Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 31, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 9, Image 9

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r-rt i wi jt -nji-v' t'1- " l(vv,, "(' !' -
... .
i v
'$ I
, .
ri4nd So They
Were Married
Copurloht. 1019, bv Public Mgcr Co.
was nil bIio wanted en yet. Uut If
Alio couldn't luivo It, what then? Could
nothing rlso iuhIm) up fur It?
(Tmmimm, Nrntt titlcm-A linnil In Ilia
, niw frlcmtftlitp Rtut unnciuncr mime n
: tmnnllnjr new.)
The Woman's
It "W
liao tea here?"
asked otio of Hie men after tno
Introductions wcro over.
"It's lafe, after C ; e might miv
tlmo by staying here," Kuscesteii Isabel.
So they nil four went Into tho ornate
room, filled now with Boftly chatterltiB
ttMnlA IVia Inw lilim nf TDURlCal IllHtHI-
mcnts'nnd tho Renernl hustlo of .1 hlR,
t hotel dining-room. The winter husk
i tho llghti of the sienue filtered In
t IhrouKh tho long sehet draped windows.
n. nnd tho men led the way toward a win-
dow tnblo nnd ecntcd tho KlrH ndrfiw ,
Jt tSpeously. , , '
ISt rtuth rented her elhows on tho table
tt& nnd looked out of the window. Her
'iftj heart waB he.iy In her brpiiBl. hlie
i8 wondered with n. nuo wlslf illness what
'W It would be like to ho free aim napps
& again -s Mio had hwn when SVntt had
tlvorat back to her fiom France safe and
tf aound and tho world held only tno two
of them Beemlnsly for nil lime.
"Why fo ciulet7" asked the man ni ht
ft, and bIio ctniled out of her reverie
d turned to look nt him "" wiia "0I
jot - as tho other man, wno
en V Jesslon or iranei aim mra.
h thought He had a Men. it mm
with rather Intense eves, nnu no
lookhiK at Until with real Interest,
hough there were tuoro on ins minu
tnai pronipcicu
t, Ulmt l tlie flower fur Krliruarj?
3. Mlmt nmlirn a lfry HjtUfurtiiry ulimiuino
for Hi liulr?
.1, Hem utitiulil n prron tnnl when mimp
I lnB?
llemoo white spolfl on floor' with n 14, Mhnl will remote 11 llnner or pot stain
Things to Knoiv
A llro screen of htaek ennincled inctul
will chnrni nl' open-tiro liners.
from wood?
3, How doe u urnip lluit contiilnfl too mlKh
alkali adrct wood?
1 0, IMiut effect li.m mill on wood?
lust thn tlioucht
... I. 1... .. I.n ! ,nlllfl IMVP.
iu nin nvi mi." ...--- , , ,, ,, ...i... ,..;-.,.'
nd after von h.no decided ou tan " ...." "imuo.), . uu .iur
no (.ometlilng about loiirKelf If you '. Tr
What inn do and How you un nl KTISKMIA r
wlmt miii like In i'o and don't do,
cloth moistened with water nnd a few
drops of, ammonia. 1-inlMi with oil,
ChoppMl blanched almond?, pltkles, '
chutney, Vrenni cheene, halt nnd paprika
make n savory sandwich fllllnK.
MisioiiR Hope to Save Tliouiiiitl"
of lAc
I'arl". .Ian ,11 H A 1 ) To meet
he Immediate needs of war-strlckuj
ll.lllmn imititrlei where there piob.ibli
H Kunter distress than In any oilier pail
of Kuropp except 1'olnml. tie American
lied (ros has dispatched tow aid the
Halknns conunlsxlons recruited by lieu
tenant Colonel Heniv W Anderson, of
llkliniond, Va. r'olonel Anderson will be
able to draw upon accumulated supplies '
Until the Allied power are able to or
R.inlre relief measure on an extensile
nnlo. It li hoped to savo lhuu"aiuls of i
Hies beforp tile next ban est
Tor north Serbia, seventy workers will
operate under I.lrutPiinut Colonel
Thomas W rnrnatn. of Vain fiilirrsliv To ihr rdltor of llomaii 5 fruit
Tho ersonnel for soutli Serbia numbers ' Ueur Mnrtam I'm vou tell mo If il er
twenty-four workers commanded In sudi n hiilios. forks oiw spnon,
Mnlnr .t I.' dir.w hlreil for o. siirPT ana w irci
The tlreck (.oinmlsslon under command I t
or Lieutenant f olonel IMward S Tapps, I A caterer will
i special occasion
fcee the business scitlon of tne telephone '
?l. Vnleiiliiic's Day
7"o Hit Editor nt U'nuinn'n I'atir:
lleur Mtiditlil t hale KOllrll iU(ll Cootl
Ideas before from nir column that 1
Ihouclit ou mlghl bo iitilo to help m iw.
