"WifWjs, "p ,.' f'niV"- ' 'tW I -i ,j l ' '. rrrv- ;,wTS ! '' " ' ' V' y u. ' ' . 20 i:Vi:Xi.NC5 ITIiLiC i,KlHJiU PillLADjjiLJ jiiA, i.a.JDAl', -JATSLAi.Y in, JIJ10 m i ' P:i if r. I I I 4 ;.i y R. rIT' n . ri h. IS (CopjrUM) Tlin 8TOKY THUS V.K rhlllp WhttOmnr.. unrklni: tmrtnfr of ft company controlling the fl-.li1 mpplr nf namfmnii In km umlrr it iirmNlon.il II raiM then fir tlif Cunutllrtn (Jmcrntnfiit. find hlmlf Applied Ity mi unknown tnenur and mentis for Grnton, mi nrtUt friend to rtmif uml ttrh lilm nut. Hi one flu they hn to the injMrrv N it letter adrtreted to Ionl ritrluiiEli I". CIrecMn bruins to rate nnont lm ul bcaiitrnd drann it Mcetrli nf hrr. Uhllte .more recount tr Lileeu llrokiin. tt fornirr sweetheart, ttmehtrr nf lit partner mid presumably thou-urnd of nnlm nuy hnt doetn't mention the fart tti (lrfaon. In atend he lemc the r-nhln uml ellntlm the Mil. where he meet u halMirred. it whltn rlrl, Jeanne, and olf-hmiml. lie folN In lore with the alrl, Ilmknw nttd hi daughter nrrhr. tennne and IMerre nre attacked by men who nrrite on the kIiIp with them. IMerre I wounded und Jennne carried off. rhlllp follow the kidnapper, wares Jmnne and taken hrr In lirr limine, Fort o tiod, where he meet her father. CHAPTER XVIII -(Continued) HE WEN! ly, and i i'ENT on ahead, walking swift. now and then when I'hlllp caught a glimpse of his face ho saw In It a despair as great ns his own. The trail led along the backbone oi a huge ridge, and then twisted down Into a broad plain; und across this they traveled, one after tho other, two moving, silent shadows In a desolation that seemed without end. Ueyond the plain thero rose another ridge, und half an hour after they had struck the top of It Pierre halted, and pointed off Into tho ghostly wot Id of light and shadow that lay at their feet "Your camp Is on tho other side of this plain, M'slcur," ho said. "Do you recognize tho country?" "I have hunted along this ridge " replied rhlllp. "It Is only three miles from here, and I will strlko a beaten trail half a mile out yonder. A thou band thanks, Pierre." He held out his hand. "Goodby, M'sleur." "Oood-by, Pierre." Their volcca trembled. Their hands gripped hard. A choking lump roso in Philip's throat and Pierre turned away He disappeared slowly In tho gra gloom, and Philip went down the side of tho mountain. From tho plain be low he looked hack. Tor an Instant he saw Pierre drawn like a silhouette, against the sky. "Good-hy, Pierre," he shouted "Good-by, M'slcur," canto hacu faintly. Night and silence dropped .iluiut them. CHAPTER XIX TO BE alone, even after the patnfu. parting with Pierre, was in one way a relief to Philip, for with toe disappearance of tho lonely half-breed over the mountain thero had gone from him tho last physical association that bound him to Jeanne and her people. With Pierre at his side Jeanne was still with him; but now 'that Pierre was gone there came a change in him ono of those una countable transmutations of the m.nj which make tho passing of ester days more like a ohort dnam .u. a. long and full reality. He w.t.u- 1 slowly over tho plain, and when ' came to the trail beaten by the hoofs of his own teams he followed it in chanlcally. In his measurement of things now. It senned only a few hours since he had traxeled over this trail on his way to 1'ort Churchill; It might have been that morning, or tho morning before. The weeks of his ab sence had passed with marvelous swiftness, now that ho looked hack upon them. They seemed short and trivial. And yet ho Know that In those weeks he had lived more of his llfo than ho had ecr lived before, or would over live again. Tor a brief spell life had been tilled with joy and hope a. pronil.so of hap- lilncss which a tinglo moment in the ! shadoxvof the Sim P.ock had dostroxed forever. Ho had seen Jeanne In an- other man's arms; ho had read tho confirmation of his fears in Pierre's grief-distorted face, in tho strange tremble of his oce, ln tho xvords that ho had spoken. He xxas sorry for Pierre. Ho xxould ha been glad If that other man had been tho lovable.- half-breed; If Jeanne, ln the poetry of lifo and lox-e, had glxen herself to tho ono who had sax eel tho spark of llfo In her chilled llttlo body years and years ago. And yet in his oxvn grief ho unconsciously rejoiced that It xvas a man like Plerro who suffered with him This thought of Plerro strengthened him, and he walked faster, and breathed moro deeply of tho clear night air. Ho had lost in tho light for Jeanne as ho had lost iu many other fights; hut, after nil, thero xxas another Bnd bigger fight ahead of hhn, xvhi.