Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 30, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 7, Image 7

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    I VJ a" swijv s" '
Grand Organ, 9, 11 and 1:50
CMmii at filroUt of 'oon
Store Opens 9 A. M.
Store Closes 5 P. M.
K - J
T'w 1
V. .
The Great Fact of This February Furniture Sale Is That
Brings the Goods That People Desire
"The People of the United
States," aid Daniel Webster
"descend :us of the English stock, admit with
gratitude and filial regard that, among those
.hecstors, under the culture of Hampden and
oyancy ana otner assiduous nainots, me sccu
of popular liberty first germinated, which on
fU our soil has shot up to its full height, until its
branches overshadow all the land.
Happily it seems today as if those, branches
arc destined "to overshadow all the earth."
The brave men who lie asleep with open
eyes in the "Valley of the Manic" and along
"the Ridge" are still the living witnesses or
"seeds of popular liberty" which they planted
amid the storms of fire "to overshadow all the
May it "germinate" in all countries as
speedily as the "wise men in the East" can
jnakc the next move.
What is to be, must be.
fa "Let us have peace" and patience.
v n
JanJ0, 1919.
100 Women's
Novelty Dresses
Reduced Now
Priced $35 to $75
These are of glove cloth, tricotine,
. . -a t 1 1 1 t
fw RWfrp. Pmret twi and such Hornier ma-
terials as Georgette crepe, satin and
li velvet, and as there are no two alike, it
as impossible to describe them. But
i where are some very distinguished
' things among them of the dark, quiet
A sort, and women seeking extra frocks
I a wear through February may be glad
Wtokknow about ftem.
(Tlr.t Door, Onlral)
anOMINU Saturday, 1'obruary 1, the promised and
flL4 now about-to-bc-fulfillcd
Sale of Silks
.. ii.. i n. -i :n. : i. i ri.:....ui- tnL.
A an view 01 inn iacL mat mi is wir inw.iu iftiiiiiutuMu ihiiiu;
Pm 4e it.A ..i.A.i.. : 4nii.: -m .. .,.i !.,....:.,. r.... ,.;il-
s'irowns, the Sale of Silks this year will take precedence ocr every
RIw.ponB.cr Sale of its kind.
t ti . ..:... i -v. ,,, ,, r it, i..,,.4.r..l .;n .,.,,..
Vl r itic dllMuua lu wiu . wu cm'iiii n luv ififtu viim ninn Hu
V unpacked.
Ml-tr 'ilh all their fine qualities and splendid variety of colors
;h Trices arc lower man many pcopio wouiu inuiK possioie.
I '
Specially Priced Corsets
and Brassieres, Too
Women who need new slays will find in this collection
ny good styles, all at exceptional prices.
$1.50 for Kabo corsets of plain pink batiste ; topless, with
lasticband at waist.
iCt'trv :iv. iiii" ivMiiri imii.sims iii mmiiiiv iiiiik iiiik'mi: i mi ii'N.s. u ii ii
K'j Bjjastic band all around waistline.
$1.50 and $2 for Wanamakcr Specials for average figures
pretty pink-and-whitc and pink-brocho models; topless,
ith clastic.
$1 and $1.50 for Wanamakcr Special corsets with low
istand long hips.
75c to S3 for Lillian brassieres in broken sizes of dis-
Br.ucd models. This is much less than their usual prices.
(Third Floor, Chfitnut)
Yes, Women's White
Wash Skirts Are Here
Much earlier than usual but then there never were so
ly people going South, and these skirts include styles for
Hi mistress and maid.
IfcThcy arc of white gabardine, linen, ncedlccord, tricotine
ottoman cloth, all cut fashionably narrow. Prices run
k$3.75 for a plain white gabardine to $13.50 for a white
m with huge pearl buttons held on by self atraps.'
The people can see for themselves that this Furniture Sale is great beyond
comparison in the thing that matters most the goods.
We ha e said that in all events of the kind the furniture is the thing.
Judged by that criterion, this is a marvel of a sale.
We have never tried to make a furniture sale go ahead on any principle but
that of having the kind of furniture that people want and having it in unequaled
assortment and at price savings that will stand investigation.
That is the principle upon which we are still working. It has brought our sale
to the point at which we can say that nobody can afford to buy any furniture with
out seeing what we have to offer. Of course, the great majority of people seem
now to understand this and to act up to it, but there is no reason why anybody
should be unaware of the fact that the first principle in furniture buying is to see
what can be had in this sale, which presents all the most dependable and desirable
types of furniture made in America and some very choice imported pieces at the
lowest prices consistent with service and quality.
