Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 31, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Image 1

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    7 ' . J
'r-v;,1 v j. !y wptyjnu
.- -S,.'i. ?
. . 31
' h ?V,
Izuenmcj public feftger
j -a
Washington, Jan. 31. Fair tonight
and Saturday, colder.
Tr.Mrr.nAtfBn at each hock
I 9101 IUI 1 I 21 3 61
138 I 31, I 411 HH M i 18 I 411 I lit I I '
VOL. V. NO. 119
Published Dolly Evrret Sunday, Subncrlptlon I'rke Jfl it Year by Mall.
Copyright, lulu, by l'uhllo ldcer Compiiny.
Untered an tSfcond-CliiM Matter nt tho rentomce t l'Mlsdalphla, P.
Under the Act or March R. 180.
Smith Deeply Affected as
Scott Begins His
Scathing Arraignment for Al
leged Political Conspiracy
Arouses City's Executive
i "
Counsel Tells Jury "Putrid
Spot" Gave Only Testimony
for Commonwealth
Mayor Smith shed tours today a
John n. K. Scott opcneil argument
for the defenses In the Moor's trial on
Indictments- charging violation of the
Shorn law and misdemeanor In oftlce.
The city's chief executive has been
' on trial since January 22. before .nidge.
'Audenricd, In Quarter Sessions Court.
Ttoom fir3, Cily Hall.
The Shorn law ptohlblts abuse of
.official power to sei vo political ends.
Assistant District Attorney Tail-
inn.'a Mimmliic mi of the evidence
and hit opening argument to the jury
consumed n little more than three
hours. Mr. Smith followed the
nmumulnr'a mldll'SI with absorbed lit-
lentlon. When Mr. Taulane concluded
...i.i. n .!! him nt-rnleiinienl of the
LMavor. the latter was visibly nffcctctl. i
a Te enet nieiso to open the
fcnrgument for the defence and referred i
Pto the executives ncnicvc,iiiiii in
fotHce. tears trickled down the Mayor's j
face He removed Ills eyeglasses uiiu ,
1 vlped away the tears with a handker- '
chief. Ho kept the handkerchief to j
V.la ovna for nllllOSt n nilllUlC.
Mr. Smith's emotions were aroused
to a high pitch by Mr. Taulane's ref
erences to the 'hands off politics let
ter sent out by tnc .Mayor " "i'-
temher 12 The prosecutor declared
the letter 'was framed dcltber.itely-Hs
'a resource In the event of trouble In
tho I'Iftli Ward.
Jury Foreman Nods
The prosecutor's urguincnt bad a very
different effect, however, on the fore,
man of 'he Jury, Charles Htoler, -0..3
Cumberland Ktreet.
'As Mr. Taulane reacneii ins n .
wStolzcr began nodding.
hi ti,. rnrmmi wiiM ntidgeil by the juror
next to him, Harry Moss, U13 North
Ninth street, vi hereupon be opened bis
eves and straightened up In bis chair,
'in concluding ills; opening argument.
Mr. Taulane declared-
"if your brother worked vvlth you and
vou cave him orders, don't vou believe
he carried them nut" Would .vou have
to go upstairs and get Ink and write-'
Do brothers do that between themselves?
And then tbo brother tabes tho paper
and puts It back in the buie.iu drawer'
"Later Mirnethlng happens, and it
cornea out Unit vou feared trouble. Cer
tainly, that letter Is nothing but a self-
koerving declaration. Vou do this If .vou,
, have done something not right and vou
want to protect .vourself That Is what
lithe Mayor did.
".Vow as to the directors meeting or
! September 1". The Mayor was sur
rounded by men In whom ho had faith
and. knowing they were not politicians
he emphatically t'ohl them to keep out
pf politics and then followed It up with
, letter.
-VI'Il tell you why he went through
his unusual correspondence. lie got
at letter from Klein. He got that Ict-
r from Stern lie got that letter from
Item !"
Twke Mr. Taulane repealed the lame
(ntence, bis voice growing In volume
i-lth each repetition.
lo Tnke Chance"
"Ho knew he was interested Mn
was interested
leutseh's candidacy," said Mr. Taulane
ontlnulng, "and lie was going to take
chance. It would have been an abso-
llulely safe chance If Hppley had not
been killed. His letters wero not writ
ten through any sense of duty, but
vere written so that f nnvlh ng came
out of the desperato chance they were
Bklng 111 the Klftli Ward they would
no uocumeniary evidence
"If ho had been Blncere theio would
vo been no raid mid no murder. Da"ls
dkeI to Kenny. Kenny talked to Hct-
tt. They all talked together. Did
nnett do this himself? lie was only
tlleutenant Certainly tho ofllcers had
ithln? to gain but political purposes.
Kncournicril and Aided
RThey got their orders from some one
KT Interested In the Fifth Ward. The
iyor told Stern and Carey be was In
fck of Deutsch Tho policemen rlltl
rdo It alone. They were encouraged.
led and assisted and tho Mayor nre-
ted what was done, and what wns
ne was done.
RThe Mayor wanted these conditions
Scarry out his revenge against Kteir.
Mayor can't put It on Soudcr. and
he Is-tclllng tho truth. Souder should
e been discharged and not promoted.
nison put It up to Davis. Davis imi.
lip to Kenny, and ho puts it un to
bnett, who has lieen convicted. Do
bbelievo Kenny did not know that."
ro me ueaa oi 1110 loreman of tho
sank on Ills btcast and juror Ko. 2
led him. Mr, Taulane continued
, but a second's Interruntlon,
Men' had been sent Into the l.'irih
ird In plain clothes for Drnitei,?
there any other conclusion posslhlo
inai ii was none Willi tlio knowl-
tlio uld nnd sancilon of tho
Unfortunately for tho Major. tho
lter was iruo. no Had all tho In
l.. . No one did anvtlilne- The
assassins of New York ruinn here
Beat up our citizens. These gun
after a tasto of blood, became
t.o mucn so mey started to
Rmp Maurer's feet and bin bands,
cntiemrn or -tno jury, If tho Mayor
Bulled on race Klclilecn, Column Threa
the harden of iny souu
the ntoht shades scatter day.
west breezes jresh and strong.