-h ho would begin tomorroxx-. Thoughts of Ills men, of his camps, and of this struggle through which ho must pass to achieve succe-s raised lilm aboxr hls depression. Snd stirred his blood with a groxxing exhilaration. And Jeanne was she hopelcsslj- lost to lilm? Ho dared to utk himself the question half an hour after he hail j separated from Pierre, and his mind flew back to tho portrait-room xvhero lie had told Jeanne of his love, and where for a moment ho had seen In her eyes and f.ico tho sxx-cet surrender that had given him a gllmpso of his , paradlso. But xvhat did tho sudden chango mean? And after that the . sceno In tho suirllght? A quickening of his pulso was the j answer to theso questions. Jcanno , had told lilm thero wero only txvo ' men at Fort o' God, Pltrro and her father. Then xvho could bo this third? Ho thlvcred, and began loading his plpo as ho walked. Ho xx-as certain that tho master of Tort o' God did not knoxr of tho tryst beyond tho rock, and ho was equally certain that the girl was unaxvaro of Plerro'n knowl edge of tho meeting. Tlorro had re mained hidden, Ilk himself, and ho had given Philip to understand that It was not tho first tlmo he had looked upon tho meetings of Jcanno and the man they had seen from the shadoxv of tho rock. And yet, In splto of all evidence, ho could not lose faith In Jeanne. , Suddenly he saxv something ahead of FLOWER OF By 1AMES OLIVER CU1UVOOD him which cliniiKctl for a moment the uncomfortable, trend of his thought It xxns a p.ile Rtre-ak, rlshiR uhuxu tho level of tho trail, ami rtri-U'hlni; ill I UKonallj arros.s tho pl.-tln to tho oast. With an exclamation of NiirprlNo I'lilllp i luistene.1 1;.'3 Mep.t, and a momeiit liter stood nmonw tho frrh working of hla men. "When he had left for Churchill tlilH ntrenk, which was tho last Rtietch of roadbed hetueen them and tho .sin. tjc" ""oo in. iiuuoh liny iinllwny. had ended two miles to the south and "1' . in a lime oxer it month MnePou gall had pushed It on the ttall, and well across It in the direction of Owe Heaver .al. In that time he had He wjn ionfroiite.1 l die re.l ni i iitni iJf I i wi i l i n T'l i h.i 1 not thought poMiili in ..i'h,.. that autumn. lie had figured tb.it the heavy snoxx-a of xx Inter xxould cut them off at the trull. And Mac Uougall xx-us beyond the trail, xith three xxeeks to spare! Somi thing rose up In his blood, wanning him xvlth an elation xxhl.-h sent lilm walking Hxviftly toxxurd th end of tho road-bed. A quarter of a inilo out on the plain he cunie to the working end. About him xx.-io scattered half u iliwn big scoop shovels and piles nf woiklug tools. Tho ""''"s of u huge lo firo still glowed xx-here dinner hud been cooked for the men. Philip stood fur a fexv moments, looking otf into the dlstame Another mile nnd a half out there was tho Cray Heaxer, und fiom the Cia Heaver thero lay the unbroken xxster- x-ay to the point of their unijunction xxlth the r.nixxay coming up from the south. A sudden idea occurred to Philip. If Mac-Dougall had luilt two und a quarter miles of road-b.-d in five wee-Its they e-ould surely complete this other mib- und a half before win- ter stopped them. In that exent. the Woulel haxe fifteen miles of road, link Ing sexe.i lakeM. whn-h would trix t,m a ,.,;,, Hln,.r ,., ,r w. teams and dogs to the Uray Beuxer. .,... MVI.I I. -, rU.., .,,.-, P.,, haxo smooth lee for twenty miles, to the new road. He bad not planned to begin fishing oper.ifii.ns until spring, but lie could no reason now wbj they siiouli. ii-t inmmenre that winter, sitting their mis thiough 77i Rrtl Latta A faseinutinp stoi x by Holman Day will begin on thi- pane i et Moniay. Hon't l.ul lo teajf tho lirt instullmrnt. t S 0 M E ROD)" S X T E V d'AWLLS1- AR jLCoJ (SLU5Df0 7 TrlAT BOOK FOR ALU I AJISHT? Imfflsm J , W wUf. -ihw -' HPV M I li MF" J ttW-' r ' Wm'Mi I- (Ws8K i A: ' M THE NORTH "p I0'1 ""' pw At t.ol.sllik I'rool, XX hue. '.'