18.. .V t . -- "Wn' o . j-i .u ', "I V; J .'J. - K EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHIliABJjJIHlA, TUESDAY, EEBKUAKY 4, l9i" te v,., U way ro wra better meals watch your child for selfishness a smart spring hM j j.- i at Iw- a . m ' ' wWm ECIPES FOR MRS. WILSON GIVES : Do Not Require Meat and Dishes Made a xins r a. wir,snx iomrigM. lt. Iv tire U. A. Wilson. Ml j riant rmrvtd.) jTP IT !s generally known that all ?" foods are both nutritive and urtimulative, it is not remembered hat on a proper balance between Jtutrition and stimulation depends 1- eBtJreiy tne penect Daiance 01 ine k .existence and enjoyment of health. It is the inherited right of -every , S Snimnn belnc? to feel an abounding, i ;V Elastic vigor and a sense of physical I i' -fitness an3 power, to be able to V ujommano tne Doay at win tvun un agerness that the torpid, phleg matic meat-eater considers rashness Jpr erratic impulsiveness. 1 Tlio toll of life is just what you 5ut in the mill. Nature is a won derful chemist, and she has at her Yinear tins frin Kpcret of life. Man. as a chemist, is a poor competitor , of Mother Nature. Many of us ielect food that is oerrich in Tiftroffen nna ncsn-iorxninir materials ind consume it in larger quantities ?nan is necessary, rnjaicmua .. Ms that there is absolutely no want f nutrition in a diet of fresh ege- ,ues,. uuii3, b. "'" '"' SUr Well with n wiie whip to thor yroduets. Many physicians of the M b,cnj Br, to a bo and JId worm ten us mat tuere is ycarceiy a disease mat tne numan flesh is heir to but that it may be ixUeved and many times cured by ' JJi restrict .' diet of fruits, fresh , receUbl. grains and dairy Products. T ,. , . , ., ., 4 3 Meat contains, beside the protein, Jin acid-forming material that fre- wuently causes physical disturbances. n.- .- r fUcT, fr,.f. A,,nniP. Hi.j v.. . i:u i .. -it :n- eggs, fish, cheese and fiesh ege- fable's, greatly helps cases of this, JT, j Jkind Learn to eat daily fresh, natu al '"' urreens. such as lettuce, young gieon Anions, radishes, cresses, endh I tacarolle and corn salads. These arc ' llainty greens and they contain valu- 2ble substances that equalize our daily food balance. This is par- licularly frue dUiing the winter, , Jbwing to a restricted diet of fresh fruit and vegetables. Milk, cheese nd eggs are flesh-forming foods and Jmay be used in the menu to replace meat. VI' Suggestions for Dinners Menu No. 1 Oyster Cocktail Celery Egg Cutlets Baked Potatoes spinach ,l i Lettuce " Baked Applies Coffee 2 Menu No. 2 J Clear Tomato Soup Radishes $aked Dried Cod Hollandaise Saucol m Potatoes au Gratin Cauliflower J Coleslaw Canned Peaches Coffee Menu No. 3 Onion Canape p . Watercress Oyster Souffle French Fried Potatoes Peas I I , Endive Salad 3 .Apple Tarts Coffee Menu No. 4 Cheese Sandwiches Young Onions I Baked Lima Beans j jUubed Potatoes Creamed Celery itomaine oaiaa Cmnberry Tarts Coffee Menu No 5 Puree of Celery Radishes Fish Croquettes Saked Potatoes Creamed Onions 2 Lettuce J Apple Dumplings Coffee J Menu No. 6 S Pepper Canape Celery 8 Oyster Loaf Cream Sauce Msuhed Potatoes Spinach fi Coleslaw ' Aims Cake Coffee Menu No. 7 ' ,U Brown Onion Soup , watercress Baked Eggs In Corn Cases ' Celery Salad ge Cake. Canned Cherries t ff Coffee Egg Cutlets ljjke a cream sauce, using five teaspooniuis oi nour to one .. m.111 TlicaAllfM tn flnfl. X Mt4v. wavv m.w ..wm. milk and then bring to a boil. far five minutes and then cool phi en ia a bowl and add three -Mued eggs chopped line and m lahltLtrmemfulit of nneltf Vhlppt irUv, i- OM tahUtpeonful of finely grated v Ofts and one-half teaspoonfuls of On teaspoonful of paprika, On cupful of fine breadcrumbs. Mix wd then pour -on well-greased lItUr. Cook for four hours. To aold irnvinu anape anu men uip ess" Bd then in flno Fry until golqen In lwt,it or yefetablo oil. gtH t4to 8Hiee, BiMICt., . 9d DELICIOUS Prove That Excellent Dinners Can Be Built Around I From FisJi, Eggs or Cheese These Are Flcsh'Forming Foods Ask Mrs. Wilson If you liavo any cookory prob lems bring them to Mrs. Wilson. Slio will bo glad to answer jou through thebo columns. No per sonal replies, howover, can bo glvon. Addreos questions to Mrs. M. A. Wilson, Cdsmn'o Pubijc Lldqur, Philadelphia. and place on a baking dish. Now blend vu tw' v wu oi,i, One cupful of canned tomutoes, Four tablespoonfuls of grated onion. One teabpoonful of salt, One teaspoonful of papri).u, Mix well and then pour over the fish. Bake for twenty-five minutes a moderate oven, Ojster Souffle U'n til rA Irtnlr sirAi fiYA fill Iw .. A.. ? 