I am Jmilnir n Inruu Valentino Day rsrty I
(lrN snt bnjs) nnd nm quite puzzled about i
how to entertain thetn Can ou ;lto me
somo suftgrrtlons lii jour column pp-nae? ,
Will appreelato it very murn 1 -- i
miss kioiJtijr.v. I
Please send u self-addressid enve
lopo nn.d 1 will be pleased to send bur- '
(jestlons for the Kt. Valentine's party.
tlirux terrlblo nt of
A Cave for the Dnrlor
To the Editor o It nman' J'aur
l)rr Msilatn t Iihip nipr wriltrn
5."!!. 'tV.J." :.orJi-i!!.J,'ui,.7V.1 '.'",.m'5. !' "'"f doi-tnr dear friend, but t can say
,. ,,,,,, , ,r,i.v,,,, .....v., , ,m;b.i, nil,
unable to ntiswer
My huffbnnd has lieen slrlt for about
thrM nionthi, Kor two tnjtitlis bo was In
IkmI and I waited nn him band nnd (not
attended to in bain an I bump J lo lia
juti,returnea iu won
VVlien I pet up In tin inornlnic t hurry
nnd j:o to the store b"f irn tb i,abi nets
up I hen t utart and ib, my housework I
neicr stop or sit down until I am tlniKbed,
for If I nnco sit down I would not vri up
iir a niiv i nin inn i ,zy an'i aiwaii
I bio me nier omo
' meliimhoii 7
V l-Allllr't I. IIKADim Of TUB t.KlKHIU
' I tannnt inl1e Vou in tho capailty
I haio spin other women In Just this
condition ftoni strain nnd met work and
that the thlnK that has broiiRht them
link to not mil I Is s iomplete,rest phnti
nf Rood fond and, In many cases. ihatiKi
of sUrroundliiKS llU Hied to be tllnlei
the care of a reliable M" hillsi The
treatinrut that Is Riven in iiisck like
votirt! Is iKrfect lest ami phnly of
linurlshnienl im lould take Hits at
hnnio If some woman rrl.itlve would
ronic nnd take cnmpli'tc ihntRc of viiur
Mrs Lansing and Alt, bliarp
Help in Program for Kmicli
Wonit'ii Workers
I, The l.lrlli-lnne for l'rliruiir Is Hie nnie-
i. Tin heerrt In mnklnR rrenrh knols Is to
ne n needle lurge enniiRli to slip ens
Hi lliroincli the knot. This prriruts
Hie ,'bnilenM look,
:t. I'renth knolN used on n handbill: site an
evrellent Inittiitlnn of beilduork, Vluke
tbs knots larger bi putlinR the tlireud
mrr two or three times,
4. The Irnln Ins returned Iu Hie formal eie
nhiR rnwn, This time It Is itttilihed
from the wnUt or shoulders to Hie
bowii nnd Is a separate ideie.
A, V pair of clnies Hull Is too Unlit In Hie
wrlt inn be strrtrbnl t" tltimpenhiK
a little on the Inside ami nlurlnir on
n gloie slretrlier ror numlier of
8. I'araflln rubbed en n wrlnter will take
Kreuse front It, t
keep. tnt home neat nn. ilcan and intself I liome Hut iou must Ro In bid and test
and baby tho same. j nl)l , ,,,, M, K0I ll(IUi lMliin-nt
N6w for tho problem t nlvints had a
cnod atlietlte. but tmv neer ,at nnv
One Kltlen for l'ivo Homo '
To lltr J.'rfitor o Mo in mi I'oif
Iienr Madam Jliny thinks for sour kind '
Interest in rivinl lo the kitten I re. , He, I
llje nptlliirliins. sorry I did nut luiie cue.
kltlns, but have leald nf snnie and ma n I
able lo supplt thm In tlie Lourso of a
Wo cttjoj rending tlie IIikmmi I'tntir
j,rlsl,ll len mueli espe, lillv the Woman
IMkc and It lertalnlj Is leri nelpful.