..nip home, bulldliiR It " couple of ....... .,uni ....... men. mump Unit' In Apill n- May, tlirv rotil.l I frcoo their llsh and Itrrp them In ' lorat;r. rive lminlicil tons In stock, anil peihaps n thoii'iin.l, would not , ho a kid Ik-kIiiiiIiik, It would mean I from fort. to elwhty thousand itollaiH, a half of whlcji could ho paid out In dlM.lends Me luim.l hack. wIiNIHiik oftly. Theio w;m new lire In htm. hurnlug i (,. ilc.,on lie was eager to kpp Mae Pou ill. and he hoped that Hiokaw would not In- long In reaching l'.liud Indian I.tKi- Itefuro he reached the ti.nl lie was planning the aecomo.l.t imn Minions win re nun and atiltnil- fan ..f Mi Douj-.il ami a pair of little cxi i. i l.n I - ii i Tl.ro would I - Hi uf till lil IX Ill-ilXI 1 . nn.l from there he would build them hour Ih frt. The manner In xhi h Oil person xxas following in his foot-tops. appunntlv xxlth (-.xtriiiie cMUtlun caused Philip to moxe qui. klv behind tho embankment of the roud-lio.l. Two or three- minutiH later a mini rro i Into view. Philip . ould not see hla face On tlnt-tly, but by the tircislie.op of tin stranger's shoulders and his shulllliic walk ho guessed that what ho had 11 1 si taken for i notion xx.-ih In n-ullty tin- ti-.nous pi-ogress or u man Hearing . x haustion. He. wondered lioxx- ho had i in sued bun in his ovxn journey o.i t(ie trull fiorn tin ridge mountains, f..i In had made tulco the .re,grc of the Miuiigi-r, mul must sun-ly b.ue- passed lilm nomovxhcre xvithln the last ii. lie or so. Tho fart thnt the mui. had -oine from the direction of ''' "' ,U ' ' -- 'i mul 1 lif. t h lin.1 s.ei'lf.iit Iv ,.,.ii... . . I. ..I m.,,f ,,. y litt,'k ,' ,., ,.,w.r, ,,.,, 1.1,l, , t., ut J,,,, ,, ,, tho ,,,.,, M, Umt ,, ,,,, fi,ow ,, Bnd krt.,, ,,,m , Hll., ltIlom u.Ullt fl,1Ml.4 ,.,, Twll.,. ( t,r n,At m(,. , ,.U.,, iruM-ler ,,,, (1 , ,.eht, but no sooner had he reu.-l.-.l th. first s.jltereel slui.ks of the i.iini than he qiitikeueil his step-, durting quickly among the shidoxxs, and tin u stupjieij at lu-l W. for,, th, lour ii a tmall lug cmi.i.i within a Pistol hut of Philip's own In uilquai tern 'lin i.ildu w.is ii'xvlj built, and Philip g.lXi- .. low Whistle ut suipllsi as In ' nii-il lis lui-itnn He bad. tn i li-rt.i'll ill III r i t-ilnlnl liis oxxn N 0 G "-Tivho AWs Do m ,.1.i, i. . .. , . .,. "" xx-t-ii-omi- sotin.l ul .Muc-Dougall's help but iiihulu- lb.- thoiiBhtfuIn.ss anil dated the xvlwlmu or tills . uitioiisness ", " ciean sn.ixen. uresse.i in Mjeeilo. s t ,, . , , , . i . , . ... or ln" at regulm intetxajs of five ml.es on ,,,. ..Ujl(M (.,() ,,.,.,,, , ,.. s-leitlon Hos.-s lin,i . .-lexermss of Luke's forecast 1'I.uk. cxen wiaiing hl.u-k gloxet. SJ 'X, 'v WtYsUfiT bur -m' t?J t0 the Ice. . , ,,. .,, , , win. her f.m.rlt.. Ilmxers. olid us the j,,, ,, 11(,t Unisli.d the- Instiuctlons "Meet my fi lend Kcency Keom-y, this , Peihaps some other riader can tell us ii. . i ... , , A ''" ""I'l'eil within. Tho door examined the b.autlful woikmuiishlp It f , ,,, . is Film.- We .shook hands and then how other people 1 andle tlie-se sit. ;?!, H? II.- hud u,me to the t, ail. and Was ,.,.,, ,, , . .,,, aa though th.-y xxere rial and ''..T-lle tt xx .11 Xcl. phone jou. llrst 1'ulu-ord. red lo.l.V. sanihll, ,,es" ,d he "jHWIc thesi situations. ulHHU to tun, in the dhectim, of the- lllt , ,, vM ' f J . was Inhaling thei. wond.rful pel- lll(Msaml, tlllin,MI,llR.. urging . ...nlnne-. We diank eoffee and plajed y,lr ..,.HWr f ,,,r ,,.,. . .. camp, when hi- saw a shadi.xvj ligure i,lt ,lf Un .,.,, ,. .,,' ,,. "Tliis i.m.lj Is ceitalnly delicious.' you to go and seo l.lm In u-ply. s.i j;'"'"" r an hour. Then Luke took j," thuso .,.,, .x(.rt .V;,'e,"a.o2n" making Its way slowlj across tin- i.x the red face r M, m. e 'M "lul"1- "" hl,u 1"nK'Ml f"1- ,,, "'" "" '""n"1 ' l r"1",n'1 J""1 1c'- o 11 li 1 ,1M1C,U'e an'1 ,r,',11.'. S'"A '''" .-- anT't.'sde;"'. '."hT'.'.r ....,,,,.,.. ,,,.,, ., '"' ''' ' UeJl1, "l"1 " name of tin- milker outhelr paper wiap. -.k soon a- the bookkeeper leives "ill all three go to jour olllce.- I''"!!,' I.H.. ? ul ! (Vi plain which Ik- hn.l tiux.rsed n.lf nn pur ,f ti,. ,-yeH that L.te.-.,,.,i . i,l.,L-s ...i.,.. ,.. . -nnl. 77" r "" for sour o.,i,,i, .. lL"i m'" ,'2 -N For The voros hat Ctr) s& Ccweht Their Souls yCJt -ffTVfi I i L I ' I I'm im I .i.iniiioii yams nacK HOMI Illo Nliore .11 tho lalen, xxhoio most of tho either iillu wore prrrlpil. This new c.ihln MnH Mill it liumlreil jiiiiIh further hack, ' half liMilcu In it Kruwth of Hprucp, He . heaiiltlip click of n key In a loek and ! the opening uml clot-Ins of n door. A moment later a light flared dimly moment later a light flared Mgnlnvt it curtained window. rhlllp hurtled Hcrn.