Tomorrow will be the third and final day of courtesy and inspection. Selec
tions may be made tomorrow, as on yesterday and today, but all purchases will
date from February 1.
(I'lflli, Sixth hiiJ nitli 1'luorO
flBWi s
iti! P&7
jSHBkQflMJi LU luKLL ll l t
fliKK iM
wX "fr r Fl
In the Sale of
Reliable Mattresses
and Bedding
you have a choice of all the bedding
goods in our slock quilts, blankets and
spreads, of course, not included.
You can choose eighteen different
kinds of hair mattresses, twel' differ
ent kinds of cotton mattres i, eight
styles of box springs, and p jws and
bolsters in the fullest var , all at
special February prices.
Any goods chohcn in th' ale tomor
row, third clay of inspf , n, can be
charged from Saturday, jvjruary 1, if
the customer so desires.
Everything in the Sale is of our
regular certified good quality.
(Sixth I'lfior, ClifKnnl)
Many Selections Have
Been Made in the
Sale of Wilton Rugs
But, fortunately, the stocks were
large and the variety is still unbroken.
We hope the assortment remains intact
for a day or two so that all who wish
may liavr opportunity to choose, but
we cann' . promise it. If you wish to see
the fti'' .nnge of patterns we would ad
vise v early visit.
. their present prices these rugs
represent savings of a fourth to a third.
Oxl'2 l'., ."537.50. ?6n..")0. 97-1.50 and
8.:ixl0.(i ft., 955. 907.50, $72.50 and
.16x63 in., $14.75.
27x5-1 in., 9S.75
eTnlh I'loor, htnnt)
An Oriental Rug Sale of Much Beauty
Backed With Opportunity
These February displays of Oriental rugs make a picture well worth
coming to look at.
Hut they have more than a picturesque charm. They have a back
ground of real economy. Oriental rugs are still scarce, generally speaking.
Their prices in the open market are still high.
In this sale there is a magnificent variety at large savings.
We understand there is no such variety to be found anywhere else
at any prices. ,
Chinese and Persian weaves are shown in profuse choice, many of
them at the prices now obtaining at wholesale, some at less.
The Persian carpets in the sale are chiefly Serapi and Mahal pieces,
all of good,, reliable quality and in excellent colorings.
The Chinese carpets are fine types in charming shade?.
Scores of very desirable small rugs are in the sale at low prices, such
as small Chinese pieces, Mosuls, Kazaks, Guendjes and Beluchistans..
As in the Furniture Sale, customers may select rugs tomorrow, the
third day of inspection,' and have them charged from Saturday, February 1.
(fvnOi I lnir, Irnlml)
Lingerie Waists
More styles than usual for
this time of year will be
found in the Waist Store.
We have voiles and batistes,
some hand and some ma
chine embroidered, others
trimmed with real and imi
tation laces such as Valen
ciennes, Vcnisc and filet, and
cut -with V, square and round
Trices arc $.1 to $15.
(Thlril Floor, t'rnlrnl)
Speaking of
Beautiful Hair
if you have had the "flu"
and have lost your hair, it
may be worth your while to
step into the Salon de Bcauti;
and have a little talk about
it. Hair at that stage of
the gamo needs particular
care and petting if it is to
come back in its original
(Third rlnnr, DinlnnO
Training Little Feet in the
Way They Should Go
is as much the province of a shoe store as of a school.
Much of the- foot trouble people suffer with results
from their having worn ill-fitting shoes in their child
hood, when their feet were growing.
A child's shoe should not only be large enough at
Uptime it is first tried on, but should make allowance
for the growth of the foot up to the time that shoe will
be worn out.
The footwear in this Children's Shoe Store is built
on scientific principles and fitted by experts, who know
just how much allowance should be made for growth.
A host of trim little shoes in various leathers, at
prices ranging from 85c for the baby's first pair of soft
leather shoes to $9.50 for a pair of shoes for a largo girl.
(Tint llnor. Mrkt)
Spring Time Is Vest
Time, So 'Tis Said
Therefore, have arrived
some strikingly pretty bow
satin and broadcloth vests,
.-.lip - over style and showing
bcadwork on the satin. $7.50
to $12.50 arc the prices.
New satin collar and cuff
sets also for Spring coats arc
here. They arc vivid-colored
satins on black with insets
of color, and you can imag
ine how effective they would
be on a dark suit. $8.50,
$10 and 911.