iVIrs ) .11
This will enplaln to the nailers who
asked for the kitten Just win u w'ns not
possible for all to he supplied
luilih and half tlie time r Ku without
thtm: tn eat uniu supper nine I neier
Mallt nit suppi r but inv IniKhand si olds mi
en I tri to eat sonn-thirs. nut it rhok.'H m
fieri time
t sit down and start to tldliklnir anl then
I start In i rt I tannn? help It IJer
rilKht I ert until I fall asleep ant Juit
as tired will n I Ret up in s.i mnrnini; us
when I ro to bed at r,ht if nnv one
speaks lo mo nui'klt or sharply I mull , ri
if the bill rthus or some -in, huH th. d,,r
f Junm than oft a chair I aleo .Lr spill
f t 111 Inaillities
lieforo mt luisband took i k
a ehow even week Now 1 ha
lo iien bo lo inn tuniinir pi, i ires
Now what would toll suei.-si tllHr eUi,t
Went lo
no desire
' t Riilarl.1, as a in nous condition sin h im
Voiirs Is rem hid oalv by hiiildltiR up tli
linilv Vow duli't be dlsi oiiraci'd, but
still at the Kline time lealle lli.it ou
must i all a halt and do Just what a te
llable doi tor tells vou in do if mil want
tn Ret to lie join own ihuti si If .iRnln
Vou have Just tlie siiiiptoins hu
woman ban who is ,rv 'riuiili over
(iiroiiKlit the initiR the (umpliiR audi
the Ills of tin I. nn holi- mill it was onlv
natural it slunilil untie finm all tliat
strain and onrwork lion I leel that
nu inn t affuiil to taki Immediate sters
in titiiidi this i iitiilliion Ihi.ius. wiiat
Rood will nu.i nmoiinl of mom do jnu
if miii Ins. .mr hnilih' I'h, is, do as'
I luile told Mill Ro lo li Rori'i do, tor
mill follow Ills milt' e
I'urls, Jan 31 The womin nf ITaiice,
aided by Hie printbtil advlii and RUld
alien of their Amet ban, sisters halo un
deitakiti a hlR program to liromoio the
wilfate of 1'reiich w iikltiR womin.
In the last two dass, a conference on
the sulijei t h.iH bun lotidiieleil tinili r
the illrectliiu of thn V W t' A It was
attended by I'n tn h women who jro
lenihrs of iirRiinlrittlonr, such as
Mad.itiiK Jules MiiRfurd. Jr. Madame
I'll lion. Il.itoness Vattillle and Mail itne
l.milri, atnl In a hcoic of Vimii..in
-eiei.il pr"Jects wrte ailnpti'i ii. ad
mliilsler His needs of French vvomanhoofl
arlslnu out of thn war. They Include
model homes for emplojcd women In
Paris and blK I'rcnih Industrial centers,
womfn's hotels at the chief Krenc.li ports
where they IIUj ut fr essels to de
li irt. hotels for Vrinrh women students,
houses for philanthropic and civ la work
and iluhs after the sttle nf tho Women's
1 nliersllv Club and tho Colony Cluh of
New York
In these projftts -Miss Constance Clarlt
of I'asatlena, t'al , Miss l"dnn Sandlln,
of Montgomery, Ala , and Miss Young,
of Charlotte, .V C are taklnif an nctlvo
part Mrs llohert I.ansliiR nnd Mrs
William ij Sharp were iu attendance at
tho s ssions
1 D.iiv .""eeks Mil lo C.'tlrli 1'itcarms
SuRRestlntis which iiinj help curtail
tlie prninlM-iiinis sab of llreanns were
soiiRht tiid.ii from Director Wilson and
district Mmrnev Itotan by Ktatc Sena
oi URUstu I" liiiiv Jr Hccause o
n'inieroii- e, . nt hold ups in this city,
niioi Kilt proiv "es to introduce .
i l.eR sl.iture whiih will re
,s ii.n r a Hi ono by all per-
ill w, tiir.ns
bib in
-luir. pi s-
If IIS I" in.
Silver Can He Henlctl
tan be
fuinlsh silver for a
I'm lists of tatercis
t all tho rest '
How do vou know e
ieie are tliltiR
to do and don t ilo' asueil limn
uel, interrrlrd In tpl'c " herseir
was po i rude bov who palil Her
d'sh compliments, or anj thine of that
kd This was a man Somehow she
: not feel so uncomfortable as Blip had
even smiled a little whop) lie or .
ted tea for her and fascinating thin I
Idivlches and little cakes with Jelly
cream inside and Icing1 oier the out-
Isabel wns slpplnfj something i
tsted out of a Jons Rlass, hut the tpan !