-s the open to the ahln occupied hy himself and I Mw.-n.niK.UI, tho ciiRliieer. lie tried the door, but It was hart Oil. rp1.. .- '"" '" - knocked loudly, and continued knock' iug Until a light appeared within. He hen til the Scotchman's voice, cloe In 'he door. lli.it plcimt-.l nu'ii.ii inpl U mr- Hurr "' it ii. man.le.1 nil- liusitu-ss:" tetoite.l I'1"l,'', f""'"P ' the error of u Joke i.iiiglx And on a line with M.n LoiibiiII'm f i-( iu nn uglx.looklng ii. xnlxer. Philip slo.pee w-uii sudden tin cotiifnrtiible thrill. .MucLuugall low reel his gun "Lord preserve us. but that's Ike time vou almost drexx- u perforation" he cxelitmied. "It Isn't snfo to cup-up in theuc diggings any mnre- not with Srtii.lv MacDaugall!" He held out u hand xvlth n reliexe.l Uiugh. and the two men shnul: in a tfr" ,,IU 'nude their lingers ache. "I 'Ii the wuy j-ou xvel.-omo all "f 5'"' friends. Mtu-V" .Mii.Ix.ugall shrucceel bis bhoulders and laid bis gun on ct table in the i enter of the loom. "Can't mi that I'xe got n friemi left in camp," he mid, with a curious Z'l '.""'.i" .t:,U,,rtr "" ,m tnf.ni. I'hll-' .'.a ..(.... ... .. u . ot ii, lW lar " I'hlllp was hanging up his cap and cewt on one of a number of xiuodu pegs' drixen Into the long wall. He turned quit kly. "ItcuKou koiiu thing out nf xvhat?"1 he sitld. . "V..Ur mstruuleiUH turn Chure-hlll." icplled Mue-Diiuuull, pi klllg up a big, l,la.-k.ls.wl i.m fi-nn, .I,., ,,.i Philip sat iloxxu wllh a l.slful sigh, iiossed hi-, bgs, lomli . his pipe, and lighted ii 'Tlnjiiglit 1 iiuulu inx self lin id iiuiigh, i x i ii foi a Scoii limuii, Saiidv," b' -I'd 'I 1' "llleil III- I'liinchlll Hint Un b, iiirlii i. going in In- pullid olf Stir On e'.s Soul So! - "" ' ' IIH ,... ... . XItl'l '!- . t,.i,.,(l.. ' " ,V '" llli THE PooK SIMP-' Trie ABSoLUTEL'f Pqok SVART-HEAD1. VfH'r DlDM'T HE ASK HEW Tu MARRY HIA I TrtEKt SHE VAb. UEK , '- VIRGIM HEART BAREU - BEFOWE lllnA AsiD u iv' &L0OHEO Tl.MTlei' Mulv xiil (jM) FAH CHEEK WAlTlM' -c VJlTH BECOWIM' MQVttlr sT U TX f i .-' I fll .f I tulKlity poon. K'b nhotit tlmo for tlir llrcworka Ho t told ou to put tho subenmpi In fighting nlinpo nml arm nvcry rcsponHlblo man in this camp. There's going to 1o a wholo lot of gun work Vforo you'ro many days oldor. (ll'ffit Mcnlf. tnnn ilrtti't Vnll 1Iif1fr Mll1(, .., AV,ml.H , mnUer?" ' .M,.l,n.m,.ll -.-. ..l.iH.irr nt l.lm ns If struck iliinib. I "Voit told mo to aim tho camps?" ho gasped. "Yea, r sent jou full Instructions ti weeks ago." MacUougall tupped hl forehead sus piciously with a stubby forellnger. "You'io mad or trying to pull off u poor brand of Joke!" ho exclaimed. "If you'ro dreaming, como out of It. Iook heir, Phil," ho cried a Uttle . . .. .... . . . ... ncatediy. "no neen Having a ncn oi u time since ou left tho camp, and I want to talk seriously." It w,. IMillln who staved now. Ho I i .1 . t . ..nt. .La Al,ffl ...lllj luiuai ii.msi-11 uj.jii i.iu tin,.- ueer. "Uo .ou mean to say you didn't get my letter telling you to put the camps In lighting shape'.'" "No, I didn't get It,' said MacDou gall. "Hut I got tho other." "Then- wan no other!" MacDuiiKull Jumped to his feet, darted to his hunk, and came, back a moment later xvlth u letter, lie llirust It almost llercelx- Into Philip's hands. . , i , A sweat hi Oku out upon ms tacc ns)U?.. .,, lBfty ,m ,.llf.Wtmlt )t wa he saxv Its effect upon his companion, xery xvrong to ineddlo with the prop- Philip's face was deadly palo when he looked up from tho letter. ".My God! jon haven't done this In- gasped. (Ci)NTICin TOMOHUOW) THE DAILY NOVELETTE A BOX OF SWKIiTS lly I'Acanor C. Krnymi nicer pranks sotiiethues. Ills arrows wn8 kept In tho pink of eondl ,,,. and when It o..m the Utile fel- l..w he unwinds hi- Vip..r ' '-'""' mis ii mound his captlxes, diawhig Hiem m.irtr and ne.iier to n-h other. Hun l miiiip wicked ithenie It ln-ioin.s i tn a wedfje iiaw neen drien atid liio 'two BollN with but n hliiRle, Mu UKbl are sepnr.Uetl It whh at u i. .t . ..i. tt.., !..., ..r n s...i Hal friend that lialie and Paul llrst me' .aire xas n sort of ciiundrinn. Piet- of face and xlx acinus In manner, she xxas mu for a conquest, and Paul fell a ,..,, xa.m. at nor snr.ne. rower.,. ...ridl.s and dlnnus came hi rapid sue ante hi rapid sir- Ia a heautlful box In his offering to xvas called Into L.