! old irn on Bnturday.
1 ....
' I . J
'd i , ihtarunn .'. .. . it
, . . J. ' ".S.t'ft(S5VS3.:)N;5S
The "C Ijpc of navy dirigible now
Crew of "C 3," Making
ing To and Fro Between Washington
and Rockaway, L. I.
fit; a Staff Corre-siioitrfcif
Cspe May, X. .! .Tan. 31. Scen il.ii
Ing naval aeronauts left the naval base
n ;
ncre at a o clock yesterday anernoon 1
an attempt to break the world record fo
continuous balloon fllcht.
The adventurous seven. Mho a.e us- '
, .. , , . .
ng tbo "CS" the navy s neu est and
largest dirigible, were (.till aloft early
mis atiernoou. . . . . .
Tbo (
I.- nl.(n l.l.. r. V Mm linm
II i. i-i-.ui nun. ... ... ........
tnc hailoon and Its crew aftot- the night
ni,n.. th. elnndq. Mini eMiresscd contl-
denco In Ills nbillty to keep the giant atr-
pnip up longer man severny-mui- noms,
n. present dirigible record islabliihed
i.v n i-rcnin aeronaut miring inc win
if hopes to roina
aln aloft at leat eighty
Houghton's message said the 1roicll
. ...
Al'tOl of Varied l alClltS
t iw
Succumbs After Brief
New York, .Ian,
31, jjat (J. tioudwln, I
jthe actor, died at a holel hcie early lo-1
day afler a brief Illness, no ramo io
New York last Sunday from Il.iltlmore
where bo had been playing last week.
ifo was scheduled to open In T'hlladel
phla last Monday night, but Instead Ills
Illness was' announced from the stage.
Death was due to a general breakdown
in health, following an operation for the
removal of his right eye several months
The removal of Goodwin's eye was
the result of an error an employe made
some time previous in preparing nn eye
wash for the actor. Chloroform. Instead
of tho usual liquid, wan placed In the
cup and flood win's eye was seriously-
Injured At the hotel hern tonay ll was
staled that tbo actor ruffrrcd a slight
stroko of apoplexy just before be died.
' Whether It was mere chancn or not,
the serious turn In Ills rondltlon camo
only a fc.iv days after Ids fifth wife,
Ml si Margaret Moreland, was married
lo Lleuteiiant'ltayinoud Gllson, V. K. A.,
and tho very day tho nevva of tho niilr
rlnge becamo public.
It Is reported that Goodjvln wnt1 soon
to IiuVn taken a sixth wife, Georgia
Gardner, of I.os Angeles, Cat. a member
of the company In which bo was star
ring at tho time of his death. She camo
to New York ft few days ago to arrange
for his care here, and was present at
his death. His houcekeeper and Dr.
Melviu Walk, who had been attending
him, were the only other persons present
when the actor died,
Mr, Goodwin's home was In Ocean
Park, Santa Monica, Cat, where h
owned considerable property, but he
spent a great part ot his time In New
Nat C. Goodwin, as ho signed himself
and as ho was known to the public, al
though baptized Nathaniel, was both an
actor ot distinction and note nnd also,
for many years, a. national theatrical
Institution on account of his marital
A Philadelphia 1'nrnrlle
A Plrlladelphl.i favorllo for many sea
sons and an admirer of Philadelphia, It
chanced that his Illness mid death pre
vented his moit recently announced en
gagement In this city. He was one of the
all-star cast hi Jesso Lynch WllllamB's
comedy, "Why Marry?" which opened a
run at tlw Adelphl Thcatro last Mon
day night. Announcement was made
from the stage nt the opening that Mr.
Goodwin had been obliged to go hack to
New York for medical attention on ac
count ot a sudden Illness and that dur
ing his Illness Hrnest Lavvford would
take bin role of tho judge. Mr, Goodwin
had won high prulse from tho New York,
Baltimore and other critics for his mel
lowed, whlnislcal Interpretation of this
role, at pivotal part In the cast.
Those who kjsow little pf doodwln ex-
eimllnued tn Ti EUhUen, Ctloaui Tw
uiriguiie i -i. wiiicii r;n i, v.-, ...n to( . , MU, ,H ot tl. r.3S enduv
aB,. Cr?J?JZ VZV,"J ? m, the ' "'K'" "ol"'1 'lon.onstrate the f.ns.
a, romoC,eCThirUtng; llnslin ' ";;,- ''.
