Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 30, 1919, Night Extra Closing Stock Prices, Page 13, Image 13

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    -w i iyw t. tiff ?Tifc.Tr',i-rW5" ; -N -, .
' 'Wt" TT,' r, ' SI?
IS -
4 1
4ntf So 77ie
Were Married
Corurtolit, low, bv Public l.tdatr Co.
WIU2N' Scott told Itutli In a few
Mmplo words that lie wn billing-.
In fact, vvnnted her to hsxvo wholesome?
men friends, sho mlslit lmvo understood
If they had gone, on talking about It.
Sho might hao tried, at nny rate, to
sen his viewpoint. As It was, sho made
no effort to seo beyond tho Impression
Ills word first made on her. Sho thought
that In that way ho was tclllnB her that
lie did not Intend to rIvo up his friend
ships with women, and that ho was giv
ing her tho privileges thcreforo ot
amuslnc herself In tho simc way with
men. Sho thought too, that, If ho felt
ho could trust her to other men, he
simply did not caro enough to ho Jealous.
That was the way matters stood when
a few days later, after several telephone
calls, Ituth consented to go out with
Isabel to tea. It was the first ln na
tion, slv-i had accepted from Isabel since.
tho unfortunate cabaret nff-ir, nnd It
ras not tho old lluth who accepted. The
lluth nccr weit any w hero without
kind heart, without a certain spon-
letlty, without anticipation ot what
engagement would bring forth. The
Ith who met Is ibel In the lobby of one
tho fashionable) hotels was agucly
tuth had suffered, and In n way had
!vn. Sho had unfortunate! neconic
d: sho hail loat n precious something;
had stiffci ed a hurt of vo nrst rami
ialonu wo havo about,, s that can
fer ng.iln lp eiulte 11. ai nrsi
had believed It ! e to go on
illng as sin- did r pride Uept
up Sho had n ept at nil tint
St night; sho t thought ami
ught. Only one, night before out of
enuro married mo n;ui puc mum
ep without making penco with Scott,
n now sho wavered; tho lmpulso to
his arms about her, was almost too
cli, but her prldo 1 lit her avvnv. Her
,d Hung down tho gauntlet, nnd she
uld nicept the challenge After all,
at did It matter now' what did an-
lng matter? Life was not what she
;d thought It would be Scott no longer
eil her Shn mil it do something;
must have something to keep
ir from thinking If sho could not
rk as Helen Tounsenii wan doing, she
t"ild nt least frivol with Isabel and
se-sof her clis Isabel managed to
.. ' going Virv well, then, she, lluth,
iCTOitld keep going In the s-ime way,
fe?"'And In tho lid 1 11 be ,i lot morn con-
U-.terted," sho argued to herself. 'Thero
Jno happlnes where otio fiels as deep
is I havo allowed mjself to think of
,'hat resolution was vtlnt found Ituth
tour-thirty half buried In tho depths
'. big chair waiting for Isabel.
.Isabel breezed lu at a quarter of five
il'Am I late' I'm sorrv. Heaven
,(! i I should havo tried not to be, I
ier get ou to come out wltl) me any
liero these d.iju."
Ituth laughed givly. 'I know I've been
niollj-grup," she admitted, "but 1'vo
rued over a new leaf
5 Isabel looked at her curiously "How
ild that hippen" Ituth. vou haven t
iUarrelid ilih -ieott, hive ou? 'Ih.it
roulil be fiimii "
tt'Whj, ilon t all married couples quar
ts? 'I ne,v were standing together In
he lot- lor l.lfe passed them In nil
t( ph.i! ;ih tltet talked. I'ashlon.ibb
Ironed in. n w.iltid for nthtrs or join-
I men .iiigluer was rire, every one
emeil h y, and jet underneath many
I these ) plo must bo as unhappy, ns
Iconteiiti as she was, thought lluth.