(Muln I Inr, enlrah
"Common Cause"
By Samuel Hopkins
i oik nf t lie nrw Iinn1 r
lichtfully vvilten and ilraliiir;
wiMi patriotism and !oc. ami
with casy-goinK Americanism
wnkinffto thoforcc and dancer
of, pro-German. intrJf?uf. Tho
story is based upon factr.
Trice ?1.60.
(Main Floor, TlilrtrtnIM
Good Pick of Men's Black
Traveling Bags
A handsome array of big, roomy, well-made bags of cow
hide, calfskin, seal and walrus, all black.
Prices range from SI 0.50, for a large. cv iccable bag, to
950, for a beatify of baby walrus.
Wo call special attention to a bag at $J5. It is of solid
cowhide, with hand-scwed frame and fabric lining. Wcgofcit
at a lowered price because tho leather had been released-by
tho Government, being too heavy for binocular cased,
(Unlit nocr, ChulnnO
mWI I rr-.r.fcvi.tm3-..
Black Moire Spats
for Women
Nothing could be prettier
worn with patent or dull
leather slippers. Tho Ex
clusive Little Bopt Shop has
them at 91.
(I'lml I'lnor, Junlprr unit Mrll)
THE Linen Store can show
you just now a certain
full-bleached, heavy dress
linen which is distinctly a
treasure, on account of its
,rcmarkably low price $2 a
4The width is 90 inches.
(lint iriaer, Chtitant).
Black Net Tunics
Reduced to $11.75
There arc only a few left
of these very attractive
tunics and this new price
brings them down to less
than half.
Draped over a black or
colored silk foundation, they
make a really charming
gown for many occasions.
All arc embroidered in
flat black braid and there is
material for the sleeves with
each one.
tWit AliU) '
All the Fine Leather
Coats for Women
Are Now $50 Each
Not a coat in the collection
that was not at least $37.50
higher in price some were
975 more so you will sec
how sharp are the reduc
tions. These arc the. line leather
coals in tan, brown and ma
hogany shades, that women
; "School Suitings"
1 Reappear to Many
Mothers' Delight
?V. A brand-new shipment, of
these sturdy cotton suitings
has ,iusf arrived and there
have been many requests for
Every mother knows that
there is nothing like them
for real hard wear and con
stant tubbing.
In plain blue, tan and
white, also light and dark
colored stripes. 27 inches
wide, -15c a yard.
(I'lrtt lloor, Chtitnnt)
1100 Player Music Rolls
at 10c to 75c
All SK-nolr 10IU I i i h wrir much luchrr priml.
Jill) rolU at I IV.
.:n 10II.- :.'. ""c.
::m mil.-. ;r, .'jUi
:;tM).onl rolls at UV to 7.V.
IDKiplltn Hall, (iollrr.')
like for motor use and gen
eral hard wear. Women
who drive their own cars
find them particularly satis
factory. Sonic are reversible, some
arc lined with gabardine,
some with roughish tweeds,
sumo with heavy fleccC
Sonic have leather collars, a
few have otter collars. All
have storm and whid proof
collars and sleeves; all have
generous pockets, and most
all arc belted.
Such coats will give
women no end of service,
and arc extremely unusual
for $50. (
rirYt riotr,' Utat'ral) .i
Winter Winds Are Not Always
Kind to the Skin
and one of the best ways to counteract their effect is to use
good skin creams, to keep the skin soft and lino andhealthy.
Queen Mary cold cream, 25c and 50c a jar, or 20c for
handy little tube.
Glycerine and Honey Jelly, for chapped skin and hands,
20c a tube.
Witch hazel jelly, 25c a bottle.
(Main Moor, Chcilnut) ,
Still Some Good Shirts for Men
for $1.25 Each
Selection is particularly good in Hie larger sizes of the Winter shirts -we-are
clearing out at average half price.
Shirts of madras and percale, with soft or starched cuffs, and in excellent
Plenty of 65 c Neck lies
A wide assortment of good four-in-hands that arc about a third under the
usual price. I
(Main rlor, Htrkil)
Men's Merino Underwear at a Special Price
A little lot of heavy merino long-slccvc shirts and ankle-length drawers at $1 a,
garment, which is a third less than the regular price.
These goods came out of a case that was expected for the Winter sale, but-'
was ueiayeu in transit;.
r, Ri
(Main rivor,
-"-T : : 'iti'(im'r'.
. f . .y-'"'' . t-.rw 'i. . ';
ItXIJI- ..L.
rirt riotr, Ontral)