I .. . rt'iiui it'll ii i I it mil nun
ing and sticrlng mceb.inlsin of tho bal- " "" """ '"""' t " i-heiiuurvi; ves ein.iv. it iep..rte.i that wate, last night, was built at I lensburg. " la- i-eopie in in . inn : iu.e..u v ediie.ilavs late se-slim. So partleu- can correspondents more frankiv
h .,.,""',, i,. ,,.i ii,.,. fight ncioss the Atlantic, mid it was the town bad not been burned, as ,.,.,.,,, ,,. ,a0. 1 ,.,.,.... . . tonce-n vv lib I li- South I'aillh- oi Africa. ,n- vvns Mr. Wllon to have .in evn.-t . i""isponutiiis more iranKiy
.onlmiioK lh""R'11 '"" '" s,le,"'i ot ,:,,slKM , T''m;;'- v .rJ" vll.'i'r1 "f p m"". lew e ; 1": ...,frou,w....W..r..ruroi, leeordofw-hathehad a I tlntsoo. tha" o tho American commissron-
v;7 ZSl" II"l,V,,"r,..tu;.,,-Kl: i,T"tim" "aS" ,k;;.,V,:-l;,WV.lli, i.'4 , !... tHlU.em;,Cu.cMuW,r,.i , mt-lB. , , W.,, .we should f,e, entering the meeting he .sun,, ew. says that Premier Lloyd George
Harrlng accidents, very stormy weather endurance lecord would give great stlm- r(fl ,, ,,v cneinv Infantrv ami .aval,, I Sl.inn.r Coii.p.ni. of Seatlle, Washing- ' " "" " a't.uigeiMent whirl, Involves 1, oncd one of his pe.s. I enogra- )las foum a formula that nermits
;: "f '"" ' "U" 'r "Wa bo Is an aero e. ?he Ki' near Tu.g.is ,he Allied J&r'Z" Wfi l'ZX'C iiSH """ "l M " """" the .Uo. lor F
'Btie- , To,.,,, ,v u.,io ir.irr.rflTrtr! W .Ms .h colonic, or Ottoman territories to
The test Is IarBel.v one of the physical lopme it , ,,, dirigible halloo,, for troops yesterday ral.led the vMla-g of ' tl e war the M.lnner has been In (lov- he 1. 1, .0 g l.cl yl the re r wh ,)c pe,.foctly masters of those tcrrj.
endurance and aeioi,a,,tlc1(l klll of I the .l,,,,,.,, U1HBC Illl(1 said that so j ."rm-- !) ,',", ,'J; ,"' 'tV'ifl 7llr I.Tr . T,Vmo r " ' "" '" ' lied i'at's o J, ' ration In " .;omn.n,e. nor has it been tories without annexing them,
men navigating the balloon. 'Hie naval not,ponf ,,irHi, hlt lends Itself so I ff' ' vvinji losses t the , lH; ,s t , l-uuue. ,,, ,1,,,,, , mir order In the occupied teni- disclosed with any olliclal authority. v , ..... .. . , ..
bare Is endeavoring to keep constantly "?' ,.,, llh as ,,, Z(.pr,oUll. v A"lc(1 r;llrtar- The Sklimer .leared ''"l-; Jr ' '' J' ll, ' 'J .! 'J ,,v ul 'J .. ,le " '" "' he stated that it vvu- a very N" doubt th" ws the aim of the
aH;riSrir?,'3S' Britain to keep mMt'SxxrJZsF ri.s sianafcs & SST"" "cn" '" ,he
engaged in a rcronl Might tuudiiiT:: (.ape
Endurance Test. Sail-
over Hie flying field and teplenlsh bis
supply or gasoline anil tnl.e up hot foiwl
The C--.1 .eturned to the n.val Imm
hue once today and replenished its
gasoline supply. It did not con, to a
full stop during this opet.Ulon. and th.
containers were nulcljv attached to
'les lowered from tne-alr-nip am. Haul-
cd on boaid as It eliilsed slowlv oi'i
tp InK fipU, ,,clt.llfl, ,. ; ,..
,m tI1,P n gasoliii,. eny ten lioui-
Cmtnln llolirit lMuiunl. .nniiiiiinillncr
' " ' ' "
,... oP , , ........I ..I.. -....I,.., kn,
of the navy's machlms at the picent
time Is that none of thini Is large to
cairy gasoline Milllclent for the entile
LiuNe and would h.ivr to relv on i-hlp-.
at mm to replenish Its Mipplv.
Cnn.lilrr 1 riiitMillunlii' I'DrM
li was lepoiled nuolllclallv at tin
n.iviil bise thai the .Vnvy IVpajtmetit
.. .-. . ir.ll L'
I Ul LOing lO llll OOIIU-
Ia4 IA '1
lOllv. Alleged AbSail-
ant Announced
'ne man was shot to death am! an
other man had a narrow escape this
afternoon in tlio fruit Mine of Scllrlin
Yleiier, "It Vine street, whin a man
entered the place mid anuoiuiccd he
was "going to kill somebody."
The man killed was I limns Salin.
twenty-eight years old, Coatesvlllo, Pa,
ind the man accused ot slaying him Is
S-.mi Spanno,
twenty-eight jciu-h old.
nl&o of Coalcsville. He was arresled. I
Aiiurdlng to Ihe police of the Cleviiilh '
and Winter streets station, there werei
tluto men in the store when Sp.inuo
opened tho door Spanm.'.s counn.' Ileeh
SVauno. 113 North eleventh slnet, sat I
nt n table neat the vloor and Sallti was
talking to the pioprietor.
Spa, mi) drew an automatic pll.i fioni
his povktt and nuuoiimcd that he was
going lo kill somebody, it is thought
Then ho tired nt Salln, it is said, Ihe
bullet passing through his head
Ylencr crouched li.uk of tho counter
and Sp.mnii, ll is alleged, find auolh. r
shot hi Ills direitloii. Tho bullet tnro lis
way through the counter, . but did mil
hit Yleiier. Another shot winl wild.
Spanno then turmd and ran into the
Hu Flailed west on Villi slieel IV
tiolmcn Muiray and llarroii. of the
llleventli and Winter studs station, m-
i .-steel him nt Klev.nlh and Spring Gar-
elen stu-ets after a elms. .
Yleiier and Ileeh .Spanuii ale being
detained by the police as witness, s. Tliev
say Spanno was ou good lerms with all
of tlfcm.
,, e , ,, .... , ,,.
iMail loillld oil KllC's Willi 1 1 1 f
Ttililo Noarliv
I.udn lg Kanago, fifty yeais old, wus
founel dead frem gas in a rooming liouso
nt Hlclimoiid and Cleatflcld stu-cts to j
day, 1
The gas bad escaped accidentally from
n. stove. Kanago was In n kneeling pn. i
sltlon with a Ulbln nearby '
A seal Ui of his effeclH disclosed se-v-l
eral hank books, show Ing ciiiisldeiuhl.il
deposits and tecelpts for r.lher seeurliles. '
l.udwlg camo to tills country front
Austria lino 111 iiiiny years ago.
