rni.RERS ON FLAT WortK FEEDERS AND FOf,riEnt IN FLAT WORK DEPARTMENT APPLY 1308 FILRERT ST. MILLINERS WANTED T:XPRniENCED MILLINERS PERMANENT Jg'IJpNB ALL TEAU , J OOOD WAOES APPLT EMPLOYMENT T1UREAU LIT' RROTHKR8 STENOGRAPHER' CAPARLE OF DOINO OOOD WORK APPLT )tf&v STENOORAPHER GOOD CORRESPONDENT APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'B. STENOGRAPHER. Immediately; secretarial; neat and accurate, thorough In detail: am bltiout; old-ettab. business, rapidly grawlngi advancement certain to ons whose work war- rsnts Phone Tuesday, locust 4818. STENOGRAPHER and offlcs assistant. Prot- estant; one familiar with bookkeeping pre- 'f.V-"1.,?0 salary .ouJ 1 and" resJeno.' 22. ieoger Sfflc'T Mftrwiot, gELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANTS A well-known firm tt cer tified public accounting requires first-class seniors with publlo accountancy, experience; stateage. experience and salary reoulred. P 888, Ledger Office. ACCOUNTANT8 and autdltor Experienced eniors and juniors for firm of publlo ac countants: state age, experience and salary. p 080. Ledger Ofllce. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Flrst-oleis men whs thoroughly understand fitting and making of artificial limbs: modern shopi good salary and bstt working conditions. Apply by Ut ter, statins patt experience and present con nection. Addrets M 218. Lsdger orris, CARDER and spinner to taks charge of . k iln sets r caras ana izuii spinning spinan r Apply Pstchett Worsted Co. KeySer' DIKMAKKUB. exn, on tin can ;n chine ry. AI'UH t(tr .. Jm . DRIVERS--Steady mtn for Btrady position..; Over l fJ 01 .(tvj wou mmmTVi Apply 0 n.. m.. ir. tie noM 1027 IUInbr!drft tt. DRIVERS wantsd 0 days a week; good wsgst and bonus. Apply Crane Ice Cream Co., ar.a B. 23d at. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, white; exceptional opportunity for right man, accustomed to fiastsnger s svator. A, II,. Slckler, SIS Lud ow st. Ask for sir. .Richards. ENGINEER, licensed, for night shift, street railway power plantr no firing, wages f 24 per week. Apply F. T. A H, Ry. Co., Ttoony and Robbing strssts, Philadelphia. IIOO ISLAND BHIPTARD WANTS PIPESTtTKRS FIRST AND SECOND CLASJ PIPEFITTEnS OUR TRAINING DEPAnTMENT1, WANTS BThONO, PHTSICALLT PIT JiEN TO LEARN 'bIHPDUILDINO TRAPEO. APPI.T v. a. emplotmknt bhrvjcb SOO WALNUT BTRBE 1521 ARCH STREET S21 SOOTH STII STREET 2542 RIDOD AVENUB EVENING PUBLIC HELP WANTED MALE CHESTER SHirilTJILDtNO CO. LTD. Chester, Pa, (Founded In 1871) SiUinJ"i!,,J?,n,r of Am,rlc'" " ftnou vK?: 1.c.'.uln' navtl vessels of ths original usuauiuni Udf5p!mln.,Jlt ari1' nld nd eaulp- GOOD WAOES AND STEADY EMPLOY MENT .r. .. RIVETERS . WE WANT IHVETKHS RIVETERS NONE DOT A RIVETER NEED APFLY 1XIR A RIVETER'S JOI1 C,'J.EST.!C.U RHlWlufLDINa CO.. LTD. OHIce. su N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Ta, 0r K'.8'. DEPARTMENT OP LABOR 1MB Arch tt. 2'.La"d Walnut ttt., Philadelphia, Pa. 010 Sprout at.. Cheater, Pa, .. Or AT MAIN PLANT CHESTER SHIPIIUILDINO CO., LTD. Employment Department rront and Kerlln tie., Chester, Pa. ItlllEMAN wanted fi.r lVnnaIvanl ribbon plant of 24 looms; mutt undentand'loom fixing figuring for tamplea and etart gas soilne. Answer, giving experience, age, ref erence, salary and where latt Employed, M 181. Idier OITIce. OFFICE ROT Bright boy wanted. Rourte Rldg. Call 211 PAPER CUTTER Man to run largs ma chine: must bs steady and fait worker; state experience and salary detlred to start. P 128. Ledger Offlce. TORTERR AND CLEANERS WHITE MEN APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEIVS SALESMAN Wanted, saleeman, middle aged, experienced In selling, who wants to better himself: salary and expenses with strong houtt) excellent future. P 029. Ledger Office. ; f SALESMEN F our high-grade motortruck salesmen to cover eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jertey for established Philadelphia concern: only high-grade men with clean reeorda and'good references need apply; exceptional opportunity (or the right man. M 211, Ledger Offlcs. SALESMEN We can use 2 salesmen who nave nnfl not lest tMn n years' experience In ths automobile game and who would con alder changing their line nnd who can con vince us that their aalnry and commlsslont nas amounted to not lett than too n vear during thote 0 vcurt; mutt bs employed at the present time. A 204, Ledger Office. SALESMEN Several talesmen wnMed to Call on the general hutlnett trade In Phlla. County: those who have formerly made good telling cash registers, check pro tectors, testes, bonds, auto supplies, etc.. preferred: liberal commission bssle. Apply after 10 a. m.. Suite 812. Commercial Trust TMIIdlng , 8ALF.SMKN Large department store rs nutrrs experienced bonk salesmen to follow new leadt In outside cltlet: new, hlgh-clat nronosltlon: eaty paymenta: commletlon battel hutlnett references r'nulred. Apply pcrsnnm'y. a. J tvoire, winener mag. SAI.TISMnN I would like to get In touch with teveral high-grade saletmen who have had experience In selling automobile ft-Mnre stocks. Tou cannot qualify for the petition unlett you have the belt of references. A 203 Ider Office, SALESMEN We have an opening for 2 ex ceptlonally high-grade apeclalty saletmen: who canfurnlsh ths beer of references need snp'y. A irj, linger un ice. SHIPPER, capable of taking charge of ship, ping departmnet and take car of stock for large concern: good petition for capable tran: tttte age, experience and give rcfer enect: P 02t. Ledger Offlce ROI.H HOHTKIt on women's cut soles. Apply wilKinsnn neae r. i ri orin si. SPRINOMAKKJl on el'lntlo and coll springs for cars. Apnly Pullman Car Shops, 12th and Rallrosd ave , Wilmington. Del HTnOHTticnPKnH FOIt H01ISF.',,'iRN's'ttNO GOODS SECTION APPLT DURRAIT OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'B WATCHMAKER Man 'with thorough knowl edge of watchmaking and repairing; goM salary and steady position. Apply the nun.. Ktntt. sign j nrna, WANTED Msn to make and erect safety guards on textile Vnachlnery. Thomas L. Lcedom Co.. Rrlstol. Pa. OenrAl anKelNKWALD'n SUPERINTENDENT OR WORKt MOR. for large mfs. corp; 110,000 to 10.000 n jear men only considered. Employment and wel fare mi.r mfg. corp.i gord wagis Private secretary man or woman, handle detail Stenographers. Correspondent and sales executive, electrical exp, Sunt, warehouse, exp.t good wages. Sales engineer, speclsl-' machinery concern Sunt. as and electrlo power plant. Credit nnd collection man re tall tin. i Foreman handle men. Labor fore men Head bknr. Three asst. bkprs Senlcr C. P. A., 173 weekly! permsnent position Unususl attractive openings for technics and college men. also for executive ofllce men and women Infm-matlon blank and booklet gratia. No enrollment charges. 230 S 11th slnee 107, VE TKACH YOtt TO DHtVf AND RErAIR AllTOMOrltl.KS 111! TOMPUFTP rOURSP-llS DAT AND NIOKT CLASSES Sattler's. loot Soring Unrden st. Open Sun. AOEVTS CANVASSKRS Ladles, big money, rail 11 a. m. or R p. m Clark. 1411 N. 18th. SITUATIONS WAyTEP--TEMAT.B "WOMAN, colored, educated, wants employ ment as matron In home or factorv; ren he useful fn any other field. Address II, K., "2T S Third street, cltr. ' TOUNO IjADY with eiecutlve abllllty. 10 years' business experience, thorough offlce training! A-l reference. P 224. Ledger OR. SITUATIONS WANTED MATB BOOKKEEPER Credit man. asst. to auditor or arcounti exp , qualified, desires reiponsl- lie posnion. r aio, imager unice llUVfrnvunt nn u.tt.a .y.itru. .uuumi, closed or adjusted. Address M 132, Ledger yrtice, KAI.KSJ1AN, with broad advertising experi ence, has choice of moving to another city or maklns n'ew connections, desires to tie up permanently with x. representstlve l'hlla. manufacturer: record will bear moat search ing Investigation. A 114. Ledger Offlce. TELEOKAPH OPERATOR Young men with brokerage axp. des. pas. P 830, Led. Off. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES CALL Walnut 4248 for male and female help: best references. Ruey Employment Bureau. 1201 Spruce st, .Room E04-IK11, MRS. NICMOLLS. 1U2S llalnbrldga at. First class whits male and female help supplk-d and wanted Phono Iocu.et 21B0, . bOTBR, MO N. loth at. Cooks, chamber maids, houeeworkers of all kinds: best wsges Poplar 341. ' MRS, KKROUSON. . (Southern Bmployrossl Agency, hav couples (or private families Walnut 414. ; MRS- HARVEST, HID Rlttenhouss jauars nsllable help supplied and wqnfed. COOKS, chamber'ds want positions In coun- trv M'S Ro" nell.bertv ISU Olesrd WANTED, at Episcopal Offlce. Its 8. littnT cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, nurses. DEES8MAKINO tc MILLINEBY DRESSMAKER, exclusive styles, street, evening gowns, blouses, nous dreii.s, re modeling', rsasonablt. phons Daring 7BI. OLD GOLD OLD jrold, silver, platinum, plated wars, old. styl iiW'try. tssth .plates bought for cash. Est. HIT. J. I- Clark, refiner. 80T Bansem. CASH paid for old (old, silver) clocks re palrsj.. Rogers. 4 a. iTth st.' Loc, li 8T0&AQE J1DBLITT nnEPROoin WAnETtotimi 1I1MI1I MARKET ST. TRi1 JOHNTtBOADii CO. 6toragTiackln. asr.friySar!V'ri5Pinfl.h' new yr. LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, TJSED AUTOMOBILES YOU CAN BUY A Used Car or Truck On Convenient Monthly Payments WK I FINANCE Tltn PURCHASE OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS Phone, Filbert 1,500. Ask for Mr. Cooper 0LIN FINNEY & CO.. Inc. COMMERCIAL BANKERS Heal Estate Trust Building Philadelphia Studebaker Corporation 668 & 70 N. Broad St. r.l5i'n'.nr''. ' u,"d cart mutt bs dlt poted of this week cash or terms to retponslbls persons. STUDEBAKER CARS rIH" 15 Touring. 4 cylinder 1810 8!!" J" Touring. 