at was 1 1
"I hen vol two devoted people have
luarreled?" Isabel returned
'Nonsense,' Hut. said briskly, "noth-
of the kind I simply decided to
o homo fun In lift-, " accept some of
ilir Ideas "
Well, welt begin tils afternoon,"
bel said without anj other remarks
dldn t know how vou would feci
lout till", but I guis It's atl right Dob
fcrter Is going to meet mo here, and nt
& last moment he telephoned thit he
is bringing another man. I think
u'U liko them, but I was afraid jou
Would be furious, jou're such a llttlo
J Ruth hid si momentary throb of pain
ovv tint sho was actually embarked on
rts thing, bho realized how genuinely
ir entire spirit rebelled against any-
ilng of tho kind A wave of Intense
,ing for Scott swept over nrr. nue
rert lilni. she loved Jilm' She closed
L,ejes a moment nt the physical
Slgfct of him, then a cold nausea
Htfover her at tho lemembrance of
tttltude. How could sho forget her
eto the extent ot caring liko that for
Sp who did not caro for her? Scott
Kted her to know other, men ; Scott
Med her to leavo tho way clear for
A well, sho could do It other women
do 1?"
babel did not reply to this She saw
ass tho room tho two men sho nan
itloncd. nnd exclaimed, "Thero they
(ha net mlnuto lluth looked and saw
K tall, "good-looking men coining to-
ru llieill, i lie' vtcio wc-uit, ..te-ii-
omed Open; tho kind of men lluth
known all her life, nnd let now,
flng them this vtav. without Scott,
her a sinister feeling mat almost
htened her Isabel was as usual,
Jtlfully poled, gracious, Sho gave
Kpntlro meeting, a casual eivery-day
fct, ami yit iiuin loiinii mrsui
Jrpudly wetting her lips, expectantly
Bering wliat vvould happen next. She
alniost panicky; marrlago had
eu ncr so mucn in so snori u tune,
qoitow, Ituth meet pi MiK Curson.)
Market Guide for Housewives
Prepared by the. City Marketing Agent of the Bureau of Markets,
United States Department of Agriculture.
A11UNIJANT 1'otntocs. onions, cnbbagc, carrots, turnips squnsli, lemons
niul l'lorlda oranges.
NORMA I. I'arsnlps, grapefruit, California oranges, bananas, beets mid
svvect potatoes,
SCAKCn Tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, spinach, bean, strawberries,
celery nnd apples.
Product tirade, etc
Ilenns l'lorlda
licet lljrrii
lnifllfi Hprnul .
Carrots w Jrry. ' lmkft
' New Jr, I.Mrnl
C'lilbaBT- Nu ork lunlh ,
I'liirliU .
lftu!lrtn(T t;llforiitA nn.t l'lorlda ...
Ocl-r Nf V.urk waehut
IVnnM imla ... . . .
I etture- I'lnrld i
nnlonn ,NVw ork, No t selluw .
r-irpnlps nirrl ....
Potatoes IVnnnjhiinlfl No 1 white ..
New Vork No 1 white.....
New Jirse fB tinsket. . ,
Rnrft rotatot'S N'piv Jersey, linsksl
liflawnre hampers .
Turnlpi Xrvr Jere " hakt
leal, N basket .. .
ApplfS New York naldvWn
Nw York flreenlriRs
V ork Imperials .
lln Iiavls , .. .
Western varieties . ...
Cr-ihnerrUs New Jers, barrel
Neu Jefst, rule .
Orapf fruit KlorldA . .. .
lemons California .
Oranges- florid i
California .