4 n-: i m. ne anJ then strain tho julco and add sufficient milk to measure three cupfu,g pace m B SBU an(, adJ thrcc.quarter3 cupful of flour, then cook for fiuj minutes Cool nl)(j tnen add l?ks f ihrce W J'le Vster Juo and one-half teaspoonfuls of sa(' , . , . One teaspoonful of paprika, Thne ttaspoonfuls of fmel ch d x Add the prepared oysters and mix thoioughly: then carefully fold in the sU beaten whites of three cs- p,our in well-greased custard cups and set the cups in a pan of warm water. Bake in a moderate n,,n Mi in rt " ' ," o.!,.,. .... .,.. ..., ,..' 3'" " " B Baked Lima Beans Use lima beans in place of navy beans, using one-half cupful of vegetable oil in place of meat. Fish Croquettes Use one and one-half cupfuls of fish to replace the three eggs and use the same recipe as for egg cut lets. Mold into croquette form. Oyster Loaf Look carefully oer twenty-five oysters and then drain well nnd Mrs. Wilson Answers Questions My dear Mrs. Wilson When frying sausages should they first be pierced with a fork? Isn't there some way of mixing these at home and instead of putting them in a casing maKing cakes ot the sausage meat and frying them? Thank you ery much for these two answers. L. r. Sausage Sausage may be purchased in meat form or in links; to use the sausage meat form either into shape of u sausage or into fiat cakes and then dip in flour and saute in u frying pan. To cook the link sausage pierce them several times with a fori: and then parboil for five minutes, then baute in a frying pan. My dear Mrs. Wilson Will you kindly give me a recipe for Rus sian dressing? E. B. Mel. Russian Dressing Pare and grate One raw onion, One raw bevt, One raw cariot, and then add One teaspoonful of mustard, One teaspoonful of paprika. One half teaspoonful of salt to one cupful of mayonnaise dressing. My-dear Mrs. Wilson Will you kindly give a recipe through the Eveninq Public Ledcek for to mato sauce for meats and fish? Also for a salad where left-over meat can be used and a recipe for corn fritters? Thanking you kindly. Mrs. A. L. S. Mrs. A. L. S.: One cupful of canned tomato, One cupful of canned tomatoes Tomato Sauce rubbed through a sieve, One and one-half cupfuls of cold water, Four onions, minced fine, One carrot, cut fine, One fagot of soup herbs. Cook slowly for twenty minutes and then add . Three- tablespoonfuls of corn starch, One tablespoonful of sugar. Two taespoonfula of salt, One teaspoonful of pepper. One-quarter teaspoonful of mus tard dissolved in one-half cupful of cold water. Bring to a boil .and then cook for ten minutes. Rub through a line sieve nnd Use. See EalAd articles for your eecond query. Corn Trilti One cupful of canm n, One egg, One-half cupful of milk, , One and one-half teaspoonfule of . salt, I One-half teaspoonful of pepper, Two , tailtepoonUHs of finely VMnHleaaf ENTREES; MENUS, TOO j chop fine. Measure tho liquid and I add sufficient milk to make three cupfuls. Place in a saucepan and add three-quarters cupful of flour. Dissolve the flour in tho milk antf bring to a boil. Cook for live min utes. Now add tho oysters and One-half cupful of finely grated ' onion, One-half cupful of finely chopped parshy, One tablespoonful of Worcester shire sauce, Two teaspoonfula of salt, I One teaspoonful of paprika, Three hard-boiled eggs, chopped fine. Three and one-half cupfuls of fine breadcrumbs, Mix thoroughly and pack into well-greased nnd floured loaf-shaped pans. Bake in a moderate oen for fifty minutes. Tuin on a hot platter. Serve with cream sauce. This may be baked in well-greased- """ "uu"-u "' a " " turned upon a slice of toast and covered with sauce. Baked Egga in Corn Cases Make ten corn muffins from the following mixture: One and one-quarter cupfuls of mill:, One egg, Tuo tablespoonfuls of sirup, Two tablespoonfuls of shortening. Beat hard to mix and then add One and one-quarter cupfuls of sifted flour. Three-quarters cupful of corn- i Five ttaspool,fuh of hak!ng (fcr . Bca thoroughly to mix and then Pour into wcll-greased muffin pans and bake for thirty-five minutes in a hot oven. Now cut from the, top then fill to the top with cheese sauce. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and set in a baking pan and bake for twenty minutes in a moderate uvi'u. kjcivu twin ciiuui ucain ui i tomato sauce. To make cheese sauce add four tablespoonfuls of grated cheese to one cupful of thick cream sauce. For successful results use only accurate and level measurements. Beat to mix and then add suffici ent flour to make a drop batter, usually about one and one-quarter cupfuls. Add two level tcaspoonfuls of baking powder and then beat well to blend and drop from a spoon into hot vegetable fat. Drain on soft paper nnd serve on hot platter cov ered with a napkin. My dear Mrs. Wilson read and get a great deal of good from your recipes. Now I would like you to tell me. I have made the peanut kisses and other cundies of the bitter chocolate, and did not ndd any sugar. Now it is too bitter and I can't get any dot chocolate anywhere. I have tried all over. How much sugar should I use to one-quarter or one-half pound of butcr chocolate? Your answer will help me a great deal. Miss H. 0. Miss H. 0.: Just before Easter I will have a series covering the handling and care of dipping chocolates, also the making of various candies and their dipping. My dear Mrs. Wilson Will you please publish in your space of the Evening Public Ledger a lecipe of chicken u la king and fiicasse chicken? I shall be very grateful and wish to thank vou in advance: Miss W. Chicken a la King Miss W. Cut the breast of cooked chicken into one-inch pieces and then place one and a half cup- f.,l t n,tl, ., ,., .. .. U1 uv v... u.t , m- nan and add one cud ful of mush- ' r00ma thnt hnVe been "eele(J and cut . . h , minutes in boilintr water, and also One green pepper, died fine and Varoonea. . Add Yolks of tuo eggs, Juice of one-half lemon. One-quarter teaspoonful of mus tard. One And one-half ttaspoonfuls of salt, One teaspoonful of paprika to the cream sauce. Also add the prepared chicken, the mushrooms and then green pepper. Heat until 'the boiling point iseachrd and then simmer slowly for ten minutes nnd serve on toast Vrii-naano n.lrLon Draw and since nnd cut the chicken. Was and pluce in u deep ..,. -ml rnlw ,.,!. v:,i """"i""' - - " i-uiuiijj wuier. JiriiiK " u uuu uuu auri One onion, One email carrot, Two branches of celery. Cook fllowly until tender ad then tWckt tlw gravy. DumpUft. Wmmpmj Wrm HQaWaV W WHVtt one Slice irom cacn 01 me lour maker, as tho only dlfflcult thing nbout a i,.,,' Tr V, n itoiiVther trv onli mai,- . a p.erBon or muffins nnd use a spoon to scoup ffitj., J; ti- 0eg '& Pc g- I taoy out tho centers. Krpalc an pvrr And In,, i,i .. n.,h9m D ni,i ,im,.t ie?e". ".cr .H.ne C''""0' expeci io noiu iv attaohlnir to herself the cotniomen ! f. 1 i at r 4im ib uh VDJ s,io ui 1411. "uiiiv uavuo- Upnl.nMn n Tiffin if lintli Inetaml nri .A. ... craw. rajMKqB 'V i liiHliiP1"1 " iiMF M One of the tnuriest combinations for heail) corded and there is a J , What Fashion Says Ironing scarfs arc githend nt the' ends and finished with beaded tassels ; Deep bands of soft wool frlnBe are used In plnco of fur on many frocks. Chinchilla bqulrrel Is a most delight- ful fur for trlmmlnn- frocks or blouseB. " Ostrich feathers aro amonB tlio adapt. . abln thlnirH uhlch ran ho uorn At anv age. Make Them at Home Petticoat ruffles of taffeta, attractl- Ir.maUe In plain una tv o-toned hIIKs. mJ. 'rL nil ro7iv n uRi K Tnm S ".p.botu o, a'f undation pettfeoat tthlcl1 the .Norn r"mf ,nB been J,lpPid JScolS shorted0,. llc8 nW '" 'CS "' mE C0VERT SHADES ipr i,v TllCVt lftfT7I7 ItXEi iV JtlHrtl V UlrUEi i l'ufliion goes more or lets in a tircle. Here we find the return of the popular covert (hade tuit. The silhouette, too, is strikingly like that teen six ears ago aaaBBBaw t i m WTk I J i ' if rl " 1 M I i i( A DM FaMm Talk by Florence Ro.TZil&2 oWlS v M . I these three enrs I never was out with TrtVSHION has a funny way of retrac another man, in fact. I never mado an A, )n )lerB,epa sometmes. nnd wc find n,.i . m h much mn n.aru. i., 5,he moda,'f we " ,clo,1f8 of,T10 fl0 or six years ago than the clothes e v culm nnd frocks that are e. nr msr aenaoTi. snu so it is uiat some ,J rhe'Ss ,'naT uore H ,iaIt d0Mn springs aTw. There Is,'1"' reSnions tvvlce a i the na"ow shirt, that Is fairly long and ' ,hp chrlstmns holldnjs n suggest in ""'" "" ""'. ' wore a a" "V.7T. f.ifrw linL, I claw reSnlons twice a jear. 0..0 during the narrow skirt, that is fair y long and ,np Christinas holldnjs mid another dur the flare below the wniMllne, To be ini? the summer months. Tho laat one sure the flare usually was formed as part of tho bkirt or suit ami tne jacket was a short snenue affair, but the effect was not dissimilar to that produced In many of the present suits. 