4 cylinder 021 Si!" I" Touring. 0 e Under 1000 ,,. 10 Sedan Demonstrator. ...11800 ... " the above cart carry rexular guar anies and are In perfect condition, hav ing been thoroughly overhauled. OTHER MAKES Wllljt-Knlaht Touring car. Imperial Touring. All above cars In excellent condition, nicely equipped. Electric light" and starters on all. Phone Poplar 00.20. MARMON, 1I8, T-pats. Tourlnci coual to new. Marmon Sedan, 1017, elegant chape, at bargain. Marmon 31, lMT. 7-pats.: A-l shape, Marmon 81, 11110. 7-patt.. thoroughly over- nauieu. I Marmon 41. 1010, 7-pass.: a bargain, I .Kiiiin .1., line, i,-paps.; cicciric ugnis anu , starter. i ' OldRtnnhll Iftltf c At Tati,i,w c., Ann uinemooiie. jni, s-cyl. Touring car; nno anape, at a bargain. 1Sl.lu,T' t B-PWs-- Touring, with BuTcknlr!?C;rrpa.B.l,:'lflnr.n,anpe: a .., ' Hanet, 1B17, 12-cyl.. 7-Pnst. : In fins coridi tlon: wire uhe-ls: at n saerlnce. Packard 1014. 1-38 Touring Car: fins shspo; ! at a bargiln. I Hudson. 1013, 0-40 Touring Car; at s. bargain, Flat 4-el. Ho If TV T.lmnn.liiA, rnnlntffr!., In fine shape, at a ery altractUe price. Cadillac Touring, 1013: electric light and sinner, a bnrmin at ;aiHJ. uiHon 0-54, 1914. Touring Car; JB0O, n reungnnuflc wnocK ansoruers. Mitchell, 1017, Club Roadster, 4-paat : at a ImrsrHln: Slltr,. Stsvens IJuryen. 4-nl. Limousine; at a bargain: good for hacking. FANNINO.MATIIIS CO L Marmon Distributors, (Heo Mr. Freedman) i'ii) .-v. nroi't at i-opiar 7H7U ' -S. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF OUR Used Closed Car Sale BIGELOW-WILLEY MOTOR CO. 301 NORTH nilOAD ST. PAIGE DISTRIBUTORS Vr AtJTOMiniT.F.H 11R0 TO ,WO STtmKP.AKKn COUPR FORI) nOADTT;n WITH STARTING AND I.IOHTIN'd: KOHD rl"I.IVF.RY WAOON r.-PASS OVEKLANM HI VLMISRS, MAXWHLL. OLDSMOUILH. ETC. tx.n to eiton PPelKLRl OVKRT,ANT CO"VTRT rt.Ttrt ainn I.IUIIT, WILLYS SIX, WILLYS ICNIOHT 0 PASS. aiiovr jeno WILLYS-KNIOHT 1U1S WILLYS SRDtN .J PARS. .IRFFRKYM SUDAN. FORD SF.DAN, S Willi: WIIERI,4' t01 III'ICK SF.DAN. KACH CAH A tlENttlNF. HAlt- P.'- OPEN EVENINGS'. TIJ1H PAY- Mr;?, i a. OVEltI.Nn-HARPKR CO. lnn Am bt VVVVaVldVVVVVe tUIUMUblLb ANU lKUCtvi DEALERS WR WILL FINANCF YOUI1 DFF,-HPFt PAYMRVT SXT.Xt KEYSTONE AUTOMOBILE FINANCE CO. p,m ARRnTTmnn snnie. vi nuuun uuu, P4fl4 OVEE BALL GAS TAKES HILLS ON HIGHS Saves 30ft of gasoline bills. Increatei mile age increases power in nil motors, astures elflclent Ignition, starts essy In winter, cleans spark plugs, ellmlnntes csrbon, preserves motors. Hox. sufficient to trest lid gallons of cssollne mailed on receipt of 11. ROBERT A. MAYS 2352 North 21st Street , FORD ROADSTER Ruslness woman Is compelled to sell Forfl roadster becsu.e she Is unable to maintain Iti will be willing to lose 1100, although car nas not been used more than a month. Call at garage. Clth at. below llaltlmors ave. Manager of garsge Is authorlred to sell It for best offer. Phone Wooitisml aim AUTO REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS Rrlnr Tour Rrokn Parts "WE MATCH THEM SATTLER'S. Inc. n-??!T. PAIGF.SFDAN 1918 trtsstngert llks new: rebuilt, painted and - guaranteed RIQELOW WILLKY MOTOR CO. R04 N R'o.d .t. T1IIRS Hole agent Marathon and Fatira tires: aenrlcs station for standard makes of tires- accessories of overy description on hand. LOCUST A "TO S"ppr,v CO Spruce 1 1411 rcti.t .. 24R STORAGE BATTERIES RKRU1LT At OOOD H NKW ANO ABOUT HT.F THK PUlrE SATTLTCR'S. Inc.. 1(W1 Soring Oa-rten st. CENTRALLT LOCATF.D OARAOGS American Oarage. 1411 r.ocut Racquet Club Oarage. 11102 Chancellor Short storage, BOe nr davi ech garsge provided with comfortable chauffeur room.. AUTO REPAIR SHOP OF THE DETTER AMKRICAN OARAQE a MACHINE, SHOP Sprues 1411 locust. Race 24, TRUCK REPalRINO OUR SPECIALTY .... .Prices reasonabls MERICAN OARAOE A MACHINE SHOP Sprues K3. 1411 Locust. Hscs 24ll. HUDSON 1014, Al SHAPE ITSOj must be en to be appreciated Amer ican Tin and Terne Plate To-npany. 24th and Vine ats. Phone Locust lfl". nUICIC IT "Little leur'g, Mr. Hunter. Hints At-ei-v. tine cond. See Itllfl V timed CADILIAl! 1D14 touring, good conditions electrlo lights and stsrtert gladlr. demon strate. See Mr. Orren. Vim Motortruck Co., Hrosd and Huntingdon, CHALMERS, into, touring -ari has been run leas than.TKOO mlteai folly eoulpped. slip rovers spotlights, etc. P 1184, Ledger Office. DODOIQ 1817 touring: lust been thornushlv . rrhuld; winter top, See Mr. Hunter. "" ' 'T ""- -y FORD, commercial cars; all bars been thor. tires: severs! bargains. See Mr. Oren. Vim ou.mr u.ernauiea ana repainteai rooa Motortruck pn llrosd ami Huntingdon. rt)RD radiators, all models. 1010 lnrlu.lv,: iioersi aiinwsnce on old ones. n; N. loth roilD town, car bodies for sals. American Tssl r.h lr. . i4ii Locust st. 1'AIOK T-naesenger. 