i'osi to It'taller today
. ..1 Oil 1 TV (JH..II o.ts)
. ,1.7V 'J 60 l.bl (t4(l.l0 lbs)
.. .IV 2? has (U,irt)
. . .40- An has l.'t ' pk)
I 21 2 '.'V bbl (4II-4V f pU)
. . 2 llll.J Ml hhl (tlVIOD lbs)
1 7V.J -JMimii (ts-20 b.lsl
2 2V .1 (Ml erats (l.'-IN hds)
. . 1 (MM V) brh (12 sta ks)
a- in bch (1 n stalksl
I'alr Prlre
to Consumer
To lay
J1 2le it
2 -le II)
211 2Me tt
.1- to 'i rk
1- Oc pk
2t le II)
IS 2"e he 1
21 .He bead
111 INC stalk
n10o stalk
.111(1 4, Ml U, bbl (SV4'. hds) til Ihc he
1 7.'. 2 21 laic (HI OS lbs) 21, 4e lb
I 7". J 7V bbl (llil.llSl) Hist Ji; le 111
.' Ill 1 no et (24.JH ' Pk) 11 Be ,, pk
.2 21-J Ml ct (J4 20 14 Pk) 10 1'.! I, pk
. M.l OK bus (K 0 V Pk) 10 llo ' tk
.1 (MM 71 lias (S II , pk) 21.2110 ' Pk
2 21-2 HI) limp (1.'.14 4 pk) 111.2110 ', rk
1.1- ell bas (s-n pk) 4- Se ', pk
. Bo- -o bas (8-u pk) 7-t.lo pk
. . 7 (in 71 Mil (11.42 'J. pk) 21 2de ', pk
,7 no h .in l.bl (is.42 i, pkl i'l-.'Tc , tk
.T.'niKKI bbl (H.4J l Pk) 22 11V ', lk
. R 71 7 oil I bl (1S.4J 't pk) 1 7 J ! '1 Pk
1 21 I Oil Uix (114 K1) 21 Tie dor '
1.1 nn .'J 00 bbl (P3 US ots) jo .M qt
. ,fi (hi n lid rrate (it 30 (its) 22 loo ot
1 10 r, 00 box (Ifi xn) v n,. ch
4 on n 211 ox (.mo irol in.'v dor
. I on ,1 21 box (lf.0 2in) . no,, doi
I 50-.1 .11) box (1.10 21(1) .1(1 (Sic doz
1. nil nt Is the hlrtlislanp for lVbrimrT? j t
2. Wbit U tlio srerrt of iiiiiktnir good Trench
3. To what tinvrl ln-e on linndbaf con
I'renilt knots he iml '
4. VMiut feature of Hit etrnlnc frock Is no
In voctie uEiilii?
.1. Hnir ran n pair of clones tlint are too
siimll In ttio wrist he made Itirnfr?
0. Mluit will tike grraso from the wrlnrfr?
Another Woman's Exchange
To the l.iiitor 0 11 omnn's Paor: t
Dear Madam Kindly pub'tah the address
of thv Mutilates Kxchancn In rhlladelpbia 1
Mils IL ,
Tile Woman's Hxchange Is at 114
Scuth Kevcnteenth street.
.ille nnd Harvard have lateh oiiriird
rnurars on Industrlul hrtlene Hill e
lend n ne Held of endeixnr for unni
eu. This work lins to do with health In
factories and Industrial loss throuith
J. Before the war tt took tbe ncerace Irrnili
fnmll flits it j-ear for table inenses
In IUI8 Hie table evtienses went up tu
close within the 100-ninrk.
3. A pattern bar Is more or less like 11 shoe
nn. II M nindo (if irash unit lias
pockets In It for patterns lhal In-lone
10 each member of the fumllj. 1
I A sllcht scorch ran be ri-nimed with pcr
ovlds of htdrotcn. Snnure Hie spot,
5. Siieet oil will remote a rnln slain from
w ood.