-r,iiii On this particular da was tliosen tot cental lane llll'enger (-erxi.-e and after many inMl u.-tlons to' turn us compaiiiiin nun rain s ou.iing at her side, gaxe herself up to a de. IlKhtful iifternnor. i he h-MUty of the box captlxate.l her and. coqu.tte as she xxas, she could not An specially delectable piece xxaa next tiled, but uiil.-r lis lin. oliile .ox- erlng xm.h something quite foielgu an.l uniie,.ssai in the m-.klng of .1, li.-ii.ijs. ,,, A .'iiliuhlng ..f her. tooth on .. hard silbstaie e caused Its 'lemoxal mid, on exnniinatloii, she found a i-m.rll ni'l. and to her dismay a pice of a tooth, whlih was biokni bj th. ntiiet. Kx- ambling the damage dent to her teith of xilii.lt she was so proud, nlie paced li.'i.k m.d forth the room, denouncing poor Paul and all eandles n g.ncr.-il Thai night she, was iixiaKiiied from her slunibeis b.x u sluup little pain, ami as the tune Hew bj- as i hi- was unable to fall iisleep again . each jialu lasted a little mngir and l r.imu mine pro noun. til. Tljo tn xl nioinlng. Hied out xxllh her lono xlgll and unrelenting In her f.-.-l. incs tow.n.l Paul, she i ailed up Luilor l.uk, tin family dentist. A iepl mi the phone that he vim nut of tho I'itJ and xxas not expelled hack for at least iwo xxeeks. spuircd h.r.lo aetloii. Ib-u.i mbeiiug that a urn dm tm '"d had ipnt. n pinctl..- with ihe fasti-' Had openeo an ouu-e some lime befou tunable set. -in- cnlliil un and told lilm 5f her troubl- An InuiHili ii-. iippoliiiuii.it xi, in made Hiiel when sh. .irlxed nt tl thi ... she was greeted 1 . the fasi-limiliig dncliu I'lider his i-xii in u.t-d hands lb. i.rreni.( lug molar w.i- lempor.ii-lly tr.-at.d and u lali ir appoiii'i.i. nt in. nl.- un her ariiv.il I mm . all tenth tumbles were lorgotti. ..s she thought ..f thn di i lor. of the ,i nt hi, ejes, the soft iiiiiilul.iteil Mm i ami the teiideiii.ss he ixhlbltid In I s tieaimeiil. Hlushliig .SrV.vlMt In I'. "Id 'sin a'" """ """ '1 but one oil. nding nn nils r brought .n,..v .no .-..,,., K,,,.lry ,,,,,,,.,., Ior ,, ilni-tor exteiiilid ins serxl.es. and I'lalu x.i.s qmtu eiigi-i lo ln-lp extend tin in. As the ilajs p.i.siil tin- string was be- . lug tight, ned, lb. iiiioftendliig Paul was eompleiely ell lid, arid, Judging b i the expression i.i the duiior's t.ue and the wonderful diamond nil I'bilre's hand 'lipid has iloiie -limn xmiiuIi rfu wink. 'I he next i.iiniele licit rli-Hr Horn ll.j's llniire. i i WHO would excr tlittiK wnen r.iui - . - . . . . Allc-i entered a Mote where a Vr WMIChfBli v ill oniitcr your 'i.xlr , incut for a J.ntr.g follow to visit Clear- Our boast Is that wa the tl.e rurchaser lin ptlng army of sweets were exhibited ;;"';''' ''''jf"1"- ":),;,';, To "S ""' N'1'" "" '""'-'J-. '" ,'"' "" "' '" r "ne lUtad i and uf'er picU.ng out a beautiful bnv Zl'llle 'fa, is! ""vi'r .orrccJ Zc Z.l Abetcromblo met mo, dining the 1"!t"l, ,r.,:!;!lrQ" "s U"w' 'i" and haxiiig It llllcd with the delicious 'Ml .Wr., ,,., ,S J;; ,'i;'1("''I)r';V -ifteri.oon and told mo that he'd fixe yha.e lrnd..r. an.l x.o'mX gMbl" K ..i.re.tloi.. and then finding It toClalie t!,v",.s ('. IHlrnli.stlo.!" ,,m be s"!i , Piospect, for Sunday. He's sure a dandy ! ' "in .,, n'tj-ntl.e t,. yn.l , r.-ful linls. that It would caii-o her mens ' "- ''"'rr Vrl'Xa,Vlii'n'V,rS'n"TUtr ls ''"-""''"'! . "."nl "S . un M-n" u menTi"1 d,MI "'m" .... pIpss nights and bin, his bet ghlV !?, ' r!r"l WJXClVttr , w"- thl ......In? I was at the o.llce j trZLr'nv'Titnee- .,-. .... ,.r .. .. i..u t ii .. J-r.r id.it. 'JM hetoie o'clock (Duke told me to ""' '""'"r wnstn of time. . I mean IllUt llll, hu '" UVCXIIIIXB I'll.,'" iivi.ii -- ., bluer to Miss Nichols In person and a by the bookl.eip.-r asking jou to conn a i in iniign, .xir. punt, exerytlilng seems ,- - ,;";, ' i oxv or at .your con- .... ... .....'.,,,.... , ,,.! to i,i, s,-i,n ti, lmokkeeiier is right." , ,:,.,1"01 '"-"'! "P. The prospect xei.x geiiirous i.i u. inn s.iiiu.ik i.o, .. - -. liiniii. i,n,i ., if. n, ii.., h, ,,, t "n""'. euner nuy.s or else arranges for ,,, left qui,.. .,,.,, with hl,,r.f. and, 'k n P Jk acej. ,h H.J.... had 1, bathe , thanj , ,n , The -ct fj;,, la.i ,,. re..h.d his o.llce from he .. ,n lmlkol ,,, North 77. j An,,,,,,.1, plan In to nr?un"c n signal in id . -lei k down, nil felt hat something m.tKe m, llmll0Ilt s.i.out It. He care, i IiuKo answeied tho call, and- after , "'"'ll .V" '';'uw ""mo one to notify you .MH.Iallj noteworthy had happ.