101 A model, me- cnsmcsiiy psriectt cord Urea and extrsi demnnstrstet bargain at l00. ("all. all day. O M Itsmhlln. mto. Bnnic. st. " PAIOH 101(1 ralrfleld touring; errel. condl niielow-Wl'ley Motor Co . fl4 N. jlrosd I'AlOM. Sedan. 1018. 8-0. 6-pass.: exc. cond. nielow.willev Motor Co., 804 N. llrosd. PAIOB. 101. C-SB Esssx: excellent condition. Hl..iaw-wiiiey Motor Co., 1104 N. Uroad. ST UDEIIAKKR 1018 roadstsr, o"wl7Tnrs7 el... cond Se Me llBnler WHO N. Rroad, htiitk lata j. .... .u ' -...-J ractlcally nswt also touring and roadster) QUICK. ft"! MR. IIUKTF.II STirrz inr.Mnv mw N liKOan BT Vl..lJIIt!Z cr' rDl'll- repainted and . fuaranteedj ooen express or Inclosed panel SoYartfulK0 JKi B.",MvV ?r3i-Vim A nf fam Insuranoi policy at lower rotes covMiu.sutninotitlea and trucks. Arthur USED AUTOMOBILES Wanted WANTED TO BUY SO late model touring cars or rosditert: muit im. Into models and In aood mechanical con dition. Plenty of cuttomert waiting. Tour car may ds ins ons tnai win nil me Dill. Eastern Motor Sales Co. 2221 CHESTNUT sET. Corner 53.1 tt Hell Phone sprues KVH AUTOS WANTED OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS WILL PAY SPOT CASH K0LBER 010-22 N. RROAD ST, WE WILL RUr ANY KIND OF AUTOMbniliB AND AUTOMOBILE 5IOH PARTS OF'ANY AUTOMOtllLKfl SEND Olt UltINO THEM TO BATTLER'S We will nay SPOT CASH and the HKiHERT PltlCES 8ATTI.l:il'S Offlce. 1001-13 Spring Garden at. PACKARD USED TRUCKS We are In ths market for two or thrco good, utd Pack ard, a. 4 or C-ton worm-driven trucks: In replying atats size, model, wheel bate, Ups and dimensions of body; condition of chaasls, tlret. paint, etc.. and quote best cath price. M 208, Ledger Ofllce. Anto Supplies Rennlrlng Auto, Radiators Frozen Radiators ta Specialty Manufactured and repaired. Fenders and all mtaf parts for automebllet, Fxpert and prompt attention Work call ed for and delivered. New Ford Radiators In stock. Lowest prices. All work guarsnlee-1 LINCOLN HinilWAY AUTO IlADIVrOR CO, 3038 Walnut St. AUTO TOPS, slip covers, bodies repaired: lltthtt put in while ou wait. American iuto top t'n.. nai Fairmount ae. rop.ipgo. Iltn'lng lAI'LINO Autotrucks to hire, i In B ton! hour, day or week. Callaghan A Rooney, imur, hh or tK. ..iiiHsnnn ituoncy icii wBn.ir.,..i nr mi. it .i - " " , --. ;.-.-- , -n. MOVi.VH anil hauling. on-dHtance rate rea """" "' " """ " "' AUTOMOBILES TO HIBE TO HIRF New Franklin and Packard autoe for weddlngt funerals. American Taxi- cib. I 111 Iieimt. fenruc" 0. Race 245. TOURiNO CAR, 7-pat llmoutine, 11.80 I rer hour up. Poplar 1801, ( KOTOROYCLES AND BICYCLES NEW and Vd-hnnd blocks: tires, all makes. ANDREW T. 1J1RC1IETT, 60S S. 22J. FOR SALE 1HI.1.IAHD. pool, comhlna'fn. 2d-hand: sold. bought rented. exch'd lteater, 320 Olrard. UII.LIAHD. pool, 2d-h. tablet; rep'd, sup'I's. Clark-Herd Mlg. Co., 2410-83 N Front Fl'lt coat & cap. man's, raccoon, size 44, good as new. Can be seen at 1230 N.Oiith et. oKKicn purnituri: Iirge line deks safes, lllet, cnblnets and general office furniture, store fixtures. We Rmv Sell nnl nxchames, PATTEN KNITURK CO. LOCUST 4010 1127 ARCH ST. 11ACR 2000 SAl'T.S, fireproof: doting out 00 allghtlv used: some with thin walls. 7a North Fourth. STANDS, CABINETS, etc : big bargains. l'hlla. t-riniers nuppiy. i h. oin st. TWIN 1IRASS I1EDS; alto other houtehold furniture, almost new; large Persian tapeetrv. 1007 Spruce tt. TYPEWRITERS r&d8 Quaker City Typewriter Co 003 Walnut. TYPEWRITERS, all maket: factory rebuilt & guaranteed: low prices, rent. 8 mos., J up c. J. Olhronev Co 102.1 Cheetnut st ni.-MrilAl. Iltll'SR WHECKTVn en S W cor 12th and Spring Oarden sts. All kinds of ofnee furniture and fixtures. Rathroom outfits comnleto. lieu phone, fcpiar 11314 juon TIN f.-OALLON OIL CANS and 2.'c each miner's Sons Co. Paul nnd Haisard att. K.c COMPLUTC hot-water heating tyttem and 1 ateam tyttem, sD9 n Din it. Phone 1 TlQTa 4037. I 21J.HAND tafee: good harg.t tin like ntw. lora PPI- son tejgK lo II. .11 un SI DOGS. BIBTJS. ETC. Rnlihlta Fori HALE High-class Relglan haret, 2 to 3 months old. for IS a pair: brred-Ti for t3 n pair. Flemish (Hants, any color. 2 to Kir- breeders" foe breed to bThidr air Satisfaction 1 months old tor s.- n pair iii o nnlr nf the largest bre ,. 1.1... BAVI.a I. .t B n.l, D.ll.f.nK.n 'ruarnntped: also oth-M rtt tockj Inrloie a S a rent Htarap for furtf niH'cnHTi 1 ! T ' s.-i 11 (J TtYt mt CnelnrrflaM til to-ri"! t.l. di (n i t'l'iiimimui 4ttt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR frAteW Kt-p-'clallv i-ood frnrrnl mcr- chandlBo atore p-oT-rtsr with dwelling. 10 roftma In dwt-tllnff, brick conatrutPd. bath hnt nnd cold water electric Urht tarro atoreroom, larire atock dolnir Rood business; irrnipn in n I'erKionirn vnury, FOIt SALK Exrellfnt location for n doctor; a doctor;) ?