aulir' ,EEi
combinations now we can fairly revel
In It Not nlono arc there to be fash
ionable colors thero aro to be fashion-
able combinations Sherrv nnvv blue,
rose and grem were louiblnatlons that 1
wrro proposed for tho victory color,
and In l'nnce they siy women aro
wearing (lag red and blue together .is n
patriotic tribute to tin Ir own and the
Vineiiran Hag I'lng blia Is not 1 notinh (
It must be a combln itlon "f red nnd
Olher fashionable e.mibin.iunns nre
Kreneli gray 11 nil g.irm t, t.in and sap
phire blue and electric blue and IiI.ick
Drowns and blues tngither aro espe
riilly In favor In spile of the fact that
'lure Is nothing In the leist bit strik
ing about the combln itlon It has,
I however, the ndvatitige of being lin
nunsflv becoming to the woman with
I blue eves and brown lulr 1 tvpe of
.iilorlng so much admired bv tie
And here Is one of the blue .mil brown
' eriinblmtloii The coil Is of e ible
brown sitln It Is llmd with fircelle
blue The hit Is of brown straw brild
, I he irown Is of georgi tte in the same
shnde nnd there Is u fi.ilhir In the front
that shows shadings of the simo In
coming brown
(Inquiries ,ire solleltnl nnd tinv I"
libit essid nre of tills niwspnpir)
f'opv'y'i' ''"'' lil ll" r" r Ii'om-1
V-fiBA' C?kV
A Dm!) I allium lull. Ii 1 Inrcnte oio
'I lie toil i of .ilili" brown aim
lined v till Variolic blue, lliu. niak-
ill g ue of the new f;i-liii)ii.ililc idea
in color ( omliin ilion
girl III klinleig nteo t il.es
Ncvipaper WorU
To II a 1 illtor 0 11 onion's Vaat. ,
Pear Madam May I ask jou to please
nsslst niM also with jour Kind suKRestlon
Where shall 1 make an application for musl
cal critic for newspapers , X Y. V:
Tho editor-in-chief or managing1 edi
tor usually arranges about these matters 1
on u newspaper.
Who Ha- a Kittv to (live?
To the 7dltor ot 11 omiin's Poor j
h,.ir Mn.lttTw I Iijiik t-e nt i.inr letter
asking a home for the little black kitty In 1 inn Ctrl 1 rd rn friends letwten the iikis
the Cvfmmi Initio I.risirn Hid as I would of nutien ami tntntv n
like to have It I woull like to know throuiih ...
the Woman a fogs or phone where to call i.nue nving- ( lipids and white p.ipei
orlt- A KKADBlt dov.s make pnttj St Valentlni s night
This letUr citue too la e for tho little , decoration I se them
this home
imvo rour or these festcons hung from
the ihindeller to each comer of the
ffl 1111 t L1 llll.l ,.n... 1. S
To il l.,lilor of VI oman- Poor- " ' "" '"', " "'" Rl""nn m "eco-
near Madim VVou d ou klndli tell tn r!ltng the table and for the c elite rpieee
of a place that I ran learn how t," dura'" havo a mound of ted and whlti flowers
I nm fourteen scars oil and nssoclnle wllh . ," "
Blrls older thin mjself The can dance. 1 with tinv l lipids and doles pc rrhed here
but not verv well n' there. V. on tnlglit rill out the pirlor
liy ilnnclnir. I menu waitrinu anu oiner decoration w mi ill title lei 1 ikwers Tor
111: lltll
To wash i-.it .i.u. .... 1 1 -- delight In linking loinldti itions or
n!mno,:,T."rT,h';n ti'ZZ Wl rol0r("1 " ,,V' S ,h " 1' "" " '
ellateli. Mnhldi rhancrs of lenipern-1 to be Instliie tive vsltll most of us to
lure often cause the sluss to break.1 . , , . . , 1, .1
I'nt the dish In (he pan sidelines ami ' n" Intdct In 1 olid In itlnlis of
fancT?.''" n"''r ' rln'" ""U"' "10 ''"r "'l will (Hid If 1011 ask that
., most 1 blldre 11 anle fiom hiving 1 fav
orite iielor hive .1 favorite 1 ombin mon
A St. .llentini-'s Parlv Tills stnsoli the Ide 1 of phasing mlnr
1o the l.dttor 0 tloninii'a Paoc ' combination Is c outing to the fori and
Hear .Vlidain I nm wrltlmr In i., fori while for "(Villi veate we have had
lour i-uicKestloiia n to hivlnit .1 st n, n- . ,
tire a turlN I wuuld like to bun our Hd llttlo (haticei to imkI-i- mil 1 isd r. 1
vise ns to some um, Intuitions n
freshments ete " - -"-
Endorsed by the medi
cal profession and dieti
tians, as to purity and
high food value. Wil
bur's Cocoa nourishes
the body and is inex
pensive to bu. .
Conservation r53r5i?S2
Z "srTJ
show MOW to
make dainty,
delicious and
0 c 0 n 0 m I
c a I desserts
Your copy's
waiting It's
Jail. 3D, J!)l!)
at Wanamaker's
jr. . i-Pi "Ay x
?". X-'fllftitsJ' T. 1' SC7J jleVvX - -4-!