111 her had not asitcu ner to orink
huth poured the tea and Rained con
tnco with It After two or three sips
jAhe bcaldlnR licpild. the began to feel
like herself, not so rt range Mie
kan to feel a certain liking- tor this
his consideration of her was per
Bt She sat- him glance, once at the
Wider finger .'hero the very thlu band
igold flashil Kb signal, hut he said
thing ubout ' although she knew he
Berstood unit would act nccordlngl.v .
it Is, lio would not make her tim.om-
rlable by alluding to li crudelj
Hie man with Irabel wis different
was .vnungei and much more the.
peth.it Kuth ilhilikPi Iliitli' wondered
hat Isabel could see In him. She could
tt unders'aiid that Isabel had no ia
Clty for leal emotion, that, provided
Ulan wus good looking, had mone.v and
the things she i.ueil iibrmt doing.
thing else mattered I
I'Of cour-e thetc nie thhiRs vou like
fdo and don t do ' he Mid, watching
slim flngetH fuss .liounil the ( ups
ts gcncrall) that wav with life. sn t I
I'Tes, I think it !. "
You know It is '
.Perhaps I do, and she smtlid
Tliat'B bettei. 1 thought vou mulil
Uly smile
tnl lluth found that she could smile
en whl c her heart nehed and she
Bhed the good-looking faie of the
an with her would i.nlp Into the deai
one that vias .Stott's Why.i ouhln't she
fcfel tlHTeient' Certainly Scotl had no
such feeling when he luiichfd with Hetti ,
or with ant other woman he wiblied lo
Victor Records
Arc hcrr ready for selection!
H7i Not Join Our
Victor Record Club?
SIO Worth of Records.
$l a Month
Vo 7itnflHM Mrlmjis litlh m ,
Vfifiif Uniihli 11-1 f I'l.lUll:
"sloitl, lll'KM, II.MI, U . At 1MI I lost x T .VlSO V. .11."
wK ? rOlL raFufSB 3 ifik (MM i if liuii
l V5H JbJmEiiKyffc.i3B "sii Va7.!llJiMBViiMK9 vflBr
' " " " ' ' " ' " ' - I. u -n
$7 SihcrPlalcd$J QC
One Yellow lnding Stamp With Ever) 10c Purchase AH Day
- --; I'll 1 1 UHI'II1 -
Set cnlh
rleies in vlo're fw
ei r iks -i 'able poons
b. II
knife jnd one
I" -l eor .AJlh
Possibly i hohtiiul sti'rot is tlie only business section of a large
city which lins not wnntlvipd far away fiom it-5 biithplace, ljlsevvheie
old neigliborlioods have been left .stranded upon tlie lock of piugics,
nnd once the .same was to be feared beie. "Go West, young man!"
.seemed to act as a magnet, and vvcht of Bioud .street tlocked the .shons.
Then, as if loth to for.sake the old and hallowed at-socinlions. the title
swuiip; back to the Delaware, and tho unparalleled pleading of n
htieet in two diicctions was the result, with Uroad stteet as a pivot.
Is it not h.vmbolic oi I'Miaiicipiiia :
igg foiward hand in hand.
I'LOWKU cannot blossom
without sunshine, and a i
man cannot live without
love," so thcio aie alwny. dear little
In ides being led to the altar, and
many anxious friends hunting wed
ding presents. With the hundicds
of lipatitilul urtii: es at ISailey. Hanks
The old and th" new evei match-
F XGL1SH Down Kurniluir! Any
woman who hcaid those two
woids would know- immediately
1 1ml the.v lefened to something soft.
I'onifoi table and luuiiuus, but until
tlie.v had actually seen tlitfeient
pieces at II. D. Dougherty & Co.,
.VZ (. hestiuit stieet. th"y would be
& Biddlc Company, deciding ought to unable to realize the lengths to
be a simple cno'ugh task, but the which comfoit may go. Kach article
very fact' that the choice is unlim- is pioduccd in their own factoij, b
iled makes the difficulty greater, super-skilled mechanics, is "custom
Silver, china, glass and jewelry are, made" throughout and will suipass
temptingly displajed on the main the expectations of the most e.act
floor, and' in the le-s well known, i ing (and tired) puichaser. Theic
but rqually as popular, downstairs, ate (lifTeient shaped tlavcnpoits, 'ill
stoie theio aie any number of mod-solidly constructed on the newest
erate-pneed things and quaint and lines, with down-tilled cushioned
noiisiiiil i Ircni. of r.olltl mahogany seatn and backs: chaise.s loncnies in
lee. because) If hn had, he knew- onl i fninituie. Inlaid sewing cabinets, teveral lengths, including a shorter
"r," "'l " vmu nave luncu nun jspetarie i and desks, niullm stands, one mane e.xpiessiy lor apartments;
KTe.'ri r"iiffw .Kul ,W""''" "p,c tiptables and nets of tables, one wing chaiis, aim chairs and coy
te.h.d.S'rHjJvv.th x.k tW co,oncr.tly tnulcr tho.her. ittle slipper cliai.s for MiladyV spj
farpon run! ho rliattod amu.lnff y ami' iu uhc.