Loup Illness Fatal to Member of
Noted Family
Mrs. Caroline Hazelhurst Unbelts died
today at her home, 2117 Sansoin street.
She vtas llfty-nlno years old, Death fol
lowed a long Illness.
Mrs. Iteiberls was the daughter of Dr.
William Thomson and a niece of Frank
Thomson, former president of the Penn.
sylvan la Ilallroad, Slio Is survived hv
her daughter. Mrs. Hairy W. Harris, and
her tvvp sons. Graham and Carrol Rob
erts, A. Sydney Itolxrls, her husband, has
been dead! for many years,
I , i. . I
Mav. UoekawHv ami Wn-liiiigtiui
Mas-" in ':i;z.i Region I S i-i 1 1-.1 1
and TtiHxians Driven From
vr(,111Krl .Ian 31.- . I!v ! ) - The
,,0.si., vikl nie conecnti.i'lnr i eonvi.Ur
, ,"' vu , " ' uc""a '"f -nn- 'ler-
Wc twin Wr ..f tioops ., the Irrrllo,,
between the ologd.i al!av mid the
line oi tie v i!T. anc-, .lnpiicntiy vvltn
thp olijn of either surrounding (be
Allied eolunin In Ibis srctoi v lv cut- '
.ii'g il'i-iugh, to Ivo'n n tliL eoluii'ii ;..
, ,.. e.-..tw.iiil ,..; the lnli.n Tin..- ....
, . , , .in addition lo i"r cuao
....... , rtllU ..IlltPe lii.1lla fl.tViMLrl. .1.. ... "
swamps In this section, and the Illrd
mints report "lutiiy re-enforcements . ii-
riving from the mtnh over seveial of
ll ee ioai!.-
An enemy foiie of .ipprovlmately inm.
men lng.ui an atti a- ":ir. nVIo.-l.
Weilnes.(I.i.v moinitig l i ie Ilrltlsh mid
ISuoslan poyltion west of Tatesevo, at
tiiklng wilh "Mich vi:ii. e Mint tin .1c
feii'.e was no igod P. ev.iru.ite the vil
lage of Al. iclfskti.va.
one oi imp Allien a mimic new fiver
"Statements are being clrciilaied in
pans, and it is rraien nin la laiglnnd
s.ivs 1he.11evvRi1.iper. ih.it (Ire:., 11,1...,,
lo nn.Mirlnn n l.,re.l. .,1.1. U...I.. r-.
t'K, r(,tr of i;n,r.iltar The fa!-t tint!
On.,!., .iV.i.lo .... rli.lt. lot. ..re
I '. . . .. ........K iniei s.
'which were a. one time consider..! by'
sipain m.iuo .eriam templing offers,
(he Krltish iidmlially on behalf of thei
II CM ill Pari , ........ .-.., -,,.!. i...r. -t",,".,M'. '"'T'"' '...,.:,... ,V. told liie me.nl.ers of he Sunre.ne -
rnrl. .Ian .11 -1 Hy A. P ) -The 1 e-, A , compos..! or promliiciii army pro. , . din., m Hi- P... .-.. it. i.u. . ...1 ' !' " , ' ' ,.''1 ". '"J '' ' under the mandate adopted by the
-ori thai sonic arrangemen, between ' J ,' t ..' iptu,,10l, . verdi.l. .kel.i . .1 Ii- 'voii'd nw. , v. to atienlv 'J '.s'" ..:... f .'".:. " T1'. .. " .Ircisinn is doseril.ed n rvt.ln1
thiougl, which. Jllir. .liar would he 1 ,ril... without deb. 'e. a few mines after the hat provided for lie sending of Anu-i- ,,,,, (le1 nM( ( (l,0 , , because it is intended to create a
over to Spanish Juils.ll.llon Is denied bv last soldier from the llnverfoid had knn troops to Africa or Asia. Iiauue of nations vvlilrh. in efleel, i e ""'-,,"lu l" tr-Bie n.
Hie Paris edition of tin D.HIv Mall In , p.issed lino Washington avenue fioni "1 think tho t.uiunn .olonl.s should U(md KiKiriinlee their title There are ,caKUC of "ations first, the league
tod.iv s Ismic 1 .I....M ... i.nli.ilii for Ciinn Ills. I be taken away from Germany ." Senator if,... ..,.,. .1... n.i.ii ...... , in he the ennti-nl nlomnnt r.e tt.
Statements are heing clrciilaied in ...,, ,lrs,lons to be .belil.d vvele: "Is Lodge, lesumed. ' I urn then, over to ,..,.... ,,,,,. ,.r ..i. ,: :. .!.., ............
loverunient anil winch were ror vailoiis ". s s ., h0 ,,, CN.
":.u"pmw:0.al:,l,,,, 0t ll"iv, ly PHIMH-mW,, will
. ' .... ,. ..nint ..r .lei..ni..-iil.in lo ihe
Arg.,.lh.a fcuh Ai.l, AIm, Troops
.';illllt MtlMlltallsls
linen.. lre, .Ian 31 - (Hv A Pi
Aigenline troops Iiave rcnelie.l Itu.
i.allegos and will proceed Inland to act
again-! the .M.iMiiul.stn. The goveui-
j inwit Is liifoi un il thai the -I'l.itinri
caused hv lio revoliillonary smke al
Punt.i Aien.iH and Pint N'atahs. chile,
is still gi.ive.