Sernf for tt today
I am Bolnir to Invite obout fnrt Incliid
in (ouuectiou
n'.ick kltt.v l'cihaps there Is another i(i, lrii ,,1,11,011,1 bents inn f,n
ilack klttv who would like to tome to l " ' ' ""i"' neaits lou ran
this home stilus- them on heavy ted suing and
To Learn to Dame
dances We don t know 11 1 anj one who Invitations use white 1 orresnonil. nee
uuultl IIL9 thn Plaro tn lo tioiirt to " Kill i Uplrt in the 1 ft-haiul fnniLr
nnr finntdu A Ilinil KCIUHlli illl.Ls. tinu nnu' (init NIK n WnniH .in ifi.ii
If jou consttu ,our Bvmnasl.m, I JZ WiWxWtf. 7V.
.'Ji1'' h.f'". L1:0.,.0. .",,L,l,l'U..J'ii 'niln-'M'-iriy . my home on reh-
llJ nuth summoiud nil her prldo to
KHM us sho responded to Isabel's light
I really don't deserve that,
. , . . . . . . ...... . .!..
vvneio a dancing scnooi 10 ui tour im-ui ,
could be found There nre Interesting
dances held III the neighborhood houses, .
nnd In homo of these dancing Is taught.
Consult vour teacher about the neigh- I
boihcod house niarest to )our home
Wauls to Grow Tall
To the I iltlor of U'OMan's I'ooe
Dear Madam 1 nm a boy fourteen ears
old, and am only four feet eight Inches tall
Can sou tell mn wb.lt 1 can Ho lu Blow -
taller? The last H10 veara t hnvo been uoor.
Kulnec to bed around 10 so p m
Also how to overcome stutterlnir
A great limiiv boys of fourteen have
onlv Just about started to grow, so
iii.iry 11 at 8 o'e'eek IMease come
MKti or name
Suggestions for tefrenlimciits and 1
glints will be mailed to Jou I
Things to Know
li "ii colored linens on the wrong side
Xevet use an oil mop on .1 painted
' l'ctoxlile
I scon h
of hviliogin will letnove
V, ul.l.r.1. ulml.1.1 l.n ..ua.I I -1.1
... ... . ... .- . .. , .... ,...1, n..i).,it, u- u- 11 III MiimilllK
m't worrv Soon, no doubt, jou'l bo PNC0Ilt tnlU w,llch ls thmougi, t00l(cd
rlnelnc un and sumr H nc vourself '
i.at pieniy eu gcoei rood, lane 101s 01 out- -
door exercise and try going to bed at, cn,mrrv w ax noois are uietenteil l,v
T,V" C' ' " n'0"
Dress Tips
lond-slnned nearl buttons tihn a
tailored blouso of pussy-vtlllovv
TA-white satin tnquo Is without trlm-
ft except for van gt niacK cmnroiaer-.W'e-
,.,..,. ,., ,. ,.v
. Dloun ii 1'iiicit uiiiuuii ia c-i.iuijritieiy
roidcicd in ugi 1 uiuo neaus ana gold
a A spider i thread
61s estimated that four miles ot
Binary tpldcr h thread would weigh
,havo been placed by ua In
Iosiiions paving
om $12 to $35 Per Week
clallie In a profession- that has
established nnd tnada nrnaiubln htf
hain of schools, the only onta of
kind. Inspection of tho equipment.
1 will repay you ror a visit, iou
I to rnter buslarsa or fa tncrenmm
bai-titao ranaeltu our fli(.ttane e, (if
balnnMe to lou.
Bveninir and corrssnondenco Courses
910 Cheitnut Street
I NtW York, Doaton, Chlcaro.