-. w.fr water: in I .t-rnom uncK ancuinr, nrnira. Da trie light: barn. frnraKt): laatlni? boron ch without a doctor; prevloua doctor in uti w thuut a doctor; prevloua doctor In , ' , ., . ... .. ,,W.n,H wpii heated ' ttann U. S army, will remain. For prlcr of1 bl'IlUCK. fM)rt Well CurnlBhed. well n f J;Y"JJ o crorTtl hnd all pirtlrnUrn address, room; all ""r." h.?nV n tntia nMi W. WarU PVhwenkavHla Pa, itrtr ,-" Vbnni lUlmnnt -.m thftfin FranM WANTED Party to Invest 13 000 to 120 000 In ladles' retail shop on Cheetnut st.; ran dimontrate tho nenesslty of a storf of this kind, best of references. P 129, Ledsr Office A PHILADELPHIA financial Institution, operating on the hulldlng and loan plan offers large and small Investors Its preferred shares paving 12 per cnt. Tor particulars write 1 117 Ledger Office WANTED Party with 1l)00 to X3000 cash r.nrtv In A-l nrooosltlon. with Serlces: personal Interview onlvs no ngents or hrok-. ers Write at onre P 21 Ledser Office, FOR SALE Light manufacturing business paling Io0 to 10 weekly: can be done at home; 1"0II takes It- Investigate. Call c. nines 7 SO to in ll E Knob OBrt N llllh. CAPAH1.E business man will Invest I.IOiKI to 1 " tin nnn vlfh services In buelnie.' stale line A 1IH !"!"" Office c.isd prnni.uiB PRINTER to operate lease or buy plant: good opportunity I t'13. Ledger Office. 'BUBTNER PE"SmsTAT.S DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO ORJECT KELLY A CO. '1J CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21,22, Over Child neetsurant. rrlvate. DIAMONDS WANTED We pav the highest prices for diamonds, ANY st7E- old gold nlnilnum sliver bought. THE DIAMOND SHOP 41 N lOth.maln floor. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Highest prices paid for diamonds, old gold platinum silver, fslse teeth and pawn tick, ets bnilsM I'OO Fllhrrt St., second floor. INFLUENZA fever raus loss of hslr. For manjlulldlng. Spruce 2562, ELErTRir treatmnt manicuring. Room IPS Heed Rldg.. 12111 Tllbert at. Loo, lam ELEOTRtCAL TREAT , physical culture. S02 S. Rroad- hours. 10 a. m, to 6 p. m. LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY finished and semifinished: nil flat nler.s delivered ready to use, soft gar ments to wean starched wearing apparel to dampen and Iron In jour lel.ure: this is washday's solution) collar snd shirt worn that pleases Try Franklin Steam Laundry, 8431-28 Haverford ave. rostal. Phons Raring ir.37 MACHINERY ANTJ TOPES ' rOWER-rLANT EQUIPMENT " Dynamos motors, boilers, steam and oil engines, pumps air compressors. TO re 'muairix. .no. i.i re. oa St. ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS " POWE' EQUIPMENT O' RR ?EN MACHINERY CO . 110 N. 8D BT. Wanted WANTED Two 830.11. P. Cahall or Wheeler boilers. 1 each standard gauge saddle tank locomotive. 18 and .11 ton; must be first clsss and reasonabls Address P. O. Pox. 820, Hlrmlnghsm. Ala. WANTED Fuel oil or gas engine. 40 to flO II. P.. first-class condition; stats make and nrleg 1 021 Ledger Offlce. PAINTING. PAPERHAJfGING ROOMS sized ft pap. reas.t good work) good paper Splvafc. 1104 Passyunlt a vs. STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS ALRUMS ND SUPPLIES for stamp collectors. r ritlLA. STAMP CO.. 1 B. ITTH ST. -I TYEEWBITEB3 AND SUPPLIES ' c ' TVDPttTRlTrTRC PFMTCn " a as a.isuabtwt iiMituu NON-V18IRLE 8 MONTHS. M VISIBLE ,1 MONTHS. T,M Ur. lM4t-y". Rebuilt, TirMwrkisH FEBRUARY 1919 BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 11111 GREENBACKS VS. M0SSBACKS If you have an industrial plant which you '.vant to sell, let mo sell it for you. But if you -want it handled in a hit-or-miss manner, with about as much "pep" as a caterpillar, then don't employ my services. At the present time I' have several widely known corporations looking for plants in tho Philadelphia district. Possibly the one you have would suit them exactly. During the past few months I have sold a number of large plants with a total value of NEARLY $3,000,000 If you want to sell yours, I solicit your business. CHESTER D. R0TTNER, 1 1 420 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 1 I (Member of Philadelphia Real Estate Board.) I MUMTOMllMaillianTM WANTED I Don't Sell Your Tewclrv I flee our estimate. Wo buy from all large jwelert, department stores and Indlvldualiii establlthert over 00 ire. Dtnmonde. Jewelry. Btlc-a-Hrac. Old Gold and SlUer: anthlng nf value bought for cash. Phon" Walnut '.22J LEE ft fO.. 712 Walnut tt. Hitnb 180r, AI I lIMn of 'catt-oIT clothing and -TLtU llliLtj noer bounlit of lidlcs. gents and children: nlto bedding. blariKcts. oullte. sheela etc.: beet prlcot Plld Thone write and be conMnccd. Hell phone. N. FOURTH STREET. Markt 2448 W. 11. HTEHN. ; llltOKF.N Jewelry, tantlnues. plstnlj coins; com dook wnn price i r hii-htm . ,-. . - m (People's Storel, 500 tt lltll. Wai. 4480. Re CAST-OFF clothing ladles' and gentlemen t thoet. hats: positively piy On per cent mors than others. Send potol, call or Phone Dick. 01.13. We call, city, country: dav. ev'g. Friedman Rrot 1441 South at. CAST-OFr clothing, shoes end lints bought. Send postal Sneldeman. P22 Ponlnr at. DIAMONDS bought enid or exchanged; ell- tt. old gold, nliilnum. raiee teem, San- torn Refining Co,. 