The (Joveruor of the Chilean letilloiy
of .Magallaiies las nsk.d polite md fKi
the Argentine authorities at Santa Cruz
for strike duly al those two plnn . A
company of poll. li.is been m in
pay ror rnitv-elght bout, n was made
known today
.......ln..... ...... ..r .... . ... ...
i,..i...ij vr. ...-in ... me iiuiiw oi uie
Amerli.l.i W'l.i.li... e V.1..1. . ... ..,,,. ....
members of iiig.inlatlnns nfnil.iteil with
.,,.- ........... ...v ..1. .-.-.n. ... 1 . - 1. 111 ii-
wink Monday. The eoiiniil took no
fill llier net Inn in i-onnn Hoi, with Its
demand on other mills for a ..r,v -eight-
nour wtc,., wiii.-ii me vi.iiiuracturers
Association, renrrse niliii: the
mills, has refused
Willl'll" lo 'Witlltlrav. Claim lo
ii , i ... i ii
I ort. Loiltloil I lir
i l.nn.lnn, .Ian. .'II (lly V. PI It v ill
he found, says the Pads oi respondent
"i un- i. veiling .-until,. tin, mm llalv
is willing to withdraw her .lain, ou the
pent of I'liinie as pan of Italian nation-
win ngree. ,ne .nspatcii mills,
.. .. . ..
to Kiu, ne being mado a ftee port as tho
pint or llniiiimrg was a rne clly hcfnie
, 1 S l. ,
Sheep Smugglers
They plied their trade between
Canada and tho United States
and tho authorities had n hard
lime with tiicm.
Unusual Men
Holman Day in his new story
has disclosed a new and interest
ing type.
Swift Action
There is "something doing"
every minute in tho new serial
which begins in tho Evening
Public Ledgek next Monday.
Don't forget to-read the first In
stallment of
Tho Red Lane
aq uniin uicvv vnx i nuiri i
cei-iiiiiui in. i. iv r.m i.ii ivi-.i.i. .ooi i
lllo ('..., ....II A ....... i i hv .. r -'"" "- -- '- i...n irurteeshp or gil.,riausu,. su.... in ino ease ul peoples msuilli'ienllv
itllf l.Olllll'll Al't'C'lll- (lllc'O einnilT -.111.. ... "1P "....... -,.ll.-.l SUi.les. ,leveln..e.l f,.r seir.L-.i.erni,....,l tlin i..m.
, . ,T, i '. , iuviw niiiuiii ...iiiiiui. in pe nsmmicii ... "" ,,. . , , "- ,
llllLTirail Woolen C.lllllliatlV . , .,.... . . . ir ilni Is true, no army we could m.nt explains, iho leagun shall choose
,i ii. ii ' ' " w "I '" The urn. of Mono has been raise, to-i H "at m ir . suitable I,. c.cr.
l.i.well. Mi. Inn. III. llv P) ward a memorial to men ..r the Thlity - posfllblv ral-e an.l """', . ... ....,.' ..,.,.. ,,,..,., . ,, .',
Tho l-owell Tevtlle Coun. II has voted slMh Ward who MM (heir lives In s.c-ire w.uld be sullicienl. s.,,.1 Mr u r ce, I. in t f ""! J"")1
lo aeerpi Ihe off, r ot th. Anieil.ni,, Plan, e .ommui.e of twenty -live ,-IlclT i .. To iwivi, I .n. ?i w i r i
Woolen Company In place Ms miu ou in. mbers or Ihe SouihvveMcn, Ilusines . . , , bague. I lovlslonall.v the African and
a toitv-elcht-hour vveel.lv l...sis uiil. Mei.-t. Ininri.vemenl Vssoclalioii ....uie llone lleiiorls Are Mil 1 rue tH. rar-eatdelll .olonles shall he left
Second Army Trniihport
From Fraiur (lomiiig U
River to Dock '
Scv.cn riidcrsoti I5tial Ex
pected to rrir at Navy
Yard Tunidil
Vnotli.'i nansport with Iicoik fnim
1'r.une and v..,n HUlimarmi lemm
ing fumi ovnsras service an iir.u ibis
Th.. ir.inspoit Is the Kiamrs 1. .in
ner, buirlng uiNuid companv No in
composed or two oltliM'rs and plMj -Hire,
men fio-n . ,lt.f.y. She In i linnin
up ih. l)Uu,u. I'.lvtr uml Is tin, i
iloil. ai the ipi.trtetniiister corps pli t
foot of i hn.sll.in Httirt, tonioiiou
The Milmiannts ei,. ipjr nt ilio I'll ', i
dilplili X.ivj V.inl tonight.
The Mihm.iilncs prmveillug up On
ilvr in., the I. 1. 2 .1. I. !i, la mill II
and arc uml. r cono of the "uuitliei
fciup. the Iliislmcll. The mult r'ca Im.i
' ,""r:i" W!",r- --'r " '" f'"'
of ,9IT "'"' ,,:n" '''" "l"iatlng of
,,, p coav, ()f , , , Mll,cpb,.u
,,I11C. The u.nihlueil eres of the suh
marines number L'On men and ollloers.
wireless illspalclie) wore lecclviil
this nftei noon fioin the American .irinv
t-tf.imittiii Aiiu-rle.in. bound from I'rmue
ft,r 'J11" l'"" '' ls ""' known If tin
u,sst'.1. Ik ''" hig any enual soldiers
She will ar-
rue Here leliriim. .
The ll.iv.rfi.nl w hi. 1, anlvcil line
.v.sienl.ij with tump, will :u foi
Curope with i.irg.i anil p.isweng.rs on
IVbrtiarv 1. mid mum wlili another
' ' "r troops, itmloiihti dly to this pon.
""""'B - r I von-.g, ioc.il .man
ag. r or the liit.-iii.itl.in.il Meii.inlile
.Marine l-'roni tlilt. pm I die ll.neiforil
v.lll go to l.ivetjHiiil and l.tveiponl to
llr.si, wheie the Vet. r.ms will bnurd Un
ship. The boat is eotnin.indul hj Cap.
tain llenij ll.iit.
uie M.imici-. which in rhed m IlnaU-
Plillad-ipuia .-..i . ow '". ." '""T.1 '':
- 1.1. f 1 Illt.n- li..,ina
I I oll.rillllll fnilll IrilllC '. Will tlUS poll
from rranc-'.' Will this poll
be used as a point of deli.iikatloii in the
, .o-
ful uie"
luilll e .
n,,,. the way the "jin.v men" e
. .... .,
fllline" (irnrial IHnrjir II. uriifin.