-m-d. fll, , wlJ. ai,srIiittlv nothing to the healing my mes.-age said. "Meet me nt "' ,""1"'"' appointment. . . lain. Mttllng hetself in h--r fax.u-- i,0i,K..4ier ec.-it III el matl.ui of ac- th- Mecca in mi hour's time, but have xle." I , tho , o'n. f,?. for a".olllcr Inter- it. .hair with a book of the latest flc- t ,..,.. If he. makes any comment about i "m olllce light nwiij." I x our n.M',,., ,.. ...V, Z,h?. l1-'1.?" r1"'1 . ....... ... . AfiolHt Poor vJeuiY-Fish FLooer,-u'. HE WEAl AWAY IM SORROW To OTticK , iCumi -.-..THe. winmy: oh but X ADMIRE ME4! MEM WITH '('' - '. .v HEARTS LIKG . i Wsf sdcimth-atim- :JW& JOOLS BUT WILL TOUi'. '. o- ' rmJ- S I AS STr?OAt6 AS STEEL At4D TRUST AS BRIGHT AS !,': wt, l . 'u. 5..i" )Wm IRDM - am' feRLfTHIM6'. DREAMLAND AD VENTl TRES-By Daddy (The Wild (lecna nit llielr lean north mc cionri by a I'lylng t)irr who ncrkit tn Kill lltr liy mul tin UiauUul llliir (tnniq. CHAl'TKK V The (iunril i Captured BTI.I.Y quickly, explained to J'eggy why a keen scientist was more dangerous to tho Wild (Jeeso than u real Ogre. "Voci see an Ogre mlitht onlv want to eat tin in und If It prncil too much troublo to get them ho would ho satis- " " ' ' nl "lll(,r geese, mil when a n-.-ir.iiiM wi.iii" a-me p.triic.iiai iv line echncti tn,. i.i. museum n sneelmen I rarer or better than other naturalists have ho will keep afler It until ho hl:,B " '""' "' '''J'B " " "'l- gels It .Innllt. I.n.o.i. .n l.t.i 1 .. .1.. 1 .... ' "v-'v- ..win,.. iu iiii Hum inu iivt.u.l- fU IC Il008e llhll tll.l Klllg." "Tho only way to sao tho tleeso Is t throw the Ogre olf the track," sug- "SVfiuiii i- ...... ...... ..,., nv i."i'i ini jui4 rt't' lio Is a wise Ogre and cxldcntly he knows so much nbout their hahlts nl- icady that he can flcuro Just xxlml they nro going to do." Hllly's eyes glanced oxer the airplane which had been drawn close to thn c.tmii. "I might disable tho airplane not enough rcuny nun u, nui so mat tiia ugu - " ""'" ' " ".T .u rew ""' inat xiouiun t no inlsch Ischlcf. woufd crI oilier persons, "v"' ''''auso wo would be sax hie lite. mil besides I would not do nnx- aettml harm," Hilly assured her. "Hut how can I get to the airplane? See bow closely they guard It." Tho two Ogns had finished their sup. per and put on their (oats. Noxv the .Business Larger df Peter Flint A Story of Salesmanship by Harold Whitehead ' (Copyright.) T WAS frankly punled at what Ilrmio - '"" wa orHI"B for xxhllo that stormy Intetx lew w Hit Kellett was on. Aflir xxo left Kolklt's ofllee. Puke ,)f). n). nrm n(j wp kkiIIc.I hack to .1... v,..(1 ".Ntiw Uts no quur sure iimi j oui I mil cuntraot pajmentHnic nil properly j-J. i,.,i Hn lir.ur lio umlcpil over Hip ie oi'ls and then pronounced them to bo ' " : quite accurate "Tomorrow morning you'-U have K. I lett's bookkeeper here to check up the contracts. Allow lilm to Fee oor thing ' - , ? n"V,0'(lk ' ' 'xxlth ,, nor U,-.xe him dTnxxlth lilm nor le.-.xe him alone heiel; Allow nothing to take you a;y fn)m the olll.-e while lie's beie." 0f collrM. j aBrctd. Then l.uke con- tr,I. "ICellett will innhnhly send jou a note jour business or am. in i ncu jus iu.ike a noncommittal remnik sii. h a Is that so'." or 'That's Interesting' re in.-uks that mean absolutely nothing" I no.l.led my head sloxxlj-. I appn ..v.... a,i i.,i ii.ni'" 1 asked. --Mt-rt all for f.daj. fihnd Peter . , . , ,, ,. u,,.,.,. (lf tiis ,iUt. " lo ...1I..I .urn or t no i iiu. iia, is und ni-ikf a cull or two tijlng to si'll Cle.ux.ile lols Make ll . le.-ir to xx hoexer jou call mi that jou are ii Ultig r'liarx.ilu lots Imtm-ss It em th.tr muds and also mention the 'day 'of the ,.rPu ...., n,,. hour of Jour xlsil " I folloxM.I Luke's suggestions, and was delighted to git p.ivm. nts on sexen lotH Also 1 made u teut.itlxu nlipolnt- .IANTAKY Whisht nw.iy! You'll be lcnxlug us today, Jniitiaij! First we- hhlx-cred at our e-uiiilng, I-'e-.tred j our chilly blasts benumb ing, Laid In coal to keep fire's humming While with us jou chose to stay; Hut Instead of being bitter You'io u gentle, lamblike e fitter, Shoxxlug moods that suio were? litter Knr a balmy, springlike day. lllcss my licit t! One expects the Spring to httiit, January! Aio jou gruxxiiig mild uml mclloxv Just tu tuntullsio n fillow-, -When