720 stneom.tt, PURNITtlRR. carpet needed badly; highest prlret nald 204S ltl.lce ave l-op. nmt. L, maa., ,in.i. .nil,., hlvhent nr. fall, write Ituhack. 42C N. 00th. Itel. 7MT. j ALL KINDS antique fjrnlture. neenieworn. plcturet. old Jewelry. Cola, silver, teeth diamond" boutlit. "Antiques, r-heetnut. Ph. Wal 720 false K Efiovo tt)W t?-p.NT ROUVIF.R, N. 112.-. Nicely furn rooms for llM hkpg : running water, prlv. fam CHESTNUT ST . 2035 2 be.it. fur. rme.. with hath, single or en suite- el-c steam heat: also profe.slenal offices first floor. CHESTNUT. 2100 Immense corner 2d-tory I rooms, single or en suite: bath electric ( llent gas, steam neat: always not """ CHESTNUT. 2007 Detlrablo roomt ond nerfeselonal rfflres COLUMRIA. 822 2d story front room and large parlor to rent! well heated: phone DIAMOND. 111:1 Two nlcelv fll'nljr rooms for llsb housekeeping; next o bate I also 1 nice bedroom, liuelness peocl- or nurses referred Dlsmond .innn MT. VEHNON 2UII4 One large eeronl front. furn i rup"'"" wtere tieV bniis-ke.-nins. Himt-ri.'. nr,-Ut well-hented roomt, inf. wster nrari nn conve,iirnc--B SI'P.UCH, 11"7 Two large desirable rms , second and third noor. Fllbert-2712 12 J. 12TH, S. ',-l4"H-io-n snd bo-ird e,-neni-ent to Hot I. lend end new vard 1STH, N, ltan Desirable furn. rooms, sin ale or ccmmun.i no hsVpg. Pop 021- . 10TH ST. NEAR OIRARD AVE Third-floor-front apartment . 2 rooms and Private bath, unfurnished: gentlemen. P 017. Led- per Offlce. tflTH BT N.. 1401 Two rooms. fum., bath hkng . is UP' i room. private (,1TH N moil Serond.tlnoe front and bath: e'l fMrrl-i-ed. Pcnlsr7t4 J TWO communicating, sunny, worm rooms . frn. living sod .b-drnom: "J..f,0' 'n L. surface , suhwsv. Ph Preston x-i uvpinbu rrit fa mil v offers dMlranw fmnt toatti with hith to onrf"r'"?n :.. ..i. Inn. L V'alniil Tr ilar Wt p ,v. -trit vir, tl'IP W i -. . .NirnLY furnUhfd frnnt rajm. 5J "vr' nil rnrivfni-'nr x i--it.-i- " , ATTIIACTIVB furnlnhM b w k itr Sherwood & y. nnnrtmpiita: aomo 1721 Walnut at UFsVT 11111 I)H1'IH IJAITIMOTlE AVIi. 434T Furn. room am! Katti nii nn. Phon wftniiinnn n"- AKGVi avb. 422i Ialrabt furnlahM room. bualneM people Dreftrrcd; meats, MI-.iiM.. ' SPRUCE n.Vli One furn.. c uniurn ; conv. n.l reasonable: llabt nn.l heat. 43D S., 44 Third floor exceptionally large front room sll cnnv.i table bonrfl op- iirtn.i, .AmfTftsltlv furn Walnut umaJi , "'" ii- i t rr -r.r--rm 1 iTiTHl H. r.trt Small rami's; n i-ni i. ' .it . . gentleman I or - roo-'s S?vi;j"rnVSW new houee: reference, rh. Woodland .in at JQA-PT)TNG COLUMBIA AVE. R22Flret-cles board! war" rms ill nr wk sl.o Ishle hd ! Ph, FRANKLIN N.: 12111-Nlce"." warm rm. for I nr o t,t grnilemcni "II mnvt pom cook. WM.N'tT 45111 Itoo- and bsrd for good table r"n" l'arlng 1270 KVRrHRVN HArHELOR aDnreclatlng the courte.v of i refined environment can secure warm. Ic'ieerful apt with well conked nourishing I meals in a rrl horn- In select suburb: 20 mln from t-niia, i- e.i, u.i .,,. A p A 'PTIvT'CVTR vi?u- pvnT'ENTS r.flnelv.lv fo" men. 1"4 8 18th it. srtlolnlng PhiladMohle Club: one vacancv front room with alcov: "nderaly w'tpnedt rood llsht: p-rfect vec.. Illation hi.llt.ln 1t"s and sliqwers: wsll safes- elertrlrltv eleim h-st. hot and cold water: valet and mld service end restaurant on premises, an ldsl home for dlscrlmtn Ming bachelor- Apply representative, on premle. . - - 1 APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Centre! apsrtments a enerlalty, Sherwood & Co .1721 Walnut st. Some very n"etve I and 2 room furn. apt..: some houaekpg. APARTJIENTI FOR RENT Furnished ond unfurnlehed housekeeping n.rt erts: Immediate poni-clon. "wttWHELL it BNnM 140 S Wrosd et TWO desirable apsrtments In West rhlla d.inhis! i to Maetbaum Rros. Flelsher. 1421 B. Penn square 1012 SPRUCE The IIMmhurrt 8-room art., beiutlfullv fTi.l sn-ithern en el. n--t, nlione: no b.kpg.: mold and valet service APA"BTTvTT,MTi VTANTF.TJ WE HAVE s waiting list of persons desiring furri; or unfurn. apts. and hn"ea to rent. If Vou have ,o,.r. vacant w. will rent .11 to. 140 S. Rroad. Fll. dwy. Kusseil B ivansoui, bert 2044 LIST your apts. with usi our large list of sr Pllcsnts aesures Imrordlate resulls. Thos M. Aro. BIS Liberty Rldg. Wslnut 3042. . HOTJSEKFEPTNO APAPTMENT8 THE LEONE. SHOT Chestnut Sven-room housekeeping apartment, jinfurnlshtd. APAKTMENT HOTELS ' THE DFIJV1AR-M0RRIS Am-rlcin rUn C71BLTKN AVE. AND MORRIS ST. GERMANT0WN 20 MINUTES TO BROAD ST. STATION yurnhd and unfumlphii "'-tf THE GLADSTONE 11TH ND PINE ST. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE LITTLE HOTEL. 