. .----.
Vrimji .loi rinriil umrn; I . s. .1.
'The ariangenients wele fine We'll
; J'ftr- IT" ''TX
i, rinrii orffirr, unit m dlirrf ituirpr i
Ihr ttrbnrkutinv
-'Wonile, ful welmine Well handled.'
- i nlanrl llcnjnmin ll hrrjont, roin.
I, mirtnifi tlif Sljt'l-filli f'niiil Arlttlrry
J'nilmrnt, nhiili rci'inint on I fie llnvii
font "Win. said Philadelphia was slow"
Why. this reception Is belter than any
thing that .oiilU be staged In New York"
- f,,(,ilri"if J nil tlonlil. t . S . nlio
rriiirnr.l on Ihr lluirtfunl finn I'tissla.
tills repori lnt nlglu vv he,, it met at
. ilio home of the srcelaiy Samuel I!
... tn.in I...I... )......
.,ieen. I ...i- I ...... ....-... ...enu.
n-l. i.i.niiiill,.. eineetu Ir. r.i li.e ("n ftflrt
I to ereit a shaft .0,1, .lining the name
. in .lie . 11 . e , 1 .-..n- ... .....en. . inr
, memorial has not y el been determined
The following were named to lake
I charge of the eampalgn John Moore.
piesldent ; .ienrge i- lenis, secretin
'and IMwIn Lawience. treasurer.
either niembeiv of the association
who are active 111 the moveineiit am
David ' Pat. hell, I nomas McCaffrey,
In- I! 1' ill mail 1. 11. 1 Miss gnes Davy.
.,.,...,. .
II. II. Administration Announce?
. II. Administration Aimoiinr
Sale, Hepiiiniii; l'Ylmiary 10
Mileage s rn. books good for snnn
miles and costing $IH, with il 20 addi-
,1 ..,. u..r inv will h.. i.i.eeii ....
......... .... .......... .--- .v.. ....
fai,, hvliruaiv in. the railroad ndmlnls -
(ration annouined today
-n,ev will he good on all giut-riunent-
rr)ntro'lled railroads and teims will be
- 'the lame as those or .iu anil 1& hooks
now on sale
!"- .... uniitii 1 11 r f ini i n i o lii'viu iMiiMii ii'- ... .1
. .. ,,., , ., : it., n. ' Prii.. Ci.lifeieme proposes in.it paiv amples or nils . lass.
Withdraws Troops From I'.irt of h. testifying yesierdHy J-'foru th.
I, ' . House Naval Committee referred lo the
IHIKOW1II1I i..., f nations as a "sewing circle"
.... ... ..I. . ...
I an, aan u. ..... .v i ..uni.i,,,.,
has iompll-1 with Iho wishes of Iho
Peace Cniif.-iencu regarding extensions
of territorial occupa ems by wlthd -.
Ing from a pae-t of lluknvvlua. adjal,. it
... T;.i..,ti,nri lerrllorv. savs a ill.t.l.!.
to tho Petit Parlslen fioni Czernowltz,
haTo-'VelViTu'eX, JSS .to'a":
tho Deutsche Hank leneis color to a
rumor circuiaung in uenin mat bo Is
expected to be elected President of tlifl
Oennan Itepubllc
. . r, . ..,..' i.bli,loi,. an,. J1-, oi.o'uiou- i.p. .'" ", ,h- molliers and fathers yn,l V
.vriiiur vuu vi.,.iui.a iirueicii imivm ui "'"" '".'" ;,:,,;: strive to lessen intant mortality." SV. el uown io mo aetal S.
. Slated for President ' StIHS5 mS.V. tTSS At South Africa and Franc. 1
"''". J'.3.V-i'r.'LVT;Tl'L..n0eJ',r.?Vre A?eo7ta7ttoTraT.eA; IlSper Gardner. I'octor llaminond. dl. have insisted Oil it. They would MK K:J
... . . titdaixiu i r. . .. i ..i i .. ., . nbiik itiein'B tinvi1 in rrtiA-. i iirn ui .... .,..-...-.---.-- ...... ..,, ,, . ,
nniiiii'i'i ful in iiiu ici.ii rinriiL ri y -t nnr ' iici to . - r .. ini. nr i einmn i iiivrisiiv. irr. nnr. - -
von Gwlnner as mi-naglne director nf!was voted today by the iiouuo Naval rev. narli.y. chief of the division nrovo the President colonv
'Toes in tUu Uaik who strike, in the dark foes who bad
special training1 to put the Mayor up to ridicule," were lefcvrcd
to this afternoon liy John R. K. Scott in his aigumeiu for the
defense at ITie trial of Mayor Smith.
A Merritt Taylor relluciulshcd the directorship of tho l'as.
hunger Transportation and Houblng Divbiou ot the tmevgeucy
lket Corporation thia oftcmoou. J. Williou Smith, .ifsiitaut
director, succeeds hiio.
Kno and Otlien
ttack Internationaliza
tion in Senate
" -1 ' -ti'ii'""-.
.. , ,-, son nor I o.lg,
VV ii-hlimimi. Jan I -ui.iioi i.oug.
ti.d.iv .thievv the Senate Into iliscus.Mon
.d" Hi" Pence Conference's nitron with
resp.-. i to liirmiin tnlonles b.v condemn-
Ing an pl..n w'.iU-li Involv.s the 1'nllcd
Mates' p.irllcllutlOn In the management
or racllle Islands or A mean icrruor.v
formerlv held by Ibe inemy.