1 And another revival! Manv of the smartest of tne new suits aro In the cotert shades which, although not so becoming to the majority of women as navy blue, were In such high favor some years ago ma uuc-v-iu-to suit nere shown hs a sk'rt and iacket of tan 1 tricot, with a silhouette that would have J?hM.ce is ottul'IZl l with tricot used to form a bib front and suspenders. A ery happy Idea is carried nut In tne coiiur ui me nine jacket fnr the long extenMons. that are made so that trev can be draped about the I .,.it for nddltlonal warmth nnd when left open forma smart decorative note to the coat. The Pockets too. combh,. reaj Rervlceai)lilty. tor tney are quite am pie and hate uccorativa tame An air of smartness Is gained In the skirt by the pleatea panels uiai cxiena irom a yoke to the hem. And the hat for the artist has shown a, very fetching one for this figure it la tv trim, compact little toque, made, wlh brim ot ardt4 Mlk and a crown1 t'aW. , ... '''1 . ... isu-w fanM neat) . FOR EARLY SPRING STREET the tailored Mir '"'in mid Mra(. In this rase the salin is quite capthating quill feather that gies tlio necessary finishing toucli Please Tell Me What to Do By CYNTHIA Td the "Poor Boob- t ,.,.i.i . ... i , ,i, f ,. i h..i" "? " i""' ,VV'" .. ""..y i, "it, ".';.'na,,..i . """""',:; I nuestlon The Inclilent ou quote i.ilglit hae. happtned once or (nlio without , nuikRiir inn I.pcIh in .iramt ihn llom I of jour jiollcj. for n girl would rouse herself. ee-,i If slio wera fearfulls tired. to go to a dance, nnd besides the d ince date could not hae tnen sulMicd, hut repetition of an occurrence like thl" ought to cure jou Don't Judgo the girl "hVrsim' for a i e . mlinV sh-hof i I I nineteen go about witn tne .man who "O MS'&c&E&S. How to "Make It Up" Dear Cvnthla I rm a clrl of een- i teen cars, considered good-looking I hao knonn u boy for nearly a ear. and he necr tells me whether he loes me, but mioms It by his actions Lately ho iU been not sneaking to me. becauso ll went out with other boys, but I neec I go out nt night, only when I go down to his house. He Is eighteen ears oiu 'He did go out with other girls. I saw . ...... ...... ...j u.... j". " T -",,: angry with mo for nothing. I would "V: J?me..VlI!.,V",,,1S w-nvKe ... . . .. U . ,v i i,ii will not talk first, i:ery one In his . famllv rnrpn for mo n. creat deal BltOWN YES. Since the boy sas ho won't talk first. I think sou might ns well make . ui iour mind to do the sneaking. It irienus in mis' uiuuir a. , Is lather foolish nnd childish to go almost oDsoiete ana, so rar as numbers about not noticing each other; so the one 'fo, a comparably negligible type of who does gle In is really not lowering the male species who, unfortunately, his or her pride, but tflmply acting exists, but for whom some slight con sensibly. 'Jo down to see his mother solatlon is etolced by the fact that he and then say 'hello" when lie comes in. Takes Ruth's Part the Deir Csnthla I do not think crltlclMn of the "And bo Thty Were p shop two hours; halng shampoo, facial - ......,. - JIarrled ' story that appeared In the massage, hair tonic, wat for moustache," Why not run errands, using the bicycle Cynthli column the other eening was etc. itc.. ad Infinitum. or skates to make you speedy? Of ery fair In the first place mibe the Now, most people will agree that. In course, jou would hae to be cry cure writer. Hazel l)co Batchelor, takes tho the first place, the American man is a ful not to get hurt, as so many little part of JSuth artd not the pirt of hcott. clean-shaven animal and not prone to girls do on rollers or on bicycles lou And Ituth does not lelleo In going waxing his mustacho (usually he could write out llttlo cards announcing nua, ?., imitio in .urn & n uppk i hnan't nnv tn nail in thn manner nt yourself as xeadv to e:o on errands at a and at the same time let her