he's sqtliinileieil buukuotes jelloxv l)u i. fui-liiud outllt suiiirt? Ah, jou wheedling ttiincoat silly, You huvu chaniied us wllly-uilly, And xxo wish xxe had u Illy 1'or jour hands ere jou ilep.ut! (iitii- ALi:.'A.vni:u. iikIiI I'll-. Ii To THINK Or- OiEL'r- Hr?Al?r i ' BY UJIx'EOOITllOLOVe STRONG AM 7f?0D OH t3Y CRO-FL bE&TNY Oust Because Thai Poor Simp was Bund To Ths HIGH-SIGNS OF WHICH FLUSHEPIlER FAIR CHEEK! OH . T WATC A llltlliU" JL ll.H-r PilNN f X vV ySX.1 "The Flying Ogre" M,i W jw;l E "Hey, wliat's the matter?" fliotilc.l the naturalist naturalist Ogre climbed Into the air- ....... In ..1.... .. .... ...A nihln. nrvrn K11IU IU niVV.'. t.UIIU .IIW llliui" I V'h.i win. .-Kin i.ui.i.. iiini tit un in i.orn guard. "iirfl S-inffl nr.r.r.rli'" on 1,1 I nnlmnl 'nlen l.nliln.i nillv nn.l l.n felt i his coat gratped In strong J.txvs, which ' gaxc a push that nearly sent him turn - I lillnn- inm ilin mum. "fc'top, lionesomo Hear!" ordered l Peggy, wlio promptly recognized the animal and saxv that ho xvns trying to I get lex-engo on Hilly for showing him Into tho rlxer. "We're trying to save the xMld (leeso fiom the txxo Ogres." "I'll scare ' cm," offered Lonesome Hear, dragging Hilly back to safely. "And get Bhot," snapped Hilly, xvho xx as too busy to enjoy the bear's rough fun. "Seo that rifle !" Lonesome Hear saxv and xxns silent. Hut he had glxen Hilly an Idea. "If xxc could capture the gl--Til, and get his gun, we might A be sine to he there hefole fl), and hardly xxas I thero Jirfoio Kdletl's bookkeeper j ,,;,: , (,Kl)p(nlcl, , ,, 1 .,,. , ,,t u., v ,I(H.omy it xvn 1 he seeing a play for the kcc- on.l time. I knew what was going to iiiineii up happen and It did! mo a note, and icketed It asked 'Ph II 1 nil, I. I. mil ir, t ii ( n j,j-.f . . . . . , -.,..,! f tiicin ,ih any answer I told lilm "Xo." Then he Miiitcil. ' nil 17! tin" tn a nlinnf uli il T iniinhl of1 , We ett. "I tlilnk Iio'm ii trim :ir Sliv- ....... , ... ..""'.v ,...v I.....". - piled- "Too bad jou don't llko jour boss!" I teally enjojed It. Then Kellett lung up just as Puke , Kll(1 ,. ,, Aftc, . the bookkeeper recelx ftor the second -call t''" bookkeeper reeelxed a call on the ' l'l"'ne. exldently fmnt Kellett. for his , anHwem ..,c; senile. "Ves sir," and ;N"'hK'r"-""1t ;l "' " tlH Baxu a hint of what was being discussed. Thui tho liookkteper said to me, "I'm i , . .... .. ... ...... ... .ii Hour i w.im in me .ieeca cwiucn N a little sblt of ,i restaurant which ."t-w il l. g ir.'HIll se nil ,-iire,. Mini s.inil. xxlilus to business men). There " IiuKo with a s.id-fai.d man about slxiy- TOIIW's HtslMjss HI'HiltAM AllfllHf II M. ,(,.), i( iilMiml (it, bitter What iUs this mean to ot liu-incs Questions Answered 'Iho U'.i-iiKMs e'aroor of Ivtir rilni" in uilRhix- ini. r.KtliiK r-.ullnie tu in.. , ,tllv, I line o.i'i rmiitly stiiri.sl mini' I M nuiliiji'l I a Nib Voil. Mi,,k llx. haiii. Iliius.'. Win. h III ik.'H a Kl't-i'l.ilty of , .. t .Tl lltr In lli Im.wlliiiiit iii-iila nf small m,ni e I ni iil.r.u!" n-ir MlslmmiH 1,111 Hint r.llt- llllllilrt .111.1 StlKkH. Pari "f i.i v iisaittnne.lt la lii illr.ii.s hi xealiuiulH i.llli .ml .uiiis ,, iusiii.ii.rs. I MOVING PlCTUKi: FUXXES I . CAH VW : iMtThA . L0M6HA1R .' NNOtlMi.E ; NHfeftDCf HWB. WITH (.'ut out the picture on all four Sides Then i..ilefully fold dotted 1 ne 1 its entire, length. Then dotted line .", and so on ruld i.iih sictlon Uliderneatli, aceiiiately mini com pleted turn i'Xir ami jou-li nn.l a surpilslng result riaxo Iho pictures. Lil II AY WARD HUT J-boiJ AUViHED -X CUPIDI n r libfri ) i . nxv wsx, ' U'ellett. "I think he's u tegular Shy- ' ,,,',' f-,i,''.n ';;'!,'! 'r'."1 .!h0 ,,",ro', complla lock, don't ,r- ho asked, and 1 re-1 ! !JX e'ril'nolTu'.r vY n - .