"We .(-nil nlriady to have Involved
ourselves in serious dlffcienct-x vvlth Aus-
do't'kn!!w rarwe'do
and heme spcnl. with somr lultntlon
The Senate Is Kept In the dark about it
all. . scepl for casual 'uml tinolllcl.il ills-
"We npu.ii.titly have agier.I to guar-
mitcc and sustain n lot of Mntes and
republics iiia.le up of llottmtots
Austiallans anil Ihr- M.uili Alrlcin ie-
... .. ...
' publlis.
"All th.lt COIU P,lt. is lo St'C tllllt llCV
- ... ... .
don t go back lo .i.rniany. '! o make
,.n iiiirc.m'lit that we shall look afler
thenf for all tlin- Is another thing I
do no, bell.ve llese w d ibes me .11-
t. d lo f. mi a government. I am no.
. . ..
In vmiMlbv with the Idi-. tlinl
should ii.lmliil-.ter there colonies
I nn't llute hy Mornl iiiislnit, sj Ivmiv
S.n.iior lim bad lalsol the "inler-
itatlon.ill.Htloii ipiestinn In di-cusslng
the probable fiilure size of the American
arniv !otl ll"l l.'-lge Sinn in... u....-
I'nltid States was to take pan
nils 111.'
In the management nt inc ..er,i...u co
lonial possessions and asked If American
Hoops wue. lo be Used.
eitalnh. bow could we maintain or
der oilier Is..,'" Senator Kim u piled
"V.mi ...ti't rule those pcole bv moral
It. a. lug from dlspalcl es of American
con. sound, ills al Paris r.gardliig l',o-
pi.sed lUleni.itlonallzatUIng the i.erman
,,. ,r rr,.... -- . . ..
M'nai.'i ..in.-. "...
-lon .OUH, no i. .n.i... "' ...... --
I,., pe these icporlM are not IIU. .
I Mr. Knov "I can't believe Ihev
r..,.. ,1,,,,,. . 'on
' n .... .mil lh.ll. Without l-OHSUlllllh ..n
crHf.., or the committees bavin chaige
of the-.- matu-nt or the American peo-
ple, that we will he pledged to any mi. h
Liniiendous and piep.i.slcioua undertak-
s ipen.ious
Senator Vardaman. "I ;W'I"
i,..r..t. asked If It would bo possible
"" :: sw,-r,r:w..rs,,fy - ,,c",y
.ontalnliig Ml. h provisions.
.loiiht regarding acuraiy of the stale-
mutts In Hie dlsp.Hi lies Tbo latter de-
,.,r, h,.. reported pirn, would violate
Hie fundamental principle of self-deter-
iiiilnntlon ul peoples, ns applied to inn
i:., mini colonies, and said be believed
I i he 1 ent 11 creemei, t w as merely ror ineir
.'-- - .
. .. ,
, temporary administration ny inc league
ot nations
11 Hum's I rlllrs I rlll.ienl
Senator Klrby. of Arkansas, declared
Lodge and other Itepubllcans subject
ed the President to bluer mid unfair
irltlclsm. lie hotly crlli.ize.l Admlrnl
Mavo. commander of the Atlantic fleet.
... . .. - .,..-. ht.i.liler ' u.aiil
ii i w.-.i- ................. --
Klrbv. "1 might think it for tho good
of tl,'0 BCrvlce to reduce such a man mi
"l " k ,,0 nildn't know what the
,ow '". , ' - M
uvi . '
ll....co I'.iiiunittoe for Three-Year
vZmS! 10 Capita, ships
when yo.i tMnlLJJL wlJn.
f ininn si itiu".-v
greement Follow Firm
Stand of President gainst
Dividing Land
IU- ,1 I -,,
Hy thv .Uuiciated Prew
Paris, .inn ii The crlMs in the
peace negotiations over the dlsposb question of colonies and Turkish ter
tlon tu be made of cieimaiiy's colonies litory is the result of a compro-
fcciiis lo have passed, momentarily nt
least. It Is too em to say that Pros-
nieiii w uson s view lias prevailed In '
Its entirety, but In American quartos
tbcie . ulifldeln e llml a compiomlse
pl.m, vvhleli has l en accepted In prln-
";'- ""I '" -ked ou, with details
"lch will be accepiable to the Amer-
lian viewpoint,
When the Supieine Council of the
Peace Cimferenre nieel tn.l-iv i ..-in
"-ne nernre it tlie very plain state,
ment made bv Piesldent WINim at
I'he net lesult of U,e ).ist two days
1 ' iri iuii 111 in,- null iii in.1-1
of dlscusslnn mi the eolnnlnl nnestinn.
in the opinion of many Ameikvins
!.... ..... n ..!... .!. ....-,.....!....'
ii.'i'-. imi n.-rii ... .nni un- uiniur unii-
r.0eiallv and to force a clear den -
nllion of alms on all sides.
liunee N sueei.lnc
Theie has suddenly cune
i.uige or practical aiionipllbment one
of the most sweeping ch inges In1
colonial management thnt ever lias .
.urr.d The liasle id.a of this ih.Iicv
is that the colonies will he adminis
tered by mandate Tor Ihe hepellt or
their own people and not exploited as'
profit -inaMug entcrpilses by the Power".
claiming then.
igreenient reached by the Allied
council of ten on the colonial .piestlnn
mi u i lint nu nifiiiii.i I'llnnidnl li.il n
piovldes that' territ.iriis which are sr- l"e perpetual mandatory is another
(lciemiv civilized to give mi epiei..n , point at issue in the attempt to dc
nf their w Islies as to the form of thel, ,. ,,
government will be permitted lo "bP the mummte. One proposal
up such a governnnni under the ..us- apparently that of those yielding
plees of the leai'iie o' n-Hoiis, ohtaln-' , . . .. , ,
inc (Ithei- national iiidepcndeii.'e or llv-
ini, under a piolei'lnriile nf one or other
,M ul,. Kri.u . mvnn .v.... nn nun
-.-; "......