husband waste Sit) In the mtkeshlft meals hhe gives him Ruth Seems er willing to stay nt home. It Is Scott who seems to hae the 'hlgh-falutln" Ideas But I don't blamo Ruth if the gets them into her head soon, for in the end mar- I rled women usually try to become what i their husbxnds wnnt them to If a man admires tho type of girl who goes out to i work nnd accomplishes things nnd holds I.er up to his wife, then he surely ought not to grumble if he Is mide to eat delicatessen meals for a woman can't keep her home well nnd her Job. too, s ' "How to Be Happy. Though Married" observed. Then, too, If a hushind be llees In hating wom-n friends after ho is married, his wife has the same right, too. I am distinctly nn the s'de of Ituth In "And bo They Were Mnr rled" And I feel the author Is, too, be cause 'she Is a woman and ojght to know how one-sided it is to be one. That Is wliv I do not agree with your reader In 1ir condemnation of Hazel Ueio Batchelor. a.othi:h MAimini) woman. Make Him Propose J Dear Cynthia I nm-a joung girl twenty jears of nge nnd have been going I with n vounir man two tears mv senior since March. 1016. I lote him dearly. 1 and he lias torn me time ami time again of his lote But 1 think after going with him for three years he should know what he wnnts to do. That Is, If I engagement in my me out witn mm 'He never went with other girls after ' ButTe" is VBuli7ite5. inTnyfir ))eaV ,n hiRn school we had several class napi,a I went to n. tew. tini an nr them, because he wished to hate mo Sln 7.7:;, t graduated, our n. I. 1 ovinn- 1 1 would hate liked to attend, but he did not like to hate me go, so' I didn't. alKHe by machine, and he was not him- elf for about two weeks. Last summer 1 weni niong -we went to But when ho wants to go any place, he goes Then he says it Is on account of his business. He Is the owner of two large stores, which keep him busy. But I think when he goes to the city, which ( about twice a month, he could at least have taken me along once, because t have never been to the citv. v He is the only child and his parents. tllinic a Kicsb uvai ui mo. . BLUB TYES, Yes. a young man ought to know his own mind after three years of constant association with a girl, and you are un wise to glte all your time to any one rrrrrjj- g g c .av- m$M Lrtfli3znm . n I U C i- UCjtlWW; WEAR who hns not nsked you to marry him. n.. vl1.. . . .1.- .. ....... l.n " ""i " "? ."""b ""' .. " " llae n liunking til nH.oiw ami ramer imagine ou are roousn to ue gi- ng UD an Jour ftlends Hemarlta .iminr to thlS ouclit to brine him to ! L.l. --.. ?.." !.. "..I'.. ."". i WOuld not bo cross because ho goes to the city on business and does not take vou with him. It would be necessary for an older person to be with you. and oen if he could set some one to go he Is probably cry busy while he Is there. . . .. . Oirls, Wend Your btockingsl Dear Cynthia It were rather hazard- ' Truthful." took im the cudcels In cham plonshlp of the promiscuous use of rouge and pov der by tho members of the gentler sex and whose dissertation on tho insidious practices of the lncon- ,h. V.rnment ha. 1 lifted ! th. ban in send sequential man in the way of personal lug- certain things to eoldlero K. s uuurnmcni was comamea in an anicie entitled. "Barbers Can Beautify Him, 1 A am, 'y V n"d w rong . mouier But Bouge for Girls. Neter." which ap- '-a;s0,IdleTh b" " ""iSR,?"; peared In your alued paper of January I "? ?, ?", ?,". ePedltIonarir .10 But. once or twice in his lifetime. a man risks his all when he commits outraKed femnntv )n tne public press; matrimony and presumes to reply to nu in iew or tno lact mat i ime already risked nl! in the first-mentioned ,as,1tne and me to t0 the tale. It gUes "le n0 nere to aucmpi tne lauer so ilero Boes. w i Tne first paragraph of tho article de- 'Will you please send me a self-ad-scrlbes the torrlhla thtnirs a man does, dressed Btamned enelone? I shall be hlch are compared with the use of rouge "in order to help nature along" by girls generally. .Now. this selects an ,f1"?a,:i'"' .V"5, """ D"?lui" "l. " clety, for It is quite evident that no gentleman would deign to indulge tn the .humorous, crude nnd lowly manner re- f erred to. I. e. 