lltlv Mltli linf tlm s. li IiIiiocli n .. 1.
' !. - in i iiiuun-p,-i iiivurit; . . . ,
methlng In him that somo other tptil- TT 7-1 Til the lemarKahle exien-
in her ttcnt nt l..i- rtnlli ,. ,a ,llftAr I eiei., nf nmepl Host, set V1CO
y ...-,--....-.... .... ...,,(,... in t-i- WW ri"li ", j.... i ...-
ffrom Isabel Shn had a fire, a man . " " their is now no reason why
r about her that men felt, that clicw Mm iwnnln livini' within a r.iduis of
em, although as f-it- as she her .elf was 1 400 miles of Philadelphia should not
"""""i " """ "" oniisciii 1 nougii 1 ,,. ti, ,,r.!iviiie nl one ot 110
tractlon, one that kIip was utleily un
Dnsaious or when ick (.arson san
er home, he knew better than to ask
er for any 111010 favora just then, tie
f.e old enough to understand that what
wanted hn must go after carefullv
fhat was the first night that Itutli le-
itcd going homo to her tiny place. The
ernoon had nroumit back
Bfreo da.vs. She felt restless
been there to surround li
things would have been different
It was Scott was dining out rney
i fallen Into thn habit of planning
week on an evening spent without
other, and lluth stood In her tlnv
room facing an evuilng that
tied out Intel mlnably.
this what she. had married for?
ureiy, surety now hiio nan mar
THOSK of us who aic unable lo
accept the alluung call of the
South can at least share with
our i)ioio fortunate sistei-. in tlie de
lights of choosing mid-summoi
clothes 111 mid-winter. At Onnen-
. ' 1 - :. :i r.... i..,.l ,.' I1PUII, V ollins o.- to. ( instiint miri
"?'? .V , n I o Wicr by ' Tuolfth streets, the newhvhltc IrU
Reduction Sale of Clothin
IT I- o . 1 . !. 1 m r-
encompassing ivery ouit ana wvercoat in vjui otock iNow Kepncec
Great Number
Previous Sales
at About 60c on the Dollar
of These Garments Are the "Reserves" From
- Originally Purchased at 25 lo 33 Off
And Now Reduced Still Further!
Fliis grand final wind-up will start bright and early thus morning hundicds of
men will be on hand to enjoy the advantage of choosing during the fust hours of
the sale.
The Greatest Clothing Bargains That
Philadelphia Is to Know This Season
Men's Overcoats
Formerly 2Q, now . . . $1250!
Formerly s22.50 & 25, now ..$18
Formerly s26.59, now .
Formerly s30? now . .
These New Markings Will Speed the Clearance of
Girls' Coats and Dresses
Girls' Gingham Dresses at
.Sri-' ifififcr, 1'rcftii f Offmni)
Trimmed .wth cm 'Mstinj,' coloi-.
pockets and holt. Sues S to I I.
Hi II HI l,i
llnvr )l
,11 ted
Henry T'. Hallow ell & hon, Hiotitl
hclow Chtstnut street. Sent by spe
cial deli-cry. thev catry that dis
tance without the slightest dnmajio;
inileeil. tour hoxes of Strawberries
lier oiri crP shipped to Indiananolis ami jir
If Sc"lt I ried in Rood shape. Th" hasKetv,
m'SJ ' wrapped i-i wax paper and excelsior,
are packed in little Kc.s witli one
humped end to pi event turnlnf up
side down, po not one of the luscious
fruits Rets out of place. And these
matchless briskets make such stun
ninp Rifts i'ir tho muny occasions
when any other handsome picsent
eallv for loc. loo Hint muw .' miclit no inappropii.uc,
ttcud1 b.io wlllltiKly ot Ithclf, Tint i
JORROW yet keep your
self-respect personal
loans on business terms
a dicninca way. iiie
orris Plan enables you to
rrow $5U, iiuu or more
st as a business man bor-
tiws from a bank.
you have a genuine ne
cessity for money, we
Iwill loan to you on your
iractcr and earning pow-
-for the Morris Plan is
national method by
jtlch self-respecting wage-
rners and salaried men
ty borrow money.