- ii-i frighten the I-'lylng Ogre away from camp long enough to let me dlsabto tho airplane," he mused. At Illlly's belt xvas n long, stntt rop with which he had been plaxlinf coxv boy Hllly's tin ml went to this. "I think I could I.isso that chap. I xvlsh I had a hoise to pull, lilm Into tho woods xvhtro wo could llo'lilm up." "I'll be u horse," grunted lonesome I Hear, eagsrly. i "Como on then," said Hilly., So nil j three crcp down to the edge of the camp, Hiding iielimu low nuaues. mo guard, his rlilc resting against his nrm, xx-as rending u paper by the light of tho lire. Hilly put ono end of tho rop. mound' Lonesome Hear's neck He inftdo a nooso of tho other end and colled the ropp. "Hun when I give the xvord," he raid to Lonesome Hear. "And, Peggy, ou grnh the rlflo before the Kljlng Ogre can Ree you." Hilly whirled tho lasso around his head. "Noxv," ho shouted, Out Hew the .. . - . nooso. rlclil over the guard s arms ami shoulders. Away raced Lonesome Hear niiMlllO tllO XlOOdS. lind aS tll TOPO tight- ' encd. tho guard xvas Jerked from his I seat. "Bung" went tho rifle as It fell 1 oxer, Quick lis a (lash, Peggy seized It i and jumped hack Into the xvoods. "Hey, what's the matter?" shouted mo niuuransi umo ii-iiiii.k " " airplane. Hut tho guard couldn t ' answer. Ho xx-ns nlng through the air towards the wood. All that the nat uralist Ogre taw before his companion xanlshed xxas a pair of sprawling legs and arms sticking out of a big furry loat and xx Hilly waxing an unexpected farewell. (Tomorrow nil be tnlil how the Ortre hun tally climbs a tree and missel the WilJ (iccse.) up Km inuoli limn tnlkliie. .shnuM one lt iii.iii i iik nr. n.UK-r. .xtrnt i.ri the cenernl ITIIl. IlikM Xnr hlinrtt ulntr Irt.rtlnu. ,...,,..11.. " 'VyXVy'trrMn-. In0rm. N Hon whirh seimi l!lmVi t i' if,t?i. r"rr ihlf'tilch.' iViV".!"'"" ru'"0""'r, a,k? Mm ks for . rin'i'n rt'.'n's n'i"r (""lon'perlod '.IK' niKrillft. .11.. Ural r.P ..... n.....U I... Hupl'ly th so Jptalts would rpnulrp hoi.rnsa. -J ,,r unlnterrupl.u work i.n.l r'nuh. wSVSfei n-ixcn t tlm.- tn ni.ike tumpiutlons of thla US" tI i -ui i 1107 hhoultl w ..uS i , ..,.,,, , ,"--: ." """ J1" ""'. DM I (Ml Iflirt'JIll iinU- I mm .!. U . !.- ;;.."' ,?l."r i"iK)Hff .ino ;i.. - "'" ,I''lr'"'L I"'''" ,. had taken ths Ihnt ihn hifl ..rr.ie.l to do the worlt for auih mul autii n nri-s. mul that ie would b m inoiV 'ico m urik'r " ri'"'ln u' th I ''' s has to dexelop his plans or . K !h ort wasteful Intention. u. ,, 'j ' VoiiaxeVxn'res'ed'vour" . ..',, il ur derJ and et? 'h',noMMIniWjrlefly their wmtts or dens) I U 1, ." sli.iu be xery glad to act for x-ou ... .lll.L ' ii,,.,; ....'.: ."" . " ii iei luriiier, -,,L" "".n e mt ei next jou xxlll bo nrc 'um' u Kixe a decision and I will also.' n l.llir cllhtiuiir ,,r., ........ ...!.. . . - - - ... K'I'l. UllL'H. might 1. IlPSlt tf IF.Xt l.., .....III. - !!''!!! . ,If. "' small ones, better tell tiruiiosition Sir.V.,!i'ur!r,'. "'J)r" -'Ut'i"ioblle) Is liifn. ah i. i.i,,, --"J"i in i.im is .i mem kt . yi ill irni.i ., A "'.'"" """ibTshlp fee kV v?i iii.ii. . in r , r "..- Hour trio aiTvli-n fir Lii'1'"" for eiery i.ddltloimi li.iirlsl ihi, '"'''' r"' "' "Utomoblln ' iilfrnVl?. ro''l"Vh H,li ? eslnhllshM nn ti . "! f. ' ls IhrouKh th.- I altid state ' .Tl illV" h?. "r". ' t"'1'"""'"' n Kini"; istiT ' ,-,,'M''"-' t" the huiu tGur- .n;,V,r':adlust':!r";n.,rrr,:, 'ffl!?. ??' Illi'l'o 'Vi"i,,!,7;,.Yf """'K' ""' fi" "xe?yr a'?N IMx .! la ..r ."',"'.' ""n-r ihrmea not "ii.x n,.'",,.K,"r " '"" "" fT Intanee. I ll f If. I 1-1. f-r. ner in reliirn f,,r any 0as it- nun : t ii I.ii-kt rrjili "iiil.l .liHr- i b. mill lunula t fre till nutn iiuiii "H'A,a MinibiT for a ntllllnif dim iu bucIi Third (l x.M',;,,:;;(::''lroposl,i,,,,lo,oK xvould in. ;..". V,..'1 J:" or I i' ir-i r i I..,.., s.,l.... v...."..'.'" '.' SlMIlg u ll hour's ... ,,. ,- nun I ot ut rate on '.. justifViV ' B"1 ""'m' l'Nlr'1 ,ri"i n.iMvirf'iiiiV'xd:; leisniial calls at-the K.ir.iKe for I don't IMiik cnriesponduice xiould' i-e'll m,''."," xx.n;ir,nn;,!,;!i:1i:v;,l,!:i!'!v!,iVi?r Ju-t What ) ''oliiiniiiiiler I'ap.sleurn ul... . . . ;i uct.iu, ; ii,!,,a,!1Ir, v .. ' :, y"&'$ 'ir th.l. diilles i-l,.t,H IVhi-soi'k W.Uuv ln 7h llffiil-- .x oi. a lit to asl. me any .ue-st ,,-." " mJiTh's: ior n,",',."!'" ..-".. win, ' of the cltiHi t e,UBl,t i,t Hli ..,'" Iniliinrh'rr? founiuiiHic1;:,,,!:';!"." le'-lniddV"-'' be fol. 1(9 I Yank Vai Proud " The proudest Vault In th., ,.i,.. .. xanchiB army xiuh one xiii.. i?J i Ri' empty tiucl: BoInB funum ,,,?a .n way up ho l.eBanb,k-kh,K ui, ref,,.1,U iir-ifc! sr5rttj.m S5f 'irjIIU'MiU.'r.patnfe'r" 4 l, a. . i . "'W( Ixvatched lila ,Z,'r.ff" " ' did the Janinie,! Hnireru...," .""". . aa h MINIalh '.- '"x":,v" r'r "'"-""... r,ii.' ,rHr . iu, a' -....eV.d",,.rr:.,"r..:v..y""." stxi?.? ! ." "I"?' UO III) G I') " 'MUllf ii" thin nJ,r.te .e ; ,'.,n.a.,.,,!p. i''.o. H ',?,..,,.,' '."l lll. the ?na, 5r" 5" UL JllH li'II Ami rrn... . f aaa!ra5f y ?" mim' m-nummm