223 S. Rroad at. A good place to live while In Philadelphia. BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE riTY SALE TO CLOSkT ESTATE . IIOO Falrmiunt 4rVs4-sto7y dwelling. 14 rooms, 14500. :l N vth.O rooms, bath. imoo. i'los ana ztio iteaner at, tcoiorej), i rooms and bath, oh I1IOO. C, 8EIDEL X, CO. PR id Oil own II its. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 2932 NORTH 12TH ST. $4100 7 J00"1' na b,th' V",6T ," ... hall noreh front: In flrtt-claet condlttjn. For ntrtlculsra apply 6110 Whitby ave. Woodland 2042 W. .'Oil N. IIANCMOKT ST . 203.1. 01 and 04 N. (eiloradn st , 4 2sty brownetone dwgs : rented IIRper mo. each: price HMO each dear: mutt be sold together. Jos C.Doughty, 217 Real Relate Trust Hldg. Wal. 1P8. KRANTCI.1N N.. 2232 S'x rooms nnd bath. aesessrd.ttKOn; now rented nt $18. monthly '"" Sale price tiooo. Caeh required 1S0O. JOHN KRAITf)R.i.i. 03 Chestnut street. rimiin ,HinUE IQ1II 2JJ8. 04 mil Oil OI.KVKLAND AVE 2-sty brownstnno dwellings rented at 117 per month price 177A,encK clear, excellent op portunity for spcultitor. Jot. r Houshtv, 217lteal n.tate Trust Rids Walnut ll3 ri15 central Flte, near10th nnd Ridge: 20.. . ??9,J.u"r" 't. 2 street fronts. MYERS tt RARTH. Rldgo ave, and 10th. Hnlldlng I,ol. Fnctorv Sites. Ktc. SITES. RAILROAD Penna, andReadlng; I20UO per acre and up. according to loc.: inquire fo. U'tne nieterlch 731 Walnut. FOR SALK - Lot, 41131 Chestnut at.. ib.xiie, AI.lll.HT H. MILI.FR 1 1 A Cotumhla. nve. Factories. Mannfnelnrlng Iloora FACTORY FOR SALE J 50,000 Sq. Ft. 5 FLOORS. RASEMENT. PWR. PLANT S. W. Cor. 3d & Brown APPLY W. BRUCE BARROW Sprues 2034 Race 2im,1 WEST riHLAnKLPn IA DUY FROM OWNER 0118 Haverford ave.. cor. house, next to church: parquet floors. 7-room house; hot-water heat price S300O: 048J Santom. slde-srd, 2-story flat houso: one oi me pcsi-ouui nouses in city; na ftn the latest Improvements: marble shower: , W r(nt f0r H,i months: cost to build S .jeart ago. 170.10, the sale, price today; the above houses were built by me by dsy's work, and not Intended to be told: away nboe the aerazc-bullt house: tome bargain; act quick. SER VKTTER. Owner, A110 Haverford nvi, 3-BEDR00M MODERN - HOUSES. $3600 Overbmok section: electric lights, steam beat. Dutch halls, small ards. Only 8 left Easy terms. CROWLEY, 123S North ooth St. Relmnnt BB-42 J, SOUTH of Market; main atreet; occupied by owner fl yr: R cxta-larir rooma. Dutch hatli upper hall full wldt entire length: lar furnace; lot lRHxlTO, 10-foot lawn, hedpe. crment utenn front ticwlv pnlnted. 3 conta , new Kuaranteed roof: S-foot porch, full lenirth ,rnlvan1xid window acreena. door ecreena! duttlrht atnrnce nnd nruerve rloi eta. gaa water heater I 2m Iedger Office. GrtEATEST bariraln n, who will be fh lucky one? 4404 Pine, aide ynrd S-itory home, hardwood flnlih, 14 rooms, 2 new hatha, newly papered; conalder the location: aMeniment S7n00; priced to quick buyer $0300; lot 2oxllU; Inspection 1 to 3 dally, or see owner. fc VETTER, flUO HavergorJ ave. OSR LEFT .IROft block AnKorR 1rra: Act riulck; remember "CHOSS" for all thata good fnth Tarchvrood , ...... !,.. ...... , J3.100 EASY TERMS If desired: 0 rooms ftr bath, hardwood floors: large yards: jiayland st. below Washington Jane at-Chew st.i take car on Oermantnnn- ave. to Wash. .. . .-.-. it. -- " t"7.. L in. tnii un. mmu wii. rune .u tn.ur i.e.. nr car on Chelten ae. to Chew st. and walk north: sample nnuae open every day. SAMUEL STERN 1201 Chestnut st. SEND Kill" Ol'R LIST OP MODERATE PRICED HOMES KOII SALE IN BEDO-' WICK; MODERN WITH OOOD LOTS. 1 PPAPE FOR OAROEi CONVENIENT TO STORES. M'HOOl.S. ETC. S. C TOUUISON, 7014 ROTER ST. !2."A U rms . bath, h.-w heat, eleo.: little rasn. vtiitnT. ear i.ana Tini Hide. THRU WESTMORELAND Rent 131 r T meap. v m. i. craven a oons. FRANKKOHD Arsenal Workers Take Notice $3 I 00 Edmund st. above Wakellng St.; 6 rooms and bath: all conveniences, Including hat-water heat, electric lights, sta tionary tubs, etc. Small amount of cash re quired: balance as rent Agent on premises, or H, E SMITH 724 W Erie ave MODERN HOMES WILMOT ST. AT MAR. OAHET AND DITMAN STS TERMS TO SUIT: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MANCKB 201B li WILMOT HT Fkd.lM2J Lfunv SEMIDETACHED. 2 story, modern, every convenience: 4 rooms and bath second floor. Darn siairs iu- iv ngnrr ave. rnNNsvi.vNiA sunrnnAN SUI1URRAN HOMES convenient to 80th St. Terminal: 14.100 and upward: all convs. OBO L, HAHNEB, 1201 Chestnut t ALDAN IIEAUTIFUL modern home. 30 E. Provi dence road, p rooms, hot-water heat, elec tric: S0x200; almost new: will sacrifice, 111200; small amount of cash. 11, Illslr Cooke Co , Colllngdale, Pa. Phlla, office, 007 Halley Rulldlng. rvMvyii DES1RARLE modern bouse, 10 rooms and bath, e'ertrlc light hot-vvater h-at: 140 f... nn Montromerv n SIT son T. HASTINGS ALEXANDER. 