Sail or Write for Booklet:
w to Borrow Money by
tns of the Morris Plan.
Morris Flan Co.
HEN a woman weaves not.
somo one sufreis cold."
wrote Yunir Chins in his
sacred instructions, for in China
mastery of the loom is considered
part of every woman's duty. To the
star Roddess, or "SpinninR Damsel,"
ate olTeted sacrifices and prayers for
skill, which evidently aio answered.
for the Chinese iurs sent to Fritz &
La Rue, 1121 Chestnut street, rank
aio fancier than they have been for
seveial seasons, for all aie of era
broideied boulered niatetiaK Rath
ered all mound, with wide bolts, bij;
buttons and pockets. Those of cot
ton Rahaidine and nlk cicpe tie chine
have eyelet embroidery. The beau
tiful U.tronct Satin, novelty Trico-
lelto ulliln. Ilulv timl c.'itiitt .....1
I the Faille have solid enibioi'leiA-.'the
latter with three Riaduated bands,
but the novelty Ilaronct Satiiu in
white and sand are boK plaited.
Wool novelty plaids, made on the
bias and buttoning down the back,
arc much in evidence.
USIC'H Re -Creation! The
plnase has a flavor of mvs
tctw and until thn W wil.
son, "the Phonograph with ,-i Soul,"
is heaid it cannot be understood, hut
in this instrument Edison's dream is
fulfilled of actually ie-creatinR all
foims of music, instead of merely
approximately teproducinR them
This has been proved time and aRain
when nttists have sunp before au
diences of music loveis, in diiect
pnmnni-isnn tMt-ti tlm v-,tl TT-.l.--i
umonR the hiRhest piouucis ot xne ," r," "V . . ""'""
Orient and in none are crude, harsh , Re-C -cation of their voices, nnd it
ton to bo seen. One beautiful I wn impossible to detect the livinR
0xl5-foot ruB has a mellow old Kold f ''," re-oi cation of them
Rroiind, with three bordcis, shadinR &' V?s" sonl,iml V""
fvnm e-old to aniicot. while the larKe lu V ull lecord,, inchuhnR Edi
son, on inuir paiucut.ir la fcincr ma-
lit r 'jT
mi h w
l!i li 3VU Ka'"
, li tmcLnt ntfl .
I belt, onii lined through-
(out. Sue 10 to II. j
! Girls' Persian Lawn j j Girls' $15 1 $7 Cf)
j Dresses, $1.98 to $7.98 j j Coats . J ''"
I ift nin 11 l,,. I ! " and sihcrtone
J I i
j :v mr vmiii ni i.ti 1 , cm-1
I "ideied deiRiis ,nidj
plaited -kut-; ntln'is I141 1
j l.-lied wilb Mitin t ibbon J
Tots' $8.50 Coats, $5.95
( in dm o.. clou 1 etc
Milled sil with inn Let
Lined and interlined .ml
cd coloii Sues J to li.
dm inrlninl.
I II l!r.,llirr. -I
Big Girls' $17 & $19.50
Coats, $9.85
wool M'lotir, with
.. (oineitible tollar;
1 clnth trimmed.
Mes 1 1 and 1G.
llM" 1 I.DCI1!
Formerly s35, now
Formerly s40, now
Men's Suits
Formerly s18, now ... .
Formerly R25&s27.50, now $ 750
Formerly s30, now . . . $22.50
SI 1.50
. V
$8.50 Values. $C 7C
Men's $15 Mackinaws, Reduced to $10
Men's $22.50 Tuxedo Suiis, Reduced to $11.75
$35 Full Dress Coats & Pants, Reduced to $19.90
Men's Trousers, Reduced to $2.90, $3.35, $4,90 & $5.75
"J Boys' $12 Mainaws, $6.75. Sicn 8 to 18 years.
? Nfinriftinnf Nr nri iirili n t im Mx. v.tU.t-.. Qkn- .
ucitouisuiiut UCUULltUIW til IJC lJU'JUJUy ULUIt
Men's $15 & 16.50 1 $Q Men's $4 Pants, $2.65
vercoals J Men's $4.50 Pants, $2.90
Men's $17.50 &!$ -j CA Beys' $6.50.Norfolk Suits, $4
$20 Overcoats. ' H,OU ' , M b-
Bcyc $12 Mackinaws.