'sitting In the barber the cheap, llttlo foreign waiters who beg gratuities in tneir menial way; ana tne buuuui mu uw wi "r"c ..il " other processes through which he may without skates, etc . by minding different go cannot, by the widest stretch of the mothers' little children for them, while Imagination, be concehably linked up In. they go to the city and for Instance any way to compare with the prealent 'when they want to go to the "movies In practice of using artificial color on the the afternoon. I hope you get rich ery, girls cheeks 'to help nature along.': ery soon'Barbara. How In the world can this "help nature? Per contra, It works In the op- Aflnmlno a TnlM noslte direction, as It really does harm , J Adopting a Lhlld to the complexion, though It Is probable To "" Editor ot Woman Pane: tnat tne real -complexion- anisneu so long ago that the sickly paste has no detrimental effect on them and Is, there - fore deemed "harmless" . 5,",UJ " 'De now mrousn tne woman s TVraonallv I fall to see nnv eonnee. ' Khane where I could adopt a child from lersonaiij, i ran 10 see any connec- . year old to a year and a half, and moni tion between having a shampoo or facial ,rf, and fatherless as I am very fond masrage and using artificial color be- of children? And also let me kiow It I cause, don't women Elite their hair could adopt the child on Sunday and what shampooed nnd dressed and don'l they LT,e.,na " th '","?'. ,e"".t .,",???,' hate massages, too? In fact, the ladles cnll1T A DA1" REfvnnn, Indulge In so many things to rrente their Apply to the Children's Bureau In the beauty, which was denied them by Dame .Charities Building. 419 houth Fifteenth Nature, that ono simply could not begin Btreet. or. If you men Catholic, to the to list them! Cethollc Children's Bureau, 1700 Sum- As fqr butlng ties well, nro men now mer street, Jo 'see nbout adopting a child expected to go about exposing to the There are two vyajs of adopting n four winds and the admiring (?) gaze child, by deed and In court. The court of the deadlier species their little method Is more binding. Legal fees for .i.fnm's ......Iis' tiAPtsi, 1.n i,n,,i. i adontlon lit deed are from SR to 7. However, the fact that the ladles con- trlto to exposo their white (powdered) necks during winter and to hate them burled In tho Insanitary fur of some poor, skinned animal during the hottest days of summer, reteals nothing, doesn't 1. t-,1 ,,jj nre n the habit of dolnc such roollshVings? lt 0f "B 1.1 ,. me add Just one little thing, which I believe is deplorable the fact that the girls are wearing their skirts tighter ret eal.i more cubic space of silk-clad limb, when they attempt to board the street c-rs ftow. Haven't you noflced7 And sad talo to unfold a large pei centage 01 inose uauity peuni extremi- tlen nre not wholly cotered bv the silk. hut little spaces and "ladders" appear at frequent Intervals., thereby gttlng fhe public more than was Intended In the way of display, airis. get out iour needle and thread and sew up thos glte-nway stockings before putting them on in the morning. I'lease don't os tracize me lor inis, oecausa 1 anean It Has a friendly tip from ono who la. fairly iouv "u I !j0nfJnlPunI,"t",,ane in?,uUJ0 he rmalei being. I am nn interested rear n render of your columns and have lots of fun discussing the problems with my wife. I am twenty-Blx years old. AN OLD ROUNDER. GRADA The New and Better CLEANSER Cleans eyerythlnp; in the Ijath lnoin and kitchen. Will not scratch tho finest tile or porce lain,. Cuts all dirt and "ferease and will not harm the hands. At plumbers, piocers and hardware stpi-es, or WALLS, OWEN A STAMBACM l . 'u;'0MMIT--i wijt I SELFISHNESS IN CHILDREN OFTEN LEADS THEM TO CRIME f Anna Katharine Green-, Famous Detective Story Writer, Traces Al Crime to Thought of Self and Advises Parents to Remember This MANT of us are inclined to rear solflsh children; that Is, In spite of ourselves wo build a world around a child that seems constructed especially for him. In an article In one of the magazines this month Anna Katharine Green, noted writer of dotectlvo stories, sounds a warning cry against tho practice of letting tho world live for tho child. The article appears In tho American Magazine "All of the crlmos committed to sraln money theft, embezzlement and forsrery all of these are rooted. In selfishness, In greed for one's self," writes tills famous woman. "So aro tho crimes people commit to