.viesopoianua n,.:
i,i"ld.'ied io lie
as Ihey .lie now, la control of Hie supervision. Ulld'M' that H miner
powers now occupying them ' ,. ,. ,, '"
As icgard.s Aslalit. Turkey, the siitt0 "lent, the I'owci.s would get almost,
ineni adds, the, four moat Pe.wers m. what the secret treaties would havn
tn iiiiilort.ikn itv firliiitiii.it t. i Hrm ,1 ..,i,. . t . .
an, ,,, lnljni1 ,,r ,,. h,ls ,,,,, ,1(',
Vei sallies war council lo submit a ,,..
,t ,ls to tl,e best tumps available
tor the occupation or this 'lu.kish are,,
Pl,, rr...,.. fnr Turkey
War Council are lal.ing steps In secure
rr.. ir n,e l.mer Khmiiii be ne. e.
within the Turkish empire.
,.' ,.e,,r,s of ,,,h.dmi, isini., ,.r
,no A,eri.ans and other subject races
n i0(1, Turkish govmiors and the re-
...s.. ., ,,0 .,- lo apply Ihe neiess.irv
,.irreiihe ineiisuteH a,e unde, stood to
1!UP i,e mr reason ror uie anion or
the e.iun. il vesterdav in taking measuies
toward supplying military lorces for th
iowar.ir.iu h .
lonuii.ir.. u.. . ...n r'"'J-Z
riiiitv-fotirtli Ward Orpaniation' datories for cause, taking away ter
Urged to Guard l.liild Health vitory held in perpetuity, woulj
":'... , .... .... I..
mere Is still worn ror Hie Thirly
rourtn warn innu. .... ..u. .-... i .n. m
,.iirnB for pulille heallli nnd hygiene
that district. In the opinion, of Dr
Winner Kruse-u, Director of Public
Ilnillh and Chlirllles Doctor Krusen ad-
diesscd nieinbers of the bureau at the'
&?i glv":;,Xma,.l,eUAdeii:hia1a,ticulty of details-always a BraV,
,lhWV.ftK TSomA for stetesmen, especially one ot
said Doctor Krusen "During the last, jfejent Wilson's tcniperanupi .
vear Hu" babies were born In jo,
of child hygiene J Auells Cantafle), John
MariAvoy, Lieutenant George Smiley,
I lUaTaeoreA . Tullldgo and M. Tooth.
Will He Masters Without
Annexation. Under Lloyd
George h Formula
Compromise Decision ''Pro
visional" Because It Waits
' on World League
Mandate Ma Be Revoked for
Caiite Measure of Con
trol As Issue
tnfT t'nrrrapnnilr-nl of Ihr i:.r-nlnc I'lib-
lle l,r.lKrr 11 III. Ihr VMee llflf-
Kiitlon In Kurnpe
lly II ireless
f.cii wit. iim hv I'ubUe l.'datr Co.
Paris, Jan. 31. The "provisional
d satisfactory decision" that the
five big Powers have reached on the
misu resolution ofTered liv Premier
Lloyd George.
This compiomise is essentially
the same as the one made in the
Imperial Council of Great Britain,
at which South Africa and Aus
tralia held out for sovereignty of
the Powers in German colonial lands.
The French press, which usually
i hotter iiifnimn,l 1. !, ln.A-1.
......... ....... ...... "n-
can press., because the French peace
commissioners talR even to Ameri-
Apparently tcnuie in perpetuity
.i .1. 1 .
' UIUI1 ll'n league IS created 111
tail, any chemo like that for tho
. ... .
, mnim'iroiios m cnlfltllfl mnfk nprps-
I ., V . colon,lt mnus nece.i-
sarily must bo provisional.
The mandate, though given in per
within petuity, may ho , evoked for cause
in ease of misgovcrnment or in case
of development of capacity for self
government among the people under
the mandatory.
.Measure in i oturoi at issue
'"H "inn measure oi control tnc
lcague of nations should have over
"is,iiii.v ." unci imuoiiai reguia-
tion was that the mandatory be
r..i, ... . .
fuli trustee aiitl not too frequently
called to account by the interna
tional organization.
Thi.s piopoval sounds much like
beating the devil around a st.mip; it
gives control in perpetuity with only
a .small measure of international
cotlfoiictl, limited only by the foi-
maI recognition of the principle of
. . ... . ... H
i international responsibility.
Slay Direct Expenditures
, Another .o,,ri wa. that ,
league of nations be the trustee,
hion over the mandatory, even in.
chiding expenditures The vit-ilil-
' ..' n.iiiu.i.i,. mo vitality
ot mis mcasute 01 international con-
trol obviously ilpppillls on the vital
.:. r i, i..,, .., .....; ...
.' . ... ' ""
1 iiv ui 1111; uiiLiir 111 iiHiiiiiiH nnr
j ,n . ........... ,. ... 1 ....
wru iviikou wuuui mhvo in una poV-
P1-ful mill confident organization to
, , . . ,. , , . '
spoak si,,iy to Ktiglnnd, France,
'Inly or Japnti. I'iainly, any blep on
tho Psu'1 of til ,PHe.'i"5 to cxcrclFO
ti,ji, uncl
ion nnd change the man-
picciiumii- vusi, uuuuie.
.. . .... vifii,.. e , .. .
1 ICSItlent Wilson faces in this
i tioonial issue his first real dimcultv
' -'' '3auv- "' "'Bl " "J"1.'1
of the Peaco Conference the diN
llf Ti
etalls Are Vital
tunce it is vitally necctv
only on condition of tho-adoption !?
CesUawMl ea I'M
jke Mr
jdo the
.; 'vt: I
. ' .
; .
" tl
. JV -..l. . . 'iTAI . Mjt . '
.JfMl&?,, .
-MJL-..T. ..,
J .