Men's $22.50 & $1 J CA
$25 Overcoats. At'
I Kies7to 1(5 j is.
I $10 Values.
Si.cs7 to 18 j is.
) O.fO
Officers' Uniforms &&
$32 Military Suits $16
$15 Military Suits $y CQ
$20 Military Suits . $1 Q
$35 Military 1 $1 7 Cf
Suits.. . l ' ,OU
I It llrutliiTs -l.i 11M1
$38 Military Suits . $1Q
i.$i 7 rn
$35 Military
Overcoats '
1 i.Diii: -1 11 -1 r.i 1
Correct Shoes Marked
With Regard to Economy
Boys' $20 Overcoats, $1275
Sizes !) to 18 yea is.
Boys' $12 Corduroy $O.50
Sizes 7 to 18 yeais.
I it llmtlifr- si i'ONii n 11 it
I Men's $13.50, $15&$1A
J$18 Suits i lK
Sizes to 16 y.ars, $6.75
Boys' $2 Knee Pants, $1.49
Eoy3' $8.50 Overcoats,
.'kcs 21 to 10 years. $5.50
If bought in Hit' ri'imlsir waj
not nos.sibh be ollcred to ou
tlicso low fujures.
i Shoes:'-" e Button 0Jo7Jj
Men's New High Shoes, $5 lo $9
I'onlowin t.in calf, lilac-U e.ilf, Mai! Kul ami
pat-Jite-l coltskin.
Women's High Shoes, $4 to $12
Lai 0 antl huMnn st.vles 111 ki ay, I, own,
' ite, 1I on.- nnd lilail kul, tan and Mack
.'If, pal' tit colti-kiti ami ;ri.i luick-km.
1 nl
f Men's $6 Black Calf j$4J
j Lace Shoes
"McnTs $1.50 Spats, 50c
11 .' r t-'rnj--Misses'
& Children's $2.75 &
$3 Shoes
Sues S' 2 t 11 Sl'"' "' ' " -
$2.49 $2.59
llipst lines could
;it anyulicro lii'ar
JYcung Women's 1 $C.55
1 $7 to $8 Shoes.
Jl.iu' -tlc- in tan Russia calf, I
lll.uk, tan and riu kidskin- !
Jkiiliei 01 f.ibi 11 top-.; walking!
Kin. trunnutal and tan
in-!- .sue. J1.. 1 1 S in lot. I
Women's .pats, $1.29 to $4
Boys' Gunmetal Shoes
s ,- '.1 tn 1 '.' 1 's IP j to 2.
$2.59 $2.89
Misses' & Children's White Imperial Buck & Tan Shoes
" Women's & Misses' Coats, Dresses k
Many stunning style.- uirel'ullj depicting' the trend, of the iu-w Sprnj.' Ftislnons.
Other wonderful groups, closing out to make room for incoming lots, have
1 n
Hi,, llu r.
11' ,
l:l II
center medallion and the fifftnes are
' of different slwdes of bluo and apil-
..1 TVin c.mlinlif rnntifs nie tvn-
icaily Chinese, and nmonj? them the j
clouds, waves, lotu mossoms, pco
' nies and tho peach of longevity may
ensily be distinguished.
'tfnVTUSIC cleanses the under-
I VI standing, inspires it and
-L-- lift3 in into a realm which
it would no have reached wcro it
left to Itself," said Homy Ward
Beechor years ago, and smely no
1 thinking being would deliberately
cut themselves off from this souicc
I nf intellectual bcttetmcnt nnd inspi
ration while there Is a used niano
left unsold at C. J. Hcppo & Son's,
1117-10 Chestnut street. These Up
riRhts and Grands, which have been
taken in trade for Mason & Hamlin
1 pianos, cover tho best-known makes
in tho woild. Having all been thor
ouirhlv renovated, they mnko ideal
instruments for the homo, and arc
especially sought after by many who
have temporarily taken up their
residence in Philadelphia and who do
not wish to invest largely.
ciiincs. nicy neen only near an
Edison iccoril on an Edison phono
giaph at X. Stetson A: Co., 1111
Chestnut street, to be convinced of
the difference of these marvelous
tone producers.