be freed from some obligation or duty they aro too selfish to meet . It Is self, self, self all the way through. If mothers and fathers would analyze crime as I have It would be a ter rible warning to them not to bring up their children to think that the, de sires and their feelings aro the. su premo consideration. "Hoot out self and you would vir tually eliminate crime." I DO not know any lesson a parent might take more to heart than this one. Tho writer has had unlimited opportunity to get under the sMn of humanity, but she puts definitely what wo all lnstlnctlely ought to know. The root of crime Is solnshness. In looking eround us and maklmr survey of men and women we can divide them Into two groups those M,o1wSAn.?d,,iVl$. f?r ofller,a and tliose who bend all their energies on ! THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TODAY'S INQUIRIES 1- ""i'T'i "jiTit! ond unuullr iirettT T to dlntrihntc tltl. at thr l,orr for thn raiunl lrl. 5. Who dfjldn nhat the brldmmnldn' itowni. will b. and who pars for tliwr? 3. When thji npclc la lone, uhat Is tha most becoming ay to dtni ItT 4. How la llqiild areen soap. ofln mom- mcndnl fdr tho complexion, mode? 6. What Mill remote medicine atnln from u Htuir roirr. ricr How enn n doll'a bed be made from empty spools? Skirt Length for Sixteen To "" L'1"or "' Vtmm, Pane: Dear Madam Would ou kindly let me know through the nnviMi Public Lkixikh h0. 'f $ I should bo to wear nose pinch. f"7. .'" &7..lM, a elrl of ltoen ahouw . " iv VllPn n Irl IB BA, AntnAn m .!!... It Is nulte all rleht tn near "nnm nlnoh. ers" Tho aerage slxteen-j ear-old elrl wears iier skirts a ery little aboo her Ban Not Lifted ' To the Editor of Woman't Pane: Dear Madam Kindly publish In jour inluablj column a list of the things In the ""I, ?fi?J'le". rJKni- t,cv..w.hLc.h..I Game for Washington's Birthday To thr Editor ot Woman's raoe; p",r Madam WJH vou ofease orlnt aames toi T WM.hiarSon'mr?hdJyX"?n,l" a" noiei tames mat will Keep me puny trains, MARION. glad to mall the games There Is such little space here for such lengthy and important matters How to Make Money To the Editor o Woman' Page: Dear Madam I am a air! twelve ear old and I want to know If you can tell me helped so many people and I feel aure vou way to earn name money you nave help me i hRvo a bicycle ana ?.',a'8. ?"?. P' n".w'r " Mon ,',' moment's notice on Saturdays or after n,ar Madam A sou have helned many . I. too coma, (or udvUe. I am a marrlrd 'w,omn and haVe no children. Can you Court and legal fees for adoption In court are from I0 to JIB. It would not be possible to transact this legal busl- ne8s " fiu"dI,y a"d', ln fact. It takes nulte a little while to attend to this mB15:5r' ... ., ... ,, Temporary quarters of the Catholic Children's Bureau are at 1810 Vine , street. ,, , . Dental Colleges To lhe Editor o iMnMn', rooe; .. vi.dam First 1 wish to .,,... mv jrdJ' towTrd your paper! VapVcuf" J Woman's Pace, although I am a souns man. I have atopped high school, where I passed When There Isn't Enough Chicken to Go Around The other day the most awful thing happened. I forgot that Jim s Aunt. Elizabeth was coming to din nerl There was a little cheken left over just about enough to cream for Jim and me And then suddenly I remembered. Tor a minute I was Beared to death, because Aunt Eliza beth's been everywhere and she's used to the best of everything. But five minutes later I wok as happy as a lark, concocting tho most ex tent.lt e itsh of thicken n la king jou ever saw.' I cut some mushrooms and ted peppers and sllceB of hard boiled egg Into the chicken, and In stead of sherry (Aunt Elizabeth doesn't approve of liquor), I put In a big teaspoonful of Al Sauce. Well, I wish, you could have heard her ask what rave It that Parisian flavor I X , never told Jim until afterward what SMavrls, happened,. lfeA4.