Stuttering can bo cured by medical
treatment. In seeking out medical ad
vice vou should be careful to avoid
quacks, as thero are plenty of them
1'or Chilblains
To the Fititor of ll'oman'a Pane-
l)iar Madam What can uu sugsest for
ltchlnB fict chilblains' II J JI
Chilblains aro the result of poor cir
culation, nnd In connection with that of
the cxposuru of the feet to cold and
dampness The best way to get rid ot
this trouble permanently Is to go In for
exercise planned to help Improve the
circulation To relievo tho condition
bathe the feet every night In cold water
nnd dry them well without friction.
Then apply turpentine. He sure to keep
jour fest away from the heat.
One for Readers
To 11 e f'uVor of 11 oiikoi's Pave'
Hear Madim I tiato a blue hrnadclolh
suit, and mnde a chamois Jacket la wear
muter It. I bollrht the chamois (it Hie
drug- store, nnd supposo tt Is considered to 1
be of very Rood au.i.itt
Now every time 1 vtenr tho chamois I
Jacket It rutm off on the bluo broadetoth
ana manes in wnoio suit 100a ns it incr
waa stwdust all oter It, nnd then, affaln. It
la vcr bard to brush It off. It seems to
stick to tho cloth
Can ou t.uffgest some, remedy for this
I hato covered It with soft silk but thai
mikes It too clumsy Do vou think If f
washed It this rubblns off would lit stopped;
"Washing ls ant to make tho chamois
stop rubbing off, ns vt ashing will very,
often have a slight hardening effect on
the chamois. I do not know of anything
olso to suggest Perhaps some reader
can hclpvou.
(.live the flit Irons .1 good washing
every now nnd then with soda and hot
Paper 1'roiu Leaves
nxperlments hive been recently made
In Trance with a view t utilising dead
leives In the maiiufaiture of paper
The lenves are crushed, then the pott
dered portion is tarefullv separated and
the fibrous ribs and veins turned Into
pulp These nie mule ready for use
liv slmplv treating with ljc, washing
and blenching
Certified by the Philadelphia Pediatric Society
' Whlker-Gordon
Just as it comes from the Cow
K.,ra. Milk aonn
The barns arc scrubbed
Kxtieme incisures aie taken to insure Jcdnliiics
it milking time in the barn? of the W.ilker-Goi-don
Laboratory Company. The barns are actu
ally scrubbed before the milkers begin. The
floors are kept damp to lay the dust. The milkers
wear stenli.ed suits
With the barns clean, cows t lean ,nd milkei'
hands clean, Walker-Gordon Milk has no oppor
tunity to gather dirt or taint. It is delivered to
you with its natural, fresh-milk flavor absolutely
Jistrihutinc Agents for I'lul.ulelplii.i tl.intn. Cit & Viumtv
inner nf Tut he Gold Mulah Ir plane . Poplar 510
Delightful New
Things for Spring
Dolmans, Capes, Cape Coats
and Blouse Coats
an t(.itutcil bv Fashion 111 a Spimj;timc 111001I
Womrii arc triad that tho c.ipncious damp has dc
iitlod for maccful vvuip-. this spjson.
M.iti'iials inc luNUiiou-; waim enough, jot with
no liiitdfiisomo uncrht Bolivia, ciystal cloth, tuc
otini', (iuvotjnp, cashiiioip, vcloui, mmrp and suede
v clout ate in lovch new lul(l(-.
Henna, of com so, is woll ropio-onted. lint inanv
othoi new shades aie to bo soon, such as l'ompoiian
ioi. mnu'-c, ha.v, I'i'Uin hluo, -ami, otc , as woll a
the 10nvont10n.1l colois.
I.niinirs an- eviuisitp. Onh lino -ilk 1- us( d
and, win the 1 it 1- in plain mini- 01 in fiuine-, tho
(tl((t i alu.iv- in Rood ta-te.
.S29.7.") lo SI..-)
CX Vodvsx ot ixOxxd
Ask your Soda Man
10c and 15c Bottles
Dittributed by
50 N. Delawai'e Ave.
49 N. Water St.
Let Culicura Help Your Hair
On retiring', comb the hair out straight,
then make a parting, gently rubbing in
Cuticura Ointment with the end of the
finger. Anoint additional partings until
the whole scalp has been treated.
Place a light covering over the hair to
protect the pillow from possible stain.