ROUT this time of year
oianges and grapefruit at
breakfast begin to fail to
tempt, and then it is that casting
nbout for a substitute dried fuiits
ate found to mako tho stiongest ap
peal to the appetite. But thete are
dried fruits and dried fiuits, somo
well named that remain shriyclcd
and hard despite nil soaking nnd
cooking, others, like those at K.
Bradford Clarke Company, 1520
Chestnut street, that are tendor and
flesh. These apricots, peats, nec
tarines and prunes are all carefully
selected California products, which
have retained the flavor' of the fresh
fruit to an unusual degree. The
nectarines and pears are cut in
halves antl tho apricots and ptunes
are whole, and with very little stew
ing and the addition pf a small quan
tity of sugar, a rich, thick syrup is
WITH Influenza back in our midst, and every one dreading an attack,
it is comforting to think that theic is a preventive tho Mountain
Vnlley Water, sold at' 718 Chestnut street, nnd it is extremely
Interesting to hear of one man's experience with it. Of his own volition ho
recently returned and leported that tho use of tho water had saved his
wife's life. The four physicians in attendance had given her up, when ho
tried this marvelous Wntcr, and today she Is as well as ever. The com
bination of salts and other constituents in the water attacks tho poisoned
accumulations in tho body and blood, nnd being diuretic, solvent and elimi
nant, it increases tho excretions, solves from tho blood excessive acidity
and calcareous deposits, and eliminates them from tho system.
p ' .0 W
W". TC:
1 , i Ci
dropped to the lowest notch
I $
in price.
! Handsome Coats
j Vi'loui, uiauolial,
I boucle, w ith kit
j tummed colhus.
eliCMut ibelini. koiM-j and I
conei opo-.uin 01 fui- !
Lined tu ait or throughout. 1
Misses' Velour Coats, ?1S.50
Very aniait belted iffvts -oniichetl witli kit
coney collar and lined with satin.
Other daintv styles are in cheviot. Bolivia and
mannish niktuies.
Misses' Serj?e Dresses, S25 '
Newest of the new, portraying long, nanow
lines; sash belt, lound neck with filet lace finish,
lows of plaits nnd inserted pocket'. Many otheis
of tho gioup ate cfTirtivcly embrouleieil with
wool. One sketched.
Also navv bluo and black taffeta dresses with
Geoigette ciepo vestces.
1 1
Velour Coats I
Truly suring-liko in cut nnd line. Box coats
with tows of plaits, detachable one-piece
vesteo and peau do cygno lining. Skhts have
gathered back with belt and pockets. Taupe,
brown and navy. One sketched.
1 Tt"Z--J t
Our February Sale of
Throbs Ahead With Record Offerings Daily
Fine iu-w stocks are arnmiied fur ea.- -elcfUon ill l'trht, new
quaittu-.s. Tho ut.'itrn- art- of urpalnjr
ipialuies an ol lasting uMh.
Ii.'iiuty and the
Thi- .s200 Lixinti Kooin Suite
Women's & Misses' Scr.se Skirts, .SS.98
Navy and black. Shirred styles with plaited belt,
'(J'-v -vwrfiiJvJwVfct -ntA
round pillows.
- W
.'his $'22.- Dininir f " ''Jtfl
im si or 1 v. inrira
,- 'W'
American walnut in Queen
Anne design. 54-inch buf
fet, large china closet,
serving table, -18-inch ex
tension table, five genuine
leather teat chairs and one,
arm chair.
' I
$325 Bedroom Suite, $269.75
Larire nieces: Oueen Anne design
Dresser, chiffonier, triplicate toilet
table and full-size bed.
Women's Dresses, $18.50
Tricotine and serge in navy blue and black, varl-
set-in pockets, Birdlo or sash, plaits, coloicd slashed pockets and smoked peat 1 buttons,
pipings and fringe, iu iimtiirn. si:rciNi i'i,oit
; -VltM Our HI Now Heitaurant Dt of Kverjtlilnr t I.owit l'rkei Sewiilh l'loor f Our New nulldlur. 1th ft Market SU,
$165 Redroom Suite, $135
Gum walnut of ivory in Adam de
sign. Four pieces dresser, chif
fonier, toilet table and bed.
$38 Buffet, $29.98
n....i.- 1, in r1nnltil .lomifn. 4R Inch. Mt llrollirm-Fourth Floor
Suil"11" "" " -"" -.... -- li ,t
u . t- . ' An..
u" L?A
,t'j,it, r .,
i ft .t h-H !iu& 3
i"ti4- hdvM3(. v s, t .,,l?t-,.-, . ...- f',i t if liiiiai i-t iJ
ri ' tr - ,