-I,QiHysl.4WllU r.MMr, furthering self. It le easy to link u the finished product, the selfish chll grown up, with Anna Katharln Green's analysis. Ono cannot lmngln ho woman who grew up with th 'dea that we were not nut on cartt simply to bo pampered and to hav things go right every minute 1 f th time, stealing a check In order to st euro the diamonds her husband, I financial difficulties, cannot buy fo her. She would take going wlthou diamonds as a matter of course. On cannot picture the young man wh learned early ln his days that life J not a primrose path of dalliance, forf lng a check simply because ho want to buy an automobile. No, he woul simply do Without tho nutomobllo ur til ho earned enough money to bu ono. And so lt goes IP A child Is not schooled to do with out things when ho Is six, eight an ten, then most certainly ho will have very hard time making up his mind t do without them when ho Is elghtee and twenty and so on. Character cav only be strengthened little by little T'hoso who cannot practice little act of self-denial cannbt practice big one1 ""each a child to give ,up to other -Iill dren sometimes: teach him to coi slder his father nnd his brother and sisters and to do tho hundreds o little things that lequlro thought fo others. When jou are Inclined to spoil you little boy or girl remember -hat th writer of tfetectlvo storlc3 said, ' Roo out seIf anl yu "ould virtually elln Inuto crime." YESTERDAY'S ANSWERS 1. A tarn for porta wear ran be made froi old pleer Juat o n rni rur la made. 2. When there are small bit of broke claaa on the floor pick them up wit a vioolen cloth dampened, .lint a VS.. t"' dancer nrea carefully mi lithtly and the iiuall pieces Mill elln in the fabric. 3. To restore a.fuce veil that has becom limn rinse In a quart of watrr I which n tenniioonful of unninrnble ha been dlawlied. 1'our In the icnmaralil while the water la bolllnr Klne th ell In Hi when cool, ehakn llthtl and preoa between heniy towela, 4. Save rubber bnndi to fasten tlssne nape oj-er the small dlshea ot Ipflove-. placed In the Irrbox. 6. To clean a carpet aweeper properly empt the pans Into n damp newspaper an remote threids, etc., from the brus with n b'lttonhook. Take the brns out occasionally to elean It. Oil wll a drop of oil. 6. Coal m can be preiented from cots up throiiali the house whei M U pi on the Are. by keeping the fluea oper lie sure they ore not stopped up. tno eara on tho commercial course Wne ffl inted from Krarnmar school my pal enta persuaded me to take the commercle course. v.h!rh T unsn't lnl.M.1.!! In couldn't act my mind on the commerclr suDjecis say luea tor mv lire worK la t be In a profession, as dentist What wish to ask you Is If there are any dent Collea-pa in PhlladelDhta where I cnuld wnr my way throuchT What are the requlrt mentst ATLANTIC CITV READKK. 'it is possible to work your way throug college, and this applies to dental col lege, by taking a position for nights an Saturdays, but this is wholly rpart fror our life In school and the strain woul be pretty heavy. But here Is tho rea obstacle. In order to take the court at the University of Pennsylvania Dentt School it Is necessary to ha e flnlshe a four years' lilgh school course, whlc Includes chemistry, biology nnd physio; Tho other dental school In Phllf delphli Temple College, Eighteenth and Button wood streets, requires a four-year hlg school education, too, or sixty point gained through tho State preliminary ex amlnatlons To take those, of course you can study nt home You can ge further Information at either of the col leges. I wish I had better news for yot Trains Again Trains have returned to fashion an dancing Is being taken up again by swirl of young nnd middle-aged wromet The world has alwajs danced whe peace prevailed. So dance gowns wer ordered by the dozen aa soon as th night of dnrknees turned Into the da of sunshine. COCOA "ALL FOOD, NO WASTE"' Combines the qualities of a delicious drink with the nutritive value of the most perfect food. It helps solve the food problem and high cost of living. Wilbur's Conservation Recipes how how to make dainty, dtllclous and e c o n o m I. o a I dtsterts. Your copy py's It's waning, free. Send tor it todty II. O. WILBUR A SONS, Inc. Philadelphia For Hair and Skin Health Cuticura is Supreme If you' use Cuticura Soap (or J evcry-day toilet purposes, with ' touches of Cuticura Ointment now and then as needed to soothe and heal the first signs.of redness, roughness or scalp irritation, you ' miv hav na rlear 11 pntnnlevtAM j g&sm jtStgA J it and as good hair as .It is possible ' , toiave. L 7, ' 4 Baal. aaBamMA JfaWsCTP! l4 ; f' fi -li M ?. V eVl ; '.a i n Tit- t i 1 , r. ll i? fciiiiiifiiftVrVfi -W "-"-- '' 411. " wmVTlJtitl r ' L. f UeaaSaJeV. ' lAi . llllltMWJilll III ll lllnlaahlaftar1-'1--