The next morning shampoo with Cuti
cura Soap and hot water.
SampU Each Fr by Mall, Addrtu pott,
ctrdi "Culicura, Dept. DM, Bottom" Sold
verywhtra. Soap 2)0. Ointment 2 tt 30a.
WJTaa;' ? K JT W r X J M
Mr l bV I II ' 'vftW buIIItIL llllllllar
VX" III f'VrlWf t'II PC
. 4
Back to "Civies"
Great numbers of men .ire getting back
into civilian clothes every day. And when
they do get them they want good, depend
able, all-wool clothes.
Many will want to get suits to wear
now and for early Spring, and if they get
them in the Down Stairs Store they will be
sure of fine suits 100 per cent pure wool
and well tailored.
Suits of cheviots and cassimeres in dark
mixtures are special at .$22 to $29.50.
(I.Mllirt, Vlierke-t)
Nightshirts and
Pajamas for Men
Comfoitablp, ioom niKhtshuts of sturdy white
inu-lin aie mado with suiplico nocks. M.50.
XiKht Raiments of domet flannel show stripes of
Ijrav., blue or pink on a soft, biu.shed .-uifacc.
N'ltfhl-hitts aie l.."0 and $1.7."i.
r.tjamas an 2.2.)
(Iiilllcpj, VlurUrtl
Saturday Promises
Something Unusual
in Millinery
I lie Millineiv. Salon is Komtf to have a
liutlitlav and it will bo niatkod bv a .sale
w oi thy of this (,'rcate-t lower-priced" hat ?hop.
SaUirdav i- Koinp to be a (,'reat time to
ihoose voui Spring hat
What Remains of Women's
Winter Coats
i- -ullinu oiv fj-l. hio if jou want to jjot a
hi llv trood i oat foi a f taction of its oriKinal
pile. . ,vou inu-t hut l I'lices au now S11.7"i
to M7 "id and that include- -omo untisuallt
lino coat-.
( Vlierl.e-l l
White Stockings for
the Children 25c
a Pair
I hej aie of tine nbbed white rotton in sizes 5
to ''.. lhoie aie s-'liKht impel fections that cla-s
them us "seconds" that will not hurt their wear.
It rlilriil)
Women's Vests
Special at 18c
Three for ,50c
I lie aie ol l iblied white eot
ton, made with low square nocks
and -leovolo . The aie classed
a- "second-," but their impeifoc
tions aie -liijlit.
it . ntruli
Special Nightgowns
tvlulo it..ini.nol. slip-ovir
i,ij;hti;ovt n, made i.itlioi plain with
neat ombioiili i v aiound the mil'
and -ltivi-, i- SI. 10
Fhinncllet Niuhtowns
at S2
I he-o otn- aie in lejjulat and
i-t i a -ie-. made of wh'lo n
-tiipod llannellot (and well-made
with double .vokes and tiimmod
with bund). A few pa jama- in
the lot aie of filmed flannellet,
onh in icKtil.n si,os.
Man niht- ahead when a
waim nightie will be needed.
(( e lltrnll
Kiddies' Hats
Reduced to 50c
ittle toipip- and bonntts foi
- oi bov - up to (i veins of age
foinitd of coiduioy ot velvet.
Coats, Too, Are
nil lined to.it- of coulimn,
ki-tolor wool and i;ia.v thin-
a foi t'nldioii of '2 e.tr- to 0
nuv l in ed s7, 'sh and 10.
it f iitr.ilt
Among the Better Frocks of
Fine Materials
In Trii'otine
there is a hand-onie tailoiod diess in lit own and black. It has two
little tailoied pocket- on the front of the bodice which buttons
at the sides. 'I he ,-kirt is plain with a few- gathers at the wai3t;
a low of bone buttons and bound buttonholes extends the full
hiik'th of the .skut in li.uk. $29.7.1.
In Nay Serge
a fiock which is' lumhtened b a bioad collai and cutf- of lose
oi i.e. un color -hantuntr odcred with thiee lows of black silk btaid.
I he wide belt l- made of the .-hnntunj almost covered with row
upon low of In aid. The pockets ate in panels which hantr from
the wais-t. ?.12..1tl.