204 Halley' Rldg' JENKINTOWN TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Pair double dwsll Inn,. 7 rooms, hot-sir heat, large lot; sac rifice! room for garage: 12230 eacn. t ALFHKD THANK. Jcnklntown MEBION ANEWMERI0NH0ME 117 800 NORTH SIDE. NEAR STA. 120.000 We build a garage to suit you at cost' , balance monthly payment: open every day. JAMES R t-T-OTT. Phon Merlon 800 NEW JERSEY HfHl'RllAN RUNOAIWL SITES, bungalows, sale or rent: In the pines, near lakes; boating. b.thlng. flehlng. See .nt. t-ln rimim badge, Sunday, trolley xprmlnsl, or writs L. 1 JOHNSONSa N. ISth, LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HUMES IIAULHJC IIKlUltTH. W. J. AunimoN $2600. cor. , 7 ROOMS, all convs., lo , prop.i 12800. T rooms,.aU P.J 000, 0 rooms, at, lonr lot 87HX12S. convs., near station l 1 v .win., si. coifrs.. nsari OI rooms, eleo., gas. all convs.. lAwm BSIOO. ioe nuiiaiii ...uvi nn u ...... i I '. ISSOfl. K rooms, eleo.. gas. tot 80x211. v .wviu., srimuunsaiowi Vt R. EVANS. 817 Merchsnr st. rol.LlXt.WMOOD Wonderful stucco house. OPPORTUNITY Hollow.tll medium stss, hat-water heal and all modern conveniences: possession at ones: beautiful location, new seclloui 30 minutes from Phlla. , W. S, 18ZARD. Ksd don ave, and Browojnfr rd , Copiagfisa, 17 Wi BEAL ESTATE FOR BALI CITY NKW JKItlKV PARMB FARMS, tfJl'?; ai'!n" ','" ,n1 orlcet. Frank P. Oal. lagher. 310 Market et.. Camden, N, j. PARMS WANTED WANT FARMS from 2 Frank P. O.llagherVaiO M.,keVr.y to 1000 acres. REAL ESTATE WANTED "....:. "UCK-TT- I'th and Spring n.rA.r,: 1 HnlLAtiK1 WANTS HOUSE IN OJUC ,..IiAJCE! ln ROOJtS AND lJATIf' AIT QBRVgr'ef: "ouo T0 ' : -& WK PAY CASH mak- oui?i .iiiiiVi.-"." "". na MiirnKviTii-.-.-l W,; Protectee. JyVHArJ-;,- on of r: """lories!. Manufacturing largefr' Ti,K."ci?Lr '"' SOxldoTTr ItEAL ESTATE TOR BEST CITl Faetorlee. Manufacturing Floors FLOORS LartTexSmnl. rlffWlllow. "0 N. 13TH ST Rstawished msn g .-' ."i"5A-, TOHOCKSINK MIUJ? STKAM AND D. C ELECTRIC rnnini Lsrg. and sm.ll floor.. " fV R.?do5S ornrKs. ritsinfss roomh mv "iiT,E.5! Js1VSt"l, corner offices. 1500 sq. rated'- a I 'ri1,'vTcellnt "M' eenfraij, it r"t.?n'lB.yl0B- Aprl? --.Tiaii.ff'iSS'i Professional Offices E'iTi,.u: '.,r .""rt of first floor for renti ela. .gnnt Interior: hardwood n,.. , ..Pi' S!l' yiares: suitable for 1 7tn st. or - doctors 132 s. MORTGAGES TRUST FUNDS FOR INVESTMENTS W INSTALLMENT MORTGAGES AND FIRST MORTGAGES HAZLETT & MOSS M8 WAI.NUT 8T. "ITO.OOOTOLOAN real estate owners) note or mtge. Long s-iort term or Instalmente Settlement 1 day Hstate loons. Obligations taken ul ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 80S Bally Pldg 1218 Chtatnut tt I PLACE MORTGAGES INVESTORS AND SORROWERS SEE BEN T. WELCH onn-flT PENFICLD ftUILDINO foO ! TO siooo' NOTE OR MORTOAOB immediate settlements Unsettled estate loans Building association funds DEMPSEY ft CO. 27 S. 16th st. $50 Real estate security, Imms-. dlste settlement. Interest ln TO Sl' houKht. Cash at ones. $2000 EDW. M.M0U.1liYh8.,,,uU, MONET TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTOAORn APPLT nURTONC. SIMON, 10TH I-AHHT1JWK. AVE. 1100,000 TO INVEST IN MORTOAaES In sums from 1300 up Also bldg' asen,. funds for second mortgages O C- Hldel A Co. 41h nnd Csllnwhlll sts LOANS. REAL jfgTATEAND ESTATES DBLANY. 31 S. h-oad iWest End Rldg.) IIIIII.IMNU AXMll-MTIIIN KIHST ANti SECOND DIKTFRirri 7!IT WALNUT ST. WANT 1ST AND 2D UORTri npu - R. TAYLOR .MIDDLETON. 70.1 Walnut L MONEY TO LOAIT TOU CAN RORROW MONET ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 2S AND UP... 2 PER CENT I" AJJR lK" CENT ,200 AND Ugifc.6l PER CENT 1"S MARKET ST. RIDOB AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22D AND SOUTH . NEED MONEY? We will loan money on sslary or f urnltura to reliable people. No honest employ rs fused Courteous treatmsn.t to IL Dn DRAKF ',, wood rldo. . U. LTtniC 0O CHESTNUT ST. - - 1 READY M0NEY- United States Loan Society, 117 north broad 230 Market at.. 2348 Oermantown BEAL ESTATE TOBSAL1 At no place on tho Main Lin. are the homes more com ort. able and community spirit more) narkcu. some or ine atirae. points arer . ii (steam neat. ivlds Qolf Club at Off t Publla and Prtvai WelFllghted streets.' Klne train service. - . , , , Wa have- a number of ftava properties for sale or reut 4s4l reel sure you win Dd-weii paia ior a trip out ,w kimc over, u you are Miei obtaining- a home this , HERMAN WW MAIN LINK '&', I IJStDavdsiJ yy ArWMIll? SchdlaxV VH . i 'it l .vl Oi 1 sft' a i fij Ai H M .n , !, "ftrj X5 .i "tt j & M 1" 'i ii zl til M n Alf , $$ i .- V i V ; " ft i i! .'I . Tl TsH AT, sss svajnm a, iasb na rd aae 351; AccotfNT r-? . . 'Jl ,WAT AMR. mmw' i A. I '"amm, a. VJ ESra ESS MgNwp mvmm. (vitaa xw. mw iln) l .bLj&a iJbim.". RSKJSxs.m.mJ1- j Caroar 'MH j '-air:. ,wRm& "1 iv " S"r