In Headed TalTeta
theio i- a dre-s suitable for almost am afternoon occasion. The
sleeve- nie b"ll-shnpo and the short tunic shows rows of bias folds
and tuck-. The knt is quite nanow. In taupe at $3:!.,10.
Othci -t'lKu dre-es m -nrint: modeh aie priced from $9.7.1 to
.i.1.othei tairotus in navy, black, taupe and brown at Slti.7.1 to
( Vliirke-t i
550 Cotton Waists at $1
v trathonnc-up of nil odd blou-es and broken size- anions
w.u-ts that have been twice a- much and moie. Tlicte aie
waists of voile and orirandio m endles- niettv stvle-, some
mu ed fiom h.mdlinsr, but woll woith tubbing. The Peter Pan
st.vle, so bccomuiK to vouncr women, i- to be had in white
madias waists
oi -ilk and of -ilk-and-cotton
in plain 01 fain weave- and
inloi- aie in length.- up to ,1
riu- i- a small lot that vv.ll
po out veiy quickly, as the
lomnants ate marked one-half
the usual helling prices of the
entr ill
Special : Women's Washable White
Leather Gloves $1.15 a Pair
I ho .-maite-t Klove- to wear with tailoied suit- and spoit- suits
aio the-o of white doo-hnt-h leather. Thev are out-ram -own havo
(lain -inched back- and one cln-p at the wn-t. I'-ually thec L'lovcs
aie maiked a third more.
(t rlilriil)
An Apron? . Trim Spring- Suits
Good Sizes in Men's
Shoes at .$2.90 a Pair
Mo-t of them aio of tan loathei
ot black patent leather on Kntflish
lasts. Theio aio a few- with wide
Women's Shoes
at $2.8,5 a Pair
The.-e ate made of blnck calf
skin, ki.u leathei like bucks-kin,
and black patent loathe! with
champnRne kid tops; all lace hish.
Not all hi7.es in each htvle.
Children's Shoes of
Good Value
Shoes of tan kid-kin, black
patent leather and black kldskin
fate in .-izcr. 2 to 5 at $1-1.1 a paii;
sdzos 5 to 8 aio ?1.U.1 a pair.
Some of the shoes have white
At $2 a pair, button shoes of
dull black leather ate in sizes 6 to
2. You w ill find that they are ex
cellent school tdiocs.
"It looks like a die--," -aid one
It does, but it is teally a bunua
low ainon of stuped percale with
a collar, belt, pockets and bands'
on the -hoit -lecvos of plain coloi.
A die would luno little chance
of Kettinp; -oiled undei an ipion
like this. $2..',n.
(t enlnill
A Business-Like
Uniform for
Maids $3
is of blue-and-white stuped cinfr
ham, made with n collar that can
be woin hitch ot low, with pock
ets and lonR sleeve.-. .Many
women liko to weat them for
hini-e di esses, too.
Pinli.ililt e mi I,. i, n nreA .i
- "'.,. ,. wm iiu.v ui te;ii itli-
mned the wcll-tailoied appeai
ance of business women, but hnva
you ever noticed how many of
them wear -tut-? Hut not only
in tho business woihl hate -uits
won a place for themselves, but in
the social woild as well The wise
woman wants to be as well
Kioomod as a man when she in
walking, calling ot -hopping.
The new Spnng smt aio excel
lent for all these things and for
business, too. The Down Stairs
Stoic is quite proud of its assort
ment of models that any woman
would be glad to own.
Serge, tricotine, Polrct twill
and poplin aio lepiesented in
navy blue or black. Jackets aro
pleasingly lined with silk.
$25 to $35
Curtain Materials Special
at 35c a Yard
Kme ci cam oi white mniquisette is 3C inches wide. The diawn
wotk holders aio in four pattcins.
Whito or ctcam sciim in woven stiipcs is 40 inches wide.
Marquisette Curtains Special at $2 a Pair
'Ihesc aio full width and 2 ynids long. You may choose white
oi ivoty. The curtains have hemstitched holders and aie edged with
imitation tluny Ince.
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